sawspjc- vol i ir2s friday fanajn july 0 1819 r v no 2s sw v win f tiiwiwijli lt-jr- 50 pounds re warb in te steammoat fr james mackenzie master will in future leave the different ports on the following viz days kingston for york aa ge lsz 1 1 th and 2st days of each month york for quecmton 3d lth and 23d days of each month niagara for kingston otl loth and 2bth days of each month hates of passages tolen from walkers hotel kingfton on the night of the 29th or morning of the joth of june inftant out of the trunk of the subfcriber which was broken open a parcel dheed to william allan efq containing 1000 in montreal bank bills wbofoew will give information tbt may seat to the de tection and conviion of the t hieves hall receive the above rr ward the biils can be of no ufe to the bolder as prompt meafurea have been taken to prevent their difcount at the bank where regular entries of their numbers have as ufual been made a 113 communication reflec ting the above rnay be addressed to i homas markland efq- of ktngfton or to the subfcriber at york george ridout kingfton june 30th is 19 27 new goods lamr mdonell opposite the marhct king street most refpecihiily inform their friends and the public that they have juft received and offer for fale a well cholen and general aftortment of dry goods 9 w from kingston to york and niagara from york to niagara child 300 1 00 ren under three years of age half price above under ten two thirds three ana and a book will be kept for entering the names of passengers the births which they it ay choose at which time the passage money must be paid passengers are allowed 60 lbs weight of baggage surplus bag gage to be paid for at th gentlemens servants cannot r lvt wo usual rate sieep or eat in the cabin deck passengers will pny ids and may either bring their own provisions or be furnished by the steward for each dog- brought oil board 5 all applications for passages to be made to captain mackenzie on board no tice heileas difficulties are likely to arife in the arrangement ot the iffairs of the late allan tayl- rr eftate the iubferiber deems it neceftary to inform the public that on the 3d day if novem ber laft a final fettle cnt of the copart- uerlhio between taylor k parker was ma by the parties at which time a crrtain fum t money was allowed to mr i aker for his relinquifhrnent of all claims upon debts due to firm and he was alfo indemnified against ffje claims of irdliors by mr taylors blond for 5000 this notice is therefore given that all who are concerned in 01 indebted to the eftate of the faid llan taylor may be eanti md sgainft paying cr arranging their accounts with any other pen n than thr ulderfipned as he is the only one duly authorised to make fueb arrangement wm taylor adminiirntor of allan taylors elure 1 llville june 2 r 1819 27 freight phi sic q urgery en 4 will be ranspoited to and from the above places at the rte of per barrel bulk and flour at the customary tale delivered to tin different consignees a list erf their names will be put in a con spicuous plate on board which must be deemed a sufficient notice and the goods when taken from the steamboat will be consider at the risk of the owners for each small parcel 2s get which must be paid on delivery kii gston april 28th 1819 ist d s 3 t r to oificers on half- pay in canada i t is defired that officer receiving italf- fay or military penfions through fhe corno iitariat in canada will tranfmit to their feveial agents at quebec tfuir a ffidavits in triplicate immediately afier the 24th of the period when their hat- pay becomes due fo that the affidavits of officers refilling in lower canada ihdl arrive at quebec before the roth and ihofe of officers refiding m the upper province before the 2th of the following month at which period the returns wiil be made up as more than fufficient time is given for communications to reach quebec from the moft diftant potts thofe officers affida vits which do not arrive in time to be incor porated in thefe returns mull remain over till theenfuing period of payment committary generals office quebec march 11819 5 aux officiers a demipaie en caputs les officiers qui recnivent la de mipaie oi pension militaire par le canal du commissariat eu canada sont requis dc fransmettre a jenrs agens respeciifs a qebec lours afpdavits on triplicata imrreriiatcmcnt apres lo trrne da paiement d leuidemjpaie de ma- iere que les affidavits des officiers qui re sident dans le bascanarta pourront ar- rivera quebec avant le lomeetde ceux qui resident dans la haute province- a vant le 20me du mois suivant auxquels periodes les retours se feront comme jon donne plus de terns quil ne fant pour transmettre les communoaftorr- a que bec des postes les plus eo les aili- davits des officiers qui narrivent pa a terns pour etre incorpores dati3 e3 re- tours resterontjusquauperiodedu paye ment suivadt bureau du commissairygeneral 11 quebec 3e mars 1819 cm anchors sf cables william budden will eceive by the earlier fpring veffels and keep conftantly on hand at quebec an affiirtment of patent proved chain cables of all sizes anchors do well worthy the attention of thofe enga ged in the lake and river navigation quebec ill xprij i8iq 14tf edward jones tegs leave rofl refpcftfully to in- j form his friends and the public ii general that he has juft received an ele gant affbrtment of dry fancy goods confiding partly of the following articles viz superfine weft of england clotbi and caffimeres of the moll fa fh ion able colors iriffi likens britifh shirting linefl and cotton cambrics corded cambric lenos and muflins jaconet and mull muflins fancy muflin handkerchiefs bandanna and barcalona do fine ging hams black and colored silks silk and cotton shawls and fcarfs fine corded dimities white jane white and buff mar feila quilting black florentine fine undrdted calicoes bombazettes bom- banes of all colors linen diaper and huckaback white and coloured flannel ivuffia sheeting and ofnabnrg a well chokn altortment of thread and laces and ftibbons straw bonnets ladies tortoife fhcll combs cambric and lace fo- tings and a nuoiber cf articles too nu merous to inlet t 4 crates of blue crockery ware groceries jamaica spirits brandy holland gin port and other wines peppermint and shrub hylon and twankey teas double and single refined sugars mufcovado do spermaceti mould and dipt candles soap starch and fig blue c sec c all of which will be fold for cafh or ap proved credit kinstot ath auq 8 i 8 io t z 55f i hy t w r iettfifvv t infoi m the itih d itartt r kiullrp and tm vicinty that h 1 hahlijhc ivnfclf as a pi1yjc1as sirmok apothecary fron hihavin received a regfular me dical educatpn ard from hi expe ivnce in the dlitcient branches of his pr ftffi n he u induced to bsrlteve that lc will i e abletodojiulice to a whofe ni fortunes may render them under the neceihty o licitinm medcal aid among which ar the following articles viz weft of england cloths and caffimeres llair carpeting kidderminfter do jeans fuftians bor bazetien bombazeen drab blue gray and yellow nankeens irifli lin ens linen f ddaud maddapollum fhitins fleam loom ciirtings sallampores long cloths and baftaes manchefter glas gow tmped cottonsturkey stripes checks and ginghams dimity chinta and cali co furniture cambrics calicoes ienos and muflins lutestring and sarfnet silks black florentine silk veils shawls scarfs and handkerchiefs canton crape canton crap dreffes adbrte colors cotton shawls and handkerchiefs ilk coaon and wors ted llofe silk kid and beaver olives thread silk and cotton laces ribbons tants bobbin- counter pa a es qiilcs 8 ilk and cotton shambray linen bed r icks bleached sheetings hum- hums denys brown iiollandsj dowlas c c c also a few pairs stays kingston 2d jwly i 8 19 27 notice re subscribers beg leave to inform the public that they have entered into copartnership and hat they will jointly from the date hereof carry on business under tke firm of lamb sf mcdonell wm b lamb arch mcdoxell kf imp l 1819 27 the las notice a ll per tons indebted to the late firm jl v f fames ranker c5 co are hereby nitfied that unlc 1 ueir respective accounts and hotel re gttied by the fih day of au- pext they will indifcrinintely be put nto of an attorncv for col lee j a mls kankun jun to 1819 27tf t gu day martfns ieal ffo- n b to any calls at the fen or the golden hforlur op pofite the market the trfctcrll attention aivj be paid uhctewill be conftantly iccpc en hand a choree and well chofen bfibtmcnr of drug and medicine paints cf all kinds ltnfeed lamp amd curriers oils dye woods and dye t r ft- cotton yam window glafspuity nails a new and eigant altortment of paper hakg4ng9 2qnselaflkietor co j- iro garden skns t aired h tn shelters stationary e april 16 1 6 f- japan hartjlt paul street mon- treal aent to ftv martin of li- ion informs tlie merchants and tra- dcis f uppercarnda that lie ha on board the ship eweretta a fupnly of genuine j an warranted fiiperior to any ever imported into this province in cades of a- bout fi dozen each day martins label having been forged in eiiffland for the canada market fpiiffiius and inferiot blacking is thereby fld which dtftroys the leather while day martins japan affords peculiar nourishment benpmin hart mo trel 17th june 1819 ftv5 tvtoricf is hereby given that a in perfons indebted to the late firm of ladies a si account letters remaining in he post -of- fice at kingston july bill 1819 robert abercrombi francois amiote henry atkinson margaret baifonr samurl it barton henry bnhatn francois bercier daniel blake ji1id black john blake 9 t black james blarke- by hichani ioidfi bodily james bra dy robert bradley wi litem bray ley ljli broun 4 james bryant ornehus buckley john burley rial burl mrs bell catharine caffrey john cameron john campbell samuel campbell sarah crmfihl charles w carneycha les carpenter william carson mr chateau dueuf john cr vfil- liam cumni sc mr cusick gilbert to ce phas s mc 6 nt 1l crroiick owners thninas conklin margarei cirk william cook mat- r hew cowling henry cox nalhaiiitl corbtn haffel cov philip daly john davis samuel davis charles dolery mib dougherty fieorge doug lass william dotvling mrs dunn charles daufov william embury james english daniel j- eritt 4 john paris wm slodders ldard fidlar george finkle johns finkle an- jdine foamier jane fry joseph gauihierdit st germain wm gib- bard asa g gns2 louis 6olln peter graham 2 mrs fgrant robert hamilton thomas harcfie richard harris john harvey john hewitt horaio g hicks lexris hicks paul imdrcth mr uoau geo p holmes deborah holme- uexaudei hope l smith maaret ho eiluard howard i lizabeth huiiman isabella humphreys la- vid henderson anne jackson mary ingram roberi john ston martin johnstone mr joboon alor mrs laboard william lamb 2 it 8f iaid- law i landregan win lansing 2 joha w leonard miss leick john link i raacuio li- coals 2 john lnper jaes david r bride mary mcbrmtc5 william mcdoufiel w mrcrav silvester mw enna james lvlcfarland2 peter mcgiuhxay 2 bran mcginnis2 henry mcgotgh 3 qeorm mclean aris mcjia ach macjjettl james mcpnee joeme mason dan it 1 mar tin louts martin wm marriott joseph ml- lert james magee mrs miller maiter woody john c arthur niblock henry onh thomas otara william park 3 huh patterson james pat terson wiuiam palierson paymaster deaat- fpiile regiment j ames perry lucia phelps benjamin porter mrs purdy wdliam randall mr roark jam rorison ti roster joseph rosccrantz johu ryder dan iel reikev joseph saint germain thomas saye john seot g orjre scougal 2 william simpkin- da rius smith tnomassmylh john spong 2 charles btewar mir- stedman wm sullivan joseph ta lor james tait george tuum- wooi james todd anne thomp ot jacob vanarnam richard vauarnam jab van valkenburgh james vendall philip i- a james wall thomas s wf on pfkr aviiu joseph vhite d daniel whitney artemas wilder edward wilkinson thomas wiuiam- on john wilson 2 baker mr john c wil- son william wright francis wycott juhn w walker horace yeoman j jokn ma cau at pm m circular r fri lnfher having difpofed of his interest in the iloufe of lufher 8t van iyck at prefect and that of jufher 8c sext n at la cliine to mr a jones of refcott upper canada the bnsinefs will after the first day of msch enfuinjr be carried on under the firm3 of jones van slyck at 1 refcott and of levi sexton 2i co at la hine we be leave to refer you to the an nexed notice wherein mr lufhet makes himief refponsible with up for any tnae- ments entered into ly faid firms wc feel fanfied from our late experience in bnsinefs the number of boats now owned by 0 and the commodious store at this place and la bine that we hall have it in our power to 0 general fatis- faction a jones cors a van slyck l skxton frefcott january 1 8th 1819 c l 1 good bargain ijor sale the houfe and premifcs ia if t lie town of kingfton at prefent oc- ijdtdi r r 1 iififfcrilcr fur part indato apply to sm1 tel ansleyjun kingston may 5th 1819 19 the subscribe tiie subfcriber having clifpi interest in thelloufe of luf toegs leave to inform the public that j13be has commenced manufacturing 3u heap candles george scougau late master smili in the engi neer department segs leave to inform his friends and b 9 the public in general tha he hat commenced bufinefs next door below ml gecre doulafss store strcrt where eery article in his line may be had on tie moft reafonable term and on the ho tell notice the following rates of charges are fubmitted norse shoeing oil round 68 removes zfg and all other work in proportion kings ton april 5 i s i 9 i blask deeds and memorials for sale at this ofliec in the houfe formerly occupied as an inn by mr john size in stove street and he hopes that from his long experience and knowledge of the buhnefs he will be enabled to give fatisfaion to thofe perfons who may favor him with their patronage and inpport james benson kingfton rft march 1819 03n b cafh paid f r afnes iotf valuable lands for sale in the tozimshif of hamilton lots no 6 and 12 in the 3d con ceffion containing 400 acres itto ditto 11 and 15 in the 4th con- cefiion containing acq acres ditto ditto io in the 6th conceffion containing 200 acres the above lands are all lying in the townfhipof hamilton newcaftle diftner and will be fold ori the molt liberal terms for further infro nation enquire of eiias jones efq hamilton or the fubferibtr in kingfton thornas s whitaker kingfton may 2 1819 aitf taylor if parker either by book or note afj recpieftei to come forwara and fetlc the fame with the fubferiber i mediately as after the firft day of october nxt the whole remaining unfrt- tled will indifcriffimafely y put into the hands of an vttorney for collection and all thole having demands againil the faid firm are alfo tequefted to prefent the fame duly authenticated for adjuftment thomas parker surviving partner belivjlle nth june 18 19 25w29 forwarding commission business the subscribers beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have formed a connection in busi ness the object of which is fhe trans- ii r 1 r ttv i 1 o -li- or if not lold to be rented for the en oortation of i rouuee down the at law- r u- or t r f at r fumcr year viz ore at the frefque lie rence and of merchandise of every dc- tt 1 v r 1 a v t- r r a j l c harbor one at waterloo and the picket scription from ivionrreai to any part of t- n r r upper canada and the united states ad- noiice cfed of hi j her van slyck at ftefcou and that of lufher st sexton at la chine to mr a jones the busineis will in future be carried on under ihefirrm of jones van slyck at res- cotr and that of levi sexton co at la chine he will notwithstanding hold himfelf refponsible with them for any enaement they may make 6 eri lusher 11 ree farms for sale three or if n iacpnt to the lakes ontario and erie the business will be conducted by w iitceell at ogdensburgh and under the firm of iv l whiting 4 co at prescott to prevent delay all property desti ned for kingston or any part of the bay of quinte will be forwarded from pres- cott by the steam b at charlotte which leaves there twice every week the subscribers eh age to freight on as favourable terms as any who are en gaged in the business and pledging their united exertions to give satisfaction will be grateful for every favor w l avhjt1ng w hubbell prescott qth muy 19 farm fo called a contract alfo will be given for cutting 1000 cords of wood b whitney kingston 1 6th june 1h19 2jtf 23 notice m p the board for iviilitia rs- sions nuill meet on the lajl monday in february and continue fo to do the fame day in each month until the bufimfs vf this diftricl as regards the fame is jinifhed john ferguson kingjlon feb ift lslq 6 itotice is hereby given that the ll partnerhsip heretofore fubfifting be tween smith bartlett and thomas dalton and carried on in kington under the firm of thomas dalton s co i this dav dis- solved by mutual confent the faid smith bartlett having relin qnifhed his intereft in the brewery in favor of the faid thomas dalton the aflirs of that concern will from this date devolve to his sole conduct smith bartlett thomas dalton witness to the signing john w ferguson kingston june 30th 1819 tfw jtsjhud- v v l m s portraits done in miniature inquire of john macaulay esq at the fostoftice t myist 21 g