Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 16, 1819, p. 1

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1 a- woblltttx vol i friday after july 16 1819 no 29 r a i7 tc steamboat t james mackenzie master will in future leave the different ports on the following- day viz kmgtfplh for york on the 1st lith and 2st days of each month ynrkjhr tew rtott m istk and 23 days of each month iagarg kuigslaiij bth ihtli and 2bth days of each month 5 na l mates of passage from kmgait n to york and niagara 3 00 from york to niagara i u 0 children under tree yeftft of age half price above three under ten two thirds a book will fee eyi fo entering the names of passengers ana tie brrttis winch lucy may choose at which tune tile passage amticj must be paid pdssengvrs are allowed 60 lbs weight of baggage surplus bag gage to be paid for at the usual rate geiitlemeus seivants cauuo sieep or oaf in the cabin deck pa sengcrs iviil pay 1 5s and may either bring their own provisions or be furnished bv the steward b or each wig brought on board js all applications ior passages tu be made to captain mackenzie oi board freight wu tmopmted to anu ik t tide aote phces a the nie o f per barrel bk and flour at the customary rale delivered to uu liferent coiiiines a list of their names will be put in a con- 4 different coiignes a list oi tneir names win nc pu spicuous place on board wliich must be deemed a sufficient notice and the goods wiien taken loin the steamboat wil be considered at the risk of the owners for each small parcel 2s m which must be paid on delivery kingston april htk w1 tf edward jones 5 bqs leave o oft refprfully to in form his friend and the public in genet al thu he ha jirll iciived an elt gaiit allotment f dry fancy coods confiding party of the fallowing articles viz superfine weft of enodnnd cloths- and imercs of the iftofl fafhionable colons to officers on ha if- pay in canada e caiti lrih li ens bntilh whirling linen and cotton cambrics corded cambric leno an 1 mjflin jaconet and ivfull juflins fticy muflin handkerchiefs bandanna and barcaloi a do fine gins- inms bwk and colored silks si k and cotton shawls and fcarfs fine corded jjltjtte white jane white aid buff mar- ftils quilting black flnemine fine undrcfted calicoes bomhaze sc botn- b zincs of all colore linen diaoer and fluckabnck white and coloured flannels kuffia sheeting and olnabnrg a well chofm aflbrtroent f thread and xaces and uibbons straw bonn ts ladies tortiife fhell combs can fovfc and lace fo tings and a number of articles too nu merous to infer t 4 cftct of blue crockery ware groceries jamaica sthics brandy fiomand gin port and other wines peppermint and shrub hyfon and tvai key teas d uble and single refined sugar mnfeovalo do spermaceti mould and dipt caudles sosp starch and fig blue c c c all of which will be fold for cafh or ap- pr ved credit kingston tth aug t8i8 io uilokgu scougau late master smith in the enpi- neer department t is defited that oliicer recervifig t pay or military penfi rs cbrough ih cmn iffariat in canada wiil tranfmit to tiir feveial agents at quebec thv ftivits in triplicate immediately afte the 24 h of the period when their half pay becomes due fo that the affidavit- of officers refuting a lower canada ihi arrive at qjebec before the loth and hofc of offietb refiding in the upper province before the 2 th 01 the following month at which period the eturns wiil be made up as more than fi fficirnt time is given fo communications o reach qiiebec from the moll diifant polls hole oificers aleda- vk which do not arrive in time to be incor- poraied in th- le returns mull remain over tiil theenfnirg period o pavmeni commifiry generals office j q 1 vec warch 1 1s10 m5 1 new goods lanrbmdonell opposite the mdm g most refpea inform their friends and the puw that the havr j received and offer r a wel1 cholen and general afnrtfi dry goods among which are e following articles viz weft of enplane cloths and caffimere ftair eaipeting jviddermiidler do jeans fufliaus boubaztte bombazeens drab blue gray and yelw nankeens lift lin ens i iienfldane maddapullum fhirtms ft am loom mtrtirgs sallampores hng cloih and bafcaes mancheltcr glas gow llrfoed cqttoiturkey stripe8 and gingham tnity chit2 and cali co furnit me capbrica calicoes lenos and mutlins lutniig and sarinet silk black florentine rik veils shavlscaifs and handkerclie canton crape canton crape duffcs add c lorscotton shawls and handkerchiefs jk co ton and wors led hole bilk id and btaver gives phtad sik a d cotton laces ribbons tapes b bbins counterpane maheilles qnihs silk and c tton shan bray linen bed 1ik- bleahed sheetings hum hum denys btwn liollands dowlas c ac c jlso a few pairs stays kingston 2d jwly 1 8 1 9 7 ioelce jrfflhe subverib rs b itave to inform t tie public that they have euten d 1 io copartnershp and drat they wili jointly frcm th date titrcof carry on business tnsifct che- liim of jlaa1b 4 me do js ell wm p lamb aiitt vicoell27 kfrfr juf 1819 iiiv imt nulice ll perousidthtd eo the late firm jl of james kukhen lo are hcicby notified ih it in i titii rcsj ictive deconnts and nieare nt 1 by the h it ci y of au- ftuit next they u j iuditcrimmiaielj be put to uie bauds or an uunv y for odec ba h fune y 119 27 day jc iviak liiss egs leave tr inform his friend a and tle public in general tha he has commenced bufinefs next door behnvmr gorge dousjlafss store street where every article in his line may be had on tr e moft reafonable terms and on the hot tell notice the following rates of charges are fubmitted horse shoehivx all round 68 re removes 2jb and all other work in proi ortfon aux oaieiers a eanpuie en canada 1 fs officiers qui rccoivent la de- 11 a mtpaie on pension militnire pai le canal dn commissariat ea canada sont rouuis dc transmettre a lurs acens rspectifs a qrebec leurs affidavits en triplicate imu ediatement aprcs lelrme du paiemeut de lenr dv mipaie de man- iere que ics attidavitdes oiilciers qui ie- sident dans le bascaradn pourront ar- river a q eb avant lo loaie etde ceux qui reirlent dans la ilauto proviace a- vant le c du mois suitant auxpieb periods le- retours so fernt comme lon donuo plus de terns qui nc faut pour transmettre ls comman cation 1 q e- becjdes fortes les plus eoilues les atii- davits des olticiers qui nrrivent pas a tern pour efre incorpores dans ces re- tours resterontjusquauperiodedu paye- ment suivant bureau da commissairvceueral 11 q ebrc le mars 1819 6m anchors sf cables real japan harlvs p street men- 9 tical atent ci day 3i martin of loidon inform- the ferchants and ttz- dc rs of ubierv a lhac he na onboard the ship ewergtta a tupply of genuine vi an tarraed ftipenof to ay ever imported into province in ea9 ol a- j ut fix dozen e sh dy s maim label hiving been foiicj in engiap f he cauada market fpunvu- and inf blackuig is iheicby fld which dett ys the leather while pay si marti japan affords peculiar nounihrncnc renjiniin hart montreal tft h jne 189 i6 orice h hereby given that ad perions i debed to the lae firm of taylor ijf parfar eiiher by book account or nite are itqntfted to come forward and fet the farfe with the lubfcrilier 1 mfd i tely as after the fir i day of oober next tire whole remaining unfet- iled wi 1 tnjifcimhiately be put into the hands of an attnrney for collection and all thofe having demands againft the faid firm are alio recefted to pr fent the fa ie luly authent iated for adjuftment tuomas parker rartren n ourvtvmg bchvihe nth jne 181q 25w29 forwarding commission bus nphe olwribr beg leave to inform 1 fhtr frier d he public that fc- 50 pounds reward in tolen from walkers hotel kiugfton on the night of the 29th or morning of the 30th of june inftant out of the trunk of the subfcriber which was brtkm open a parcel diie6ted to william allan efq containing fiooo in montreal bank bills vvhofoevcr will give information that may lead to the de tection and conviction o the thieve- fhall receive the above reward the bills can be of no ule to the hoder as prompt meafures have been taken to prevent their difcount at the bark wlvre regular entries of their numbers have as ufual been made any communication refpec- ting the above may be addressed to 1 homas vlarkland efq of kingftcm or to the subfcriber at y rk george r1dout kingfton june 30th 1819 27 noftce instthekeas difficulties are ilkejj v v to arife in the artangemeut of the aifiirs of the late allan taylors eftate the iubferiber deems it nee nary to inform the public that on the 3d dav f novem ber aft a final fettlemenr of the c -part- neritiip between taylor faker was maie by the patties at which time a certain fum of m- ney was allowed to mr i a ker for his relinquishment of all clai m upon debts due to the firm and he was aifo indemnified against the claims of creditors by mr taylor s bond for 5000 this notice is therefore given that all who are co cerned in or indebed to the ellatenftle laid rulan faylor my be cauti n- d agaitift paying or atrangtnc theii account with ay other perfon tnan dr u dtrfigntd as he u the oniy one duly authoriftd to make filch arrangement um taylor adrriniilrator of allan faylors etate lclviile jane 25 189 27 physic 6f surgery i 9 j r z smal ly beers leave ref- rii j f tli ih ihto of kingfton and it- vicinity that he ha ftablilhtd himielf as a pu ysk l a v st m geon apothecary fion his having ie a regular mc- dica education and from his expernnc- in the different branches of hi pryfrfllun he i- induced t beeve that he will be able to do justice to a whofe misfortunes may rendei them undr the necefluy of f- liciting medical aid n b fo any alls at the fign nf the golden ortar op oftte the m irkt the ifrictft attention will be paid where will be conftntly kpt on hand a choice and well chofen altoitmenr of dklgand medline p un h3 of all kinds liuieed lamp and curriers oil dye woods and dye stuffs cotton yarn window glaf pufy nails a new and elegant aflortment of paper hangings ladies bonsets of the new est fashion garden seeds raised by the shakers books stationary c c c i6tf april 6 a good bargain 1 they have formed a connection iu busi ness the object nf which is the trans portation of produce down test lan- rence and of mefchandike of every de scription from montreal to any part of upper canada and the united states ad jacent to the lakes ontario and erie the business w ill be conducted by w iiubhell at 0deusbuh and under the rm of iv l iviuting co at pp to prerent delay all property desti ned for kiiuton or iny part of the ba of qinte will be forwarded from fivs- cotl bv tin steam b at charlotte which leaves there twice every week the subscribers engage to freight on as favourable terms as any- ho are en- thomas ahkew p espectfull informs the t i l he that he has arrived and int ia opening for lale oh tuesday nexttb 13 b inftant at the store recently occupied bv mr mcdonald oppofte charles andel n eiq a very choice feledlion of new oob amongft which area rich afibrtoient of ladies and childrens preftes peftg spencers millinary muflins caldron ginghams sarins and si k goods haberdafhery ruflia duk- ad sheetinjrs linen bed tick counterpanes chinte and white furnitures with fringes and trimming ladies satin and velvet shoes bombazeens dmirie c c in ia many of thefe goods and eoofignmeiftfq lireft from the mantifaclurtr and tie di th low it wh le he offers for sale at poffiberate and pofitively for cfh on y kingfton fuy 9th 819 2 u b country merchants who have not made their purchafes would do wej to call fj f rt of agpd in the business and pledging william budden r ill eceive by the earlieit fprmg p3 of l hpril cth 1k19 i lilaxh deeds and memorials for sale at this office vcftcls and keep conltantiy hand at quebec an affrtment of patent proved chain cab all sizes ancjiors tla well worthy the attention of thofe enga ged ii the lake and rivr navigation quebec ill april 1819 14tf their united exertions to give satisfaction will be grateful for every favor w l vviiitikg w flubbelu prescolt 20h ayw 19 23 notice rjlhe board for militia pew- sions will meet on the la ft monday in february and continue fo to do the fame day h monfb until the bufinefs of this dijlri as regards the fame is fnifhed john fkkguon kwzftcn feb y 1819 6 for sale the houfe and premifes in the town of kingfton at prefent oc cupied by the fubferiber for particulars apply to samuel anleyjun kingston may 5th 1819 19 the subscriber egs leave to inform the public that he has commenced manufacturing soap candles in the houfe formerly occupied as an inn by mr john size in store street and he hopes that from his long experience and knowledge of the bufinefs he will be enabled to give fatistaion to thofe perfons who may favor him with their patronage and fupport james benson kingfton lfl march 1819 cn b cafli paid fir afhes lotf valuable lands for sale in the township of hamilton iot no 6 and 12 in the 3d ccn- i ceffiom containing 400 acres ditto ditto 11 and 15 in the 4th con- ceffion containing 450 acres ditto ditto 10 in the 6th conceflion containing 200 acres the above lands are all lying in the townfhip of hamilton ncwcaftle diftrnft and will be fold on the moft liberal terms for further information enquire of elias jnes efq- hamilton or the fubferiber in kingfton thomas s whitakcr kingfton may 28 1819 stolen xromth- fubferiber on the night 1 the 7th inftant a black mor e pocket book containing ihe following notes viz a note given by henry rip ion to mfcajh 1 urdy f r 300 dated 30th may 1819 a note given by j ez eaton to henry shibl only five doilarj due thereon two noe given by oliver b rrett to samuel ackroyd amounting together to be wren elevm and twve pounds other notes payable to the lb- ferfher one of which is ghn by liiza bcth ryder fur o r ro all perfona are hereby forbid purchas- ing any of the above men ioned rotra or any note or notes not here enjm rted r variety f thcr ppr fifefnl on- to the ow er were in fafd packet book whoever wil return the pocket bock with its contents o the fubfeiber r be jhrin olc tt kingfton or to samuel purdy vvaterloo lhail rec 3 eward of five dollars and no 0 n aflc d kltjnh fi xh kingftcn 8th juiy 1 2sw valuable lands lor suc prince edward and township ameliasburgh lot 3 in the front conceton on lake ontario lying to the eablwaid of nicholsons island lots 22 and 24 i th- second con cession of said townhip th whole con taining six hundred acres for partiittlars inquire at the ofrre of the king- ton chronicle or of the honorable james baby york n b all persons are cautiored a- ijnint cutting or destroying the timr n the a bote lands as they w ill certainly subject themselves to a legal prosecu tion if detected kingston jul qth 1819 28tf mciiiculall r- eri luflier having clifpofed of hts interest in the houfe of lufher vaa lytk at prefcott and that 1 f lufher ext n at i a chine to mr a jones of refcott upper v anrda the bminefs will after the first dry of march enluing be carried on under the firms of jones 5c van slyck at 1 refcott and of levi rxton sl co at la chine e be leave to ttfer you to the an nexed notice wherein mr lufher makes himfelf refponsiblc with us for any en a e- ment9 entered into by faid firms we feel fatnfied from our late experience in businefs the number of boats now ow3d b- us aiwi dbft zmmow st at this place and la chine that we fhall have it in our power to d general fatia- faction a jones toks a van slyck l sixton prefcott january 18th 1819 no 1 ice rhe fubferiber having difpofed of hia interest in the houfe of lufher van slyck at i refcott and that of lufher sexton at la chine t j mr a jones the businels will in future be carried on under the firms of jones van slyck at 1 res- cott and that of levi exton co at la i hinefie will notwithstanding hold himfelf refponsible with them for any engagement they may make 6 eri lusher for sale a large commodious two ftory ftone house with out houfes and garden situated on a half acre lot in the village of bath for terms apply to the subfcriber james rankest bath june 20 1819 27tf notice all perfons are cautioned againft pur- chafing lot no 22 in the 7th con ceflion of frederickfburgh or lot no 27 in the t conerffim of richmond from the heirs or afiignees of davis hefs as the subfcriber holds an indilputable title to the fame gilbert haius sidney 4th dec 1818

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