Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), April 2, 1819, p. 2

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e folitary valley to praftice difcipline and fubot lination to live in idlenefe and indolence no father in purfuit of the elk and antelope we will fnuff r he morn- in breeze on the mountains and in the evening rrpofe among the lilies ofthevale- revelling on the fpoils of our hunteis and in the embrace of our wives father hefe pleafure we invite you to participate we alfo invert you with antqual rifcbt with oufelves to take meat from our forelh and fifh from our foun tains as freely as the great spirit gave then to us father we love and refpeft you and tnourn that there are bad men among us who have done you wrong their adions father were not within my control pun- im not the innocent for the guilty free our hands from thefe chains we will feck out the culprits who have injured you al though they crouch en the thw kelt len or lie concealed m the teceffes of the mod inacceflime mountain father we will deliver them to you to punffh to your farisfaton for the out rages they have committed again you and pledge ourfelves that fliould one of our na tion at any future period evince an evil difpofition towards you we will give him to your power that with the rod tif cor- reion yon may open hieyesto reproof the foohiftry of this addrefs however did not deter the commanding officer fv m feverely flagellating five rtf the culprits who were recognifed as the lenders af tcr which they were permitted to retire ftrongdy enjrined to mend their manners and moral i am happy to inform you that the promt tnefc with which captain martin feized and purifhed thefe offenders has nade a delirable and deep rmpr- flion on the minds of the wh le nation finee whtcj they have evinctd the m r peaceable and friendly difonfition uniformly whenever they have net with our hunters courteous ly taken their burthen of game and borne it to our camp notwithstanding the reluance evinced by otit t on thir embarkation and their orcfent exied llluatin the utrncd cheerful nefs harmony and g od humour prevails every one appears enraptured with the expedition and for bold adventures eager this happy change may i think he at tributed to the uniform add correct fyftem of difcipline which has bem obferved by the c ffief s and the prompt and regular manner in which tin y have been paid one of our belt loldiers lately received an accidental hot in the knee which has eventuated in the i of a of a leg on which rta yonrown lands in horrm heaps are mix a tlipiaointinr hamc your homes to ashes turns on cnliurd nld the proraisd liarvsl bums for ear- for nm of darker coaler dast md w- are polishm merciful jindjiisl tis ihfrcfare ours tte barbarous iribe to chain andtoveirigiioertie jiai and red to reign halta x february 1 3 provincial legislature on thurfday lafl at half pall 2 oclock ilh fxccllency the governor went in state o the council chamber in the new provincial building where being feated a mcffage was diipatched to che houfe of aflembly requeuing them to appoint a speaker when simon btadtlreet robieefq was unanimoufly cholen col crane as seni r member had he honor of prefenting the speaker eer to i is ex cellency who was plea fed to fignity his approbation the speaker then in a dignified and folemil manner demanded the in memorial privilege- of the comm- n c to which his excellency gave the royal aflenti and was pleated to open the sefijon with the following speech mr prefident and gentlemen of his majestys council mr speak r and gentlemen of the houfe of ijfembly the advices which have lately reached us from england are of a moft painful nature the lamented indifp fiti n four venerable king remains unc tanged and it is with infii ie regret i have to an nounce the death of her majefty the qneen her majefly died o the 17h nov aft a tedious illuefs which he bore with the molt pious fortitude and refiguai on in this national calamity the general feeing of forrow ha- ben loftend by the known approach of the event and by the plea iing reflection that ii is not until after cial notes under law and there is it is thought that but from the complete tvery reafon to bejf that the meafure evacuation f the bio d polfation might has heen general y f he a public con- have occurred 1 in the 30 experiment the venience i am however to have a very ong reign of c7 years and when 1 1 r t 1 1 verging uoon the firm 11 limit of life thnt her majefty has cvofcd hr eathly career a i 1 f i the tours of her children and tiie bffngs of her people your fiim and affectionate attachment to tiie illustrious family oil he phcine will i a r confident join with trie in pre fen ting onr dceo and in cere condolence to hg ioyal highncf the prince regent and the iioyal family on this finowful ccc finn exprelfing ur just fenfe of ex- avud virtues which have diftingnifhed her bite maje ty through life and which have left her mimiy to grace the page history as a model of preeminent cx- celle xe the general aflvmhly of tlii- province perhaps never met under ciicumstances thai iin more lolid grounds of cou- it in my pow r to that the revenue has of lte betn g improving but as it cannot be expeti l0 to that latio which thevv 0 the province may require i rreomne as a fuhjes worthy y ur inot fenow3 l0 whether while the state oj t province progres lively improve tjl revenue might not alfo be farther adv without tijtiry to the general profpcfy mr president an gentlemen of his majcst council mr spealcr arf gentlemen of the hoiife i ajfmhiy in addreffing y j this fi scffion of a new afltembly is truly gratifying to think rfwt this hay country i yet ig- norai t f the infiice of party or of faction nova coia r s fecure under the powerful piotrctiyq of the britiih prowa has nothing to d vith foreign connections or poitical questins the profperity the imrrovement ttie tsjjpjuefs of the land you live in are iraportiut and the only objects of your deliberatii ptflefted o the jonfidence of your con- rtituents snd intimately acquainted with the r a sttpdfthtc untry i feel fired th t o 1 i 1 v ourfelves v the cii auh of the public affin with thai fplrit which matk men intern apon the public pros perity with that liberality which belongs to m n of enlighrened minds and with hat deliberate juigment which becomes h great council cf the country the puic lock with anxi us ex tatiou to your pr ceedicga i alio fel deeply i uteres ed in thrm ardently irfirous t promos th- public gond i c nfidei tly exped vour fuppott and i b mom strougyi imprcf on your minds thnt the finet plr ie of the v efnrc of this fupra orbital nerve was touched when every mufcie i the nurderrrs face was thrown into fearful action the ceo wn hide- us feveral of the fpators left the mom and one gentemau actually fainted frm terror or ficknef in the 4th expeiiment the tranfmitting of the eleftral power from the fpinal marrow to the ulner nerve at the elb w the fingers were inltantly put in m t u and the agt- tations of the arm was fo great that the corpfr feemed to point at the different fp ftators f me of whom thought it tad come to li dr ure appears to be of knotn in this country during the late war and who accompanied the utcuverf hips as an amateur a lleiald 21 comjmunicivi lonft for the kingston chronicle domestic recreations no 4 one of the most interesting subjpctsj that can occupy tho rational mind is an inquiry into the influence whih the irtu press ions received from aceidentnl cir cumstances have upon the human charac ter neither are our mind nor our bodies under our absolute control environed opiion that had not incifons been ma k in by myriads of exciting ct ve yndd the blood vcffels of the neck and the to the impresions creiced by ihoe that are most numerous or most po veitul fpinal marrow been lacerated the crimi- ral might have been rellered to life st stephens ala feb 15 wp larn by a traveller that about 40 miles above this plaee near the rivers a most tre- mrndona hurnranehas been experienced taking it- direcion from south west to northeast and about 400 yards wide destroyed in its progress almost every tiling in its way mown np the stoutest trees by die roots and carrying immense limbs biff i in air to a con ideralsie distance in it ctmre bfimf choctaw indiana were encamp ed on of wiiom was crushed 10 death in i iiiost horrid mander i be bill for fiieintina a sword with tin thanks of the lepfctttrretof this state to general arid arc often agitated against our imli- nation aud impelled to fl what vre vain ly endeavor to raist a pre fv aci- cient anj a slave to he thing around us our principles and doircs are uncon sciously subservient to their influence and while wo think our uv- tr pupils of reason we are perhaps actuated by impressions received from tlnv y c cumstances which we pretend to despise tlence there can be no iloubt that te chancter of man in its ibordinaie parts at least is very much plfected by the ob jects among which he ha- livedo and the anlreu jai kson for his gallant s s in llc bccu peliing the invasion of the british was ycter to act day aken np in the senatp and after an ani mated hi riksion was- indefinitely postponed fty a sinall majority to those enthusiasts who chimprical- y contend that the mind when first ere- afed is like a blank paper or s hutifi- homf affairs cally a charta rasa and that all rue cha- p ractertstics it may display at a future statutes of upper canada period are produced by the agency of accidental and material things tai- sub- in tn t- in- the commander immediately very gener- onflv preftnted him wih a donation f fe- gratul-tio- on the btate of the ouuty j ven hundied dollars for hi fntire fnppnrt ihan does now the ditref that the troops are remarkably healthy and the feafon beyond d fcription fine prevailed two years ago u no longer tclt the seminole watf extract from mr hop kin sens speech tn the house uf representatives of the united states 1 hear sir of bem stent plans for civ ilizing the indians and securing their posesvionsfo them thegreat men who make thce efforts will have the approba tion of god and their own conscience but this will hr all their success i con sider the fate of the indian as iiorituhly fixed lie must perish tho decree of extermination has uog siirce gone forth and the execution of it is in rapid pro gress a vat ice sir has counted mrs- cres and power tleir force and ava rice and power march on together to their destruction you talk of the scal ping knife what u it to the liquid poi on pour down t e thioat- of those j ou wretched beings you decla m against the murderous tomahawk what is it in comparison with your arm your disci pline your numbers the contest is in vain and equally vain are the efforts of a handful of benevolent men aaut such a combination rf force stimulated by a- varice and the temptations of wealth w hen in the documents m your table i see that in this rriampharit march ol gon jackson he met from time to time the only enemy he saw groups of old mn and women and children gathering on the edge of a morass their villages des- troved their corn and provisions carried off honseiestinthedepl ft of winter look ing for death alternately to lamine and the sword my heart sic kens at a seene so charged w it h wretchedness to rouse nlrcm a sympathy so deep so irresisti ble we are told of the scalping knife and any where luecerding years f abundant crops havr nndei the bleflirrg of povidvnce dltpellcd the clouds that hung river us and 1 have had the fail faclion to oblcrw incrcafing profperity in all parts of ths pruviice in thefe two yars agriculture has bem cheered up our fiiherics have been fuceefvf1 and 1u commerce i reviving under the itifl lence of an order of the prince regent in council by which the port f halifax ha been declared to a ceitain extent a free port a opy of the orjr cf uh royal fgancf sail be laid before you and i cannot doubt but that this meafure which promifes great advantages will he received as a fr- ill instance of the watchful protec tion of his majestys government over the interests of 1 hi province in committing to yu the general dis- cuflion of public aff irs thee are fomc poi t which call for my ipecial recom mendation to your attention rhefe i hall merely name at prefent and ex plain my self more fully upon them in the progis of the srfh 11 thefystem now adopted for the im provement of the roads throughout the province appeals to me to requoe material alteration 1 he militia laws alfo i have found in fomeiiointvill fuiced to our circumstances wbatjjl wuld fuygest on that bead has in view to reduce the numbers and to make that fmaller number more efficient i fh 11 call your ate tion to a meafure tending to animate the general fpjrfe of irrprovement in agriculture and i will iubmft to you the plan ofan irotrution in halifax in which the advantages of a col legiate education will be found within the reach of all claftes of society and which province will ever be found animity of i s councils dalhousie the houfe the rf ed tn the aitem- bl room where the speech wa real from the chair and a committee ap point d to prepan ari addnf- in snfwer tohi -jfcellccy- when j b fnnkiin fq wa iceic1d clerk the kev j inglis appvjitid chap ain v j well sergeant a arms and mr john gibbet mtdnger adj urned the foltovn g advertisemeni is copied from ehp newlondon con necticut gazetfe the supscrinmr rpiuii delrrmit 1 uot to niov this at- requests i p indebtd to pv particular a to his new definition of grammar viz an 1h to ey for th most gr f tion of the new settlements in 11 preset urn th 7 am tlio- an lie ibj dnl es tense art he is tn wan 1 f monpy idehted o tfif short h m h-a-iho- rised for tlte want ihernf to take the bnriv ment is made upon pi immcdiaie yon ni nt op j a a lecture my new plural the uh ciiber nffvrs f s8 a nc store 2 rods soutn the fish market the follow in articles jz s lid arguments hot oysters bnilm lb fer ffarns and gs butter and cheese fee aviations cider vineg -u- sar pickles c griennnces pepper auce ivlirard cayenne pepper kc punishments rum brandy gin hitters c btljxrjlhitlcs snuff tohaeroars 1 omatum kc ect ran rdin aries sea serpents bones w oden shoes water witches kc n py the a ho- articles ill be ex- c hanged for s e ce ss aries viz bank bun at par crowns dollars half do quarter do plsttfreens ninepnny pices fourpence- penny 5n or cents terms uj payment one half the sum down and the other half on the delivery of the articles rudihettt gratis viz those indebted tor arguments the johnfiown and newcall e diftiias the inhat ftants of the county of catlcton in the faid johnftown iillrisl and the in- bapitfntft of the town mips ofcavan mon- a ivin and smith in the newcaftle dis- tict lahi u under sjrrat bar ifhios and dif ficulties fiom the want of a road from the mam highway running thiougii the faid dillria to the faid scttlemeats we be- icech y ur fir jelly that it may be enact ed and be it enacrcd by the liing moft excellent majefty by and w th the ad- vice and coofeat ofihe legiflative coun cil and ajtcnblyf the province of up per canada conltitute i and aftcnbled by vntucof and under the authority of an it paffed in the parliament of great britain ent ituled an rt to rrpeal cer tain parts of an a pafled in the four teenth year of lh majeftys reign enii- ted lt act for making more effeftual piovifion for the government of the pro vince of que hec in north an erica and to make further pirivifion lor the govern ment of the f iid province and bytheau- tfoutyof the fame that from and out of the rates arid duties already raifed lev ied and coleclcd or hereafter to be raifed levied and collected to and for the uies of this province there hall be granted to iiis majehy his heirs and succeitors the sum of seven hundred and fifty pounds to he ifiued out of the funds now remain ing or lu reatter to come into the hands of the receiver general unapprop rated and aiiling from fuch rates and duties as aorefaid which faid sum cf seven hun dred and fifty pounds thall be difpofed of appropriated and applied in repairing the lioads already laid out or opening n roads and building and n pairing bridges in the diilucts of john down and newcaltle in manner f dlowing that is to fay to the dill rid of john tt own the lum of five hundied pound to be laid out and expended in opening and tepairing the koad leading from ivilham j olman s in the townfhip of kit ley to the miisipi river in the county of carletou afre- fail to the dilhict of iewcaltlc the lum of two hundred and fifty pounds to be laid out in peningand repairing the road leading from dundas street to the kings highway on the allowance for road be tween the townfhip of hope and li2in- sults innumerable facts miht indeed be brought forward in partial support of this doctrine both vhen mankind ar- viewed individually and eorciively but it is not my intention at pre jut to enumerate these however j shall merely observe that as every nation on the earth has a distinct and pe uliar cha racter and as every kiugle person compo sing the nation pa lakes more or less of it we may reasonably suppose that this conformity which prevails in the tone of mind must arise from the influence of cli mate government mode of life or some other circumstance that operates in an e- qual degree upon every membwr of the community on the other hand it is a subject offflpririmi rhmn u r j i ciples pursuits and in inafions of du viduals receive a strong colouring from the manner in which they have been ed ucated and the nature of the objects that have most frequently como under their observation when a man betrays a par tiality for any particular avocation or employment it may often be accounted for by inquiring into the circumstances that attended his youthful career and bv endeavouring to ascertain what class of objects which tac 11 surrounded him produced the most lively impressions an endless scries of facts might indeed be brought forward but i shall commit their discovery to the exertions of those who support the charta rasa doctrine and endeavour to shew how much humari felicity might be advanced by a demon stration of the truth of the theory in fjoestjon if if be true that genius talent and evetfy other mental characteristic ar pro duced by the operation of accidental cir cumstances and the influence of impress si oris received during eatly life it must he obvious to every one that the minds of men are completely under our control and that by adopting certain means we can communicate to them what exposi tions and inclinations we please when we wih to bestow genius of a particular kind upon an individaal we have merely to place him in a situation where- he will be exposed to the influence of the causes that are capable of creating it and w hen his mind sterns suluyiintly imbued with the desired quality we can remove him to the field in which a display of it will iitn and the wntnips of vavan and mo- be mof necessary or advantageous were ttei8fflarmw4 bfbur ih ms f l m aft fstviaai brfl men and children we speak of these flon things as if women and eldren were unknown to the indums as if they had no such beings annnt tliem no such near and dear relations as i they all belonged only to us it is not 0 the poor indian mother crouching in her miserable niuam or resting under the broad canopy of heaven presses her na ked infant to her bahhft with as true and tond emotion as the fairest in cur land and her jieait is ton with as keei guuh 11 it perish in her sight extract from p ntilm u the rebgt0xm iaxtun itt a dark h cl fs scar jw bright the circumstance of meeting you for the first time in this place leads me to must not be nor think it a if they should meet for calling for sues n think it that i find it n agitated grievance punishment superfluities esfinaynrdinainj necessary pavtunt naghan to the townfhip of smith ii and be it further enased by the au thority aforesaid that it fhah and may be this plan to be systematically pursued human happiness would be increased in an incalculable degree for the ieculiar congratulate vou on now occupying the 1 an- tli tiiejourg fplendid bui ding eeded for the ecep- ti of the i egiflatuie the courts of justice and all the public offices it stands and will stand 1 hope to the latent poteity a prood reeod o he public fptrit at thi- period of your history j and as i do coniider this magnificent work equally honorable and ufeful to the pro vince i recommit to your continued pro tection v mr speaker and gentlemen of the houfe of sijfmbly i haveordereo the p hlic accounts to belaid before yon 1 trust you will find catde to appmve them you will bfcrve that there is a con- fiderable diminution in the uccipts of the ktyeuuefor this last year as had hem anticipated j it therefore became neceffay to meter to carry into tffeci the a propria- hons of the last fcitffien t affcnhly to todennnd immediate the smallest favor thankfully rceived andrew smith nrtrvv nifh any onmhe coat fits i llee kiali goddank s iprifts dpmy new london march 1 1819 joumneaiidwnsiramfixd have rccouric to a farther ifl of f rovin horrible phenomena galvanism on th 14th of nov lail various gal vanic experiments were rmde on the body of the murderer clydfdae by dr tire with a v dtaic bittery of 270 pairs of 4 inch plates the it fu its were truly ap palli g on mviny the rod frem the hip to the heel th knee being previoufl brnt the kg vha thrown ut with fuch vju ence as nearly 10 uvert uru one of the affilrants who in vain attempted to prevent its er- tenii 1 in the 2d expeiiment the rd was applied to the hreuic nerve in titer neek when la lion breathing in it ant i y commenced the cfceft heaved and fell the belly was pi otr tided and collauleo with the relaxing and retiring diaphragm lawful for the governor lieutenant go- character and different kinds of genius that are suited to this world nvght be so distributed among mankind that they er and bv their mutual operation estab- 1 h a general harmonv comfort and security equal to what people enjoyed during the golden age to rendei this principle more obvious by appj infj it to real life i shall merely observe that in the present sfntc of things serious incon venieueei 1 f tn result to pfi ty from there being too many persons wh follow the same avocaion now u ieo this an- peared to be the case we might easily educate our children in such a manner that when they rew up both their tal ents and feelings would incline them to embrace a profession entirely different from that which we wished them to a- void anil an equilibrium mikt thus be preserved among the professions so just and advantageous that the individual members of each would pre per without detriment to the interests of one another on the other hand when any exigency rendered an increase in the number ol the members oianv profession de liable we mspht easity supply thedelich e by pursuing an opposite 8j ttm of education vernor or perfon admiuilleiing the go- yeinmeit ef thi prvice to app hit one hi audi dvlereet ieifofi tu cacti i hie lala dillriiits to fuperiutend the cxptnditure of the faid fum of money 111 and be it further enaed bv the an thcrity aforesaid that the onics hereby granted to ai is majefty thai 1 be paid by the keceivtr general in oiicnarge of iuch warrant or wai rants as fhall for the pur pof s aforefaid be iffued by the gov rn r lieutenant goveitr 01 perfon admiuia- teriur the government of this province and tne faid tieeeivcr general thai 1 ac count to his majciiy for the fame through the commiflionis of liis hajeltyd trewh my for ttic tune being in fuch maunci and form as liismajstly ihall diiet montreal march 2q arrived at the miiiliou houi hotel on monday lat lord witltanf bou of hia grace tnc governor in hiet among the numerous accounts of the expeditim to explore the noito pole we find i ne pubifhed by captain anbiut of the koyat artiilery a gentleman well

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