Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), March 19, 1819, p. 3

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meutoi the government accordiq to the counsels of the wisest stnroxmen that the country affords and who are mst likelv to possess the confidence of the people it is intimated that measures i favour of charles have been some time in agitation and arc too well digested an too pcwi rfully nportod for ferdinand to be aie to resirt thorn the accounts from st prtrrbnrgh in- form is that the great demand there or gold and silver bullion is beginning to flcera the government willing to fak v- tmld but having no longer the ar- hfatg occasion for it formerly vf ii af arree to pay for it before july rj thus requiring a credit of more than six nhs this condition is an effectu al fjamp to speculations in bullion which ciay therefore heoxprctcd to go in search of a better markt loxdo dec 27 the metropolis was on tuesday cn- telop d tu afos the most denre that hm be u witnessed for several year the llarkue in the early part of the day was not o very great as to be attended ith eztraprdinary in onvenience but itgra- dualv im reaped and about frvir oclock il bcim ins possible t discern an ob ject at the distance fa few paces the carriages and waggons moving affffig fchti etreets were not discernable from the sagways and tho paseuers on the lat ter derived very little aid from the lights in th windows or in the lamps as most of the hops from fear of accidents were shut and several of the latter wee ex- tiunished hy the fog ever those which did hum afforded hut a verv feeble twin- kling tight not visible until a near ap proach the eoaehmen alighted from thir boxes to load the iiorses and the linkboys were in sreat numbers to of fer heir assistance but with eery pos sible care and precaution the passengers brh on foot and in carriages seldom soccpded in making their way wihtnt mftakps- and horses ami carriages fr- qwwixy deviated from the street to tin- ilafjwavs to the imminent danger of the passengers the noises made by tiie peopit in the streets were frightful some shrinking from ten r when surpri sed by the ftfcddihi approach of a horse or a eairiacj ami others calling out to thir viiowrrvellrs to warn them of danger or anxiously inquirini their way in many cases he company deserted their ca ry thft coachmen not knowing where they were various sum from half a crow n to ten shillings were obtained bv i i f 1 a single street- in the theatres the ac tors on the stage were scarcely visible to the audience and even private bou ses though closed aud well iurnished with fires were filler and darkened by this unwelcome visitor several refpcable cmigrauts tiave already if ft thin place for goavna a d margaiita pi curnattoti cu 1 ry flic independent government in lures the prompt payment of their paftagei c copy of a letter from two officers on board the firtl tvanfport at anchor in the orinoco to arifmcndi the governor of margarita we embrace the opportunity of in forming the governor of margarita that the hip perfeverance is arrived at guayana with 2co troops for the government of venezuela and we expect in thecourfe of three days ten or twelve veffels more which will make nearly iooc troops j whitney john johnston n t e post from tu national iniclugenecr of feb it it is feldotr that we have o acceptable an office to perform as that of announcing to cur readers the unanimous ravfcnton by the senate of a treaty of fml tt settlement and lim its brtivefm the united states and spain as recently concluded at this place by mr secretary adams find don luis de ons as the treaty though ratified on our part will not be promulgated officially un til it has alfo been ratified by the fover eign of spain we hail state the principal provifioft as distinctly a we have been able to afcertain them of this important in strument bv this treaty we understand that flo- rids including all the claims of spain to territory east of the mihiffippi is cedft in full foverevntvto the united states that the western boundary between the territory of the united states and that of spain is adjusted as follows beginning with the mouth of the sabine river and running with thewct bank thereof to the north west limit of the state of louisiana thence by a direct line north to the red river thence along the fonfh bank of that river to the one hundredth degree of lon gitude thence on that meridian ro the arkanfaw and thence along the akan- faw to its foiirce in the fortyfecond de gree of north latitude and thence upon that parallel to the pacific a fum not exceeding jfw millions of do jars is tt be paid by the unitedstates out of the proceeds of the iale of lands in flo rida or in stork or money as the con- x us i i i- eres may prefcube to our own citizens rnaes which remained statiouu- h r on account of spoliations aud other injuries received bv them from the government of spain or from the government of the colo- extract of a letter dated aux cages jan 26 u general gngor mgrror has just tfrmrd here with an armed ship and brig he exptefs hourly from london ten other rebels which sailed in company wirh him the object of his visit is not known tfc in conversation with one h the prin cipal thcerb this day he told me he ex pected there would be from two to four r oi t r io liquidate tlieie claims a board if to he constituted by the government of the united states of american wueena to confist of three commiifioners who are to make their report within three veaxs there i a mutual renunciation on the part of the two governments of further claims on each other for filiations c spnnife citizens are to enj y on the principle of the louifiana treaty the fane privileges as american citizens in thf foin of st augutine and penfacola for the term of twelve years thefe are the eftential provifiorn of the treaty which 19 to take effect on the ex change of the ratifications within fix months of the prefent date it is probable that mr forfyth our thouand troops on board the shipping and lhiy should immedlaflv on the nr- t i a mmster to spam will be rival ol thr remainder of th- squadron v oearer fh3 treaty ad that the rati i make an attack on some of the principal towns or cities on the coast of south america in relation to the force underlie com mand of sir gregot mgregor the charleston gazette of the l ult con tains tftefollowuig information a gentleman who arrived from aux cays on saturday at iti the chr may ehztct informs us that gen sir grkoor macgrlgor was ut that fikee oq tho 3t inniar when he sailed kr had arri7d sime time previous fom na and had stttbikfaed his rendei- vcusat auxgayes where he had tcoo o the finest troops in the world part o fications will be exchanged long before ihe commencement of the next feffion of ongreia in contemplation of which c- vent it is probable that congrefs will be fore they adjourn pafs an at autborifing the executive to receive the furrender of the provinces of florida from the spanifli authorities- and to eftablifiian independent gtvernment therein we felicitate the ccuntr on this amica ble and fatisfaftory termination of the te dious and hitherto unoleafant negocfationa wiihspain the attainment of either of the three ohjes the ceffion of florida the fcttlcment of the weftern boundary or the recfigrition and provifion for the adjult- thi encamped on shore a sloop of ment oftne c of our citizens on spain war and a lam transport sitio were iv w0llrf havc been conlidered as an epoch in in at am her during our informants stay a brig arrived with troops said to be from greenock a large ship was ads daily expected from the name place with juo more this i tlifluti in uaitiu lor lurrlver reinforcements which whm all concentrated would amount to 5000 men their precise destination bas iot publicly known i uracoa jan 30 trje engliih fchr eekles arived here en wednesday aftem- tm three days from margarita a- d krtngt letters to the 241a inlh from which the following are extracts 41 margarita jan 21 44 theie are jitt e news here the army has marched to open the campaign and by a courier ydtcrday from aug us tufa wr learn of the arrival of col englifh with 2500 britifh troops 11 ban juan griego margarita januar 24 a britifh force has arrived at guiria coi ailing of 25c0 men brion remains in pa- j joliihn failed with the fquad- tcn 8 veffelf of which he has the fole contrand their deftination is unknown p uracoa feb 6- the arrival of enflffh tmops at guay- ara n w anqueftivmable for wc have hef wfh ial comnunicatk received at margarita bom two ffir on 1 oard the fid rraiifpon which t hive the pleafure herewith to tranfmic to tol the hiftory of our foreign relations the union of the three will make this treaty trebly acceptable to the american people it terminates the only emitting contro- vrfy wiih any nl rhe european powers it round oft our fouthern pohefiions and for ever precludes foreign emiffaries from ftirring up indians to war aad ncgrcffl to rebellion vhilil it gives to the southern country important outlets to the fea it adjufts the vaft weftern bonndary acknowl edging the united states to be the over eign under the hitherto contclted louifia na treaty over all the territory we ever lerioufiy contended for in a word it is a treaty than which the moil fanguine have not anticipated one much more favorable it i one that fully comes up to the ezpec tations of the great body of the am erica 9 people tattled to congre a raticati3 nil thpar of spain mav be expected to take place during the recess of congress i recommend to th ronwderuti m the adoption of such icgla c measures co- tingent upon the qxchaugp of tlie ratif- eitions as may be niary or expedi- ent for carrying the treaty into eif et in the interval between fe sessions and unfil congress ut their rest session may f lit to make further roviion m the subject james monroe r- 4 kingston cuuvkle h i i f wasbirgtoni march f ft is announced in t t account of sat urdays proceeding in the houie of rcpre- fentatives that iht president lias officially commtinicated f coigres tbe ireaty with spain which has been folemnly ratified on our part and will no doubt be promptly ratified hy ihc government of spain- wih a vew to this event a bill has leca mtro ducdand will probably become a lar- for auhorimu the executive ia that con fingencyi to receive the inritory from thi hatidi of thespanilh authorities aid eftab- iifi a provisional governrrenj ihereiatf ihe treatv va- read en the houfe of rep- rcfentatives witi open ioors but i net to be rubilfeed in extmo the osge in ftfefa cafes requirinir it fhotdd rot be prmulga ted until formally latifici wc have little doubt however that a copy of it will fhnrtly find it vy to the prefo aleaa- whilc it is fufficient to iute that the fum- nary we gave of its contents appears to have been pretty correft with the follow ing additions all grants made by sjnin in the ceded territory anterior to the id day of january f 88 are to be refpefted the iflaods adjacent to florida ate ce ded with the territory it is ripulatvd that the territory fhall having the ncceftiiv rcqui itesbe admitted into the union on an equal footing with the original rates frc7i the national fnttlli march tb the conrfi of th united states sojourned iaft evening beyond which their cgnflitutional term fnvice did not permit them to extend th fefiion the bill autborifing the eflablihhment of a provifioma govemn for florida ir the ewnt of the ratification of the treaty of ccfiion by spa has become a law from the avv turk sy march 0 from rio jantiro- n rradon of the bri spy whoan at balttmwn on sunday everting mai u f ar0 a 11 that ilio spanish exprditbn om time xpfctet on ma hi thutr appearaoce wero decoyed into the port in keeping the roa hag flyiligon tie fortification in posesiou of he patriots they oii- pisted of one50ga ship two sloops of war and even tr with a number oftros all of whom fell an easy prey to the patriots i v uadersfood at rio that the bel country surrounding mo rt video wifl possession of gene ral art i fvjda mahcu 19 1619 oar latest jfryorfc pper- iidonn m uu rr cuiiress of the united suie wa adorned en the 3d f march much rinc has rertainu been pent by die ii u ff keprrventaiives in talking abort f ja- ki- condncl in florida but as the matter b an i rnded in talk tiie ornmute of ifte senate u would appear were employed from the lhih dec to ihe 4ti tib sn dcacvtne iheir report on the semlnok war ani 11 woflt be acknowledged setting nis a i it 1 sasronattuig asoul u ullturling thd slar cpangl d banners on ilu walla of quebetf which b the bye i a ood onem much io ihc por- pose bnt what their il only provrt that the cdmmitife were capable nf eicjninlivg the docu- m 11 in 1 0 net evidence brouglii ut-forc- them and of nfferiiig a spirited opinion upon ihc sub- jct we cannot however bupjnc ihai the committee intended that ihe report shouuj be aeletl upon by tlu uhole senate when it iswn rltat rtiey defrrred msjtingii ttntu the 24th feb itolj a u- days previous to ihe adjournment of ckigrcis toe mut have been aware that the yerv ft nifory which general uekon had in- mdrd itiioary to ttli the common u ae nf lr- vyincmid caroinpon war was on the point of bring bartered die dnued states by the neak v nlinand out reader will bv the president me ssr i ro i ii a preceding column that the vet for ihe ceiripo of ihe flortdas uaeaial- i- tfirdon the pari of the united states aud aitfcci passed pravldiog for the rowrnraeiit of the oiintry upon the final ratilicaiion of tlu treatv by spain from an impartial iew of whole subject we tliink it ma be fairly in- frrrei ihat iolwkhiriulin all ihat has been niid about general jaeksoaa violation of the laws nf nations and his eontempt for iie eontti- luifd auihovities of ii country be will ecape uriili impunity the committee of the senate have in feet done nothing inorc than show that bis offences have been enormous bui thai b country i uinvillui because nerbaps she is afiaid to punish aim aparcmfl casejrum an old mss once ou a urre a turdv vact yelepi jona than u10 was possessed of a larjre fann cojeud a adjoining field which belonged to an old genilemun wlio hd in a distant country he nid within blmsflf coohl i but obtain ti how nicety would my farm be then rnnndni lie lirt iricu todtive 3 hard bargain vuli the old gent bill not succeeding he attempted in pursade bis neighbours thai he sustained loss from fhe old gents piga pm old sent m kejn- his fences in repair it bbi however ranretran once sospecied that hhown nxi 11 were the respaer be that a- il mipht he m violently coveted the nnsaession thai having warched ins opjrortonity and hearing that the old gent wai laid up with die gout and was at ihesaie time grea 1 perplexed with an unruly family he sent a score or rwo of his hinds li seize the property and drive out the old gem servant a- aw as the old gem iirardo the violence and wrong committed a- gainst him he set up an hagemiout and shook bi- crutch upon which the neighbours pricked uri heir ears and more especially did tbcrout- tv aitui e the attention of four or five mom fel- lows who were fustlheg signing an agreemeit in the defence of ihe injured and oppressed y in o foi 1arnied and immeduie v f illti hl 1 riiiiilons oirecitng llieut lu up the liurs of wheal and the lai carcase they had purloined il was rumoured ai th- hme lhai he iireateud lo hanp ihe leader of lite gang fov having unauthorised committed murder but as the rhreat was neer executed people imagin ed it wa eiven for hie oke of appearances qery who frighlened jonathan from hi purpose perhaps ore one of ihe literati of hartford or wise seres 6f baltimore may beable o guess and b o doing enlighten ihc ed rtgioa of upper canada great project the legislature rf ohio has ised a resolution instructing in senator and representative- in tnngreft from that sae 10 11e i best eidea willi the general gov- ernmeil to apply hi he court at madrid for ihe urivifege of examining he ground and opening u canal fat the passage of largo vessel- from the spanish maine aero he coniineii at lake ni- aratua or sura oihr point in that quarier as may be found must pracicaile connecticut mirror washington feb 27 occupation of florida the following riessajje under date of yestesday was received from th presi dent of the united states by mr j j moorne to the senate and house vf represen tatives of the united states the treaty of amity settlement and limits between trie united states and liis catholic majesty having been on mr part of the united states rati it eel li and with the advice and consent o the 5eaate copies of it are npw trans richmond feb 20 singular snow ljetu een 1 and 2 oclock yesterday we witnessed in this city the most singular flakes of snow which we recollect even to have beheld thy were of at nishingsizeand locked like small snowalls fnllini from the clouds ome of rhem measured an inch aud a half in diameter the substance of them nas uncommonly light thsir chrystalization very delicate exhibit ing a collection et the finest needles irg together in every direction new york msrch 5 s te am bo at fr a n a tin u n k t h e louisville kentucky paper of the 12 th ult mention- that the steam boat frank lin was sunk on fhe 24th jan near st genevieve in ascending the misrjl she had a full and valuable caro of gro ceries on board and was bound to st louis from the nszv fork gazeti of march 4 latest euuopkan news lord castlereagh way confined with a severe attark of the cr r earadmiral llaekwood is appointed to suc ceed sir i ti chard filtag as coniiiauder iu chief io ih- east indie the loudon gazette officially notices the ap- poinnnent of he duke of wellington aj master- general of lie orduaree chree individual perished by walking into the docks during the late dense fog in london acoutagirus fever rtaiil on the increase in aberdeen in otland the use of the hanack hospital had been obiained for the tick hajuburgh df cquuis of ihe th and de cember spi ak of tiie severe frosts and nbstruc- tlons of the na fgatioiu i lhtrpoots jan 1 iji9 asbes first m 54 a 55 line pearls bs a 5l aam nithoui runuirv and 0111 quotations almost noirmal thf imports i his year 1 7014 barrels the socfc on hand 60g0 pot 1699 pear js for sale on commission a few barrel of irime oiandaea a slaitt juhn kirgy kingston 17th march 1819 ja 0mmun1cat1on his excellency the lieutenant gorrr- nor having been graciously pleased to grant in trust to t markland a mac- lean esquires and to the rev g o stoart certain lots of ground in the town of kingston for the purpose of erecting an hospital thereon together wrth cer tain other lots amounting in the whole to about sevfn acres to be let or leased for the support of said hospital it fs proposed to open a subscription in shares of 2 10 each in order to fraifiea fund for erecting the necessary buildiugs as sooa as 200 shares are taken up the buildings will be commenced subscrip tions will be received bv the abovemeu- tioned trustees and the rev rg cur- tois j wilson aud amarshall esq shares already taken up t markland three p smith three companionate socety four r g curtoi two n macled three g o stuart three j wilfon one g h marklnnd two emerfon burley one lt col mae herfosj ttvo t cart wright two micajdh purdy two robert tolbert one a dtnike one g oliver one james bird one s merril one k richarclfoj two s shaw one duncan vicdoncilp two j macaulay two d grant two a maifnall one etenney incarpentcranorkone an tftaoa corrected wc hate to inform our readei- iua iho t counyof the patinr thf raeinc canal dill aa nolired iu our jierald ofttlc week brforc last wif premaiure we feel pleasure hi ark now ifduing uur mistake in tin- miinrr a- a hope buu rctnaim that mboufd ihi imi nbfalnihcaw seni of the legislature more regard will he had io public utility than tvould bavp breothe rave had ii joined ihe st lawrence at the wind mills where the benefit loliieconntn inim he vry limned nhasever advaiilaes private individu als might reap from iu passing in that direcion montreal llaatd we have to acknowledge fhe critique of a r and admit the justice of fom of hu remark hut we cannot fparea irbolr column to an article that we are persuaded will l altogether uou tercsting tothe great majjit of our readers m juried on tuesday ihe tflfh frt fcy th- i v official fituart mr frtdcrkk keltar u m tnrl miutr 0 lbec mr i is ptrn suddenly on suhta ihe7ih inrdr- atex spapk minlslerofthe gosjirl and prea cher n st andrews iinrcit ofuiis city the circomptancesofthc deah of this mast ex- relleni and mttch regretted man are peculiarly striking and imprelve me p readied inhe forenoon on ihat part of the 24th ere of ihelsth phapfer ofgeiiivis in which joseph gavethtf advice to bis brethren see iharyc fall noriut hv the ray and no auhjeil could he treaidir r we more snited to exeite yuety and devotion jle look an extended view of the whok humaa race andcleied il- mankind were united ia die bonds of common wants and affections b patriotism hy affinity coiihanninily and above all hy ihe eulihtened and benevolent precept and docrinea of the chribtian rehglon yet he pbserved hat ihis bond of union vva loo often dis solved by malignrot or selfish passion h erro neous view in politics and by mistaken tai and intoleiaire in matiers of religion that not re- colleciing the glad iidiuzof our savio rs birth announcing k on earth peace goodwill oiard9 men mankind had perverted ihese wise purpo ses of the author of our holy religion and had iod often spreaddiscord and war throughout rheirorid he conjured bt parishioners ro recoileej h their journey through life war short as n e k r presentiment fti approachii g toh tiou and adverting to ihe earnest wbtiewhieli all men at their dyi eg njomen had shown o he reconciled io their enenies and to die in eace he concluded his sensible and impresslvedlscovrs with ihe wordiof si paul m a much as in thee lies live peaceably with all mn after this sermon dr spark irt toa fune ral and on his way to church in the afremoor he fell down in an apoplectic fit and almost in stantly expired lie was in ihe 65th year of his ace and 36th of his- ministry and we may say beyond the reach of contradiction ihat he wasnol meanly killed iu lei er and in life and manner lie obervefl a rimplieiiv aud innocence liimnnd what are e- t in moi men nor una any one did mo uoiver- saljvarul mm me tcin lamented t me atm e ir aviiiiams benefit r wtlliamfl refpedhilly inio tstbp ladies aud gentlemen of kingtor that his benefit is 5xed for monday prefented the much admired giand ra- matic mclo drarra written by william diamond efq author of adrian ani oiiila hero of the north doubtful son c c called the foundling of tisc forest or the unknotrri fcrnaie to which will be added the bemic opera of the foor soldier master iroyvns beiioht master brawn refpeafully informa the ladies and gentlemen of king ston and its vicinity that his benefit is fixed for thursday evening march 25 1819 when will be prefented dr holmes ceebr ted tragedy in 5 ensealled douglas or the noble shepherd 1he part of young norval j by master brown 3 lady randolph mrs williams between the piay and farce comic song called the beadle of the parish by mr huntley a sailors hirnplpe in char ad er hy mrs thornton x recitation alonzothe trave and the fair imogine by mr russsll to which will be added the much ad mired laughable farce in 2 a9 called barnaby brittle or a wile at hej witt end ffltr mtatrs stc jiili j john kirby john tuttle william powley d walhbum w j mckay vm tennett h w wilkiufoq s aykroyde a richmond f carlifle john ilarkefl john moore walter vlccuniffe john watkins j hii blake john darfey jchn md aliour three two one two one one one three tw one one cue one one one one one advertisement the subfcnbers beg leave refpefullj to infoim their friends and the pub lic that they hare juft received from mon treal a very exttnfive aad general aftort- ment of goods 00 numerous to fpeci- fy which will enable them to fcrve thofe who may be pleafed to call at their tore on more reafonable terms than the ufual mode of doing bufinefs ia the country es tablishments this fyltem they are deter mined to perfevere in and humbly hope it will meet with that approbation and sup port wkicb it may merit fowke webster co smiths crtckf tb march 1819 8wiz- notice the uadeifigned reqaeft all perfona indebted to the eftate of the late nicholas ha german ef quire to make immediate payment and luch as have accounts againit the eftate are re queued to prefent then foi adjultment gto ae hagerman daniel hagerman executors eingfton ith march 1819 if

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