Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), October 8, 1819, p. 3

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3rll pretty form the hair fa diefod in foil curls io troit the hind hair is difpofed in bows intermixej with plaits thcony ornament to the head f a full plume of beautiful white oti rich feather necklace and ctitip pearl white latin flioes white kid gloves carved ivory fan ackerrrans rcpofuory religion of ionupartc a late traveller in france fay tat amonft the vannu pr its which bonaparte entertained was that of becom itip the founder of a new rewgiott ucl or rather of cilamifhing unltarhmifm lie became acquainted with thi fyitem from the writing of baton gupey which acci dentally fell into his hands he found that the threat generals of antiqniry had left nohinbut a name behind they had no followers but the founders of new religious feft weie immortal in their dis ciples the inltituivs of mofes had ex- iftcd for fourthouland yeaf6 the gofpel by jrfui guilt was rtvertd over a jrcat part of europe mahoiiet had hi millions of votaries confucius calvin and luther ftill exilted in thiir tefpeflive feels i wih therefore be the founder of a new re ligion faid he i will ellablifh unuananijm and its difciple iham te napoleoniils i will fmie on protcllantifm and pive ichgion liherty as the means ti arcomplifh njydefiitrn my ptople are fo verfatile they will follow the court on them i will heap my choicelt favors and thns dcftioy a teligion wiiofe ceremonies and doctrines are iacongileiu with common fenfe it i believed the fource whence this information is derived is one on which full reliance may be placed napoleon happily for mankind did not fuceeed in his prcj di from the bdtimore a ncricttn of sept 2y we ftioild feel a flimig repugnance to publilh the fallowing diigracenil circum- ftance had it not come from a fource whofe veracry we cann t doubt a ftraner tavelii g to the weftward afoot was taken ill on the frederick lond near the monocacy he applied at fevera places but was denied admittance he lay under a tree for fume day and on friday at expued probably frrr having- been denird the rights of hofpirahty his curpfe remained from friday till tuesday laft without tnrermei ws not even mclofed in a coihn on fhit day a per fon in the neighborhood nailed fome lough planks togerrvr in which the remains wtre placed and a few black perfous offered to dig a grave for it when the owner of the land retufed it burial on his ground the corpfe wsabuve ground when our infor mant left the place alexandria in eypt the viceroy mohamnvd ali pacha conceived the defin of dicing a naviga- ble canal from the nile to alexandria by means of which large boats might be enabled to convey merchanize directly to cairo independent of the cfangeabkncf of the weather whuh often impeded their progrefu to rofetta and rendered he entrance of the nile impsflame the works commenced in october lft and their luderiutendance is committed to jimohamrncd bey who had the command of 300 troops deftined to preferve order amongft the workmen collected from the country who are changed once a month the waters of the nile hating increaled more than had been epefted the labors were fufpended and recommenced in the month of december the workmen were augmented to 30000 at prefent the whole number employed amounts to 270000 perfons the genius and activi ty of ali pacha promifes to condntfl this enterprise fo ufeful to commerce in a ihort time to a gloiiotr iftue the work men are divided into eight divifions at the head of each is a bey with a certain number ot troops behjes ihefe lfhmail pacha with a corps of cavalry patroes inceitantly the whole line of divifions to infpc the workmen and animate them in the performance of their labors the length of the canal is to be 45 miles its breadth o feet but its depth has not been yet decided betides the turkifh tn gineers feveral foreigners are alio employ ed amongft whom is don carlo liillotti a neapolitan an important scottish la- disc in 1813 two days previous tn the third reading of the stipendiary curates bill an important appeal case regarding the scottish law of marriages was heard in the house of lords madam vs adam madatn a gentleman of very lag for tune in ayrshire kpt a mirre in his house many years and had ch drn by her one morning hj called h- ser vants into the room wvre rr ad his mistress were at breakfast a d uliug her by the hand declared iu iheir pre sence that she was his wife the ame day he shot himself th qiestion therefore rested whethci this wa a valid marriage and consequently the children legitimate f and upon the decision of this question depended the succession to a real eslate of 10000 per a nnum the result was that the marriage was pro nounced to be valid bv which decision it may be considered as finally establish- ed tijtt by as law of sco and as it at present stands a mere v bi declara tion ol marriage by th- part themselves dclibeiately made iu the presence of wit nesses contit utes a valid marriage proveable by the testimony of witnesses without any writing 0 u y other cere mony civil or cct esiuica i prtc of a libit in v tn the ycau i74 jrewu ly to the nttioaoi printing the price of a umall bible oeat- ly written wq ii0 which sum no doubt was equal to l00 of our money a good ftfble may now be hail for two or tliree hillings it is said that the building of arches of london bridge cost only ql5 which is 5 less than a copy of lite bible many years afterwards of hat incalculable value is the art of priu- n from the quebec mercury accounts relating to the trade xzitlifhc iiritish north american colonies furnished by the custom fjauscm lon don doled list may 181 no i an account of hie number and ton nage of ships and vessels which have entered inwards and cleared outwus at the several ports in canada xova- scotia new- brunswick prince edward lsaud breton and newfoun land into and fiom the british west india inl ands from 1800 tolsts bothinclusiv distinguishing each colony or settlement the returns are received only to the 0th of october 1818 ordered b the house of commons to be printed 34th may isi9 ox j 53 u puiu co to t cpoc or 30 m w 1 r 0 x a 0 c w zi x cc k p 0 60 3 g9 giz 0 4 ifq m1 x p3 t 1 1 s a 3 c j5 m c c j m u ac i 5 5 5 1 it j fc 4- t i y w 1 cou to w j o o e 4 oc aox m co o o x 31 3 4- iitvaid p tc c x eff 0 ci2 5 2 o c co co fc c- i x k- 0 v 6 a r- p 1 to 06 0 lfl h 13 roic 0 c to x to 0 j 5s 3 3 c c x p 4 m x 0 x h c s 0 k cs o 3 d j to to c 9 in u a- ms tssl ib e ob no 2 an account of the number and tonnage of the siiips and vessels which have en tered inwards and cleared outwards to and from great britain to the several i oils in the british north american co- louiesj and newfoundland iu each tr irom 1800 to 1818 1 il js uti -aiu- 1 cl 1 tonnage vessels tonnage 1349 447528 1744 401971 hhq 1 9 1 938 1090 24o426 hsb 439 1 0 147 s305vj3 1 39920 112 28108 1 yv 32 61 5i ig8 191705 889 rl7o canada ntit scviiia n rrunwick p btl btoid 1 ape ttiouin newfoftnd- land the accounts from 1809 to 1813 in clusive are not included in the above statement they having been consumed by the fire at the customhouse comparison between the jin t and la test dales vessels inwarin outwards mj 5800 64 52 wm iisia c 3vl xova scotia saw brunswick 1800 1 181s 1lii 181 1800 8 17 5j0 prince r j islaod l suo 8 0 65 0 1 267 17 173 15 103 0 43 0 6 c r si so cape breton newfoundland 110 halifax sept 10 1810 we are very much alarmed at the progress of the fever at bermuda already have the principal medical officers and chief engineer fallen victims with others officers and aboul i oo out of a ganifon of 4 or 5co foldiei the inhabitants have fuffered in a greater proportion and all is difmay and coiifwfion there kingston october 8 1813 further details of the late proceedings at mancheller will be found in our pre ceding columns thole flatementb are in fome points contradictory but from the whole il may be gathered that neither the yeomanry cavalry nor the alagiliracy can jullly be charged with afting too precpi tattly or witli too much feverity the apoarent regularity joined to iomrthin ofam litaryair with whiehthc different par tics o reformers entered the city and pa raded the llreets with flags and other rcp- rcfen a ion emblematica of their objects ho did real gr unds v apprrhenfion fr 1 he peace and lafcty of the city after ea n- the iiot a the cavalry were or dercd to difperft the mnb and if in be execution of tuu uoalesttt duty fomc in- i dividuals fijffcred injury hovver nuch it 13 to be lamented it ought ot to be im puted to the yeomanry or mgih ad a crime or even aa a reproach the revo lutionary fpirit manifefted by ht leaders of the mob required that that fpirit mould be met with firmnefa on the part of the magiltracy and the ohliinacy of the peo ple rn refufing to difperfe when legally or dered to do io impcrioufly dnianded the aftive interference of an armed body to en force the order another meeting of reformers it i fta- ted was to take place at kefigton for purpofes as wild and impracticable as the former deepdifcontent appears to pervade the whole of germany and elpeeially the kingdom of prufiia it will be recollect ed that fliortly after the defeit of bona parte in kuflia and the deilruion of that mighty army which field all the continent in chains the whole population of piuilia rofe with one accord and vohmteeied their fervice to their monarch to aid in effecting the expulsion of the french from their fnil this offer was accepted and in reward for fuch a generous and well timed aid the king pomiied the people a con iti tut ton which hould have in it fome principles of the n preventative fyftem of government the effort of the people were fuccefnful the french were expelled and at the return of peace the king was expected co fulfil hi prmit he mul in fact fooner or later grant the boon the age of aboute or defpotic governmenti has nearly gone bv the advances in civilization and in knowledge among the people on thee mtu rent ha of late years been pieat they lok at tuglandi and an ardent dtfire is excited in their minds to enjoy a grrater deret of rational liberty this defire is daiy gaining ftrength and the mouarchs of europe mull gratify it t the malignant fever by which moft of the fea port towns of the toitcd states has been unhappily vuited thi feafon con tinues to rage with unabated violence at baltimore and new orleans ji appears to be on the decline at new york and it i to be hoped that the approach of cold weather will finally put aa end j rava ges there and elf where a similar lort of fever to hat which prevails in the sea ports of f u m3tes tias lately oroduccd great mortality at bermuda oth among the inhabitants and the troops canilon tlieie iy the lad accounts it to be lubfidiug of 3000 tnop lately landed at havan- na it is faid th 4 of the men after a parade of frve hours weie carried into iofpitdl and it wa feared tlut the whole corps would in a few tfedts be nearly an- nililated the court tif oyer and terminer ind general jail delivery asize and nisi frius which was opened for this dis trict on monday the 47th september closed its provdifis tht day the following persons worn brought brfore mr justice boulton to receive the sentence c court the king convicted of petit p larceny for stealing jacques st a shirt sentenced to one dion fits imprisonment and to receive 5 lashes i the market place during the serious j he king convicted of petit vs s larceny for stealing jacques st kes two iron chains c sentenced to oae montirs imprisonneut the king indicted for bur- cs glary and convictpd charles perrault of larceny seulen- and v ccd to three months joseph perrault j imprisonment and to receive forty uishes each 20 during the sessions and the remainder previous to t dwbrv tiie king i indicted for an as- vs sault with intent to peter lloiclct murder convicted of an assault and sentenced to two months imprisonment and to pay a line of three pound the king 1 convicted of keep- st inga disorderly house mar j losee j sentencid to one months imprisonment and to pay a line of three pounds convicted of mis- f demeanour in pissing counterfeit bills j knowing the same to be counterfeit sentenced to three months imprisonment tut king i convicted ofhav- vs ing knowingly ut- patrick magrr j tered a forged re ceipt sentenced to be hanged on thurs day 1 mil nov next convicted of stea- g a cow senten- rchard keating ced to be hanged on thursday uth november next the king convicted of se rf ditton sentenced to thomas coleman pa a tine of c20 to iln imhjety ilie king vsb abraham quaekenbush iy inn ov next tniking vs liitj chard keating ceil the king vs jnhn vincent convicted of se dition sentenced to pay a fine flo t hb majesty antl to remain in prison for the space ol two months tin king vs david edgar thi king 1 a- convicted of an assault sentenced to pay a fine of 0 convicted of manslaughter sen tenced to pay a hue robert coles ot io khiutugs krancis carlis confined on suspicion of having stolen hank notes and wm mt i cere mi in- i in enrjiicioii n i burglary 171s excellency sir peregrine maitland left la chine last monday with his fam ily in a light boat and may be expected to arrive here co morrow on his return to the seat of government the british packet princess eliza beth with the august mail has arrived at halifax if our correspondent v will inform us from what work he has copied the po etry entitled the dandies we will be happy to gratify him by inserting it in our next paper about two weeks ago an irish gentle man was travelling through a certain part of the united siates in one of their staoc coaches in which were to a- merumi officers towards evening as fhey were approaching a village situated near a marsh in which a band of bull frogs was in full and harnicnou con cert pray sir says one ol the officerfl to the honest hibernian wc have you ai y bull frogs in ireland no sir replied the irishman u pray sir rejoins the officer have you any toads or snakes in ireland 4t no sir the second officer thinking himself a greater wit than his brother with an air of ridicule avked and have you any jack assos inlreland no sir ih well sir what has become of them did not the country once abound with tin- se animals yes yes sir an swered the irishman but since the last ar the have all been transported to the united states of america and i have heard that some cf them are now com missioned olliccrs messrs editors you will oblige a subscriber by inserting the aoove an ted te in your paper m oct hth 1819 died at an carter on sunday morning last richard iiatt kscj aged 0 years member of the provincial parliament judge of the district court and major of the 5th regiment of lincoln militia in him the district of gore lias met with an irreparable loss as a member of the provincial parliament he was firm and independent and never svrcrved from the aeuht political principle which he early embraced as o judge he was upright nsu soldier he was brav he was sin cere and constant in his attachment to friends a cautious and prudent adviser and always communicative of whatever he thought useful and good diligence and industry justice and fidelity were prominent features iu his commercial transactions liberality of sentiment candour charity and goodness void of os tentation were qualities which adorned his christian profession he was an af fectionate husband an indulgent parent an agreeable companion and a kind friend u c phanix sept 28 on tuesday the 5th mst at this place jane atkinson aged 18 months on the 6th john evans an emigrant late i rum ireland prices current in the kingston market corrected xseeklu articles apple bread 0eef bacon butter barley beets cider cheese cabbages carrors duck eggs fowls flour do fieese hay lard mutton bats peas potatoes parsnips rork fresh mu straw turkeys turnips tallow veal venison wood i i er i qcte zzeekly from i to k dllf s d remarks i bush 0 loaf 0 lb 0 0 0 kosfr 0 n bbl 1 lb 0 tead 0 hush 0 pair 0 rioz 0 pair j 0 hhl mrl each ton lb 2 0 0 0 1 5 0 5 0 0 0 s u s i 2 0 u o a busb lb bun each huh lb cord 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 2 0 0 3 8 9 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 9 0 6 6 0 n 0 5 0 9 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 1 0 0 i 10 0 0 0 10 0 5 i 0 0 0 o io 4 0 3 n 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 u 0 a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 i 2 u o 10 o u 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 o 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 0 u fi 0 0 6 s 0 6 a o 0 0 o 0 i f 5 6 day martin to the merchants and traders of i ppcr canada npihr subscriber lias received per the j l uisa from london a fresh sup ply ol the real japan in cfrks of about six do2iti i which will be sold immediately at fif- teeu shillings per dozen for the largest sizes benjamin hart a kent to day martin montreal st paul st ih september 1819 41 f b spilsbuhy ufigeo h v late surgeon oj u ms prince re gent on lake ontario intends practising in the various branches of hs profusion at f res- idenre next door to j- hn mclean eq sheriff j kingston oct 6th 1819 41 for sale at this oftce a few copies of a sermon preached at quebec on the 121 u ol september after the death of hi- grace the duke of rrcnmono by the reverend g j mountni a u bishops official in lower canada and rector of q her 41 a 1 wukreasmidalene my wife has eloped and left my ind and boird without any just provocation i therefore forbid all parson from harbor ing or trusin her 01 my account as i will not pay any debts of her couhact- iug zacii arias fralick frcderickshurgh oct 6 1819 413 to bet and poltrflion given immediatelv a very pieafart and hcauhy gtuirod in the town of kingllon enquire at this office kragftohi oa 81819 412 bank notice th e stockholders of the bank f up- per canada are hereby refund to pay into the ftanlt in specie 01 bils of the montreal bank an instalment of six per cent or six dollars on each share on or before the 4th day uf oct next s bartlkt cashier kingston sept i isiq q wanted a man and woman servant who underftand al kinds of housework none will pleafe apply who do not brine w them mod unques tionable characters enquire of the printer 16th sept 1819 v 38 new medicinal store til r subscriber respectfully infrrms the inhabitants of kingston and vi cinity that he has opened a medicinal labor atoky in frontstreet opposite to mr kirbs where they may be supplied with every arlirle in his line vv williams n b physicians prescriptions and orders from merchants in the country will be received and carefully attended to kingston oct 4 1819 41 letters remaining in the post of- fee at bath 5th october 1819- jihn abraham 2 david r anderson th price baker solomon hall nicholas lironck john buh abigail baker paul co mer samuel cronk patrick tavuey 4 jeremi ah chalman s cols james campbell benja min clapp george h detlor hgh daley ma ry deynard catharine dingman hnsien flnry iviwh movgc oikic tbnaokio wanting israel dunham william emern daniel kra- ser lieutenant abraham fraser john gordin john hough william uawley robert hopon jonaihan haickiss or peter cornwall james w jones william johns on jame jenp fazton knowlton 3 jobn lake john ladd miss mar mcceeler alexander miller ezra mallary robert mccuman onfn icgath sen caihanue imcgraw samuel purdy peter philips en william prindel chritophr pe terson hugh patterson abraham philips orin ranney lleekiah russell s william r 2 david robrthn joseph smith herman se james stewart george simmon john thomp son mrs ann vallian naihan williams hen ry williams stephen young sen jamks ran ken p m 300 weve disciiargld by proclamation to bli soli jcordsoffirewoodlying en the bank of mr dalys farm a little beyond collin bny convenient for conveyance by water to ktngflon not lefs than 50 cords will be fold to a pur- chafer price cs per cord a wilson kingston ph 08 1 8 1 9 4 tolenor strayed away about a fortnight fince a dark brown cow with a light red ftreak along her back and a hollow place in her rump where fce had formerly been injured whoever will give information to the fubferibtr where the faid cow may be found fhall be liberally rewarded francois lefebvre klngfton oao 8 1819 413 notice books of subscription for the will be opened at the directors room in the bank of upper canada on the 24th auguli next and kept oen each div ffim thrhoui often till three oclock until further notic kingtlon 27th july 1819 31 singular effects from inhaling the nitrous oxyd most of our readits have no doubt been entertained by the whimsical effect produced upon many persons who have inhaled gas which has been called the laughter and dancingexciting gas at a recent lecture on the human fiame de livered by dr thornton in london the following effect are stated to have beea produced by the respiration of this gas which might have been penned by baron munchausen the first gentleman who inhaled it laubfd and then danced to a very live ly tune which he sung the next gen tleman after the excitement to laughter delivered a speech out of shakesprare equal to kean he tn danced singing the lively tune of m- mly ho cheerily ho in full glee and after that suni in a deep fine bass tone the wolf as well as braham- he wnsuncoimious ofwhat he was doing but exprescd hinmha- high i delighted as did the other geniieu in no debility follows after inhaling thift poweriul a london paper a reach wan latfty c3thib 6 in ts m1 ket h rfe ruhr mi vi ul waa t uuchea tn ciu tvciijhed 10 ounces hn fe- c

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