Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), October 1, 1819, p. 1

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the kingston chronicle zjsm- xwzr vol i friday afternoon october 1 is 1 9 no 40 tft bmssipbufkgf notice montreal fire insurance companys office gftth julv isoo the company having extended it9 bufinefsand protection againft loflea or damages by fire to upper canada now inform the public that the following perfons are authorized agents of the com pany in that province at hwgsori jvur mi rrn t esq york ww alla kav queenston mesa gn y r kljitiv amhvntlurgh ff- durresq the directors of this infant in dilution flatter thcmfelves from the reductions late ly made on their tariff that their rates of premiums will be found as reafonable as at any other office and they refpeftfuily fo- licit the patronage of all who wifh well to local kflablifhments iy order of the board 37013 j bleakley secv eeioval the sublcriber refptftfully informs the public that he has removed to the btsch store in store street within a few doors of henry cafladys where he in tends fouowingthe ta1lokjng business in all its various branches any perfons pleafed to favor him wiih their cutlnm may rely on having their work done in the seated manner and on moderate terms oliver w stevens kingfton september 7th 189 38 alexander ashek merchant tailor has received from montreal a mod choice and excellent aftbrtmcut of the bell weft of england fuperfine cloths and cassimeres with trimmings and every thing com plete a asher informs ois nretuis ana im pnbuc that he is now working up thefe cloths c at his old land where orders will be thankfully received and executed on the fhorteft notice and on the lowed terms fb cafh or fhort approved credit kingfton sept 10 1819 37tf government building executive council office tori zth august 1 8 rg he order in council of the isth instant respco ting locations subject to settling duties being revised it is order ed by his excellency the lieu tenant governor in council that all locations of land subject to setclement duty made prior to this date be rescinded and the land otherwise disposed of it certificate of the settlement du ty being performed be not lodg ed with the surveyor general a a store house to be built of hewn or ent stone in his majeftys naval yard at kinsrfton u c according topan9 nbferving that the roof is altered to a projefting eave which may be fern at the office of the commanding engin eer at quebec naval storekeeper of fictat montreal and at the commiflion- ers office at this place perfons defnous of contrafting feparately for the mafons by the toie carpenters or caft iron trorkt or to wholly finffh the building digging the foundation and covering the toof with tin will fend in fealed tenders to the latter office on the 1 ith of ofto ber next naming two fufficimt fecurities for the due performance and proper exe cution of the works by the 30th septem ber 1820 other tenders will alfo be received for creeling the building with wood instead of the cast trcn work for the infidc- as descri bed in the drawing whether the bail- dio is put up with or without the cafl iron work the stone will be allowed to be quarried en the kings ground and all the timber materia furnifhed from this yard edward laws naval yard kingfton 23d atfguft 1819 35 n- 8 tenders xcill wfyf be receive f i from british subjects wr mil any foreigner fi athiced to have an interest in the contract e l whereas johnciahamanlrifh emigrant ent hu wife forward to kingfton from la chine on thnrfday the 26th of aiigufl intending himfelf to follow by water thf8 is to rcqueft any perfon who may b acquainted with the circumftanccs to inform his diseonfolate wife by utter directed to the poll office who has been long anxloully looking for her husband at kingfton whether he is ftiil hvmg and where he is to be found king iron sept 22 1s19 canion a ll perfons are hereby forbid pur- afing from any perfon but herfelf the call half of lots number two in the firfl and fecond conoeffions f the townfbip within the time limited in the i oflcedv in the diftrfft of johnftnwn as ticket of location and the pa tent sued out within three months thereafter and that all locations subject to settlement duty hereafter to he made will be rescinded and the land oth erwise disposed of if certificate of settlement duty being per formed be not lodged with the surveyor general within eigfi- teen months of the date off he order for such location and t he parent sued out within three months thereafter john small c e c 6m6 lucrative concern fjno be fold on the nvft liberal terms i and immediate poflcfiion given with a ciedit of 4 or 5 years if de fired for the greater pait of the purchafe money an old eftablifhed m fit ill cry with all the neceflary apparatus for carry ing on an extenfive bufintts together with a new brewery and malt kiln complete dwelling- house stores 8rc sec and up wards of 2 acred of land in townplots well watered and mofl advantageoufly lit- uated in the flourishing little town of port hope for further particulars apply to the printer or to charles fothergill esq 36 port hope notice is hereby given that william taylor heir at law and administrator of the ate allan taylor hath affigned all the real and pcfonal estate of the late allan taylot deceafed unto john kirhy alex- aider o letrie and thomas parker in trust for the benefit of creditors all perfom having any claims against the late llan taylor taylor parker or thm as parker are requested to prefem the fame for adjustment and payment and ihufe perfons indebted to either tlu 1 ite allan pay lor taylor and parker or thorns i arker are requested to roae immediate payment to the above trustees who aie fully authonfed to give difcharges for the fame john kirby a o pes ric thomas parker kingston august 28 1819 361 f fhe is the iolc proprietor of laid land mary fornyea kingfton sept 2 2d 1819 39 5- notice all perfons are hereby caatxaned agaiut purchafinc a sots given bank no lice the stockholders of the bank of up per canada are hereby required to pay into the bank in specie or bills of the montreal bank an instalment of ix per cent or six dollars on each share on or before the 4th day of oct next s bartlkt cashier kingston stpt 11819 6 noncu books of subscription for he cmd of ltttm will be opened at the directors room m the bank of upper canada on the 24th aufjuft next and kept open each day from the hour often till three oclock until further notice kinglton 27th july 1819 51 kingston branch of the mon treal n ank notice an assignment having been made to the subscriber of all the lands removal the fubfenber begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that he has removed from his former land to the large ftone lore lately occupied by meffrs w mccunitle co a few doors from the market place in king street where he has juft received a well felefted and extenfive aitortient of hardware cutlery confining of feveral tons of english and swdes iron steel nails window glass putli paints 0u hlkn tin plate sheet iron trace and log chains hollow ware of every descrip tion frying pans spades sho vels anvils vices grindstones with a larpe afibrtmentof belfgood9 confifting of mod articles aflced for in his line which he will fell low for cafh produce or ftiort approved credit j watkins kingfton augutl 161i1 1819 35tf blank deeds and memorials for sale at this oillee goods and debt belonging to firm of james ran hen if co of ernest town merchants as well as those belong to james ranken individually for the benefit of creditors notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against 1 he said firm or against the said james ranken to present thtm forthwith duly authenticated and such as stand indebted are desired to pay their tespeclive accounts to chr a hagerman esq of kings ton on or before the first day of decem ber next john k1rby kingston 1 st september 1819 36 wanted a man and woman servant who underftand all kinds of housework none will pleafe apply who do not bring with them molt unques tionable characters enquire of the printer 16th ept 1 3l q 38 notice is hereby given that any perfons who fhall be found trefpafiing on green point townflup of sophiasburgh will be immediately profecuted with them mod ngor a perfon has been appointed to give information of any depredations that may hereafter be committed thereon chr a hagerman 386 agent for the proprietor edward dunn opi ositk the market place keeps a houfe of call for servants where any family in town can be provided with one at the fhorteft notice either male or female and fervants applying as above can obtain places thole who apply mull leave their names in wtiting kingfton 14th sept 1819 5sw3 by the subieriber to daniel picket for 47 dated the irh of january 1815 aid wjtnefled by david spooner said note having been fraudulently obtained b the faid daniel pick- t andrkw mcdonnell king in sept 24th 1s19 39 new goods lamb 4 mdonelu opposite the mard king street vka orft refpeafuiuy inform their friends ltji and the public that they hme jul received and offer fsr fale a well cliofcn and general aifortment of j dry goods among which are tt following articles 17 vtft of england cloths and alhmercs rtair carpctin k idermipfter do jean fullians bombftze e bombareens drab blue yray and vellcv nankeen liilh i in- ens linen foldand maddapollum fhirtinys itvam loom fliinius allampores long clotfafl and biiftdcn maneheller glas gow iriped cottontuikev tritcschecks and giiighams dity chintz and cali co furniture cammed cajicoes lenos and muflln rutesring and sarfnet silk black florentine sik veils shawls scarfs and handkerchiefs canton crape canton crape drefles affutj colors cotton shawls ruid handkerchiefs ilk chign and wors red hofe silk ki- anil beaver gloves thread silk and citon laces ribbons paptss bobbin cunterpahemarieilles quilt 3 ik and cotton shambray 1 incn bed ticks bleachd sheetings hum- hams dcrys brovn liollandb dowlas sec c c a few pai stays kingston 2d july 1819 27 no n c e i hereby jrivei that i wilwnm tay lor a heit ar law and administrator to the estate of the ijte lian taylor de- ecafed have this dai affined nil the real and peifonal estate rthe late allan tay lor and all the iute est in the concern of ttylor parker nd thomas packer unto john kirby a exander oliphanc pe trie and thomas piker as trustees for the benefit of the creditors wiltiud taylor tauuituu aiur uj 9 m of tbe ait allan taylor kingston august 2s i 8 i 9 36tf valuable land for sale in the township of hamilton tt qts no 6 and 12 in the 3d con- 11 a ceftion containing 400 acres ditto ditto 1 1 and 15 in the 4th con- ctfiion corttnirng 450 acres ditto ditto 10 in the 6th conceflien containing 200 acres the above lauds are all lying in the townfhip of hamilton newcalllc dillricl and will be fold on the mod liberal terms for further infoimation enquire of elias jones efq- hamilton or the fubferiber in kingften thomas s- whitaker kingfton may 28 18 j 9 22tf bank of the nublcriber being appointed agent for the hank of canada he will ne gotiate bank notes for bills on montreal quebec or for specie wm mitchell any fum required may be obtained at the ofliie for food bill on mon- treul quebec bids ol exchange un lon- dii or for specie notes alfo will be discounted at thirty cxty and ninety days thomas malikland agent kingfton 3d nov 1818 23 j garby tqbavvomst egs leave to inform the public that jj he has opened a si ore in store ftrcet nearly oppolite the houfe of mr dowling where he cifttrs or ale on mo derate terms the undermentioned articles of a luperior quality viz plug tobacco fwcet fecnied 6 and 8 hands to pound ladies twill rappee scotch and macaba snuff spanifh and american v igar ftwtvtt j lmiivk ink vutaco pound and half poud papers with the ulud papers of a icp lize kingfton may 1819 23eowtf kingfton oct 13th 188 20 no i ice the board for militia pen sions will meet on the lajl monday in february 1 and ecntmve fo to do the fame jay in each month s until the lufinefs of this diftrisi as regarj the fame is jinyhed john flirguson kingfton feb fi 1819 6 a arood barsin for sale the h and premifes in the town of kigft at prcfent oc cupied by the fubferiber for particulars apply to samuei ansley jon kingston may 5 t x notice hiie suhcrilers bei lenve to inform i the pullic that tliey have enter d in copartnership and hat they will jointly from tin date hereof carry on business under the firm of lamb sf mc do sell wm p lamb argil mcdonell- kinguon jrnia id 1 s 1 2 gliokgk scougau hate mauler smith in the ensd- new u parlment begs leave to inform his friends and 1 the public in general that he has conrmnced bufriefs next door below mr gf orge duglalss store street where every article in his hue may be had on the moll rcafonablc terms and on the hotted notice the following rates of charges aie lnbmitted horse shoeing all round 6fs re moves t 2f6 and dl other woik 111 pioportion kingston april th 1819 15 to le1 ft vi poffcltion iven the 1st aujf ifl aril next that house and store in store street opposite rhe post ofee lately occupied by mr edward jones for particulars apply to the subscriber neil mcleod kingston 15th july 1819 29 notice a ll perfons are cautioned againft pur- j chafing lot no 22 in the 7th con- ceffion of frederickfburgh or lot no 27 in the ist conceffion of richmond fiom the heirs or afiignees of davis hefs as the subfcriber holds an indifptitable title to the fame gillert haris sidney 4th dec 18 18 3 jvo 1 ice ftlhe subfcfcriberr refpefully inform s their friends and the public that they have now received and jult opened in mar ket street juft below mrs patricks inn a very extenfive affortment of dry goods groceries and stationary likewife a great qnantity of claffical books the whole of which will he fold very low ior l alh and approved credit mcdonald aykroyd dec i 1s18 27 to axemen the subscribers will receive pro posals from any persou or persons willing to engage to clear sixty acres of now land on their premises in ainelias- inirgh buy of quinle ready for seed by the first day of august next the ash es on said land will be required to be collected and carefully secured teams and provisions will be furnished if re quired for particulars apply to owen medougal kingston or to medougal mclellan g bellville blanks for the courts of request for sak at this ojfict statutes of upper canada an ad to give efflb and validity to deeds executed bv married women in the united kingdom of great britain and ireland or in any of his hlajeflys colonies and to repeal part of and amend an ad pnffed in the fortv third year of his mjejlys reign entitled tl an a cl to enable married women having real ejlate to alien and convey the fame pd 12iii j- l fphfc whereas tficreta by law no frovifion enabling arried women refident ahr ad and ow g real cftate in this province to ai the fame be it enafted by the king mod excellent majefty by and witji the 1 i ice and confent of the legiflauvecooncii z id afemblyofthe province of upper ca nada conllituted andaflembled by viitue of and under the authoiiy of an ft pafted in ihe parliament of great biituin entitled an aft to repeal certai parts of smi ad pafted in the fourteenth year of hi m jellys reign entitled iu aft tor making more clfeftuul provision ror the government of the province of que bec in north america and to rrekc fur ther provision for the gbvemineot k he faid province and by the authority 01 the fame that fiom and after the pflir of his aft it fhall and may be lawful to jnd for any married women having rcil es tate in this province and being above e ape of twenty one years with the ki w- ledge and confent of and by any deed or deeds jointly with her huibmd tn aiien depart with and convey any teal tlbe whereof he may be frized within this province to filch ufe or ufesat to hci and her laid hufbonl lhall teem meet whicli conveyance fhall he as valid and cfffual in law to all intentv andpurpois as fhe were fole any law or ulage to the con trnry 11 twithftandinjf prtwjej tirvrrtjeffji d i i hereof declared that 00 thing in inch dh con tained fhah have any forcr or 1 ff a to bar ftich mairied woman or her faid hufliand or her hcira during the roortfio- nnce of hr coverture or after the did fohtion there f or fhall be held r have any f rce or effect whatfocver nnicfi fo married womn if refident in uppe canada fhall aopri- before ny jude or other perfn men ned and lieiciihtd in a certain aft pad in the piriiament of this provi ce in thfe forty third yar of wis m ajcfty8 reign entitled 4 an ft to enable mai red women having real eflate more cohveniently to altfn and convey the feme or uniefs ftich married woman being refident in grta- britai ox ireland or any colony belonjtin to the crown of great britain ham appear before the mayor or chief nagiftrae of any city borough or town corporate in great britain or ireland or the chief j aft ice or any one of the judges of the supreme court of any clony henging to the crown of great britain and be examined by fuch mayor or chief mgfs- trate or chief juihce or judge touch ing her confent to alien and depart wth fuch real ellate and fhall freey and volun tarily and without coercion give her con fent before fuch mayor ot chief magig trate or chief juftice or judge a afore- faid to alien and depart with fuch real es tate and he it urther enafted bv the auth irity aforefaid that in cafe it fhal appear to fuch iayor or chief magiilrate chief juftce or jtulg rkat wli nfinvj wo man doth freely and voluntarily content to depart with alien and convey her faid ral eftate without coercion on the pan of hr hufcand or any other perfon it fhall and may be lawful for iuch mayor or chief magiftrate chief juftice or judge to caufe a certificate thereof to be endorfed on the deed 9 executed by her and her faid huiband as aforefaid which certificate fhall late the day on which fuch examina tion is taken and fhall be finned by the mayor or chief magistrate chief tuflice or judgcbefoie whom the fame fhall be taken and for as much aft by the fecond seftion of the faid recited aft of the forty third year of the reigfl of his majeffy the examination of any manied woman touching her confent te alien depart with and convey any real eftate in ihuj province fh ill take place within fix months from the time of the execution of any deed or conveyance the fame being tound inconvenient and imprafticable in many cafes it is hereby enafted that fo much of the laid fecond seftion of the faid aft as enafts that fuch examination fhall take place within fix months from the time of the execution of any ueed or convtyanceas therein ftated fhall be and the fame is hereby repealed and be it further enaded by the authority aforefaid that all examinations of fuch married women and certificates of fuch deeds a9 before mentioned which may he taken and made as by the faid icvc recited afts are mentioned fhall be vdlid in law if the faid examination and crrti ficate hail be taken and made within twelve months from the date of the ex ecution of any fuch seed or conveyance and hi it further enased by the authority aforefaid that no certificate to bega ted as aforefaid by any fuch mayor or chief magiilrate of any borough or town corporate in great britain or ireand or of any colony belonging to the crown of

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