Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), June 11, 1819, p. 1

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hie kingston chronicle vol i friday srterxoox june ii isi9 no 24 tre steamboat mtenac james mackenzie master will in future leave the different ports on the following day viz rates of passages from kingston to iovk and niagara 300 from york to niagara 100 children under three years fitf age half price above three and under lc two third a book will be kepi for entering the names of passengers and the births wuich they may choose ai which time the passage money must be paid passengers are allowed 60 lbs weight of baggage surplus bag gage to be paid for at the usual rale gentlemens servants cannot sleep or eat in the cabin deck passengers will pay 15s and may cither bring their own provisions or be tarnished h the steward for each dog b rough i on lioarj ds ail applications tor parages to he made to captain mackenzie on board freight will be iracfportcil wild llu above placer ut the rale ol 4 per barrel biift nnd flour at ut customary rate delivered to ltie 4iilerent cohwglsces a iht ol laeir names will be put in a con spicuous place el i which must be deemed a sufficient notice and lite goods wiien taken trom the steamboat ivib be considered at tile risk of the owners for each small parcel 2s 6u which must be paid on delivery kingston april sftsth 1819 lott to officers on halfpay in canada it is defired that officers receiving half or military penfi ts through the com iflariat in canada wil ttanfmit to their fcveial agents at quebec their afii livht in triplicate immediately after thr j41i1 of the pciiod wh u their half- pay oecomes dnc fo that the affidavits of officer refidinp in lower canada fhall arrive at quebec before the oth and thole of offic ii refiding in the upper pmvince bef re ihc 2th ol the following month at which period the returns will be made up a more than fnfficicnt time is given for co mumcationa to reach quebec from the mod diftant poft thofc officers affida vits which do not arrive in time to be incor porated in thele returns mnil remain over till theenfning period of payment commhtary generals office sgutw wi poiitli its j done in mi math re inquire oj jous jacmay esq ut the postoffice map tlst isio 21 v notice quebec march i 1819 mo l aux officiers a demipaie en canada v officiir4 qui rccoivenl la do- vilaio on pension militnre kt fo canal hi cominisnriat on can a lb sont requis de transmettre j lours eni isprctifp a quebec icurs attiuasiti tn trip if rata tmmediatemenl apie lc tmuu dn nniement tie icordemipuii do mtui- iere qnf les affidavit des ohiciirs jui re sident danslc liascanada potfrnmit or- mcrd quebec avaut ir lometdc ecu v qui rcidrnt dans la haute prorii a- vant lr some du mois suvant auvquels periods les retours 5c fcrni comme iv donne pus de tenia quil no faut pour tran smell re ir corrnninirin- a que ll c des postes icsplus iqtgni- les ali- davits nes ofiiciits qui narrif nt pas d terns pour r incorpoies hius ce rc- tours restcroutjusquau period- du paye- mmit suivant bureau du commifsaii vgcikralj 11 qiebc le ma 1s19 6m anchors s cables i i william budden mti1l receive by theearlitli fpnn vtffch and keep cunuantly on hand at quebec an afiurtmen of patent proved chain cables 01 all sizes anchors do avtlt worthy the attention of thrfecnga- igej i the hake and river navigation quebec ift april 1819 i4if tiiie irfc partnership uf robert cm- hum v co having disolrd 11h ihisdav by uiedtatu of k lmkk mac- kay rsqo- bninrs in fitfure will h carried on isy ihesibaeribcr iv hom all persons who ore indebted ro this almv tirrn will pin pay theiraccounts wirli- oul delay and luofic who ma iivn claim- against mat concern ill please present them foradjustment 29 lldbkut gkaham point frdcrick bt s 1s18 notice thksirnfcnbcrbai lofl three no- signed by freeman s clinch viz one of 2 c dollars on demand one of 2 i liars nx months afterdate one of 50 dollars- payable in joiner or tahirst wirjcthc eid riiment accordiuff to tv bell of my knowledge is 35 follows viz- 4 or c pounds on the full nitc the oove notes were given the 261i1 uf mnch iftrs daniel keynalls february 1 nh 1s19 0 notice fl number of lots of one iin wll dred acres each lituflted on pub lic roau now laying outruoning through the school tnwnhfi- of soulhwold yari oath and houghton will be fold by public auction fir acluil letllement t the higheft bidder at rosss tavern on talbot road on the tult of july next one fourth of the putclujfe money to he paiil down and the remainder by three e qua ioftalroenti with iutercft by oidcr of his lxcellency ilielieu tenant governor in council execvthe council qffiif york xdth february f jhioj 1 1 notice ll ferions are cautioned acatnfi pur- ijl chafing lot no 2 3 in the 7th con- ceffion of frcdcnckiburch or lot no 27 ii ihe 1st cmucfltmi f rithmomlioui the llcir or nluces of divjs hefs as the sahfcribc holds an irdifpui sk liihu the fea gi rthaki3 sidney 4ih dec i 5 pttviif magistrates having thought jl propvf to discontinue the appro printing mil part f the funds of the midland dift far the maint finance of puupers it now becomes the duti of null countn and toxzusip to intikepro- pfsfttft for thtr upport- a mrrting there for of the nhuhtant nfthn csun of fmnferwc is requested uf he court hoitsi iii h on tufsla the fifteenth ciuii of june nrrtfor th- purpose of providing the necessary means ior tfwir subsistence kingston j may 28 1r10 tllomjs mtttkljsn j p jjriit smith j f jn njixrt jllnciinii j p ii iii ih mtvciiekl j p masons work a ny prrion r peribas defirotts f eon- xvi trading fr linifliinp the walls round the naval yard according to ihc plan which may be fecn dll application at ihis place to be completed by the 301b day of september ncx will fend in fealed lenders u the naval storekeepers office jn thr 15th inilant at 1 2 oclock at noon extreffing the rate per tnizc with two lureties for the performance and proper execution of the worlta nay at yard kingston irt june luo- 23w3 ndticb a depredations have beer committed i on lots letter e and no i in the firi concession of the township of pitts- n the proprietor hereby cautions per- iiisfi cutting timber or any wise tes- pas in on he said lots pitifsbotgfe 1st jurty 1s19 2 jinking lor the troops tenders for baking bread for his ajellys troops tauoued at kings ton point henry and point frederick from ilonr to be fupplifd from the kings magaj for six months irom the 26th iiiltant w be received at ihis office un- til 12 rclock at noon on friday the inh wft- t he liread o be dtlivcicd at the a- bove daces ts it mry be required- i lendes lo oaif the number of pinjhij in w tl ieiijfoi the par lies will engage to del wr for every 1 1 2 p unds of flnutj and the name tl two lespedame ptrfons t- te inseited as lurc hes fur the due performance of fuch con trft as may be entered into conimhsnriat omc kingston st june 1 s10- 2 valuable land for zittle in tnc tatmjslip uj lititiifot t ot- no 6 and 12 in the 3d con- ij cettioo comafiijiw 4c0 acres in ditto i mil ic in the 41b con- cvffiuh ctnit iiiiii4jo tcics iitto ditto l in ie 6th conceition contaiiiig 20oacre3 the above la ids z ail lying in the twnfiiip of ii ami it on ncwcalll uidna and t be fold on the mott libeial terms for portlier iiftrtntion enquire of ellas jones 3 o hamiitoi or tie fubferiber in kirgilon thomas s whitaker kington may ss i8i 22tf straj cow sttrated ffoni th commons in the vicinity of kingla on or about the tail of pnl a bht cooied brindle cow marked in the car has ut three teits had on when ihc went aw- a common fized belli hung with a iri her urap who ever will return faid cow to the fubfeuber r gie information vherc file may be found hha1 be enetvirfir rewarded rober r young gaokr kingilon may 28 119 22 to be sold a n i i iud commodious liuuse in xa stt iit ilh a good stable iiii gnrdvn in which then is a good cll anl ill ollirr coiirenit itcics roiuir- ed ttrtns o1 alo will be made ktion bv applying tu tho subscriber on tlic premises anthonv burk a tox may 1si9 2 tf for sale on rcasonaole terms iltlk isual hall ol lot no ti in the 4lh concpvsion of the township of binrst tomi joining col j ivrrots iiere h a coou umqiuus huse bam nil tbujimmisrs a well orchard sixty acres nl improtcd land well fenced hihpiircol tnc subscriber at the village ol waterloo near kingston gkorge i1arpqam kingston ttny il hi 22 sid to let and immediate polteoioii eiven thai plcalantly htuated houst and p- it k the property of the rev aalcxr mcdmuli l fait her prticulms pply to the fubferiber duncan mcdonell also a fmm house in stoic street oppoflte meffr monjeau st germains aply as above fistfm dee 181 2q almanacs for 1819 for itattbia office aqrictrltural from the philadelphia union on the culture of poatoea upon the advantages of cultivating po- tatoea in eomnarifon with that of wheat we make the following extract from an article written bv dr ives in a good feafon an acre of fin table land well cultivated will produce 400 huflick of potatoes in wood bridge a town adjoing new haven a crop of 600 bufhcls of potatoes has been obtained from 4 fmgle acn a bulhel of potatoes weighs 56 lbs multiply 400 the num- ucr of btilfiels by 56 the weight of a angle btifhel gives 2240c the number of pound of potatoes produced upon one acre thirty bumelt of wheat arc confidcred a good crop as the produce of one acr of land about five fixths of wheat may be confhlercd as nutritious matter sir humphrey davy obferves that one- fourth of th- weight of potatoes at leaft may be confide cd as nutritions matter onefourth of 22400 the product of an acre of ground cultivated with potatoes is 55jo the whole weight of a crop of wheat calculated at 50 bulhels to the acre and at 60 pounds to the bulhel gives 1800 deducting one- fix th from the wheat as matter not nutritious and the weight is reduced to icoo the nutritious matter of the crop of potatoes to that of wheat is as 5600 to ieoo ra 56 to 15 the ftarch might be obtained by a very tlmplc machine recommended by pa- mcntiit ad in neafons when potatoes arc abundant the potatoes might be conver ted to ftarch and the llarch prefcrved for any length of time and uled as a fub- ititutc for wkcatenflotu- ihc chine alluded to is a cylinder of wood about llnee feet long and lis inche 111 diimieler covered with fllect tin pun- thed nut woru lo as to form a coarle grater and turned by a ci nk this tylindci n placed in a box of boards wllofe fides fl pe a little inwards upon the principle of a hopper and a tub os watei is placed beneath the potatoem are uwowii mto thi box and as the crank i turned they arc crufhed and the ftarch or fctnla lublults to the bottom of the water it well known that potatoes are largely uicd in engtanj mixd with flour u form a very good bread tbt itirch of the potatoes would of courfe anlvver much better no 1ice the partnerhvp under the firm of al exander mcdonell u co was this day dtitlvcd by mutual confent all tliic indebted thereto tmift make imme diate payment 10 alexander mcdonell to whom iil having claims againft the fa id firm mull prcftnl their accounts he being duly aothorifed to fettle all the aftairs of faid concern alexander mcdonell allan r mcdonell khvifitii 2yf mcy 1 8 1 0 2 3 w 1 2 to lkt commodious house ner a docsor beatings two stories high with sevn rooms a kitchen and a cellar under the whole a good yard and stable also a very good spring rcar the house fur further particulars apply to james robins kixxjtoi 46 june 1s19 23 finlle under figncd rcqueft all perfons i indebted to the eftate of the late nicholas hagerman efiuirc to make immediate payment and fuch 3s have accounts againll the eftatc are rc- qutlled to prefent them for adjuftment ch alex hagcnnan daniel hagennan executors kingfton 15th match 1819 12 bank of th e ubferiber being appointed agent for the hank of canada he will ne gotiate bank notes for bills on montreal quebec or for specie wm mitchell icingfton oct 13th 188 20 a good bargain fo it sale the houfe and prcmifcs i the town of kingfton at prefent oc cupied by the fubferiber for particular apply to samuel anseyjun kingston may 5th 1k19 19 no l ice rprfi board for militia pes- sions vtdl meet on the infi monday in february and continue f to do the fame day in each month until the bufmt n this dijlrtfl as regards the fame is jtnifhed jo n f kgusuin kingflon feb jl i8iy 6 peam bfartiicovir edinburgh magazine remark on the periodical criti cism of eng land continued mr gilford it a mighty bigot both in religion and politics i fear that this is almoft neccflary in one who is brought up in the midl of a country fo rent and tor tured by the fpirit of feet a england we germans have no idea of the extreme to which thefe freemen cairy their animo fitics they ae alier all agreed upon molt matters of any fcrjous moment fo lliat 1 he whole of their contentions turn on ihipgv which we fhoud confider z quite unworthy of much attenrion the quar terly iteview is a work of high talent nd the political opinions f itn conductor- arc 1 think in peneral fuch as y u and i ap prove int every thing is itrained 10 a point of bigt which ha a mighty ten dency to make the better appear the worfer reafon they drferve well of their country and of europe for the tone of decided oppofition which they always maintained towards the ambitious fthmea of the common enemy of chiiftendom but furely the effcet of their truly er-g- lifh fpecnlations in regard to him and his project would not have been at ail les sened had they learned to treat his per sonal character with a iltle more candour napoleon was a wicked and unprincipled monarch but who is fo mind as mt to fee that mere wickednefs and extraordi nary luck could never poflthly have ele vated the fon of an ohfeure gentleman of ajaccio to the elevation which this prince of adventurers attained in the centre ol ci vilized europe nations yet to come will look back to lishiltory as to fme grand and fuperntural romance the fiery en ergy of hi youthful career and the magni ficent pmgrcfof his irrefiltible ambition have inverted his character with the rryfte- uous grandeur ot fomc heavenly appari tion and when all the lefler tumults and lefier men of our age shall hate paited a- way into the darknef of oblivion hiiory will ftill inferibe one mighty ra with the majeftic name of napoleon it is very likely thai fome of the eever and farcaftic wits of athens thought and fpoke of al exander as a madman ard a fool so prr- hnpt might the imlftjrh 61 ine romad porticos think and fpeakol juiui in gaul but the world ha grown wifer fince thofe day and it is an infult up n common un- derflanding to tell london in the nine teenth century that bonaparte is an ordi nary man now ahove all thigs that the danger is gone by is it not extremely offenfive to hear eiigifhmcn railing againft a fallen enemy infidiing one who fcem to have been raifed up by the finger of i rovi- dence to land for ever in the frontispiece of fame as the fymhol of fallen ambition and illdirected genius we have fnffered more from napoleon than ever englifhmen did we have fecn our plains fattened with the blood of our heroes we have fcen cur menarchs infulted and our fancluaries outraged but fcacely even in the very moment of our mod hoftile fury did we ever fpeak of our enemy in fuch tcrm9 of exaggerated and infulting rancour as this kjrave journal perpelually pours forth up on the captive of st helena there is fomething dignified and faered in human genius even although it be misapplied ihc reverence which we feel for it is an inffinct of nature and cannot be laid afide without a fin he who is infenfible to its irfluence has committed fact ilege againft his own fpirit and degraded himfelf from the height of his original elevaiion it is clear that they who think napoleon a nan of a fecondary clafs do not belong to the rirft order thrmfelves the optics of a lilliputian cannot take in the dimen- fions of a gwnt i may venture before i difmifs mr giflbid to nitice juft one other of his bi gotries it is one which to german eaie rnuit i think aupear itill more extraordi nary hi prejudice againft napoleon is founded in juflice and we can pardon his transferring fome portion of a legitimate avcrfion riom the ambitious fchemc to the pcrfonal character of the conqueror but no apology can be offered for the indifcri- minaiiug hatred he feems to feel towards a whole nation of his fellowcountrymen the scots the tweed to be furc flows between england and scotland but in go vernment conilitution law and above all in literature ihcfe two rival coun tries have long fince become entirely unit ed to revive the feelings of thofe old warlike day- which have been immortaliz ed by a fciies of poets not in the world of politics but in that of letters is an idea worthy only of an old woman on the bor der the literature of great britain foms a whole of exquiue variety and among modern nation of unrivalled excellence it lias been reared by the hinds of eng- lifh scots and iriih and to dillurb the union of their labours is in vain whac fliould we think of an auftrian who hould be inftnfible to all the merits of saxon li- tcrauig and yet the auftrian and ti xon are brethren only in one refpct while in uo point whatcv r that i know of has the englilhman different intereft from the scotsman it is a hame that the god fetife of the knglifli fltoud have been fo long infiilted by inch nitvriblc tralh as the buie 01 scots univctijietf scot rcli- gi- and scots learning in the quarterly kevirw it i o wonder lliat licnouh- eru wisbarc iomctiuies tcrupud to iculwte

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