Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 16, 1819, p. 2

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foreign news i bimlay india feb tf at penang two expedition are prepa ring one of which is deflined to form a britilh fettlemciit at uehert the ddlina- tion of the other net known sir stain fird linffles was to accompany the former expedition the dutisi are taking pofieffion of all the little they formerly had to the eaft- ward and they arc in expectation of 15000 more ttoops from euiope- private accounts from calcutta of the 4th inft mention that a very great change had rather unexpectedly taken place in tire momy market companys fix per cent paper which ten days before bore a difcount of 7 i j per cent had fallen to 3 ra per cent and the bazar rate of in- teretl had kept pace with this decline be ing then 8 per ce t per annum on depofit of povernment paper or equal to a de- creafe of io per cent in as many day it was difficult to account fatisfafturily for fo rapid a change though of the many reafmis which may havc pctatcd to effect it the principal are faid to be the large importations of bullion from hina and europe the opening of the bank for dis counting and the ftagnatfon in the cotton market in the upper provinces it is further ftatcd that the crop of cot ton tins feafon is expected to prove very abundant from a london paptr may 8 british am tokmtin bible soci ety tuefday week the anmverfary meeting of this focicty was held in freemafona hall there were two thoufand perfons jirrfent at 12 oclock the right hon ord telgumouth took the chair when the report was read it detailed the progrefs of the bible focictict in the different coun tries on the continent and in the indies c bated the number of bible iflocd at enft and reduced prices from the 31ft march i 1 8 to the fame period in 1819 was 123247 hiblce and 136784 teftament making in the whole 260031 copies be ing an increaft beyond the iltuers of the preceding year of 67930 bibcs and tella- ment making with thofe iflued at the experfe of the fociety from various prelfes upon the continent a total of more than two million three hundred thoufund prof tor kicftw from perl printed liimfolf to the meeting and through the medium of an able addrefs which was read by the ucv 1 wilfn informed the meeting tint t lie government of france bad promifed their utmrft fopport to the stated tha occo copies of the new tefta- rnent printej in the tuiklh language from the royal prefs of france had been fent to tut key loud applaufe three of thofe tcftamenw which were exceed ingly well printed and bound and bearing the myal arms of france were then prc- fented to the meeting by the profeflur who aided by the advice of baron sylvefter dc sacy had infpected the edition the lukcof glouccfler then moved the thaiks of the meeting to the chairman who made a fait able reply the meeting hioitiy af ter broke up northern expedition th hecla and griper have failed from dtp t ford on the voyage of difcovery to the aric regions in addition to nit expedition another is about to be undertaken by land which i- to proceed in a northern direction from the hndfin bay companys fetthments the pernios to be employed in this ardu ous undertaking it is faid are feletud and from the affillance of the north a- mencan tribes every profpefi of fuccefs is entertained it will be rrcoetcd that many years apo mr heme and more re cently mr micnzie fell in wifh the fea at two intermediate point a confiderahle di lance fomeach other between belli ings sleights and baffins bay lor fin may the morning chronicles of the 6th and 1 ith contain lengthy debates in the iloufe of lords on the catholic claims on the 5th the earl of donoughmore prefented petitions from more than filty r untie mv jv in i tlil oray prefented others fiom the roman catholics of england and exprefled his firong difp fition that they fhould be re lieved from the degrading difabilities to w ich they were fobjed 1 hey were good fujcs aid citizens men eliimable and exemplary in all the rclauns of lciety which idly er titled them to all the piivi- leges which they claimed the obnoxious tenets whfeb it was alledgcd they held ivere now entirely dt fa vowed by the ca tholic univefitics and they had even cca- fed to be uftd a an argument by the op ponent oi chofe claims the earl of liverpool oppofed the pe tition but did nol bilievethat any rf the roman catholics now held thofe obnoxious doctrines leading to immorality and inle- curity which had been alluded to it was not at am on this ground that he op pofed tfia admiffion of the koman catho lic to the frtivilege of iht conllitutfon but altogether on conltitmional principles invoking as he contended the fecurity of the ptorcftant cftablithmeit of the state and with it that of the protetin t hurch wih which it was infepsrably connected on the following dy the further dif cuffim 00 thi fubject was poflponvd till the 2ifl of my in cooiequeoc of an in- difpofitiin of the noble mover the earl of jdonruuhmore the atl irney general in ti- honfe of c-fiinion- psve notice tlic on the 13th iic iti njid owe for leave to bring in a bill to orevctif hi- msjctya fijcts from en- fating r wy forstn sertvttt without hii micitvfi cace lovdon may 10 mr tiernoy brought forward lat nigh his molt tn for an inquiry into the slate of the nation his speech produ ced no remarknble effect- his views of the foreign policy domestic economy and trade of the country were not stri king if we except only the topic of fi nance uti dialectics wore less pressing and his jokes rather faint and thinly scattered the motion was sudden and premature it bringing it oh at this moment he deprived himself of two very important subjects the bank reric- i ion and the budget of the year the right honorable gentleman begin with can ting rery imcourteoasiy upon tne adaiimstralicn which hetaunfcdaiid de preciated with some success the first topic upon which he entered was our fo reign relations which he stated to be quite novel europe he said was un der the tutelage of four powers of which kngland was one at the congress at aillacuanclie franco was admitted a fifth and strottee enough in a very short time after the dukeof richelieu a con fidence in whore councils had induced the allies to lake this step had scarce ly returned to paris when he and his administration went io pieces a new cabinet vas formed and france so for midable during the uar appeared for midable again the right hon gen- tletra after glancing at the nether lands passed on to america roudemrrd the cession of the floridas and the com mercial treaty and observed with great truth that there was a time v hen ihp murder of two british subjects eren though the letter of the law of cations were against us would not have passed without the demand of a bloody and a strict account me then offend a pas- sing piaycr for the s americans and re turned to inquire ivlutt ministers had done at home in the ccotse of 4 yeat of pence flicy luid ho snid reduced thr p blfc debt nf 8tx000co0 and np wards b the sum of fi7twtgu anil going on at the same rale ty wtud have further reduced it d 14000000 rrrir in live vcars hence hu he niked would be the sae of then iritry ciicouuterii a war with such a burden upon is shoulders 2 the rgu hon gen tleman concluded hu speech with pro nouncing sentence of incompetence upon miuitr ri and professing his own rearli- ne to pas over with hi fii-nd- into their places lord cvt iea replied and turned the laimh if not the argu ment ftgaintt he right iwn gentleman lift spoke in a tone of pleasantry for a considerable time and excited ft great iamu vwvf if matt at th0 expense of hn opponent upon most of the topic re- utinti to foreign cout1lrie refnjafinn was ey it 13 not matter of charge against ministers that france has uoaome for- miduble there is it is true much of lmentable humiliation in the foibaranrr orgorernmmit towards america with south america we had uorigh t inter fere hjt the dreadful difficnlirs in which the country in placed and ifs utter inability to sustain a ivae ure uvnu- swered qnatuvfcrableby the noble lord this is truly a suhje t of hitfu ron- leraplatiou we have at lei t one source nfopcaud encouragement the gentlemen on both sids of the house have that roman patriotism which doe- not despair of the comrnonwralth the olfices of stutc are besieged and de- fendtd mot vlgamtrsty the debate was kept up to a very late hour and the motion was rejected on a division b a majority of 357 fo 173 london- may 21 letters hive readied a mercantile house to day from the cape of good hope dated early in march which we are sorry to say confirm the previous in- fcuieeiie of the rai iug of a large bod of cadre who from thajr numhrrs were able to detroy every thing that v as op poed to them but as the british troops and indeed the whole country were up in arms against thpm we indulge in the expectation that the next arrivals will bring news of their entire defeat the portuguese government in order to clirtu hie coat ol brazil from the nu merous insurgent privateers had in ad dition to the armed hips sen from other port- dispatched from pcmambuco a sloop of war to cruize in search 1 f them we learn by a letter from thence dated tlto middle of march that very fhortlv alter this vessel had put t sea instead of her taking privaters she a herself captured by them after an action which lasted nearly two hour- as th- portu guese are so hi soiled to conduct any naval enterprise rhe corsairs which took the sloop of war nhcd under the flagofgen artifts andwt refilled chief ly with american bailors a dutch mail has arsed tliis morn ing bringing papers to ht 1 0th intaut an article dated brussels states that iheftw levy of 10030 men will raise the french army to the number of lfi6- 000 exeliuty y of the gens parmesyand the sedentary coropaulea as they are cal led amounliuj togrther tozo00lmen thuslhoarmv will still be below the propo svd p aceestahlilnneut of 20j000men it is raid to be the intention of incfrenrh govciumett to raise the army to 290000 men one liundr dth part of ihe entire population it being judged that the maintenance of this force ih the n- oessry and existing fortresses will uot exceed the ability of france intelligence from t ietersborghfitates i hi ite of the wora broke up on the 10th april vow a p c jyfy j luiiom isvone we lave rc eeifdd london papers o the su of may inclusive by iic ship juno in 37 days from liverpool there does not appear to be any essential change in the mar kets since our last accounts from that quarter if any thing the article of cotton has improved a little the pros pects for an abundant harvest throughout great britain was never more promising we think says the london courier we may assert without fear of exaggeration that there never was a reason which gave greater promise of plenty than the pre sent this remark is not routined to any particular description of produce but applies equally to all nd to none more than the most important of all the wheat crops cantillon and mariner who were ac cused of an attempt to assassinate tlc duke of wellington have had their tri al at paris and been arjuitted among the manifirnt presents pre sented to the vrince regent of england by the persian ambaador at a late court were carpets of ahmere shawls composed of four distinct pieces the principal carpet is in length 17 persian yrds breadth 9 yard the were ma nufactured for the king of the afghans whotent them as a presented the shah and who without hesitation sent them as the greatest rariy he possessed to the prince regent in persia they are iu- estf mable such a specrmen of manufac ture being there hitherto unknown a gold enamelled looking glass open ing with a portrait of hh persian majesty the object of which was to exhibit at one view th porttaits of two sovereigns the one in painting the oherby r-ller- tion and around which were poetical illusion a gold enamelled ftoxi a magnificent coftlj word calibra ted in persia lor the eiuisite temper of its blade the sheath ornamented vvith imcalds rubis and diamonds a string of pears two carpets f hrat a large patntitti ot his persian majes- iy- ten magnificent ra hmere hawls of various sue and denomination the arabian ore b toil lit by his pvcellency o kn gland as a preseuj to he prince regent we0 drawn up in the rouityatd mil it is aserted in the gtrmsn papers d repuhliht d ii pari and loudon that another meeliug of the allied ov- ireinslt take place in the course ol the present year i d that ihe meeting will b heliu carh shad in bo hemia ami the remm b is that ihcre will he groflt changes in the north the prince u nf i it is stated is to be pr on occa sion the paris npers mention hat 0i rina of prussia is to pass soine time in that city after the summer reviews the ruaistratc of copenhagen it i ajd have received i let cr from the north amirican iionary captain yme who will take a journey into the interior of tho earth if he ran obtain as- ustanee a similar letter has been re- reived in many of the cities of germany theceiebrattd pnxkt the pnaetri- an lately uakcil ixttoc hundred miks in ticefriy ditis the lat mile he per formed in 12 ininues and appeared very tittle fatigued a long and animifei debate ocrurrcd en the 17th of may in the house of lord on a motion or a committee to examine the exitiig laws rflceflug the loman catlniic part of the community the motion was rejecti d hy a majority oi nearly cro million ounces of silver were drawn from the isank f kugland by the kast india company on the 15th of may and shipped to bnmlwy bengal and china a 1 sped tit vr translated for the m t daily advertiser the cfrman in t elllc t k c e r thecircumltane8 connected wihsandt the aftuinn of k012 rbuc are llricly invea- tiated and copies if ifcc mnmet are pla ced into the hands of the rufiian envoy the rebut of ihe invcltigition i- n t rfiade public and no reports arc thcicfore to be received implicitly i he attendants of sandtj the rhyfioan the clergyman tbr judge sec hav been required to fwcar that they will not divtipc any thing con- cerning this jnfatujtrr yourjj mac thcv arc piohihited from making known what he fpcaks and how he is i thvy are not even allowed to fay whehr he i dead or alive a letter from pctersotirgn hates that commerce ia declined cry much the prices of grain in ituitnn port have falcn corliderably and there i little demand for ruffian commodittvfc the literary jmrnal which vas iffued weekly at weimar conducted by the i te hcrr von kozvbue u to be continued by an altociation of the abhft german writers the state of laden were oprncd in a folemn mannci on the zzdof apiil ihe grand duke deliverer a veiy impieftive addiefs on the orcafin afur which the rrprcfentatie of the states were tworn into office the tcqured oath oiliaie tjem to aid and promote aeeoi ding t their bh judgment the pnvc welfare without regard to pccolpil ri k or cl- a let ter ftom carllhrnhe criip a detailed ac count of the proceedinj on the occafiod fay thank god we oirian begin a public life vc cowneacr to fpeak pub iiciy a 1 peifoiijily to dip forth f- the gcnora weal an- in lhl alfo our princes are defnous 10 1 fee the noble ft ex amplet in his fpeecbthe orand duke iid ason ouitt thin fiiifif cd be iq u the spirit as well as the letter of the con stitution in hci boundaries we ean and we ivil feek and for ever establifh the welfare of our native country i fhall ad minister justice and order with w and coufcienlinuily fulfil the constitution to the utmost on this i here giie you my sacred princely word a focicty ha been formed in germany for the promotion of industry and trade great efforts are nude to revive and che- tilh the german manufactories this fo ciety has prefented a very able memorial to the congrefs at frankfort a tragical event occurred lately at kcip- zg a student aiked for the confent of the parents of his beloved the parents would not peimit the contemplated mar riage the lovers defpair and refelve to drown themfelvcs together they go to the liver the girl plunges into the water first and fuddenly the student is attacked with hydrophobia he returns home in order to moot himfelf but he fears the loud noife of the cstplogon he places a viol with poifon before him but he has fome griping appiehenfions he is difco- vcred in this dilemma and faved from de struction i the poor girl however is dead new- venn july j from buenos jyres by the schoo ner potion we hive teceived buenos ayres gazettes to the 29th of april they furnish the following extracts from letters extract of a lifer received at buenos ayfy dated chili santiago april 0 isio no intelligence had b received from lord cochrane the united slates frigate macedonian capt downs had sailel 011 the 3d from valparaiso for coquimho the expedition fir lioia still contemplated preparations making thoujh slowly from the want of fund gen san martin daily expected at the capital and his preseree would add spi rit to the effort making to accomplish this important object a treaty or arun had ben con cluded on the 16th april between the government rf utienos ayres and the agent appointed by the people of santa pe and gen ariigns the plenipotentia ries to meet ihe tofh may which it was supposed would load to a general peace v ween the provinces lately nt raiianee lite tioops hftd returned to ijnenns ayres ihe n constitution wa print- in- and would be published in a few days the actual director had reslned and it was supposed would be appointed a se nator under the new cotmitnfion a ifiainj j wa wo- pnered to he declared against the portuguese go vernment and that montevideo would fall a letter ofthe 1 3th says lord coch rans lie t was to enter tailao on the i7ih in order if possible to cut out the rmaralda and vaganaa frigate and spanish ship sah fernando on board of which were more than half a million of dollars cxpration of receiving the glorious ncwa of the fall of caraccas u while on another quarter the city ofcumanais bcfiegcd both hy land and fea by the military and naval forces of general ecrmudas and admiral brion cumana murt fall barcelona is unprotec ted and will therefore meet the fame fate with cumana qiuria malhurin cum- anaco and the extenfive plains of the interior are in poflcfuon of the patriots every thing has a very battering appear ance the arms of freedom and indpee dence muft triumph the new world mufl be free and independent from north to fouth m the new6 from new grenada is alfo very littering i- copenhaghh aplfl 2 a haytian vessel fom st domiego has arrived in the sound this u the firn vessel belonging to this black nation which has entered the baltic the captain fays he is going to lubcc to purchafe grata he complains much of the negroes who compofc his crew- they are fogueft thieves and will do any thing rather than work in mancejvring the veficj the captaio has kdled two of them with his own hand acr- mg under the laws of his govenmcnt which prefciibe the pain of death for nu merous faults that with the whte are pumilied only with impnfoniocnt for a li mited time batches june 2 ohio carta we ondorsiand thai he workmen have commenced opening the canal around the livlu of the ohio on the indiana side this is in the veiy spirit olimprovenici t and the result wi render bth honor nod profit to he cen tlemen who are engaged in proccutiny the design this plan ike riai 7 others of a similar kind had loin dormant for many years and at one time ue almost despaired witecsslng the accompliibmcnt ol it but it is how progressing uid at no sery distant per we may expect the completion ol ir rear admiral giiihths arrived at bermuda on ih 5th june in he new castle from england he succeeds ad miral milne in the command of that sta- f ion the 6d pritih regiment ic ordered to embark from bermuda for halifax buenos ayres dated april 20 1819 the frigate macedonian arrived at valparaiso on the 2th of january and on the 14m1 march faied to coquimbb she intended not to fail for lima till more of lord cochrane operations might be known lord cochrane by the lail ad vices wa before callao and it is fup- poled that he will attack and fucceed in delboylng that pait of its fortifications and take the royal fi ct 15tr n mo- p june 12 the city bank baltimore has green notice that its note- will be received on deposit and that ccittliiaten thereof will beissnrd bearing end real at the mtfl of six per cent per annum until redeemed which ccrtilicates shll be transferable cwableston june 1 9 a lettfr from lrerpool dated mar 1st to a house i till city says the calculation is that within fti 1 1 bi montlis uot le thati i 14111 money kave been lost by specitlatinn ia onh two at tides corn and cotton a severe gnle has been experienced on lake erie the stcamboal whihhad proceeded 70 miles up the lake was compelled to return it hnwctcr z ed no injur utictt pt- mmhjjsjj hi m swsjwiiti j home affairs m extrah of a leftr tc the editor of the boston daily advert ifer dated part of ofbpain trhiltd th may 1819 1 have the fatififaclion to fend yuu a fie of the corrco del orinoco in s from which you may extort much novel information relative to ven ezuela in three ofthe nos y 11 will find the famous fpeech delivered at the inltalation of the fecund congrefs it is worthy of perufal 1 fiocerely wiih 1 had time to translate it- vou will alf wind an article in no entitled noith america which is a well wit ten invective agaudl prcfident monioe wiih refpect to the con- qntft of amelia lfijnd i ts author is ir german rofeto a membtrof theconprefs he refided many years h the united tae- aid 1 a min of eminent talents and a rrofiund politician 1 have all the plcafure to tranfniit to you a file of our miserable inland eazettc the aciual late of pliiical altdirs and military movements is as follow the lecond congrefs has been rectntly in flat led at viigutlura as you will fee by the papers the patriot ai my under the demand of gen bolivar is on the lft hank of the river apurito and near the enemy i he vanguard of the two armies have recently had feveral fkirmilhcfi in which the patriots were fuccef-ful- the independent general paez has under ht co mand a well difcipljued cavalry we wait with impatience for favorable intel ligence from that quarter ah the en- gmh forces who have lately arrived fiom england to aid the i atriot ceufe have ncencrated at the ifland of margaret3 nber 2000 raider the command of col eiiim and major urfler and were to have landed near lauira m order to nakea defeent upmi the caiacca which ii left unprotected by theabkiicc of mo ri loiarmjr this expedition has aireay failed fiom jilatgarcua aad wc ate iu ai y c in 11 ha ufa v june 4 senoun mifunjcrrandinus oill cxift be tween the executive and the colonial as sembly of the bahama the iloufe has been twice diltolvd and the pre lent as sembly the third fince the difpute fnft occurred has determined on purfuing a line of coudjc fimilar to that of its pre- deceltors the vry is well known to moftof our readers in i8w w wylly efq his majeflys attorney general be ing confined by order of the houfe for a fuppofed breach of its privileges wa brought up by a habeas corpus before the chief juftice and liberated in confe rence of which the aftcmbly rfufed antt ttill docs refufc to vote the ufual falaries for the judges and other public facer- the matter being referred home the con- duft and proceedings of the fudges were approved of with a declaration frona lord bathurft that bin royal iligfu nefs the prince regent will mort unwil lingly refort to any rncafure which can he confidcrcd dcroatoiy to the rights and privileges of the houfe but in the erect of the rflembl wiihuljieg the rcquifitc fund some other means would be provided for the remuneration of the public ofn- cers and fuck duties impofed upon the imports and exports to and from the ta- j hamasf as may concr the expense thus im properly thrown upon the mother coon- try in this difagtceable prcjicament the houfe waii prorogued hy prcfident mur- nings on the 3 1 it cf march in this cafe a vartty of precedents have been adduced and amoneti others that of mr flower fentenced ly the lltufe of lord in 17u9 to pay jti of ig9 and to be comrittcd to ihivrgautjbr t months on being brought up by a lubeat corpus before lord ktnyou mr f was remanded to prifon n t as has been faid that his loutnip entertained any doubts of his authority to resale thepriloner but that the caiife cf his confinement ap peared to have been juil and equitable urhc on saturday afl at 12 ocock mosfi fcigntut the cathjlic eioiop of quebec embarked on hoard he brig gto kyotesg lor liverpool he wai accompanied to tle place of embarkation by u nunicrous body nf the clergy ot uu dlocefe and uy a great coooourjc nt the citizens who al though the tim of bis departure was 11 t publicly known embraced tuu opporiuili ty ot telifvrng their pcrfonal rciard ad their refpeft for the bead of the cotlolic church in this province monfcigneur i accompanied bv hi e crctary mr turge u vi it cf lire bdnu uary vf qiebvcj -u- rift inu lr

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