outline may not be unacceptable first grant the king granted to the pttki dalajjon apcat favorite and heie confidered as one of th fc obfequiou appendages neceflary at the court of a young monarch fond of the fair fex a traft of land with boundaries nearly defined in eaft florida of which though no tegular furvcy had been made it wa- tfttmated at feveral millions of acres- the uzti being one of the choifeft of the whole florida territory it was thought that ready and advantageous fales would be eafi y made second the king pracionfly bellowed on count iunon roftro a trad nearly of the fame dimenfion as the above this grant was at the time confidered as the faftlt becanfe the count had rendered forre tftential femces to the crown but that the duke was very much fcoffed at bv ali thvfe hih minded c3iiians who were aware of the iacifice3 by which it had been obtained third the king f tfa gave to vargas his private treafurer a grant u compri sing al the land in either of the floridas belonging to the crowi of spain which had not been included in the two preceding grvits thifl broad and fweeping grant wa received bythegrandeesvykhiurprife jeajous indignation but vargas and his friends endeavored to convince them that this royal donation was not fo much intended to make the fortune of himfelf and his-aitociate- as it was that it mould operate as a grand political coup dc wain againft the executive of the united states bvcaufe in the event of spain being obliged to cede the foverefgnty of the floridas the king was determined the wafhington government fhoald have no foil in the floridas to difpofe of in the month of june lad year fer dinand had the fatisfaftion to learn that the american cabinet were apprifed of thefe tokens of royal munificence and by the diplomatic intercourfe that immediately to it place he alio difcovered that maters were affuming a ferious afpeft he therefore found himfelf corftrained to iflue a royal orde in which he laconically states that for imperious political reafons he revokes the ceffins made to the three individuals above mentioned and com mands them immediately to give back their gvants the count punon rostro and the trrafurer vargaft promptly acquirfced in the decree and returned to the king their grants but the duke dalagon who in madrid is confidered as a cunning od fox ventured to remonstrate with his lord and master and stated that as an agent had been ent to america for the purpofe of felling thefe lands and as bonajide fales had actually been effeed of par thereof it was not poflible to revoke them without a breach of good faith that might affrfl the national character adding however that he would fufpend further fales ferdinand who is not in the habit of allowing any of his courtiers even thofe who have most wit netted his foibles to dffobey him with impunity intimated to the duke that if he did not conform to the literal tenor of the royal decree he might calculate on incui ring his utmost difplea- fure thus forthe prefect has terminated the most curious affair that ever difgraced thespanifh court a fplendid fortune would have been made by the above named individuals and their friend if the giants in question had nol been overturned by the royal decree but the objcs of the kings intended munificence are now viewed with contempt by all parties some other strange tranfiftions in this myscerious sffir of which we arc yet to fee th denouement hall form thefubjeft ofanuthe communication sir thomas m hardy has ntt yet failed from england at the last date he had a long conference with ministers on his intended expedition to the south seas with four hips which are to ferve as a fquadron of obfervation to aft in the event of emergency from the daily advertiser oct 19 by the arrival of he brie new or leans from leghorn we tuwo received gibraltar papers to the 7th of september the governor of gibraltar in conse- quenceof a proclamation issued by lieut gen odormell commanding in he neighboring district stating that jlieyel- low fever or epidemia prevailed to an alarming degree in the isla tie leon in order to iusnre the safety of the garrison jja prohibited all communication by sea or laud no person coming from he ter ritory of spain is permitted to enter the ganison uttlos under certain restric tions a cordon of troops had been es tablished and an inspector of strangers placed at the entrance of the village any person entering except where the in spector is stationed the sentries are di rected to fire upon him dated at gib- ialtar 29fh august 1819 on the 2d of september the governor of gibraltar learning that the epidemic fever was extending itself o towns be- jofid the limits of the cordons and being apprehensive that no measure of precau tion would answer short of closing the communication entirely with spain ex cept thiough the customary process of quarantine had given notice by procla mation that the communication would be dosed the next evening september 3 at gunfire tents have been erected on the neutral ground for the encampment of to poor who are permitted to pursue their several calling in tmva during the day and to return to their encampment night jj retnber i mou of states that the treaty for the ces- i is to be found in the humanity of the in the floridas has not been ratified habitants of quebec who furcly will not by the spanish government but referred back to washington it is stated that he american minister has taken a more permanent residence at madrid and that a spanish duke has been appointed en voy extraordinary to the united states washington october 1 1 congrefs is to meet at the conflitution- al period the rirll monday in december and not on the third monday in novem ber as ftated the ftatement we copied from a new- york paper ahat previous to the depart ure of mr fenwick the grand council of callile had affembled and decided not to ratify the treaty with america and a courier was immediately difpatched to the spa ifh ambaftador in london is calcu lated we underltaud to produce an erro neous impreflion though certainly not in tended the time for the ratification of the treaty expired without its ratification the grand council had afllmbhd not to deliberate probably on the fuhjefl of the treaty but on other matters nothing had tranfpired refpediing its refolves ex cept that kt a courier wa immediately dis patched to the spanifli ambaftador in london the qucltion about don louts de onivs difgrace fo long in fulpenne in fettled by the arrival of mr fenwick m dc onis was at madrid and was in high favor with the government nat intel allow fifty of their fellow creatures in the muft deplorable of all conditions fick hclplefa in poverty and in a ftrange land to erih without even the miferable as- fillance which can be obtained in a tem porary hofpital florida treaty the philadelphia ga zette itates on the authority of a ltttcr from madrid that the britifh and ruffian miniflers refident at the court of spain officially advifed and urged the ratification of the florida treaty from the montreal herald of ottoler 2 3 fittfls a last week a fine child about 4 years of age died of this dreadful dlfale at la chine we trust this will operate as a warning to fuch parents as have hitherto neglced to get their children vaccinated to get ft done without delay the facilities now afforded for this by the eatablifhment of the difpenfary leaves no excufe forthe poorest perfon omitting it and it is the duty of a who puffgfe liy influence with the lower claffcs to recom mend it in the most powerful way new canal at the heal of the long saut ottawa hiver we arc informed that this work which is intended to do away with the neetffity of afcending thefe dangerous rapids and which was commenced lat fpiing under the direction of captain mann of the royal staff corps has mde coilgderahle from the quebec mercury of 08 15 it is gratifying to ubferve the earned which the prefent summer has afforded in the acceffion to the number of clergy in this diocefe procured from the incorpo rated society for the propagation of the gofpel or provided upon the fpot for adoption upon their lift and it is equally gratifying to obferve the number of i lunches aually building or in contem plativn for the promotion of the latter object it muft be generally known that a fund exifts in the province which was raifed by fiihfciiptiona in england in addition to the aid derived from this fund and the laudable exertions of the con gregations immediately concerned sub let iption i apers have been circulated in the two provinces fur the erection of par ticular churches am at this moment there are feveral inftances here there is caufe for fuch an appeal but in the midft of the more prtffiug miu in behalf of the ftrarger the fick ai j the deflitute undtr the approaching rigours of the winter it isjudged prudent to fufpend thefe appli cations and as tl number of them is alio fufiiciert to operte as a check upon their fuccefs if fepartely prefented it is propofed to form an addition to the existing general fund from wl c particular churches miy then draw an inreafed proportion of affiftance according a the wants circum- ttancesand claims oi r paric engaged a subscription book fot this purpofe will be immediately openj at t office tho tor the reafons ali eai ated the payment inducing fheir farmerstoadopt a new and impro- wd sysrorn cffcultivatlog the stfl sooiric have l- been eiuihlislivil at quebec and ftfuntiral utiiehare proceeding cry mccessfolly bevej al fiflhc french canadians wuh all tltcii ai laclutnnt to the habits ftnd customs a their fore fathers by this influence of those socieufs arc ue- kiniiinfr 10 adopt a diivrreni system of hiagf ami to improve ouir exhausted lauds by manure and a rotation of eroju thn second annual cattle shew exhibition and puiii nn malcli lor ihe disrrin of quecc ua- hold on iiic plains of abraham on uif jill and tidi oct ihst wheo 13 premiums amounting to 1 92 dollars n ere awarded for iii bei live stock produced al the show prcmium amonn- in o 70 dollars for the best plougno and plough in and 3 gratifications amounting o isw dol iars for various produclious exhibited on the oc casion the monrcil general cattle show was hid o ihe 29tli of sjit witcn v- premiiirns amounting to 585 dollars wciv an aided lor ihe best stock the county cattle shows were held on the 10th of sept and premiums awarded for stock as fol low s counv of montrca43 dolls effingtnn92 leinitter 1 10- warwick 119 kichelieu 140 surn 117 total 621 dollars it mav be observed thai th parliament of lower canada hw made a liberal provision in favour of its agricnuanaj socieiie nmilar appropriation bjoni leglilature would certain ly be attended wiili beneficial result howver inconsiderable might be the jums apportioned to each socieiv notice to pexsioners a public dinner was given at qnehec on the 13th inst tocapt bufhby of the brig georg symcs by the inhabitants of that city in acknowledgement of that gentlemans civility to the catholic arch- bifhop of canada while on his paflage to england will not be required r f me time x noxstomcu 4 t 9 qui latest nywvnr pfra furnish us with london data to the totj september the lale disturbances at maiteht ier aa roodct of the magistrates and fnvjilr- on thai hlllllil rufeea ulul v u u paper di11 ion thrv r prerai l the lender of i lo bring forward nm con more exiiaiaant demand the fubstance of the anonymons commu nication refpeftinp air ketchcfons child will be feen in our last number if however it had not come too late for infertion this vveek we miht have published it for thefat- ifddion of mr ketchcfon and hisftiends we have only room for the following extraft i ketchefon and his family defirepub- lickly to return their fincre thank to their neighbours and friends for their kind and generous exertions in fearching after their child and to exprefs their fenfe of the goodnefs and care of divine providence in thusmiraculoufly preferving her unhurt and giving her to them again alive sidney 21st odobcr 1819 4 ll pen ioneri whoe residence is at jl- or near the undcrtneutionc 1 stntiens are required to appear or by writing to report ihcrmelves in future at the peiioda specified to the tespedivc officer9 of the commissariat i order that the proper forms of documents relative to peimons for each individual may be forwarded for their use amhcruburk fort george on or about chjppewu qucenston i l voth t84ih augosr kin tun 4i no feb fitockcilu richmond m ma of gtnar j rach year montreal cfutmvty t oaitft on or about dfummijndviikwuliain henry the thrcr pavers i 10th sptcmbr kumouravkn and on the une off de- mar communication to eu8rutu i june of wick tmd other places nearest cacii year quebec j commissary general oificr quebec au ik il j 3hm3 on monday nightthc tsth inft the store of the subscriber was broke open and to the amount of 75 dollars or upwards in cafh carried avray alfo a few large cotton shawls one remarkable fo reign red scarf upwards of four yards in length one end of which richly ornamen ted with gold thread the other end- plain whoever may give fuch information a will lead to the recovery of any of laid art idea will be handfomely rewarded by applying to the fnbfcriber for samuel aykroyd donald aiurchison kingston igth os 1819 43 has juft received and now offer for ale at the new store next door to mr j p forwards hotel in the vil lage of bath a general aflbrtment of dry goods groceries crockery hardware unusually loic for cora or most kinds of country lroduce in fome instances where punctu lity ma he reuft upon a very short credit may be given and in ven now made a ti nutiritiil arl laint aiu it ooibte tu- nnnratiftcaion sam a m iir uiittvjl si- ls roafinwd he it lie it hi inr i if inf he treaty bcttwmi is corjirmrd tlir i n nf lfii treu- of uie coiijfr t the un siatos- in our tail ffnmbw m imbuahedastatcwnt o ii- nijiiirn us of m iii ac irnltura smrc i jtoirfci mlrf ulfc progref lherc is a line of upwards of johw 1 u few curwry in- k 1 liow oi cat- uec aid i ciinns nt exlunicaon iienccjnn ai atuihi w1 vvhfre the meet ill look place j tiif l w ftr4d wlff orcmiilw mini d auc tot tlieit dicrim two miles open the excavation of a great part of which is completed to a fufsctcnt depth as well as the slope and tow puh the benefit that will arife to the provinces on the completion of this under taking ie incalculable the paffagc of th- rapids which is at all times difficult and partf the year perfectly imp a6ticable for loaded boats or canoes will be ren dered eafy and the navigauon will be perfectly umnterrupted from la chine to the falls of the chau iere the new steam boat otazoa which has been built during this feafon at the head of the long sault on the ottawa river was tried for the first time at la chine on tuefday ian and we understand gave general fatnfaction to all who faw her under every difadvantage anting from the newnefs of the machinery and towing two boats astern ihe went from la chine to the upper mouth of the chateaaguay river and returned a distance of more than 14 miles in one hour and twenty minute we fhnll feel happy in hearing of the fuccefsof this boat we understand he u intended to ply between la chine and the cafcades to keep up the com munication with the steam toat lately built on lake st francis and to go weekly to the foot of the long sauk on the grand or ottawa river thin gives heran interest as beinjr dtfigned tn open a ready accefs to one of the most fertile and flourilhing districts in the piovince where it has hitherto been fo much wanted the engine is an eighteen horfe power was made at the montreal sir furnace and is we believe the first steam engine ever made in canada it is on the most ap proved construction combining strength and ncatnefa with reat fimplicity and demonstrates the important fact that we can now obtain steam engines without expending our money to pay the labourers of the old country and liberates us fron the heavy charges which always refult from one country being totally dependant on another for their moit neceftary articles iittoiand itiia 1 v hie airflhwre 1 heir dujj ill in oifaucv ofco an institution it i nutivimiabk- 10 jqfwtrl aci uum to pisr- ict uv cnl order manatnnnt of iti affair or thai thi rit- ihesmricty should e m all reipects tlu r adapted to the gene ral conwenienee of tf nnhr al at tlcame time include die aceominoln f ic of par ocular tnuiilnp mtuate at the extremities oi the district to render ioeieiy extei iicftil ir must bogeorrauj eeontased and sup- purled l trie farmeri in ery nwusliip and to induce all to encourage n al facility nrosl beafloidml 10 aft of feccjintfttg eoaipli tors tor nrenimun- th m article of tofi rules and r-i- tilatioiik which reouires tfcptwo half yearly irt from ihe quebec gazette of 08 11 ellll rlllls muhfttal an hopital for sick and deftitute emigrants has been eftabhfhed for fome time part on the cape- the ufe of the building tire bedding medicines and med ical afftllarce have been given gratuitoufly by the military government by com mand of his grace the late governor in chief the fubfidence of the sick has been fupplied out of the funds collected by fobfeription by the emigrants society and we are forry to fay that altho thefe funds have been applied almoft foltfly to this purpofe they are now nearly exhausted upwards of fifty fick and utterly deftitute peifons have been provided for at a tual weekly expence of fix or even pounds we know of no fund provided ior the a gibraltar paper of the 1th of svn- fenaott of thw hofpttal but that which eneral meeting for the v ofcaiile vc and ior the distribution of prin ui he held ai kings ton on the tt munda in cbr ary the other at adolphiinwi the li mo lav in oetoier mii wc timik he advautaouvly altered aud modifi ed u by changing the times of die general ueetinjs to the 1st tudaj november mav as heutgthe most proper nifttmuil for bowing he condition of the caiile ren taken from grass and after winter feeding id my consinntiiig out of the membersol the ueral committee sub committees for each court v who should bo au thorized o hold meeting 10 regulate the times and plai lui huoi mi h ej atnl in auitid premium competitor mthiu then oub coun- ues and that in proportion to the nmount sub- senbej vntim eacttcouu respectively thtts iv itavin cattle show c in each county the farmers amid only attend iliemeive bui e ihti caule to the piivv appointed without nnicr inconvenience or eatpeoctf these county sio9 would ceriiniily cicoie a more general in- trrot iti the mtiidiof the lniaeri to ettcoorage tins inuittiltoil and they uotild excitca pii it of compctitioii between eoirteb a well us among iudtvulual- we would oborve with regard to the jih ar- iicle of uie regittatiousj that tbongb it require all persous hecomug candidate for prizes to he buna fide resident within ie district i dttcvooi preveut implements of husbandry or auimul- unporied intotbe lroncc ivo- beiste entered lot piviiiium an i weareiocliued t think thai the restriction made ilu eouiuiue of coniin- iug the prizes to aniumu rawed in ihe province- ougbl lobe altered tbfi samepremiuiuleirdfor an appro v d breed i ioiportedauiiualnforbomt- nrei requrriug however taat the former as well a- the lauir sliould he al the time bonafule own ed b a resident in the diatrictiuil if a prize waa awurded ui thtf owner for the anmal thai u should be retained in the dixtriei at least six mouths thereafter it i imrnatenaj from nlieuceagood breed ofcultle is introduced provided the am- mau when once brought in arc returned in the eouuii for the purpose of improving the breed ve have alreadv hinted lb propriety of extend ing premiums to the best cnwlvated orcliard sec and if the fund- piould acbi of it it might even be useful to kola out some nicourogement to do- inemic iiidastn by idvnnu premium far oud 5peiiniclii of houicfjiuii clo we have made these oh- rvatioos 011 otn agri cultural mciet ill ue i j- of directing ihe public attention to the fcj i a strange and mifctketi idea among om- of our farmer- thai ueir interest i uppucd to thai of the mei- chant it would be a uawi of time terionsly to combat this prejudice i wish tosee the gar- meia who jiivr rtiru u in opinion at aiv rate ajou mippoim the own interest and we shall then lee peuectlj at ea aboat the iuc- ce of the merchant agrieul ural societies have of late become ve ry general not iopeaki lireat britain whre tlvej hav long been estabiujjed aod where the have been ih mesuuof e veiling the most bar- leo wa and unfruitful jlfuiy bigbiy eu vaied and tei ale fields uu a ui a similar description have uc spruug into ex- i tn ihe vuited stat america wheie they have already prouw hirprlsiog effects in a rfnrnmineona sunday daudij are in- nujie juoua we do not nlj i to the in- eiiion of any coimnnnicailon wherrin ihe satire is general ajid aitne i at the folly or viee it would coriiri we cannot consent to give a place in our columns to a wauton and iljnainretl attack upon tin maiinei or ilrefrf of any individual of the c tin v iitmcr nii v hr ii foi iii jsot1ce the fubfenber has now and will con tinue to have at his brewery a fup- ply of rich flavored ale the prefent price i3 one fliiufiig per gal lon for immediate payment the admi rers of extra ftrong bodied ale are refpefk- fully informed that as footl as poflible he will provide a lock that will satisfy the nult fahijious critic he thinks it will not be amifs to remind the farmers who are the mafs of the peo ple that if they wifh their grain la com mand cafh they mil ft abfolutely make malt liquor their common beverage and thus fnpport the canadian brewers inftead of the well indian diuillcru lt is ot feri ous confequence both to tliemfelves and to the whol- country that they fhould im mediately adopt fo praifeworthy a refolu- tion orders fent to the brewery or left with mr john russell at smith bartlct efqa will meet with due attention thomas d alton kingston brewery oct 26 18 19 n b grains at all times for fale 7yd per burtul 44 fuch cafes only aug 2 1819 32 a gml jtefgsiti for sale the houfc and prcmiks ia the town of ktngfton at prefcri oc cupied by the ubferiber for particulars apply to 1 samuel anleyjun kingston may 5th 18 j9 10 surgeon dentist a ll operations performed upon the teeth by j r spooner at mrs patricks inn aug 2d 1819 3 asjicuu 7 o3 ctoot r tobias tefpcafully informs 7jl the ladies and gentlemen of kingston and its vicinity that his dancing school will commence on monday the 1 st of november at mr darleys aflembly room iii main 6treet hours of tuition for young ladies from half past 2 oclock until half past 5 oclock p m anu from 6 until 9 m for gentlemen no ipcflators will be admitted except the parents and guardians of thofe young ladies and gentlemen who attend the school kingston 28th october f s f 9 44 to ltl wk a h k gravcstreet j j adjoining the refidencc of th- 1 ubferiber tousaint lestage kingston 0t i8ti 1819 44 whereas johngiahaman infh emigrant font bid wife forward to kingfton from la chine on thurfday the 26th of auguft intending himfelf to follow by water this is to requeft any perfon who may be acquainted with the circumftances to inform his disconfolate wife by letter dire6ed to the poll office who has been long anxioufly looking fur her husband at king ton whether he i itill living and where he is lo be found kingflon sept 2 3 1819 to be sold qan of fire woodiying u on tlic bank of mr dalys farm a little beyond collins bay convenient for conveyance by water co kingfton not lefs than 50 coids will be fold to a pur- chafer price 58 per cord a wilson kingston 5 th 0 1 8 9 41 no lice the late partnership of robert gra hum sf co having dissolved itself this day by the death of roderick mac- kay ksqthc busshiess in future will be carried en by thesubscriber to whom all person- who are indebted to the above firm will please pay their accounts with out u lay and those r ho may have claims agaiuht that concern will pleabe pcesont them for adjustment 29 kobfcrt graham point frederick 21st sept 1818 list of letters remaining in the post- office at bellvilki bth october 1819 dr andw austin norman ball ard arge burcheji2 elijnli brntley aosiin bicir william crami cornelius b and hen- edict joseph beasley elijan carlev george cameron john cowan john g clute thomas coleman peter den t gaiuit dean 2 benja min dawson john kveiitt dairirl evrritt tfaiftan laiun imkivtib fifikir u iam firman hekiah fojrason sa- uel fcr- jnsoi james fribpe llarev fowler abel gilbert jonathan greeley 2 laarcs gilbert norman hardv marshall rlovrcj sheldei haw- ley henry j heerman bradley ilawley john j h eagle jacoes jen ell john jobitson l john jamieson 4 joephat keelcr 2 hugh kemerfy silvester kelky ferdinand l- gg fmaies ly ons lyon biggcrs barcnt luro bavid los- see han y lute mrs jane maton george mer- ritt diinald mclionald john mcguire daniel mckouzie peirr manerinc robert morton andrew mason donald mrleljan ihgu mac- lean 2 walter mekibbnn rin mumo james mcxabn j od i w meyers john orr peter orcittt daniel outwater thomas ii lowers owen uiehard jame hiclirdjon fq cath- rine llor mtrirr ijiiioii james spencer lohii srnih ta heriimrai adam v sny- fler lveies sprasec jivs siuart solomon sueifrijlcp john tke wtllau trowbridge andrew tlonon 2 vvhkuin ijomson daniel rinmun jtn iirnho jq william tay- nr peter van sciver v h valbje james vitnin 2 borman ytehmu inor villiams vlbcrt w ill ans jin wh1u keubeo k way tilt mas pailkpk post mastvr er an admirable rctorl lt is hated in a london paper of the 7th of september that the celebrated ifunt on his way from lancafter jail met a clergyman mounted on a handfome horfe when the following dialogue enfu- ed between them hunt so youtea parfun are you with that fine horfe it would better be come you to imitate the humility of your lord and matter and ride on a jack afs clergyman that would be rather difficult now adays for tlere is not a ack a is in the kingdom that ia not al- ieady hired as a radical riormer genius feems to differ in its develope ment according to the toil that pave it birth this made kant the celebrated philofopher once fay genius with us ger mans- lb ikes in the root with the italians iti the blanches j with the french in th tluilum and with the engiilh in the fruit