from the edinburgh magazine january 1819 fragment the midnight winds are forth with high career urging their cloudv chariots rapidly a if they rushed to war or fled in fear along the aure champaign of the ky the heavens are all in motion and the eye beholds the wonted iions of its search moon star and cloud all hurrying silently awav as if upon their final march a if the angels trump had pealed along that arch when thus the hand of mighty seraphim this pictured volume from our sighi shall roll unfolding to all ees the face of him who sits enthroned behind it o my soul how shall thou bear to see in funeral stole nator distracted in convulsions lie on flaming pj re and ai his destined goal time worn and wear lay him down to die on the paternal breast of hoar eternity i c brahmin seemed to nlm rlsoroeittngtttore dreadful he dreamed or pretended to dream that the god had appeared to him and told him that his car would not mote unless a number of human beings were immolated by being thrown under the wheels hearing this rumored and a- ware that the deluded multitude were capable of believing this if urged on by the brahmins the missionaries at seram- poredrew up and printed a tract of eight pages in which they laid open to the multitude the true reason of the cars stop ping and bogged them to consider what they could gain by worshipping so help less a log of wood pointing them at the same time to the true lord of the world as waiting to be gracious to all in every nation who turn to him through his son this was quietly circulated among the people with what effect he are unable to say but nothing more was heard of the immolation of human victims from a late engttfh publication on the last day of the festival the disaster of juggernaut weather being favorable the deluded onthecrh july 1818 the drawing n js i 1 l z th of gprw car took place pic of rclhabulubh though it was no ji- i j k jl customary to do it on the last day and seating juggernaut in it canted him back to his old residence 6 on thefenccafioie he is diawn by ropes to the temple of his brother radhabutubh about two miles diflant he i then let down by ropes and carried into the tem ple here he flays eight days to cij y the fociety 1 f his blotters during which titie the inflix f worfhippera is immcnfe o 1 the 9th day he i fuppofed to remount his car and return to his own people the rich uativ to whom the car be long the idol is the property of the lord of the soil on which the temple stand had recently built a house near the temple for the convenience of his family on those occasions the earth before it had been turned up and having imbibed the rain which fell incessantly a da or two before the festival was ex ceedingly soft when therefore the car arrived at this spot the wheels sunk info the earth and every effort to extri cate them proved ineffectual a heavy shower which fell at the same time dis persed the crowd and the car instead of proceeding nearly two miles as usual remained only fifty yards from its origin al station the proprietor of the car 6tandiug before it lamented in bitter terms the ruin which the event entailed 011 his ancestor who had built the car the hindoos imagine that a man conti nues immortal as long as any great or important work he may have achieved continues to flourish thus the hindoos esteem vamlike as still enjoying immor tality because his work is now in con- stant circulation among them the stop ping of the car defeated the purpose for which it was built and plainly indicated that his ancestor had fallen from his im mortality on the second day the people again applied their shoulders to the ropes in tain the car was immoveable and the hole multitude exclaimed that nothing but the presence of his brother radha- bullubh would induce juggernaut to move messengers were immediate ly despatched for ridhabullubh who having come to a certain distance on the shoulders of his priests they declared that he would proceed no further gj lie ftgjj wm gflf feftjlpf from his own temple on any other occa sion and that he would not deviate from his usual coarse this was how ever as the reader will easily perceive merely a trick to obtain money an ea ger debate now arose between the pro prietor of the car and the sacerdotal pro prietors of radhabullubh and after much altercation the priests consented for fifty rupees to allow him to pass the jim- it prescribed by their avarice the mo ney was counted down on the spot and radhabullubh proceeded towards the car enthusiasm now redoubled the ef forts of the multitude the car began to move the propitious event was univer sally ascribed to the satisfaction of jug gernaut on beholding his brother it however agrn remained stationary after proceeding but a few yard and raclhi- hullubpii was obliged to return without ins brother in two or three days the priests of radhabullubh began to feel the effects of juggernauts absence the visits to the temple were few and the offerings inconsiderable these offerings had been previously farmed out for 232 rupees and the farmers plainly saw that unless juggernaut could be brought to the tem ple they should lose not only the pro fits which they usually made above that amount but bo unable to realise even that sum after various consultations therefore between the priests of both femples juggernaut was silently con veyed to his brothers on the evening of the third day the misfortnne which had happened to the car being almost unprecedented filled the minds of the people with anx iety they attributed it to various cau ses some said that the proprietor of the car hd contrary to his usual custom partaken of food before the car was drawn forth others said that the god vas incensed at the temerity of one of the proprietors who had touched it while jet impure from the defilement of the dead body of a relative while others maintained that the wrath of juggernaut was excited by his having silver and not gold hands givn to him in these and similar conjectures did the deluded mul titude indulge to have said that he could not move his own car would have been a rude slander 011 the kfc lord of the world to save his power therefore they charged him with passion not con sidering that the attempt to secure to him the possession of one attribute degraded bi character tu a worse degree 13ut oac 50 pounds re ivard tolen from wlkers hotel in kingfton on the night of tie 29th or morning of the 30th of june inltant out of the trunk ofthc suhfuiber which was broken open a parcel directed to william allan eft containing 10001 montreal bank bills whofoevcr will give information that may lead to the de tection and conviction of the thieves ftiall receive the above reward the bills can be of no ufe to the holder as prompt mcafures have been taken to prevent their difcount at the baik where regular entries of their numbers have as ufual been made any communication refpec- ting the above may be addressed to thomas markland efq of kingfton or to the subfcriber at york george r1dout kingfton june 30th 1819 27 notice whereas difficulties are likely to arife in the arrangement of the affairs of the late allan taylors eftate the lubferiber deems it neceffary to inform the public that on the 3d day of novem ber lad a final fettlemcnt of the co-part- nerfiiip between taylor paiker was made by the parties at which time a certain fum of money was allowed to mr fatter for his rclinquifhment of all claims upon debts due to thejirm and he was alfo indemnified against the claims of creditors by mr taylors bond for 5000 this notice is therefore given that all who are concerned in or indebted to the eftateofthe faid allan taylor may be cautioned agaiuft paying or arranging their accounts with any other perfon than the underfigned as he 19 the only one duly authorifed to make fuch arrangement wm taylor admmiftratof of ahaa tilbfs md bellville june 25 1819 27 notice james meagher returns his nojl finccre thanks to the p oplc of kings ton and its environs for the liberal en couragement he has met with jinec his com mencing bufmefs he begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has removed to his new houfe near the alar- ket place oppofite to mr eaymatfs and will as ufnal carry on the tin copper and sheet iron manufactory horse shoeing and black smith work will be executed in the bejl mannar at the jhortejl notice and on the lotueft terms n b to rent leafe or fell for the term of ten years and immediate pojfejfwn given that well known jland the wel lington inn in barrack jlreet this jit nation is one of the bejl in town having many conveniences that render it particularly well adapted fir a hdufe of public entertainment and store apply to the proprietor james meagher kingfton feb 51819 6 for sale that elegant farm no 3 firfl conccfiion townfhip of fredericks- burgh 28 miles from kingfton contain ing 200 acres formerly occupied by colonel spencer and known by the name of the manfion iloufe it contains about 50 acres of land under improvement an i elegant frame houfe 2 ftory high with 2 1 barns and other buildings perfons defirous of purchafing may enquireof the subfcri ber on the premiftcs or to d ilagerman efq at bath joseph bergeron frederickburgh sept 8th 1818 15 notice the partnerfhip under the firm of al exander mcdoncll co was this day diftolved by mutual confent all thofc indebted thereto mud make imme diate payment to alexander mcdonell to whom all haying claims againlt the faid firm mull prefent their accounts he being duly authorifed to fettle all the affairs of faid concern alexander mcdonell allan r mcdonell kingston zyth may 1819 23w12 the steamboat frontenac james mackenzie master will in future leave the different ports on the following days viz kingston for york on the is 1 t and qlst days of each month york for hictnslon 3d sth and hi days of each month xiigarajbr kingston oth 15 trndhbth dam of each month 3 rates of passages from tifogxtmto york mil niagara 300 from york to niagcrrtr 100 children wider three yeas of ae hail price above three under ton two tiiiwls a book will be kept for entering the names of passengers ihe births vhicl they ma choose al which time the passage money must be paid 01 d and js iac- pasjorgers nre alovvd go lbs wmght of bn wag u be lor at itie usual rale gcntleuicu servants cannot sleep or eat in the cabin dock pasfhtis will pay 159 and may cither bring their own provision or bo tarnished b he steward for each dog brought on board 5s ail applications for passages to be made r ptain mackenzie on board to officers on halfpay in canada it is defircd that officers receiving half- pay or military pcnfioni through the commiflariat in canada will tranfmit to their fever al agento at quebec their affidavits in triplicate immediately after the 24th of the poind when their half pay becomes due fo that the affidavits of officers eeftdmg in lower canada hall arrive at q before the coth and thofe of officers refiding in the upper picfince before the 20th of the following month at which period the returns will be made up as more than lunicient time is given for communications to reach quebec from the mod diftant pofls thofe officers affida- vits which do not arrive in time to be incor- 1 porated in thefe kcturns mud remain over till theenfuing period of payment commiflary generals office quebec march i 1819 y aux officii s a deuiipaie en canada ir es officiers qui rcfoivrnt la de i1j inipaio on pension militaire par le canal du commissariat en canada sont requis do transrncttre h lours agens rcppectifs a qnbec leurs affidavits en tripllafa immediatem nt apres 1c terme du paiemrnt dc ur icmip ie dc man irrc que us aflldavitsdtf officiers qui re sident dans le biocanada ponrrottt ar river a quebec avanf ic lome rtde ceux qui resident dans h haute province a- vant s 20mr di mois suivant auxquels poriodes ics retiurs so ftrcnt comme 1op dcrmr prfus tv q ne faut pouf transmcttre h n que bec dc poste p e 1 j s afli- datits dcsofttcicrs qui na r pa i tem prur ere ic rpore r il re- re- nr restrrontjusciuau iionoj ju n e- n cm b fre jh t will be transported to and tvom the above places at the rate of 4s per barrel bulk and monr at the customary rate delivered to the different consignees a list of their names will be put in a con spicuous place on bean which must he deemed a sufficient notice and the goods when taken from the steamboat will be considered at the risk of the owners for each small parcel 2s 6d which must be paid on delivery kingston apid 8lh wix istf forsalk a very iluaho farm situated near the village o tsrorkvilk be ing the rear half oil ji no one and the rear half of lot nunb tffrt in tic se- coimi concession rf eijftbcthlottn u c containing two 1 1 1 r d acrv former ly the property of rrobpn saerwoodj esquire but now hcfnin tojohnshu- tcr escnir iiflow titers i a ve ry good dwelling boti ih a barn and other out houses on he premises also lot number nirreteimi in he ninth con cession and ihe v half of lot number one in he eighth roncesmon of fhe anc vunihi alsoi lot number rftcrit in the lirst rncessiois and number liftceu in tiie sernirl co c i pi he touu- swp of yongs h tc lsfrict of jonns- towu tjtre fartf will be dlpowd of on terms pncuuarivcn5yaad advftutage- ous topurchaerv appli to dacrl jonks jun jrotkvllc h 18 19 4 valuable lands for mle ix the midland district county of prince kdnar a township of amelia sburph- lot 23 in he onnt concession on lake ontario mg to the eastward of nicholsons inland lots 22 and c h second con cession of said tnwship the whole con taining six hundred acres for particulars inquire f the oitice of the kiigston chronicle or of the honorable jami babv york n u all per- arc cautioned a- gainst cutting or destroying the timber on the above iandv ihey ill certain v subject themselves lo a leal prosecu tion if detected kingston july th 1819 2stf thomas askew to espectftjlly informs the pub- ib l he that he has arrived and intends opening for falcon tuefday next tiie 13th inftant at the store recently occupied by mr mcdonald oppofite charles anderfcn tlj a very choice fckdion of new amongft which area rich afortnaij of iadies nnd childrens dreffes pelixtcs spcncerfl millenary aiufin9 callicofl giiiphams satins and sikn india goods hahcnlafhery ruflia durks and sheetings linen bed pick counterpanes chintz and white furnitures with fringes and trimmings ladies satin and velvet shoes bombazeens dimities occ 5cc many nftheftf goods and confignments diiefl from the manufacturer and the wh le he offers for sale at the lowed poflible rate and pofitively for cafh only kingfton july 9th 1819 28 n b country merchants who h2ve not made their purchafc would do well to call urea 11 du coramwairygeiie qcit te miirs 181 s forwardiv comn ission business tiik subseribr- betr leave to inform their friend- and the public that thry have formed n connection in busi ness the object of which ih the traus- portation of produce down the st jaw- rence and of merchandise of every de- berl prion fiom montreal to any part of upper canada and the united states ad jaccntto the lwkps ontario and erie the business will be conducted by w hufibetl at ogdcnsfrrrgh and under the firm of w l wmting co at pre5cott to prevent delay ail property desti nod for kingston or any part of the bay of qniule will be forwarded from pres- cott by the steam boat charlotte which leaves here twice every week the subscribers engage fo freight on as favourable terms as any who are en- gaged in the business and pledging their united exertions to give satisfaction will be grateful for every favor w l whiting w hubbell prescott 10 h mnj 19 2 j notice rtchkxte ppjrtcwefhifljolitjcr orrn- x ham 6 co having dissolved itself this day by the death of roderick mac- kay esq the bussiness in future will be carried on by the subscriber to whom all persons who re indebted to the above firm will please pay their accounts with out delay and those who may have claims against that concern nill please present them for adjustment 29 robert graham point frederick 2ist sept 1818 persons having books belonging to the kingston library are requeft- ed to fend them to the fubferiber at his houfe adjoining the town of kingfton and with as little delay as poffiblc john ferguson 2th april 1819 16 ft w i william budden i li- receive hy the earlicd fpring veftels and keep conltantly on hand at quebec an affortment of patent proved chain cables of all sizes anciious do well worthy the attention of thofc enga- j ged in the lake and river navigation i quebec id april 181q jf for sale a quantity of red cedar pickets wm 7 to 8 ieet in length apply to mr john dawson tailor wlfxlam yerex kingston july 17 1819 30 three farms for sale or if not fold to be rented far the en- fuing year viz one at the prtfque lie harbor one at waterioo and the picktt earn to called a contract alfo will be giv it for ciittii g tcoo cordfl of wood b whitney kii ton 6tb jmtg 119 zt dr z smally begs leave ref- peitfuby to inform the inhabitant- of kingfton and its vicinity that he has eftablihed himfelf as a pi j vsic1an sur g eon apothecary from his having received a regular me dical education and from his experience in the different branches of bis profeffion he is induced to believe that he will be able to do justice to all whofe misfortunes may render them under the neceflity of fo liating medical aid n b to any calls at the fign of the golden mortar oppofite the market the ft ricted attention will be paid where will be condantly kept on hand a choice and well chofen afibrtment of drugs and medicine paints of all hinds linfeed lamp and curriers oils dye woods and dye stuffs cotton yarn window glafe putty nails a new and elegant affortment of paper hangings ladies bonnets of fhe new est fashion garden seeds raised by the shakers books stationary c c c a 16 j ctf no 1 ice rphe board for militia pek sions will meet on the i aft monday in february and continue fo to do the fame day in each month until the bufmeft tf this diflria as regards the fame is finifird john frgu50n kwgjlon feb ft tkrms or rns kixgston chronicle twenty shillings per nniiuin if sent fy mail imensy four mulling subsdjpfions to tc paid in advance to the t of joly or ihe ut of janu ary price of adlertisements oa lines and under 2s gd first in- au scrtio2i cud 7d each subsequent insertion 10 tines nnd unaer 3s id first insertion and 0d each subsequent insertion above ten lines ail per tine for tiwftrst insertion and id per tine for every subsequent insertion advertisements xcihout written dirco lions are inserted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for dhcondixidn advertise meats to be in writing end delivered btj trsdnbudj v noon at the latest no advet uscments re- vrfa d after ten o clock on the dr of publication a0ent henry cowan fq quebec elwa silfe eq tkm rivers james willi aim ew mvnlrtal messrs j fc 1 dun lop fanvnsr paul giafonl vsq matilda alphetn jonv r preseon heery jones esq brockviile n b tomtnas isq perth ii whitmafsh fq richmond j k ilartwell js bastard v- webster esq gmnnoqno j ranlcen esq both allan mcphcrson esq napa an thomas parker esq btllvitte james g uethuoc esq hamilton william allan esq turk richard hntt eq dundas daoiel ross vutoria john crooks etq niagara t mccortnick esq qttetntitm john wilson eeq amherstburgh kingston u c fitlntsd for the fjiitors