Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), April 23, 1819, p. 1

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a lf krvabo 7ra3 3i vol 1 friday jtm april s3 l8 wr wi to officers on halfpay in canada it h dtfired that officers receiving kalf- pw or military penfions through rhr com iifriat in panada will tranfmit to their ivvcal agent- at quebec theii jffikivits in triplicate immediately after the 24th of the peiiod when their half- pay become- due f that the affidavits of officers retiring in lower canada ftwll arrive it quebec before the oth an- hole of officers ifidjijl ii the upper pwjvincc before the 2t i or the fnuovi momh at which period the eturns wil be made up as more thai f fficrt time is given for co municatiis o reach quebec imtn the moll djftant pofl thole ffic-r- ffida- vh which do not iriivc i tin to be in- r ported in thefe letor s mull re main over till the enfnmg period of payment corrmcrry general- office q- bee search 1 1 s 1 9 s air j jeiersa deaiipie eu canada l oittciers qui recnivent la de- c ru j ctislon milltaife par h i da commi niat en canada so jvj de rrv mcmr 1 urb a jriis re- -if- a qe ew ftftidatiii en t r j 1 i ua i nn ediatemrtit apres lo terror do paivivut d lnr d mipah dp min- iere que les a mir vit- de- oivicbrs qui ie- sicvo dap liascviada pnnrtont ar- riv r a quebec avavtt le iqme e- d eeux qui reiflprtt d a m la liinte ilovince a- vnnt e 20me lu cloi suivaut auvdet peiidfs le ret r- fermf comnre ton chmue plus de teiis i tie laul p0r tracmitr- le cmnry a qiu- be dts fotc les 11 lu e r e- le- atn- daviis des olucir qui narrivent pa- 1 tern- pout etr incorpoies dan- cos re- tours rejttiontjusqaau periododu pave ment smvanf buira- du coffimisain general 11 iebec mars 1819 j cm ten pounds reward lasd for sale otsno 3 hilfxo 1 and o 5 jrh concession eouiovii g 0j iv xhh part no 21 077 28 l 30 in the 5th enure ion eun- taining 700 acres and nos 5 and 11 in th 8th cffjicessiti contaiuu 400 arrs all in rite tunliip of ed ward s- buiih distriit cf joltustowo tli timber maybe had wpnrate 1 application to be made to mr aipho- mi s prrscot r b miioiii the ah vo reward will he pairl to any one who will ivt such information as shall lead to the conviction f prro s rnti tug tim ber f an description on fljo above nion- tioncd lauds 1 1 8 l rra to li i sor one rr itmrv years on rensona- jl li f r i i c i d p ion ejfi n en the rt dav c tla m thai lare and comm dious notlfe two -toiie- z -it- uate in kinj si eel ccrnerin the mar- ivf pa an pp i to d wi hburn kqs oiuee i ii house eouiajes lour lanje rooms wll iifii4ied and an ele gant shop eomph te ki in the rear two stories aood store hu for the repositorv of xm rchandize and fro- guee also a stable the premie aie suitable for the ecption of any decent famii and for nercantile business bein one of the irt staud for that line in kingston for furtherpartieulars apply to tlie proprietor a macdonfll kingston march 111819 mtj ayivuoafe adjoining hay iw in the town- hip of fre iekburgh th f 1 baf or j it iff tuf fniy n ti cuitaiuin 100 acres and- having about jo acres under cntiv tion with a loj h n e and barn upon it for the terms apply to daniel wambum ffqiue knpft n- p v n koughnet cornwall dec 7 1818 agricultural it is oep ifed that an agricultural so ciety for the diftrict f johullown hall be forthwith efibliflied the advantages which will probably a- rife from inch an iniiitution sauft br cvi dtn to thofe who are i rheudlt a- quaifit- ed with fimiiar eltablilhn ent- in other cun ti ies in order to bung about the end pro- pofed the public ad partfcularly far- er are hereby n tifrd that there will be a meeting at the ouie of stephen ckomwfjl inn keeer i- br ck ville on widne d t the 191 of may text t 9 oclock f the moiier b iig the 26 y of the v in f the quarter scffiou at wi h tim and place the farmers of the di iilti of job- ilown and all others vh fei an inteull in the agricultural pntptrity of the country ate invited to uive their attendance 13rokvile april 6 1s19 15 ex t c r 1 v e c o u c 1 l o fr 1 c r fork imh february 1819 biivkrs apoucnlions having been in trie t his excellency the liev- teiaut t vrnor n ccuiu for grant or la of certain lands situate in the ditiicf ol newca-t- and in the mid- hied rit with a vieu to establish irnii wi rks th reon t is thought pro- pt to afford an pn con- tho for jja and l therefore this day or- r t d b hi kxcellencv the lirni- int g vinior in council that i ropcals x i 1 be jci ivtd until the fi r 1 day f mavtiextjbv nioclrk of the council from any indjtidnal for l of certmu t act- on or n u the cnvv rivr hk 0 einois it elf into the rver trent and for licence to dlz jrn ojp john small 11 cuc of ex cmmctl there being reafon to fnppofe that the above vdvettilement ha- been mifuoder lod it i explained that the cornpeti tion fforded is rot as to rent the pro- pofals are as to fcsle and efficacy of eftab- linimeat and fecurity if performance 5 john smal vpril 1819 clerk ex council rtstitt ff lot the unexpred term of the lcafe jbl whil is fevco ar from tht tir of may next the premifeapt pfef occupied by the fuhfcrihey facing the tnarke iqiae bcinp ituatcd on l t mo 46 and j ining meftrs mith 8c buittrworth on thmrtcr leading rm mr r ibert walkers hon- to tip river the buildinga on tlv piev fe c 11 gil of a tarje frame h mife two rto- rie- high well finifhedl pthlt d ten hor- fe and alfo a bake voufe with a good oven in com letc order the yard well iccurcd the place lp well wn th the attention of any baker or a pa ton d firous of k ep- i rig a public houfe for urthei panicu iar apply to the fubferiber on the premi fes d m mcdonald kingstm april 7th 1 8 1 9 l notice no ice 30 rphf board for militia pen- sions will meet on the lafl monday in february y and continue fo to do the fame day in each mouthy until the bufiirft of this dfricly as regards ihe fame is jlnihcd jokm f rguson kirjhn feb ft 1819 6 kingston bv5ch of the mon treal bank any fum required maybe obtained li the office for 201 d l-iil- on mon- tieai quebec bil of exchange oti lon don or for specie notes ao wiil be discounted at thirty iixly and ninety days thomas maiikland agent kingflnn 3d nov 1818 1 the fubferiber being appointed agent to the montreal fir5 ih- su1unce company acquaints the public that he is now ready to iitue poli cies on either real or perfonal property on very moderate rales of premium w mitchell kingston th april 1819 15w8 notice m number of lots of one hun- dil dred acres ech fituated on pub c riad- uow laying out fuuning through r school townfhi s of south wold yarmouth and h ughtoo will be fold by public alclion f r actual fettiement to the hih 1 bidder at ross taverq on tlbt road on te firft of july next one fourth of the purehafe oney to be paid down and the remainder by three e- qual inftalmtnt with interdt by otder of his excellency the lieu tenant goven r in ouncil executive council 0ffee 1 york 26th february 1819 j ti to let and iim- date prjssesion iven ho llodseand 1 remi-i- latly oceuph d by allan mel iierson in the front street of kingston for pirticulars apptiraticn to be made to ji hn kirby or i itllum milchell esfrs whoare follv authorised to enter into a rasements with persons disposed to rent the same kingston 20h jan 1819 4tf is o i ice r to let the houfe lately occupied by i ieu- tenant brilcoe royal engineers the property of james richardlbn ben fituated near mr hugh earls for terms apply to the fubferiber ivobf riciiardson kingston 7 lb january lb j 9 2 the late partnership of robert gra ham 6 co having dbolred itself thisdaj by the death of it deruk mac- lay esq the business in future vsill be carried on by thes- bsciiber to whom all persons who are indebted to the above linn will picase piy their accounts with out delay and those wh- may hare claims aainst that concern will please present them lor adjustment 29 rwbrict graham point frederick 2xst sept 1818 physic surgery dr z sma v begs leave ref- pedfullyto infonihe inhabitants of kirgllon a- d it vicinity that he ha elablihe1 hinfelf as a phi mciix twgbqn at othit ahy from bis having received a regular me dica education and fri his experience in th diffcitnt banch of prbftion he u induced t believe that he wil he able to do juhtice loati whofe n ifortunes may rendei turn under the neceility of f- licitinj medical aid b to any sj the fiirn of the golden ortar 00 ofit the m k- t the ftrictcfl itt ivtin wii b paid where will be cmfhiuly kept n lard a cho e md well h fen foitmcut f drlo and nedi inf p rs of al kinis linfeci lp and cerier- oils dye w mud lve t ft cotton yarn window qijh putty sa8 a mrwand eegant bottment of ladies b jn m o the nm- ett fai garhin 8rfd8 raised hy tie sh ker oolvs t isoxary boo c c april 6 t 6s ha s a r j t 1 sib aptit n lie fivh of the js n y cor with the v of charles wrrev htr cru- l hi aged mother si- hen to k away with him nv- he deed- ani pa pt bclongf- ing to the fubferiber therefore 1 -er- fina are hereby causrioned and fbid purchati fail papers r any land from ths faid heuyyaahe hno twe whatever ti them it is equ tied tint the ftid henry may he take up and cured in foi e jail in order that k may be brought to j all ice hi gtlozcv x corl mark pitfburph hr3 16v5 fn s ilk or to h t tie houses ad sik oth beo finn to the fubfuiber 1 hi foi tale fingle town o on the eon v aejoning r georsre iver beating f nit tree r f almoft every difctiptim growing on the pre lies for particular- appry to the lubfxrribcr on the premifes king ton fpril 1 2 1 8 1 y 1 6t f 1 fjnfif sulfriler informs his friends and the public l ha he fd keeps a ubl1t liull ve in the 7 oiuujlrp of c i i h formerly cttited gnniuvin 3 nrnrr where gm- i coti tie men and ladies may find tdhment ijo tasttiiert jhall be ciif appointed of finding 0d quarters for t he mf elves and their ilrfes th- d s nfoip cram a he 2ath fan 1s9 6 finhf subfcfcrtbe refpectfully inform i their friends and he public that they have now receive aid juil nened in mar ket stteet jufl below r patricks inn a very exteniive aftortmen cf dry goods groceries and stajionary like wife a great qnsntv of clafiical boks the whole ot which will be fold very- low for afh a d ay proved credit mcdonald aykroyd dec 1 181 27 vaccine or cow pock matter mel marsh ll surgeon re- quefts thofe arentrf who vih thtir children inneuiated with the cow peck ratte- to ay y immediately as it will be imcoflible to keep it iu circulation more than a f t v we k 3cth march 1819 iqwa to let for one or more years and poffeffion given immediately hat stone bufe fituated in store street lately occupied by mr medcalf with stable garden and other out houfes the ctuation of the above premifes is oibfi advantageous for a dwelling houfe for particulars applv to france x rocheleau kingflon 15 jan 1819 3 1jersons haviag bocks belonging ti the kingston library arc requelt ed t- fend them to the fubferiber at his houfe adjoining the town of king ft on and with as little delay as ptffibv john ferguson 1 2th april 1819 16 harden seeds he subfcriber offers for fale a gene- 3l ral aftoitment of gaiden seedfc juft received from vontrea archd richmond ivingftoo april 0 4w15 v fohfjgw news 3 having from the v t com delve rtifer pril 2 fro 1 engl vkd the fpllowing vefleb were to be lanm li ed at pyn uth early in the ipiin faudryant 82 guns sterling i ahe 74 ooland 60 lancafter 60 py- rarou 42 t e afrtive figate- fir jame3 oord n i fifing rt portbnouth for qjie bee capt bany i appointed naval c m- jeiffioner at that place and goes out in the frigate m beamegard formerly phyfician to bonaparte wa to vave england coy in the month f m rch for st teleua a mdic 1 attenda t to the xemreror this app intment i fanctioned by the al- a recent arriv from sfcrre leone in- f rm tha h flae traj- was in a prof perouri flare on the c alt j t ciation ha btm formed at treves for tlie eliblihment of a fetie ment in the umted statta gieat num ber are teady t embuk fance i engnre 1 n efiablifh ojp a co lo- y tn enccral f r the cultivation of c t ton 1 cfffe and hieai a lrte from s khfb o jan ic contradict the rep- it of s ve fold th sflied t sfc r hid i cw count regnaid- s ja 1 geiy has obtained pern itli m o return to paris the primcfss of vaues extras of a letter from vvtum diud 7n i 1 the piiucei of wae ia making pre- riartion fr tri to the holy land the a n and yung aufiin wi o i al- addeffed by the title of a prince accopauv her r yal highnefs together irhb a vail fuite the princefs told the march ncfs of douglas that it was her intention to be abftni fix months and thut be meant to vifn all the places of note in egypt dating the princefsh ab- fence her new alae will proceed tw gentlemen btey arrived from enrrid ha- a ong confeencf with her royal hihnef mornim paper tomhnson yotmg french traveller nephew to rtunt houten e minifl r hal lucced d tn re trn lctoo by way f senegal i fstmvj have jufi received a icrtei from him in which he announces hi ffe atrivil in tlat celebrated twn iii berto unkeown to europeans and which the im mnngo pak twice vainly attempted to teach french paper fron the albany drgus a letter from tunis piob biy w itten by th mcrican c nlal gve- a moll litart redi account of the h riirs canted by the- plague m that city and regency the deaths in the latter ate cftinated at 2000 diiiy and in the cuy having a popua- tion of 1 00000 at 300 and 350 l had raged th re 8 months nd carried ff i 5 000 perl ns in the city ne vail tub- urb was itt rally d populated as fct 1 my pa 1 lour i heard dining the day aim it me- unbroken fon fr m the fune ral proceffions plling ben- ath the win ow- ilk- p iton of the fame arny often beir in two bodies on th fame birr and uf which no lef- than 90 h ivc fallen unerour oblervation in the conrfc fa few hour- the itillnefs f the night i br- ken by the fhiek- of women heard from every quar ter amentiug in the orie tal man c over the boiie of thofe who have jutt ceafed to live the plague has broken out with new violei ce at algiers london feb 24 three mails from hamburg and one from holland hav arrived the conti nt of which are u important it is stated fratn the french frontiers that coi iderable defertion have tken place from the army 1 f the or h ttie government of the netherlands are acvtly proceeding with the erection of frontier fortrefies in all direct 1 n letters from hanover ttate that the duke and duchefs of clarence will fet out fr m hanover on their return to england at the end of the prefent or in the beginning of the next month 1 1 no 17 tt ftrong 3000 kngiifh and 3000 nativrg j affiftcd by the fquadro c nfiiling of 15 fail well manned and equipped under the command of adrroral lnon generals o dinette and vame with c 1 needtam and fevera oher officers of diftinccion lad arrived at juan oricgo from augullura tojin the expedition admiral btion had failed on the 14th in o rfuit f he r yal fquadron and on the 6th chafed them into cut ra iy when a dreodfol 1 annonadin lot k ce and continued the whole day th rcfult of the attack ws no k own ihe idc- penderee f ve siuel be corr leted to a certainty the nfumg campaign the ref urccsof the pari ts in men n mey and every thing are t the p brig 1i fiflable ot 14 gvn arnved j jean giej maraet- to the 1 6h br i wit hcf j h if j ifyi bite brig eceydi of isguu and 4 ien captured in la 9 17 ong 34 w ft- an ae3i n f 14 mnute i he ntrv ufl 8 kiit and 22 mounded the inefiltbc iuffred mu h in fpars rig ing ad faiis ad o k- ed a- d only tlu failing iter ti w onded phe e y i a vey fupeior vi fjj di bet c a bilt and launchc in fianc- four months fie- fot tic spacilh govtr- ent ounts 18 twenty f ur pcuncers is ab ut 450 ans wa at the time of he caitt on lie- way from adiz to rio ja neiro vitb d- fr tches announcing he death of the queen f spain c 11 the delparchet k11 into the banda lt the patriot- he fought delperately unti the captain fell being badly wounded norfolk april 6 very late from england he pihp tabb capt wheeler arrived in hampton ro d on jturday afternoon i eft loa der tie 28i1 of february and the downs the 2d of ch hut little bnfinefa w5 doing in meri- can staoies there there had een a uurn- b of fat ores an f ma rket f r tobacco and ott n conmuel dec rffd there hd been a ow f ale of wind about rhe 22 february which aid c n- fhhbl larppp y h- the britlh hanrel in o- e ftoiy in oartic- ularaw englih packet bou d to france w funkjaud every perfon on buard otr- iihed p 1nd i a calcutta nov 4 the fir ft divifion of the vounter des tined for ceylon mba ke y ik relay when the ihij dropped down the rivr- he intelligence from ceylon ro i e eery day more and m rre favou abe and no doubts are n w ente of the tran- qniliy f th tftand hainj b- n re eitab- iifhed on ilie artival f the volunteers the 20th regiment now at ceylon vill embatk for prince of wales if md enn- coolen c rdm u are abroad that anoth r defli- atioo having fome important political ends in vtw awaits the cnarine re- giment we nave nothing to offer ti our read ers cf a v importance in the way of intelli gence from central india h returning tranquility of he nroviices fo iateiy the feat of rapine and war is fortunately ta- kififi away the intercft we once ft it in ac- coim from that p3 of the country and leav c the journal itt little elfe fcn do ihan ecord his lei fe of the wifdom ad vi or of the policy whofe good fruits appear in the barrenntf ofhtf own columns the fe eiy in the money marker of calcutta conuiwes flfll to b- felt i- it not worth enquiring- into how ar a com mercial baik on a arge and libera fcale of acconm dati n wo id tend to bv ate evils avifing f om the circulating medium being to ii rtited f r the trading operation which the pirit of mercantile fpecuiation has created from the baltimore patriot april 7 by a gentleman from n thomas we are fa voted with lie following ilate of af fairs on the spaiifh maine ntargarftta march 17 1819 we learn that affairs are going on very profperoufly in that quarter on the 6 h of march near caiaugua the army of morillo was attacked by gen pi s who complet- ly defeated he royalifts with the lofs f 600 killed eft the fied no prison ers- lofs of tht patriot 64 kt-led- mo rillo and his army fo fituated that a retreat was impoffible andtat gen bolivar was only wailing for a div fion of 2500 eng- iifh troops which were afeending the oti- bco to join him when the deftrmflion of morilhi ai d his army would be inevitable 3 coo englifh troops had arrived at juan gnego margarctta and colonel eng- lilh with 250 mre was daily expecltd when the expedition fitting out again ft cumana at juan griego undei the om mand of gen oudinettc will be 6uo from jachtons oxford journal london januaiy 2t the reigning qjeen of wirtemberg h the royal perfon whofe death wz announ ced iu the flanders papers received yelter- day her mcjefty wa fiftei of the em peror of ruffia ad the fame lady who asduchefof oldenberg refided at the pulteney hotel during the vifit of the loyal sovereigns to thii country her firll hufbnd the duke of oldenburg fer- ved in the rnfliin campaign and dien of a fever caught on his attendance in the hof- pitals to vifit his ick officers and foi hers she ttext married the iereuitary prince now kig of wirtemberg who lurvive her by whom he has left iflue the laft two years have proved peculiarly fatal to royalty within that period it ha loft four of its molt diitinguifhed and exalted females firtt our evertobelamented princef- charlotte of wiles next her majelly our late gracious queen lately the queen of spam and now the inteieft- ing and amiabe qneen of wirtemberg mr cobbett continue belabouring sir f burdett in his register on the ground that he has abandoned the reformers the wgromu f c ihett refentment f em to be pecu- iary matters between him and the uaronet in a letter on the fub

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