the ciwistiav recorder to appear tn numbers one number every month t at twelve and fix ptrce halifax a tear iphis publication will be iitued by jl mr george dawfon bookseller york under the infpeclion of the rev ir strachan it ftali be devoted to theological arid mifcellancous iubjeds and particularly to interefting religious intelhgence and bio graphical and obituary notices btfides occasional original matter it hall contain feieaioiu from the various ritilh periodical works moral and religious thefe works will be regularly received for that purpofe and the readers of the christian recorder will thus be furnlhed in the fpeediett mode with valu able and iuurdtmg feleivois tn thekt- eft britir oeridficaj publications wlilc r fnaii be th objed of the jour- al to iccoid important religious events fa general particular regard will be paid tp thole which relate to the proteftant church the chriftian recorder will prefent fts readers with a paffing map of the religious otld and ftall be occafionally enriched vith the fentiments of thofe matters of thelojry who were the glory of the dajr9 tbat are pad and whole writings exhibit the founded views of chriftian dotinc and order and the higheft fervors of plug feeling whatever can advance the interefts of relk iotts trmh the purity the unity and the profperity of the kingdom of the re- deemer and th faith holinefs aad confo- ftii of the chriftian hall a9 far as practicable find a place in this journal the plan if executed with tolerable ability mult certainly render this publica tion uleful and intcrefting to all claftes of chriiiians and the price of it is folow as to bring it within the reach of all who can fee profited or intercfled by its contents it fhall be printed with a handfonetype nd on g od paper of a large fize the firll number fhall appear early in slareh and a number will be publifhed regularly every moruh the work being iitu d folely mm an carneft defirc to pro mote the intcrlls of religion with the view to its general circulation it will be furnifhed at the low rate of twelve hillings and fix pence halifax currency a year agenda hall have a cnmtiiltion of 20 er cent on the amount of lubferiptions ftft hich tiuv become refonfiblt subfc tow bo tiicatiors pod piid may be addreffed and to whom pcrfons at a diftance may tranf- mit their names with direi ns by what fanvyance tke journal hall be feat to tem tori january u 1819 cj suiscnptions recavedat the post- of fi ston 5 having been appointed getil for the proprietor of the iron works cftrblifhed at three rivers in the pro- vincc of lower canada informs the pub lic that he has lately received a vwy extensive assortment of wares johi joitting rlf urus his moft gncere thanks to hisfrunds and the public for the very liberal fnpport given him fince his commencement in bufinefs and begs leave to inform them that he has laid io a general and well ieleed lock of wines notice taw ctrctjl ml tf will eri lufher having difpofed of mnufafturedat that place among oth- ltoccricsj er articles are it l and spirits double sf single totes of various sizes and patterns cast ash pans sugar kettlks potash coolm1s pots dog irons and dutch ovens which willbe ditpofed cf for ca neariy the montreal prices the foperior foftnefa of metal and du rability of the three rivera stoves ren der them worthy the attention of pur- chafers as they are not liable to crack like thofe imported from scotland johnmacaulay kingston 1 0 sober 1 8 1 8 19 kingston branch of the mon treal bank a ny furr required maybe obtained at s the office for good bills on mon treal quebec bills of exchange on lon don or for specie notes alfo will be discounted at thirty fixty and ninety days- thoma3 makkland agent kingfton 3d nov 1818 23 f w0 be fold by private fale the whole m of the premifes now occupied by the fublcriber confiding of one new store houfe two rones and a half high a imal frame dwelling houfe filled in with lone a stable barn and bake houle fitnated on the eaft half of lots no 271 and 273 containing two fifths of an acre a fmall part of the purchafe money will be tequircjon the delivery o the proper ty and the remainder paid by fuch inftal- mentsasnry be agreed upon for fur ther particulars apply to the proprietor on the premifes george scougal n b- there is a valuable fpring of wa ter on the premife kingllon january j t 1819 4 forsa1l vkry valuable farm sifuated at his old land which he is determined to fell at che moft reduced prices viz pt jatntfica spirits 1 slmb hnhand fiid wfciskef conac bramj ptpptimtbt cherrv jo wines pnprarlr tort tutrllte belt pickling vinegar li e juice groceiues all perfons indebted to the eftate of the late james cumming late of hallowell deceafed arc reqneftcd to call without delay and fettle the fame with mr james mcgregor ndw in charge of the eftablifoment at hallowell bridge and thofe who have claims againft the faid cftate are defired to prefent them for ad- juftment the flock in trade of the deceafed ecrnfifting of a very complete afibrtment of goods well laid in an3 very fuitable to the country is now felling off at price fo low as will defetvedly claim the attention of the public cafli or country produce will be taken in payment and a credit of 6 months given c refpoofible farmers or others john oujmjng u greejj oprr33 1 iscft engli ii chectt j wincjor cap eet coii icn do pipeclay glauber salts ivarl ah english mi vard peppvrmini lw8 sngai plntnt j sugar almnrds cod tish j rod uerringi salt do bull butter wrought nai fercaiizes shingle do tapes necdlei twist l oii ratfs l oiit d do clack thuad line aiul iuowuds writing paper letter do gunpowder tea twanke do hyod skjd do coffee lnafsujear muscovado do mace ci es cinnamon saffron iiug glasf torke filrs pox raisins common do peail barley french do vip nine poudrrdo re- poland starch black pepper flower siflpher groiind dinger whole do indian arrow root sucei almonds bitter do a limn glue an afibrtment of crockery warc do queens do beft dutch long pipes plug tokaccn c andic wickf mould candles dippd do superior drtffedcaif skins hth liquid tracking a few articles of dry goods n b in addition to his pre fent flock he expefla many otherarti- cles in his line in a few davs kingfton october 19 181 8 2 fxeriiifee council flc- xxuttvt council ope t york 22 july ii8- 6tice is fcu rrvex to d ones ctnejal riptiohs received by mrg daw- a v ckrclfcr vork to whom comrnu- urar u village of brockvillc be- iiu the rear half of lot no one and the junvfi s hereby given rar halt of lot nutbrr two in tfu sc- 1 christop her thomson cond concession c elizabeth town u or his rcprefentativ j or of his c rontainin two hudrlrlarrc j former- honor the admnuft council to make good any pret to the weft haf of lot nimbec seventeen in the sixth corcefiun 0 the napanc river in the towrfnip f i anrbin six months f y dare or the fame wil be thrown open to other appli cants johns wall nm6 c e- c ek 8m ith work mvnalds co lately arrived orr ireland beg leave to inform the gentlemen and inhabitants of kingston arxi cts vicinity in general that they have com- lenced tlie horse shoeing and lacksmithingbusiness in ah its various branches near the upper end nf score street between mr doug- feshoule and mr powells all ordtrs vith which they may be favored fhall be executed in fuch a complete and workman hke manner and on fuch low terme ae they hope will entitle them to a ftare of the public patronage kittgttem otboaobcr 18 18 notice tihelate partnership of james ranicn iff co having diffolved itfelf this day by he death of roderick mackay efq the bufinefs will in future be carried on by the lubfcviber to whom all perfons who are indthted to the above firm will pleafe pay their accounts without delay and thofe vho may have claims againft that conoern il pltafe prefent them for adjuftment lrneft town 21ft sept 1818 xl to let ly th property of reuben sherwood ksquiro bu now belonging to john shu- ter esquire of london 1here is a vrv iv good dwelling house with afcarn and other ont houses on the premises al0 lot number nineteen 5n the ninth con cession and the west half 01 l number one in the eighth concession of th same township aho lot number fifteen in the first concession and number fifteen in the second concession o the town ship of yonge in the disrirt of johns town these farms will be disposed of on terms peculiarly easy aud advantage ous topurciiasers apply n daniel jones jun brockvilu 5th january 1819 4 to let and immediate possession given the house and premisses lately occupied by axlan mcpherson in the front street of kingston for particulars application to be made to aotf mn kirby or william mitchell esqrs who are fully authorised fo enter into arrangements with persons disposed to rent the same kingston 20th jan 1819 4tf not ice 1 the late partnership of robert gra ham sf co having dissolved itself this day by the death of roderick mac kay esq the business in future will be ut tied on iy the subscriber to whom ull persons who nre indebted to the above firm ill please pay their accounts with- the fuuation of the above premifes ie ttioft advantageous for a dwelling houfe for particulars applv to frincisx rocheleau kingflon 15 jan 1819 3 to axemen a notice the subscribers will receive pro posals from any person or persons willing to engaire to clear sixty acres of new land on thvir premises in amelias- ll perfons are cautioned againft pur 1ur hay of quinle ready for seed by chafing lot no 2a in the 7th con- lhe ilst da of august next the ash- es on said land will be required to be collected and carefully secured teams and provisions will be furnished if re quired for particulars apply to owen mcdougal kington or o mcdougal mclellan 0 bcllville v r tffion of fredenckfburgh or lot no 27 in th it coiceflion of richmond from the jieirs n affigneefl of davis hefs as the ftbfcriber holdu an indifputablc title to the r gilbert har1s stdnty 1818 notice k ak l er3ons indebted to the subscri- tv hci are requested nut t pay tbr eancr any part thereof to duglc lame- fon iry- tcle have diicharged od ap icrlbn to whom laid dugle cam- h applied for payment within the vhwilido the subfcribr a favor ry f ronniog him thereof johndowhjfg ingilqdjfeb 17 1819 notice tiniie subfcriber requefts thofe indebted j to him pay their different accounts to mr lofeph murdock who is duly au- thorifed to receive the fame and proceed as cicumftances may require during his abftnee joseph scott not tce the subfcrjhc forbids all perfons fron trcfpaflivor j no 32 in the 4th concefgoa op the townfhip of camden in the coy r lenox and addingtun midlarj diftrict an dnei hereby forbid any ptrfon or perfon from cutting or deftroying any timber uhtther lying or landing or carrying any part of the tame away under penalty of the law a mscdonell kingflon dec 36th t r 1 8 3t rio lie let for one or more years immediate poffcftion given that erm of late owned by mr jabe eaton whereon he kept a public inn situated within a mile and a quarter of the town of kingdom for terms apply to the subfcriber elijah beach kingfton 23d dec 1818 3 for salt and immediate poifenion given the houfe and premilea in stuart- ville lately occupied by mr dalton fituated within half a mile of thift town a valuable fituation for a gentleman and family no lefs fo for a diftiller or innkeeper the above premifes will be fold it public and ion without referveon saturday the 3d day of april next st tt oclock a- m at walkers hotel if not previoufly difpofed of by private bargain for particulars apply to the subfcriber thomas smith kingfton jan 14 1819 3tf to let ftlhe commodious dwelling houfe and premiles the property of w rofs efq lately in the pofteffion of mr woolf for terms application to be made to wm mitchell kingfton oft ith i8f8 zo to let for any term of years not exceed- in fifteen on the molt reafola- ble terms that well known valuable fland in the public line fituate on the point at gananoqua and recently occu pied by seth downs together with the houfe barn stables c for fur- ther particulars a to the fubferiber joel stone jfenanojsa jar s8y ztff edica r ic nr fohi his frier that he he l t gant rtment rvv u fan v g coiiufting partly or t- fcl v viz superfine weft f ea c caffinerec of th rh ltmrttft and cotton t vci leno mj v 1 v jaccnec ari mull muffin t a muflin handkerchiefs bandani and orcalopa do fine ging- liarfls biack a d colored silks silk and crton shawls and fcarfe fine corded dimities white jane white and buff mar- fells qmhing black florentine gne undrclffd calicoes bombazettes 5c bom bazines of all colors linen diaper and huckahuck white and coloured flannels ruflia sheeting and ofnaburg a well chofen aitortmer t of thread and laces and ribbons sliaw bonnets ladies toroife fivell combs cambric and lace footings nd a number of articles too nu merous to infert 4 crates of bine crockery ware groceries jamaica spirits brandy holland gin port and other wines peppermint and shrub hyfon and twankey teas double and single refined sugars mufcovado do spermaceti mould and dipt candles soap starch and fig blue c c c all of which will be fold for cafh or ap proved credit skmgtton qtb aug 1 8 1 8 io homas dalton co res- peclfully beg leave to acquaint the public that they have commenced brewing at their new eftabhfhment where they have now ready for delivery fome excellent mild beer in barrels of thirty fix gallons each which they offer at the moderate price of thirty six shillings the barrel which price they do not intend to advance unlefs from nc- ceffity arifiing out of an increafed price of malt and hops thus he public can be regular y accommodated with a whole- fome and agreeable beverage it as mode rate a rate as could reafonably be defired the proprietors of this uleful eftablifhmenc therefore flatter themfekea that it will re ceive a fair portion of public patronage orders left at the office of s batlst will be attended to kingfton diecr is 1616 interest in the houfe of lofher vl slyck at prefcott and that of lufiher 5c sexton at la chine to mr a jones dt prefcott upper canada the bnsinefs will after the first day of march enfuing be carried on under the firms of jones fc van slyck at prefcott and of levi setoq co at la chine we be leave to refer you to the nexed notice whgreia mr lufher ma himfelf refponsible wiih us fer any enan ments entered into by faid firms we feel fatiafied from our late experience in businefs the number of boats noar owned by us and the commodious store at this plaoe and la chine that we bjm have it in our power to give rieral fefjb faction a jones goes a van slycav l sexton frcfcott january 1 8th t8iy notice tphe subfcrer having difpofed of hi iirercst in the houfe of lufher 8c van- yk at i refcoit and that of lufter 6t o 3t la chine t j mr a jones the v vtin future be carried on uodet 3fii f jones van slyck at pfa- r rjjat of tevi sexton 8c co at l will notwithndifig hold iyoosiblc with them for aot c j- ihey may make c er1 lusher j for sale on very reafnable terms and imme diate pofteffion given a fa rm ly ing in adolphuftovvn on the bay of qoin tv one mile weft of the court houfe formerly owned and occupied by the late philip dorland deceased on which i an orchard of 1 5 large apple trees and al- moft every other kind of fruit trees that is planted in this country alfo a con venient framed houfe and b3rn and houfeb about one hundred pounds will be re quired down and the remainder will be made very eafy for further particulars enquire of the fubferiber on the premifes george douglas adolphuftown pih nov i8t8 6tf notice ames mmgbfr returns his m jlncere thanks to the p rple of kings ton and its environs- for the lifcral err couragemen he tas met rvith face his com mencing bufinefs he begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he s about removing to his new houfe near the mar- lei place- opprjite to mr baymans and will as ujual carry on tke fin copper and sheet iroa manufactory horse shoeing and blacr smith work tvill be executed in fa befl manner at the jhortefl notice and ofl the lowefl terms n b to rent leafe or fill for tk term of ten years and immediate pojfeffioft given that tuel known fland the wel lington inn in barrack flreet this fihlation is one of the befl in tuivn having many conveniences that render it particularly lucll adapted for a houfe of public entertainment and store apply q the profr kingflon fob ft8l9 the subscribe ka begs leave to inform the public thtf he has commenced manufaftunng hoap candles ft the hohfc formerly occupied as an irta by mr john size in store street anfl he hopes that from his long penencc and knowledge of the bufinefs he will be enabled to give fatisfaaion to thofe perfons who may favor him with their patronage and fnpp6rt bw james bensors kingfton jfl march 119 cjn b cah paid for a to lee ffflhe houfe lately occupied by lierj 11 tenant brifcoe royal engineers the property of james richardfon sen fituated near mr hugh earls for terms apply to the fubferiber iiobt richardson kingston 7 tb january 9 1819 9 to let nd immediate poftcltion given thai hill well known hand fira tavern the property of mr john size fituated in storr street kingfton for further particulars apply at the office of allan maclean kingfton jan 12 1819 jtf 1 6f for sale that elegant farm no 8 firft conceffion townfhip of fredericks- burgh 28 miles from kingfton contain ing 200 acres formerly occupied by colonel spencer and known by the name of the manlion houfe it contains about 50 acres of land under improvement an elegant frame houfe 2 flory high with a barns and other buildings perfons defirous of pilrchafing may enquireof the subfcri ber on the premifle6 ox to d hagerman efq at bath joseph bergeron frederickfburgh sept 8th 1818 15 notice at number of lots of one hun- ijl dred acres each fituated on pub- lie roads now laying out running through the school townfhips of southwold yarmouth and houghton will be fold by public auion for ual fettlement to the higheft bidder at kosss tavcn on talbot road on the firft of jnly next one fourth of the purcfcafc money to be paid down and the remainder by three e- qual inftalments with intertft by order of his excellency the lieu tenant governor in ceunciu executive council office 1 u terms of the kingston chronicle tnentv shillings per annum if sent by mah cwentv four shillings subscripions to bf pafl inartvance to the 1st of july or lhe 1st of janu ary w 2tlxvc r jihcnicvrvrv tfd lines and under vs rj- first in aj sertion and 7d each subsequent insertion 10 lines and under 3s 4 first insertion and 0d each subscqubttt insertion above ten lines 4rf per line for the first insertion and d per lin for every subsequent insertion advertisements itithout written direct tionsare inserted till forbid and char gai accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing and delivered bjf wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received aftr ten oclock on the day of pabltcali agents henry cowan esq quebec james williams esq montreal messrs j j dualop lancastx paol glftssford esq matilda alpbeus jones esq prescott henry jones enq brockville n b tommas esq perth j k hartweh esq bastarf- f webster esq gananoquc j ranken esq bath allan mcpherson esq napante james g rethune esq hamiutm william allan esq tork john crooks esq niagara t mccormick esq queenstan john wilson esq amhermhureh kingston u c prjntkd for tub editorlf-