thomas d alt on co h peftfully beg leave to acquaint the public that they have commenced brew ing at their new cltablifhment where they have now ready for delivery fome excellent mild beer in barrels of thirty fix gallons each which they offer at the moderate price of thirty iiix shillings the barrel which price they do ftot intend tc advance ur- lefs from neceffity arifiingont of an in- creafed price of malt and hops thus the public can be rcgulaily accommodat ed with a wholefomeand agreeable beve rage at as moderate a rate as could rea- fonably be defired the proprietors of this ufeful eftablifhmtnt therefore flatter thecnfelves that it will receive a fair por tion of public pationajye orders left at the office of s bitr let will be attended to kingfton deer 2 i8i3 edward j ones n begs leave rooft refpfifully to in form his friends and thc public in general that he has juft icceived an elegant aflbrtment of dry fancy goods readers with a paffing map of the religious corififting partly of the following arti- tferld and kail be occafionally enriched c v ith the fentiments of thofe mailers of the c hmstiax recorder to appear in numbers tnt numter every month at twelve mijfo pence halifax cy a tear flphis publication will be iflued by jl mr george dawfon bookseller york under the infpeaioti of the rev 13r strachan m it hall be devoted to theological and mifcellareous fubjeas and particularly to interefting religious intelligence and bio graphic and obituary notices bdides occafional original matter it hall contaia feleions from the various britilh periodical works moral and religiaus thefe works will be regularly received for that purpofe and the readers of the christian recorder will thus be famifhed in the fpeedieft mode with valu able and intending feledions fresi thelat- eft britilh periodical publications while it fhall be the object of thc jour- rial to record important religious events sq general particular regard will be paid to tkofr which relate to the proteftant chnrch the chrifiian recorder will prefent its john bunting klturus hie owa gncere thanks to his friends and the public for the very liberal fuppolt given him fince his commencement in bufinefe and beg6 leave to inform them that he has laid m a general and well felecd ftockof aph m 8vs8cr1b mr having been appointed agcflt fof the proprietor of the iron works eltablifhed at three rivers in the pro- vince of lower canada lforms the pub lic that he has lately received a very extensive assortment of wares manufactured at that place among e itocd 1cs w iucs er articles are j c and spirits at hti old land which h is determined to fell at the moft reduced prices viz best jamaica spirits j shrub holland gui whiskey coniac brandy peppermint cherry do wines frrerarlo port tcnerise bnantsh do 1 malaga beft pickling vinegar lime juice groceries green copperas i bestenglwh cheesb thenloiry who wcre tne r s that are paft and whbfe writings exhibit the foundeil views of chriftian dotrine aad oider and the higheft fervors of pious feeling whatever can advance the intereft 01 rtligioup truth the purily the unity and the prof per tty of the kingdom of the re deemer and th- faith h inefs and confo- lation if the chfftvn bail as far as pracrctb c find a place in this journal the plan if executed with tolerable ability muft certainly render this publica tion uefu and intereftina to all claffes of chiiihanp aod the price of ft is folow as to bring it within the reach cf all who can fce profited or interefted by its contents it hall he printed with a handfometype and o gjod paper of a large fize the firft number hall apoear early in ma ch and a number will be published regula ly eveiy month 1 he woik being iflo d folely from an earnett defire to pro- ctio e he ivterefta of religion with the view t y it general circulation it wii be furnifhtd at the low tate of twelve hillings and fix pence halifax currency a year agents hall have a commiuion of 20 perce on the amount of fubferiptions foi which they become rcfponfible 5v mnrtion received by mr g dav- aon ftoocfeller york to whom comma- nveiion- poftpaid maybe addreffed and to whom perfons at a diftanee may ttanf- rtiit their name with direions by what xuiv y nee tke journal hall be feat to them 7w january it 1819 c subscription received at tie pest- of kingston jback smith worl e 1 ynalds sr co lately arrived fom ireland beg leave to inform the geiitltcn and inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity in general that they have com menced the horse shoeing and blacksmithingbumness in a end 1 if various branches near the upper store street between mr doug lass oue and mr superfine weft of england cloths and cafiimeres cf the wofl fafliiouable colois irifh linens britilh shirting line nd cotton cambtici corded cambric lenos and muflins acoret and mull musins fncy mufn handkerchief budanra and barcalona do fine ging hams black ad colored silks silk and cotton shawu and fcarfb fiue corded dimities white jane white and buff marfeils quilting black florentine fine undreifed calicoes bombaetes and bombazines of all colors linen diaper and huckahuck white aad col oured flannels rufuz sbeethgardcf- paburg a well chofen atortment of thread and laceand ribboos straw bonnets ladies tortife fliell cmhp cambric and lace footings and a number of arti cles too numerous to infert 4 crates of blue rockery ware groceries jamaica spirits brandy iolland gin port and other wiftes peppermint and shrub hyfon atl twankey teas double ard single refined sugars mnf- covado do spermaceti mould and dipt candles sosp starch and fig blue c c c all of which will be fold for cafh or approved credit kingston th aug f 9 1 8 to for sale j ver reafonable terms and irrt- mediate poftcfljon given a farm lying in adolphnftown on the bay of quinty one mile weft of the court iloufe formerly owned and occupied by the late philip dorland deceased on which is an orchard of 1 1 5 large apple trees and almoft every other kind of fruit trees that is planted in this coun try alfo a convenient framed houfe and barn and houfes about one hundred pounds will be required down and the remainder will be made very eafy for further partic ulars enquire of the fubferiber on the premifes georgedouglas adolphuftown 8th nov 1818 46tf double 8f single stove of various sizes and patterns cast ash pans sugar kettles potash coolers pots dog irons and dutch ovens which will be difpofed of for cafh at nearly the montrea prices the fuperior foftnefs of metal and du rability of the three rivers stoves ren der them worthy the attention of pur- chafers as they are not irable to crack like thofe imported from scotland johnmacaulay kings t on 1st 0 sober f 1816 19 kingston branch of the mon- treal bank any fum required may be obtained at the office for good bills on mon ti eal quebec bill- of eitchange on lon don or for specie notes alio will be discounted at thirty fixty and ninety day3 thomas mankland agent kingftin 3d nov 1818 23 110 be fold hy private file the whole of the premifes now occupied by the fubferiber confifting of one new srore houfe two ilories and a hdfhigh a imal frame dwelling houfe tilled in with tone i srablv barr ai like hone fimattd on the eaft half of low nv 271 ad7ji containing tw nfths o ar ere a fmal part nf the mwcfrfe money will be required i tn livers c the proper ty and the v in ih der paid b faa m ther on the piemifca george sotgai n b there is a valuab fpungef wa ter on the premile- kmgllon january 1 1 i di t gunpowder tea twankey do hyson skiu do coffee loaf sugar mucovadudc mace cloves cinnamon sallron linp glass turk fijji box raisini comoion do ptarl barlej french do pig rlne fouder do bei poland streb rlack pepper flower s ipher iroimd linger avhoje do xidian arrow root sweet aluionda ritierdo alluiq windsor soap best common do pipe clay glauber salts pearl ah englin mustard peppermint drops sugar plumbs sugar almonds cod fish red herrings salt do salt butter wrought nails ferent mzcs shingle jo tapes needles twist cotton balls coloured do black thread white and brovrtido writing paper letter do glue an aifortment of crockery ware do qufcens do beft dutch long pipes plug tobacco andle wick mould candles dippd do superior dteffed calf skint ieft liquid lacking tew articles of entsasnry be agreed uon fnr fur er pticuar apply o m prcpret jjrv woocis s a vk il near o vrnv vu iiabic faj titmc thc village of brorkvillc be ing the rear half of hot no one andlhc rear half of lot nunibn- two in the se cond concession of klizabcllitoun u c containing two hundred acres former ly the property of reuben sherwood esquire but now belonging to john shu- ter bsquire of loudon there k a ve ry good dwelling houst with a ham and other out houses on thc premise atso lot number nineteen in lite ninth con cession and the west half of lot number one tn the eighth concession of thc same township also lot number fifteen in the first concession and number fifteen in the second concession o the town- n b in addition to his pre- lent flock he bcpedl many other arti cles in his line in a few dave kigfion oflober 191818 it executive council office jvtotice is hereby given td nj christopher thomson or his reprcfrntativc by order of his honor thc adtniniftrator in council to make pood wy prttenfion to the weft half of lot number seventeen in the sixth conceffion on the napane river in the towufhip of fredcrickfburgh wirhin si months from this date or the fame will be thrown open to other appli cants john small rxrr6 notice powells all orders with vhch they may be favored hall be ejfevuc in fuch a complete and workman like a irner and on fuch low terms ae thev pt will entitle them to a fhare of the u patronage kingston otb 0c7ober 1818 20tf notice ftthf ate partnerfhipof james ranken h co having dtflulved itfelf this day h ifraih of roderick mackay efq tht r f will in future be carried on by the thereto whem nil uercns who are inv 11 id to the above firm wip pleafe pay their accounts without delay and thofe who may have claims againft that concern ttiw pleafe orefent them for adjuftment james hansen erneft town 21ft sept 1818 2tf t to let jlorone or more years and poflcflion a l perfonh indebted to th eftate jt given immediately hat stone houfe x of tnc java gumming late ctuated in store street lately occupied by of hallowell deceafed arr rcqnefted to mr medcalf with stable garden and ca1 w delay and fettle the fame ether out- houfes v thcfituation of the above premifes is hioft advantageous for a dwelling houfe for particulars applv to francis x rocheleau kingflon 15 jan 1819 j ous to purchdsters apply to daniel jones jun brocjctiue ihth january 1 8 if 4 for sale jjpilat elegant farm no 8 firft jjl conceflion townlhip of fredericks bnrgh 28 miles from kingflon containing 2o0 acres formerly oc cupied by colonel spencer and known by he name of the mahfion iloufe it contains about 50 acres of land under improvement an elegant frame houfe 2 ftory high with 2 barns and other build nigs perfons acinous rf purchasing may enquire of the subfcriber on the pret iffes or to d llagerman vfq at bath joseph bergeron to let and immediate possession iven the douse and premisses lately occupied by allav mcpiierson in the front st reef of kingston for particulars application to be made to john kirby or william mifhcll esnrs who are fullv anthorised to enter into arrangements with persons disposed to re r the same kingston 20th jan 1819- 4tf addington midland diftrict and does hereby forbid any perfon or perfons from cutting or deftroying any timber whether lying or landing or carrying away ul der any part of the fame penalty of the law a macdonell kingflon dec 26th 1818 31 notice bizllxklkg lots a few lot of one acre of ground being 3 icvj ood soil for gardens find good htuativ- for dwelling houfes one mle from knlonon the new road leading from 3t c street for sale on fa- ttrm8 z tly to s bartlet vorabl january- if 19 rtf li her notice puf bted to the eubscri- stmcs v k t uh a boat chaiuowe arc requcfted ronrry cicrkwhoni i have dilcharged s any pcfon to whom fard uugle cam ron ha applied for payment withi the laft mnnh wjm do the subfcriber favor by nformi hiq theieof r- jhn dolling kngft 171619 3 the late partnership of robert gra- litun isf co having dissolved itself this day by the death of roderick mac fredericklhept kay esq the bussiness in future will be j earrud on by the hibscnber to whom ah ivifllv person wh t are indehtrd to thc aboe 1 wiluc fi v please pay their accounts with- out delay aid those whe may hare claims against that concern will please presctit them for adjustment 09 robert graham point fredprick 21st sept isis- to axemen the subcrthers mill receive pro posals from any person or persons willing to engage to clear sixty acres of new land on their premises in amelias burgb bay of qumfe ready for seed by the first dny of august next the ash es on snid land wui be required to he collected and carefully secured teams and provisions will be furnished il re quired for particulars apply to owen mcdougal kingston or to mcdougal mclkllan bcllville with mr james mcgregor now j charge of the eftablifhment at hallow- ell bridge 3nd thofe who have claims agahft che fa id ettate are dclirtd to prefent them for adjuftment the flock in trade of the deccafed confifting of a very complete aifortment of goods well laid in and very fmtable to the country is now felling off at pri ce fo low as will defervedly claim the attention of the public cali ur country product will he tak en in payment and a credit of 6 months given to rcfponfible farmers or others john gumming r jvm mitchell execut kingston 03 2 7 1 8 1 7 3 steam boal notice 9 notice a to make immediate payment and all who have any demands againft said boat are reqiielud to give in their accounts to the subfcriber without delay by order of the committee v 5 bartlet wngllon jtouary i 18 10 the subfcriber requefts thofe indebted to himto pay their different accounts to mr jofeph m unlock who is duly u- ihorifed to receive the fame and proceed as circumftanccs my require during his abfence joseph 8cott kmgfton feb j4 1819 f to be let for one or more years immediate pofltffion given that f rm of late owned by mr jaber eaton whereon he kept a public inn situated within a mile and a quarter of the town of kingfton- for terms spply to the subfcriber elijah eeacft kingflon 23d dec 181 8 31 for sale and immediate poflcflion given the houfe and premifes in stuart- ville lately occupied by mr dalton fituated within half a mile of this town a valuable fituation for a gentleman and family no lefs fo for a diftiller or innkeeper the above premifes will be fold at public auction without refer ve on saturday the 3d day of april next at m oclock a m at walkers hotel if not previoufly difpofed of by private bargain for particulars apply to thc subfcriber thomas smith kingfton jan 14 1819 3tf to let ftlhe commodious dwelling houfe and premifes the property of w rofs efq lately in the poflcflion of mr woolf for terms application to be made to wm mitchell kingfton oa nth 181 to to let for any term of years not exceed- in fifteen on the moft reafona- ble terms that well known valuable ftand in the public line fituate on the point at gananoqua and recently occu pied by seth downs together wxih the houfe barn stables c for fur ther particulars apply to the fubferiber joel stone qamnoo9q jan 9 1 8 x 8 a tf r eri lufhcr havingd ifpofed ou interest in the iloufe of lulher va slyck at picfcott and that of lu flier t scxtvn at la chine to mr a jones rf prefcott upper canada the bnsinefti will after the first day of march enfuing be carried on under the firms of jones van slyck at frefcolt and of levi sexloaj co at la chine we beg leave to refer you to the an nexed notice wherein mr lufher rnafcrt himfelf refponsible with us for any engage ments entered into by faid firms we feel fatisfied from our late experience in businefs the number of boats no9 owned y ub and the commodious stores at this plaoe and la chine that we fhah have it n cur power to give genpral fetis- fadion a jones cobs avanslyge l sexton ivefcott january 18th l8ip notice ftliie subfcriber having difpofed of ail interest in the houfe of luther van slyck at prefcott and that of i u flier sexton at la chine to mr a jones the busincls will in future be carried on under the firms of jones van slyck at ret- cott and that of levi sexton co at 1a chine he wll notwithstanding hold himfelf refponsible with ihcm for aeff enajement they may make 6 eri lusher notice tames meagher returns his mof jincere thanis to the people of aingt- ton and its environs for the liberal en couragement he i as met with ftnee his com- mencing bufinefs he begs leave to infon his friends and the public that he is about removing to his iwzi houfe near the mar ket place cppojtte to mr bay man s and uil as ufnal carry on the tin copper and sheet iron manufactory horse shoeing and black smith work will be executed in the beft manner at the jhorteft nctice and oc tie lowefl terms n b to rent kafe or fill for tie term of ten years and immeuiii fwffejio given that nvell known ft and the ivel zington inn in barraeh jlreet this jitgatioi is one of the befi in trwn having many conveniences that render k particularly wii adapted f a houfe of public entertainment and store sppl 7 the proprietor r gjlsmensb the subscriber to egs leave to inform the public that jdhtt ha commenced manufacturing soap caudles in the houfe formerl j occupied as an by mr john size in store street he hopes that from his long apnwa and knowledge of the bufinefc he will be enabled to give fatufaftion to thofe perfong who may favor him with their patronaga and fupport j mes benson kingfton ift march 1819 cn b caqi paid for ahe 1 otf tolet the houfe lately occupied by lieu tenant brifcoe royal engineer thc property of james richardfou sen fituated near mr hugh earls for terms apply to the fubferiber robt richardson kingston jib january 1819 a to let sit nd immediate poffeltion given that wjl well known jind for a tavern the property of mr john size fituated in store street kinglton for further particular apply at the office of allan maclean kingfton jan 12 18 19 3tf inn and tkrms op the kingston chronicle tvvemy shillings per annum if sent by mail twenty four shillings subscriptions 10 be paid in advance to the 1st of july or thc 1st of janu- arv m price of advertisements olv lines and under is fid finf a3 sertion and 7d each subsequent insertion 10 lines and under sff 4d first insertion andlod each subsequent insertion above ten lines ad per line for the first insertion undid jxer line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written direc tions are inserted till forbid and char g4 accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received after ten oclock on the day of publication i agents hcnpy cowan esq quebbc james wllljains ehq mantretf mcrs j sc j dunlop ijqttac paol glassford esq matilda alpheus jours esq prescott henry jones esq hrockvilu n h tommas esq perth j k hartwell esq dastard e webster esq gananoque j rankri esq hath allan mcpherson esq ntifantt james g heiliune eq hamilton william allan esq york jolm crooks eq niagara t mecormiek esq qttcewtfln john wiboo esq amherstburgh kingston u c printed f oh tilt tditors