Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), May 14, 1819, p. 1

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nn on ronic l v- vol i friday 4ftemoom may 14 1s19 y j- vtffj a x t 5 nnr- ts t ir 3ia v 1 no 20 f tjsl4 the at 9 james mackenzie mastei will in future leave the different ports on the following days viz kingston for york on the 1st wth cirid days of each month york for qmensim 3d 3th md 234 duys of each month niagara for kingstmij htk ihth wtd2btk days of each month itates of passages from kingston to york and niagara 300 from york to niagara i 0 0 children under three years of age half price above three and inckr ten two thirds a book will be kept for entering- the names of passengers and the brhs which they may choose at which time the passage monev mv h id passengers are allowed go lbs weight of baggage surplus bag gage to be paid for at the usual rate gentlemens servants cannot sleep or eat he cabin heck passengers will pa 15s and may either bring their own provisions or be furnished by the steward for each dog brought on board 5s a sppfealiom for parages to be made to contain miidkfnzir board freight to let the houfe lately occupied by the rev mr booth the property of jnnres richardfn sen fituated near mr hugh earls tor terms apply to the fubicriber roftf richardson kingston f january 1819 2 jificvliurol it is propofed that an agricultural so ciety for the diftrict of johnilown fhall be forthwith eitntlifhed the advantage- which will probably a- rife from fuch an in dilution muft be evi dent to thole wha are in tfieleaft acquaint ed with fimilar eilbliuhmentsin other coun tries in order to brine about the end pro pofed the public and particularly far mers are hereby notified that there will be a metritis ac the houfe of stephen cromwell inn keeper in iwck- ville on ivjidsesdat the 19th i may next at 9 oclock of the morning being the 2d day of the fittings of the quarter seflion- at which time and place the farmers of the diftrict of johnuowu and al others who feel an intereft in the agricultural profperity of the country are invited to rive their attendance- brockviile april 6 isio pin sic sf surgery jr z- smaily begs leave ref- nectfully to inform the inhabitants ol kielon and its viciukv that he has eftabuibed himfejf as a pik 1via x hi liglion ti 0 mcmty from hislavlip recti veil a regular me- dical education and from lis experience ia the different btanehes of his profeffion he h nduce1 to believe that lie will be able to do justice to all whofe misfortunes may reudci tlicm under the necefiity cf fo- liciting medical aid b to any alia at the iisrn of the tobacco snuff manufactory til e subscribers beg leave to acquaint their customers in upper and low er canada they have lately established at longucil on the opposite side of the liver facing the old market gate an extensive tobacco snuff ma nufactory and are now enabled to supply them with the following arti cles and of which a constant supply will be kept on hand viz pigtail obacco in rolls of 10 to 12 lb ditto do iti kegs of lb rolls ditto do in do of pound and half pound rolls ladies twist in do 12 rolls to the lb plug tobacco in do 6 and 8 plugs to the pound superfine and common cut tobacco in large and small papers plain rappee macaba scotch snuff the same is warranted of a superior quality if found otherwise may be re- turned at the subscribors expence and the money repaid orders for any of the above articles to be sent to them at their store no 42 st paul street mon treal where every attention as usual will be paid to supply them on the most reasonable term and forwarded to any part of the two provinces orders for north west twist and carrot tobacco must be given in from 3 to 4 months previous to its being wan ted as those articles require more time to be got in readiness than other kinds of tobacco the r f ricn 3 s c aid re e 11 fy so l mons of albany continue a usual to manu facture ail kinds of tobacco snufifaud chocolate any orders intended for them and forwarded to the subscribers will meet with due attention they have still on hand from their manufacto be coiittantly ke on hand a choice 2nd wei ehnfeti dt tftcrr t dutgand med ink points of all kinds linked lamp and cui qiu dye woods and dye tuff cotton yarn window clals putty nails a new and tlcgvnt flortment of will be ransjoiod o and iitsui the above places at the rate of jpapek iangings 45 per banc bulk and flour at the customary rate delivered to the bodies ijqnse j of tkeneh different consignees a list of their names will be put in a con- est fashion gatfb n km raised by the bakers books spaionary c c c- i6tf ry viz 1a0 kegs sweet scented plu tobac- co 6 and s plugs per lb goldai wmar oppofe the market the boxes fresh chocolate itrctdt attention w be paid 5 where iil t 1 s wlth an assortment of london snuns imported last fall statutes of upyer canada an aato present cert a ix meet ings within this province i a t tti nov ih18 whereas the election or appoint ment of aitemblies purprotin to reprefent the people or any defcription of the people under the pretence of delibera ting upon matters of i ublic concern or of preparing or prefenting petitions com plaints remonstrances and declarations and other addrtffes to the king or to both or either houfes of parliament far al teration of matters edablifhed by aw or redrefs of alledged grievances in church or state may be made ufe of to ferve the ends of faftioua and fedifcious perfons to the violation of the public peace and manifest encouragement of riot tu mult and diforder it is hereby enacted by the kings moll excellent majesty by and with the advice and confent of the legislative council and aitenbly of the province of upoer anada constituted and aflembled by virtue of and under the authority of an a paffed in the parlia ment of great britain entitled ah act to repeal certain parts of ao a 6k pafied in the fourteeenth year of his majetya reign entitled an a6t for mailing more effeual provifiin for the govern ment of the province of quebec in north america and to make further provifion for the government of he faid province and by the authority of the fame that all fuch aflvmblies committee or ther bo dies af perfons elected or othcrwife con- stituted or appointed hall be held and taken to be unlawful affembliee and that all perfbn4 giving or publifiiing noic- rt the mleclion to be made of fch perl rw r delegates or attending voting or aftinjj therein by any means are guilty of a high mifderiieanor provided always that no thing in this aft c ntained fha imoede the just exercife f the undoubted light cf his majestys subjects to s etttion the king or parliament for redrefs of any publc or private grievance spicuous place on board whicii must be deemed a sufficient notice- aud the goods when taken ivovn the steamboat will be considcre d at the risk of the owners for each small parcel 2s 6d which must be paid on delivery kingston april s8tb 1811 i sir april g levy henjs solomon co motrml vih munli 1 s 1 j y anchors sf cables william liudpen will eceive by the carlieft fpring veffels and keep conllautly on hand at quebec un aflbrtment of patent proved chain cables of all sizes anchors do well worthy the attention of thofe enga ged in the lake and river navigation quebec ill april 1819 itf for sale or to let xf two itory framed houfe and a sjj- aigeaiid commodious lone stoic f r v the water edge in the centre or ih ce of prefcol on exceedingly nd- van- teeoui term- m the purchaftr cr lessee jlnquitr at the ofilce of chr hagermn kingdom 26th february 1819 notice the subfcriher forbids all petfons from ttet effing on tot no 32 in the 4th concf ffioi of the townfhip of camden in the county of lenox and al dington midland difirict and does here by forbid any perfon or perfons from cut ting or deliroying any tirnbei whether lying or ftanding pr carrying any part of the fame away under penalty of the law a macdonell to axemen fjjniile subscribers will receive pro ji posals from any pen on or persons willing to engage to clear sixty acres of new land on their premie in amelias- burgh bay of quiiito ready ftr seed by the first da of august next the ah- es on said laud will be required to be colli eted and carefully secured teams and provisions will be furnished if re quired 1or particulars apply to owen mcdougal kingston or 10 mcdougal mclellanj o bellvllle black smith worl il kingttdn tree vwh i 5 l to let a nd immediate poftefiion given that ii pleafantly fituated house and pa kk the property cf the rev alexr mcdoncll for further particulars apply to the fubferiber duncan mcdonell also a fmall house instore street oppofite meffrs monjeau 5c st germains apply as above kingston dec 9tlj 1818 29 for sale that elegant farm no 8 firft conteffion townlhip of fiedeiicks- burgh 28 miles from kingfton citain ing 200 acres formerly occupied by colonel spencer and known by the name of the maulion licife it contains about 50 acres of land under improvement an elegant frame houfe 2 lory high with 2 barns- and other buildings perfons defirous or purchafing may nquircof the subfcri- ber on the premifles or to d hagerman efq at bath joseph bergeron frederickiburgh sept 8th 1818 ic vo bale on rcafonacle terms two s one ho fser oppfne john mel cans elq skiff iquiic of nicholas morin april 2 14 eynalds fk co lately arrived 8j fvom ireland beg leave to infoi ru the its vicinity in general that they have com menced the horse shoeing and blacksm1thingbu6ines3 in all its various branches near the upper end of store street between mr doug lass houfe and mr powells all orders with which they may be favored hall be executed in fuch a complete and workman like manner and on fuch low terms af they hope will entitle them to a hare of the public patronage 20tf fob sak fol th unexpired cm of the leafc which is feven yars from the nrft of may next the premifes ait prefent occupied ly the fubferiber facing he market fquare beiqg lituaced on lot nio 6 and joining meffrs kmith 5c buitcrvworth on- theftrcet leading from mr rcbertt walkers hotel to the river the buidiings on the premi- fes cuifift of a urge franne houfe two fto- rits high well fiuimed stable for ten hor- fesandalfoa bake licufe with a good oven in complete order the yard well tecurcdi the place is well worth the attention of any baker or a perfon defirous of keep ing a public lioufe for further particu lars apply to the fubferiber on the premi- fes d macdonald ktntfm april 7 1 8 1 9 5 notice iinostgti loth q sober 1s18 notice rjh elate partuehhipof james ranhn 3 isj co having diflblved itfelf this day by the death of roderick mackay efq the bufintf will in lutute be carried nn by the fubferiber to whom all perfons who are indebted to the above firm wil pleafe pay their accounts without delay and thofe who may have claims agaiult that c ncern will pleafe prefent them for adjuftment james iianken erneft town 21u sept 1818 24tf bankof cvlna n the subfcriber beig aopointed agent for the ilank of anjla he will ne gotiate bank notes for bfutoti montreal quebec or tor speck- w- itchell kingllon od 13th 1 88 2q fjftile fuhferib- being appointed agent jl 10 the montreal firi in surance company acquaints the public that he is tow ready to iflue poli cies on either reaor pcrlonal property on veiy moderate rats of premium w mitchell kington tb jpil 18 10 ijwb notice aj vumbeh of lots of one hun- ofjl dred acre each fituated on pub lic roads now lading out running through the school tiavnflhps of south wld yarmoutli and loughron will be fold by public auction or afiual iettlement to the higheft bidder at ross tavern on talbot road 01 the nrft of july next one fourth of th purchafe money to be paid down and remainder by three e- qual initalments vith intereft by older of his excellency the lieu tenant giveruor in council executive ccunrf ojjice 1 york 26th felr 1 try 18193 ii kingston brnch of the mon treal bank a ny fura icquired maybe obtained at j the office for good bills on mon treal qnebee biils of exchange on lon don or foi specie notes alfo will be discounted at thirty fixtv and ninety days thomas parkland agent kiiigflcu 3d nov 1 81 8 23 edward jones egs leave mod refpcctfully to in form his friends and the public in general that he has jut teceived an ele gant aflbrtment f dry fancy goods confiding partly of the following articles viz superfine weft of england cloths and caflimeres of the mod faihionable colors lrifh linens britifh shirting linea nd cotton cambrics corded lambric lenos and mull in 3 jaconet and mull muflins fancy muflin handkerchiefs bandanna and barcalona do fine ging hams black and colored silks silk and cotton shawls and fcarfs fine corded dimities white jane white and buff mar- feils quilting black florentine fine undreflcd calicoes bomhazettes bom bazines of all colors linen diaper and huckabuck white and coloured flannels ruflia sheeting and ofnaburg a well chofen aflbrtment of thread and laces and ribbons stiaw bonnets ladies tortoife fliell combs cambric and lace footings and a number of articles too nu merous to inleit 4 crates of blue crockery ware groceries jamaica spirits brandy holland gin port and other wines peppermint and shrub hyfon and twankcy teas double and single refined sugars mufcovado do spermaceti mould and dipt candles soap starch and fig blue c c c all of which will be fold for cafa or ap proved credit kingston h aug i 8 i 8 i o notice tjmlie underfigned rtqucft all perfons jl indebted to the eftate of the late nicholas hagerman efquire to make immediate payment and fuch as have accounts againlt the eftate are re- quelled to prefent them for adjuftment cii aiex hagerman daniel ha gen nan executors likingfton 15th march 1819 12 for sale on commission a few barreh of prime onandaga a sajt john kirby kingston 17th march 1819- z an a3 for vejiirg in cotnffihfilincrs t f states of certain traittrs and alf ths i i aiui 1 i he estates of perfons declared silent by an aft paffed in the fifty fourth year f his llajejlfs reign intituled l an da to declare certain perfons therein defcribed aliens and to vest their estates u his majesty and for applying the proceeds thereof towards conipenfattnq tht loffes which his majestys hubjetls heve fus- tained in confenuence of the late ivrr and for afcertaining and aiisfying the lawful debts and claims thereupon f nee- 1 j whera s hy the operation of an a a df the parliament of this province paffed in the 54th year of ilia majeftys reign entitled an tl to declare certain perfons therein deleribed aliens and to veft their eftates in his majelty and by inquifitions duly taken and returned according to the previliond of tle faid a his majefty has become feized of lands in this province of con siderable value which it is expedient fhould be fold that the claims of all bona fide creditors and perfons having any jift lien or fecurity upon the fame my be paid and fatified and the remaining pro ceeds thereof applied agreeably to the gracious inftruftions of his royal high- nefs the prince regent aing in the name and on the behal of his majefty communicated through his honor samuel smith efq late adminiftrator of the government of this province towards compenfating the loflea which his majeitys faithful subject of this province have fuftained by theinvafionofthe tnemy or otherwife h cmrfscucnce f the war lately terminated between his majefty the united slates of america nd whereas alfo during the late war with he united states of america a number of his majeftys subjects in thu province contrary t their duty of allegiance were wickedly and traitoroufly adhering ro the enemies of li is majefty or did ev war againft his mnjefty or were gu ty of ther high treafons and it being ia like manner fignified to be the gracious inten tion of his royal highnefs the prince reffent that the eftates real and per- fonal of fuch perfons a have been or hall be duly attained as guilty of high ttea- fon during he faid war with the united st3tes r america fliould be likewife applied towards compenfting the lofles which h vajefty faithful subjea- of this province have fuftained by the inva- fion of the enemy or otherwife in con- fequence of the faid war therefore in order to carry the faid gracious intentions into effecv and alfo that due provifion may be made for the fatisfaftion of all juft and lawful claims which any of his majeftys dutiful and loyal subjects may have to upon or out of the eftates of fuch rebels and traitors be it enaed by the kings mod excellent majefty by and with the advice and eemfent of the le illative council and aflembry of the province of up- v canada ro ftm d aad affcmbled by virtit rf and undei the authoiity of an d pafied in the 1 arliament of great britain iiitituled an ad to rencjd

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