50 pounds r e tv a 11 d the steamboat fioiten ac an and james mackenzie master will in future leave the different ports on the following days viz kingston for york on the 1st 1 1 th and 2st lays of each month york for qncenston 3d 3th and 23d lays of each maith niagara for kingston bill loth and 2bth days of each nwnth rates of passages fron kingston to york and niagara 3 00 from york to niagara 100 children under three years of age half price above three under ten two thirds a book will be kept for entering the names of passengers the births which they may choose at which time the passage money must be paid passengers are allowed 60 lbs weight of baggage surplus bag gage to be paid for at the usual rate gentlemens servants cannot sleep or eat in the cabin deck paesengers will pny 15e find moy either bring their own provisions or be furnished by the steward for each dog brought on board 5s all applications for passages to be made to captain mackenzie on board freight will be transported to and from the above places at the rate of 4s ftt barrel bulk and flour at the customary rate delivered to the different consignees a list of their names will be put in a con spicuous place on board which must be deemed a sufficient notice and the goods when taken from the steamboat wih be considered at the risk of the owners for each small pared 2s 6d which must be paid on delivery kingston april 28th 1819 istf tolen fro walker hotel irt kingfton on the night 0 the 29th or morning of the cf june jnttant out of the trunk f the subscriber which was broken open a paiccl diietted to william allan ej containing jtoco in montreal bank hills whofi ever will give information tl at mav lead to th de tection and eonvidtcn of the thieves hall receive the above heward the bill can be of no frfc co he holder as prompt meafurefl have been taken to prevent their ditcount at the baik where regular entries of their numbers hae as ufual been made any communication relpec- tlog the above may be addressed 10 i honias marklaud efq of kingfton or to the sabfcribtr at yrk george ridout kingfton jtins jotli 189 27 a no tl ce whereas difficulties are likely to aiile in ttu ariangerncit of the affile of the late allan taylors eftate th lubfcriber decirs it neccflaryta infjrm the public that on ihe 3d day cf novem ber aft a final letwcuent of the copart nership between taylor ha ker wa6 made by the patits at which time a certain iut cf nioi iy was allowed 10 mr i arker for hh relioquifhrntn cf all claims upon debts due to tie firm and he was alb iodetni iiird against tfo ouinn of creditors by mr taylors bend far jijtqook tjlia notice ts therefore given that all who are co ccrncd hj or indebted co the eftateofthe laid ulah taylor nay be cautioned aainft paying or 51 ranging their accounts with any other per fun than tin- underfilled a he is the oiltf one duly fcbfcba9 v riteletf fuih ufiftgeimftti was 1 aylor adminiftrator of allan taylors lttfitc celivilie june 25 1819 27 for sale avery valuable farm situated near the village of brockville be ing the rar half of lot no one and the rear half of lot number two in the se cond concession of elizabethtown u c containing two hundred acres former ly the property of reuben sherwood esquire but now belonging to john shu- tor esquire of london thete is a ve ry good dwelling house with a barn and other ont houses on the premises also lot ntimbct riinfcteeh in the ninth con cession and the west half of lot number one in the eighth concession of the same township also lot number fifteen in the first concession and number fifteen in the second concession of the town ship of yonge in the district of jtillts town these farms will be disposed of on terms peculiarly easy anil advantage- bus to purchasers aoply to daniel jones jun brockville loth january i8i9 4 valuable lands for sale in the midland district county of prince edward and township of a reliasburh lot 23 in the front concession on lske ontario lying to the eastward of nicholsons island lots 22 2nd 24 in the second con- cesibn of said township the whole con taining six hundred acres for particulars inquitc at the office of the kingston chronicle or of the jfctnorable james baby york n- b all persons arc cautioned a- gainst cutting or destroying the timber or the above lands as they will certainly subject themselves to a lel prosecu tion if detected kingston july sth 1819 28tf anchors cables william budden will receive by the earlieil fpririg veitels and keep constantly on hand at quebec an affrtment of patent proved chain cables of ah sizes anchoks do well worthy the attention of thofe enga- ged in the lake and river navigation quebec ift april 181q i4tf for sale a quantity of red cedar pickets from 7 to 8 feet in enth apply to mr joii dawson tailor william yerex kin 17 119- 20 t iireefarms for sale or if not old to be rented for the en fuing year vi2 one at the prefquc i je harbor one at waterloo and the picket farm fo called a contra alfo will fee given for cutting looo cords of wood b whitney wgto l6th june 1819 thomas askew me5pectfully informs the pub lic that he has arrived and intends opening for fale on tuefday next the 13th inftant at the store recenty occupied by mr mcdonald oppofite charles anderfon efq a very choice fcleion of new amongft which atea rich aflbrtmfent of ladies and childrens dreffes pcffc spencers milhnary muffins alirocs ginghams satins and si l india goods haserdafhery ruflia duki and sheetings linen eed tick counter aues chintz and white furnitures with fritrgea and trimmings ladies satin and velvet shoes bombazeen dimities c c direct from the jmanufadurcr and the whole he offers for sale at the lowelt pofiible rate and pofitivcly for cafh only kingftoh july 91b 1819 28 n b country merchants who have not made their purchafes would do well to call pjflhll subkribe- offers for fale his j lloufc and ftfrm together 01 feparatfc as alfo hi ilorfes carts sicrghs cows hogs oxen grain ilay potatoes and implements vf ilufoandry fituate on the liivcr st lawrence overlooking the beautiful village of odcnnburg and within half a mile of pickott upper canada the dwelling liouie which has lately bten ere5ted corfi u uf two fitting rooms 4 bed rooms a kuchcuand ccuar well cniihed the farm contains 107 acres cf choice land wei ienced upwards of 60 ot which is pasture ud meadow the rcn aifl- der tillage 3 d w6od land with a young orchard and gooj barn stable and root- houie and a fmall tenement for labourers jo a gentleman of f the above pienifc which ext js 3 acres in front cf the river fcuil prove bt gicat advoi ue a r is one of the best situa- tii u kurho d for tie e reel ion of 5 7 or hihii ery c pa i j iu v miy remain on mtr tcdssu to the pi- chafer apj i to 1 made to ttiwry forest fq itrteal john macauhy ili i n or tht owner pft obprn froecftt advhoft 1818 6tf jwotic32 the sjbrcfcriber8refpefl fully inform their friends and the public that they have now received and jutt opened fn mar ket street juft below mrs patricks inn a very extenfive affortment of dry goods groceries and stationary likewife a great qnantity of claffical books the whole of which will be fold very low for calh and apptoved credit- mcdonald aykiioyd- dec 1 i8t8 2 kingfton 8ih june 189 marshall member of the 9 college of surgeons in london bega leave 10 inform the public that he ha moved to the houfe formerly occupied by vi a macphcrfon and next door to t markland efq where he continues to pndtice the different branches of his pi o fcflin as ufual he is now nptning the mod extenfive and generj affortment of drugs and patent mtdrcincs that ever were introduced into uppr ca nada and imported by himlelf this fpring from grest bfiiain store keepers and medical faltuonera in the conntiy will be fupplied on as 1 terms as tluy poib- bly can be in montreal he lis alfo imported a choifcc atort- ituiii of wain at and mufhroom ketchup be ft englifu pickles indian socy balm of gilead maccaffar and rtflian oil iio da powders tamarinds houfe thermom eters spice a few atticles of perfumery coliiura for painters dyers sec a lungstun branch of the mon treal bank any fum required may be obtained at the office for good bills on mori- treal quebec bill of exchange on lou tan r f- o v j v hi dibconnted at tlircy fixty and amcty da 3 thomas maukland agent kinglon3d nov 18 notice rfflhe partnerfhip under the firm of al- jl exander mcdoncll co was this dy diirolved by mutual confent all tdofe indebted thereto mttfl make imme diate payment to alexander mcdonell to whom al having claims againft the fafd firm muft prefent ther accounts he being duly anthorifed to fettle all the affairs of faid concern alexander mcdonell allan r mcdonell kinystim ztjth may 1819 2312 to axemen tfk subscribers will receive pro posals from any pcrsou or person willing to epgape to clear sixty acres of new land ou their premises in amelias- burgh bfl of quintr ready for seed by the first day of august next the ash- es on said land will be required to be collected and carefully secured teams and provisions wii be furnished if re quired for patticulafs apply f owsjs mc0 g il ktntrtmk or to mcdougal al l1cllan 0 bollvilic to officers on halfpay in canada it is defired that officers receiving iiatf pay or military penfions through the commifiariat in canada will tranfmit to their feveial agents at quebec their affidavits ii triplicate immediately aftet the 24th of the period when their half- pay becomes due fo that the affidavit of officers refiditig m lower canada hall arrive at qnebec before the roth and thofe of officers reltding in the upper jvovince before the 20th of the following m rh at which period the returns wll b dtr p as more than fufficicnt tiric u 1 for confmunications ro reach quebt limn the mod ditlant polls thole cicers affida- vitfi whirl do notanivf in tirre to be incor porated in thefe le turns mnft remain over till theeilfuing perrifl of payment corrmiff ry generals office j- qnehec mat en 1 1819 kdhce j awls meagher returhs his rnoft s ft were thanks to the p opie of ktggs j ll pwvtlfb fit w gjwvit n phtsic sf surgery courage wit he fa mt nuithjince ins com bank of the ubf- itr be g appointed agent pctiate bank notes for bills on montreal mencinf bufmefs he begs eave to tnjorm i quebec or for specie his friends and he public that he has vm mitchell 4 9 dr z smally begs leave ref- pedfully to inform the inhabitants of ringfton and its vicinity that he has eftablifhed himfelf as a physician surgeon apothecary from his having received a regular me dical education and from his experience in the different branches of his profeffion he is induced to believe that he will be able to do justice to all whofe misfortunes may render them under the neccflity of fo liating medical aid n fi to any calls at the fign of the golden mortar oppofite the market the ftrifteft attention will be paid where will be conftantly kept on hand a choice and well chofen affoitment of drlg and medicine paints of all kinds linfeed lamp and curriers oils dye woods and dye stuffs cotton yarn window glafs putiy nails a new and elegant affortment of paper hangings ladies bonnets of the new est fas hion garden seeds raised by the shakers books stationary c c c april 16 l6tf no 1 ice rjlhe board for militia pek- s 10 s s will meet on the lafl monday in february 1 and continue fo to do the fame jay in each month until the bufmefs of this diflriof as regards the fame is fnifheil john ferguson kwflqn feb ft 1819 6 removed to his new hoife near the mat ket place oppfte to mr bay mans and will as vfual earn on the tin copper 2nd sheet iron manufactory norse shoeing and black smith work will be executed in the hefl manner at tht jhortefl notice end on the loivefl terms n b to rezt lecfe or jll for the term of ten years and immeaiate pfffeffim tiven that well faoivn fland the wel lington ins in barrack jlreet this filiation is one of the befl in town haviny many cotneniences that render it particularly well jdapted for a houfe of public entertaintmnt and store pply to the proprietor james meagher kingfon feb 1819 6 for8ale that elegant farm no 8 firfl conceffion townfhip rtf fiedericks burgh 28 miles from kingfton obtain ing 200 acres formerly occupied by colonel spencer and known by he name of the manfion boufc it contains about 50 acres of land under improvement an elegant frame houfe 2 ftory high with 2 barns and other holdings perfons dciiious of purchafing may enquireof thesubfcri- ber on the premises or to d hagerman efq at bath jovep1i bergeron frederickfburgh sept 8th 1818 15 a farm for sale adjoining haybay in the town fhip of predericksburgh the eaft half of lot no n the fecorid conceffion containing looatrcs and having about 40 acreb under cultivation with a log houle and barn upon it for the terms apply to daniel wafhburo efquire kingfton p van koughnt cornwall d7isi8 jo kingfton 0 13th 188 20 the fubferiber baa imported and of fcrsfor fale french burr mill stones london made of the beft qual ity runners edgeways he will receive a cnnltaut fupply from london as well as french burr stones and caft fleel mill picks henry joseph berthier 2d july 1819 n b application at montreal to be made to l b s solomons 8c co 314 notice is hereby given that all perfons indebted to the late firm of taylor fc parker either by book account or note are requefled to come forward and fettle the fame with the fubferiber im mediately as after the firft day of oftobcr aext the whole remaining unfet- tled will indifcrimhiatefy be put into the hands of an attorney for colleion and all thofe having demands againli the faid firm arc alfo requefted to prefent the fame duly authenticated for adjuftment thomas parker surviving partner bcllville lltb june 1819 25w29 notice all perfons are cautioned againft pur chafing lot no 22 io the 7th con ceffion of frederickfburgh or lot no 27 in the 1st qonceffion of richmond from the heirs or affignees of davis hefc as the subfcriber holda an indxfputable title to the fame gilbert har1s sidney 4b dec 181 8 3 notice aux gsciera a dcaiipaie en canada 7t es omcisa qui rccoivent la de- i a mifate on po son militaire na i- canal du comtoissanat c 7 uda out requis dc tratism- a hur ageni rssfjectff u jjchci leurs affidavits eo hiplicalu imrrediafemont apios le terme du paicmeiil do leurdemupuie de rnau- ieru qur les affidavits des oifieiers qui je- sideut ins le bascanada pouffbnt af- riveri quebec avant in lompetde ceus qui resident dans la haute province wiht j 20me du mois snivant auxejneb periodes les retours se feront com 01 pon donnc plus de terns quil ne faut pour transmettrc les communications a que- hecdes p6stes les plui oloiguc les affi davits eles oificiers qui tjarriveot pas i terns pour ctre incorporcs dans ces re- tours restcontjupqu pave raeotsolvanf bureau du commissairyg6ncrali it quebec 1c mars 1819 4 6m business the suliscribers beg lea7e to inform their friends and the public that they have formed a connection in busi ness the object of wbicft is the trans portation of produce down the st law rence ad of mf rchandise of every de scription from montreal to any part of upper canada and the united states ad jacent to the lakes ontario and erie tbfi business will be conducted by w hubbell at ogderoburgh and under the firm of w l whiting co at prescott to prevent d ay all property desti ne for kingston or any part of the bay of iiute vitt be forwarded from presf cott by the steam bat charlotte which leaves there ttice every week the subscribers engage to freigvt oil as favourable terms as any who arc en gaged in the business and pledging heir united exertionstogive satisfaction will be grateful for evqvy favor w l whiting w hubbell prescotty 20i ila18 19 25 notice the lat partnership of robert gra ham iv co having dissolved ftsek thitiduyby the death of roderick mac- kay esq the bussinesfl in future will be a riied an by the subscriber to whom all p isojis who are indebted to the above ii will please pay their accounts with out delay and those ho may have claima against thai concern will please present ju4 foffelih5ttapttti 90 robert graham point frederick 2tst sept 1s18 persons having books belonging to the kingston lxbr2ty are requeft ed to fend thera lo the fubferiber at his houfe adjoining the town of kingfton and with as little delay as pofiible john ferguson 12th april 1s19 i5 all perfons indebted to the late co partnerfhip of richard robison and david secord are requefted to make im mediate payment to the furviving partner david secord and thofe to whom the faid copartnerfhip may be indebted ate ic quefted to fend in their accounts for ad juftmenr and payment kiflgaiv 7 may 18 19 a6tf terms of the kingston chronicle twenty shillings per annum if sent by mai wenv four shilling subscriptions to be paid in advance to the 1st of jul or the lot of jauu- price of advertisements qix lines and under 2s 6d first in aj senior and ld each subsequent insertion 10 lines and under 3s ad fint insertion and wd each subsequent insertion above ten lines ad per linj for the fast insertion undid per tins for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written dircc ions are inserted till foxhound charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing and delivered by wednesda y noon at the latest no advertise m c nts received after ten clock on the day of publication agknts henry cowan bbqi quebec edward sills fq three rivers james williams esq montreal messrs j j dunlop lancaster paul glassford esq matilda alpheus jones ej prrsvott henry jones esq 8rqrkvitle n b tnmmas esq perth j k hart well esq bustard e webster esq gauttnoque j kautcen esq bath allan mepherson esq sapanee thomas parker esq sdtvilk james g kethune fsq hamilton william allan esqi york richard hatt esq dunda daniel ross esq vittoria john crooks etq niagara t mccormick esq quecnston johu wion eq mhersthurh kingston u c trlntkd or 7h jidltqft9