i agricultural from the philadelphia american cenunel to gardeners farmers c the belt compofition yt devifrd for trees is he following which recipe i beg fcfs 1 mould have had a large crop if 1 had planted my old fort but i prefume not fo much by more than one quarter this i ascertained by planting iome fide by fide ami found its poducetobe lefs than the new fort by more than one quarter finding this new fort of com to be fo valuable an acquifition and wiflling to j a c iia mir hive it propagated as much as poflible i pverv farmer gardener and fruit lit m our in u pip r every lannci r fved a large quantity of it for iced and lar in me nw u ri fown w lace j tool 1 50 ears of it laft october and carried them to montpelicr that the members of the legifhture who lived f remote that they would not otherwifc have an oppor tunity to obtain it might each or them obtain an ear a lvon dut ton cavenih vt feb 15 1819 tobacco sntff ma miact my geoiige scougal m jsiofh titt the engi- cation if they would wifh to preferve theft fruit tree from diftafe laritfaiflnnent and death and to enjoy the luxury of fine fla voured and healthy fruit receipt to make the composition take a half mm of frefo cow dung one peck rf old flecked lime that from the walls or ceilings of old decayed rooms is by far the molt preferable when pound ed fine and fined ne peck of gfted wood afhes and one quart of fine fand sift ed mix and thorough y beat and work them together until the fluff is very foiooth like line platter for plaltenngroom thksuhcriborsbcn lcav acquaint their customers in uper and low er canada they have lately established af lonueil on tne opposite side of the river facing the old market gate an extensive tobacco si snuff ma nufactory and are w enabled t fo supply them with the flowing arti- w fh fulowin cfes and of which a constant supply will charges are fubmiued late matter mun in necr department egs leave to inform his friends and the public in general tha he has commenced bufinefs at the houfe formerly occupied by mr john size store street where every article in his line may be had on the rroft reafonable terms and on the rates cf kf m description of the best method cf pruning and applying the composition aftr cutting or fawing he limb fmt oth on m the part from which the limb wactfi with a harp ki life or othei mttrument then lav on the platerromp fitton about ltltn cf sn inch thick all over the pari fo is to kseo the iir entirely from the wound then take a quantity of wood allies mix ed with thenxth part of the ahes of burnt boantifed put into a tin bx with fmall holes in the top ike a peeper b x to a castor and hake the powder on the lur- faceof the plalhr which u upon the woun ded tee until the planer i completely co vered then with letting it remam for half an h ur to ahforb the moifture then ap ply mole powder rubbing it gently with the hand and fo repftttbg the application of the powdei till the whole plauvr becomes a dry tnooth futface many may thiik thifi prceefs attended with too much trou ble but 1 beg rich tofemimbcr that a thu g once nvell done is twice done or bet ter than bein thrice done and that one ouftce of preventi n is far better than a pound of cure if any of the corapofitcu mould he left frfutue fe it mould be put into ome veflrl and kept cohered with urine of any kind other wife the air will injur ir pknn farmed advertisemen1 nnlze ubfcubersbrg leave re fpecful1y 1 tiufoim then frieda and tbi pub lie that they have juft received from mon- treal a very cxtiioe and general afft-rt- mene of goods o noaerou to fpect- fv which will enable them t t re th fe who may be pleafed to cal at their tue ore reafonable terms thai t e ufual mcie of doing bufinefs in the country f tahlifhrnentsi this fytiem they aredeter- mined to prrfevce in ad fenmb y h rpr it will meet with that approbation and fup- be kept on hand viz pigtail tobacco in rolls of fo 12 lb diffo do in kf of n rolls ditto do in to of pound and half pound rolls ladies twist in do 1 1 roll- to he lb plug tobacco iu do 6 ai 8 plugs to the pound supe tine ami common c tobacco ill large and small papers lain llnppee macaha crotch snuff the eaim fs narraiifed 1 f a vpeior quality if foil 1 othoric mh bo re- t rued a h- subscribers ofipefice and the rnon repaid qrvm for any of the rib- v nriik to bt- seio to them at their soe mo st i aul street mon- reau wlvre every attention is usual will be paid t hem on the most vasona r and fofwflded to any mrt of 1 h ivi ew horse shoeing all round 68 removes 26 and all other work in piovorttod kingston april ph 1819 j for sale tfiat elegant farm no 8 firft conceffion towndiip f fredericks- biigh 28 miles from king ft on c rtain- in 200 acres formerly occupied by colonel spencer and known by fhe name of the mnfi n uo fe it contains about co acres of land under oipr vemi nt an elegant frame houfe 2 lory high with 2 bams and oher buildings perfons defn ous of purchasing may enquire of the subfcri- ber on the pre r iflts or to d liagefman fifq at bath joepii bergeron frederick burgh cpt 8h 1 s 1 s 15 interest in the lioufc of lhokt ik van slyck at ptcfctt and that if lulhcr sexton at la v bine to ajr a jo cs of i refcott upper canada ihe bnsiuels will after the first day oc march enfuin be carried on under the finns of junes 5c van lyck at 1 refcott and of levi exion co at la chine we be leave to refer you to the an nexed notice wherein mi 1 timer makes himfelf refponsible with uh for any engage ments entered into ly laid firms we feel faufied from our late experience in buxinefs the mi iber of boats now owned by us and the commodious stores at this place and la chiue thu we fh 1 1 have it in our power to cive general fetia- facion a jones coks a van slyck l sexton frefcott january 1 8th 1819 port which it m v net fowkh wvbster co or ca 1 1 t titvjilc v rfu vvest twist and must l tiiveii in from to axemen- creek smiths itb march 19 gwl 2 net fens notice rlhe nndetfifirned r qued all i indebted t the eate of the late nic ho l as v ger man kfyutren to make immediate p yne- 1 md huh as have accounts again ft the tllate are 1 quelled to prefent them foi adjutf ment cii a es hagcrraao daniel tlaserman executors re- klngfton 15th larch 18 9 12 from the vermont republican ftplile subfcriber offe fr fale his jl houfe and farm together 01 f t arate z alfo hi- iiorfes carts shijhs cows uoga oxen gtsrtn riay potatoes and implements of ii uftandry fituate on he iiivtr st i awrence oveilo king the beautiful village of ogdtnftorg and within half a mile of prefcott upper onada the dwelling houfe which has lately- been erected enfi t- of two fitting roonnq 4 bed rooms a kitchen and cellar well fiillv d the fnrn contains 1 07 acre of 1 huiee 2 1 m- o-h- orevi to i t r rn wan- it articles mini more time to j r fi ss than oilier kinds of i tr r s caldwell j salmons of altai a- u to 1 1 iui tnro ail l nf i y simh ind chocai h cracr- intended for t ad for r the subsiillprs will v rp t dj a ooii- th it- v il on baud crooi tutli mmufaeto 150 kit mff sct tec i ij tobac co 6 and 8 plug pr lb 50 boxi fresh d fil0s ixsi vpnt of leilo- s- 1t- hmiwrtw lew 61 bems m pal tuh march 1 8 1 j g is from any person or persons the s h uribers will rec ive pro- nul i to enae to clear sixty acres of eew laud 00 thflj premises in amelias- buiib bay 1 i quinlc ready for seed by the first day ol auut next the a-li- e on a 1 laid will be required to be coil eted and earrl ly second tams aud i r uioiis will b- lurnisht u re quired fur particular apph to owen mcijcuoal kingston- or to mcdodgal mclellan 9 rirllv ue notice tttesuhfctiberhavin dffpofed of hia interest in the houfe if lufher van slyck at i refcott and that of her sexton at la chine t mi jie tlie buinels will in futuie he cored on under the firm of jone van n y- k at res- cott and that of levi exton co at fa hire lie will notwithtitanj ij hold iimef refpon ibc wi h ihem fr air en aemtnt they niuy 1 kc g ila lusher salumon co anchors of cables 5n i we fenceil upwards of bo of which i pat ure and meadow the remain- a hfvt sort of indian corn ifleffrs ue nidi id you wil be mud enouti to puoita the f hewing if your ufeful paper it may beofefieatial benefit to the public efpe- cr and wood l anj with a y ung ciaily to thtetdiizng forrrenj orchard and good bam stable and root- as i was on my way t bottom in 06l 1817 an aeqnainemr of nine told me that a man h bedf f by th name of porter had laifed that ye r a new fort of corn that was eai v hi d large our corn having been cut off by the ti oft for two or three year i was anxioo to embrace an opportunity to get an rarlier lort and the light rowed com was o unpr duct ive i rjid not choofe to plant it and had nrt for t2ny years i therefore called on mr porter wl o teok me into his con h ufe irhcre he mowed me tie hardftincll bin of corn l ever faw the ears were large and bright and from 8 to 12 itches ong and thee we from loto 18 but genera ly houfe ad a final lenement for labourers o a gentleman of feculation the above premife which extends 3 crts in front of tde river must piovc of great adailtagej as it i one of the best situa tion in the neighbour ho dior the erection fa whaf 3rcw y or diitiliety c part of tee onrchaie money may remain on mortgage if agreeable to the pu chafer applfcation to b made to henry forest efq montreal john macaulay km t m or the owner p5nrqbfu prescott 26th oct 1818 6f william huuuf ifixtill eccive by the caued fpring v v vcftcls and keep ennitacty on hand at quebec an ulf rtmeni of patent proved cham cables of all sizes anclqu8 do well worthy he aft tion of thrfe enga ged ft the lak and kiv navigation quebec lit pri 1819 14f edward jones 1gs leave r oft ttfpci fully ro in- a j fornhis friends- and the public in geiutal that he has juft received an ele- gai t attortneot f dry u fancy goods nohcr ih subfcribr havng fd iih goods to mralexr mcleod requell 1 tlnf- to wb tr he i- indebted o ft t tl i account for payment stti lio o owe hi are called upon to er ttieh i eouits by the firfl o my rexi or e fe they will be left with an n p 6mytil kingfton april 9 v 15 last notice nphosf indebted to 1 a trick 8otth co 3fcfli4 r 1 iv lft tiee that uihf they fettle their ac- cou ts before the ift f may next they will be left with an attorney for collec tion lsjuyth kingfton apiil 9 3wt5 b a n k of notice james mechr return ismofi fincerc thanks to the p ppk of b ihgf ton and its environs for the liberal en- c our a- cm nt he as met ivitb jlme his enm mencing bufmefs tff beyr leave fo irjorni his friends and the public that he has removed iq his new hoite near the jar- let place cppfue to p r baymans and quill as tifttiil carry tn the jin copper and sheet iron manufactory ggrxm iroftng and black- smith work will bf executed in the lefl manner at the jij rtjl nrtice ami on the oiv ft rt vis 7 tent i aft or fell trim qf tn years a id tivme ite p givti thii iv known jland v li- rjl l hg-ro- ja in harraei jrtt 7 his ji uilon is one of the left in iwn hwvinj many eanvrwcs thai renuf it prfirularly itelt aaaped fir a fouf of public entertainment und sture spvh to the proprietor y iu kingfim feb 5 1m9 6 the sub r drr 111 egs leave to infinm tik pub that 5h ig1t ft n fir ihe has commenced manufacturing catnia h o a j caudles j from 12 t- 16 r o w- op an ear x- r porte 1 old me that it waa foitiifght earlier there than tiie little eight roed cmadatorn i bough- three pcks of it a part of it in the ears to mow its quality igavcaway fcveral quarts of it to my friends on my way hone on the 28th of way 1818 i planted a fii ol ground co tainintf 84 rods bv ex- pd tnafurement with fome of faid corn iioroved the ground about 3 feet apart one way i then t ok yard manure that was carried out and laid in a large htap the fall be re and fpread it all along fa ihe furrowi i rhen t ok a horfc and plough and turned the furrows nrh back on to the manure i then put three kernels in a hil and p anted the hill about 20 inch- s a apart which made it about twice a- thick lat way a- the other it grew wry large and wa much admired l f never few the ikr a- the general expreffion of ali who noticed it some f my neighbors wifised me to afcertaie the quantity that grew on that pieeeof ground which i have done as dearly as i could with convenience in september i ricked for feed the firft ripe ears all over the piece anh traced up raft 20 ears in a trace and had 160 tiacea which contained 3200 ears i hae fince fhelvd and find the whole to amount u 28 bufhels the fore part of october i gathered the remainder and had it huflced out in the evtning and laid it fa a heap in my corn houfe and the next d y we pick ed bower and that which wa then fuf- firjentjy dry ro put into the bin we meas ured a feflftt which holds bufhels of celled corn and had t6bafkcu which re jurgred would be as much or moe than 26 bufhels of helled corn whch to with 2 bufhels of feed corn make bufhel ard v e concluded that the part which we ufc to put n the bin was equivatent to the four rods which the piece of ground contained ov r a ha f acre and by the cobs about the field wt iudped hat the hens and turkies had devoured four or five bufhels i therefore c that the whole prodifl was as much as at the rate of one hundred and fixtcen bufhels to the acre it being a g0o feaion for corn doubt- for sale three valuable farms two of tlvmi lying in fhe township of kingston 3d concession one eorfajttng 50 acres being a part of waterloo with a god house and barn tan house hark mill and eleven pood tan vats a good situation for a distillery there bring a constant supply of mater the other ly- ina about half a mile raai of waterlog in the 3d concesioo containing i3 acps and one third being the for and west halves of l ts no 10 and 21 with 40 aeros of jnirevmvf well foced aud cuts 25 on- of ha yearly the oth er part well timbered and a small ere fe running through th- middle of the l t it is a handsome situation for a dairy for particulars pfjquire of john ryder jen frr sale or 10 let m two ftory framtd houfe and a 2iz lame and commodious lone store fiioate on the wtr edge m the centre of the village of prefect exeerdingly ad- vantageou- terms to the ourchafcr or lessee enquire at the office of chr a magerman kmgfton 26th february 1819 9 nartce the subfcriler forbids all perfons from txefpaffing on lot no 32 in the 4th cnncvffiou of the townfhip of camden in the county of lenox and ad ding ton midland dili rict and does here by forbid any perfou 01 perfons from cut tng or deltroying any timber whether lying or ftaddlng or canyingany part of the lame away under penalty of the law a m acdonell kingflon dec 26th 1818 co tilting partly or the following articles viz r perflne well of england cloths ad cafh erts ol the m ffhionable coiors infli li ens jlriiifh lfnea and cotton carnoic- cozded atihric ltno and mcopi- jaconet and mw mufltes fancy mufl han kerchieft ran an a aud bocl a do fine ring- hams black a d coined silks t and cotton shawls and fcarfs fine coded donitie- white jane white and buff ivfar feil qurhtrgj b ak florentme fine uney ffi caiicoe mhazettes bom- bnz ir f all color- inen diaper and huckabuck white and coloured flannels ruffio sheeting and otoab rg a web ehofen affortnei t of thread and laces and oibbons straw bonnets i adies torroifc fh1 con bs cambric and lace fo- tings a d a numbff of articles too nu merous to inleit- 4 cratevuf pie crockery wan glicjcerles jamaica scirit- brandy holland gin port and other wins pcppetjeiiut and shrub hyfon and twai key teas dijubie wsd faje meowed muiroedc to spernaeeti mould and dipt caudles ciojp starch and fiv blue c sec c the ubfcrrbtr beig anpomted agent foi the ak of i an ad a he will ne gotiate bank notes foi bills on ft ontreal quebec or for specie wm mitchell kinjfton oft ntth 188 20 f u e let for one or more years and immediate pom flion given that f rm of late owned by mr jbz ton whereon he kept a public inn situa ted within a mi e and a quarter of the town of king lion- for terms apply to the subfcriher t elijah beach kingflon 23d dec 1818 black smith work b lyn ilds k co lately arrived ul trm ireland beg leave to inform the gent t en and inhabitants f kingston and its vicinity in general that they have com menced the horse shoeing and blacksmithlvgbujness i all its aii us branches near the upper eid of store street between mr doug lass houle and mr powells all orders with which thev may k favored fhal be executed in luch a complete and workman fa the houfe formerly occupied as an inn by mr j hn size in store strce aid he hope that from his long exotiene and knowledge f the bufinefs he will he enabled to give tftfaton to thofc nerfina whvi nay fav r him with their patronage aud lupjort james benson kmgfton ifl march 189 rjjn b cafli paklfr adies rotf to le1 rrhe commodious dwelling jtut and trcmifes the pro petty of w rfs efq lat ly in the d ffeffi n f mr woolf fur terms apptcauon li be made to wm mitcejll kingflon ocl fh 1818 20 n reafonable terms tw- sone kojeopp fife j hn mclean t efq sheriff inquire of niciiobas morin april 2 o like manner and on ftieh low terms at all of which will be fold for caft or ap- they hope wil entitle them to a fhare of proved credit the public patronage kingston 4m atg 1818 fo kingston 10th october 18 1 8 20tf for saul notice c couiaining two hundred acres former ly the property of reuben sherwood esquire but now belonging fo jolmshu- ter esquire of london j here is a ve- ry good dwelling house with a barn and other out houses on the premises also 3 54 to let nclude and immediate poftcflion given that pleafantly fituated hovse and pa r k the property of the rev alexr mcdowell for further particulars apply to the fubfenber y duncan mcdonell also fmall house in store street opronte meftrs monjeau st ceimains ipih a- above kingston dec 8th 1 8 1 8 z lot number nineteen in the ninth con cession and lie west half of lot number one in the eighth concession of the same township also lot number lifteen in the first concession and number fifteen in the second co ceion o the town- ship of yong- in b district of johnh- town fh se farnia will be disposed of on terms peculiarly asy and advantage ous topurchaers apply to dan1kl jones jon brockville loth jmuary 1819 4 for the courts of request and various athxr kinds for sale at tu ojjice pe indebted to the above firm wil picafe pay their account without delay and thofe who may have claims againfl that concern will pleafe prefent them for adjuftroent james hanken ernefl town 2 rit sept 1818 24tf notice the subfcriber has loft three notes signed by freeman s clinch viz ore of 2 dollars on demand one of 25 d liars fix months after date one of 50 dollars payable in jorners or abfnet work the end rfement according to the belt of my knowledge ig as follows viz 4 or 5 pounds on the firft note the above notes were given the 26th of march 1r18 daniel reymalds februa nth 1819 3 blank deeds and vfeorials for sale at this office tfrms of the kingston chronicle twenty shillings per an mn 0 sent bv mail tuent four b illing bxhsrnp ions to be paid in advance to the 1st of ji ly or ire is of janu ary wfc fhwcf of adfertisemexts ix lines and under iv bd first in sertion and ld each subsequent ins rtion 10 lines and under 3s 4d first insertion and 10 each subsequent insertion above ten lines ad per line for the first insertion and d jier line for every subsequent insertion advertiseni nts without written direc iio- sure inserted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing uvd delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received after ten oclock on the day of publication agents henry cowan esq quebec james williams eq montreal messrs j j dnlop lancaster pail fjla pford esq matilda alpheus jones esq presroti henry jones fsq brockville n btommas gyq perth 3 k hartweu esq bastard e webster lq gnnanoque j rarken esq bath allan mcpherson eq wapance simon vienibb esq beumue james g betbune lq hamilton william a pan esq vok ricliarh flan esq dundas daniel ross esq vitloria john crooks esq niagara t mccormick sq quevnsttm john wyi on rso trnttertbureh ivunliston uc printed for thl editors