Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), April 16, 1819, p. 2

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f07e7gv nehs i latest from england- imper1 i parliament itonse of loans jaw 23 care and custody nf the kings per wit the karl of shaft bury reported the 13 1 ii foi vcltinjj in his rova il ihnef the caie and cuftody f the kings sacred body the amendments were agreed to the earl of liverpool moved an a- mendment to the effect that nothing in tbw bill contained mould operate to re peal or alter the pr villous in former act3 refpecting the meeting of parlia ment in the event of the demife of his jtoyal highnefe the prince regent sec whence all the gold that gave mela no the name of the golden chcrsonesus was can itll those discoveries have not liowovor been made without great personal rik and fatigue the country could only he explored on coot mountains 6000 feet hiarh were to he crossed find rocks precipices and forests to e travers ed for many nights the party had no shelter but the leaves they could collect after their days journy and their jour- nies were seldom less ti an from 0 to 30 miles a day over the tery worst road- zwalie oct 19 ancient btfye valte and exloo in the need 0 m ia the trict of dienthe a h hs becn dfc0 vered four feet under gn und which has been uncovered for the length f a league and a half and thend of which is not yet known the followg t lome particu lars the bridge of which more is daily difcovered runs frotf the weerdingcrtout through the marfll pafi fiaar and the convent ser ape a dhhnce of three full leagues it confilu phncipally of rough fir of the lei jrn of twelve feet scatty that over were passed in this exnedi- laid together when the maifli ground tion the governor was accompani- d by h carefully taken up no interval u to he lady rsfres she was oecamonall car- feen between thefe ftetns which are on an ried on a mans back but generally average three or four inches in diameter except in fo far a they weie expressly al tered or repealed in the prnt bill this amendment was alio agreed to and the bill was ordered to be read a third time tomorrow adjourned till next day feb 3 the duke of wellington prefented a petition from certain merchants of dublin again ft the roman catholic claims it was read and laid upon the table on the motion of lord sid month a committee of pi ivileges was ordered in tike cafe of lord mount m or rife cla mtng the title of fail of anglefea jord kenyon gave notice of a motion for friday next to inquire into ihe hea of childien working in cotton jvurujc- tones adjourned r v restrictions mr h davis prefeuted a petition from ccrtiiif merchants and bankers of criftol againit a too fpeedy refuraption of cafk fayment the bankers had fijneel the petition only in their characters as rner- chants the petition was after fome converfa- ion laid upon he table from the londonderry journal tuesday feb- 9 the fitft dlvifion in the new huufe of commons took place on tuefday night lafr on a motion of mr tierncy fpl a committee io inquire into the late of ex changes and the currency of rb country the chancellor of the exchequer moved au amendment which was carried by a large maj rity which fnewe that the win iilers are likely to be 3 well fupported in the pre ftp t as during the lad parliament advices have lien received from cey lon by the way of madiafs communica ting the important intelligence of the cap ture of the malabar chief claimant of the down of candy who is fuppofed to have been the chief caufe of the hoi il idea which have fo im g prevailed in that ifland to- gfihve witu i on was maje pifonei his prime miniiler ixsppitipola the war in ceylon is therefore considered at an end as the unhappy nations deprived of their principal leavers will be incapable ef ad- fag in concert a london paper gives i a a rumour prevalent among gentlemen of the bar that 1 ord euon has at length detei mined to refign the seals and itates that ht is to be fucceeded by lord manners the pie- fent lord chancellor of ireland that sir j leach will be prefented with the iriih seals accompanied with a barony ualked as the roads were too bad to ad mit of her being carried in a chair dr arnold physician and naturalist fell a sacrifice to the fatigue and died of a vio lent fever dr horseiield who accom- panied the governor to menangcabon was on the twelfth august the date of our last intelligence from fort marlbo rough dangerously ill with the dysente ry but we hope his life will be spared to carry home th important collections he has made both in java and sumatra as tilts was the first appearance of the european authority in the interior lady krutui was the moi peaceable standard the party could hoist it was impossible for the natives to consider the object war like when the governor proceeded un armed and confided his wife to their hos pitality they found the country beautiful and magnificent sir thomas stamford raf- here and there inflad of lems there are f p lit plank of the above leigth and va rious diameter there are no nail and all is hewn with the axe it is generally believed that this he bi idge of germa- nicus mentioned b- tacitus and which was laid about this place by 40 roman cohorts on occafic f a hafty retreat 15 years aflci the birth of chrill from a london paper mount vefuvius fays a naples paper of dec 8 has exhibited one of thole awful fpeclaceo which have fp often created di may in cur unfortunate city the abvfs bunt with a terrible roaring and after fendiflg forth whirlwtnds of flame and fco- nas it vomited a bed of lava which extend ed itfelf even to the limits of the village de la tone del grccco a chemift of cooenhapen has difco ver- ties has thrown the trade open and re- fed a means of producing a lively yel ow color fn- dymg cl th ile gathers the tips of potatoes when ready to flower formed all the establishments trea ties have been entered into with the prince of meuangcaban i p ml m 4 frcm tie edmh magazine of sept t8 r 8 saving banls up to the 31ft ult in- clufive the commiftmners for the reduction of the national debt- had recewed on ac count of thofe biuk no left ban r 25402 t 2s 2d fterling with which bad been purchafed 1560 4 4 3 per cents preftes the juice mixes it with mure or lef water and fuffcrs the cloth to remain in it during 24 hours tie then dips it in fprittg water the cloth may he cither of woo filk cotro1 r flix my plung ing the cloth thus tinged with ydlow into a veffel of blue a brilliant and iaiug green in obtained w tora id f pru 1s18 today advices from liverpool to 26 feb per anna mariv have reached here and rnoft doleful accounts frz brings several failures in liverpool manchester and london a depreffion in price of colt ut in eight days 1 f id per lb nominal at 14 a 1 6d he dull 51s a 53s rather owing to the general depreffion in trade howeve nciiiin flour 44s- pbrtsclofed but it can fed no variation in the grain market staves vry dull in fad the hale of things was unprecedented home affairs 4 4 from the uppfr c0 gazette to ills excrurnnj sir peregrine mail- arid a nigh oni uiandt r oj th jj llonorabh miliary rdcr of the bath major general commanding his mu- jrsiis fam v nitliu the province of upper canada and lieutenant nvr oj the said proving sc tyc sfn may it plkase voir fxcfiiencv uk uismuj- stys dutiful audioy- al subjects freeholders of ho town lip of adplnistoui mttn mfdland dl trier observing the assurances of loyalty and attachment which your loxce lleei is daily receiving from various parts ol the province cannot suffer the occasion gentlemen 1 reettoujers cp anolphus towv 1 am much gratified by yonr address and believe me i feel confident that the inhabitants of your township are such as jou describe them truly loyal and zealcs subjects dvottd to the constitu tion of their country and equally ready to oppose the attacks of an open enemy or the insidious designs of revolutionary men i by no means except the few who signed a petition of a contrary nature we are all liable to err but it is an ex emplary occurrence when the true path is recovered by the light of dispassion ate reflection york march 29 1819 to his excellency sir peregrine mait- latid knight commander of the most honourable military order of the bath lieutenant covernor of ihe province of upper canada iiic sv c may it please cvp xceixencv wk the minifters and elders of the prefbyrery of the canadas affembled in brock ville elizabeth town upper ca nada on tuefday the 131b day of januarry 1819 beg pcrmiflion to approach your exec lncy to expiefs our duty to your fxcelleecy as the reprefentative of our hel ved sovereign and to affure yu of our firm attachment to the con ft it u tion and laws of the province and to exprefs our confidence in your excellencys ad- miiittration we participate with your excellency in the prefent prof erous flate of the i ro- vince as well as in the profpeft of its in- creafing population from a fource that will not f il we iruft of adding ftrenglh and 1 oyalty 10 the country and in our extendi- g commerce that will not fail we hope of increaling the wealth of the 1ro- vmce we hlefs the lloy name of god the gracious governor of the world that the sword of war has been fheathed in peace and that a difphfatibn apparently o overwhelming for an infant country rn- at left in many inlldnce eventually benfi ted the cotftry in as much as it has added renown to the btitif name consolidated our union brought the pro vince into public view and feeured we v pe the anpiobation of our prince while we rejoiee at being refened from h we ball not tiefrafs funhcr on the pa tienccof your exctb y i t fhri ever offer up oui fervent pray- rs the king of kings 1 bat he may begia ioufly uakdto blefs d it eel your excellency by his uner- rinc wifd ma ways incline your hear r to his glory eucompafs y ur faccd perlon with hi favour as with a fhi eld and make your ad- miniflration of the province of upper ca nada a univerfala lading blcffing signed in our name and by our an pointment by robert mcdovv rit- moderator william smart t pre to the above addrefs his excellency wat pleafcd to make the following reply gentlemen i am much gratified by your addrefs on behalf of fo rcfpeuble a portion of the people tie affured it is my fervent wifli and prayer that the pernicious diftetision which has partially vexed this country may be utterly forgotten and by the united ef forts of us all under thf birfiing of the bene- fi cent author of our faith tranqutli ylnppi- nefs and piety may be eltabhfhcd through out this province upon a laikng founda tion be rftured i ft confident that in the production of fuch ccfia le refirlrs you gentlemen wii prove neither the katt ar- dent nor the leaft eflcieut laborers 1 evi s ed us will the rnur from a london paper the llavd of sumatra by the arrival of the kingston from java iitllignr of much impoitauce as we learn fay the charleston southern patriot that previous to the failing of the ichr calypfo captain uihiard who ar- to pass without joining in the general ex- rived here on the isth inlf in fix days predion of abhorrrnce at the attempts from the llavanna that accounts weie re- lately made in this country to alienate ceived there from vera cruz taring that the affections of a people who had but the patriots had lima completely in their pofnfii n a letter from buenos ayres of dec 1 2th received at philadelphia fays we have no further news except the change of a fuprcme executive director ad interim in the perfon ef 0rmjofe rondeau mr pueyre don having had misfortune to lofc his right hand by the exploiioq of a power horn in it nance rileep il arreting britili interest ii the indian seas has been received tin governor cf fort imarlboroiijh sir t s baffles has displayed his characteristic energy and activity since his arrival in sumatra from the london champion literature and science fifo the ufe cf cad iron lias become very general in unf it i formed i to balconies ftaircafes fi and has anxiously endeavoured to ex- namemts in relief for the front of honfe tend the british influence over the whole c pnn l h3s df butlt o that valuable and extensive island sumatra has hitherto been very unknown the european establishments are entire ly cm the coast europeans had never penetrated into the interior all at tempt to do so indeed were reckom i desperate noeuropean would embark in them the population of the interior were considered as savages and the mountains impassable and yet the na tives would stiil bring down their sold paiaue at st peteruburg on which he has expended upward of three millions and a half of rubles and has ordered fortytwo colossal pillars and the archiiesural oma- ments for the grand front to be call at one of the principal iron found ruffia in the gardens of za- ffcozclo a and cassia and camphor sec for which sumatra had from the earliest ages b on famous the governor felt there was but one alternative and that was to open fhe rrvt hy going himseif iiis enter- prize was crowned with success f- immenfe triumphal ereded fome months ago mafs was fitted up fn the fhott ipace o four days since that time the emoero to n area or caft iron wa in is gigantic f peror for the con- ore lers en- alexander has given iiudbon of a pavilion of which the walls cupola periftyle sic are all to be cad iron al schmidt an inhabitant of meckl burg has lately invented a machine which penetrated into the interior in three dii- p and harrows the land without fereut directions to the southward in- human affiftauce it is put in motion by kind of manna to the important pro- four laig e wind mill fails the inventor vinces occupid by a people called the has prefenteda model of it td the duke of passummahs io the northward to me- meckieuburgh and intends to fubmit it to nancabon the farfamed capital of the the mecklenburg agricultural fociety for cf 11 the coast europeans had never penetrated into the interior all at- a dtort time before established their character for loyalty bravery and self- devotion to the government and consti tution of their country 1 bis township is one of the many that have h a exposed to tho diturbanc s ol a political adventurer but a time u- dispassionate reflection has intervemd pna we ar happy io asuring your ex- cellency that the traces 01 fiieir eiiect are now almost totally obliterated and here we cannot but remark that one great ratine of this is to be attributed to the prompt and at the same time mild and conciliating measures adopted by your rxcellency at the commeneem nt 01 your administration an ttdmmutratfon o auspiciously commenced as to have secured ihe most perfect confidence of ery class of kis majestys faithl suhpets tne township of adolphus town is indeed but small and the number ml its inhabitants not great yet in man points of view it is a valuable portion of this diirict and when we inform our excellency that but a small uum- ncr of those nho subscribed their name to an address or petition for redress o grievances were freeholders in the o alarming as ihofe which threaten- late war we ardently 1 that inch iignal iterpofitions of di vine frovideoice will increaie our gratitude to the divine being as well as the at tachment of oui fellow lubjedts to our excelent laws and fecure a cordial obe dienrc t out ervil nrvr tl ismniflen of god we beg leave to anure your ixcllency that fo far as belongs to our ftaiion and chrafier we fnall not fail b th to teach the duties which we owe to th- ailvinillratiou f the governments and practice them ourfelves our conftant prayer at ihe throne of grace is that the ftilicittide which your excelency ha hitherto ma fflled f r the weifaie of the pr ince may always con- time and be eifeclually crowned by the divii e bhfltnc with fuecefs and that your excellency vil ever be actuated by ihofe thecbambe in which the crime had becn grand and enlightened principles which perpetrated but the door was bioken o en r 1 i from ihe h f entreat herald a gentlrman of undoubted vr ty re cently arrived in this citj from kinyltou upper canada has brought the account of a murder marked by circtimttances of unufual atrocity which is falj to have been committed at sapkctts harbour and of which the following are the oatticulars a young gentleman of whufe name or nation we are uninformed who had been travelling in t at pait of the c utryforthe purpofe of pss chafing genefic fiur who had with this intention a corfulille fum of money ii his poffeition put up at an inn of the above mentioned place in the courfc of the evenisg an old mendi cant entered and requefted lod iyis for the night which the iihikcepei at re- fufed but which upon the ymg gentle man guaranteeing the payment w ant ed all having been for fome time abed the old man wad awakened by a v- in the next room apparently cauivd by ibruflf- ging lie arofe cautioutly and creeping towards a crack in the pattitin thre which appeared a light he btheld the landlord in the ad of cutting the y urn merchants throat and his wife receiving the blood in a kettle pereeiviti r that as- itlance would be too ate he returned to bed and counttrftited flee room ana crejfuliy t hut t wife remarking he he has not heard it- etred- nrmorning the ol i rar the tranfaction of the peccomg night inquired of the w the young gentleman had paid for him and where hewas he was anfw ere d that he bad paid and had gone away the beggar immediately repaired to a magiftrate and returned to the inn with the officers oj jus tice the landlord at firit refufed to open are at one the gl and lability of the brrifli throne that your l dn ninitir ttion of firitih aw- in tins province may be marked bv th fe liberal rreaferes in civil and ltliiou- concerns that will not only make an indelible impreiji u n the minds o hi maj tiys loyal ferjea- but that and the unhappy victim fo nd a the men dicant had defciibed the perpetrators were of courfe committed to p him and will no doubt receive that punishment which fuch a cruel violwon of law both human and divine fo loud demands vc av been at some trouble to gain w 1 tempt- to do so indeed were reckon d desperate nojeuropean would embark in them the population of the interior were considered as savages and the mountains impassable and yet the na tives would still bring down their gold and cassia and camphor c for which sumatra had from the earliest ages b en famous the governor felt there was but one alternative and that was to open he road bv oii himself iiis enter- prize was ere ued with success he colossu i pillars and the srciiiteurai orna ments for the grand front to be cat at one of the principal iron found fries in ruffi in the gardens of zaflcozelo an immenfe triumphal arch of cali iron wa- c reded fome months ago this gigantic mafs was fitted up in the fhnrt ipace of four days since that time the emperor alexander has given orders for the con- ftiudiion of a pavilion of which the walls cupola perillyle c are all to be cat iron m schmidt an inhabitant of mecklen burg has lately invented a machine which the province at its brighteli epoch- as it is not the extent of territory that renders a country profperotis but the number of its fubjecls their induflrious hal it correct morals their intellectual eminence the voice of hiilovy attefts that theft important oljci hav been promo ted in proportion a pure u igio ha pre vailed tis undei the impreffion of fen- timent of this nature that we have witnei- fed wih much fatisiaction the encourage meit affvirded by the provincial parlia ment for the eeclion and fupport of public schools we lok forward with pieafing anticipation to the period when under the aufpices of your excellency a college mall fprinr from thefe feminaries of learning and our youth in the bofom of the province will bt qualified for the the loyalty and g- faith of this town- dith rge of all the offices of civil and ec- siiip will be removed and that your ex- clefiaflical ii cellency in charitably believing that even these were unwarily led into an error b thestudied arts ofan adept in such politha practices will still look upon the inha birants i f it as loyal and zealous sub uu i iso 1 fo tl p t c c l tne township of adolphus town is indeed but small and the number t it- inhabitants not great yet in many points of view it is a valuable portion of this district and v hen we inform your excellency that but a small num ber of thoe who subscribed their names to an address or petition for redress of grievances were freeholders in the mall dilliiiguioi the page f the bittory of f information feperfiii the above horrid deed but wehave not in the course of ut enquiries met with a single person in kingston who has received the slight est intelligence on the subject though the communication with markets harbor has continued until verv lately free and uninterrupted wo suspect the torj to be merely a revival of a groundless report similar in many points to the present which was current here about a month since of a murder the scene of which was laid at an inn a few miles above york 1 ed l own- hip we are ready fco hope that an impressions that act may have excited in four excellencys mind unfavourable to we are particularly felicitous to exprefs to your fxcehtmy that as miniflers of the peaceful and bent ficent reigion of the holy pedfemrr that our affociation is fob tjih kingst n chronicle internal improvement sir concluded as the great object is to transport pro duce from lake erie 6cc to montreal as cheap as it can be done to new york a considerable capital must be brought into operation and much exertion em- fa i vv o penetrated into the interior in three dif- ploughs and harrows the land witnoui fereut directions- to the southward in- human afiiftance it if put in motion by and of manna to the important pro- four large wind mill alls the inventor inces occupied by a people called the prcfenteda model of it to the duke of vi rassummabs to ih northward to me- nangeaoon the farfamed capital of the malay empire and inland of beoeool meekien burgh and intends to fubmit it to the mecklenburg agricultural fociety for examination the icelandic poet jho thorlakfon wno has translated miltons paradife loft into the icelandic language lives at cuccoion acrot the island to palambaug the rcjult has been the disc very of a mine cf wealth- a country lilghh culti- rated and abounding in precioaii metals the fssftfikitiahs i am allilticj tiue rrcc of rten a superior totlio people on the roast a- t ib po iblc a conceive hi arc nqviruiturol and numerous at pjrnan c don he was gratified with a population and country fully equal to ant part of java itlin he space of twentj miles the population does not fmi short of a million in short it is ile governors opinion that iih a little en couragement wv gnater resources are o be found in sumatra than the british have derived lr- rn java but much re- dollars fix pounds fleilmg mains t e done a central govern ment must be established the whole is and on um be brought under coutroul and the avenues of commerce now closed up ict jp rnpcnl our readers arc aware that mcnangeabcn wavthe place towieliip we are ready to hope that any impressions that act may have excited in vur excellencys mind unfavourable to the loyalty and god faith of this town- siiio will be renioved and that your ex- cellency in charitably believing that these were unwarrh led into an error by tuesludicd artsofan adept in such political practices will stilt look upon the inha bitants tf it as loyal and zralous sub- jects devoted to the glorious constitution of their count and ever ready to op- the promotion of the peace and happinefs timents of this nature that we have witnef- fedwuh much fativiaain the eneoragc ment acrded hy the provincial parlia ment for the eseclion and fupport of public schools we lok forward with plefling anticipation to the pcrod when under theaufpices of your excellency a colhe hhall fpring from thefe eminarie of learning and our youth in the bofm cf he province wil w qualified foi the difih rge cf all the offices of civil and ec- clefiaftical life we are particularly folicitous to exprefs to your excellent y that as mimtters of the peacefu and bentneent reigion of tne holy penremer that our affociation is free from all political plans and intrigues that its fole obitcx and our only motive is at an inn a few miles month which above pose cur open attack- of its avowed lne- mies as well as equally determined to the secret desiinis of thee who in the disguise of patriotism would seek to dis turb that happy tranquility and security which it ever affords to all who jtnow bow jo appreciate its blessings n c w j c suntjort its iust administration against 1 5a eg da in a poor cottage the door of it his room is fcarcely four feet high and the loom itfelf but eight feet long and fix feet broad in this room hands his bed and clofe to the door oppofite a fmail fqnare window a table on which he has written his poems the fituation of his dwelling may propeuy be called poetical being between three mountains near 1 reams and water fills where there la on evey fide a profpect of mo mains 4000 feet high his whole income from the panh3 of bacgifa and beka amount- to about llovt r severe gales were experienced on the eogiim coalt the latter end of january loydg lift of the 26th january is filled with accounts of difallers among the flnp- fg aiany lives lave been lod ale ftefteir j l auiinv patton i imiia dorland j i nuxon han i ii- 111 y ifver james watson joseph allium r chard liaverne atari lute win riioan david brown lonaihaii allnn aiiiui maybe pelf r j dm un j benj lapp paul claup lame cuiuiff uilben capp g u t ttul corneioij van xiorz 0 ei ho liu burner knyck ilriliy d v is vef iij e josepli om water fjilbert buffer a brai tni bogert 1 fl uil liuvck chi istopber rman jp samuel borland j p to tuch ills excellency has been pleas cd lu give the fvuuwbig reply of all claffcg of the coromuniry and that by the rational means of extending the true knowledge and fmcere practice of chriftiauity for the diffufion and advance ment of which we have conlecrated our live- we cannot omit this opportunity of re minding your excellency that among his majellya objects the prefbyterians were the ta i ieft and have always been t e 0 oft faithful adherents t i the illuflrious fun now on the britifh throne- we are deeply lenfible of the many bleflings which our fathers and ourf elves have en joyed under the princes of ihe houfe of brunfvvick and we fervently pray that the future glorits of the britifh government and that the reign of the defcendants of our gracinui sovereign and prince may be hvnalhscd by the uninterrupted eiiov- mem r national liberty pure religion and uiiimial happinefs ployed otherwise v e shall ham been so little accestomed in this country to combined rdots from the want of enterprise or the want of eapi- similar in many punis u i r lh which was curront here about a since of a murder the scene of was laid y 1 for the k1nst n chkonicle internal improvement sir concluded the as tvr great object is to transport pro- duce from lake erie kc to montreal as cheap as it can be done to new- york a considerable capital roust be brought info operation and much exertion em ployed otherwise we rhail fai we have been so little aeri tomed in this country to combined rdofs from the want of enterprise or the want of capi ta r perhaps both that wc are easily frightened but i request your readers carefully 10 examine what propose be- frre tjey decide upon its m- r ts and if they consider it after mature deli be ration impracticable to tax theii mind with discovering some better plan for attain ing the object in view for something must be done to preserve nod exend our commerce by the saint i awretwe- on this all must agree but diience cf opi nion as to the method lot adapted for ii attainment may be rea ex- peeled i propose one and bv xaniin- ing and sifting its merits and d- rrits it may be modified or a better one siccs- ted by some of your corre iondeio let a company of the principal nc ch ants throughout the province to be denom inated the transport coy he fpimed with acapital ftock of ihiity hx ihoufaod pounds the lock to be in hircs oi oo transferable tl town of kig- ton au the place of greattft capital arj

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