wtrg from the n v evening post the following patriotic line uhich are copied from an edinburgh paper mere published on the return of that val iant corps the 92rf regiment after the ever memorable buttle of waterloo in which they manfsted themselves so it- lusfnously as zcill desend with honour to their latest posterity the song of scotland on the return of the 9 gordon high landers to their native country why do thesr houts the welkin rend what pipes are these so sweei i y sounding what soldier laddirs hither hend their footsteps oer the dark heath hounding hieh on the wind their green plaids swell their black plumes in the breeze are dancing oh tell me donald prithee tell who these warriors are advancing lasne these are scotlands pride well theyre famd in gallant story from many a held with crimon dyd home theyre coming full of glery scotlands pride and britains bcat the them of every poefs sonnet once huntly ovm lhee gordons most but new the red plume in his bonnet full in the hottest of the fight foremost in the ranks of danger the highland thistle shines most bright to fear unknow n to flight a stranger t in holland egypt denmark spain this gallant ninetysecond bore it on zealands shore on gallias plain full on their breasts exulting wore it and france drew back she knew of yore old caledonias badge o glorious and belgiums soil grew red witlgore the day brave cameron fell victorious 1 tnat on thofe parts that have efcape3 the fprinkling muft be repeated if judicioufly call the mixture falls as uniformly as a fhower of rain many people have an idea that the mildew is to be prevented by par ticular deeps or manures but this idea is totally unfounded the mildew is a topical difeafe which is only to be fubdued by a topical remedy- it was my wifh that this difcovery mould have been brought before the public time enough for the farmers living at a diftance from the pits to provide themfelves with rock fait which for agricultural purpoies may be had for 2s 7 120 per bufhel at the fountain head but in this wifh i was fruftrated by a circumftance which 1 could not have poffibly foiefeea and which it is now not neceflary to detail it the steamboat a once more come home from foreign hore thnr hearts with lav of winirj burning for thee spreads scotia all her stores now to their highland hills returning and well you mark in every face the joy that native home inspires when warm the kindred lovm embrace with rapture every bosom tires loud shouts again the welkin ring again the pipo in gaet measure play sweetly while he highland fling and reel make each heart dance with pleas ure ob caledonia raie thy voice raie high thy strains no foe dares meet thee bd all thy echoing bills rejoice thy bravest sons are come to greet thee from war from battles deadly strife where ghaily gaul ball fears to fight them to cheer their uounds to inspire new life home to their own native hills invite ihem and when thy fostering hand hath heald thee sons who feel sopreud to own thee again theyd ruh to honours field and freih green laurels earn to crown thee the marquis of iluntly raised the 92d chief ly on his own estates his lordship was after- trardt appointed colonel of the 42d whose dis tinguishing badge is a scarlrt fealher the authors earliest friend and commanding officer admired as a man laved a a friend and copif d as a soldier he fell at waterloo at the headof his gallant 92d whom he had never ted but to victory his regiment well revenged his fail on that memorable day to the farmer the fubferiber being fnpplied with as much barley as his stores will conveniently hold begs that the farmeis will withhold bringing any more for six weeks when he will be prepared to re ceive it again at the fame price thomas dalton kingflon brewery september 30th 18 19 40 notice to pensioners ll pensioners whose residence is at or near the undermentioned stations are required to appear or by writing to report themselves in future at the periods specified to the respeive officers of the commissariat in order that the proper forms of documents relative to pensions for each individual may be forwarded for their use amherstburgh fort george on or about chippewa queenston f the vork f24lh ttgurf kingston 4 nov feb brpckmlki bath richmond my of glcngnry j eaci year montreal chambli st johns on or about drummonilwiheyihiiun flsnry the three rivers 10th sepfembr kamouraska and on the line of j u dor mar communication to xewb runs j il june of wick and other places nearest i each year quebec j commissary generals office quebec aug 18 1819 35m3 surgeon dentist ll operations performed upon the teeth by j r spooner at mrs patricks inn aug 2d 1 8 19 ffi t n a james mackenzie master will in future leave the different ports on the following days viz kingston for york on the 1st 1 ih and 2st days of each month york for queenstvn 3d 13th and 23d days of each month niagara for kingston bth jti and2oth days of each month rates of passages front kingston to york and niagara 3 0 0 from york to niagara 100 children under three years of under ten two thirds a book will be kept for entering the names of passengers and the births which they may choose at which time the passage money must he paid passengers are allowed 60 lbs weight of baggage surplus bag- page to he paid faff at the usual rate gentlemens servants cannot sleep or eat in the cabin deck passengers will pay js and may either bring their own revisions or be ftturnifthed by the steward for each dog brought on board 5s all applications- for passages to be made to captain mackenzie on board age half price above three and midland district agricultural so ciety the committee of the midland dv trf6l agricultural society announce to the public their wifh to have a dia trid show at adolphuftown on monday the 1 8th oober and offer the following premiums to farmers 20 dollars for the first best bull raised in the pro vince and owned in the district second ditto best cow second ditto best ram second ditto best ewe second ditto best yearling steer or heifer best boar second ditto best breeding sow best heifer of three years old best ploughing of one quarter of an acre with oxen or horc second dillo third ditto best sample of wheat accompanied by certificates that he same is a specimen of a whole field consisting oi not es than five acre for the best sample of barley ditto best sample of prime white peas for the best improved plough suited to the agriculture if the country 31 50 pounds 10 do 10 do 5 do 8 do 4 do 6 do 3 do 6 do 8 do 4 do 8 do 8 do 10 do 7 do 5 do 5 do 3 do 3 do 10 do i a 0 epigram written on a window at windsor by an eaton scholar you may tcndif aiifht should ail ye to willis ilberdevr baillje all exceedingly skilful men wjuis baillje hebrrdev bui doubtful which more sure to kill is fmlle rbbehde or wtltts a agricultural mildew in wheat the following new remedy for mildew in wheat is taken from a london paper of the 26th may laft the rev dr edmond caitwright whofe experience in agricultural matters is well known to the public has ad dr fled the following letter to the editor of the farmers journal in the courfe of fome agricultural experiments which i was profecutiug lad fummer i had the good fortune to make a difcovery of more importance to agri- culture than any thing 1 may venture to fay that has been brot forward for the improvement of that mol ufeful of all arts the pecuniary benefits which it will confer both on the growers of wheat and on the every individual container of that article i prefnme not to calculate it is an abfolute remedy for the mildew in wheat it isfimply this fait one part water eight with this mixture let the difeafed corn be fprinkled in 3 or 4 days the mildew will vanins- leaving only a difcoloration on the draw where it had dried off in the ex periment which i tried the mixture was laid on with a watering pot- but i have fince found out that the bed and moft ex peditious way will be with a flat brum fuch as ufed by the whitewalhers having a tin collar made water tight to prevent the mixture from dripping down tht opeiators arm and running to watte the operator liavinga pail of the mixture in the one hand with the other dips the brufh into it nd makes his regular carts a when tawing corn broad caft in this way he will leadily get over ten acres in the day if he has an aififtantto fetch and carry the full and empty pails he will get over a great deal more i calculate that about two hogs- lieada of the mixture will fuffie for an acre wherever the mixture touches the mil dew immediately dice i need not fay john dean has juft received and now offers for sale at the new store next door to mr a p forwards hotel in the vil lage of bath a general aftortment of dry goods groceries crockery hardware unusually how for cash or most kinds of country produce in fome instances where punctuality may be relied upon a very short credit may be given and in fuch cafes only liath aug 2 1819 32 notice the late partnership of robert gra- hum f c w jk vfagr ilfowul mp4 atxtiffl this day by the death of roderick mac- kay esq the bussiness in future will be carried on by the subscriber to whom all persons who arc indebted to the above firm will please pay their accounts with out delay and those who may have claims against that concern will please present them fur adjustment 29 robert graham point frederick 21st sept 1s18 persons having books belonging to the kingston library are requeft- ed to fend them to the fubferiber at his houfe adjoining the town of kingfton and with as little delay as poflible john ferguson 12th april 1819 16 notice all perfons indebted to the late co- partnership of richard robison and david secordi are requefted to make im mediate payment to the furviving partner david secord and thofe to whom the faid copartnerfhip may be indebted are re queued to fend in their accounts for ad justment and payment kingfton 27th may 18 19 26tf to let a commodious house near doctor keatings two stories high with seven rooms a kitchen and a cellar under the whole a good yard and stable also a very good spring near the house for further particulars apply to james robins kingston th jfune 1 8 1 9 2 for sale or to let ft two ftory framed houfe and a djji large and commodious lone store fituate on the waters edge in the centre of the village of prefcot on exceedingly ad vantageous terms to the purchafcr or lessee enquire at the ofhce of chr a hagerman kingfton 26th february 1819 9 notice is hereby given that any perfona who hall be found trefpafting on green point townfhip of sophiasburgh will be immediately profecuted with the ut mod rigor a perfon has been appointed to give information of any depredations that may hereafer be committed thereon chr a hagerman 5io6 ipnt for the proprietor freight will be transported to and from the above places at the rate of 45 per barrel bulk and flour at the customary rate delivered to the different consignees a list of their names will be put in a con- spicuous place on board which must be deemed a sufficient notice and the goods when taken from ttie steamboat will be considered at the risk of the owners for each small parcel 2s gd which must be paid on delivery kingston april 28th 1819 i8tf re ward tolen from walkers hotel in kingfton on the night of the 29th or morning of the 30th of june inftani out of the trunk of the subfcriber whici was broken open a parcel directed to william allan efq containing jiooo in montreal bank bills whofoever will give iniormation that may iead ti- the de tection and conviction ot the thieve hall receive the above reward the bills can be of no ufe to the holder as prompt meafures have been taken to prevent their difcount at the bank where regular entries of their numbers have as ufual been made any communication refpec- ting the above may be addressed to thomas markland efq of kingfton or lo the sobfcriber at york george r1dout kingfton june 30th 1 8 19 27 a for sale very valuable farm situated near the village of brorkville be ing the rear half of lot no one and the rear half of lot number two in the se cond concession of elizabeth town u c containing two hundred acres former ly the property of reuben sherwood inquire but irow belonging tojohnshu- ter esquire of loudon there is a ve ry good dwelling house with a barn and other out house on the premises also lot number nineteen in the ninth con- i cession and the west half of lot number one in the eighth concession of the same township also lot number fifteen in the first concession an number fifteen irr the second concession of the town ship of vonge hi fire district of johns town these farms wjn be disposed of on terms peculiarly eas and advantage ous to purchasers apply to daniel jones jun brockvitle 1 5th january 1819 4 physic fy surgery valuable lands far sale in the midland dfetrict county of prince edward township of concession on ameliasburgh lot 23 in the froiif lake ontario lying t the eastward of nicholsons island lots 22 and 24 in the second con cession of said township he whole con taining six hundred acres for particulars inquire at the office of the kingston chrnnicle or of the honorable james baby- york n b all person are cautioned a- gainst cutting or destroying the timber on the above lands as they will certainly subject themselves to a leal prosecu tion if detected kingston july 9th 1819 28tf anchors cables william budden will receive by the earlier fpring veflels and keep conftantly on hand at quebec an aitrtment of patent proved chain cables of all sizes anchors do wt1l worthy the attention of thofe enga ged in the lake and river navigation quebec i april 8iq i4 fou sale 4 quantity of red cedar pickets from 7 to 8 feet in length apply to mr john dawson tailor william yerex kingston july 17 1819 30 three farms foitsale or if not fold to be rented for the en- firing year viz one a the prefque isle harbor one at wateloo and the picket farm fo called a contraft alfo will be given for cutting i cords of wood b whitney kingston 6th jum ikj 2 dr z smally begs leave ref- pedfully to inform the inhabitants of kingfton and its vicinity tbat he has eftablifhed himfelf aa a physician surgeon apothecary from his having received a regular me dical education and from his experience in the different branches of his profetfion he la induced to believe that he will be able to do justice to all whofe misfortunes may render them under the neceflity of fo- liciting medical aid n b to any calls at the fign of the golden mortar oppofite the market the ftricteft attention will be paid where will be conftantly kept on hand a choice and well chofen aftortment of drugs and medicine paints of all kinds linfeed lamp and curriers oils dye woods and dye stuffs cotton yarn window glafs putty nails a new and elegant affortment of paper hangings ladies bonnets of ike new est fashion garden seeds raised by the shakers books stationary c c c april 16 l6tf forwarding commission business the subscribers beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have formed a connection in busi ness the object of which is the trans- portation of produce down the st law- reuce and of merchandise of every de scription from montreal to any part of upper canada and the united states ad jacent to the lakes ontario and erie the business will be conducted by w iiubbell at ogdensburgh and under the firm of w l whiting cy co at prescott to prevent delay all property desti ned for kingston or any part of the bay of quinte will be forwarded from pres cott by the steam boat charlotte which leaves there twice every week the subscribers engage to freight on as favourable trms as any who are en gaged in the business and pledging their united exertionstogive satisfaction will be grateful for every favor w l whiting w iiubbell prescott iqth maiw 19 23 to clothiers for sale a quantity of presspapers tho s whiuiker co augutt 19 1 8 19 34 notice j 4 mes me4gher returns his m fincere thanks to the p ople of ktngt- ton and its environs for the liberal ettr couravement he has met with fince his com mencing bvfinefs he begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he hat removed to his neiv houfe near the mar ket place oppofite to mr baymans and iv 1 ii as ufual carry on the tin copper and sheet iron manufactory horse shoeing and black- smith work will be executed in the befl manner at the jhortejl notice and 0 the loivefl terms n b lo rent teafi or fell for the term of ten years and immediate pojfejion given that well known jland the wee lingt0n inn in barrack flrcet this fituation it one of the bell in town particularly well adapted for a houfe 0 public entertainment and store apply to the proprietor james meagher kingion feb 51819 g a farm fou sale adjoining hay bay in the town fhip of fredericksburgh the eaft half of lot no 2 in the fecond conceffion containing 100 acres and having about 40 acres under cultivation with a log houic and barn upon it for the terms apply to daniel wafliburn efquire kingfton p van koughnet cornwall dec 7 18 18 30 f terms of the kingston chronicle twenty shillings per annum if sent by mail twenty four shillings subscriptions to be paid- in advance lo the 1st of july or the 1st of janu- wklce of a 1jve r tisements ofjt lines and under 2s bd first i- kjj sertion and ld each subsequent insertion 10 tines and unaer 35 ad first insertion and ql each subsequent insertion above ten lines ad per urn fur the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written direc tions are inserted till forbid andcharged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise menfs to be in writing and delivered m wednesday xoon at the latest no advertisements received after ten o clock on the day of publication- agents henry con an eq quebec edward silk esq three misers james williams eq montreal messrs j j dun lop lancaster paul glassfqrd esq matilda alpbeus jones esq prescott henry jones esq brockvitle n b tommas esq perth ii w hi marsh esq richmond j k hartwell esq bastard e webster esq gananoque j ranken esq bath allan mcpjierson lq napanse thomas parker esq hdlville james g bethune esq hamilton william allan esq york richard hatt esq dundas daniel ross esq vittaria john crooks esq niagara t mcconnick esq queenston john wilson esq amhersttnirgh kingston v c ron nil riurors