Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), May 21, 1819, p. 4

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tobacco snuff manufactory agricultural from the vermont intelligencer it is important to the farmer that his lands are welt prepared before he casts in the seed and that the kinds of seed are adapted to the soil most congenial to their nature different kinds of plants require different kinds of soil as the nourishment of some is drawn from a greater deph than of others some al so hare such a voracious appetite and devour so muchiu one year that the same ground will not afford sufficient nourish- rnenf for two succesmve year- among this class are flax corn oats and wheat for all these the ground must bo rich and well pulverised or a good crop cannot reasonable be expected land howev er which ha afforded a ood crop of ei ther of the above kinds and will not give another in succession will give a large 4rop of either by rotation kye does well on a liht and loamy soil although the number of bushels are less than on a rich soil yt the difference is fully made up in the quality three good crops of rye may be obtained in succes sion by using spring and winter rye al ternately and by the aid of two bushel of ptaistcr of paiisto the acre potators will give a very large crop in a dry loam- y soil by the aid of plaister of pai is or compost and in a wet soil by adding tow leaves or straw and covering it ftboul four inches four or five years in succes sion but if continued much longer will hardly pay for the seed and labor al though the land is not impoverished but will usually yield a goed crop of oats or wheat hence the necessity of a rota tion in crops and as the seasons for a few rears hare been o variable of cul tivating the different kind upon the same farm which arc necessary to sustain man and beast that if one kind fails the oth er may afford a supply in this way the laud would also bt prepared for a change of crops land vt hirh has been much reduced by plants of one kind will af ford sufficient nourishment fur other laud which for instance have been worn oat bf plants the roots of which chiefly conist of short lateral fibres will generally be in stood order to produce plants which aretaprootedciver will crow rank and afford two or three tons the subscribers beg leave to acquaint their customers in upper and low er canada they have lately established at lonfiueil on the opposite side of the river facing the old market gate an extensive tobaccos snuff na- n if facto lo and are now enabled to supply them with the following arti cles and of which a constant supply will be kept on hand viz pigtail tobacco in rolls of 10 to t lb ditto do in kegs of j lb rolls ditto do in do of pound and half pouud roll- ladies twist in do 12 rolls to the lb plug tobacco in do 6 and 8 plugs to the pound superfine and common cut tobacco in large and small papers plain rappee macaba scotch snuff the same is warranted of a superior oualty if found otherwise may be re turned at the subscribers expence and the money repaid orders for any of the above articles to be sent to them at their siorc no 42 st paulsireet mon treal where every attention as usual will be paid to supply theci on the mo3t reasonable terms and forwarded to any part of the two province orders for north west twist and carrot tobacco must be given in from 3 to 4 months previous to its being wan ted ns those articles require more time to be got in readiness than other kinds of tobacco their friends culdeu solomons of albany continue a usual to manu facture all kinds of tobacco situ iv and chocolate any orders intended for them and forwarded t the subcribers will meet with due attention they have still on hand from their mauufaoto ry viz 150 kegs sweet scented plug tobac co fi and s plugs per lb 50 boxes fresh chocolate 200 do scuars with an assortment of london snuffs imported last fall levy bern 8 solomon co mont qth ma ifrlfc i anchors f cables a william buddbni will cccivc by the earljdl fpring veffels and keep conflautly on hand at quebec an affortmeni of 1uieul proved chain cables oi to officers etf hakfffcf in cairap 0 it is defired that oi reiving half pay or military penfions through the commifiariat in catf tr their fcvcral agents a qehec then affidavits in triplicate immediately after the 24th of the period when their half pay becomes due fo a d of officers rending in mj canada hall arrive at quebec befor tbc loth and ihnfe of officcritefiding in f upper fiovmce before the 2oth of the following month at which period the returns will be mace uu as more than oflictafl tme s communications tore h quebec fcm te mott diftant ports rw officers affida- vits which do not arrive iie to be incor- porated in thefc uetoris rt remain over till iheenfuin period f payment commiltdry gcxiils office quebec march 1 1s19 aux oikciersa demipaic en canada 1l fs orftctem sdl recoirenf la j- iivie ou pension militaire par le canal du commissariat en canada sont reiiuis de trausmettre a leurs aciis resppctiis quebec leurs affdflvits en triplieata immrdialement anis le terme du paicment de leur drmipiie de man- ierc que les affidavit des ofiicieri qui re sident dnrs le liascanada pourront ar- rivera quebec arant le lomcetde ceux ot resident dana la haute province a- vnnt le du moi suivant auxqmi periodes les re tour st fermit coinme pon donng plus de tcnt quil nc faut pour transnicitrc les communirations a que bec des pontes les plus eoines les affi davits de ofiiciers qui narrivenl pas a terns pour el re incorpoves dan ces re- tours resterontjusiiuajperiodedu paye- t suivaut 11 6oi iiui uureau du tommiisnirvgeueral quebecj le mars 1819 j nourishment 3 or oit- will not clover draw us in a great degree from those parts orthe soil which the crops that preceded it had not reached in a light loam loose sandy soil which has been plentifully manured for a number of years agreat part of the nutritive par ticles are lost unless tapiootcd plants are frequently cultivated q all to let for one or more years and poffeflion given immediately that stone houfe fituate in store street lately occupied by mr medcalf with stable garden and other outhoufes the fituation of the above premifes is moft adnnageous for a dwelling houfe for particulars applv to francis xrocheleau kingflon 15 jan 1819 3 a farm for sale d joining hay bay in the town- hsip of frcdencksburgh the eaft half of lot no 2 in the fecondconceffion contaoiinn ioo acres and having about 40 acres under cultivation with a log houfe and barn upon it for the terms apply to daniel walhburn efquirc kingfton p van koughnet cornwall dec 7 1818 a 30 notice militia pek- t the aft monday ttlhe board for siohs witt meet c in february and continue jo to do the fame jay in each month until the hufmefs of this djlri8 as regards the fame is finifhed john ferguson kinaflcn feb fi 18 19 6 notice a a a all perrons are cautioned againft pur- chating lot no 22 in the 7th con- ccflion of frederickiburgh or lot no 27 in the ut conceffion of richmond fiom the heirs or affignecs of davis hcfs as the subfcribcr holds an indifptitablc title to the fame gilbert hakjs sidney 4th dec 18 18 3 sizes anchors tlo well worthy the attention of thofc enga ged m the lake and river navigation quebec ift april 1819 edward jones begs leave moft rcfptctfully to in form his friends and the public in general that he has jull received an ele gant affortment of dry fancy goods cotmiag party of etc following amcrt viz superfine weft of england cloths and caflimercs of the moft fafhionable colors irifti linens uritifh shirting iinea and cotton cambric corded cambric lcnos and muflins jaconet and mull mullins fancy mufliu handkerchiefs bandanna and barcalona do fine ging hams black and colored sijks silk and cotton shawls and fcarfs fine corded dimities white jane white and huff mar- fcils quilting black florentine fine undrcffed calicnen bombazettes bom bazines of all colors linen diaper and huckaback white and coloured flannels riiflla sheeting and ofnaburg a well chofen affortment of thread and laces and ribbons straw bonnets ladies tortoife fhcll combs cambric and lace footings and a number of articles too nu merous to iolert 4 crate of blue crockery ware groceries jamaica spirits brandy holland gin port and other wines peppermint and shrub hyfon and twankey teas double and single refined sugars mufcovado do spermaceti mould and dipt candles soap starch and fig blue c c c all of which will be fold for cafh or ap proved credit a5rio0 4a aug 1818 to let i futt one or mora years on reasona ble terms and poeion given on the lirit day of may next that iane and commodimj house to stories high sit- unte in king street cornering the mar ket ptaee and opposite ti i vvalburti kqs office ihe house contains four large rooms well finihed nvd an file- pant shop complete kitchen in iln rear two storied sod store house for the repository of merchandize and pro duce also a stable the premises a re suitable lor th reception of an decent family and for mercantile busiuiis bein t ltieib for that hue in in- 01 the kt lirt stai vbgston for fur i erparticn arsapp 10 the proprietor rrv king march ll mpt n the kingston libkarv ww l ll pffl at the court iloufe v t every monday 8ndthurfdafrora two unt fou cl i tjie a where fubfcnptions fer reading will beta ken at thirty swhg ic year or ten ft y ma f l pabfe in advance several flarcs in the g libra aic for lale at fvc guineas thc ufual f icnption h m fu to be paid on the fift monday m 06 ncxt w ar- rear ihe prefent propriety arc tcq to pay their arrearages l0 make op five uuiaeaa from the begi f default or payment their oiarc bcome forfeited monics to bc p t the trcafurcr william mitchell efq manager jar 1819 rev mr stuaut allan- macli an rsq taowas marri i- lawkkncf hmcjimut eq john kirtny treasurer william mitchell esq secretary john fiiususon esq librarian ricuahu uaverse i7tf m circular r- eri luhscr having difpofed of his interest in thc iloufe of lulhcr van slyck at picfcoit and that of luflier cxton at la chine to mr a jones of lrcfcott upper canada the bnsincfs will after thc first day of march eniuing be carried on under the firm9 of jones van slyck at prcfcott and of levi sexton co at la chine we be leave to refer you to the an nexed notice wherein mr lufher makes himfelf refponsiblc with us for any engage ments entered into by fad firms we feel fatisficd from our late experience in bcsinefs the number of boats now owiicd by us and thc commodious stores zt this paee and la chine that we hall have it incur power to give general fotis- faon a tones cors a van slyck l sexton prefcott january 18th 1819 notice- rpiiesubfcriber having difpofed of his interest in the iloufe of lulher van myck at prefcoit and that of lufher st sexton at la chine tj mi a jones thc businels will in future be carried on under the firm of jones van slyck at prcs- cott and that of levi sexton co at la chine lie will notwithstanding hold himfelf refponsible with them for any enaement they may make 6 ek lusher notice physic fy surgery a a dr 2 smally bc leave ref poft fully to inform thc inhabitant of kingfton and its vicinity that he has eftablithed himfelf as a physician suhceow fc apotuecau v from his having received a regular me dical education and from his exoenence in thc different branches of his proftfnon he id induced to believe that he will be able to dojubtice to all whofe misfortunes may render them under the neceflhy fc- hciting medical aid n b to any calls at the fign of thc golden mortar oppofitc the market the ilriclcft attention 901 be paid where will be conftantly kept on hand a choice and well chofen aftortmrm of drugs and medicine paints of all kinds liu feed lamp and currier oils dye woods and dye stuffs cotton yarn window glafs putty sc nails at tat j ames meagher returns his moft jincere thanks to the people of kings ton and its enviruns for tit liberal en couragement he las met tuch fmce his com mencing hufnefs he begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has removed to ml avw iloufe near the mar let place oppoite to mr baymans and will as ufual carry on the tin copper ami sheet iron manufactory a a horse shoeing and black smith work will be executed in the befl manner t at the jhorteft notice aid on the loiuejl terms n b 7o rent leafe or fell fir the term of ten years and immediate pjfejfon sivti that well known land the wel usgton 1nn in barrack flrcet this ftuation is one of the befl in town having many conveniences that render it particularly wal adapted for a houfe of pulic entertainment and store apply to the proprietor james wiagber kingfion feb 5 18 19 6 the subscriber to agricultural persons having books belonging to the kingston library arc requcfl- ed to fend them to thc fubferiber at his houfe adjoining thc town of kingfton and with as little delay as poflible john ferguson 12th april 1819 1 5 notice the subfcriber forbids all pcrfons from tiefoafling on lot no 3a in hc 4th emersion of thc townthip of camden in the county of lenox and ad- diiirton midland diftrict nd doe here by forbid any pcrfou 01 pcrfons from cut ting ir dclhoying any timber whether lying or landing or carrying any part of thc fame away under penalty of the law a macdonell kogflou dec ajtkb 18 1 8 3 it is propofed that an agricultural so ciety for the diftruft of johnllown ihall be forthwith eftabliflicd thc advantages which will probably a- rife from fuch an iiillitution mull be evi dent to thofe who arc in the lead acquaint ed with finularcaablioimcnts in other coun tries in order to bring about thc end pro pofed the public and particularly far- mcrs arc hereby notified that there wii be a meeting at thc houfe of stephen cromwell inn keeper in brock- villc on wednesday thc 19th af may next at 9 oclock of the morning being the 2d day of thc fitting uf thc quarter scflions at which time and place the farmers of thc diilria of johnflown and all others who feci an intcreft in thc agricultural profperity of the country aic invited to give their attendance brockvrlle april 6 ist 15 blanks for the courts of request and various other lands for sale at this office for sale oil to let the houses and six lots belonging to the fubferiber alfo for falc a ingle town lot on thc corner adjoining mr george oliver bearing fruit trees of almoft every difciiption growing on the prcmifes for particulars apply to thc fubferiber on thc premifes andhew den1kk jcingvton april t 1 8 19 l6tf r subfcriber informs his friends and the public that he flill keep is a public house in the townhip of cra m ah e formerly- called goodwins cormer where gen- tleunn and ladies may find good enter tainment alfo travellers jhall not bc difappuinted ef finding good quarter for themf elves and their horfes thos 1 sanford cratnahc lth jan 1819 6 jvoticm rlhe subfcfcribert refpetfully inform a their friends and the public that they have now received and juft opened in mar ket street juft below mrs patricks inn a very ext en five aftoitment of dry goods groceries and stationary likcwifc a great quantity of ciaflical books thc whole of which will bc fold very low for cafh and approved credit mcdonald aykroyd dec t 1818 7 jtj eos leave to inform the public that ill he has commenced manufkauring soap candies in the houfe formerly occupied ab an inn by mr johosfce in store street and he hopes that from his long experience and knowledge of the bufinefs he will he cmniifett fatinfaflon to thofc perfons who may favor him with their patronage and fupport james benson kingfton ift march- 1819 rrn b cam paid for a h lotf executive council office york 22d july 1818 tvtotice is hereby given to chris- ii t0pher thomson or hie rcprcfentative by order of his honor thc adminiftrator in council to make good any pretcufion to thc weft half of lot number seventeen in the fixth conceffion on the napanc river m the townlhip of fredcrfckibmgh within six months from this date or the fame will be thrown open to othct applicants john small 18 tf c e c the subfcriber offers for falc his houfe and farm together or feparate as alfo hi3 horfes carts sleighs cows hogs oxen grain hay potatoes and implements of hufbandry fituate on thc river st lawrence overlooking the beautiful village of ogdeniburg and within half a mile of prcfcott upper canada the dwelling houfe which has lately been erected confists of two fitting rooms 4 bedrooms a kitchen and cellar well finifhed the farm contains 107 acres of choice land well fenced upwards of 60 of which is pasture and meadow the remain der tillage and wood land with a young orchard and good barn stable and root- houfc and a fmall tenement for labourers- to a gentleman of fpeculation the above premifes which extends 3 acres in front of the river must prove of great advantage as it is one of the best situa tions in thc neighbourhood for thc erection of a wbarf brewery or distillery c part of the purchafe money may remain on mortgage if agreeable to thc purchafer application to bc made to henry forest efq montreal john macaulay kingston orthe owner peter obrien prescott zgthoa 1818 6lf kingston branch of thc mon treal bank any fum required may be obtained at the office for good bills on mon treal quebec bills of exchange on lon- don or for specie notes alfo will be discounted at thirty fixty and ninety days thomas markland agent kingtton3d novi8i8 23 a new and elegant affortment of paper hangings ladies bonsets of the new est fattion garden seeds raised bv the shakers books stationary c c c for sale for the unexpired term of the leafe which is feven years from thc firft ot may next thc prefniia at prefent occupied by the iubferiber facing the market fquarc being fituatcd on lrt no 46 and joining meftrs smith buiterworlhon theftreer leading from mr robert walkers hotel to the river the buildings on thc premi fes con fill of a largc frame houfe two lo ries high well finiivd stable for ten hor fes and alfo a bake iloufe with a good oven in complete order thc yard well fee u red the place is well worth the attention of any baker or a pcifon decrous of keep ing a public houfe for further particu lars apply to thc fubferiber on the premi fes d macdonald kingston april jih 1 8 1 y vwfherkas mart mrr t my lawful wedded wfte bat left me without any provocation fom m and has fraudulently taken or caufd to be taken the title deed of a lot of land the vwumy of y t firft conceffion townlhip of portland midland diftruft county of froutenac province of upper canada and likcwifc a note for twenty five pounds payable by- mr richard moore to the fohfciiber on or about the 26th may isfr as part of payment for one half of fafj lot there fore i warn all perfou againft making any purchafe of the aforefaid lot or making any contract or agreement for the faid note on any pretence whatever without my fanftion patrick miti phy kingston 6th may 1819 9 george scoucal late master smith in the engi neer department t begs leave to inform his fncads and the public in general that he has commenced bufinefs next door below mr george douglafss store street where every article in his line may be had on tin moft reafonable terms and on thc ftioiteft notice the following rates of charges are fubmitted horse shoeing all round 6fs removes 2j6 and all other work in proportion fcingston a 5 th 1819 15 for sale or to let al two ftory framed houfe and a qjl large and commodious flone store fituate on the waters edge in thc centre of the village of prcfcot on exceedingly ad vantageous terms to the purchafer or lessee enquire at the office of cha a hagerman kingfton 26th february 1819 9 for sale that elegant farm no 8 firft conceffion townlhip of fredericks- burgh 28 miles from kingfton contain ing 200 acres formerly occupied by colonel spencer and known by the name of the manfion houfe it contains about 50 acres of land under improvement an elegant frame houfe 2 ftory high with 2 barns and other buildings pcrfons delirout of purchafing may enquire of thesubfcii- ber on the premifies or to d hagerman efq at bath joseph bergeron frederickfburgh sept 8th 181s iy notice the late partnerfinpof james ranlen co having difiolved itfclf this day by the death of roderick mackay efq the bufinefs will in future bc carried on by thc fubferiber to whom all pcrfons who are indebted to the above firm will plcafe pay their account without delay and thofc who may have claims againft that concern will plcafe prefent tbcm for adjuftment james hanken ernefttown 21ft sept 1818 24tf kingston u c printed for nit editor

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