Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), August 13, 1819, p. 1

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the kingston chronicle vol i friday jftemook august 13 1819 no 33 x brjat vm bank notice bank of upper canada director for file week patrick smyth izsifuire days of discount every wsb pav notes offered for discount most be all handed to the cashier on the day pre- ceding the discount day s baktlet cashier draffs on quebec at short biht will be give for specie the lanic alt perfons indebted m the iatc firm of james rani en iff co are hereby notified tlut uulefs then respective accounts and note are fettled by the at a day of alt gull next they will inditcriminately be put into the hands of an attorney foi rolec lion jam8 kankkn bath- june 30 1819 27- tf new goods lavib rvrdonell opposite the market king street most refpefully inform their friends and the pubic that they have juft received and ffc for fale a well chofen and general aflorttnent of dry goods amung which are the following articles viz weil of england cioth and cafatnere wajr carpeting kiddcfminfter do jeans fufliau bombazettes bombazeenn drab blue gray and yellow nankeens jrifh lin ens linen fold and maddapollurr fhirtingft fleam loon hir tings sallamporcs kng cloihi and baftaes mancheller glas gow f cuctnibt tefeivf trtr and gingham dimity chintz and cali co furniture cambric calicoes lcnos and muflinn lutestring and sarfnct silk black florentine silk veils shawls scarfs and handkerchiefs canton crape canton crape dreffes aflbrted colors cotton shawl and handkerchief silk cpaon and wors ted iiofct silk kid ihd beaver cloven thread bilk and cotton lares ribbons tape bobbins cuunterparrsmarfciles quih silk and cotton sharobray lineti bed ticks bleached sheetings hum hums deny brbwn holland dowlas ac c c also a few pairs stays kingston ad july 1819 27 notice thf subscribers beg leave to inform the public that lhy have entered into copartnership and bat they will jointly from the date hereof carry on hisinesq under tke firm of lamb mcloyell wm b lamb arch medonell kingston jnnelcl 1819 27 cull steves anil charcoaf wanted a few thounda of call staves alfo a few hundred bush cu of charcoal for vvhrh cash will be paid on delivery at the ktflgftdjl brewer by the fubfenber thomas dalton kinrfton july 17 1s19 50 notice books of subscription for the will be opened at the directors room in the bank of upper canada on the 24th augult next and kept oocn each day from the hour often till three oclock until further notice ivlnglton 27th july r8y statute of upper canada r 11 government cmlrdch ico 400 70 2 co valuable lands for sola in he township of nardil on t ots no 6 and 12 iodic 3d con- ii a cefiion containing 40c acres ditto ditto 11 and 15 in the 4th con ifer ctffttfifrg 450 aae ditto ditto 10 in the 6ch concefuon containing 200 acres the above lands are all lying jn the townfhip rf hamilton newcaftlr oillruft and will be fold on the molt liberal rcrmf for further infoimation enquire of flias jones efq hamilton or the fubferiber iu kingiion thomas s whitaker kingftort may a8 r 8 iq- 22tf gkorge scougal late master smith in the engi neer department begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general that he has commenced bufintfd next door below mr george doutflafas store street where every article in his line may be had on the rooft reasonable terms and on the fhortcil notice the following rates of charges are fuhmitted horse shoeing all round 63 removes 2j6 and all other work in proportion kingston april 51819 to let i poflcfliin given the mt auguft ol next that house and store in store street opposite the pot office lately occupied by mr edward jones for particulars apply to the sublet iber neil mcleod kingston 15th july 1819 29 for sale a large commodious two ftory ftone house with out houfes and garden situated on a half acre lot in the village of bath for terms apply p the subscriber james ranken 7tf tfndrs for the oippty rf this gir- rifon and depeitdencteh with 500 cords of firewood of the f powtng clctc tons viz mnple black andyfllow bitch and beech and 50cohiinlesfc3cnntriw to be delivered at the following places and periods will be received at this office un til twelve oclock at noon 01 monday the 23d inllant viz 70b cords to be delivered into the fuel yard at kfftgo on or before the 20th march next do io jco at point henry on or before the ill jan next do do do at point henry 500 onorbefore the 2cth march next do do do at point frederick on or before the 1 ft jan next do do do at do on or be- 270 fore the 20th march next 30 do do ac bririvv ifiandcn or before tbcaath september next total ijoo cord 5000 bundles clean straw into the rnr- rack stores at this port as foon ha poftibic security will be required for the due oerformance of fuch contrail as may be en tered into commissariat djfice kingston id aug i h 19 z midland district agricultural so ciety the committee of the midland div tri agricnltuial society announce to the publc theti wihi to have a di- til show at adolphultown on monday the 1 8th oftober and or the following premiuois to farmers 2c dollars fo the 9rst best bh ra5d in the ro- ince aoiotrnsui the disiric second ditto best cov vecdnrl ditto best ram second ditro best 2 we second ditto bet yearling steer cr heifer bes boar second difto best breeding snw best heifer of three vears old best plongbing of one quarter ufsn acr tioxen or hordes secid ditto thirl ditto bestsample of wheat accompanred lv certifirates that tiierm hu frrnnm 1 of a whole held coosisciag 01 iiot less than live acres for fhe let tamplof barney ditto best sample of jirime white l for the best improved plough suited to ik a itimrr of lllp mmitv si 0 do 10 do 5 do 8 do 4 do 6 do 3 do 6 do 8 do 4 do 8 do 8 do 10 do 7 do 5 do 5 do hs- act concluded xi and tf it further cnased by the au thority aforefjdf j hat the collector may dedurt at the rate of five pounds for every hnnired potfl4i and no more as a full compenfuttor for his fcrvice in collecltng anv law to the contrary notvnthftanding and that the treafurer fhall give a receipt for all monf paid to him by any collec tor which roeipt ha bo to fucli collec tor a fiiftkier acqiittance xi i a- h further enacted ty toe authority qfi faid that his majeil ys sdrvvyut gceral of i hi province f rthe time h- iflfsm t on or before the firl ilay of jjv whh will be in tlie yar of our lord one rvmifdnd eight hundred and tvcntv furnih the treafurer of each and every olilrif thereof with a litl or iche dule of the lota in every town tuvn fhio or rebotcd lownfiip or his rclpetivc didricl aath- are dcbnated by nun- bers and conceffioiis or othenvife uoon the nnital plan thereof in which liit it hall be fpec tied in columns oppnfitc to each lot refjdive to whom the faid lot or aiy arj what pirt thereof w been defcribed a ranted by his mjelly and whether the fume or any and whnt part thereof be yet ungranlcd and alfo what lots are rcferved as croiffn or clever ie- fcrves or fr other publie purpofes and to whom ftch relerves cr any and v i ac part thereof have been leafed by hi- ma- jetty and hall on or befor the firft day of july in every year thereafter tfaufnvit to the treafurer of each dilnfl refpettlvely a fchedule of all fuch lots or parcels of land fpecify ng the number of crts or j trcaiurcr other lets qiuantity of land in rach ahve r r been granted or fet to leafc by hia mbjes- ty fine the lall fclduie ty him iunh ed an before directed xi 11 and beit jar tier enased by the authority a crcfala 1 littt ail lands dcicrib ed in the aid fcheihtlc as having bren prfintrd or fcr to fc by hia mijeily fh 11 fim the timt vhey rre returned in the faid fehcdnlc be afiffed and charged to the payment of iv- rates or taxes im pnfed by thin atj the refpedive dij- trirta in which they ft fituatrd and npl ciiewhere wlierltei e lame be oc npied at the time of aflfefivcht ef not and the treafurer of each province is hereby at too emp ered to receive from sny p rfn or perfons payine the tame ihe atea or tixe lor and in refpeft of all fncf lands as are not re turned on the aflfnent lioll of any townfhip or place nd that in cafe any iand charged to the faid rates or taxes iiall be uroccu nd no diftrefscau be found on ihe fame ac he ti e fach ratej r taxe lhal be payable it flull and may be lawful far thecolcaforthctime briny for the townfhip or place in which inch lai ds j arc ctuvcl at y t ne thereafter u en ter upon the fctj la rdu when there frill be any diftcf- ihrieopoc to bg found and ha ving obtained a ivirraut foi thnt purpfe from a 1 y of his mrvilys jtutices nf the peace o levy fom the occupier of fuch of the treafurer herein directed to be kept and shall be levied in the manner herein before provided xv i and be it further enacted by the au thority aforesaid that perfons refidmg in townships or places not anthorifed to hold town meetings shall beconlidered f rthe purpofes of this act as inhabitants of the township adjacent thereto which shall contain the fmaliclt number of inhabitants and shall be affeffed accordingly xvii and be it further enabej by the au thority aforesaid that the clerk of the peace iu each and eycry piftricl ill this province hall and is hereby required to tranfmit before the end of the month of january in each and every year to the governor lieutenant governor or per- fon adminiilering the government an arrgnte account of the faid aftelfment in order that the fate may be laid before the legislative council and houfe of as sembly which shall contain a true and full hatemem ot every fpectea of property in iefpit of which fuch a fle anient was made and the clerks of the peace refpectivcly arc hereby anthorifed to demand and the treafurer of each dilri3 it hereby re fpesivciy lequired 10 pay each of the faid clerks ot the peace for their trouble in making up fuch aqgreatc account the inn f thirty iiiing3 xviii and u it further enacted by the authority afonfa that it fhaii and may b lawhd for the faid jullices at their res- oective generalquattet seflionsartcmbttd or the ereaterpait of themthcuaud thereas- semmed to notnirate and appoint a proper peifoi tfog rcfident within the diftrift t tc treafurer of the laid dillrtcl which this province the fum of twenty fhilling for each and every fuch fchcdule and for every fopplementary fchcdule thereafter furtiifhed as direded by this aft the fum of two hillings and fix pence to be paid by the receiver general of this province in dil thage of fuch warrant or warrants a the governor lieutenant governor or perfun administering the government of this province hall iflue and hall be ac counted for to the lords commiffiontra of uia mjt flys treafury for the time be ing in luch manner and form aa it hall plcafif mis mai lly to dircft xxi 1 1 and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid thar this act hill be and remain in force for the fpace of eight years and from thence to the end of the then next enfuing feffioo of pariament 1 fuch fum as hall be approved of by the faid juft ices at their rtfpettivc general to be acciiuiitable for the feveral fum of money which hall nc refpedively paid to i an 111 purf nance of thia act and to pay fuch fuiw or lutns of motley as hdll be or dered to be paid by the juilices in their general quarter seffiona and alfo for the tiue and raithful ltecuriun of the trutt rcpofed in him and all and every fuch fum or fuma of money a- shall be paid into his hands by virtue of and in purfu- ance of this act shall be deemed and ta- j ken to he a public flock of this dirrift and every dilhift of this and the faid treafurer rhall and is hereby v auhortled and empow- required to pay fo much of the money in hi hands to inch perfon or perfons as the fod jufticen at their refpcftive general quarter scflioris or the greater part of them then and there aftemhlcd hall by their order direft and appoint for the pur- pofes therein reciiwd and for any other ufc and piirpofes to which the public v 1j5 of the faid diitrid is or shal be ap- plicable by law refer ving- at all and every time or times to and for his own ufe as a reward for his labour and expenfe the fum of four pounds for every hundred pounds that thnll or may be paid into hi hands under the authority of this aft for the pupfes afore fa id x i x and be it furthet enased by the au thority aforefiid that the faid treafurer frcm the new york bm post aug 1 the verbal accounts receded lat eve ning tiy the sloop of war iioruet froiri cadiz are calcuated to induce i belief that this country is on the eve f a wir with spain because she has not yet rati fied the treaty negotiated at washington last winter which cedes to the united states the floridas some difticulties it seems exibt with regard to the ratifica tion but there is little cause to believe that spain singlehanded will undertake to measure swords with thi country we have conversed with a gentleman be- imvging to thp hornet who is of opinion that ultimately the treaty will receive the sanction of the king of spain the spanish squadron spoken of in tkfejfol inal uivc iuiqcfcnt iccurttv in 1 h w ii wv7 j lowing article is 10 doubt destined for l s do 3 do i iu do surgeon dentist all operations performed upon the teeth by j r spooler at mr moore cofike houfe- aug 2d 1819 32 john dean has juft received and now offer for salei at the nw store next door to mr a p forwards hotel in the vil lage of bath a general aflbrtment of dry goods groceries crockery hardware unusually lod for cash or mo3c kiud3 tf country produce fn fome instances where punctuality may b peltfo upon a very short credit may ie givcoj and in fuch cafes only l aug- 2 1819 52 stray horse trad or patcel of la d the arount uf all shall and is hereby required to keep books rates and taxes in ftrrearr by dilhe nd f entries of the feveral fuma refpeively received and paid by him in purfuance of this any other al now or hereafter in force in this ivovmcc and alfo to deliver in a true and exadt account upoa oath which oath any one of the juft ices at their j roxe into the inclofure subscriber on the 20th inft dark bay of the a large saui juuc q2 1819 t 3 fhod all round has a long fwitch tail the owner is requeued to prove his proper ty pay charges an j lake him away kl1jah beach- kingfton 29 july 1819 3 to let a commodious house near doftijr kcatings two stories high with srven rooms a kitchen and a cellar under the whole a good yard and stable also a very good spring near the house for further particulars apply to jamei robins kingston 41b 7une 1 8 1 9 17 hla k deeds and memorials for sale at this oifiee fale an they might have done upon the lame lands if in the tccuo ioi of inch perform at the time ih vate z be came due and after g the ical charges of dillrcfs and idie as well is the amount of fuch taxe in arrear fuclicol- y fhall pay the overplus if ay tiiere br to the perfon or erforts occup rnu ilie picmifes on which fuch dftiefs was rsiie xi v and be it further ed by the au thority aforesaid j hat tk tieiiurcr of each and every diiirict ot prince fhsll keep an account fo every parii town township repute township or place within this diiitlq eotding t the lift or fchedule furnished b ll surveyor general aa before menliond in which ac- count he shall particularly numerate every lot or parcel of land in e laid paribh township or place dcfcfhfeg lrle as in the faid fchedue ad hall charge the iamf withjr credit it ft tlie amountof the taxes and ratc p-tyab- or p m re- fpeft thereof for each and very year and that the faid books or ac shall be produced by the faid treamier lor the in- fpeion of the jufttcea a the court of gencial quarter oeffinn leld in hia dis- trift reipctively in each nd every year and shall be kept open fo the infpeion of all perfons defiring to fre the fame be tween the hours of ten anc three on every firft and third monday in tjch monih and the treafurer is hereby aithoried to de mand for every fuch fearcl and infpedion one hillhig and three penc- and no more xv and be it further ei acted by the au thority aforesaid that vhen the rates and aficiimenu upon am lot piece or parcel of land shall be suffered to remain in arrear and unpaid for thi fpace of three years the rates and afteffrnents fo in ar rear shall be increafed in the proportion of one third and if fuffered to remain five years in arrear the whole hhall be increas- ed in the proportion of one half and if fuffered to remain eight yean fn arrear the amount of fuch arrears shall be doubled and the faid rate and affcflmenta shall be charged thence forward in double the a mount that would grow doe according to the exifting rate of afteffment and fuch rates fo ircreafrd refpmiv ahall be j charged agaioit the laoda b the account refpeflive general qjritei scffions is here by authorifed to adrniiille of all nd eve ry fum or fums of money ic peftively re ceived and paid by him dtftiiiguihhing the particular ufe to which luch fum or fums of money have been applied to the jufti ct3 at every general qjjoter selbons to be holden for the diitrift and shall lay before the juft ice i of fuch seffims the proper vouchers for the fame and alfo tranfmit once in each and every year acer tilled copy thereof on oath to the gover nor lieutenant governor or perfon ad miniftcring the government in order that the fame may be laid before the legifla- tive council and houfe aftembly and the discharges of the faid jullices of the peace or the greater part of them by their orders made at the general oiartcr seffions to fuch tieafurer fhall be taken and allowed as a good and fufficient ac- quitil to the full amount thereof xx and be it further enacted by the au thority aforesaid that it hall and may be lawful for the faid jullices of the peace at their general quarter seflions or the greater part of them from time to time to continue fuch treafurer in his office fo long a9 they fhall fee convenient and to remove him at their pleafurc and appoint any other proper perfon in his place xx l and be it further enacted iy the authority af ores aid t that the following fees and no more fhall be taken for every diftrefa levied under this aft for every warrant of diftrefs two hillings and fix pence for every mile travelling to exe cute the fame four pence and for every felling and making icturns two hillings xx i l and be it further enacted by the authority- aforesaid that for every fchc dule for each townfhip furnifhed by the surveyor general of this province accord ing to the provifiont of this aft on or before the firft day of july one thoufand eight hundred and twenty he fhall be en titled to receive from and out of the rates and duties now or hereafter to be raifed levied and cguefted to and far the utaef south america and not florida a few ds howevnr will in all probability clear up a11 doubts on thi hed as cap tain riid bearer of diptcliefc fo oar iroverument left here this morning for washington from the national advocate ofthi morning highly important by th mivai yesterday afternoon of th united states hip hornet captain reid from cadiz which place she left on the 2d july we afe informed that the treaty was not rat ified at the time of her mailing nor i it probable it ever will be the spanish ministry vera debating warmly on that subject when captain reid left madrid june 22d the spaniards at cadiz say it will not be ratified for fear of ex citing the displeasure of gr at britain a spanish squadron of 6 ships of 74 ijtiii 8 of from 38 to 44 auns and sever al sloops of war c were lyitg in ihe harbor of cadiz ft mas currently re ported there that 18000 troops would also embark and th uhle nld bft defined for the protection of the floridas and not for south america as was original j contemplated a french squadron of 1 frigate and 0 brigs have joined the expedition we learn they will sail under the spanish hag an action waa fought at cadiz about the 15th june between the spanish na tional gun brig voluutario of 14 guns and the buenos ay res government brig independencia of 18 guh when shameful to relate the latter was defeat- ed the voluulario had arrived at ca diz much cut up in sail and rgging both vessels fought under the flag ol the united states f the officers and crev of the patriot nrivateer constitution taken sifrjjflge since near gibraltar after being oa shore are at cadiz in dungeon gen odonnel governor of cadiz had re- ceived an order from the kinir granting a pardon to all spanih subject found on boaid that vessel and a command to execute allthemwer he however remonstrated against this barbarity the result of his refusal we do not know 70 americaasare among the prisoners about the 20th june the marquis de catse yrujo and family were taken at midnight from their dwelling in madrid and banished to gome foreign parts the nature of their crimes and place of exile is a secret some even suppose that they have been assassinated the u s ship franklin arrived at cadiz on the 20th jane with the hon jonathan russet aud family but find ing they could not be accommodated with passage on board the hornet they re turned in her to gibraltar on the 27th f where they will embark in a merchant ship for the united states all our squadron is at gibraltar the french national cervette l normaade was to wail from cadiz on the 15th july for new york to invite home all the french exiles mr tunis eur consul there will return in her dr heap and lt berry of the navy are passengers in the hornet by the hornet we have received cadiz gazette of june 27 containing a proclamation requiring from the mastera of all foreign vessels that enter the port of cadiz a certificate from the spanish consul at the port fr m whence the ves sel sailed of her origin from the national intelligencer july 31 letters received in this city from at bagot mention his arrival in england after a short passage he left the cape of virginia ttt tbt 13th of may id uc

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