Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), October 1, 1819, p. 4

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from the farmers magazine on the diseases of turkies they were by degrees put upon their jsual diet i need not add that clear water was given them instead of that of the standing pools ten of these animals had died before my arrival two perish ed during the treatment and the rest of the flock which might be about forty either escaped the disease or were cured mr editor i do not think you have been very at tentive to the feminine department of the economy of a farm ttor very kind to far mers wives you have been most in dustrious in pouring instruction of every kind upon the husband and surely all gratitude is due but why neglect his better half the farmers wife has many evils to combat much perplexity to en counter perhaps too not a little to earn but she is almost left to her na tive ignorance for all that you seem to care this is not right and can be re- nofe the poultryyard is a most proper department for a female writer on husbandry and it is but too true that like the farmers garden it is too often neglected this paper was therefore ve ry gratefully received and is inserted with pleasure it shall not be our fault for the future if instruction is withheld from this lady who has censured us with so much good nature or from others in similar situations but that this may be in our power we must request to be fa voured with such communications as the present and particularly with the re- sultof the intended experiment it would be inexcusable not to add that the young lady displays in her translation from midland district agricultural so ciety the committee of the midland dis trict agricultural society announce to the public their wifh to have a dtfr tri show at adolphuftown on monday the i8lh october and offer the following premiums to farmers 20 dollars for the first best bull raised in the pro vince and owned in the district wish her a numerous and healthy hock of turkies in the ensuing season con rrcy a medied we have a call upon you and the french author much more than a you should consider our little wants and smattering of learning we cordially numerous difficulties as 1 lind has been done elsewhere you know very well that the farmers trives now think of a little smattering of french and music and other hue things for our girls such fine things as would have confounded the gudewife of last century tother day my daughter was reading a french periodical paper and the called out to me with much joy that she had now found a cure for the trouble that had destroyed my turkies the ivhole flock being gone no experiment could be made of its success but as i have often suffered the same vexatious loss i am determined to try it another season my daughter has made a trans lation and if you think it of use it may be inserted for the benefit of your female friends z september 1812 c description of a kind of dropsy in the neau among the different kinds of domestic animals there is one to the diseases of which little attention is gion and yet it is one of the greatest delicacies of our tables i mean the birds of our poultry- rd few authors even to this day ave employed themselves in writing of their diseases they are however sub ject to the most cruel of them which de stroy in a short time the most healthy we have seen an example of this in a kind of dropsy of the crop which has at tacked the young turkies of picardy symptoms this kind of dropsy is announced by a dull look paleness of the had loss of appetite and aversion to food the birds allow themselves to fce approached and seized with facility and they are without strength very soon a slight swelling of the crop is add- ed to these symptoms which in ten days becomes very considerable i have ta ken nearly a pint of water from one by pressing upon the crops of some of them a certain quantity of matter is discharged by the bill but never enough entirely to ease the crop all these symptoms in crease and the bird dies at the end of fifteen or eighteen days illness these slight symptoms must have announced thedisease but fh- little attention paid to them by those vho are in the habit of taking care nf these animals renders it dot so easy to observe it appearances on dissection the in side of the crop contained a quantity of black liquid of a strong smell mixed with gravel the membrane viscous and having a tendency to gangrene the gizzard did not contain any thing but the small stones necessary to digest the food hut the intestines were intiamed and on them were to be seen the same spots as on the crop all the animals who were attacked were extremely lean causes i then soeht after the cause of this disorder and it was easy to find that it was occriined by the stagnant water of which tnese animals had drunk in the course of the year the heat had been great and there was little rain the heat had hatched a vast swarm of small red worms resembling ascarides it is quite certnin that these insects must have been sw allowed by the turkies and from this cause and the bad quality of the water which they had drunk a great de gree of inflammation in the crop would ensue with a stoppage of the passage which conducts to thegizzard the wa ter would thus be detained and decom posed in the first vacancies and would produce the consequences which we have just been examining the effect as might be expected would be gradual and imperceptible at first it is only by the frequent use of the water that they be come in a hifth degree painful treatment i divided the turkies in- to two classes foi those who were still sound i ordered grain and good water with all that were diseased i practised the operation of tapping with a lancet in the lower part of the crop i injected at the opening by means of a small syr inge a slight decoction oi quinquina je- 8uit bark mixed with a little biandy which was repeated twice in the course of the day next day the wound was better marked i made again the same injection and two hours after 1 forced them to eat a little of the y oik of an egs mixed with some crumbs of bread at the end of three days the wound in the crop was closed which 1 might have prevented but finding a natural open ing in the kill j made ihem take during eight days in tbeir drink the same sub stances which bad becu injected aud notice to pensioners ll pensioners whose residence is at or near the undermentioned stations are required to appear or by writing to report themselves in future at the periods specified to the respective officers of the commissariat in order that the proper forms of documents relative to pensions for each individual may be forwarded for their use amkersihurglu fort george on or about chippewa queenslon tbe forfe f 2 4th august kingston tfc nov feb firockvuteibath richmond tk may of glengaru j each year montr cal chanibli st jtofms on or about orunxmontlinlhlviuiam henry the tlirtf rivers 10ih scpiombr kavwuraska onrl on the line of u dtc mar communication to nem brims i june of quebec j commissary generals ofsce quebec aug 18 18i sbms the steamboat t n a james mackenzie master will in future leave tbe different ports on the following days- viz kingston for york on the 1st 1 lh and 2st days of each month yovkyfot qucenstonm 3tiiandh3d days pf each month niagara for kingston bih ibth and 5th days of each month rates of passages from kingston to york and niagara 300 from yor i to niagara 100 children under three years of age half price above three and under ten two thirds a book will be kept for entering the names of passengers and the births which- they may choose at which time the passage money must be paid 10 do 10 do 5 do 8 do 4 do 6 do 3 do 6 do 5 do 4 do 8 do 8 do 10 do 7 do 5 do 5 do 3 do 3 do 10 do second ditto best cow second ditto best ram second ditto best ewe second ditto bel yearling steer or heifer best boar second ditto- best breeding sow best ileilvrof three yrpnold best ploughing of one quarter of an acre with oxen or horses second ditto third ditto best sample of wheal accompanied bj certificates that the same is a specimen of a whole field consisting of notle than the acres for the best sample of barley ditto best sample of prime white peas fur the best improved plough suited t 31 v passengers are allowed 60 lbs weight of baggage surplus gage to be paid lor at the usual rate gentlemens servants a bag- cannot surgeon dentist s all operations performed upon the teeth by j r spooner at mrs patricks inn aug 2d 1819 sleep or eat in the cabin deck pasetigejfs will pay 1 5s and may either brin provisions orb furnished by the steward for each ctfg brought on board 5s avi applications for passages to be made to l board a o their own the acriruilure of the country- 50 pounds re ward tolek from walkers hotel is kingfton on the night of the 29th or morning of the 30th of june inftant out of the trunk of the subfcriber which was broken open a pacel directed to william allan efq containing f iccoib montreal bank bills whofoevcr will give information that may lead to the de tection and conviction of the thieves fhall receivethe above reward the bills can be of no ufe to the holder as prompt freight 3 the fanners a re respectfully informed that the subscriber will receive all the well cleaned barley they think prosper to deliver before sleighing time at one dol lar per bushel for cash on delivery he is also desirous to contract for two thou sand or more bushels of wheat thomas dalton kingston brexzery au if 13 1819 will be transported to and from the above places at the rate of is per barrei bulk and flour at the customary rate delivered to the different consignees a list of their names will be put in a con spicuous place 011 board which must be deemed a sufficient notice and the goods when taken from the steamboat will be considered at the risk of the owners for each small parcel 2s 6c which must be paid on delivery kingston april fifth i s i i istf meafures have been taken to prevent their ii 1 difcoimt rf v ha ivl rfit apialn mackenzie on unines ot their numbers nave as ufual been made any communication refpec- ting the above may be addressed tfr 1 homas markland efq of kingfton or to the subfcriber at york george r1dout kingfton june 30th 1s19 27 john dean has juft received and now offers for sale at the new store next door to mr a p forwards hotel in the vil lage of bath a general affortment of dry goods groceries crockery hardware unusually how for cash ki vt fcfucki r country produce ka fome instances where punctuality may be relted upon a very short credit may be given and in fuch cafes only lath aug 2 1819 32 t notice he late partnership of robert gra ham cs co having dissolved itself this day by the death of roderick mac- kay esq the bussiness in future will be carried on by the subscriber to whom all persons who are indebted to the above firm will please pay their accounts with out delay and those who may have claims against that concern will please present them for adjustment 29 robert graham point frederick 21st sept 1818 persons having books belonging to the kingston library are requeu ed to fend them to the fubferiber at his houfe adjoining the town of kingfton and with as little delay as poffible john ferguson 1 2th april 18 19 16 notice all perfons indebted to the late co- partnerfiiip of richard robfson and david secordt are requeued to make im mediate payment to the furviving paitner david sccord and thofe to whom the faid copartnership may be indebted aie le- quelled to fend in their accounts for ad- juftment and payment kingfion 27th may 1819 2fitf to lef a commodious house near doctor keatings two stories high with sven rooms a kitchen and a cellar under the whole a good yard and stable also a very good spring near the house- for further particulars apply to james robins kingston y th juney 1819 23 for sale or to let jl two ftory framed houfe and a zt large and commodious ftone store fituate on the waters edge in the centre of the village of prefcot on exceedingly ad vantageous terms to the purchaftr or lessee enquire at the office of chr a hagerman kingfton 26th february 1819 9 for sale a very valuable farm srtnated near the village of brockville be ing the rear half of lot no one and the rear half of lot number two in the se cond concession of elizabethtown u c containing two hundred acres formic r- ly the property of reuben sherwood esquire but now belonging to john shu- ter esquire of loidon there is a ve- iy good dwelling house with a barn and other ont houses on the premises also lot number nineteen in the ninth con cession and the wct half of lot numb r one in the eighth eoncessiou of i he same township also lot number fifteen m the lust concession and number hlleen in the second concession of the town ship of yonge in in district of johns- town these farm will be disposed of on terms peculiarly easy and advantage ous to purchasers apply to daniel jones jun brockville 15th january 8if 4 valuable lands far sale in the midland district county of prince edward and township of amcliasburgh lot 23 in the front concession on lake ontario lying to the eastward of nicholsons island lots 22 and 24 in the second con cession of said township the whole con taining six hundred acres for paiticulars inquire at the office of the kingston chronicle or of the honorable james baby york n b all persons are cautioned a- gainst cutting or destroying the timber on the above lands a they will certainly subject themselves to a legal prosecu tion if detected kingston july 9th 1819 28tf anchors sf cables william budden ill receive by the earlieft fpring veffels and keep conftantly on hand at quebec an aflortment of patent proved chain cables of all sizes anchors do well worthy the attention of thofe enga ged in the lake and river navigation phisic ty surgery dr z smally bes leave ref- peftfully to inform the inhabitants of kinglton and its vicinity that he has eftablithed himfelf as a pllybulan surgeon apothecary from his having received a regular me- k dical education and from his experience in the diffctent branches of his pivftffion he io induced to believe that he will be able to do justice to all whofe misfortunes r 1v rfn trmvr ti wrthlvw r r liciting medi i aid w quebec ift april 181q fortsale i4tf 4 quantity of red cedar a pickets from 7 to 8 feet in length apply to air john dawson tailor william yepjex kingston july 17 1819 30 three farms forsale or if not fold to be rented for the en- fuing year viz one t the prelque lie harbor one at waterloo and the picket farm fo called a contraft alfo will be given for cutting 1 000 cords of wood b whitney kingston 1 gth juthe r 8 1 9 j tf n b to any calls at the fign of the golden mortar oppofite the market the drifted attention will be paid where will be conftantly kept on hand a choice and well chofen affortment of drugs and medicine paints of all kinds linfeed lamp and curriers oils dye woods and dye stuffs cotton yarn window glafs putty nails a new and elegant affortment of paper hangings ladies bonnets of the new est fashion garden seeds raised by the shakers books stationary c c c april 16 l6tf forwarding- commission business the subscribers beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have formed a connection in busi ness the object of which is the trans portation of produce down the st law rence and of merchandise of every de scription from montreal to any part of upper canada and the united states ad jacent to the lakes ontaiio and erie the business will be conducted by w hubisell at ogdensburgh and undei the firm of w l ivlhtlng fy co at prescott to prevent delay all property desti ned for kingston or any part of the bay of quint e will be forwarded from pres cott by the steam boat charlotte which leaves there twice every week the subscribers engage to freight on as favourable terms as any who are en gaged in the business and pledging their united exertions ogive satisfaction will be grateful for every favor w l whiting w hub bell prescott 0fi mayh 19 23 to clothiers for sale a quantity of presspapers tho s whmker co august 19 1819 notice tfmes meagher returns his fincere thanks to the p ople of kings ton and its environs for the liberal en couragement he as met ivithjiuce his com mencing bujinefs he begs lave to inform his friends and the public- that he has removed to his fenv houfe near the mar ket place- oppojue to mr bay mans ana twill as ufual carry on the tin copper and sheet iron manufactory horse shoeing and black smith work will be executed in th befl manner at the jhortejl notice and of the lowtjl terms n p to rent icafe or fell fir the term of ten years and immediate flfftfio given that well known fund the ivhl lingt0n inn in barrack peel this fuuation is one of the befl in town having many conveniences that render it particularly well adapted for a houfe of public entertainment rrd store apply the proprietor james meagher kingion feb 51819 a farm for sale adjoining hay bay in the tow fhip of fredericksburgh the eaft half of lot no 2 in the ftcond conceflion containing 100 acres and having about 40 acres under cultivation with a log haufe and barn upon it for the terms apply to daniel wafhburn efquire kingfton p van koughnet cornwall dec 7 181 8 30 terms op the kingston chronicle twenty shillings per annum if sent by mail twenty four shillings subscriptions to be pa4 in advance to the 1st of july or the 1st of janu- a of advertisements lf ix lines and under l gd first in- a3j serf ion and 7d each subsequent insertion 10 lines and muter 2s 4d first insertion and 10r each subsequent insertion above ten lines 4d per line for the first insertion and id per urn for every subsequent insertion advert isen fits zcithamt written direc tions are inserted till forbid andcharged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise- menfs to be in writing and delivered by wed n esd a y noon at tbe latest no advertisements received after ten 0 clock on the day of publication 34 agents ilenrv cowan jsq quclur edward sills psq three rivers j am os william kq montr int messrs j st j dtinlop lancaster paul glassford 1 h matilda alpheus jones eq prescott henry jones esq brockville n b tommas rsq perth 11 whit marsh eq richmond j k liartwel e dnsfard e webster esq gananoque j ranken l- hath allan mcjphetaon lsq napanee thomas parker esq bell vi lie james g beihune esq hamilton william allan ksq for richard halt esq dundas daniel ross esq v it tor in john crooks eq niagara t mccormick esq queemton john wilson esq amlwrstburgh i kingston uc printed foe the editors-

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