Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), May 14, 1819, p. 4

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mt -xtr- portll y a a hebrew melody by the euridk shepherd 0 saw ye the roe of the east in the valley of sharon that grows ye daughter- of jtidah how blest to breathe in the sweets of my roe come tell roe if et shes at flpst in her couch with the lilies inwove or if wantons the breeze with her breast for ray heart it is sick for my love 1 charge you ye virgins unveild that b ra moug the sycamore trees bv the roes and be kinds of the tield that ye wake bdt rnv love till he please the garden with flowers is in mow and roses immiirjierd are there then tell how thy love we shall know for the daughters oizion are fair abed of frankincense her cheek and wreath ofsweet myrrh is hr hand her eye the bright gem that they seek by the rivers and streams of the land her smile from the morning sne wins her teeth are the lambs on the hill her breasts twooung roes that ar tfvins and feed on the vailies at will as the cedar mong trees of the wood as the lilly mid shrubs of the heath as the town of damascus that stood overlooking the hamlets beneath as the moon that in lory we see mid the stars and the planet above even so among v omen is she and my bosoin is ravished with love return with the eveningstar and our couch on amana hall be from shemir and hermon afar thou the mountains of leopards tiiall see o shulamite turn to th rest where the olive overshadows the land as the top of the de make haste far the sinking of bird is at hand permit another week io pass without re- commending the farmer to pass the har row ovei his fields of small grain we are confident that it must have a line ef fect in giving it an early start and ena bling it to outerow most of its enemies the reasoning is plain and obvvus it acts like a fresh ploughingof com or to- a ver xjjl near for sale very valuable farm situated the village of brockville be ing the rear half of lot no one acd the rear half of lot number two in the se cond concession of elizabethtown u v containing two hundred acres former ly the property of reuben sherwood baeco just before a good rain the sur- squire but now belonging to john shu- ter esquire of london there is a ve- rv good dwelling house with a barn and other ont houses on the premises also lot number nineteen in the ninth con cession and the west half of lot number one in the eighth concession of the same township also lot number fifteen in he first concession and number fifteen rn the second concession o the town ship of youge in the district of johns- face of the ground is softened about the stalk gives it room to expand and nu merous bugs and insects are routed co vercd over and destroyed at all events it is easy to make the trial let a few breadths be harrowed the same way the grain was ploughed in numerous plants will be torn up and the operation will apparently menace universal destruction but it will be found that what remains will spread and thrive much better and more than make up for the little destroyed perhaps for this operation the com mon old wooden tooth harrow with blunt teeth would answer as well if not better than any other and it is well if it can be made to answer any purpose well at all events this harrowing i strenuously recommended by somef the best penn sylvania farmers therefore we repeat make the trial on a small scale and then you will know another year american farmer roip 01 longe m ue u u y retort muft remain over fown ihese iarms v11 be deposed of theenfu od rf p n terms peculiarly easy and advantage- commiitarv generals ofice ous to purchasers- apply to k m us to purchasers applv to daniel jones jun- brockvifle m january 1819 m circular r- eri lufher having difpofed of lag interest in the iioufe of lufher si vaa slyck at prefcott and that cf lulner sextun at la chine to mr a jones o prefcott upper canada the bntinefs will after the first day of march enfuing be carried on under the firms of jones van slyck at prefcott and of levi sexton co at la chine we be leave to refer you to the an nexed notice wherein mr lufher makes himfelf refponsible with us for any c pig ments entered into by faid firms wt feel fatiified from our late experience in businefs the number of boats now cj owned by us and the commodious stores moft diftant potts thole officers affida- j jq mi vitswhichdonotarnveintimetobemcor- have our pov t0 general fetich faction a jones cous a van slyck l sex ton prdctfttf january isth 1s19 to officers 01 halfpay in canada t is defired that officers receiving half- pay or military penfions through the comniftanat in canada will tranfmit to their feveial agents at quebec their affidavits in triplicate immediately after the 24th of the period when their half- pay becomes due fo that the affidavits of officers refiding in lower canada hall arrive at quebec before the 10th and thofe of officers refiding in the upper province before the 20th of the following month at which period the returns will be made up as more than fufficient time is given for communications to reach quebec from the quebec march 1 1819 t k 7 v agricultural from the literary panerama on fore ins fruit trees to bios- som and bear fruit by the rev g l temple in my early years i law my father who was fond of pomology and killed in that fcience cutting a ring on feveral bran ches of trees which already were in blof- fom for the purpofe of producing by that means larger fruit than ufual this was riot his own invention but as far as i can recoiled derived from a french journal thirty years ago when i was a boy i practiced this operation in imitation of him and thereby obtained larger pears and plumbs in repeating this operation of ringing the branches which i did mere ly for the purpofe of larger fruit i ob- fcrved that the branches fo operated upon always bore the next year by this reite- if appca pec 1 ivas ted to rti oca that perhaps the mode of ringing the bark might he the means of compelling every unproductive branch to yield fruit with this view i cut rings upon a confiderable number of branches which as yet had fhewed no bloftom and found by repeat ing the experiment the truth of my fup- pofition indifputably confirmed by experi ence the application of this experiment by which upon every bough or branch fruit may be artificially produced is very fimple and eafy and the mode of proceed ing is as follows with a harp knife make a cut in the bark of the branch which you mean to force to bear and not far from the place where it is connected with the ftem or if it be a fmall branch or hoot near where it is joined with the larger bough the cut is to go round the branch or to en circle it and to penetrate to the wood a quarter of an inch from the cut you make a fecond like the firft round the branch fo that by both encircling the branch you have marked a ring upon the branch a quarter of an inch broad between thefe two cuts you take clean away with a knife down to the wood removing even the fine inner bark which immediately lies upon the wood fo that no connection whatever temains between the two parts of the bark but the bare and naked wood appears white and fmooth but this barking which is to compel the tree to bear muft be made in the right time that is when in all na ture the buds are itrongly f welling or breaking oat into blofloms in the lame year a callous is formed at the edges of the rin on both fides and the connection of the bark that had been interrupted is re- itorcd again without any detriment to the tre or the branch operated upon in which the artificial wound loon grows over by tins fimrde though artificial means f forcing every fruit tree with certainty to bear you obtain the following import ant advantages 1 you may compel every young tree of which you do not know the frrt to ihow its fruit and decide fooner whether being of a good quality it may remain in its firft hate or requires t be grafted 2 you may thereby with certainty get fruit of every good fort of which you wilh to fee die produce in the next year 3d this method may probably ferve to increafeconfiderably the quantity in this country england the branches fo operated are hung with fruit while the others that are not ringed often have nothing or very little upon them this eiledt is eafy to be cx- summer wheal it is perhaps not ge nerally known that lauds which will produce but little or no winter wheat- will produce a handsome crop of the summer kind you may sow it soou af ter the frost is out of the ground and it will be tit for harvest about two weeks after thai so 1 ed in the fall the wheat will be sweet and white and to me iti- fiuitelv preferable to rye 1 have known land which would pro duce no rye but blasted jicld twenty- six bushels to the acre there are some advantages with res pect to this kind cf grain worthy the at tention of my tellow farmers it cannot be winter killed it will do well to sow in the spring where ottvr grain has been winter killed zud will make hour supe- rior to rye to me it appears that owing to the preterit extraordinary winter much of our grain wiil be killed and if it should prove the ease i know of no better vay to remedy the evil than to improve the same land with summer wheat mr p hildreth egs to inform the inhabitants f kingfton that he has commenced a sciiool id a houfe owned by airs burley oppofite mr blanchards he ref- pettfolly folicits the attendance of the youth in that place to whom will be paid every necefiary attention terms for each ft tidying arithmetic reading writing c one dollar per month thole ftudying englifli grammar by chart which is the irew approved plan fix dollars for fix weeks in which time if thev have arrived to years of discretion and ood underftanding by their diligent application to the ludy thereof he war rants them a good knowledge of it particular attention will be paid to his grammar scholars from 5 to 8 ovlock a m and from half pafl 4 to 7 p m kingfton april 28 1819 x aux meiers a bemipaie en canada tj es officieps qui recoivenf la de- ii a mifate on pension miiitaire par ie canal du commissariat en canada sont reqols de transmettre a leurs ageus respectifs i quebec leurs affidavit 5 en t notice- he sabfcriber having difpofed of interest in the ho ufe of lufher van slyck at prefcott and that of lufher k sexton at la chine t mt a jouer the busmeis will in future be carried on under triplirala immediatement anres le terme 1 u du paiement de tear demipale de man- firms of jones van shrek at ires iere que les aimavttsdes offtciers qui re sident dans le bascanada pourront ar rive a quebec avant le lomeetde ceux qui resident dans la haute province a- vant le 20me du mois suivant auxquels periodes les retotirs se feront comme pen donne plus de terns quil no faut pour trausmettre les communications it que bec de pofteg les plus eloignes les affi davits des olticiers qui narrivent pas a terns pour etre incorpores dans ces re- tours resterontjusqaauperiodedu pave ment suivant burea- du commibsairyoeueral 1 1 j a quebec le mars 1819 cm notice to let f or one or more years on reasona- npiie late partnership of boberf gr jl ble terms and possession given on jl ham co nttving dissolrei itself the fir t day of may next that large and smi commotions house two stories hkh sit- heft m pirvue subfcriber offers for file his m lloufeand farm together 01 feparate as alfo hta horfes carts sleighs cows ii off s oxen grain jlny potatoes and implements of ii ufhandry lituate on the ivivcr st lawrence overlooking the beautiful village of ogdenfburg and witnin half a mile of prefcott upper canada the dwelling houfe whuh has lately been created eonfists of two fitting rooms 4 bedrooms a kitchen and cellar well finifhed thwday by the death of roderick mac- kay esq the bussitess in future will be carried on by the subscriber to whom all perrons who are indebted to the above firm will please pay their accounts with out delay and those who may have chums against that concern will please present them for adjustment oy r0bk11t graham point frederick ilst sept 1818 cott and that of levi sexton co at li chine he will notwithstanding bold himfelf refponsible with them for any enaement they may make 6 er lushkr notice ames meagher returns ms mofi jincere thanks to the pcepk of kings ton and its environs for the liberal en couragement he has met with jinee his com mincing buinefs he begs leave tc inform his friends and the public thai he has removed to his new houfe near the mar lei place oppofite to air bapnans will as ufual carry on the tin copper and sheet iron manufactory horse shoeing and black- it h work will ie emitted in th uate in king street cornering the mar- the lowefl terms manner at the jhorlejl netice and cm ket place and opposite to d washburn esqs office the house contains fo v garden seeds tor sale by j fl s merrill a ja 3w t s notice the subfcriber has lofl three notes signed by freeman s clinch king large rooms well finished and an ele gant shop complete kitchen in the rear two stories good store house for the repository of merchandise and pro duce also a stable the premises are suitable lor the reception cf any decent family and for mercantile business being one of the first stands for that line in kingston foi fuftiicrpartieularsappq to theproprietor a macdonell kingston march i 1 j 819 1 1 if viz one of 25 dollars on demand one of the farm contains 107 acres of choice 25- dollars fix months afterdate one of land well fenced upwards of 60 of 50 dollars payable in joiners or cabinet which is pasture and meadow the remain der tillage and wood land with a young orchard and good barn stable and root- houfe and a fmall tenement for labourers to a gentleman oi fpeculation the above premifes which extends 3 acres in front of the river must prove of great advantage as it is one of the best situa tions in the neighbourhood for the erection of a wharf brewery or distillery c part of the purchafe money may remain on mortgage if agreeable to the purchafer application to be made to henry forest efq montreal john macaulay kingston or the owner r pftrrobfn preseott 26th ocft 1818 6tf wherlas mart murphy my lawful wedded wife has left me without any provocation fiom me and has fraudulently taken or caufed to be taken the title deeds of a lot of land in the vicinity of kingfton viz lot no 3 firft conceilion townlhip of portland midland difbicl county of frontenac province of upper canada and likewife a note for twenty five pounds payable by mr richard moore to the fubferiber on or about the 26th may 1s19 as part of payment for one half of faid lot there fore i warn all perfons againft making any purchafe of the afore faid lot or making any contract or agreement for the faid note on any pretence whatever without my fanction patrick murphy kingston 6th may 1819 woikthe cndorfcmn according to the bed of my knowledge is as follows viz 4 or 5 pounds on th note the above notes were erven the ib of march 1818 banff- reynalds danie- february 1 r th i8i9 s to fest- f or one or morey and pofleffioil given immediately that stone h ufe iituated in store stret lalel occupied by mr medcalf with stable garden and other out houfes the fituatioa of tk above premifes is moft advantageous fr a dwelling houfe for particulars applv o francis x rocheleau kinghon 15 jan 181 3 a farmer sl5 j adjoining tm cay in thetown- fllip of fredcksburgh the ealt half of lot no 2 in te fecond conceition containing 100 acres and having about 40 acres under cultivati wb a 0 boufe and barn upon it ptf tnc terftls a t0 daniel wafhbnrn tqmre kingfton p van koughnet cornwall dec 7 i 8 30 the kingston library xht1ll be open at the court houfe v v every monday ruidthurfday fom two until four oclock in the afternoon where fubferiptions for reading will beta ken at thirty shillings per year or ten hillings per quarter payable in advance several hares in the faid library are for fale at five guineas and the ufual fub- fcription the annual fubfeription to be paid on the firft monday in october next the ar rearages to be paid at the fame time the pre feat proprietors are required to pay their arrearages to make up rive guineas from the beginning in default of payment their hares become forfeited all monies to be paid to the treafurer william mitchell efq managers j or 1819 rev mr st l art allan maclean esq trio mas m a rk l a n d esq lawrence herchmlr esq john kirby esq treasurer william mitchell esq secretary john ferguson esq librarian richard daverne 17tf n b to rent itafe or fjl fir fit term of ten years and immediate pnjftjfmn riven that wefl known jiand the wel lington inn in bar -rati- jlrett this fiiuation is one of the left in tozin bavin many convenience that render it particularly well adapted for a llovfe of public entertainment and store apply to the proprietor t james meagher the subscriber egs leave to inform the public that he has commenced manufacluring soap candles the houfe formerly occupied as an inn by mr john size in store street and he hopes that from his long experience and knowledge of the bufmefs he will be enabled to give fatufaion to thole perion who may favor him with their patronage and fupport y jame3 benson kingfton lfi march- 1819 ccn b cafli paid for afhes in c ioti n executive coaxed office york zzd july i8is jotice is hereby given to chrs- topher thomson or his representative by oidcr of his honor the adminiilrator in council to make good- any pretention to the weil half of lot number seventeen in the iixth concefuou on the napane river in the townfhip of frederickburgh within kfe months from this date or the fame will be throwu open to othei aophcants john small 18 tf c e c rift v nolice m i l i tia pen- 9w george scougal late master smith in the engi- 1 o titer d part went 5 egs leave to infe m his friends and the public in general that he has commenced bufmels at the hoefe fcrmterly occupied by mr john size store street where every article in his line may be had on the molt reafouable terms and on the horteft notice the following rates of charges are fubmilted horse shoeing ell round cf9 rwlne board for s ion 3 iv ill mii on the lafl monday in february and cotdlw fo to do the fame day in each month until the bufmefs of this diflriel as rearrf the fame u fnified joli- ferguson kingjhn feb 11819 6 not c e 4 ll perfons are autioned againft pur- jlsl chafing lot n 22 in the 7th con ceilion of frederick ffeurgh or lot no 27 in the 1st conccflin cf richmond fiom the heirs or afiignees of davis hefs as the subfcriber holds an difputable title to the fame gilbert har1s sidney 4th dec ii8 for sale or to let the houses and six lots belonging to the fubferiber alfo for fale a ingle town lot on the corner adjoining mr george oliver bearing fruit trees of almoft every difcription growing on the premifes for particulars apply to the fubferiber on the premifes andrew den1ke kingston april 12 1 8 1 9 i6tf d 3 removes plained from the theory of the moiion of and qtte f jl the lap ior when the ap moes howly 4 26 in a tree it produces fruit buds which i the cafe in old trees when it moves vi- gorouny the tree forms wood or runs in ifi nr q 1 tj r j n to feoota as happens with youn trees h k thc houfc and prenil vy j g bo the town of kingfton at prefent a good bargain ru harromiig small grain in the spring we have not room now for an essay rftht subject required but we cannot oc- for particulars cupied by the fubferiber apply to samuel anslevjun jwngston may cth 1819 fry notice all cattle found trefpafling ca the enclofed grounds fouth of the fub- fcribers houfe will be taken up and com mitted to the pound g mur uock kingston apl 29th 18 19 8w3 person having books belonging to the iingston library are request ed to fend the 10 the fubferiber at his houfe adjoin iv the town of kingfton and with as lft delay as poffible- john ferguson i2tli april 1819 if3 rjlhe subfcriber informs his friends an the public that he flill keeps a public house in the townfhip of c r a iahe formerly called goodwins corner where gen tlemen and ladies may find good enter tainment alfo travellers jhall not is difappointed cf finding good quarters for themf elves and their horfes thos d sanford cramahe 24i jan 1819 6 terms p the kingston chronicle tvvenij shillings per annum tfsoot by mail twenty four shillings subscripiuns to bo paid in advance lo the 1st of july or the 1st of janu- price of advertisements ix lines and under l d first in sertion and ld each subsequent insertion 10 tines and under 3s 4j first insertion and 107 each subsequent insertion s above ten lines 4d per line for the first insertion and id ppr lino for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written direo- tiousare inserted till foibd and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise- men is to be in writing and delivered by wednesday nous at the latest no advertisements received after ten o clock on the dan of vublieaiion fflhe subfcfjtribers refpeclfully inform fi their frieivla and the public that they have now receiyaoyand ju ft opened in mar ket street jujbelqw mrs patricks inn a very extenfivttortment of dry goofrs groceries and stationary likewife a great qnantity of claffical books the whole of which will be fold very- low for cafli and apjroved credit mcdonald aykroyd pre h 1818- 27 agents ilrnrv cowan kq quhcc edward sills esq thri iiioeh james willuiins eu montreal messrs j ft j danlop hintasler paul tilaronl isq mntiult ajpheus jones esq pfuswvtt henry ones esq uroclcehl n 15 tonnnas esq perth j k hart well lvq bustard e wimter esq qananuquc j tanken esq llttli allan mepheraon esq fapance james ti lietiiune esq hamilton william allan esq york richard ilatt esq duniln danitl loss esq vlttotia john crooks eq niagara t mccnrmick esq q wens ton john wilson esq imhtrslburgh kingston v c printbd for tjj kditokst

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