the kingston chronicle vol i friday afternoon october 8 1810 no 41 whkrkas johngiaham an irifh emigrant fent his wife forward to kinetn from la chine on thurfday the 26th of auguil intending himfelf to follow by water this is to requeft any perfon who may be acquainted with the circurrftances to inform hi disconfolate wife by letter direed to the port office who has been long anxiuufly looking for her husband at king don whether he ia ftill living and where he ia to be found kingfton sept 22 1819 caution all perfons are hereby forbid pur- chafing from any perfon but hcrfelf the call half of lots number two in the firft and fecond conceffions of the townfhip of leeds in the diftrict of johnft vn an ihe is the fole proprietor of faid land mary fornyea kiogfton sept 22d 1819 39 notice a ll perfons are hereby cautioned ij againft purchafing a note given by the subfcriber to daniel picket for 47 dated the 1 3th of january 1815 and witnefted by david spooner said note having been fraudulently obtained by the faid daniel picket andrbw mcdonnell kingfton sept 24ch 1819 39 new goods lamk m do nell opposite the market king street most refpefully inform their friend and the public that they have ju ft icceived 3nd offer for fale a well cholen and general aftortment of dry goods among which are the following articles viz weft of england cloths and affimeres flair carpeting kiddc rniinfter do jeans fuftiang bombazeuc bonbazeens drab blue gray and yellow nankeens i rim lin ens linen fold and madiapollum ihirtings fteam loom fhirtings sallampores lung cloths and baftaes manchester glas gow ftriped cottonsturkey stripeschecks and ginghams dimity chintz and cali co furniture cambrics calicoes lenos and mnflius lutestring and sarfnct silks black florentine silk veils shawls scarts and handkerchiefs canton crape canton crape drefles afforted colors cotton shawls and handkerchiefs silk coiron and wors ted hofe silk kid and beaver gloves thread silk and cotton laces ribbons tapes bobbins counteroaresmarleilles quilts silk and cotton shamhray linen bed ticks bleached sheetings hum hums denyci brown hollands dowlas c c c also a few fiairs stays kingston 2d july 1819 27 notice is hereby given that i william tay lor as heir at law and administrator to the estate of the late mian taylor de- ccafed have tins day afftgned all the real and perfonal estate of the late allan tay lor and all the interest in the concern of taylor sc parker and thomas parktr unto john kirby alexander oliphant pe- trie and thomas parker as trustees for the benefit of the creditors william taylor adiiurtsi ttcr oj itc estate of ihe taie ulan taylor kingston august 28 1819 36tf valuable lands for hale in the township of ha mil ton it ots no 6 and 12 in the 3d con- jij ceflion containing 00 acres ditto ditto 1 1 and 1 5 in the 4th con- ceffion containing 450 acres ditto ditto 10 in the cth conceffion containing 200 acres notice montreal fire insurance companys office 30ih julyt819 the company having extended its bufinefs and proteclion againll lodes or damages by fire to upper canada now inform the public that the following pcrfona are authorized agents of the com pany in that province at kingston hm mitchell esq york w alljx esq qucemtort mess gizastc ksnttw amkerstburglu win dcff lisq the direftors of this infant inftiiution flatter thcmfelves from the redudions late ly made on their tariff that their rates of premiums will be found as realonable as at any other office and they refpefully fo- licit the patronage of all who wifliwellco local fftablilhments jy older of the board 3 j bleakley secy hemovalt rthe sublcnber refpefifully informs jl the public that he has removed to the brick store in store street within a few doors of henry caffadys where he in tends following the tailoring business in all its various branches any perfons pleafed to favor him with their cuttom may rely on having their work doic in the rcatell manner and on moderate terms oliver w stevens kingfton september 7th 1819 38 alexander asher merchant taylor has received from montreal a mod choice and excellent adbrtment of the bell weft of england fuperfiue cloths and cassimeres with trimmings and every thing com plete a asher informs his fueriefs and the public that he is now working up thefe loths c at his old land where orders will be thankfully received and executed on the hotted notice and on the lowed ermc for caft or fhort approved credit kingfton sept ic 1819 37 1 f government building t a store house to be built of hewn or cut stone in i its majeftys naval yard at kingfton u c according to plans obferving that the roof i altered to a projeing eave which may be leen at the office of the commanding engin eer at quebec naval storekeepers of fice at montreal and at the commiffion- ers office at this place perfons defiious of contracting iepar2tely for the mafons by the toizej carpenters or caft iron work or to wholly finifh the building digging the foundation and covering the roof with tin will fend in foaled tenders to the latter office on the 1 ith of octo ber next naming two fufficient lecurities fcrt the due performance and proper exe cution of the works by the 301 h septem ber 1820 other tenders will alfo be received for erefling the building lotto wood instead of the cast iron work for the inide as descri bed in the drawings whether the buil ding is put up with or without the caft iron wrk the stone will be allowed to be quarried on the kings ground and all the timber materials fumifhed from this vard edward laws tiavai otoioueper naval yard kingfton 23d auguft 1819 35 n b tenders tsml twit le received from british subjects nor will tiy foreigner alluiccd to have an intercut in the contract e l executive council qjjic torky 25s august 1819 the order in council of the 1 8th instant respec ting locations subject to settling duties being revised it is order ed by his excellency the lieu tenant governor in council that all locations of land subject to settlement duty made prior to this date be rescinded and the land otherwise disposed of if certificate of the settlement du ty being performed be not lodg ed with the surveyor general within the time limited in the ticket of location and the pa tent sued out within three months thereafter and that all locations subject to settlement duty hereafter to be made will be rescinded and the land oth erwise disposed of if certificate of settlement duty being per formed be not lodged with the surveyor general within eigh teen months of the date of the order for such i ocation and the parent sued oiis within three months thereafter john small c e c 36776 notice is hereby given th william taylor heir at law and admimvtiator of the late allan taylor i afligned all the real and peifooal est 0 tne i allan taylo deceafcd uni kirby alex ander o 1 ctric an thomas parker in trut for 0c oerent oi creditors perfons ha m n claims against the late allan tav taylor paikeror thom as parken arc requested to prefect the fame for aliment and payment and thofe perfons inbtcj to either the late allan taylor tyior and paiker or thomas parker requested to make immediate payment t the above trustees who ae fullv auth to give difcharges for the c ame john kirby a o per rie thomas parker kingston aaut 2 s 1 s 1 9 3 6t f notice an asnment having been made to the subscriber of all the lands goods arj debts belonging to the late firm of imrs rtnken t co of ernest town mchants as well as those belong ing to jans rankcn individually for the benefit of creditors notice u hereby given to all persons having claims against the said firm or against the said james ranken to present them forthwith duly authenticated and such as stand indebted are desired to pay their respeftive accounts to chr a hagerman esq of kings- ton on or before the first day of decem ber next john kirby kingston st september 1819 36 to let fld potcfllon given the 1st auuft 91i nn that hottse and store in store street opposite the post office lately occupied bv mr edward jones for particulars apply to the subset iber neil mcleod kingston 15th july 1819 removal 29 notice 1 the above lands are all lying in the townfnip of hamilton newcalllc diftrift and vill be fold on the mod liberal terms for further information enquire of elias jones efq hamilton or the fubferiber n kingfton thomas s- whitaker kingfton may 28 i 8 19 2 2tf bank of the subfcriber being appointed agent for the bank of canada he will ne gotiate bank notes for bills on montreal quebec or for specie vvm mitchell kingfton oft 13th 1 88 20 noiice the board for militia pen sions will meet on the lajl monday in february and continue fo to do the fame day in each month until the bufinefs of this djflris as regard the fame is jimjhed john fkrguson kino ion feb fl 1819- 6 a good bargain for sale the koufe and premifes in the town of kingfton at prefent oc cupied by the fubferiber for particulars apply to samuel ansleyjun kingston may 5th 1819 19 the fubferiber begs leave to inform his fiiends and the public generally that he hns removed from his former land to the large flone lore lately occupied by meffrs v mccuniffe co a few doors from the market place in king street where he has jufl received a well feleed and extenfive aftortment of hardware cutlery confiding of feveral tons of english and ttzctdrs iron steel nails jjindozu glass putty paints oil spikes tin plate sheet iron trace and log chains hollow ware of every descrip tion frying pans spades sho vels anvils vices grindstones with a large aftortment of helf goods confiding of moft articles afked fur in his line which he will fell low for calh pioduce or ftioit approved credit j watkins kingfton a cgu ft 16th 1819 35tf blank deeds axd memorials for sale at this office 4 ll perfons are cautioned againft pur- ll chafing lot no 22 in the 7th con- cefiion of fredenvkiburgh or lot no 27 in the 1st conceftim of richmond from the heirs or affigneca of davis hefs as the subfcriber holds n indifpntable title to the fame cilliert hak1s sidney 4th dec 1 8 1 8 3 noticr the subfcfciibers refpedtfully inform their friends and the public that they have now received and juft opened in mar- ket street juft below mrs patricks inn a very extenfive aftortment of dry goods groceries and stationary likewife a great quantity of claffical books the whole of which will be fold very low ior cafh and approved credit mcdonald aykroyd dec i 1s18 27 to axemen the subscribers will receive pro posals from any person or persons willing to engafe to clear sixty acres of new land on their premises in amelias- burh bay of quinle ready for sued by the lirst day of august next the ash es on said land vvill be required to be coll cted and carefully secured- teams and provisions mill be famished if re quired for paniculars apply o owln mcdougal kingston or to mcdoucvl melullan 6 belmtte letters remaining in the postof fice at kingston on the bth october h9 charles ahhol rohcrt aberorombie prancoes amioir james angus satnuel aiijivs george artell llenrx atkinson wm ain henry bakr margaret balfour george diwcs samuej h harlon john bhmic thoui- as baihuill hcory bllham john biford 2 patrick black talrock black jamrs blackc- by richard bond robert brad fey j antes bran son william bray ley martin hrrstirliar john brower mr brunson edward bmckay 3 lliili broun 4 mi brown cornelhis buckley martin biirne rial bun mar liuscarrirk patrick callaghan duncan cameron john camcrnn hcilfj tampbcll aahn campbell samuel cmpbch sarah campbell milliam carr john cirlle 8 samuel carter mr chat- eaudoenf jnhn ciuiou thomas collins thomas conklin 2 corroick conuers margaret cook william crk mailhew cowling john cowan george t raig satnuel craig 2 feiei crawford j david crook mr crow nathaniel cummings mr cnirk david davis john davis samuel davis mar tin jel any francois dennnm henry lepuis thomas ooiiclly john don ling robert doug- las patrick diieoll calharifle dunn john duncan 3 cftarlrj dtinfoy john kddy capt illiot wm embury john fminon joseph emerson john english john bvatui oliver everem john fa is and william hodgers donald fer guson robert ferguson fcdnarj fidlar peter forbes antoine fouruier ursuile gagnoo l uardon james garrett joseph tlanthier dit st germain mrs cat bar itieormnn william gibbard alex george 2 mr is- mi graham robert graham james gray william gray john griflu samuel grif- fis dr phkln cmmt john harvey mr flaukin david llender- gon john heodfy john hewitt john hicks paul ijildteih mr houls david haar john holine fduard howard mliiiabcth hullinan robert inni l david irvine mr johnston fclfffc johnson andrew johns ton martin johdstorf robert johnston daniel johnson william knrr joeph kennv randal ken nedy jonathan kig joseph kuneisen j be labclle john kaanoatil robert lamb george o larkan gaburl lefebvrc john w leonard francois lionals richard ljveridge daniel lovet v james lvnch james and david iie brde thomas mfcaf- ivev alice mcdavilt vm mcdonald james mcfarland jo rtw maron james magee peir mcgillivray duncan mcgregor v dan iel mlntiro george w maclean 3 albert me- michael tnm mcmillan arch mcneill lian- cis mcneil dntiiel martin 2 wm marriott louis martin joseph mcllert aueutin mori- sette 2 mr moran donald morrion george morrison jean morrison john morrison w- ob morrison robert mullen doiv murray jacob naylo john arthur niblock philo noble william nonce 2 uetr north patrick ohara thomas ohara william oliver thoma- page maria palmer hugh patter- on paymakt dewatteilla ke l cia phelps thomn i jovph poncey benja min porter fliab price thomas price mr punh wm ivc2 ogden quiglev patrick quia lawrence raile john ralph mr reid dan iel retky thomat rtekson mrs rourk mr ilobb james robinson james roriioo robert rorisqd etfward sacked robert sadler joseph si germain baplite saospitie nancy sampson lime sangier thomas sae jean scott john scott edward g scott george eougal gil bert sharp poiij shook david short thomas sigfworth margaret simpson madame sims duncan sinclair john smith merchant john smith tanner john smith tsophiasborgh 2 humphry smith thomas smith pensioner fohnilou smith do george smith darius smith simeon speck andrew stark 2 thomas sternes mr cbarle stewart v sullivan jame tait joseph tajlur james todd james thomas john thomas anne thompson l thompon robert thompson charles valliere jacob vanarnam2 rich ard vanaruam jauics a endall francois vin cent philip via ja wale wm c warner 2 robert war den 2 tnomas s watson mis margaret wemp rtemas wilder fdward wilkinson george wills archibald v ilson mr j cwilson sam uel willson john whipple richard whitelock joseph whiteside james woodward william woodward paul wvbault seamen of hi majervs hii princes char- ioiu m lawrence kingston sloop charweii schooner beckwuh sloop star ship psyche schooner et ship birlinson montreal john macaclay pm kingston branch of the mon treal bank any fum required may be obtained at the office for good bills on mon treal quebec bills oi exchange on lon- don or for specie notes alfo will be discounted at thirty titty and ninety days thomas markland agent kingfton 3d nov 1818 23 statutes of upper canada notice the subscribers beg leave to inform the public that they have entered into copartnership and that they vvill jointly from the date hereof carry ou business under tke lirm of lamb sf mcdosell wm blamb auch mruonell kingston june 4i isi9 27 george scougal late master smith in the en si- neer department egs leave to inform his friends and the public in general that he has commenced bufinefs next door below mr george douglafss store street where every article in his line may be had on the mod roafonablc terms and on the fhorteft notice the following rates of charges are fubmitted horse shoeing all round 6fs b removes and all other work in proportion kingston april 5 th 1819 26 1c blanks for the courts of request for tat at this office an act for establishing a police in the ton of niagara in the district of nagara and for other purjtoses therein mentioned passed isfb j1y 1819 whereas it is expedient to pro vide for the regulation of the po lice of the town of niagara iu the nia gara district of this province beit en- acted bv the king most excellent ma jesty by and with the advice and con sent of the legislative council and as sembly of the province of upper canada constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an act pass ed in the parliament of great britaiu entitled u act to repeal certain parts of an art passed in the fourteenth year of his majestys feign entitled an act for making more effectual provision for the government of the province vf que bec in north america and lo make fur ther provision for the governmenl of the said province and by the authority of the same that it shall be lawful for the magistrates as ernbled iu quarter ses sions for ihe said district or the majority of them 10 uake ordain coufttitute and publish uch prudential rules and regula tions as they may deem expedient rela tive to building a market and improving the streets of the said town regulating the assize of urea slaughterhouses and nuisances arj also relative to the inspection of weights measus fire men and fire companies provided al zcars that nothing herein contained shall extend or be construed to extend to the regulating or ascertaining the price of any commodities or articles of provision other than bread that may be offered for sale provided atao that such rules and regulations be not contrary toorin- consisteut with the laws aud statutes of thi province ii and be it further enacted by the uuthouti ajoresaidy j hat th- magistrates in quarter sessions assembled for the aid district or the major part of them in the month of april in each and every year may raise by assessment from tho persons rtted upon any assessment for property in the said town a sum not exceeding one hundred pounds in any one yea for building a marketiiousey for purchn ing and keeping in repair tirrf engines ladders buckets aud other u- tensin for the extinguishing of href and for making any other necessary improve ments in the said town exclusive of the sum such person may be rated for in and upon any other assessmeut of this pro vince and in order to carry such asi ss- ment into effect it shall be the dnty of the clerk of the peace for the said lis trict to select from the general assess ment of the said district a list or as sessment of the ratable propeity that each aud every person owns or possesses in the said town ready to be laid before the magistrates in quarter sessions as sembled for the said district in april in each and every year after the present year iif and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that such assess ment as aforesaid shall be raised levied collected and paid in proportion to the sum that such person is rated for upon a- ny assessment he may possessor hold ia the said town and subject to such rules and regulations as may be raade by the magistrates in quarter sessions for the said district for the purpose of raising collecting and paying any sum collected to the treasurer of the said district which said sum shall be applied from time to time in such manner for the pur poses aforesaid as the magistrates in quartcrsession- assembled or the major ity of them shall direct and appoint iv and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the magis trates iu general quarter sessions of the peace or the major part of them as often as they shall make and publish any such rules and regulations for the purposes a- foresaid may make ordain limit and provide sucli reasonable fines upon the offenders against such rules and regula tions as they may think proper not ex ceeding forty shillings for any oneoflence to be recovered before any commission er of the peace of the said town upon the oath of one credible witness and le vied bv warrant under thehaud and seal of such commissioner upon the goods aud chattels of such offender and that one moiety of th sum so levied shall go to the informer and the other moiety shall be paid to tne treasurer of the district for the use of said town v and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that every such rules aud regulations so made as afore said before it shall have effect shall be posted up in three or rtfore public places in the said tohii of niagara vi and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the magis trates aforesaid shall and they are here by authorised to order the same fees to be allowed and paid to the treasurer collector and clerk of the peace for the extra duties imposed by this act as are paid to the said odicers uoder any as sessment law of this province vii and be itfurthef enacted by the authority- bresaid that this act shall continue joibe ia force for four year and do i cj-