doner and wis faceted hy 1 wonderful account of an automaton chdvplayer an invention which many years ao is da ted to rave aflonifhed fome of the princi pal monarchs in europe the account of this phenomenon like the argument of a certain gentleman at the bar was defini tive of itfelf by proving too much it was ftated that this wonderful piece of me- chanifm would watch the chefsboard with a countenance of the most abforbing inter cut and if a falfc move was made by his opponent would fmite the table with his hand to testify his indignation like ether gentlemen of the honorable fnciety of gam ble now when we are told that a piece of wood and iron can be fo moved by the power of mechanic ae to feel and to ex- prefs indignation in its proper place we arc told in other words that all this ma chinery had an intellect concealed fome- where behind it and that by means of a fecret fpring or otherwife a human body was playing the game of chefs the ac count of this phenomenon fhaied the fate of other wonders it was admired talked about and forgotten next in order comes the velocipede or the ait of turning a man into a horfe and carriage the driver and the horfe aienow undoubtedly the fame animal fo that we may rationally prefume on the plain prin ciple of felf love that the driver will feel fome compaffion for bis beast we find from thi perufal of a philadelphia paper that it is now propofed to add tails to this wonderful vehicle by which we hall be enabled to fail and walk and ride upon dry land at one and the fame instant of time in cafe a formidable obstacle is intcrpofed the rider has nothing elfe to do taan to turn pack horfe and as one good turn deferves another to be the bearer of his carriage how far this improvement will fucceed must be tested by future exper iment this machine may pioperly be denominated a new and improved mode of giving horfes an holiday we are now told by a vienna paper that the dominions of the air are next in order to be invaded by man that a native of germany has invented a mode of lying with a pair of wings bal chron from the philad political register the breslaw table with observations and applications re- spectine the duration and valuation of lives 7 founded on the doctrine oj chan ces person iving 1000 855 798 760 732 710 690 bs0 070 664 653 64g 640 634 623 622 616 610 604 698 592 586 570 573 567 560 553 54g p 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 u 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 persons uving 2 rrtont living dge 539 272 57 531 3u w j3 523 31 25 9 ms 32 242 iio 507 93 232 61 49 34 222 62 490 35 212 63 481 36 202 64 472 37 192 65 463 38 ibs 66 454 39 172 67 445 40 162 68 436 41 152 69 427 42 142 70 417 43 131 71 407 44 120 72 397 45 109 73 3f7 4g 98 74 377 47 88 75 367 48 78 76 357 40 68 77 346 50 58 78 335 51 49 79 324 52 41 80 sis 53 34 61 502 54 28 fc2 29 55 23 83 2fa2 56 20 84 dr halley professor of geometry i the university of oxford framed the preceding tables of births and burials in breslaw the capital of the province of silesia in germany for five years drawn up by a dr newman of that city and communicated to the royal society in england this tabic shows the number of persons who wore living in their respective ages current use which may be made of this fable suppose it was required to know the odds of a man of 25 years of age dying within the year look in the table and you will find in the column against 95 that there arc alive 567 1 in ths following ver tifc 3fi there are only 560 living therefore it is 560 to 7 that a person of 25 years of age lives one year or when reduced so to 1 if you would know the odds of a man of 40 living 7 years you will find the number of persons alive 47 in the table to be 377 which are to be subtracted from the number of persons alive at 30 years of age which are 445 the differ- once being 68 shows that the persons dying in 7 years is 68 therefore it is 377 to 68 or nearly 51 to 1 that a man of 40 lives 7 years if you would know how many years a man of 40 has an equal chance to live look in the table against 40 and you will find alive then 445 then look in the table till you come to half that number viz 222 which shows that it is nearly an equal wager that a inau of 40 years of age lives 22 years a more extraordinary instance of the fecundity of a cow than he following we believe is not on record she produced in july 1815 five calves may 1816 three do march 1817threedo may 1818 two do april 1819 three do making together sixteen in the space of four years the skins of the first live are preserved the three last are living find considered by judges to be very fine ones this prolific auimnl was bred by mr michael williams of old shifford farm near bampton in this county and i new ift hii possession pp journal home affairs from the crpercaxada gazette we insert the following letter and lo cation ticket for the information of surh individuals a they may concern and at the same timo to shew some part of the exertions now making to pro mote the prosperity of the country copy of a letter to d mgregor rogers esq chairman of the land board newcastle dis trict lieutenant governor office jpriszqlky 1819 sir i am directed by his excellency the lieutenant governor to reply to your letter of the 1 5th inst fn explanation of those particular point on which you in the name of the land board of the new castle district solicit more precise infor mation than that contained in the instruc tions transmitted to you by the clerk of th executive council in the first place with regard lo such other persons besides emicrints as the board may be authorized to grant locations to i am to explain to you that by such m other persons are to be un derstood such able settlers as resided in the district before the war and produce due certificates of having done their duty in its defence secondly with regard to military claimants no military claimant as such is referred to the board being to receive their lands gratuitously in the military settlement any dispensation of that sort mustbeapproved on application to the lieutenant governor in council- thirdly the sons and daughters of u e loyalists being entitled to gratu itous grants of 200 acres must apply to the lieutenant governor in council fourthly persons arriving from the united states and bringing due certifi cates of their being british born subjects are admissable by the board fifthly a form of ticket of loca tion will be transmitted to the chairman of the board in which will be specified the conditions of settlement sixthly ifis excellency is of opinion that the preeuce of lhc chairmau is not necessary at every meeting of the board any three of the member constitute a board aud may proceed to act accord ingly seveuthly the settler should be thoroughly instructed that in the event of iir- rinding iniy improvement on the lot to which he may be located he is immediately to return with his ticket of location to the board and report the circumstance for the information of the government should he fail in this par ticular he can sxpect no confirmation of the grant to him in this case the board will appoiut him another location eighthly with regard to the difficul ty that may be experienced by the settler in finding his particular lot his ex cellency bids me observe that in order to remunerate the person who miht be employed to point it out to him the set tler must be burthened with another fee and as in the case of persons located by the surveyor generals office no such precaution is practised his excellency does not perceive the necessity of the re gulation j am c signed chillier form of location ticket land board district a b born at place in country of the age of years having ar rived in this province date and peti tioned to become a settler therein has been examined by us and we being satis fied with his character and of the pro priety of admitting him to become a set- tler and having administered to him the oath of allegiance do assign to him one hundred acre of laud being the half of lot no in the concession of township in district for which upon dye proof of having cleared and cropped five acres and cleared half the road in front f his land of having erected and inhabited a house thereon for one year he will be entitled to receive agrant to him and his heirs he paying the patent fee of jjb 14s id sterling n b if the settlement duty is not performed within two years this loca tion to be of no value but assigned to another settler quebec june 2 2d on thurfday laft appeared in the quebec ga2ette a proclamation for in- forcing the quarantine law on all veftels without exception whereever from which might come into the harbor to remain forty days off the river st charles unlefs previoufly releafed by licence fiom the governor the fupposed ncceffity for tin very ftrong meafure wc deeply deplo red and had written fome brief obferva- tions to that effect for our supplement of friday lafl but learning that that proclama tion was incorrect and that a more correct one would ipeedily be publifhed we fup- prcfled our remarks the correct one appeared in yefterdays gazette and we are happy to find that the quarantine is now limited to veitcli from ireland the clyde brifloland liverpool and of thofe only fuch vefiels whofe detention may be ordered by directions to that effect from the harbourmaflcr of quebec fubject to releafe by licence under fignature of two executive councillors without fee or emolument of any kind hence we have rcafon to fuppofc that po vcfftl will be ekpofed to fttch detention without fpecia caufc rendering fitch detention ind if pen- fable the ncccfluy of doing quarantine is unqueltionably pitiable not only as it affects trade but on account ofthofc who may be detained on board particularly mould there be any number of emigrants but lamentable as the care may be it mn ft be viewed as the lead in a choice of evils quebec mercury the tranfttions in the weather here are fomewhat remarkable amidft frequent extraordinary heats laft saturday night there was a froft to a degree to occasion injury to vegetation which has fuffced by it in fome paits in the vicinity of the town montreal june 26 a letter from an officer of the merfcy frigate has informed us that his excellen cy the earl of dalhoulie was to fail from halifax on board that veifcl on the xeth inflant with the oilcnlible intention of vifiting his grace the duke of rich mond and making a tour through thefe provinces can c our mt his grace the governor in chief is ex pected here on monday next by the steamboat malfliam on his way to the upper province it ia underftood to be hid graces intention to go as far as dmm- monds iflind and part of hi family we learn are to accompany inm on a vift to their noble relative sir peregrine mait- land arrived at the manfion houfe on thuifday laft lord william lennox and suit lieut col coekburn and meflrt adams and iteid the three laft procee ded for the tipper province to make the neceflary preparations for the accommo dation of hu gace on life journey ma it r led by rev j simerville mr john mowat meruit kinglron to miss helen lcvack late 0f edinburgh herald foit the ktsgins chiioxicie kingston july 1st mr knitor perhaps y0 will favour the follow ing queries utfth a place in your valuable columns do not alii law fimilar in principle exill in eng an ni almolt every na tion of the civilid world and are they not every wi held to be expedient and juft r is an alic j a c a more dan gerous pcrfo t a piaffed traitor bamlhed frorj lhc p state in l pnbahlc inclination and power to do miichief can ay oiilinciior tc pointed out between onvicted traitors and fuch as have fled ill parent state to ef- cape conviction except indeed the ob vious one that the latter poflefs the dan gerous advantage of being lefs known if a fummary law to get rid of aliens be expedient and jutti can any thing ren- dcr a lummary law u free a colony from intruders of the worft defcription above cited inexpedient and unjuft sir yout oledicnt fervant a b kingston cjuly an accident hating or cnrrrdlu the machinery of ihr s is sophia whirihtuu prevented her from plt tog between 5 liar and ihis place with her usual regularity this week we liavr cherrhv been dtappuinc in receiwnp our lilf i of new york papers ami have no foreign intelligence of later dale than what was given in our li t num ber we have 10 regrri ihrti we cannot pratify lhc reportable cunoitt of our reader with the pfll6mdltt of our provincial parliament from the waul of a reporter wc suspect they are oot on hat account published hi the upper canada gazette it would certainly be drnrable that erysubje which is introduced into parha ment aihldisciibd with open doors luuld be made mill mure public through the tncdiuok of the different periodical journalsof the province in lhi way the community at large would not inly be made acquainted with the manner io which every bill i brought iflio the house but hv whom introduced and supported by whom nppoed and rbe grounds upon which oppnud a full and correct report of the procerdings of the tegiljittir taken and published during its emonvviiilr ttie vetv uiijfcll i ifitw arc under drrmifn would iwt tw think fail to be a powmtlii atihdutc against corruption in its members thrir print pc and conduct are in that way move tminediitely broupbt before the rye f their constituent who interests they are bound fo maintain and support conformably lo the rjunt of the onhitutmn we learn b private lellerthct tkt rill for incorporating a hank in thi province ban pa the house of armbly though not exactly in the form of a rvetuictwiit as ww prayed wf by the people of kingston who from toe tenor of their petition a well a from the bill whhh was originally pwwd oil the subject must have nanj- rally expected that the bank would br estab lished at kinjmon and noi at york a it i ma ted to be some weight v reasons must no doubt have influenced the llomtf in making suck a ma terial alteration in lite ill reasons founded on general policv and greater utility to the province at large and which muu have been deemed w ficlmi lo overbalance the local advantage of the commercial capital at kingston the people of the fatted states are beginning to experience the evils of an injudicious multi plication of banktflj institutions throughout their coon several rf their banks have lately stopped pavmeul aiiung others wc understand are the hudson bankaid jefferson county bank we recommend to the people of upper canada to be very cautious how they accept in payment united states bank pfier ftingfl imprudence in this particular may sublet many to lowea of no trivial nature we would beg leave direct the attention of our readers in this neighbourhood to the dnwrms already made by the agricultural socielie of the home and johmiovvo districts in the prose cution of the grand obje f w they were instituted we ask oi farmers in particular why the society formeo bath last winter dors not meet with the liberal and strenuous support of those whose interests principally aims at promoting why ia c a society uored to languish do not the fanners of u midland piitrkt feci the nectsviy y improving be p- riu svslem of llllage practised ia the country f would il not br their advantage tbl ihe rearing of domestic animil should be tucodraged acuoug them are ihry not ai hii instant sensible of lht iepfcclated rbaracter of their flonfrm every markei and is not tins town supplied with tttw meat ffr ihe djily rousumption ol i lubabiiant by the americans notwithstanding the heavy dutielud upon its impnrtatiotw the truth of ihcettcumstaiire inderd must hr apparent lo everyone and we io common with other la- mrnj that the money thu taken oui of the coufl- try instead of being pocketed by our own far mer servo only to enrich oui rivals io trade and increase ibeir mean of competition we addrctl the above queries to our agricultural fiinds in the hope that they may be roused to a serums consideration of lhc loss sustained by the country ironi tin rausejut allurted to and that lby may tl about the work id improvement in a itmnner worthy of themselves and of the nieanb within their power the example set u by our neighbors in other districts ought to make u blush at out apathy and want of public spirit the apparent tinwilliogneof the people to sup- port tin institution caillhh surely proceed from a ibtrtfst of the good effects of which it might be pmduc or we have the experience of imherv to lihl uhoi our way societies have long been esuitihed in lngland on the mot eiteaiive rale whereby the agriculture of thai country bv been carried to a height of perfrctioo une qualled atany period by any other nation si milar societies have of late been formed in the united sumct and are now spreading rapidly over this at continent the badntss of the tirnetava tarritif n monty cannot reasonably be ottered ri s fur not coming forward be cause ihwiiight witi equal fairtict be uied ij other ptttlvot ihe jviviucc janrt buranan kq his majrstys consul at new york returned in the steam bnt from york on sunday ltt and embarked the next day in a bjeau for mooireali thelast divijiun of itchfb regiment arrived hereon tuesday afternoon from iwcr canada and proceeded this morning in the krontemic to iarriiou niagara and the other posts ia the upper part of the province a most daring thtft was committed oq the evening of ihe59lhur moroinof tfe30tli june at walkers hotel a leuher trunk brlongiug to u leutlptnan who bad jurt arrived fria montre al iva fcretly conveyed out of his room on the eeond lioor the lock forced open arid a paper parrel containing one thousand pound tit mon treal bark notes lakeo out the trunk was found in the morning about haif past six lying in the porch in front of the hotel every exer- ilon iodleoec the vhuaqtconecmed in ihe theft lia hitherto proved inetfeciual hut it if to he ihijicd ihatthev may yet be detected and brought ojtntlcc by j attract from the qaebec mrrcnry of the jv juneit will be reinaiked that hi taee the fitririor io chief fau iued a pruclaiuattq en- forttiiii she 0iaranrine law at quebec notice to emigrant the tumour tnduftriouly circulated that his excellency sit peregrine maitland has lopped giving out land to settler arriv ing lit the province is a malicioui imposi tion to deceive the public numcious parties of surveyor arc at work and as fovill tf u lovutti flwttluvl ii will jw tlirown open to thofe who firfl apply with out partiality several new settlements thai have been opened this spring arc already all taken upfo that perfons coming on to thcfctownfhips would be difappointcd but the emigrants may rest assured there are millions of acres that will be thrown open for thcraas foon as the suivcyoia can get through the work large tras of land near lake sim- coe and other places are open at this mo ment and a great part of the new land will be open as foon as the fettlcrs will be enabled to make a fcleftion sank notice bank of upper canada dikkctok tor the week henry murney esquire days of discount every wednes day notes offered for discount must be all handed to the cashier on he day pre ceding the discount day s b a rtlet cashier drafts on quebec at short sight will be given for specie 50 pounds reward tolen from walker hotel in i kingfton on the night of the 29th or morning of the 30th of june inftant out of the trunk of the subfcriber which was broken open a parcel directed to william allan efq containing xooo in montreal bank bills whofoever will give information that may lead to the de tection and conviaion of the thievea kail receive the above reward the bills can be of no ufc to the holder as prompt meafurcs have been taken to prevent their difcount aft the bank where regular entries of their numbers have as ufual been made any communication refpec- ting the aboe may be addressed to thomas marktand efq of kingfton or to the subscriber at york george r1d0ut kingfton june 30th 1819 2f notice t1if subscribers beg leave to inform the public that they have entered into copartnership and that they will jointly from the date hereof carry on business under tke firm of lamb 4 mcdonell yu b lamb arch mcdonell kingston july id 1318 27 the last notice all perfons indebted to the late firm of james ranken lit co are hereby notified that unlefs their respective accounts and notes are fettled by the full dny of au- guft next they will indifcriminatcly be put into liic hands of an attorney for rollee don james ranken bnlh judc30 1 8 19 j7tf new goods lamb mdonell opposite the market king street most rcfpcfully inform their friends and the public that they have juft received and offer for fale a well chofen and general aflortment of dry goods among which are the following articles viz weft of england cloths and caftimercs ttair carpeting kidderminftcr do jeans fuftiaos bombazctics bombazeens drab blue gray and yellow nankeens irifh lin ens linen fildand madjapollum fhirtiags fteamloom ihirtings sallampores long cloths and bafcaes manchefler glas gow ftricd cottonsturkey stripeschtcks and giighams dimity chintz and cali co furniture cambrics calicoes lenos and mulling lutestring and sarfnet silks black florentine silk veils shawuscarfs and handkerchiefs canton crape canton crape drcfles a tor ted colors cotton shawls and handkerchiefs silk cotton and wors ted hofe silk kid and beaver gloves thread silk and cotton lace ribbons tapes bobbins counterpaaesmarfcilles qufhs silk and cotton shambray linen bed ticks bleached sheetings hum- hum dcrrys brown hollands dowlas c c c also a few pairs stays kingston 2d july 1819 27 notice whereas difficulties are likely to arife in the arrangement of the affairs of the letc allan tayh rs cftatc the iubferiber deems iz neceftary to inform the public that on the 3d dsy of novem ber tail a final fettlemcnt of the co-part- ncrthip between taylor 3c parker was made by th- patics at which time a certain n of money was allowed to mr parker for hi relinquishment of all claims upon debts due to the firm and he was alfo indemnified against the claims cf creditors by mr taj brs sand for 5000 this notice is therefore given that all who are concerned in or indebted to the eft3tc of the laid allan taylor may be cautioned agaiuft paying or airanging their accounts with any other perton than the underfigned as he is the only one duly authorifed to make fuch arrangement wm tavlor adminiftrator of allan taylor ellace bellvillc june 2c t8iq 27 notice 11 hereby gfwff k th partnerfkip heretofore fnbfifting be tween smith bavtlett and thomas daftor and carried on in kington under the firm of thomas dalton jf co is this day dis solved by mutual confent the faid smith bartlett having relin- qnifhed his intereft in the brewery in favor of the faid thomas dalton the affairs of that concern will from this date devolve to his sole conduct smith bartlktt thomas dalton witness to the signing jqhm w fergusok kingston june 30th 1819 273w for sale a large commodious two lory lone house with out houfes and garden situated on a half acre lot in the village of bath for terras apply to the subfcribcr james ranken bath june 20 1819 aytf strayed away or ftolen from the fubferiber a fmall bay horse with one of his hind feet white and a white flat in his forehead paces well whoever may find faid horfe mail be lib erally rewarded on bringing him to the owner nicholas morin kingston 15a june 1819 ajtf i portraits g dove in mjniatvpe m s inquire of john macaulay esq j at the postofficc mayzlsf 1819 21 notice all perfons are cautioned againft pur- chafirig lot no 22 in the 7th con- effion of frederickfburgh or lot no 27 in the 1st conceflion of richmond from the heirs or affignees of davis heis as the subfcribcr holds an indifputable title to the fame gilbert hams sidney 4th dec 181 3 blanks for the courts of request for sale at this office baltimore juhe ici fire it is with no ordinary feelings of regret we have to flate that the building near federal hill fot the new charity sunday school was laft evening deftroyed by fire the work it is said of fome vile incendiary boston june 1 by the mentor wc learn that the ex ports at canton by the americans laft year exceeded in amount that of the eng- lifh nearly half a million of dollars th american expoits amounted to nearly 8oooooo dollars the englifh riling 7500000 dollars honesty is a maaj best robe his choic est appai el many people as if fearful of of wearing it out lay it carefully by like ththjimdtg cu