Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 9, 1819, p. 4

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m utofrg stngsfrcm ihv qtnntul fthe follrtiviic iong rc ttjnliifrd from tlir gttniari b a uur nhitcinlnr ilorkri brip- hdiaiurhril to thr nwcdmi rnrpt in tlic cam paign of 1bi3 h villi romcmbcr with plea sure luariug th pirmrr of ihu fiinq bv ctou dina hiiimrnlifr th pictiirt lrl in nordhuui to uourfl iicaulifiii tit 4 ai utu utfo3 i the rhhie o hkh rcs i v current in own and by tlif grrtn unn rtlr urn flic daik linden irfm rr ybytrvycfj as ihcy iltmjilc smile back on the patu and rhinz drpct riw ihou arl german again thjr rocs ni is more free wiirc lirl utcflon itiihiiiil mi lh- imj- ylie jek of ike mighty lj litirftrn in main aijd rhine i dcurrtu iker thou arl grraian ttgaltl the lad h ac tracc and brvakl forih into ong thy bill in llifir bonrn the calrnrr prolong t y mfl in fel tr cbsaiiiw rr hu il ivtram our jutf own ritair i o ruia ariu tm dauftmttt r r ili iiuir te oftclt azure sfritl bright cbu0j har hpeal mnl hrir danc at ev on ir plain one batnqmt oym ovci u oenmu again ii tjjrtjtrw ivar song cwksojts of the kill icareilie chamois and roe tor the liatvfttltf ittfcll in t valley hhnw baa3 ami gaul litcj jm rd iflfitl milit the ilftie and kr tytatv arc nariir tii ioilh tifh 3atfir ye htre in kr mitt al lite uiuwi on he lower ofuur tietigtliocr ihc iliad of ibetue should ike na h of ymi bright arm be seen ffn ur iiiruud if will cetx nnk lightning liat breaks through th cloud should be wflfid ofyouf uatcliunnl be heard in ibe night thev will tint ktt the echo of winds from the ifrfehf and iherah of your feet z ye ruh iii the plain will be heard aa fksntcf bruk milled willi t e rain anh r ber ve eajli ye mltffi of thr hill j te bh qael i f ye hall wrl uu nil comeil t it t tu- w air in mi tram dnihi likt ile flood fnr the rraj er sve cne thr harwl ofmood 4fy5 from the firmtrs register the following letter from ile hon oeorer tihbiic efq picfidcnt of the rrnitclafr county agriculimal sotieey and l he fuhj inni rommu rs from wr gcoct third viceivflient of the society whiih were enck fed it it we lay before ilc public cheerfully under the h that they may contribute to the ob ject for which they aic intended tof adancourt sir the method propfed by gen armflrong ftr the dc firucli n of the canada iliiftle and ap proved fey mr genet in hi rcltnrki here with enciofed varying ony h he cauffi of their dcftniclion my be nf ufe on i nm vhich are but partially infciud in fmal paichet wiili thu noxtddt weed it lias 5jten fucceffuiiy pri on farms thus ftuafed in feveral diltrfcls it may tint jiowtver be itfnerlv known and to ihofe farmers tfl wii ill it is nt iti pubucatioa yi be of ufe w itu that vkv i lend it xo yo a p cicahi plan for their dcftruciinn upon a targe fealc where farms have be- curir generally tnfriled with them would entitle in inventor to the moft gratrtul thanks nf the community and to the high- co premium g tib its prospect- hill jine7 1s19 sir the honour teitowed upin mc by tbe agrituluiral society f tht county ot reiffclaer in elevattiig me to the llatin of one uf their vlceficfideiitis makes it an agreeable duty to concur to the bed of my abiitijt to wnattver may prmitc thr utility uf that patriotic inftitution in that view sir 1 hiflcn to communicate thonjrh your channel to our farotcrf my obfctvttiiont on the method ot drllroyin one of the niort dreajiul enemies nf their firds i mean tlv canada thifllc which on the wings of eolu hat within a few years emijerated into this hate from ver- rrort and extended rapidly its baleful progeny my mfthod i the fame rr the one re commended by gen arnifloi aj if i 3o not agree with tli3t diiliii4illied ftctes- inanin tie explanation of tecmcict catifc the refult brin the fame and the means differing only by a circurnitance which nay have efcaped his attention our re ipectjve eperiinenis arc corroborative and vi 1 hiipe leave no doubt of the efficacy of fait pickle n pafturc lot- to annihi late a plant which in fomc part of czra da and vermont has effccvwhy iavded the foil ard rendered it pfcclly ufelcfs for tilling or paiure too much attention cannot be paid to the remediate estirpitiun ot juch an alarm ing founder and among the vrloua aeis which your fiwcittzctis expect from your zeal a their rercftitativc at the next mccti- rifthc iceiflatire uncof the fnoit inzerclting wuld be the extenfion and mpiovcrllt of the bw a ready pro dded for the destruction of that noxiuus veed in fc eonntes with much refpr i rematu sir vmr obedient fcrv- e genet 3if ihn george tiblct president of ik j9ffieutunoi stfuty f tj ecuuty of reitfaer jtsmarii n c tat mmxinkatkr f general john trnutijig t tie preshlit of the befksl if gru vfiui j rtutj t n tie ca nada 7itti the strratub jrwuih of lindeoi a fpecics of the caiduus called in america canada thttlle and in england with a due regard to truth the eurstd thistle is of all the invaders of our cultivated fields the moft difficult tn extirpate it propagates itfelf with an aftonifliing rapidity both by its plumose ot feathered feeds and by its innumerable roots creeping far wide and deep many effays have been made in emope and in america by the moll rkil- fill botanills and nioromills to deftroy this pernicious plam frequent and deep ulooghingt repeated mowings fuperm- cumbent 1iibflances burnings and thick fovvings of clover and other grafs having been ufed but none of tliofe means have oonrjuered the enemy gen armflrong difcardmg all thole palliitivei pubhhes that he lias made a decifive attack on the pert with old pickle of beef pork or filh poured flowly on the places occupied by the canada lihtiic and that he has made it dlfappear i coincide entirely prith that gentctaq on the effcaey of fait folutions to fubdue the serratula- i have utcd it fcveral years for the fame purpofe and i have invariably fuccecded but i differ fiom the general on the explanation of thai phenomenon he feems to afcnbe if t the chemical action of fait and imagines that the malii acid of apple pmac would have the fame eflcft i sfcribe it o- the contrary t the fmplo mechanics pera- ration of the grazing animals who rcfort with an atlonihing avidity to the lyots imprenatrd with pickle trample and compact the ground with their feet dtira its fur face with their tongics and their teeth devour the young fy routs as foon as they appear and depriving entirely the loot- of the thistle of their nceeftry con- mitnicatton with the atmofphere ly their lrachcasor air conductors dellroy in them the fouree ol vegetation and ccaion their much dejircd death i have this yeai planted wii eorn a lut of thiiiy acres on which fevial bun ches of the canada tliiitlc had ikii irri- paied in isic with pickle or cccaffn- njy fprmklcd with fait for the ufe 01 a fl ck of 300 merinoea and i have not been abc o difcqver ue icau remnant uf that pernicious plant in the gtound whilll where the pickle had been put on ttliiucfl not rxpnfed to the browzin of licep or rattle the fait feemi rather to have invi goratcd than extinuimed the prolific powers of this tliiiile my advice to r hlmtwai imi infelled vu the canada thitue n accordingy to tufil them as fo foon as poffiblc into patlure well locked with grafs feed and after having cut the fpmuts of the thillle and contultt- log to cut them as foon a they grow too haid to be eat by the creatures to make it a pratice to prinkie the ground occu pied by thofe pints wiih pickie orfjlt e c genet profpcailill june7t 1819 prim the alexandria gazette in an englifh newfpper of february lat we find the following article it is one of the mofl impreifive facts lu eltablifli the ad vantages of inproved cultivation of the foil that we have ever real if the fict is t- be credited and we have no rea 00 to olfbelicve it mote than any ctthcr derived from the fame fouree reflecting imrrovetncpt in the arts feicnccv we do not copy thin under the empreffion that this mode of cultivation can ever be employed othcrwife than experimentally but to mow what cn be accjmpifned by system and industry htfrx are an hundred iind thirty fiur btiffiels of wheat t a fed from an acre of ground the highcfi prodwet vc have ever heard of lieinjr icaizcd h this country on the mod fertile land va fi bulhcls the average crop thnurh out the uuiori is probably not more than ten hufiiels if fo mveh in england it i rated accdrdlog to the f dowing article at more than thirty by the ordinary mode of cultivation the difficnee in llteftf average is attain owing ti the diffcredce iu th mode of culture from an english tytprr ohiat rop- mr falla gives an instance of land cul tivatrd by the fpade and the wheat plant ed in lines fa a dblle wuh plants previ ously raited in a seed bad produced the enotmrrus return of seventeen quarters of wheat to an acre i the average produce in th ordinal mode of cultivation is not more than jlur quarters fo that the ex tra expenfe is more than repaid fourfold the expenfe of digging an acre of ordina ry land at nurfery price he tutes to be 3s and this he adds is an operation worth two ploughing and betides by planting the wheat rhrrc is great fawng in feed in the uftiai mode of broad cast it requires two bufliels to the acre but in planting one peck is fascient mr f afo states that by fpade husbandry he lias produced a cop of potatoes amount ing to the almost incredible quantity of co lufhels prodace and he gives it as bis opinioi that the move general ad of the fpade waiild have the most beneficial cftfi not only upon the agricultural la- brrs thetdstflvesj hut on their employers alio for though the farmer might not be abe to find taboves t cultivate arg quaniillcs of land in thii way he might at lcar cultivate fufficicm to employ his quota of the laborers of hid parim and fo at once exonerate the poor rates and be himfeif amply repjid the rnrlii of rearing calves by a torhhire farmer various method have been practised in retard to the rearing and food for young calre but eprnenc with a mind alwavs open to conviction and a stock whtcn ha produced the ciost aoiiey for a given quantity of foos and in the least time of any in great britain cannot justly be denied to promise and afford the most substantial proofs of the best method of treatment i here allude to a farmer in the north of yotkshiit he observes the most beneficial lime for breeding young calves for stock is in february and match these intended for stock he permit to stick rhc cow twice a diy for a fortnight allowing them to take only a certain quantity of what u called the foreends and stripping the cows perfectly clean for the daiiy al ways obferving that the calf has pi r my of clean straw and lies dry in a tolerably warm houfe or mbtal when they are a fortnight old be takes them from the cow puti them into a convenient houle and gives them tlcimd milk fcawcd for one month longer allowing them a lij good hay which they foon learn to eat when they arc fix weeks id the miik i mixed with oatmeal gruel and allows them a little bean meal only to lick out of a trough lie opovis of linseed tea mixed with the milk equal qumrfties of each the allowance tach calf ihould have cannot be judged of tn2 depends entirely uon the size of the calf every feeder mould be very cautious net to gave them too much t one time but lvav tt keep them regular gf ing tttrflipl at the aje of six weeks is recommended mo proper time can lc fixed ior yjr up fervinj them ac it entirely depend upon the strength of the cm f mc are taken away t tvu months cd others at three mom and put into a good tweet graft yaflurc 6y this mod f treatment the perfoii at tided to has not lot e for fc veral years- milk h the ckeaptra and ben fom that can be given the a sti thole who have trot mdk never re ive jw advantage by breeding deco tin f hay tea or lintfeed or natttrt 1 pieu to young calves without mdk canfes them to be big bodi ed poor and fequely it iz attended with an inveterate joe reft which to of- ten proves fatal tl winter following they are put ubotl tu nipa wliich ac ex- crllcnt fo d and keep hrci iu gouj ccii dition until the follow i l fi 115 the calves meant f r al have the fore ends of the cowa milk for on wtck then i he latter ends and ihtfj ienriy fold to the butclurat three or four wctta old roodbrcd calf u f id a- hiyh fmrn ed the calves meant i fri fwvc ihelr liberty m trfe t c rhof tening are clole confioj to a p anj a ways allowed a ioffieu qon1 0 clean stiaw when a calf d r frccy aw esaiid fait arc adaiwied with fuc- cefr crjacia kingfton jthjunc istr amak5i1all memhe of the college of surgeons in iondon begs leave to inform the public that be has moved t the boufc formerly occupied by mi a macpherfon and next door to 1 maryland kfq where iu continues to piitiice the different brjnclirs of his pro- fcftiii as ufnal he is now openinoihe moft extenfive and general afiortmeiit of drugs and patent medtcmes that ever were introduced into upper ca nada and imported by himiclf this fpring from gfcit riilain stoe keepers and medical lyiiliiioncrs in ihc country will kb fupplied on as low tcims as ihcy pofli- bly cjn be in montreal he hti alfo imported a choice aftort- men of vinut and auusroom ketchup beil engiift pickles indian soey balm of glicad maccalfar aid iuffian oil so da owncr3 tamarinds iioufethermom- etr spices a few artkjlw of perfurccty colours for painter j dycri c zi wotkvmt nrihb scbfcfcribers refpecrfilly inform a their friends and the public that they hae now received aid jull opened in mar ket stiver juft below mr patricks lun a very extenwe alfortmeut of dry goods groceries and stationary mitcwifc a great qnantity of claltlcal li ks the whole of which wtu be fold very low lor t alb and approved credit mcdonald aykroyd dec t 1818 27 kingston branch of the mon treal hank any fum required may be obtained at the office for good bill on mon- trral quebec ixihoj eachaogc on lou- dnn vi for specie notcj aifo will be discounted at thiftjr fixty and ninety days thomas maitklano kingilon3d nov t ajjcnt 2 noilck torsalk avery raluabtt farm mtnatd near the filing of broekrtur be ing the rear half of lt no one and hie rear haf of lot numw two in the se cond concession rf kli7abrlltfou v c containing two buodreil ncrt former ly the property nf ktuben slierwootl rsquire but now helongfivs lojohrshu- ter esqiiire ofliond m fhrrr i ry ooa dwajiiue it- other ont houses en tat promt i iot nomher nineteen in thetvh coii- cesion and iic u- dfii v ill tl clpd tjwnshlpi jisol 1 the first coticeshjon and number liiion ill thft second core- ie mi- lip of yongff in tin- pitik lns- towtl tiuc 1iiv 1 d ri n- f on term peculiarly cn tu awntage ojs to purchasers appj o im1 jos vjoii brockiilh 1a jtoi ttti v 180- 1 itotlce j1mf mr ag 111 returns his mnjl jim ere thanls to the p ople 0 aij- ton and its environs fir v literal en couragement he las met ivith fines his eorn- ntmcing bufuxefs he bes leave to inform his friends and the public that he has removed to his a vet llmtfe near the mar- let place oppofite to ar laymans and will as ttfual carry on the tin copper and sheet iron manufactory iorsf shoeing and black smith work he executed m the heft manner at the fiortefi ncice and on the lowrfi terms n if 7c rrr hafe or fell fir the term of tea years ani immrliate poffejjik giveit that well biow jland the wel lington inn barrack jlree this fluxion is one f the lefl in town having many conveniences that render it particularly avrll adafed for a houfe of public entertainment md store dpply to the proprietor jslmfs meagher kiwjlon feb 5 t for sale to let af two hory fumed houfe and a pii large and camdious hone iuorc giuate on the waters rfge in the centre of the village of prcfco on exceedinqly ad vantageous terms to tw purchafcr or lessee enquire at lb oittce f cha a hagerman kingqon 26th fev 3 9 persons havi books belonging to the eillgitoy library arc requeft- ed to fend them to t fubfenber at his houfe adjuiinr the fftwo f kingflon and with as little dc a pffibv johs fekouion tth apiil iii 6 the partncrihip under the fum of al exander mcdonel sc co waa this diy dilfolvid by mutual confeat all e indebted thetto mull make imme diate payment to alexander mcdnell to hom n having claims agninll the fnd firm mull pitfcut their accounts be being duly authuiifed to ftllc all the ffiirs of iu concirn alexin rler mcdoned allan k mcdoncu fnstorzkth alay 1819 23wi3 tj axemen the ibcrihirs ill recofvcprd nosalsfrom an person or ponsonn wilkug to engff to elear sixty arres ti no bind on iluir premiscaln amelias burgh kay of quiulc ready for seed by th ftrsl day of auuu t ncv thr asli- e on aid land uill be requited to be coil eted and carfully secured teams and provisions will be famished if re- niul jtrparliculnrs apply lo owkn mruougal kinceoii or id ucdovgalk mclkllan 9 ibdlville b a n k o f the ubfcrirkr being appointed acent for k- ank f canada he will ne gotiate bank note fur bills on montreal quebec or lor specie wm mitchel1 kingflon oct 13th 188 j 20 1 for safe that elegant farm no 8 fiffl concefilon townlhip f ptedrricka burgh 28 miles from kingllod contain ing 200 acres formerly occupied by colonel spencer and known by the name of the man fmn houfe it contains about eo acres of land under improvement an elegant frame houfe 2 ftory high with 2 bams md other buildings per ferns defirous of purchaling may cnuireof thesublcrt- ber en the ineroiltes ot to d llagerman lfq at bath joseph cfrgeron frcdcrickfburgh sept 8tli 1818 15 a fakm forsale adjoining hay bay in the town- fhip of fredericksburph the eafl haf of lot no 2 in the fecondconceittou containing 100 acres and having about 40 acres under cultivation with a log ii and barn upon it for the terms apply to daniel wafhbum efquirc kingllon p van koughnet cornwall dec 7 18 18 30 caution it is the particular wiih of the comman ding orticcr of the 70th lcgimcnt that dl dcalingn with the inhabitants be for piompt payments such pcrfuns there fore as tahc upon themfelves to ive credit will be doinj foat their own risk as after this notice it will be needlefs for them to apply to the commanding officer or any other officer for theit afliilancc to recover any debts tbis applies to every individual of the corps there bciujr no exception of mefs- man pay ctjeaiil3 hofptul steward or any other kingston cthjune ill 9 26 a few hundred bundles straw for hale enquire at this oiiicc june l 1819 23 soda tvater this cooling falutary and delicious btfveragc now ready for delivery and vil be kept during the fummcr at the sign of the gohkn mortar oppofite the market thofc ladies and gentlemen who value health with a cheerful fcrcnity cf mind are refpeluuliy invite 1 to call and partake of this boafted and fafhionahle drin- which is esliilaratiu witiiout intox- icatton and unattended by fjofcqutnl de- preffion with ftich tuabtica lurely no lady or gentleman will conceive it any tax rpon time conftitotion or property ocrafionauy to indulge in the innocent and healthful hilarity invariably attendant upon a glafs qtsyrop and c water icingftoo june 25 1810 26 lb be sold a i iminodiou flonc in x3l sforp strrot ith ood blabi and garden in which th r- is a in nl well and all itier coticutcictes reiuir- erj terms oi kit will dir dkfltfe i noun by applying to tha uhilir on tlic premises anthow luuk kingston a7yis 1ji9 22 tf tihe subfcriber ofcis for fair hs ml lloufeand farm log etlier or feparate as alfo his ilorfes carts sleighs cows hogs oxen grain hay potatoes uid implements of hulbandry fitoattf on ihc liiver st lawrence ovei looking the beautiful village of ogdeulhurg and within half a mile of picfcott upper canada the dwelling houfe which lias lately been erected confl t of two flit tag rooms 4 bed rooms a kitchen and cellar well fiuiuvd the farm contains 107 acres of choice land well fenced upwards of 60 of which is pasture and meadow the remair der tillage and wood laud with a young orchard and good 13am stable and root houfe and a fmall tenement for labourers to a gentleman of fprculatinn the above pienifes which extends 3 acres in front of the river must prove of great advantage as it h one of the best situa tion in 1 he neighbourhood for the erection of a wharf brewery ot dftfilrry c pad oftheourcli tu money miy r main on motijjuire if agreeable to the purchafcr apphrinimi to b uiide to kenry forest efq fytantreali john macaulaj kington pkkuimn presrott 26 oft 6lf to let a commodious hous near doftor keatings two tories high with seven rooms a kicheu and a cellar under the whole a go d yard and stable aloa tew good spring near the hotic forfurlhei particulars apply to jamei robins kingston 4th june 1 8 1 9 notice all perfon indebted to the late co- part nei hip of richard r obi son and david record ate rccpieftcd to make im mediate payment to te fnrviving partner david scord and thofc to whom th faid cpauncrlhip may be idcbted ate ie- qi idled to fend in their accounts foi ad- juhmrnt and payment kingfton 27th may 1819 ictf lost vboitt a week go fomewhere be tween the south bay in marys- burgh and kingston a mote of hand in favor of the fubferiber ayiinlt john brew er and william spaitrd for the fun of eleven pound five flvuing all perfoiis are hereby forbid purchasing faid note as the fame will not be paid t any one ex cept the original owner by agreement of the contracting paities whoever may have found the fame nnd will return it to the fubferiber stall be generously reward- cd jnrin nn 7ftpr marytburgbt june 18 1819 acjwg notice the laic partnership of robert grit ham co having diwol red itself this day by the death of roderick mac- kay esq the bussiness in future will be carried on by the subscriber to whom all persons who are indebted to the abovr lirm will please pay theiraecounts with out delay and those who may have claims against that concern will please present them for adjustment l robert graham point frederick 21si sept 118 notice the subfcriber iiis loft three note signed by freeman s clinch viz orc of 25 dollars on demand one of 25 dollars fix months afterdate one of co dollars payable in joiners or cabinet work the endorfement according to the beft of my knowledge is as follows vi2 4 or 5 pounds on thefiilt note the above notes were given the 2yth of march 1818 daniel keynalds february r 1 th 1 s 1 9 8 tctlet for one or more years and pofleflion given immediately i hat stone lioufe litualed tn store street lately occupied by mr mcdcalf with stable garden and other out houfes the fituation of the ibove premifes ir muft advantageous fur a dwelling houfe for particulars applv to francis xrocheleau kingllon 15 jan 1k19 kingston u c rrlktcd iuk ilil kwtor3

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