Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), June 11, 1819, p. 4

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f pfii es ol upper mda an ab to amend the laws now in forte for granting wholeale licences f el t -vr- bi 118 toct h e r e a s it 9 expedient to re- v v pea part of and extend the pro- vifi- ns fan aft paffed in the fifty eighth year of his majelty reig entitired an act to invofe a duty upon perfons more effeual pfovifiofl for the govern ment f the p vi o quebec in north a nen a m d t m kt uhet p vifion f r the government of th faid province and by the authority of tht lame that out of the rae- and duties already raifed levi ed and collected or hereafter to he taifed levied and collected there he gi anted to his wajelty his heirs and succeftors the fum f two hundred and eighty seven i ounds twelve shillings and seven pence to be iftucd out of the funds now physic c burger m i o fgting wine brandy and other spiritu- ttm2l hereafter to come into the ou liquor by wholefale be it ended j h of the iece general unappro priated and anting from fuchiates and du- by the ki g mod excellent vfajrfty by and with thr advice and confent f the le gfl live council and afiembly ot tilt pro vince of upper anada conftituted and as sembled by virtue f and under the author ity of an adt paffed in the parliament of great britain entituled an a 6r to re peal certain parts f an ft paffed in the fourteenth year of his ajeftys reign entituled an a for making more rf fcclual provifion for the government of the province f quebec in notb amen ca and fen make further proviti p for the government of the faid i rovince and by the authority of the fame that the fourth claufeofthe faid recited ct be and the fame is hereby repealed 1 1 and he it further enacled by the aj thority aforefoid that nothing in the laid recited gt fhall extend or re conftrued to extend to prohibit any perfon or pei- fons from expfmg for fale and vending in the ufual manner fuch i iquors as tljey obtain from the diftillation of grain raifed upon their own farms or to prohibit any perfon who hall have taken ou or may hert after take out a licence for the difti la t inn of spirituous liquors from felling fuch iquor- as he fhall have diftiled without taking out the licence required by this r an a3 fronting to his majefty a fum of money for the survey of the waters of the saint lawrence and for other purpofes therein mentioned i i assd27th nmvr 1818 most gracious sovereign wheea it has become neceflary for the prosperity of this province and the increafe of oromerce that the navigation of the waters of the saint lawrence mould be improved and that a flcilfui engineer fhoum be employed to make ferveyx and eftimate the expenfe of ereing lor8 and cutting canals for that purpole we his majeftys dutiful and loyal fuhjes the common lioole of aftebly befeech your mjefty that it mav be enacted and be it enacted bv the vuia mfi fiedvnt mj bv and with the advice and confent of the i eis- lative council and affeby f the pro- virce of uoper canada conftiruted and aftmblel by virtue f and under the am thority of an act raffed in the puliament of j ritain entituled n aft to repeal certain parts of an ft paffed v- the fourteenth year of his ajctv enrn intituled n ct for making ore effclua provifion for the govern nrmr of the province of quebec in north america and to make further provifion lor the government of the faid province and y f authority of the fame that fro- civ out of the rates and duties al ready raffed levied and co hefted or here- fer t be raifed levied and collected to an r the ofes of this province there be granted to bu majefty hi heirs and sucreflrrs a fum not exceed inn two thnufand pounds to be appropriated laid out a d dilpofvd f by the governor ieu- tenant governor or perfon administering the government of the province in the emo yment of a civil engineer and for ote charges requifite for making ur vey f the water of the river saint law rence irn4imar t or vlie exrenie or efflt- tincr canals and e etng locks as afore fat t and be it further enacted by the cu- t ho lit aforesaid that 1 money her by gre to y- majefty fhall br paid by th eceiver general in difcharge of fuch wurantor warrants as fhall for thr pur- po herein fer forth be iffued by the governor lieutenant governor or prr f o idmfnifjerinfr th- government of this province for the time being and fhal be accounted for to his majefty his heirs an succtltor through the 1 ords com- rrifiloners of his majefty treafury in ties aw atorefad ii and be it further enacled by the au thority afirefaidt 1 hat it fhall and may be lawful foi t e governor lieutenant go vernor t pcriofl idminiftering the govern rrent f tin r evince to ordei and direft the following fums to be paid to die under mentioned peilon sto james vurand the fum fninetrcn pounds seven shillings and six pence for to uch by him ex pended in one thouland eiht hundred and fixteen on the roads in the dillrift of gore to jlan mac lean eiquire late commiflioner of the highways for the midland diltrict forty three pounds seven hillings and six pence to remune rate him for nvuiey by him expended to benjamin fairfield exveitor to the late william fairfield elquirc fifty seven pounds pen shilling- for wo- it pet form ed on the iioads in the year of our lord one thoofand tight hundred and fixteen jo john i umraing eiquire t remune rate him for money expended on the rad in the- year of our lord one thoufand eight hundred and ihirteen eleven pumhij- twelve shilling- and vsix pence p john ryder kighty pound to remunerate him for work performed on the iioad in the year one thouland eiht nun bed an j fix tee to the honorable thomas clark the fum of tvemv fivt p mid fifteen shillings and one penny to remunerate him f r fuiuiry liooks and nws papers ptir chafed fot the ule of the legtflatute iii indbe it further enatlcd by the au thority aforejaidy 1 hat he m icy hereby granted to ins iajcity hat be paid by the receiver general in difcharge of fuch v arrant or warra ts a for the purpole atcrciaid fhall be lllued by the governor lieutenant governor or perfuii idfl -ini- teriug the government of this province and be accounted for to his majtlly his heir- and succeftors ihiough the lords oltmifllouc is of his treafury for the rirre being in fuch manner and ftfq a lii majrlly ia heirs and succeftors fhall be gracioufly pleated to direft- r z smalv hes leave re- jcdfinlyto inform the inhabitant j of kiog a its vicinity that he ha eftablioij himfclf as a phy id v sirgeon ilothfj ahy from ht jiaviog received a regular me dical ed ideation and from his experieno- in the afferent branches of his profrflion he i inmed to believe that he aril he able to do justice to all whofe mrmutunes may rendm them under the neceffity of fo- liciting rnedical aid n d to any calls at the fign of the golden mortar oppofit- the market the itricleft attention will be paid where will he conllmtly kept n hand a choice and well chttfen affbrtment of drug and med i ine paints of all kinds linfeed lamp and currier9 oils dye wids and dye tuffs cotton yarn window glafs putty s nails a new and elegant affortment cf paper hangings ladies bowxets of the new est fashion garbin s eds raised by the shakers books stationary c c c april 16 l6tf o iir for one or more years and pofteflion jriven immediately i hat stone h life fituated tn store treet lately occupied by mr mcdcalf with stable garden ami other out houfea tle lltuation of the above premifes is mft acvantagfcous f r a dwelling houfc for oarttactilars applv to fk ncix ro heleau kinjjflon 15 jin 1819 tfff subfc riber inform t his friends and the public thai he jldl beeps a ublic house in the tjivnflyp of cr s i vh formerly called coodwins ornir where gen- tlemcn aind ladies may find good enter tain merit dlfo travellers jhall not be dij appoint ted of fading good quarters for themfeir and their hrfcs vh d sanfo d cratmahe- zth jan 1819 6 a t m id edward jones 2egs leave mod refptctfully to i j form his friends and the public geneial that he has jult received an ele- gant aitortment of dry fan y goods corlifling partly of the following articles viz superfine weft of england cloths and caflimeres o the moil faihionable colors infh li ens britih shirting lined and cotton cambrics corded ambric lrno an muflirn jaconet and mull vluuvs fancy viuflin handkerchief bandanna and barcalona do fine gin-j- nam- b ck and colored silks sik and cotton shaw rnd fcarfs fie corded dimitie- white jane white and buff mar fells quilting d ack floientine fine undnfted calicoe bombazettes bom- bnz nes of all colors linen diaper and hnckabuck white and coloured flannels ru flirt sheeting- and olnaburg well chounaftortnet thtriud laces and 1 ubbons straw bonnets ladies ortv ife fhtll combs cambric and lace fo ttng3 and a number of articles too ini- nieroug to iniert 4 rateof blue crockery warn groceries 1hknhlclcnhei refpeafolly inforn then- fnenda and lhc p that t m v have mw receive i aid j opent in ma ket street iah hel p l a very fxtenfive airort c dry goods grocerie md sta liomary ukewife a great 0 claffical bo ks the whole of v hj w he f very r afli and ai crtdit mcdonald ykroyd dec i 1818 27 arsons haviur bonk belonging tfi the kingston library ar requdl ei to fend them to t ubferiher at hia vjlh fri rulh 1 havin lipofed of hi tntrrest in the houle f illi- van lytic at ptefcott and that f iuhier ext n at a lhine to r jones of ufcott ljpper 1 ancda the bnsincfs will ifter the first day of march enfuing be arried on under the firms of jones st van lyck at refcott and of levi sexton k v at a hine- ve be leave to rtfer you to the an nexed notice wherein mi luther make himfelf refponsible with u foi any en ae ment- entered into hy faid firms vv e feel faiified from our latr experience in businefs the nu nher of b ats now owned by us and he commodious stores at this place and la v bine that we fhall have it in our power to ive eneral fati faction a jones coiis vn slyce l sfxton prefcott january i 8th 1819 novice f jite subferiber havin difpofed of his interest in the iioufe of luflier van slyck at i refcott and that of lulher sc sexton at la chine t mr a jones the businei will in future be cairied on under the firms of jones van slyck at f res cott and that of levi exton co at la hine 1e will notwithstanding hold himfelf refponsible with them for any en aiement they may make 6 etl l notice t r njes me4gher returns his mojl j jincere thanks to the p ople of kings ton and its environs for the liberal en- courayment he as met with f nee his com rnencing bujtnefs fie begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has removed to his sew houfc near the mar ket place oppofite to mr baymans and will as ufual carry on the tin coppe ann sheet iron manufactory horse shoeing and black smith work will be executed in the heft manner 1 at the floor t eft notice and on the lowefl terms n b t rent leaf or fell for the term of ten years and immediate poffejfion gwi that we known jland the iv pl ijngto- inn in tiarrack flreet hh fluntion is one of the bifl in town bavin many conveniences thai render it particularly well adapted for a houfe of public entertainment and store applv to t r the proprietor james meagher kindlon feb 5 1819- 6 t e ih crther r leave to inform the public that he has commenced manufacturing to tttf pttbttf t then ie r h li yrai o it- r pf a ion the dinfiors of the jlcc fire assurance company feel ihuiikvc3 bound to expref rhcir acknowledge e ts and thanks for thegreat and unpci imted encoui agement thi- new euablifimei has experienced from an enlightened pu dtc nd at the fame tirrc they congratulate their fellow citizens and the inhabitants of thefe provinces generally on the c mdetc attainment of the obj cl this company was affociated for 5 in the fiort fpace of fix months tfm the day the office was opened premiums of infurance againit fire were lowered to lefs than hall the foi me rates nd at this moment in many in fiances property is infured at or under one third the rates of premium charged 12 months ago that the eftabbfhment of the que bec f re office ha- effected this is indis putable it cannot therefore be too ftrongly inculcated or too often repeated that to fupport this ompany to the utm 1 of your power by giviri them a pre ference of all infurances intended to be ejfee ted against jire is the on y cfiloal means of enabling them to c nrii ue t lie ii exer- tions and confequently of preventing monopoly and a recuience t the former extravajjant rates of rtmium for the prompt an 1 honorable fettlex ment of all loites tlu qu- bee fire office off r you the lecuriy of neatly three hundred of the moft rcfneistahle of your fellow citfaens exrlufive of a large fum of money in the poftrffion of the diicclors for fudden emergencies no dely or indulgence will be required nor nay un worthy evafions made ufc of in the fulfil ment of their enga ment the moment that a lofs is afcertained this company will continue to iniure pr perty in all parts of thefe tovinces on the mod m derate term- and the ireisors have the utmolt con fidence that a difcerntng public will univ rfilly and heartily come f ruird in fupport of an n dilution whofe futu ex ertions an alone maintain and re der per manent the ureat advantages that it h in fhor a period been productive of the country at largo quebec fire office may 24 119 n b applications fn in u uicr be made to the suhfcriber er t montreal 23w3 ad km l macnidiir i in forwarding vhc lv fc candles houfe adj ininw the v f kingfton and with a little delay s p ffih e john fergu on i2ih a pnl 1 8 19 16 fuch maimer and form as his majefty hn heir and succeftors mall be gracioufly pleafed to direcl ii provided always and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that a detailed account of the monies expended for th- pirpofes aforefaid hall be fubmit- ted f infpaion of the provincial par liarrent fo foou after as the fa e can be af cettained jamaica spirit brandy ilolland gin port and other wines peppermint and shrub kyf n and twankey teas double and single refined sugars mulcovado do spermaceti mould and dipt candles soap starch and fig blue c c c all of which will be iold for cafh or ap proved credit kingston tk aug 1 8 1 s 10 osgli cscougal an ad to remunerate certain perfons therein mentioned pi 7tf vovemhr his v r in feveral d of province monies apmopria ed fcy law for the improvement of roads havebeo rcintburfed to the funds of the province after feveral i ommiffi rers of foada had entered into coi cras fnr the ar cation of the fame i nd whetea the late master smith in the jew ne r bipaitment egs leave to inform his friends and q the public in general that he has commenced bufiitcfs next door below ir gorge dougaks store street where every article in hi line may be had on the mo ft realoiilc terrm and on the mottell notice the following rates of charges arc fuhmitted horse shoeing all round 6s removes 20 and all other ik h pjoporti n h ingston ipril th 1819 for sale timt klegant farm no 8 firjl conceffion townfhip f fredericks hu gh 28 miles fr m king ft on c wtain iug 200 cres formerly occupied by clacl sfvcweer and kww l v- vwswt- of the mjnfnn tionfe it c ntains abou 50 acres of land un ir improvem nt an elegant frame houfe 2 ftory high with 2 barns and other buildings perfons defirou of purchafing may crnfuireof thesubfcri her on the pre iffi or to d tiagermat fq at bath jo- krgfron frederickfcurgh ct 8th 1818 15 n 11ce j the late par nerfli ip of tames ranlen co hvm difl- ved itlc this d y by thedeaihif roderick mackay llq the bufmt s will in furf dc cartied on by the fubfei r who a pcons who are indebted to the ahove lirm wl1 plcafe pay their accounts withonj delay and thole who may have fatms atnfl that c ncem will pleafe prefent t e for adjufment jmfs h nkfn frnelt town 2 lit mpt 181 8 2t in earnest butt bled to fht 5 hihscrihefi re hereby ed that a settlement tmsl be made immefliapfy stepile mile- kingston iwgg i8ia 21 u iiible f homas claik fo- bale or 0 ler hai dvtncvd money f r the purchafe of certain i ookt and papers for the provincial libraiy be jttnpdbytl k kings oil exce len ma i-y- hy and with tne advice and con fr nt of helgiflative council arid xaffembly of the i irovi pe of upper canada conflitured and fflvmmed by virtue of and under the authority of an cx palled in the parlia ment of fcat britain entituled vn at t ei d certain part of an afi pair ed ii fl f n trrnth year of lii m jfryn n tnuiurd an ct for making ai two ftory framd houfe and a 1l largeand cijinmudnius ftone store h u on the wtei edge in the centre of the village of prefcot in exceedingly ad- vantaeou term to the purchaitr or lessee erquire at the office of chr hagerman khgftnn 26th february 1819 to arte men p 4 few hundred bunde- qrf for tale- nquire atlhw ufiicc june 3 181 tie subscribers ill ncfivepn- posals from ant prn or person hiii to engage to clear sixty acres new land on theii pr- i amolm burgh bay f quinlr read for seed the first da ol augu next the a 1 es on aid land will fee required to collected and eartfny secured tea and 1 rovisrons will p furnished ii r quired firp rttcqfars apply to owkn ioui l ko t i 0 mcdougal avcl1llanj 23 1 bcllville 9 w oap in the houfe formerly occupied as an inn bv mr j hn nzc in store street and he hopes that from his long experience and knowledge of the bufinefs he will he enabled ti give fatifaio to thofe perfons who may favor him with their patronage and fupport james benson kingfton 1 ft march 18 19 crn b cafh paid f r afljes iotf executive council office york 22d july 1818 vtotice is hereby given to chris ill top her thomson or his reprefentative by order of his honor the dminfrator in council to make good any prete fton to the welt half of ot number seventeen in the fixth eoncefiiuo qr- the n ane river in the tcwnfhfp of frederickfbuih within 4 moutha from this date nr the fame will be thrown open to othe applicants john small 18 tf 0 e njlbjl subfcriber offers for fale his ii lioufe and farm together 01 feparate a alfo his ilorfc carts sleighs cows i log- oxen grain hay potatoes and implements of i ufbandry fituate on the miver st lawrence ovetlooking the beautiful village of ogdenfburg and within half a mile of prefcott upper canada the dwelling houfe which has lately been erected eonfistv of twu fitting rooms 4 bed rooms a kitchen ami cellar well fi ifhrd the farm contains 107 cres of choice land well fenced upwards of 60 of which is pasture and meadow the remain der ill age and wood land with a young orchard and good bam stable and koot- houfe and a fmall tenement for labourers o a gentlemah of fpeculation the above premifes which extends 3 acres in front of the river must prove of great advantage as ir is one of the best situa tions in the neighbourhood for the erection fa wharf brewiyor distillery c pan of the purchafe money may remain on mortgage if agreeable to the pnrchafer application to be made to henry forest efq montreal john macaulay kingston or the owner pctkrobrikn prescott 26th oa 1818 6tf kingston branch of the mon treal bank a ny fum required may be obtained at the offirr- for good bills on mon el quebec bi i of exchange on lon ion or for specie njtes aib will be i cunted at t iwy fixty nd 1 rncty davt- thomas uklvnd age kingfton 3d nov 18 18 23 commission business 1he subscribers be to th- public that vyhaye formed n conmefio in lui icsv the object oi kvwhi 11- onrtation of produce down the st law- e and of merchandise of very des cription from montreal to an pan of upper canada and lh united staf ad- jtceiit to the lakes ontario and erie the business will be conducted b w iilbbell at odenshurftb nod under hn- firm of jv l whiting ct co at i rescott to prevent delay all property d sti- rd for kingston or any part of th bay o qiote will b forwarded from pros- mi by the steam boat charlotte which ivts there twice every week the subscribers engage to freight on fi favourable terms as any who an en- agnd in the business and lfdgtng tiieir united exertions to give satisfaction ill be grateful for every favor w l whiting w hubbell prescott wth a18 19 23 fopvsale a very valuable farm situated near the village of brockville ij g tie rear half of lot no one and the i i ii i r r it ii i i cond concession of elizabethton u c containing two hundred ncri form r- the property of reuben sherwood squire but now belonging to johnshu- ter esquire of loudon there i a ve ry good dwelling house with a barn and other ont houses on the premises alo lot number nineteen in the ninth con cession and the west half of lot number one in the eighth concession oi the same township also lot number fifteen in the first concession and number fifteen in the second cocesion o the town ship of yonge in the district of johns town these farms will be disponed of on terms peculiarly easy and advantage- ous to purchasers aoplv to daniel jones jun 13mcfcrill 1 5th january 1 s 1 9 a farm for sale adjoining hay bay in the town- fhip of fredciickbmgh tin- eafc half of lot no 2 in the fecond concefli n containing loo acres and having about 40 acres under cultivation with a log h ufe and barn upon it for the term- app to daniel wafhbnrn efquire king ft on pvn koughnet cornwall dec 7 1818 30 sir y hokset tken up by the fubferiber a few day ago a large bay o 1se the owner can have him by proving his property and paying charges john abbot rimrltm june 2 18 9 23 4 on icafonable terms two stone ilonse oppofite john mcleana elq sheriff inquire of nicholas moran pril 2 14 i ikusgston u c iiumio loli ilib i lutokf

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