i a cr a warn jgfab8b es0wrsh vol i friday ivr march 26 181j no 13 v trcatsac jirfi ja8bi ffyvai ft3s jjjz v wi w iivtii c exfcuttt council omen 1v 19fa february 1819 iters awlirations bavins been nnde to hi fceiieoev the fciett- tenauf governor in own i for grant or leaseof certain lands situate in flic dutriei of newest le and in the mid land district with a view to estahieli iron works i hereon it is f h c 2clr pro per to afford an open competition for iiffkg and fthihrcfore this day or dered by fil ftxrellency the lieutunant governor in council tliat proposals will be received until tin first day of may next bv the clerk of the couocil from any iudit idual tor leafc of certain tar on or near the crow river which fcmptips imtf into the rwft trent and for licence to diu lou ore john small 1 1 clk of ex council to giscefs on halfpay in it is defired that officers receiving t-alf- phv or military penh ns through the corrn iffjriat in cannes will tranfmit to their frveial agents at qncbec thir indavits jn triplicate immediately after the 24h of the period when their half- pay worries due fo th it the affidavits of officer refidino in lower canada hall arrive at qneree before the roth and hofe of ofn r- rtndicr in the unser piovfoce before the 2 th of the following month st which peitd the eturns will be made up as more than fifbcient time is given for co- munications ic reach quebec from the moft diftant pofb thofe officers afiida- vit which do nor strive in time to he incor porated in thefe ivturs nufl remain over till henfnio period of payment conmiff ry generals office hirhec march 1 1819 q a ax qfaciers dernipaie en its 0rficntl9 qui recolvent la dc- d git fate fin pension miliriro par le canal do con mi- a rial en canada sonf reqot de tranvntt re a h ors a ns r- fj a quebec feiirs a vtf n tiiplicala imu edintemeht apro ic terme du paiemen e wr demlpric ic man- iere quo fi a ii t vif de otftt iers qui ie- sidocit dans o bascnuada puttrroti ir- rlvei a qntbt avaot jonieelch eenx qui resldojij dans la haute reviitre a- yant le 20me da mois stiivant auvquels periodes e rrfoirs s hr nt comme ion donne plus do tvns qui tve font our transm nitre le cntlitunteatin a qu- bee do povtfts ins plus eloiite- les alti- daviis d ollkirrs qui naiyent pas a terns pnr etn inrorpoies dan cin re tours resierouf ju5nau periodc du pave ment snivart bureau du coiarnsfairygtieral 11 q efjer le mar is 19 gn five uolltih reivahd ost on sifnrday niht th gth ilfiotn a hunting watch uihi a gold u and k attached to it by a black ribhon near mr aykroyds iiuijdn rt the back door of to y- drodrrapmc oiice kloirtnn whoerer will b r i n cr he same to mr macauhy at the lost grace shall receive the above reward ii arch t2 ii 11 ten pounds reward land for sale it gts no 3 half no 4 and no 5 ju fh coieesiori containing 500 acres ail in the township of edwards- burgh distwct of johnstown tvtsvtrr r ihf srpiral application to be made to mr alphe- os jmifs prescott by whom tin above reward will he paid to any one who vviigive such information as shall jad to the conviction of persons cnftingftina- berofan description oit tlie above men tioned lands 1 1 v 8 for sale or to be let ji large commodious two ltory 3l dwelling houfe with kitchen out tioufesand garden no t frcst fteet for pattinlai s apply to laurence herch- roer efq kingston december co 1s18 qo v jj0il one cr rnorc yars or reasotia jtl blc t-rra- and possession tivin on the lri day of may next that laiye and cooimr diris house two yfo hiui t- 1 rjl vr w iijjlj for sale the suhferiher oifera for fale the foiltfe well quarter of jot no 20 in the- fi m goncefiion of ike towntbtp of erneil town containinjr about 70 acre 30 of which are unoer improvement with a loc houfe and barn thneon a good title will be giver only a final pm of the purehafe money will be required down the remainder by iululments a- bell fuits the purctahr for paniculatb inquire of tfee subfcri- bev wm ivlckvy erned town 27th feb 1819 lotf notice tie subfcriber has loil three notes hlvned by freeman s clinch viz orc of 2c dollars on demand one nf 21 d liars fix month afterdate one of 50 dohirs payde in joiners or abinet w rk the end rfement according to the befl of my knowledge i as fo o vz iot 5 puind on thi fill noic the above ntes were given the 261b oi march 18184 dmsflel keynalds febrnarv t ph 8 9 8 y rviije ittbfcriber informs his friends and n t c ie fiublc thaiheftiil heps a lmgnon 15th varcn 189 12 utllc house rmhe subigriber oifeis for fale his 75 p 0 qi i ah i formerly 11 houfe and farm tpffetberovfeparnte cu gm i ortfc wvv ikmeh and ladjes rrciv find tpod lntef- tdtnmmt icc iirrrs jhill ot be advertisement htliie subfciibers bg leave rtfjnclfully b to ii foim tin friers and the pub lie that they have juft received from mm- tnal a vey efctcnfive and general aiprrt- mem of coops o noncion- ro fpi ci- fy whih will enabie hen to frve tlnde who trav be pie a fed to call at thir tore on mere lelonable turns than the ufual mode of doing bufinef in the country cf- tablillimtnts thi fyllem thcy arc deter- rniin d to perfcveie in arid hnrntvy hope it will meet with that approbation and fup- port which it miv me it fowke webster co smibs crcrl tb march i 8w2 rliie ondetned rrqoefl all perfons 8 inlebtd tn the eitatc of the late nicholas hjger van ffquire to make immediate piy t and luth as have accounts ajrajufl the eft ate are re- quelled to prefent them foi adjulimcn c u a m hagetman daniel hagennan execute hares tht li it is his carnefl and anxious wiili that none of bis ions fhould be edn caicd at any public fciiool by which he means fuch fchools as eton ellminfier wtnehefter and harrow the late lord mlenborongh cei arottrt upwards of 240 be o ly hu vil he has left p20co for life to his widow f iooco ayear to his eldeft f n the pieient lord and f 15 ceo to each of his other children he has directcd the houfe i st jamess fquare and the valla at inchampfn to be fold the former co8 i8ooo a aifo hi horfe- cans sl cows hajj oxen grain ily iot esi and implement- of itnfbmdy filuate on the river st lawrence overlooking the bcftitiful villaee of qgdenfbisrg and within half mie of prefcoit upper gfiada thnwclh loule wlrch has lately been eretfted ciifi t of tw fitiimj lor- 4 j1 rooms a kitchen and cellar well fi ifhed the farm contains 107 acres f ehotce land well fenced upwards of 66 ot which is partureao alcadcw tilt- re -nam- dvrl rltage and wood land with a y ntng orchard and good barn stable and ioot- houfe and 3 fmall teneiant for labntrers io a gentleman of feeuhition the above premifes which extends 3 acres in front of the river must prove of peat advantage a it i- one of the bet situa- tions in the n iijlibourhood for the erection oi n wharf brewery or distillery sic iait of the purchafe money may rmain on mortgage if agreeable to the purchafer application to be made to flenry forest efq montreal john macau ay k111 stn or the owner plifr obrien preseott 26th oft 1818 6if difafponcd f jindirip veed quarters for j 11 a thtmjefvet onr weir nir thos sanfolid cramahe xih jan 1 3 n 6 ql 7 1 j j jin y for sale pirwree rateable farms two of jjl thm lying in the township of lun ton 3d concession one containing 50 rerebeing a part of waterlno with a gfrul house and l5amtri- fiotsp lark mill and eleven good tan vats agood jttlhe nbfcfjcribers rfpesfiilly inforrii el their friend and th p that they have now received a id opened in mar ket street jufl beow patricks inn a vey fxienfive rtottw c dry goods groceries and stationary likewifc a crent qn of caolcal boko the w ole of whi j w e f ve low lor i i 111 and at i cvfdtt mcdonald aykroyo sec i i i 4 ny pnrfon or r n efirops if ft- iv inne into an an fr cbanng forn 15 to 4c acres 01 i lld h recede lib- etal enconremfot iv a pk at te office of the kingllon chronicle where the term of the agreem im ht e h in dor u c l d november it 3 2 frarjlated from a havana pafer lfattd of cuba the royal re eiilfes rrifing from this i flan d in the year tsi8 amounted ac- coidfnp to 1 be fncinl lalemc rt of 4104 666 dolls excet ding ihife f the year before by 894 4 7 1 dolls so fiurilhing i- this iflmd at prefent io great h been its projrrefs of lare years and fo ptomifmg are its future pvofpecis thai with the ex ception of mexco and peru it may be fifely pronounced the moll important pos- f ffionsofhis catholic majety on this fide of the wit er indeed v hen we call to mind the immeufe revenues which thofe two great vice koyativs lormer y yielded to 1 he mother country but winch from revolutions and civil eiivori they no lontr yitld and recoltft 1 bar prioi to the spmoi rcvolntion cnba wa al in hen intead of a be efit to tie ro al tieifny we cannot help cofidfrirrg be the brightest yttn in ferdinands- ciarhm from the- wahfagton city gaztie feb 1 o fiorn fome fecret caufe it apoears another httlemert i- grovvjngf out of the praiies fetiement of morris birkbeck stveral who went to j in hm have now formed a ts new kngius stttlemert about fifty milrt diltanr frona the cranes and wiihin ten mi e of the ohio river a j 1 r curne from wtllingbro england inn ptitchaied looco acrs of land and intends going to rniand early this faring to brinff out a numlcr of aricultuialilu to let tie upon iti ihniy lix q arur fee- imp are alfn entered by perinfylvanian friends rjuaker near the fpot and a greal number of families are ginyr out to fetf tin icon the account hates that then arc almod daily arrivals of pe fons emigrating or migrating into thefe wefttrn wilds losiox6fh dec emf this subieci is so inte- rest nu to he middling and lower hashes throughout i he united kingdom that we irel if our dtit to pxrart the follovtine letter from the dublin com ondent the letter is stated to have been written by a yotitg man cf avy respectable famil in soiueietirf whowa mbled by mr biikbecls illusive assertions piuuuthiu oct 17 jm8 cl i informed ou in ra ini fronl itcr- burgr augusl j thai c were thai far on our way in bivkbi rk si tth n k h hie we have since risrted and nhih i hall presently describe mr jlstlf and three cthi r young mpn mi that plare in a small boat 14 feet long early in that month and proceeded di wn the ohio for cincinnati the water at that lime nnforfnnatelj for us vasvrry lnlrv- which obliged us to be ccntinualh row- irig hard work especially to us who were unarqiainted with the art of row- lug asidff managing a boat the views ion the rlvtr at first were iunr but the high mountains on each side ihe river covered with trees prrsented a great sameness of scenery the weather is very worm and in an open beat ue were exposed in all t force there are ria- u small towns on the banks some thri ving others the contraiy the nun her- of boat arks and craft of differeni 0 script ions i ready surprivin- rn in trading capacit othei like our own couveyitig emigrants to the wem ve did ti t reach cincinnati till we had i 1 n n the water 11 dastn us a lonn time as we were nbl igd to ieepoutho ground seven nuht- we auide a gowd lire and laid d n indian lile u rapped up in our great coat- in the morning we re- nid ourrlril labor refreshed by our night repose k on our arrival at c inna t irai- td on ivlr m who received u- kindly and accommodated us tisi we proceeded further west he had a nici house and iood business a ceneial rnefchanf cincinnati is a fine thriving j ace the neatest 1 have seen weto 1 liladelphifl were jauecnr i it seems full pi bustle and b 1 believe as healthjf as any pmt rf the v i rr states hut at pre cut it does not met my riei f we left t on aoum l i on horseback bavins prchd tg h- r situation for a distillery there feeing a mnsfnnf supply o water the other iv- ing about half a milo easl of v t rloo in the 3d conr5on contaiuiug 153 acres and one thhxk being the east and weil halves of l ts no 20 and 21 vtith 40 acres of improvement well feucsd and cuts c ions of hay yearly the oth er part well timbered and a small cimk running through the middle of the lot it i a haiidsorn situation for a dairy for particulars enquire of john itydelljjun waterloo jan 20 1819 5tf for sile or to let ai two fi ory frarmd houfe and a qfjjl are nd commodious hone store filuate on the waters edge in the centre of the village rf prefcot en esceedtngly ad vantageous term to the purcbaftr r lescee ei quire at the office 0 chr a hagerman eitgneb sfctvi taittery y 9 leather t fi he sudfcriberg are manufacuting an erterfive stock of leather of every des cription and now offer for faie 1000 sides sole leather 600 do upper do 200 do harness do 400 do half tanned for ves- gefcyot ether use and a large quantity of calf skins and pvorocco leather all mauufaurtd in the befi manner and is of a fuperior quali ty- j v bacons co sockets harbor march 11819 icw6 for sale en connnission a few barrel- of prime onandaga aisf jl hn kirey kmgstob 17th march 1s19 i2 a farm fo s xt e a djotnino llav bayintlletown- a fhip of frcdeicw ferrh the raft haf of lot no 2 in the ftcondconcclli n containing ico reves a- hnvin ah ul 4 acres under cirnvtin w a log h me ad barn pen it for he tctftvs apply to daniel wafhhiirn efq- kingfton p van kougknlt a cornwall dec 7 is l 3 ftiffb noiicev board lrtia siosrs tvii meet the f monday in february end conhw fi to do the fume day in each month gtt bujtnefl of this difiria as reward lht i is f fonn fkgucorl kinofon feb jl iftif- nianrtkirc foreign nepvs bank of 9 kin stofy idurch ii loli 21be subicribcr bci g appointed agent il for the lai k f anada he w ii ne gotiate bank notes for bills on montreal quebec or for specie wm mitchell eingaon0a 131b 188 2q livtrrool jan r an agricnltural frie d ha- favoured us by fending to our offi a branch of a hickbeny biiftt pluck- d the day befrc chridmas day in a meadnw town green atightn it has n it a confiderable qwantity of bio itom the unripe red bcriies ano a ums oncr batj errif it was accrmoaefed by a tev primroic- go from the lame m a in the wii of the ae lamented samuel rmil 7 jolt p alfred we remark a codicil dated q 9 ois of which the following i an ext voia this it is evident that he autieifated the dreadful calamity which led to nerminate his va luable ex i ftei e lam dt the prefent moment of per fecrly found mi d and is full p tcfion of a my facu but i am labouring under z mod sccre affliction and i cannot bur recoleife tliit inlani v fa ammil the evils which menial afficuema lometimca produce with tit bftrvr ig to myfclf that unhappy lot may p ffil 7 it 1metime be mine k i ever fh u d become inlane which 1 7 d forbid it is my earned defire that while i cortue in that ihite the following bounties ay be paid to dif ferent tfclati nsoutofrry income during my lif and may bee andered as part of the expenditure whih i certainly fhould hvcmade if 1 had co tinned capable of managing rry 1 wn ffiiis to my brother jfi 50 a year ad 10 ny nephew pcttr r get li5oyni to my nephew cuihbcrt jiomilly lqi a year j to my niecesf caro ire and margaret komiily 0 a year a piece j 11 ilufe payments i defie m y b- n ade d the joint bves of n j felf lh i th several annuitants rtfpec- tiveiy 5ir aciuel in the of the will from the new york spectator ircular as fjonri one of the lialr srticlei of our ex porta it th of great importance that ir irotild be properly manufadured in order that its credit may at lead be equal to the fme article midetlfe where that new v ik flour monld io foreign markets be cofi lered of inferijr quality to that made in other srates or that it fhould not command an equal price in this city is cirenmhsnce mm i to be regretted severd caufeshave operated io produce then ffrcxi one i- witlcrs are apt to frrrnd with too heavy feed which obliges ilum to jay the hones fo cbse together in order to clran the bran as thereby to injure both the quality and colour of the flour another practice which many millers have admtedof grinding the middlings and mixing it with the fi ur is very in jurious again another difficulty in making good flour is owing to a large portion of our wheat nt being as clean as it ought to be a ay not this difficulty be removed if pn chafers of this article would make an adequate difference between the price of clezn wheat and that which is not fo it would i oiefume induce the farmer from rc f of tntereft to be more careful in cleaning hi grain bur if all other obflruions to making ccod fl nir were removed and the mill lones are not rightly hung balanced with accuracy and dreffed properly it will be difficult to make good fl ur however pure the wheat may be hence the ntcefsty that the manufac turer fhould ufe every precaution in thefe refpes as well as fpare no pains in clean ing his wheat and bolting his flour carefully and in fhortit is highly ici- prtant that nothing fhould be wanting elf her on the part of the farmer the miller or the infpeffcor to have the reputation of ourfi ur fuch b th at home and abroad as to make it equal in demand to ihat made in any other hate to accomphfh this defirable purpofe the fublcribei requefl the particular at tention of the manufafturer and hopes that the flour of this state may be fo manu factured that the duty of his office may not lay him under the difagreeable neces- fity of defacing the brand when it i3 offered fur infpection and it is requeued thrit the barrels may be well made and of the fize the law direct adam mott flour infoeaor new- york 3d month march 1819 the number of convicts in the flate pri- fon at new yk a aopears by the late reiuro of the kecpeiib 618 and equipments frr about f0 dhlars each ofufc our te wa- throush in- diana a verj young state the road piin- cipali through woods of large extent and in some place verj b c we had to t rd many creeks the timber i the stoutest i have seen in america or else where the soil is rf a warjt rich nature a kind of clay the objections to this state an the want of good wateiaswell as ihe sickliness f its inhabitant occa sioned b so much stagnant vater the country in general is b vel and there arc several improving tow ns 41 tiip day after our l aving cincinna ti we fell in with two gentlemen who were gingto jjirkbecks one cf them fnrn england the other from ireland his made our party strong four in nun her we reached vincennes on the 29th x dull place the inhabitants appeared to be a mixture of indians and french i saw here several indians with their squaws having their children at their ba ks some of the men are fine look ing but thej disfigure themselves with paint 5e we found on our arrival here that birkbecks settlement lay a- bout 60 miles southwest of us and that we should have to travel principally over prairie land which wa an agreeable change we having rede 00 miles thro forests fec we reached birkbscks set- dement the second day after leaving ternoon previous to our arrival at this prai i we had seen and travelled over some very fine land but unhealthily sit uated and void of pring water these disadvantages we had reason to expect birkbeck had guarded against but n seems to labor und 1 the same disadvan- rages as his neighbours he appears to be a rery reserved kind of being u on our arrival at his cabin we made known our business and presented let ters of introduction tbe reception we met with wa very cool he lives in a small leg cabin there is a loo row of cabins for his labourers his cabin be- incr so very small he told u he could not accommodate strangers but a cottage a- bout a mile distant would we reached this cottage late in the evening we could procure ho rain for our horses and were obliged to feed them with rough cras hnrd fate after such a journey our fare was iiot much better this fa roily consisted of a man his wife five children two lodgers and with s four made 13 persons who were to lodge in one small room the next morning we called at the settlement and found two young men going overlhe land liiikbeck has to dis pose of and we accompanied them through their days excursion his land in general i not of the firi quality a great deal is wet prairo i do not thdk he has mido 1 judicious clinic