Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), September 3, 1819, p. 1

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the -r- i iwv r xyjv lv v irw cle tfy kimsi7mm ttj vol i friday aftersooy september 8 1819 no 3g 5fs hank notice bank of upper can ada dirrctor for the week archibald richmond esquire daysof discount every wednes day notes offered for discount most be all handed to the cashier on the day pre- ceding the discount day s bartlet cashier drafts on quebec at short sight will be given for specie the last notice notice books of subscription for the notice to pe ssionmr8 government contract fresh beef ort themselves in future at the pcriodsttrartilibe required for the ufeof hivj live officers of thej 77 majestys troops c stationed all pensioners whoe residence is at m fjl or near the undermentioned stations wzm o mmtm t v a m by sj j grreport themselves in futi iwill be opened at the direaors room m to respe the bank of upper canada on the 24th 3 commissariat in order that the pioperjjgat kingston point henry and point fre- jauguft next and kept open each day from 3jf 0 documents relative to pensionspfderick for fix months commencing on the hour often till three oclock untiljf each jnc maybe forwarded the 25th september next and endint the further notice eingftod 27th july 18 19 3 fgjfor their use 2411 march following the quautity a 1mlevlurh fori george on or abotujbout lie tmittnd district agricultural so- isi 1000 lbs per do j m t r c yrj- 1 r ijott richmond may of nphe committee of tne mdand dis tf each year 1 tri all perfons indebted to the late firm sa- tria agricultural society announce n l rrnlenttcn are herebv tlle puwc then wfh to have a di 4 joan on or auoul lunts showat acophultown on loicly iflf 10ii scptetnhr1 mar of sin tto g 4 do iq s do a s do new goods lamb ft mdonell opposite the market king street t ost refpefully inform their friend and the public that they have julp received and offer for faie a well choien and genera aflbrtment of dry goods among which are the following at tides viz weft of england cloths and cafiimeresj ftair carpeting kiddrininller do jeansg fufiians bombazene uombazeens drab blue gray and yellow nankeen irifh in- ens linen fold and nladdapoliam fhtrungsg ftam loom fliinings kalian pores jvngl cloth- and eafcaes manchester gasj gow ftriped cottons turkey stripeschecks and ginghams dimity chintz and cali co furniture cambrics calicoes lenosg and muftins lutestring and sarlnet silkrti black florentine silk veils shawls scarfs 7 do best cow second diuo i bet kan second dito best ev second ditto bei yearling steer or ileidr bet hoar second dito hci brrcding sow best iifiivror thn eaearsii but fubjeft to incrafe or dimiiiilh sealed tenders will be received at this office until 12 oclock on friday the 10th september the price mut be inferted in word at length and ihe names of two sureties given for the due performance cfl giuch contra 9 as may be entered into ccmnvjfarlat office y iron zoth august 1819 34 giivenbiiefft uuidm- n surgeon dentist a storm holsl to be built offl a l operations perfonncd upon th ijr a hewn or cut stone in 1 1 is mojtftlyslf xjl teeth bv naval yard at kinglton u c- accordingg j r spooner 0 plaivs obftirving that tie roof is altered ft mrs patricks inn toa prrjehing rae vu may be letn aiij 2d 1819 32 it the office of the connauding egin u u ku- v 7i r21 subsenbei in addition to in cer at quebec pavii ioukccts j m jl aiitiait tick ol 7 di do 5 di 3 do 3 do 10 do jficeat montreal and at i cnrfinj jrs oiecc at thi pjace perioiv hi bplhm mrfonta a catrentciv or cfl huj voik or to wiic- iuitiv tc builji4 to rfa latter ofcfi on th th f llu oaa l a itl i i 1 1 reived per lair arrival bsotte rcud duio third ditto bc iinpltr ciriiticaic itljtl lii ofn wihol th euii of mtfo than live ares stwauik and three rivers stoves bar and cast bcr next natfing two lultscittit fecvtfttic fomsebm ih of marvy ditto p f the due pcif micf and proper cxe 1 jo tun kiujlibh liar iron bst sample r kiruvwhitr la vmkui of the works by th oih septem vizcs for i h he iiimuej i kvji buued gf 20 l s de flipiiclinivwfiipcoiirv l o other tendcis will alf be received fori 10 old sables russia weitifijf the buildn wea umd instead of 5 iieal german and r ft in wljor th as doxt shar slrrl s rd na the drawii hcthct the bui j carey tqbachowst and hairkerrh ctn rrane roritjnilftwioin y yf w jyjflj f 1 i ir crape drcftes aborted colors cotton shawllii he luc opened a sior in tcg o w r gone vvt allowed to arried on the ki gs ground and all bt 4 w 1 and handkerchiefs tilk couon and worssilrcet neatly oppufue the ho ufe uf mrsi qunrriei ted hofe silk kid and beaver g loves kdowling wliere he offers lor fae tn tmi ffiitlir timber thread silk and cotton laces ribbons jdcrate cero5 the uriderniciiioncd tapes bobbins countcrpahebmarfeillesm of a fupenur quality viz quilts silk and cotton shambruy lincn plug tobacco ivvcet fcented 6 and malcrtau ihed rrnn thi ai uccs bed ticks bleached sheetings h hums derrys brown liolland do c c c ffi jlso a few pairs stays kingston sd july 1819 27 jumfif hands to round wiafh lidic twitt edw v laws kil storekeeper naval yard kin all notice the sahycrihcf br 1are to snforr the public that ih- hare enterr iitto copartnership h1 at hey will jointly from th date htrrof carry cv business under te irn c lamb mcdonell- rappee scotch and mncaba snuff spanilh and american cigars chewing and smoking 1 obacco pound a half pourd papers with tli jal papers of a ief iize kingiton may 1s19 25dtwtf 23d aijruik iktr x li tendvn 5 y rcavvc t iurkicikjl trumced h i mutest in the cm rati i otuh rettles of all size ftnecaiiihlu tlruwn nail2 1 ryittjg pan r john 10rtiol s- maurice and three ritehs 1on vware houue jv 10 notre dame street opposite the custom uou i rtuau aoist 1819 fv ii oulfr for mill and other cast 7itftv f tile csf mfnl and supr firii r moikmrtttship to any in the counlrj feal hor- ii tire h removal lv pu upper canada eank noes takrn at 33 w 50 pounds i v ft arch mcdonell w kingston jmezd 1819 from walkers hotel me fubferibet- ut leave to inform the fanners the ftibfcribtr beca leave to hio friends aul the public rcnerally a r 1 tfu1j informed that th that he hid removal firm his lurmcr ttati j bnhr will rccqive all the uel cliiuird barlex they tiiink proper t a jmtlie la te ilone flore teiy occupied byx vv r iamfl ig t ii r i rwlfnvs u mrmitv c n tvw fnorldcltv before hieighins nmeat one jo i jji o fr i inclton on the melit 01 the 2 0hs cl s vjcwui ic k to vv for morning f the oth of j uhwiwrom tbchmft place ia kin street p- jmhl for cnm on deli very li soot of the trk ofthe shfcrhcr vdicliwhcre he has jft received a well to l9r two th c stxocs mid ciuircocd els of charcoal for which cash wilf bel iformation ilt ma tn ilc paid on desery at the kingilcn breuerv and nveton ofthe thieves dial b by the fubnher w iwwhi i ue thomas daitox pheof no fe to the holder as promp kfnqflon july 17 8ro vy 2 theil diicoubt at the bank where regulai valuable land for bulc in lite entriea of their numbers have as ufual it w i aickpfri matti any communication refpec tciocs old curcoaf k hrofceo onen a parcel dueled trhand exteotive aaortmeac ot ri ed few thnnd8 of amfs a ecoiitwawrfitjb cutlehym ks alfo a few hundred bush lf p h ufiai of feveral ton nf fe english and swedes iron steel nail window glass putty rainls oil smkes ud ur mom htiflfi of whi at tilo masdaltox kingston un r is is19 if to axemen i 5 will receive pro- statutes of upper canada rfffi c to repeal pari of and amend the laws now in force for laying out amending and keeping in repair the public highways and roads in this province paftf istll ju is19 whereas ft is expedient to amend the laws now in force for providing for the laying out amending and keeping in repair the public high ways and roads within this piovinc ec jit enacd by the kings molt excellent mjeily by and with the content of the 1 egiflative council and altembly of the province of upper canada cor lit u ted s affembled by virtue of and snder the an thorityof an ad paffed in the parliament of great britan entituitd u an aft tore- ptcal certain parts of an aft pa ted in the fourteenth year of his majeftys reign jentitulej l an aft for naking more ef fectual proviliiin for the government i f the province of quebec in north amer ica and to make further prcrvifion for the government ofthe faid province and bv the authority of the fame thfit from and after the firft monday in the month of march which will be in the year of oui lord one thoufaud eight hundred and jtwtnty the thirtieth claufe of an aft of the parlian ent of this province palted in tthe fiftieth year of his majeftys reign entitled an aft to provide for the laying out amending and keeping in cpait the public highways and roads in khia province and to repeal the laws now in force forthatpurpofes lo much of an aft ipafled in the filly fixth year of his ma- heiiys refgn entitled an a a to repeal nnd amend pait of an aft paffed in the j fiftieth year of hfs majeftys reign cittitied l an aft to provijc for tlir lay- ng out amending and keeping in repair he i ublic iiighways and roads within this province and 10 repeal the laws now in force n that puipofeasenafts u chat crfon liable to perform the duty tinmmtui tfaf tfcgrtsflwrfa rray cowprrund for fuch duty if he or fhe rmy jthiik fit by paying to the overkers tne ifum of ten hillings foi each cart wagon team and driver for each day and every iperfon liable to perform fuch labor may rorrpound for the fame if he or fhe hall think fir by paying to the overfeers the m of five fiiiilingp for and in lieu of liuch days duty or labor refpeftively at ere time and in the manner direfted by the jaforefaid aft hall be and the fame are hereby repealed ii and be it further enabed by the au thority aforefaid that rom and after the pud in it monday in march which will be sin the year of our lord one tknufand eight hundred and twenty every pcrfon included or iiferted in or upon the aflefs i stnent roll of any townfhip reputed iownfhip or place hall in propowioo to ithetflitate of his real and perfrnal pro perty ftated on the faid r oil be held liable to work on the highways and roads in each and every year as follows ihat is to lay if his property be not rated at more iriian twentyfive pounds then his propor tion of statute labor on the highways hall be two days j if at more than twenty five pounds and not more han fifty pounds three day if at more han fifty pounds and not more than kvevitvfiit 7 owns flip of hamiltcn tt ots no 6 and 12 in the 3d coajftjj hbeeri made tlie above may he addicssed el 6 till plate sheet iron tracefi posais from any person or person b d f 7 tnti i 0 fewilliito n to clear si- y acres olfip f da lf at more thdn untllm lflins j k leventyfivc pounds and not more rhan 5a hind on their premises amehak j i i ollou hare of lveiuc8cnpm biv q rcady f secd b e hundred pounds live days if at more than one hundred pounds and not more n tion jjlj cefli- stfhomas marklaud efq of kingiton or t c- a ceiion cfirmimnjr 400 acres off t uilto ditto 11 and r m the 4th con- icrbcr at ffioa jmftitfms 450 acres d t 1 ditto ditto 10 in the 6 comtme ngftnn juc 3th tbt 4- r1dout conraining 200 acres the above lands are au lyhijj o ths tcwnfinpof ifau dtltraft jf j and will be fold ori the inott liberal terms m nfrnck aflins meagflell mm iv i kg 3 ejf jfnttre tmriis to the p cple of l thefirt day ol august next the ash frjjmg pans j sptittes s0b2sq mid ted will be required o bt i rct jiui ra refill ly secured team r n 1 1 baud 1 rovisieus vsill bo furnished if re- mytcfs grmdsl07ies for particulars appiv to w- m owi5x mcdoulal fcvith a lareaftimtmeni of fhelf goods m kinion or fo oiuiihn oi moil riicl aiked fr it hi mcdolgal 6c u lkllan for further infoinaiion enquire of kliasw a fr wr- w jones efq hamilton or the hhkr ls cn in kiraflon m lf iic s trprmu line vii ia kingfton k fems friends and tfc pbc that he ham ich he will fell jov tor cahv ved credit j w atkins g kingfton vuguil r6i 1819 5jtf bellville produce or jhort appro tt o rrf 1 kjs irtruas ana nc pa c mat ic nam r ir removed to his rtw ffcttfi near we flur ngfloniay 83 1819 str j pw 9 y avw otw george scougal bai r i lcdc master smith in iheengim tin copper aad sficet ircm merbtparlmmt manufactorjr 1egs leave ti inform lj frieedft ads shoeing and black for sale imr zoo john dean as jull received and now offers fori alr ai the new stoie next doort mr a p forwards hotel in the vil lage of bath a general aitortment of dy gqodh occrics crockery uardwarej unusually loxs for c d acres torrrerly occupied by mos kinds f country 1 roduce in spencer and known by the namemf instances where mat elegant farm no s firftg il couceffion townlhip f fredcrick3 flr tango 2b miles trom kingiton contain- than one hundred and fifty pounds fix days if at more than one hundred and fifty pounds and not more than two bun dled pounds leven days if at more than two hundred pounds and not more than two bandied and fifty pounds eight diys ifal more than two hundred and fifty pounds and not more than three hundred pounds nine days if at more than three hundred pounds and not more than three hundred and fifty pounds ten days if at more than three hundred and fifty pounds and hot more than four hundred pounds eleven days if at more than four hundred pounds and not moie than five hundred pounds twelve days and for every hun dred pounds above tbefum of five hundred pounds till it amount to one thou fan d pounds one day and for every two hun- wo aski alt oter work in proponioo j i particularly veil nilmd fir a motfe oi rimptm mnl rjl i n t cv fvasc biterteiomni and the pnpruor to let i james meagher kin pen fefi 9 fredeuckfbimgh hept 8th i s is ipplyto kington branch of the morfiahoa very good su i jswith seven moms a kitchen and a cellai wilder the whole a good yard and stable j ilin near the house i fvd poffcffitm given the m ausrufi- aij qnl rtxt that hotse and store txt ft r tr p m stme srreet opposite the pot qfitei jj o j i ajll lately occupied by mr edward jones son vcry goo j treal bmk p farther particulars apply io 6 a ny furn required mnv be obtained at james rcc1ns ja the ofiicefor gotsd bilk on monf treal quebec bills ol exchange on lon f 4 don or for specie notes alio will be h ton alj o fvre i siy 23 a eam foimale ionc day provided always that every pnflcflvd of a wagon cart or team of horses oxen or bcafts of burthen or draft tf 1 o draw the fame frall be liable to woik on the highways i ot lefs than three days any thiru hereto contained to the contrary many wife notwirhftondiog ill and he it further enacted by the iu in the village of bath fcr tirms apply books the whole of which will be fold verytion on pain o being prcfecuted to to the sublcriber low for cadi and approved credit gsntmst extent of the lav bi james ranker m mcuonalu aykroyd m dak ius smith bath june 02 1819 t tf f dec 1 lls 27 2 ftin august 23 ltly 35v3 i blanks for the courts of request for sale at this office towi fhip reputed towmhip or place vwherein the fame is fuuatcd fiiall never- thclefs be uated and affcfted at one eighth of a penny per acre annually to- rgw mfcfc1mft a hhr rvvi t t s-

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