Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), September 10, 1819, p. 1

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7 v w wjw rf v tv cl the kingston chronicle i vol i friday afterkoov september 10 isi9 no 31 bank notice bank ok upper canada director fort lie week thomas s w hit alter esquire days of discount every w buses- day notes offrrrd for discount must be nil handed in the cashier on the day pre ceding the discount day s bartlkt cashier drafts on quebec at short sight will be given for specie the last notice all perfons indebted to the late firm of james ranken co are hereby notified that unlefs theii respective accounts and note are fettled by the fr ft dy of u- guft next they will indifcriminatciy he put into the hands of an attormy foi ollec tion james hankkx bath june 30 1819 27tf new goods lamb ft m don blu opposite the market king street a ost refpeftfuly inform their friends j j and the public that they hav juft leceivcd and offer for fale a well chofen and general aftortment vf dry goods among which are the following articles viz weft of england cloths and cnflimeres irair carpeting kidderminfter do jeans fuftians bombazeue- bomhazeens drab blue gray and yellow nankeens irifh lin ens linen fold and maddapollum fhirtins leam loom hirtings allampores lung lotu and baftaes manchefier glas gow ftriped cottonstutkev stripeschecks nd ginghams dimity chintz and cali co furniture cambrics calicoes lenos j rt- r 4 crt fetv mack florentine silk veils shawls carfs and handkerchiefs canton crape cinton rapr dreffes ftorted colors cotton shawls and handkerchief silk cvton and wors ted hofe silk kid and beaver gloves thread bilk and cotton i aces ribbons tapes bobbins counterpanes marfcilles quilts silk and cotton shambray linen j d ticks bleached sheetings hum- sums denys brown hollands dowlas c c c also a few pairs stays kingston 2d july 1819 27 notice the subscriber be irave to inform the public that they have entered ito copartnership and that thoy will imntly from th flat hereof carry on susines under tfee firm of lamb c mcdonell wm blamb arch mcdonell kingston jirie jtf 1 8 1 9 07 cult staves and charcoal wanted a few thonfandsof cull staves alfo a few hundred buth els of charcoal for which cash will be paid on delivery at the kingfton brewery by the fubferiber thomas daltox kingfton july 17 1819 3c valuable lands for hale in lite township of hamilton lots no 6 and 12 in the 3d con- ceffion containing 400 acres litto ditto 11 nnd 15 in the 4th con- ditto ditto 10 in the 6th conceffion containing 200 acre9- the above lands are all lying in the townfhipof hamilton newcaqlr uiflrift and will be fold on the mod liberal terms for further information enquire of llfae jones efq hamilton or the fubferiber in kingfton thomas s whitaker kingfto may 28 istg 22tf gbokge scougal laic master smith in the engi- neer department begs leave to inform hia friends and the public in general tha he has commenred bufinrfs next door below mr george douglafs9 store street where every article in his line may be had on the tnoft reafonable terms and on the fhoiteft notice the following rates of charges arc fubmitted hcrsts shoeing all round 63 removes 2f6 and ail other work in proportion kingston april ra 1 3 1 9 1 notice to pensioners all pensioners whose residence is at or near the undermentioned stations are required to appear or by writing to report themselves in future at the periods specified to the respective officers of the commissariat in order that the proper forms of documents relative to pensions for each individual may be forwarded for their use a mherstburg import george on or about ciippctca quccrston iie york l4tli august kingston 1 nov fib bnrkoiue hath richmond u may of gltnsatu i each 3 ear montreal chnmbfy st johns on or about 1 lufnmondtdluwiuiam henry tho three rivers 1 01i1 srpiemhr kjmouraxkaand on he fine of u hoc mar tmmvnicatioit to sewisnmt- j nice of wick and other places nearest oacii ar quebec j commissar genenhs ofiicr xchce aug 1 ii ll to let yifvd pofieffion given the 1st auuft ejl ntxt that house and store in store street opposite the post office lately occupied by mr edward jones for particulars apply to the sublet iber neil mcleod kingston icth july 1819 29 for sale a large commodious two ftory lone house with out houfes and garden situated on a half acre lot in the village of bath for terms apply to the subfcriber james ranken bath june 02 1819 27tf qi government estthdiite a stork house to be built of hewn or cut stone in lis mpjellys naval yard at kingfton u- c according to plans hferving that the roof is altered to a prrjefting eave which maybe leen at the office of the commanding engin eer at qnebtc naval storekeepers of- ficeat montreal and at the cnmmiflion- ers office at this place perfons dcijious of contratling leparately for the mafons by the toixe carpenters or cart iron work or to wholly finifh the building digging the foundation and covering the roof with tin will fend in fealed tenders to the latter office on the 1 tih of octo ber next naming two itifficient lecurities for the due perfoi mance and proper exe cution of the works by the 30th septem ber 1820 other tenders will alfo be received for ercfling the building with wood instead of 1 uti fiuh tvuftjvi tlc injide descri bed in the drawings whether the buil ding is put up with or withnut the caft iron wrk the stone wll be avowed to be quarried on the kings ground and all the timber materia furnifhed fnm this yard edward laws naval stoickeeper- naval yard kingfton 23d auguil 189 35 n 15 tenders will only be received from british subjixvis nor zcilt aijf foreigner be allowed to have an interest in the contract k l removal the fubferiber begs leave to inform hip friends ard the public generally that he hs removed from his former ftancj t the large ftone lore lately occupied by meftra w mccuniffe co a few doors from rhe market place in king strpe where he has juft received well felcfted and extenfive affnrtment of ii4riiva k v cutlery confiiling of fevtial tons nf english and hunps i hd nails window giis putty i aints hu spikes tin plate shea ivan truce and lnr chains houok ware oj every descrip tion frying pans spades d- rrfs anvils rices grindstones c sc with a large aftortment f fhelf gorrdq- confiding of moil articles aflud for in his line which he will fell low for caib produce or ftiuit approved credit j wateins kingfton auguil 1 6th 1819 3jif for sale that elegant farm no s firft conceffion townlhip f ficdencka burgh 28 miles fiom kingfton contain ing 200 acres formerly occupied by colonel spencer and known by fhe name of the manfion ilonfe it cntains about 50 acres of land under improvement an elegant frame honie 2 ftory high with 2 barns and oher buildings perlnns defiioua of pitrchafing may enquire of the subfcri ber on the premiites or to d ilagcrman efq at bath joseph bergeron frederzckfburgh sept 8th 1818 ij slluston branch of the mori- trcal bank a ny fum rtquired may be obtained at i the office for good bills n mon ti eal quebec bills of exchange on lon- don or for ispecie notes ao will be discounted at thirty fixty and ninety days thomas maukland agent kingfton 3d nov 18 18 23 ll perfons are hereby forbid ties- passing in any way whatever upon k number six in the fifth concession of the township of kingston western addi tion on pain of being profecuted to the utmost extent of the law darius smith a instqn august 1 i 8 1 9 53 a executive council office tork 2th august 1819 the order in council of the 18th instant respec ting location subject to settling duties being revised it is order ed by his excellency the lieu tenant governor in council that all locations of land subject to settlement duty made pricr to this date be rescinded and the land otherwise disposed of if certificate of the settlement du ty being performed be not lodg ed with the surveyor general within the time limited in the ticket of location and the pa tent sued tat within three months thereafter and thit all locations suject to settlement duty hereafter to be made will be rescinded ind the lind oth erwise disposed of if certificate of settlement duty being per formed be not lodged with the survevor genera within figh- teen months fthe due if the order for sik i location and the pa ent sued njit within three months there act john small c ec notice otick is hereby given to jg ail ttii persons who haw 01 iters for land and whoexpeef ed to procure locations in chin guacus y nv feoufhern ueil of ifmi township will be open lot settlement on the ninth o sep- fember consisting of 288 louof 100 acres each two of whieh it is believed are mill seats the mill s ais will be given hi addi tion to tne other luoacrcs to the first applicant wio gives security for erecting a saw mill immedi nteiv and a gfit il in etirltti en mouths the residue ot tlu township will be thrown open a soon as the survey shall be finisli- ed tlie surveys of albion caio- don and the north partot espie- sing are daily expected and will j bj thrown open for ail setilers chose who have jarsear tiiants m wch as otilers john small c e c ceuiive council office t ri 2 zth xfugust 1819 336 jut tfiivutiu omncrcial and ma ft pi 1 ilkal academy in an upper rpacibtta and elegant room of mr haffel covs unin hotel mr wiilhun begs leave loan nounceto the public that on mon- dy 6th september 189 hs lcajcnij will be open anij tlie flowing branches taught iz reading writing arithme tic eiigtil granuar elocution prac tical oviuk veiunl geometry tugo- nometry cnltiraiipn of superfiles land surveying in all its branches navigation geraphic an 1 andicape drawing term- and entrance per quarter f and iq5 entrance added to the highlit bran ches 25i mr willuir particulrly folicits the patronage r thole who wih to have the principles of a polite and refined kduca- lion as well as a commercial and mathe matical ore inculcated in the minds of their children in order to lay the founda tion for manhood and by a due afliduity he hopes to give general fattifadion ha ving had no fmall opportunity of acquir ing the fyltems of the principal acade mies in england and america and tipht years in the interim for the prafiical part in dlffeient countries n b the rules and regulations of this academy will be printed and each pupil will have one as his guide and moni tor kingfton sept 3 336 notice 1 hereby given that i william tay lor as heir at law and administrator to te estate if the late mian taylor de- ceafed hve thi day afiined all th real and perfonal estate of the late allan tay lor and all the interest in the concern of taylor rv parker and thomas parker unto john kirby alexander oliphant pe- tric and th jnias parker as trustees for the benefit of the creditors william taylor administrator of the estate of the late allan taylor kings toa august 28 1819 36tf 8laxk deeds and memorials for sale at this office 1 lucr4t1ve concern tilo be fold on the nvft liberal terms jl and immediate pofllffion given with a credit of 4 or years if it fired for the gieater patt of the purchafe money an old eltablifhed distillery with all the neceflary apparatus for carry i g on an exienfive bnfinef- together with a new brewery and malt kiln complete dwelling- house stores c c and up wards of 2 acres of land in town plots well watered rnd it- oft advantageoufly fit- uated in the flouriqung liitle town of port fiope for further particulars apply to the printer or to charles foihlrgill enq 36 port hope bank notice f jhe stockholders of the batofup- jl per canada are hereby n quired to pay into the bank in specie or bills of the montreal bank an instalment of six per cent or six dollars on each share on or befoie the 4th day of oft next s bartlit cashier kingston t sept i 1819 36 a n nsitrnment having been made to x the subscriber of all the land- goods nd eehts belorging to the latt firm of james ranken i co of erntt town merchants as well a- those belong ing to jaires ranken individually for he b nefit if crtdion kotice is hereby given ro all person having claims against the said firm or a ainst the paid jamc ranken to present rhtm forthwith ciuly authenticated and such asstnnd indebted nrc rfasired to nay their reijeivr accuitk ti chr a hagkrman eq of kings ton on or before the firt day tf decem ber iext john kirby kingston lit september 1819 3c no lice 1 hereby given that william taylor hrir at law and admininamr f ih aie alia taylor bath afllgned all tlu real and pefia eate of ihe late auan taylor deceafetf qui john kirby alex andei o rtrie and j hi mas parker ii tntsl for the benefit of creditors ai person- having any ejaimfi agamt the late allan taylor taytor pa keuor yhom a- parker re uquefed to ptgt the lame for ai jnmet t nd ayn ent t thrfc ei iita ind bitd to eihe the late alia iy or tnylor and parker or homa- orkcr arc rt quested to nke immediate payment to the above trustees who ac fuy authonled tc give difcharges tor the lame john kirby a o re rie thomas parker kingston august 28 1819 fitf geo tluchmqsl it ate surgeon of the 5th regiment 11 j will prahce the various branches of his jr- feffi n in kingston 30 h ugust 1819 36w4 notice all perfons are cautioned againft pur- chafing lot no it in the 7th o n- ceffion of frederickfburghor lot no- 27 in the ist conccflin if richmond from the hvn ii vffiriees of im hef a the subfcriber holds an indifputsble title to the fame gilbert hak1s sidney 41b dec 1818 3 jv q ticw phe nbfcfcriberrelpeafully inform a their friends and the public that they have now received aid juft opened in mar- ket street juft below airs patricks inn a ve extenfive aubrtment of dry goods groceries and stationary likevvlfr a great quantity of claltical bocks the whole of which will he fold very low for afh and approved credit mcdonald aykroyd dec i isifl zi bank of the ublcriber being appointed agent for the iank of anada he will e- otiate bank notes for bills on montreal quebec or for specie wm mitchell kingfton oct 13th 188 20 no itce the board for militia pen sions tvill meet on the iafl monday in february an j continue fj to do the fame day in each month until the hufmefs ef this diflria as regards the fame is fmfhed john fkrguton kindlon feb 1819 6 bargain for sale the houfeand premifes in the town of kingfton at prefent oc cupied by the fubferiber for particulars apply to samuel ansleyjun kingston may 5th 1819- 19 a ffood c statutes of upper canada an act to repeal part of and to amend the laws notv in force for establishing pub lie schooh in the several disfricsj of this province and to extend the provisions of the same pawd 10th july 1819 mot ra s0vefirv wderkas it hath been fund cj pedient to repeal part of aid fi amend nn act pafterl in the fiftjtcvtnth year of his majefty reipc crtilrd 4 n as to ellab public school in each and every uiilnci of thir i ruvince and to extend t he nr vifioflfth fan lc it enacted by the kingvrntfl exec ltw mt jelly by and with the avi t and c0 rent of the leiflntivecounci and aft kj fwc province of upper can c llitnttd afiembled by virtne nt ati 1 nle the o thrity f an act phterl r tht parllttinfflt of grwt liritan ertitiled u n fttlrt peal certain parts of nn aft iftd in th fi urtfenth ytar nf his v j liys reiy fntiinlej z n at fi making more ef- 1 1 dual provifi n f i tht govtr- neni of 1 ie provide of quebec in north vner tea and to mtke further provifionfor tb- govcrnment of the faid provitee b the aothrity of the fame thai provflion be made ly law for he eftahlifliiiig a public school in the diftrift of gre h and fa it fun her encsed by the au thority nforejlid that r and out f the nates crd duties raifed levied and eo u6tc1 or hereafter t be raffed lrviei aod collected to ai d f r the public ule f this pi o vl nee ard unappropriated thert bt granted anta t hi ijrily 1 i heir and succeft 18 the fum of one hundie- p-tind- which f m f one hundred iound hail be appropriated and api icd ant 3a ofed of in paving thf faiary of the readier of the faid school which laid fum of one huu red pounds fhab be p ic tv the rrrcivir general i ihi- p o in d 1 change rf luth warrant or warats a ftl to- that purpof be iffued by the governor lieutenant govemnor or pei- fon 3flininifte the government f this pro vfp re and hall be accounted f r to hn mjjely hi jieiand succeflbrg thruh f be lords i ommifiiontrft of hi- mjettys j i re fury r the time being w fich man nerandfotm ml rhajelry hu heirs and sticc flr hall be pfrafed to ditedt iii and be it further enaffed by the au thority afocfud i hat it hall and may be idwfh 1 md tor tht governor i ieuten- anl governor or prribn adminif ering the goverrlmcnt of thfa province lo appoint truftee and a tcachit m the faid diftrift of gore oi der the like provifions ae arc contained in the faid ft of the forty-fe- venth vrar f hif ajefty reign enti tled an aft to eflnbliih public schools in each and every diftrift of this pro vince iv hd be it further enabled by the au thority aforefaid that the trull ee of each and every dili rift school within this pro vince hall direft a public examinuion of their refptftive schools to be held previ ous to the ufual annual vacaton at which thty or a majority of them jhal jfill aud ft b hereby required tliat fo l pul lie examination hall be holden every year at the time afoefaid v and be it further tnaded by the authority j aforesaid hdt the trultees of the re- iptftive diftrift schools as aforefaid in each and every diftrift in tkix province hall and they are hereby required once in every year aftr the public examination a aforefaid to report to the gcvcrnor lieu tenant governor or perfon adminiltcrfnu the government of this province the late ofthefaid schools the number of scholars the flare of education with the different m branches taught in the cod schools the jjj number of scholars who have completed their education together with all oher matters and things that may tend to che- rifh the profperity of the faid schools or that may in any wie benefit the fame that the faid repoit may be laid before the lcgiflature at its firft meeting fr their in fpeftion vl and be it further enaded ly the au thority aforefaid that in order to extend the benefit of a liberal education to pro miling children of the pooer inhabitants the truftees of each and every school havtr the power of fending scholars dot exceed ing ten in number to be taught gratis at the refpeftive diftrift schools vii provided always and be it fur ther enacted by the authority aforefaid that the faid ichoars fo to be taught as afore faid hall once in every four years be drawn by lot in manner following viz the truftees for the common schools now or hereafter to be eftablifhed by virtue of any aft of the parliament of this pro vince hall and they are hereby authorised to return the name or names of one or more not exceeding four from each com mon school of the moft promiiing fcholara as aforefaid of their refpeftive schools to the truftees of the diftrift school for the diftrift in which they hall refpeftive- ly refide which truftees hall and they are hereby required at a fpecial meeting to be openly held for that purpofe inferibe each and every name fo returned to them on a fcpaiate diftinft flip of paper being all a nearly as poffible of the fame fie which flip of paper hall be put into a box orglalsto be provided for that purpof and at fuch meeting 35 aforefaid the lame lv zk rfyfv vp rv w mt ib-

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