Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), October 15, 1819, p. 4

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f wtv song by thomas moore eq ithen rokl in the earth lies the friend thou hast loved be fits faults and hi follies forgot by thee then or if from their slumber ihe veil he removed- weep oer them in silence and close it again and oh if is pain to remember now far from the pathways of light he was tempted to roam je it bliss to remember that thou wert the star that arose on lu darit ness and guided him home from thee artj thy innocent beauty irt came tne revealings that taught hi in true love to a- dore to feel the bright presence and turn him with shame from ihe idols he darkly had knelt te before oer the waves of a life long benighted and wild thou catnst like a soft golden calm oer the sea and if happiness purely and glowingly smiled on bis evening hoizon the light was from thee and though sometimes the shades of past folly would rise and though falsehood again would allure him to tray lie but turrfd 10 ihe glory that dwelt iu these eyes and the lolly the falsehood soon vanished a- way as the priests of the sun when their altar grew dim at the daybeam alone con id its lustre repair so if virtue a moment grew languid in him he but flew to thai siaile and rekindled it there f providence that the greatest rivers wert always seen tn flow past the most populous towns a few years ao a traveller in france met with a p dure representing heaven where the angels were kneeling on cush ions on which the arms of france were erabroideredo epigram on mr day a remarkable tall man marrying miss kuiht who was rath er short this match to me appears but right thnueh long th diy yet thai t he night t i a miscellaneous a gentleman in company with a young lady could not forbear telling her she was wondrous handsome sir says the lady 1 thank y u for jour good o- pinion and wish withal my heart i could ay a much for you u why hnn might madam says the gentleman lm you made no mere scruple of telling a lie than i do doctor sgintfcs specific against the contagion of the tjpkus jail and yel low feuvers and plague put fome heated hud in a fmall earthen pipkin in this place a tea cup tilled with half an ounce of vitriolic acid when warmed a little add to it half an ouree cf purified nitre in powder timing the mixture with the frail end of a tobacco pipe or flip of glafs this procef mould be renewed from time to rime or if you wifh to kep up a conflanc fumigation it is only potting the pipkin ever a lamp for this important difcovery the parlia ment of great britain has voted doctor smyth 5000 cure for the goat tlie best cure for tiw gout is to ap ply a lork poultice to the part affected numerous instances of its eflicacy iu this painful disorder have recent occurred it culture should be cherished as a med- iiiii the steamboat f ia james mackenzie master will in future leave the different ports on the following lavs viz kingston for york on the 1st lth and 2lst days of each month york for quemdon 3d 13th end 23d days of each month niagara for kington oth 15 and hth days of each month rates of passages from kingston to york and niagara 3- froni york to niagara 1 00 and va wi fsomtfefe snliir4t4ms bftjgngnftgt ft v 00 children iiiidef three years of age half price above three under ten two thirds a book will be kept for entering- the names of passengers and the births which they may choose at which time the passage money must be paid midland district agricultural so i doty the committee of the midland dis trict agricultural society announce to the public their wifh to have a dia- tnct showat adolphultwn on monday the 1 8th october and offer the following premiums to farmers 20 dollars for the lirst best bull raised in the pro vince and owned in the district second ditto best cot second ditto best ram second dillo best ewe second ditto let yearling steer or heifer best boar second ilitio best breftiins ow be 1 heiferof three years old best ploughing of one quarter of an acre- with oxen or horses second dillo 5 do third ditto 5 do best sample of wheat accompanied by certificates that the same is a specimen of a whole held consisting of nolle than five acres furthebei sample of parley citto best sample of prime white peas for the best improved plough suited to theaffi ienltiire of the cotintrv 31 10 do 10 do 5 do 8 do 4 do 6 do 3 do 6 do 8 do 4 do 8 do 5 do iu do 7 do 3 do 3 do 10 do m passengers are allowed go lb gage s weight i or baggage surplus bag- gentlemeifs servants cannot matrimonial rides and maxims 1 whon courting your raishess nev- er miscall hei by the name of angel or g ddess lest she mistake it tor trutli and forget that she is a woman i when putting the question as it is termed he carpful not to allow her to suppose that your happiness or even com fort depends on her assent recollect that you are making a proposal not beg ging a boon 3 teach her beforehand that the marriage ceremony is not a mere matter of form and explain fully the meaning of the word obey 4 be careful at church that she re peats every word distinctly after the cler gyman that she may afterwards have no excuse for acting in opposition 5 when you take her home tell her fhat she is to command your servants jbut that you ar to command her c be notimperious but decided and always peak as if it were a matter of course to be obeyed 7 be not backward to blame lest she attribute it to fear if once she knows that you arc afraid of her your authori ty is at an end and ycu become a poor degraded dependent miserable crea ture 8 if pleasure or business take von from home expectcheerful looks en your rotors the surest way to secure them isp gvethern 9 if she be of an obstinate or sulky temper do not proceed to extremities ftest you fail but show her that t ou do net j mind st 10 if s be passionate and violent be vou cool and collected in proportion if she irritates you she ha mounted one step f her throne and you descended one step of yours ii if she be fond of reading let her tiave no novels if she must read sive he the memoirs of roman wives and inattous if she prefer light reading put be her the works oi the lathers of the church 12 be careful that she does not think too well of herself in poiit pf learning lest she should soon fancy herself your superior 13 if she be witty teach her that the dest mode of showing it is to conceal it 1 i if you take her to places of pub lic amusement make her know that it i the reward of and uot a bribe to iiood conduct 15 lei her be as little as possible a- lone if a man according to the philos- ruher is not to be trusted by himself ought we to have more confidence in a woman 16 finally lore her but do not shew it too much let she takeiul vantage of it a a wives iesire power it should fee tne business of all husbands to ure- agricultuital fron ihe memoir of the philadelphia society for promoting agriculture on the duration of pods when their natural pofition is tevcrfed on removing the old fence of my ear- den to fet a newc e about five years fince 1 found that the old fence was fup ported by a few pods that were fork d and the fork d- wn and that they were quite found while the reft were rotten and broken ff the yard fence only five pannrrj thee pars o which were itrong- and 1und and likely to hit for ten years more were not f rkec but from their being knotty it wis ejfy to fee that they w te top in the ground i have made enquiry of the car penter who built the fence and h- fays the fence llood twenty or twentyone years and that it was the den of my predeces- for to turn all poftr top down that would admit of it the fa ft being known to him that they would iaft longer john r evans to the farmers the fubfcriber bein fupplied with i much b rl1ly as hi- stores wi conveiiriitly hold begs that the faineia will withhold bringing any mre for six weeks when he wll be prepared t re ceive it again at the lame prices tiiojias daltov kingflon brewery to be paid tor at the usual rate sleep or eat in ike cabin deck pttsscn rc will pay ibs and nriy quupv mn s tt ojr mn provisions or be uirnished bv the steward for each dug brought on board 5 all applications tor passages to be made to captain mackenzie on ooard fr eig ii t will be transported to and frora the above places at the rate of 4s per barrel b k and flptir at the custoniary rale deiivered to the different coniiees a list of their names will be put in a con spicuous place oi bod which must be deemed a sufficient notice and the good- ien taken from the steamboat will foe considered at tiie risk of the owners for each sl parcej 9s 6d which must be paid on delivery kingston apid ibi9 istf 50 pounds reward tolen from walkers hotel to kingfton on the night of the 29th or morning of the 30th of june inftant out of the runk of the subfcriber which was broken open a parcel directed co william allan efq containing jioooin montreal bank bills wholoevcr will give information that may jead to the de teclion and conviction of the thieves fhalj rcreryeth ahove reward the u be of no ufe to trie holder as prompt meafures have been taken to prevent their difecrunt at the bak where regular entries of their numbers have as ufual been made any communication refpec- ting the above may be addressed to i homas markland efq of kingfton or to the subfcriber at y ik george r1dout kingfton june 30th 1819 27 notice as ii september 50th 1819 40 notice to pexmoners y4 ll pensioners whose residence is at xa or near the undermentioned stations are required to appear or by writing to report themselves in future at the periods specified to the respective ofiiccr of the commiariat in order that the pioper forms of docnrrenta reative to pensions for each individual may be forwarded for their use a very vaiuab farm bituated ol near the yulth ofhrovkm ile be ing the rear half of 0t so one and the rear half of lot nuu two in the ff- cond concession ft elizabctlitoun u c containing two frittrid acres former ly the property of heuben sherwood esquire but no hp tojohnsha- ter esquire of ioik- i here is a ve ry good du oiling ho w it a barn and other out houses ou lremies also lot number iiineteen tne con- cession and the vvest ri nunihr one in the clghtli cofwssjon of the same township mpi itf camber fifteen in thenrt concession a number fifteen in flii niti pft fag r f yojige in the strict of johns town these farms i ije disposed of on terms peculiarly ea v il1 adfaotage- ous topiirchasers ap to davnujoxisjun brockvill 1 mil mtiary 1 8 i 0 4 iiip i jmkersiburgh fort george j cmnpbca qaccnsioyi on tr about york 94th august kingston f nov fen brhckcifbuih richmond may of jcngary j each year montreal chambtu si jortnx on or about dfummomhpu william henry t he- three ftioers 10th srplembf kctiouraska and on the lint dee mar communication to neiojjuns- june of tcia and other prices nearest each jrar quebec j ooffimksary grncral office quebec aug 18 ih19 c 35m3 hip of john dean r ss vent their obtaining it pulpit bull a clergyman preaching a scrmoti bn heath concluded w itli the following a- jostrophe u lint ever death nry breth ten so well deserved by mankind thr their sins the wisdom of providence has in its paternal kindness put at t een ef our euvance ior only think what vould life be worth il death were at tie beoli- g ittras juft received and now offers for 1 jl ale at the new store nct door to mr a p forwcnvs hottl in the vil- age of bath a general affortment ol dry j gods ixroceries crockery hardware unusually lozc for cash r most kinds of country produce in tome instances where pfjnctu mjty may rettfd upon a very short credit may be given and in luch cafes only lath aug 2189 32 valuable lanfe for wte in the midland ustriet count of prince edward and towns atrieiiasburgh lot 23 in he froit concession on lake ontario lying n the eastward of nieholsotrs island lots and c4 ii the second con cession of said tow nslip l whole con taining six hundred aires for particulars imjuire at the office of the kingston ghnnnicie or of the honorable james lujy york n b all persons are cautioned a- gainsl cutting or desfroying the timber on the above lands a- they will certainly subject themselves to a leg prosecu tion if detected kingston july 9th 1810 28- tf forwarding commission business r h k subcribers beg leave to inform fl their friends and the public that they have formed a connection in busi ness the object of which is the trans portation of produce down the st law rence and of merchandise of every de scription fom montreal to any part of upper canada and the united states ad jacent to the lakes ontaiio and erie the business will be conducted by v j bjfll at ogdensburgbj and under the firm of iv l iv luting oj co at 1rescott tfi prevent delay all property desti- p iw iustvnr iwanw ntnoille- lky of quinle will be forwarded from pres- cott i the steam boat cltariotte which leaves there twice every week the subscribers engage to freight on as favourable terms as any who are en gaged in the business- and pledging their united exertions to give satisfaction will be grateful for every favor w l whiting w 11 ucb ell prescott 20th hnjz 19 tames meigher returns his mofi jincere thanks to the p- ople of kings ton and its environs for ihe liberal eri- courament he as met ivith juice his com mencing bujinefs he begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he hat removed to his new ho ufe near the mar ket place oppofic to hir baymans ons ivill gs ufual carry on the tin copper and sheet iron manufactory horse shoeing and black smith ivor k will be executed in the bejl manner at the jhortejl notice and on the loivtjl terms n b to rent leafe or fell for tfa term of ten years and immediate pojfejfton given that quell known jland the iv el lington inn in barrack jlreet this fituation is one of the bcfl in town havin many conveniences that render tt particularly well adapted for a hovfe qj public entertainment and store jpph to the proprietor kingflonyfcb5 1s19 6 to clothiers for sale a quantity of presspapers tho s whitaker co jfugust 19 1s19 34 a farm folisale adjoining iiay bay fn thetown- hip of fredericksburgh the eaft half of lot no 2 in the fecondconceflion containing 100 acres and having about 40 acres under cultivation with a log houfc and barn upon it for the terms apply to daniel wahhburn efquire kingfton p van koughnet cornwall dsc 7 181 8 36 npersons having books belonging jl to the kingston library are requett terms of the kingston chronicle twenty shillings per annum if sent by mail twee y four shillings subscriptions to be paid in advance to the 1st of july or the 1st cf janu- vhlce of advertisements ix lines and under 2s 6d first in- anchors cables on oi notice the same preacher began a set mot with the following bombast u pea jriends i shall embark my exhortation today on the barge of my lips in on- r tnlle late partnership of robert gpq- a ham 6 co having dissolved itself thisday by the death of roderick mac- lay esq the busstness in future will be anied on by the subscriber to w horn all oersons who arc indebted to he above william budden till receive b the eatlieil fpring vctfels and keep confrantiy hand at quebec an artroerrt of patent proved caii cables nil sires anchoiis do well worthy the attercion of thofe enga ged in the lake and rver navigation quebec 1 ft april 181q itf en to fend them to the fubfcriber at hfs c3 sertioiu and ld each subsequent ho ufe adjoining the town of king ion and with as little delay as poflble john ferguson 1 2th april 1819 16 u w lh to cross the stormy ocean of atee- x nu their accoutiti with- tion and in hopes oi safely arriving at the oort of your ars a frr idea of his talents may b gathered from hi jgfoing t a nn pi cj 1b mite acd bcuctolat di ooi it tona ut deia and those who nia have claim tainst that coricehi will please present them for adjustment 29 robert graham feint frederick tin sent isi 4 quantity of red cedar mcklis ircn 7 in s feet in length apply to mr- john dawson tailor willfam yitex kingston july 17 11j 30 three farm forsale or if not fold to fa rented fo- tlu en fning year viz one af the prefque iie harbr one at watetoo aid the picket farm fo called a contract nlfo will be giv n for cutting icoo cords of wood i whitney kingston 1 6th tv ir r 2jtt notice vll perfons indebted to the late co- parr ne hip of richard robison and david secord are requcfted to make im mediate payment to the furviving partner david sccord and thofe to whom the faid c pirtnermtp nay be indebted are le- quefted to fend in their accounts for ad- jullmert and payment kingfton 27th may 1819 26tf to let a commodious house near xll doctor keatings two stories high with seven rooms a kitchen and a cellar u der the whole a good yard and stable altn a v- ry good s- ring near the house fur further particuars apply to james robins kingston tyh 1819- 23 for sal or to ler at two lory ftatned houfe and a jjl large and commodious lone store h ti r on the waters edge in the centre of the village of prefcot n cxccvditgly ad- vantageou terms o the purchafc r or lessee enquire at he office of hr a haoerman kingfton 26th february ib 19 9 insertion 10 lines and under 2s ad- first insertion and lod each subsequent insertion above ten lines 4d per line for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisetn fits without written direc tions are inserted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing and delivered btf wednesda y noon at the latest no advertisements received after- ten oclod on ihe day of publication aghxts henry crvwan eq juibc edward sills kq three liiocrs james williams fq moninat messrs j j dunlop lucaste paul glaford esq matilda alpheus jones esq prescott henry ioisps lsq urockrilu n b tommas esq perth h willi marsh vi-q- richmond j k hurt well eq bustard k webster eyq gananoue j itanken esq bath aluil mcpherson i c nnpancs tiomas parker lq bellvitte james g reline esq hamilton william allan eq york richard hatt esq duntuzs daniel ross etq vittocia joiifi crooks ksq filagara t mcoormuii ksq queens ton john w lvon v u tut hem tffurgtl kingston v c pruited ioh hum umxob

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