Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), April 16, 1819, p. 1

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u jli eh s e mi iywwasewv asr wx3l ucfinh tffktfjirau vol i topacco snuff jl w fanu tu vnbw ny veto acquaint nrir ntotowts in upper aiirl lw- 6r nii f- 1 1 i v lately established at loikuil mi in- opposite side of riv r fcin- b old mark f gae a- cvf ivo tobacco x snuff mj- nufjctorl and are now enabled to supply henl with the following n i ti des and of v lich a constant supply w ill bo lepf on hand viz pi-taitol-acr- in roils of 10 o 12 b ditto do in kegs of r lb rolls iitp do in io of pound and halt pound rolls itirstwvt in do 12 rolls to the b flu tobacco in do g and 8 plus t the pound snperfiuo and common cut tobacco in lame and small papers plain rsppeeymaeaba si scotch snuff the same is warranted of a superior quality if fiwd otherwise may be re turn d at the subscribers expend and the money repaid offers for an ol the above articles to be seih to them at their sere no 12 st paul sreet mon treal where cvry frcntin a tsvual will bs paid ro rppl them on the most reason a me terms and tvrardd to any part of lie tvt prvte ofdvrs for nor wevr tuvt and carrot tobacco must b jivoo in frw 3 to 4 monthc previous to irs b in wan ted as tboe articles require more me to b trot in readings than other knds of tolvn o turlr icids calzcill f b- w of alian ccrfiu a usual to v faoture i ivi-d- of tobacco su ii nd chocolate anv orders intend il tor m them and forwarded to the ubaerbrs will meet with due attention tin v have still on hand from their manufac to ry viz 150 kegs fvect scented flu- tobac co 6 and 8 plugs prlb if boxes fresh chocolate socrdo sears with an as rfment of xondiu nufft y jrffd sf fall levy beiijs solomoico jfo tfrevi 6 fkarrk is1p tfees anchors sc cables william rljtrinsn w ill tcjve hy the carlocit fprin veffels and keep con ftantly on hand at qutbec an aff rtment ai patent proved uham cables of all sizes anchors well worthy toe attention of thofe enga ged hi he lake and river navigation quebec i ft april itflq 1 4tf no ti c e the copartnership heretofore existing between g orje llarpbam chare- odell as hatchers is this day diffolved by mutual con fen t all perfons indebted to the above concern a- well as chofe v bo may have demands against it are request- ed to fettle the fame with the fubfcjiber who is fully authoufed to adfut the fame george harphtm kingfton march 25- isicj n b the bufinefs in totnre wil e carried on by the fubfeviber wiii ft his dicere facknowlednmeiit f01 vv ia vors and folic its a continuance ithr ne 14w3 g h vkph vivl n6tce il r subfcriber has lofl ihri signed by freetnati s t lich viz one of 25 7oars on demand one if 25 dollars nx months after date one of 50 doll rs paybe in joiners or cabuet work 1 the end dcmert accordivr tn ihc leu 01 y knkcve m z 4 or 5 poundti 01 th fill n e i above notes were gtvsu the 26h of marri i8 daniel reynalds february 1 ith iio- 8 it friday jfterxoox april 1c 1819 no 16 v f r rrrf 7t trr to officers on half- pay in canada 1 it if defired that officers receiving half- pa v or military pent ns through the corm iffiriat in canada wil tranfmit to tluir f veiai agents ar quebec their affidaviti in triplicate immediately after the 24th of the perfod when their half- pay becomes due fp tbt the affidavits of officers refiding in lower canada thai anive nt quebec before theioth and thofe of offifrtb refiding in the upper province bef re the 2 tb o- the following month at witich en d 1 e eturns will be made up as more tbir fi flic tent time i given or co rouic tins to reach quebec from he rra difomt polts thoie officers affida vits which d notartiv ir time to be incor- poraed in the kturs mnft remain over till theenfuing period of payment co miliary generaps office qiebec march 1 1 8 9 5 au oificiers a deaiipate en canada 7j s officilrs q i rsc vent la d- 1 a hii1 tie cki ppnsicn tiiifatr par lo canal do commit a riat en canada soot requis de trav mettre a u uis acus recpctif a q e- e jeors aihdavit- en tflpiieata ini- ediatemtnt aoru le tirme cbi paieuknt do leui dmipio dt man- iere que i s affidavits d oliub rs qui re- id rr dans le ba caiada ponont ar- ty r a o chvc nznt le iosne ctde ceux rmi re id it dais la haute 1 rovince a- vrtof le 20mc da mois suivafit auxqnels lernirs les rrl urs so fen vt cor me 1to dounc pins de feu quil ne hint pout tian rnitt vo los con muni eat iu- a que b w d f ofp ics plus e oifrc ti- davifs dt otliciers qui nanvint pa x tern pour ctre iucorpojfis dani ces r- tir resterontjnquau periodedu pa e- mmit nivaiif b u rea da coiti mr- a 5 n 0 encra i 11 q dbec 1 im irs 3819 s 5m ticim founds rlvvardo y ots no 3 lnlfnn 4 and ip 5 i j mh com- ssiou containing fiofj an north part nos 4 5 l0 27 2s cl 30 in the 5th couccioo con taiuine 700 acres 5 and nos sand 11 in the 8th conecfsinii contrtiiner 100 nrres all in the towuship of ldwaids- borghj district of johnstown the timber may be had separate application to be made to mr alphe- usjucs prescott by whom the ab vc reward will be paid to any one who v ill rive such information as shall ilead to the conviction of persois cutting tim- bir of any description on the above men tioned lands 1 is s to let tor one or m rcyrars on feasona- ble terms rll posseion giveji on rue lirsl day of lay next hat htgfi and cmmnjodiii hou two stories high -it- aate in king sucel eoroertus the mar- k t place and opposite to i vvashburn f dtbce the house contains jour la room wh finished and an ele- aot shop complete kitchen in the rear lvo stor cod store itoue fai the r pository merchandize and pro- kvcc nho a srftbles the pnmiesare uiifabe i r ths ception of any decent m- inj i mercantile business being rt e cue ii t stands for that line in kin 5ti r-o- fji titer particulars apply to cue proprietor a mcjonelti yr ov j 11180 i i a fauiyfi foiisale a djoinino ilay bay in thetown- ill thip of frederickburgh thf eaft half f let no 2 in the fecond conceffion r reaming ico acres and having about 40 acts under cnltivaton with a jog h ue and harn upon it for the terms apply to daniel waoirurn efquir kingftnn p van koughnet t cornwall dec 7 181s no 3 public house ff towniip of c r a j 1 a h formerly c7w goodwins corker hte gn- tlcnun mid ladles may fnd pood enter iamriitnt jfifb c jhall not be diftipponitcd cj fouling gocd quarters fat thttiij elves and ik mcrfet thir d s4nf0kb j- v the e refptraiuily inform their friends and the public that ikey lave now rcctied axj jail openeci iij mar ket st reet juft belowivirs- patricks inn a very es ten fire aftortmctir of dry goods grooerie and stationary likewife a great quantity of claflicnl books the whole of which will be fold very low for cam and approved credit mcdonald aykroyd dec i 1818 27 blank deeds and memorials for sale at this oe signs w wtw v the iafi monday in february i and continue fr tojj the fame day in eich month until the hi fine fr of tis dlfficl as regards the farm is jinjjhed ioln ferguson kith on feb ijl 1819 6 kingston branch of the mon treal bank a ny fum requirrd may be obtained at j3l the cfhcetor good bills on mon treal quebec brls of exchatige on lon- don ot tor specie notes alio will be dicunted at thirty uxty and ninety day thomas lmarkland agtat kinglon3d nov 1s18 2 to let 5 the subscriber maving been appointed agent for the proprietor of the iron works eftbb ifhed at three rivers in the pro vince of lower canada inform- the pub lic that he has lately received a vtrtj extensive assothncnt of wakes among olh- manufadured at that place- er articles are double sc single of various sizes and patterns cast ash pans sugar kettles potash coo lp us pots dog irons and dutch ovens which will be difpofcd of for cam at nearly the nonira pi ices the fmerior foftncg metal and du rability f the three hfvers stoves ren der thtm worthy the attention of ptir- chafer a- t ey are ni f de to cack like thofe import d fion scotland john macaulay kirgstqui iq8ober rbt3 19 fo sfs i 1 e vkkv hie iaum sitnated near hi 1 ue biockvill be- ig tm tfuzuol i x one and the rear half of lot nuntb i- two in the se cond crnc svion ri ivi abrtntnii lj c e iiiainiui 1 u liiindi d acivs form r- y he oo f u uben sherw or rsqtvre but uw beeu tojohis-shn- ttr laire of london r i- a vc y gd liiohotiv viil a barll ethir ont uses u the remise lot uumbrr riuet en i r mu cession si d the ut bajf 0 lot nun b 1 ore ii heeihh foil the same town hip ahu loi 1u r nftcn if the first conre4on anq ilcm fif in the e d co cevsii ft dp f tjjp i li ii m1v1 i uf john toun ti tsf pjnn- w ill he difml if on term pfculiajiy a and advantage ous to p tn chafer- apph to la iiljon jun brovavul la jvtifwn 18 j p j 7vu agricultural it is propofed that an agricultural so ciety for the diftrict of johnflown iball be f rihwith elbliftied the advantages which v il 1 probably n- rife from luch an inftitution muff be rvi den to thoie who are in the leatl a quaint- ed with fimilar eftablifiiments in other coun ti ies in order to bnnrr about the end pro pofed the public and particularly far- n er3 are hereby nntired that there will be a meetingr ac the houfe of stephen cromwell ian keeper in brock- vile on wedneab 1t the 19th f may next at 9 oclock of the morning- b ig the d day of the fjttinrs of the quarter seffiom at which time fnd pace tne farmer of the diltn6t of jolmllown and all others who feci an in te reft 111 the agricultural profperity of the country ate invited to give their attendance bro kvipe april 6 1819 15 exixcnive coungir office york 9fh february f 810 tvfits apdlirations havicj been ljf made to his excellency the lieu- tenant on vetnor hi counci for grant or l ase of certain lands situate in the district of n and tn the mid- la d di trict ith a view t establish iron works hereon t is thought pro per to afford an ipen competuion for j ase and it i therefore this day or der d bv his excellency he lieutenant g vernor in council that propcsais will be received until the first day of ma next bv t he clerk of the council froniaoy individual forjjcase of certain flit- on or inar tn crow river which io i if riito the river trentj and it lici to di iron ore johv small 11 glk of fr council there ktfnc resfon o fuppofe that the above se icment has been milmjer it 3 x i explained that the competi tion afforded u not as to rent the pro- pofala ae as to fcle and efficacy of tftdb lifhment and fecurity of performance john smauu curl jc council letters rewuning in the post of- jfce tt ernest tun on the 5th april 1819 peer m tasrt mr j art via- on john mr elian join moimc arch mcdonll john mebtjfn mosf mr veio mrlntoh tbomaa dcbrjde wm p p on wiliii prindal r ai c s pruyn i n pri jo li p3rufd jat w am s jo i labrson mrs kb bigdcsmiifi 1m sharp j an s ah rt s hen jrvhn st e wifliam s spvrrcr ju ahnn t umrour poll tam on robert wadford david ji andernn vt imiarn bnuen t oma s racock f carire b onn piifae bi n ssfiah brai haw jos bergeron nadi corbin perr j ornurll thomas c ok acxr cowan csper dochanadrn john l of an ftqrg di2la3 bcpjamio dunham williaa fa ton abraham fraser2 tiwis foot herirv half j hotel itiraa viuiart rvff john tov b wlfliann v rv rtlikr iri 5 i rtl -n- ti amo martin jim 3 al-xand- markias tra mrtaiorl joeph mtfrein j a mfs ranken p v 1 vaccine or cow pork matte wtol marshall surgerm re jvllqnefli thofe arent who wim thir chiidrcn inculatrd with the cow pock matter to apply immediately a it will be imnoffible to keep it in circulation more tiian a few werk 30th farch 1s19 1 44 5 vpjl 3 1819 garden cerls vlkfr garden seed- of the grflj 5 quality raifed ai enfied co r and put 110 in papers for fae at walk is hotfl by thomas g n b ik mr gray intends t 1 op orlv a few days in kingfton tb i it at with to purchafe are requeued to call me y april 9 oio gi dcoijgal late master smith in ike engi- ncrr d pa rnk k j the public in general that he has rommf need bnfi f at a h fcrmerly occupied by mr j hr size store street where ever article in bwline may be had the noft reafonale terms and on the board fjr iviilitia ffk- r edward jones bjfgo eave tcotl 1 tip- ctfudy to in- o form lu fne-nd- and the public in genera t liar he ha juft received an ele gant ff rtment f dry fany goods cofdlic partly i the followmg biticles viz superfine well of enolrnd cloths and caifiies of the m dt fahionble coors lrifh licens rritilh sbiituip nea and cotton cambrics corded canbric lenos an i liftii jaconet and mull muflins fancy nluflin handkerr hfefs bandanna and barrcdona do fife ging hams black and colored silks sik and cotton shows and karf yme corded dimities white jne white and buff mar- feila quilting black florentine fine undreiled calicoes fiombazettes bom- baz res of all colors linen diaper and huckabuck white and coloured flannels ruflia sheetingand olnaburg a wed chofen aflbrtmet of thread and laces aid ibbons straw bonnets ladies tortoifc hull comb can brie and lace fo-tinp- and a number of articles too nu merous tu idei t 4 crates of blue crockery ware groceries jamaica si it it- jsrandy i o gin port and ther wines pppc mint and shrub hvhm and twrfce- teas double and single refiried suga mnicovado o spcrmaeetij nottld and dipt candles soap starch and fig blue c c c ah of which will be fold foi cam or ap- proved credit kingston 4th aug 1 8 1 r 10 f tio le let for one r more years fo sal 171 oh the unexpired term of the leafe which i feven year from the fir t of ay next the premife at prefr tt occiinied a n 1 1 lythefubfcriler facin therarke- fquae ojofwft aotftt the following rate of lying fituated on lot mo 46 and joining charge are fiamiitki meitn miih sc buitcrwort n cheftreet 1- fjinij frm mr robert wa kerr hote to the river the build ings ou the premi- fe c uifift of a lartc frame houfe two ilo- nt hijjh well finifbed stable for ten hur- fe and alfo a bake loufc with a good oven in complete order the yard wed fecured the place is well worth the attention of any baker or a pcrfon defirous cf keep- in j a public lloufe for further particu lars apply to the fubferiber on the premi- borse shoeing all fund fj8 removes 26 and all other work h proportion kingston dpril lh 18 19 f le fes d macdonald kingston april jth 1819 5 notice nr 1 he fubferiber being appointed a pent jl to the montreal firm in surance company acquaints the public that he is now ready to iftue poli cies on cither real or pci tonal property on very moderate rates of premium w mitchell kingston 2th april 1819 15w8 that elegant u no 8 grft conceffion townfhip of fiederscks- burgh 28 miles from kmftii c ntdia- ing 200 acres formerly occupied by cdoncl spencer and known by he name cf the manfi n iioufe it c ntains about 50 acres of land under improvem nr an elegant frame houfe 2 ltory hjh vith 2 barns and oher buidings perfon defious of purchagig may cnuireof the subfcri ber on the preiiites 01 to d liagcrman ffq at bath jojepe pergeron fredcrickfburgh sept 8th 1818 ic to a and immediate poitt fiion gi veil that farm of late owned bv mr tube ea- ton whereon he kept a public inn situa ted within a mile and a quarter of the town of kingiicn- for terns apply to the subfcriber elijah beach king ion 23d dec 1818 ai rjfthe houfe lately occupied by lieu- li tenant bnlcoe royal engineer xe property of james riehardfbu sen fituated near mr hugh earls for terms applv to tie fubferiber hd15 richardson kingston lh januajy 181 q black smith work o eynald8 co lately arrived jjljj trom ireland beg leave to inform the gentlemen and inhabitants of kingston and it vicinity in general that they have com menced the horse shoeing and blacksm1thing business in all its various branches near the upper end of tore street between mr doug lass houfe atd mr powell s ail orders vitii which they may be favofgd hall be executed in fuch a complete and workman like manner and on fuch low terms as they hope will entitle them tu 3 hare of the public patronage kingston 10th otlokrj 8j 20t notice jl vumber of lots of one ilun- dil ared acre each fituated on pub- 1c road- now laying cut running through the schottl tnwufhips of s uthwoldj t o outh and houghton will be f id by pi lie auction f r actual fcccmenc lo the liighefl bhier at rosss tavern on palbot rai on the full of july next one fourth of the purchafe money to be paid down rvd the remainder by three e- qual inftalmentp with tnterefl by oider of mis excellency the lieu tenant governor in council executive council office torh 26th february 18193 11 to let and immediate p esion iiiven fho elouseand premisses lately occupied by aiiam mcpherson in the fiont si reef i kingston for particulars application to be made to john kir by or il itlian milckelh fsrrs 11 ho are fully authorised enter into arrangements with persons disposed to rent the same kingston 20th jan 1819 4tf notice the late partnership of rafiert gra ham 6 co having disolred itself tins day by the death of roderick mac- kav esq the business in future will be carried on by the subscriber to whom all persons who ere indebted to the above firm will pleare pay theii accounts with out delay and those who may have claims againbt that concern will please present them for adjustment c robert graham pojat frederick 21st sept 1818 tue sub crihers will iftbcifg pro posal- from any person ct perrns willing to engage to clear ixty acres of new land on their prendos in amiias- burgh bay of quinte ready for se f hy the first day of aogu t next tie a n- es on naid land will b required ic be collected and carefully secured tems and provisions will b furnish 1 d il re quired for particulars apvv to h owen mcdougal king ton or o mcdougal mclellan 9 bhiville ntltick the subfcriber having fold bis goods to mr alexr mcleed requells all thofe to whom he is indebted to prefent their accounts for payment and thofe who owe him ae calltd upon to fettle their ac counts by the firft of may next or elfe they will be left with an attorney p smytit kingfton april t 3w ic last notice rphose indebted to fatrick 1 smyth co are notified f r the laft time that unlcfs they fettie their ac counts before the ill of may next they will be left with an attorney for collec tion ismyth kingfton april 9 3 39 bank of the subfcriber being appointed agjent for the bauk of anada h ivill re- otiate bank notes for bills on o real quebec or tor specie win utchell kingfton oa 13th 1858 20

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