the ronicle vol i friday fagtsmow march 19 1819 no 12 the managers of the steam boat frontenac having mablifhed a line of durham boats from this place propofe forwarding from the different ports of the lake to that of montreal on the following terms vir from york niagira queenaon and the head of the lake for each barrel of flour delivered at the port of montreal five fhillings and fix pence from kingston to the tort f montreal for each barrel of flour four hillings arid cs pence freer york niagara queenston and the head of the lake for each barrel of potaft delivered at the pott of mon treal twelve hillings and fix ptrnce- from kingston to the port of mon treal for each barrel of potafh ten hil lings from york niagara quecnfton and the head of the lake for each barrel of pork delivered at the port of montreal eight hillings and three pence frvm kingston to the port of montreal for each barrel of pork fix hillings and nine ence merchandize will be t ran ported by the fame means from la chine to kingston m the rate of five hillings per cwt an elegant passage bqit will alfo leave kingston every tenth day for montr al which will be fitted up in the roost commodious manner and prevent any fclay to paffcngers leaving the upper part of the lake in the steam boat frontenac it having been built for the purpofe of leaving this place immediately after her arrival thefe arrangements will take effect at the opening of the navigation and be con tinued during the feafon geo h markland btf s b comy ringflon feb 1819 6 tfhe subscriber offers for fale his houfeand farm together or feparatc to alfo his horfes cam sleighs cows hogs oxen grain hay potatoes and implements of husbandry fituate on the river st lawrence overlooking the beautiful village of ogdenfburg and within half a mile of prefcott upper canada thcdwellinghuufc which has lately beenerefted congfit of two fitting rooms 4 bedrooms a kitchen and cellar well finifhed the farm contains 107 acres of choice iaad jc sliced upwards of 60 of whlcr i i uc vnl leadow the remain- d- gt aid wscri land with a young cjrch tii jfd i p stable and root- ho i a in erimnr for labourers o a gentlcmati of fpc- htton the 3b t rrcmtk cvhh cxteo 3 ores in fr ji the river nust tjivc cf geai adantge as ir i one of tfefl bert situa tions in ihe neivbuu f r the erection of a wharf brew y or distillery sc part or the purchafe money may remain on mortgage if agreeable to the purchafer application to be made to henry forest bfq montreal john macaulay kingston or the owner peter obju en prescott 26th oa 1818 6 for sale three valuable farms two of them lying in the township of kingston 3d concession one containing 50 acns being n part of waterloo with a good house and barn tan house bark mill and eleven good tan vats a good situation for a distillery there bring a constant supply of water the other ly ing about half a mile bast of waterloo in the 3d concession containing 15j acres and one third being the east and west halves of lots no 20 and 21 with 40 acres of improvement well fenced and cuts 25 tons of hay yearly thcoth- fcr part well timbered and a small creek running through the middle of the lot t is a handsome situation for a dairy for particulars enquire of john ryder jun waterloo jan 90 1819- 5tf for sale or to let as two lory framed houfe and a wjm- large and commodious lone store fituate on the waters edge in the centre of the village of prefcot on exceedingly ad vantageous terms to the purchaftr or lessee snquire at the office of chr a hagerman king ion 26th february 1819 9 to let and immediate pofteffin given that plcaiantly fnuated house and pa kil the property of the rev alexr mcdo ell for further particulars apply tl the fubferiber duncan mcdonell also a fmal house instoie street oppoflte meffrs monjeau st germains appy as above kingston dec 8la i8t8 9 blanks for the courts of request 0id various other kinds for sgle at this office executive council office york i9lh february 1810 divers applications having been made to his excellency the lieu tenant governor in council for grant or lease of certain lands situate in the district of newcastle and in the mid land district with a view to establish iron works thereon it is thought pro- pi r to afford in open competition for lrase and it is therefore this day or dered by it ii excellency the lieutenant governor in council that proposals w ill be received until the first day of may next by the clerk of the council from any individual for lease of certaiu tracts on or near the crow river whfch empties itself into the river trent and for licence t di iron ore john small 1 1 ck of ex council to officers on halfpay in canada it is defired that officer- receiving jiatf- pay or military penfions through the curnniflariat in canada will tranfmit to their fever al agents at quebec their fsdavits in triplicate immeoiaiely after the 24th of the period when their baf- pay becomes due fo that the i fficuvits of officers refiding in lower canada hall arrive at quebec before the 10th and thofe of officers reliding in the upper province before the 20th of the following month at which period the returns will be made up as more than fufficient time is given for communications to reach quebec lmm the mod diftant pofts thole officer affida vits which do not arrive in time to be incor porated in theft returns muft remain over till theenfuing period of payment commiftary generals office quebec march i 18 aux meiers a demipaie en canada lk5 oifxciers qui reoivent in de- mipaie on pension alilitaire jur le canal du commissariat en canada sont requis de transmettre a leurs agens respectif quebec leurs affidavits en iiipli afa imnieiliiitcnent arej ie terrne du paiement de lenrdcmipnie de man- lire que us affidavits des officicrs qui re sident dans e bascanada pourront ar- rivtrd quebec avant ie 10nc etde ceui qui resident dans la haute province a- vint ie 20nc du mois siiivant auxquels pei odes les retcurs e feront comme ton donnc plu de tt ins quil ne taut pour transmettre les comrounicctiouo i que bec des postes les plus eloigner les affi davits des officiers qui narrivunt pas i terns poir 6tre incorpores dans ces re- tours restertjntjusquuupeiiodedu paye- meut suivant bureau du coamissairygeueral 11 i quebec le mar- 1819 cm five dollars reward lost on saturday night the 6th timo aitvoi hunting watcij with a gold sal and ktv auu hd tn it by ft black ribbon near ir aykroyds building or at the hack ilocr of the lly- drographic office kingston whoever will bring the same to mr macaulay at the post office shh receive the above reward march 12 li ten pounds reward land for sale j ots no 3 half no 4 ftni no 5 b4 4th concession containing 500 acris north part nos 24 25 fc 27 ss i9 10 in the 5th conception con taining 7l0 acres avd nos 0 and 11 in the 8th conoession containing 4uo acres all in the township of edwards- burgh district of johnstown the timber may be had separate application to be made to mr alphc- ns tone prescott by whom the above rewalid will be paid to any one who will give such information as shall lead to the conviction of persons cutting tim ber of amy description on the above men tioned lands liv8 bani of the subfcribtr being appointed agent for the i3ank of canada hewill ne gotiate bank notes for bills on montreal quebec or for specie vvm mitchell kiajtsoa oa th- x88 20 to let for one or more years on reasona ble terms and possession given ou the first day of may next that large and commodious house two stories high sit- uate in king street cornering the mar ket place and opposite to d wftsmu- esqs office the house contains four large rooms well finished and an ele gant shop complete kitchen in the rear two siories good store house for the repository of merchandize and pro duce also a stable the premises are suitable ior tha reception of any decent family and fur mercantile business being one of the fcrst sfrsttds for that line in kingston for lurcher particulars apply to the proprietor a macdonell gwfston mcr 11 18ip il a fa km for sale j a bjolninghaybayinthetown- lll hip pi fredericksburgh the eaft half of lot n 2 in the fecondconceffion containing too acres and having about 40 acres unr cultivation with a log houle and barn urn it for the terms apply to daniel wahurn efquire kingfton p van koughnet cornwall dec 71818 30 notice ftjlhe bscriber having been duly sp- jl pointed executrix to the efiate of paul rot fate of adolphustown de- ceafed notice is hereby given to all thofe indebted to fed estate to make ic mediate payment nd all perfons having claims a- gairft it ar requeued tc prcfent them du ly authenticated for adjuftment elizabeth huff- adolphujown dec 24 18 18 for sale mhe sifcriber offers for fale the fouthveft quarter of lot no 9 in thefitit conccffion of the townfliip of erneft town containing about 70 acres 50 of which are under improvement with a log hotif and barn thereon a good title will b given only a fatal part of the purchalj money will be required down the remainder by inrlallmerts as belt fuits the purchafrr for particulars inquire of the subfcn- bcr wm j erneft town 37th feb 1819 tctf home affairs statutes of upper canada fo act for the let tcr divjflon of the county of glcngary into tonxjnfhtps rpaissd 7ih xv rsia whereas from the gieat extent of the townfhip of lancafler in the county of glengary in the eallern diftrift of tins province and hc great population therein the inhabitants of the faid townihip expeiiencc many inconveni ences in particular in attending town meetings and whereas it has become ex pedient to divide the faid townihip and toconltitute and form a new townfhip out of certain parts 1 hereof be it theieforc enaed by the kings aloft excellent mzjetfy by and with the advice and con fent of the lcflatiw council an j fembly of the pn vince of uppwrca2 conitituced and aftcrbled by vi r under tc authoritvof an 1 i leatper t t t he suofcnberi are mannfacluring an exteufive stock of leather of every dis- enption and now offer for fale 1000 sides sole leather 6ck do upper da 200 d harnett do 400 do half tanned for ves sel or other use and a targt quantity of calf skins and morocco leather all manufactured in the bk dinner a- of a ctipcrioi quail- ty j v bacon co sackets harbor march 11819 iov6 notice hk board for militia pes- sions mill in fa t monday in february and crlinue fo to do the fame day in each month until the bufttujs f this diflrib a rerirdt the fame jf fitufbed john fkrguson kin ron feb 1 1819 6 xotrce the subferib has loft three notes signed by freeman s clinch viz one of 25 dollars on demand one of 25 dollars fix mentha afterdate one of 50 dollars payable in joiners or cabinet work the endorfernent according to the beft of my knowledge is as follow viz 4 or 5 pounds on the fit i note the above notes were given the 26th of march 1818 daniel reynalds f 1 nh j he subfcribe informs his friends and the public tht he jit 11 keeps o iublic house in the townfhp of cr a mah fimwfy called goodwins ormer where gen- tlenun and ladus may find ood enter tainment i-flfo- rave iters flmll not he ifappomted of frg w quarters for tbernfclves and the rvrfes thos d sanfoid cramahs ztb 7 l8l j forsale or to be let a large commodious two ftory dwelling hoofc with kitchen out houfesand garden no- l front ftreet for particulars apply to laurence herch- mer efq kingston december 20 1818 30 j tic is the subscribers refpefully infortn their friends and the public that they have now received and juft opened in mar- ket stieet juft below mrs patricks inn a very exteufive aitortment of dry goods groceries and stationary likewife a great quantity of claflical books the whole of which will be fold very low for cafli ard approved credit- mcdonald aykroyd dec i 1818 g notice any perfon or perfons defirous of en tering into an agreement for clearing from 15 to 40 acre3 of land will receive lib eral encouragement by applying at the office of the kingfton chronicle where the terms of the agreement may be feen kingston u c 1 2 d november t 8 1 8 j ust received ana for fale at this of- fice price 7jd the montreal almanack for the year of our lord 18 19 26 j the parliament of great brfta u an t to repcai cprta paffed in thcfourteeiith u i ty6 reign intituled n r making more tffcftual provifion fo m govern ment of the prcvinve of queb- in north america nd t- nuke further provifion for the government of the faid province and by the authority of the fame that frtm and after the paffinj of this ft the firft or front nine concefbons of the faid townfhip of laircafter hall form and con flitute the townfhip f lancafter ii and be itfuther enailed by the au thority afjrcfuidy that the north or rear nine onceflion of the aforefaid townfliip of lancafter fhall form and constitute the townfhip of lochiel iii and be it further enabled by the au thority aforesaid that the faid townfliip of lancafter and the faid townfliip of lochiel refpeively fhall be under the fame regulations and entitled to the fame privileges as any oiher towntrips within this pi o vince provided always and it is hereby enased by the authority aforefaid that fucb divifion fhal not invalidate the legality of any chilling commiftiop granted for the exercife f any authority or jurisdiction within the faid townfliips or to make void or otherwife effea any grant of land or other legal proceedings within th limits of the faid townfhips any law or ufage to the contraiy notwith- landing adjutant generals ojjice i jrkz7th feb 18l9 militia general orders his excellency sir peregrine maitland is pleased to accept he resignation of colonel johnston of the 1st regiment of addington militia and to request that he will delirer over the books and other documents belonging to the regiment to lieutenant colonel clark who is to assume the command thereof forthwith his excellency tipon this occa sion is pleased to declare in general oiders the high sene he entertains of the services of colonel johnston who for a period of sixry yeay has served his king and country with exemplary zcai and fidelity and hu regret that bodily infirmity should deprive the militia of the province of wo valuable an officer by his excellencys command n coffin lt col adt gen militia li canada to his excellency sir peregrine mail- hnrl knight commander of the most hon vrabte military order of the bath lsitttc7iant governor of the province of upper canada and major general com man din his majestys forces therein ccc c may it please your excellency we the magistrates clergy and other inhabitants of the town and town ship of kingston would n t take the lib erty of addressing your excellency at this period on the subject of the late township meetings and other unconsti tutional attempts to disturb the tranquil ity of this highly favored province were it not for a report which has gone abroad of our concurrence in a petition ot grie vances purporting to come from the township of kingston but in fact writ ten at an obscure village and countenan ced by a very small part of the neighbor ing population convinced of the unshaken loyalty of the province at large and especially of this township we attributed these com plaints rather to the suggestions of a dis appointed stranger than to the senti ments of the peaceable inhabitants and therefore from an impression that they would not bfe carried to dny alarming ex tent treated their declamations with in difference nor do we now think it ne cessary to notice their proceedings furth er than to assure your excellency that they have ever met with our most unqual ified disapprobation and the better to enable your excellency to contradict any reports which might reach his majestys government in england through less quthentic channels te cqot tkitcongratalfcotirwltesj that such evils as may hao arisen from these errors will be speedily remedied hy the wise measures resulting from your excellencys administration under which we feel confident that every cause of compiaint will be investigated and re moved and that this pnviree will con tinue in its hitherto uninterrupted state of happiness blessed in the fostering care of its mother country and grateful for the blessing john mlrau sheriff w j mclean chairman a vv brdvn allan mclean peter mcdoieil tfatasas marwand charles tolkeio peter smith john waikin iumtii ce hercritner hugh brown tflomas cartwright j hendry c a hagerman w01 wright john macaulay pati reyaolj charbs anderson r cack ai ma marshall v bo i r 3 m r- r vj a caul ay pv john r cor john fere i ben rtcbaxos john kirov e rouls1iaw william mrrhrl roben siarto- ger h marklznc danii grant r robnri a hrfrielf john pntiglf john rirarge franc rochfle4 williaoi grant arrlid mcdonneu ricriartl daverne hary casady francis carlisle poherf walker john tvlle a hcoonuell uenr murny henry ca ihy jurr crm mcdougal oliver tbiborio k earl alexapder watsffo walter ftfccunifft john mcarthur rk rlctuniffc d cnnieron tliop sampson robor ynung etnnnr peine jame meagher alexander mclecd maithia- radgley david siuih josvph voniij james mckenzie anttinny btnk thoma shaw benjamin fairact david morrison ceo oliver thomai murphy henry fowler john parley ji brennan michael coyle wm randal robe1 ghelisb jas rissrjl 5phr noble palmer frederrk bush david j smith 1 noma vcodui win tackehurv alexander asf er john v ferikoc john harkcs james gardiner robert tolhei willijh ashley vvm powell seo harper nicholas cross peter grass bonjdleoit winsoiighton edward harnett jolm oray j- h wears jwir kiifunson wm wood all james dayman thomas deanir wm li lamb john bryant tohn fisk to which ku exrellency was pleased 3 give the following reply gentlemenj accept my thanks fnr your loyal ad dress i have no doubt that any prcu- oeedings hostile to his majestys gov ernment or the constitution of the pro- vince have met with your unqualified disapprobation your address affords me the means of contradictiri any re ports which may reach through unauthen tic channels his majestys government in england be assured it is my wish to investigate and remove as far as lays in my power every well founded cause of complaint whether it be of a mere local nature or such as affects the general interests of the province lurk march 8 1819 tod following letter has been received by jii exocliencs private secretary sopbiasburghy 2 3 d feb 1 8 1 9 inclofcd is an addrefs from this town fhip which i will thank you to lay before his exctllency the lieutenant governor some of our town fmen who had un thinkingly placed tkelr names to the pe tition prepared by mr gourlay have ffen their error and faave requeued per miflion to place their names to the ad- dref i underftand that there are a few per fons privately preparing a lift of griev ances to forward to his excellency bu have no doubt they will be as grojndle as thofe which have already appeared i am refpeftfully sir your obedt servt james cotter major hiluer c c the gievances have been received but cofl- tain no new matter they arc subscribed by a3 individual named jesse potter to his excellency sir peregrine maitland k night commander of the mofi honorabs military order of the bath lieut entnt governor of the province of upper canada and jlfajor general commanding his majestys forces therem c iffc vc may it please you excellency we his majeftys dutiful and loya- fubjes inhabitant of the townfhip 0 sophiafburgh beg leave to addrefs year excellency- a petition kas been forwarded to your excellency from our tewnlhip and we are unwilling to remain unger filcot leffc it fhtuld be imagined that our townsmen generally concur in the fentiments thereof but we aflure your excellency that wo entirely iifapprove of and difavw it the petition was haftily adopted at thr recommendation of an individual who hat for fame time part been traverfing thia province endeavouring to excite discontent in the minds of his majetlye loyal sub-