from the montreal her al j off 30 men 1 icmvi i ii 1 h between the hour of 12 and 1 oclock on he olht of ptiefday lalt our citizen- yce railed with the appalling cry of fir yelmuding through the ireets tht cnuh f the alaim wj found to proceed from a jioufr uear the scninary in noire damt street oct upied by lr girard confec tioner which wa difcovercd to be on fire it was firft feen by two young men of mcfivs gibb kolmyer why lept in a building in rear of the adjoining premifes and notwithfanding the alarm was inltant- ly fffven the dcfirudlive element had at tained fitch a height that three houfes feu a prey it mercilefs ravages before it could be chicked the filent hour at which it occurred the length of time whirh unavoidably elaplcd before afliltance coud be 0t nnd the extent the flames had reached before they were difcovered gave it an appearance threatening and awful in the exneme from the lame caufes the adjoining buildings vere j the mod immi nent danger the cloth stores belong- inc to mcftrs gibbs sc kolmyer which joined the houfe where the fire broke out wa fnvei by the indefatigable exertions of the citizens and ihe printing office and bo k store belonging to mr brown ran the utmoft rifle being on fire in feveral pla ces at different times if was to the prompt and vivrons efforts of all who were pre sent aided by the calmnefs of the evening and the fall of fnow which had happened the afternoon before that we are indebted for getting the flames fa rapidly fubdued among others we were informed the gen tlemen of the seminary were particularly confpicuous for their exertions and kindly funiifhed a fupply of water from their pump in the garden it is reported that the greater part f the property was covered in the different infarance office but the fs muft be very considerable for the pro- grefs of the conflagration was fo rapid that fome of thofe occupying the houfes barely efcapid with their lives without faving any of their efti3 among the chief fuffer crs are mr girard confeioner and mr cauntz both of whofe hi ufes were entire ly confumed and hardly any thing laved meffrs w j spragg whofe auction stores are partly burnt and the book store belonging to mtftrs- boffange papineau the roof of which was entirely confumed and the property much injured in the attempt to reicuc it there have been no certain accounts of the way in which the fiie originated the rnoft probable is that it arofe from the negligence of a maid fervant who had been lent an errand to the garret with a lighted candle the preceding evening oo thmfday lafl the fire which had not been completely cxtinguifhed in the ruins of boffangepapineaus store broke ut dgain about 10 oclock a m it was fortunately got undei without doing any further injury on thurfday evening about 7 oclock another fire broke out in a houfe in st paul street occupied by meffrs stewart jiolroyd 5c co and mr- leveque dry good stores adjoining to meffrs gerard co the violence of the fire wab fo great that although early difcovered the whole premifes with almoft all their whole contents were entirely confumed the great exertions on the part of the citizens and firemen favoured by the calmnefs of the evening prevented its communicating to the adjoining houfes we have been informed that a confier- able part of the property deftroyed by the late fire particularly that of thurfday cveningi was infured in the montreal fire infutance company the extent of the lofs is not yet accurately known infu- rance had been effected for jp3800 in the above office man lo practice physic and midwifery ouly lieutenant governors office york 15th october 1819 it having from divers parts of the pro vince been conveyed to his excellency i be lieutenant governor that the ma gistrates have not received the acts of parliament after publication and his excellency having ascertained hat the said acts have been duly delivered at the post office and forwarded according to their address notice is hereby divert that in future whenever the acts shall he delivered to the post it will be notified in the gasette and it is desired that if the said acts shall not be duly received after a proper interval subsequent to such notification the magistrates not receiv ing them will report the same to his ex cellencys private secretary for his ex cellencys information communications to sir the rev rowland grove curtois chaplain to the fotces sfc by a letter the authenticity of which we may depend upn there appears to have been feveral fhock- of an earthquake felt atlalhineon i huitdav ialt our in formant ftates that it happened about half paft 7 oclock in the morning and that there were four or five fliocks dirtinly felt they were fo violent as to move thofe lying in bed and produce a tremb kng motion and noife among the furniture in the room we have not heard of any injury it had done nor that it had been perceived in any other place ib in the houfe of commons on the 5th july the following qucfhon and reply was fnaderefpefting canada mr w douglas wirtaed to afk a queftion the anfwer to which was of con siderable importance to our fettlers in canada his queftion was whether any means had been deviled for tlte prevention of the recurrences of fuch disgraceful outrages as had lately come under the notice of the houle as having taken place in thefe quartets mr goulburn replied tht fch means had been devifed and tffcual meafures taken for that purpofe ib lieutenant governors office lark 10th oct 1819 his evrfuency the lieutenant gov ernor jim been pleased to grant licences to the undermentioned gentlemen at die recommendation cf the medical board appointed under the authority of the pro vincial salute j hn gilchrist of hamilton inathasxel ihx ot nelson eomonp vv altai trcngoi uallowck iitkin gross of murray asolmtus atixlcn of gainsborough charles kxjncomb of wescoft gentlemen t practice lhistc sutler and mdvvifft 1akasu smjxu of ikrion gentle- underftanding that you are about to leave this country for england w the maiftrates and gentry refilent at bith in the townfliip of ernell town and in its vicinity cannot fuffer you to take yaur departure from anioigft without cx- pr effing to you in much fincenvy our re gret that we are fo foon to lofc the contin nance of thofe kind attentions which you have for fome time and with fu ruch dis- intereftednefs bellowed upon the inhabit ants ot thi place in affording them the means of promoting their religious exerci fes which had been but too jong fufpen- ded wc remember the lime when the church at this place was dellitute of a minifter of the gofpel and we remember the alacrltv with which you in conjunction with the rev mr wilfun came forward and amidil the neceffary difcharge of an arduous and more official duty fuppied the warn and with an earneltncfa too that we have often obferved with gratitude it is this feeling of gratitude that now indu- ces us to leturn you our bed and kinded thanks- we view your departure from this cuntry aa a lofs tht will be felt in i more ways than one it is well known to us all that at your fuggeftion various pub lic inftitationa have been elhibiifhed in this diflrift hat have for their objtt the a- melioration of fociety and the general im provement of the province and we have witneffed yur zeal in carrying them into effect we can only hope that in your abfence aftive promoters of rhem may not be wanting we now take our leave of you and in doing this we heartily affure you of our bed withes may the proteion of a gra cious providence be bountifully expended to you wherever you go and if it be con- filtent with your future profpeds in life may you fliortly be reftorcd to this coun try we are sir with refpeft your obliged and obedient servts signed benjamin fuirfiehl j- p robert iviltiims j i shcldin havljj collin mckenzic james run ice n darnel ffagatmin george hunt john clark daniel farley richard tvarffie george ii ulcer j mac fraser m f calvin wheeler peter davy m s liidlceli james connor isaac jacquilh aoli 1 forward peter ffuw john dean john johnsfo bath id august i810i that concerns thi portion of his ktajefty dominions believe me gentlemen ever to remain your faithful and obt servant r g curtois for the kingston chroniclc messrs editors society i at all times fubjea to many evils which wc cannot remove and to many annoyance which we cannot cor- re but there are many exifting which with eafe we might remedy the annoyance to the correction of which i wifh to turn your readers atten tion is fo frequent and at the fame time fo truly unpleafant that 1 am forry and lur- prifed fome abler pen had not been exerci- fed to put a flop to it you meffrs ed itors mull have remarked every sunday the number of dogs in church which run from aific to aifle and from pew to pew to the great annoyance of many of the con gregation though the noife and capers of thefe animals may raife a fneer on the faces of th- fe if any who attend church rather to fee and be ften than to offer up their thanks to the throne of grace for the many bleffings which they daily re ceive yet to thofe who attend from a re ligious feeling the nuifance is annoying in the extreme as their attention is often at tracted by thefe feemingly neceffary church attendants it appears to me that it is ex tremely indecorous and fnews a want of reverence to the church in the owners of d gs to bring their four legged compan ions with them to hear divine fervice i would therefore advife thofe gentle men and ladies who have dogs of whatev er kind they may be to leave fuch favor ites at home or if they be afraid to trull them alone today and keep them compa ny what think you meffrs editors capesso in your column except matter wherein the public is direly or indirectly concern ed go then editor of the upper canada herald go where plory vcmx iliec let your bed exertions be ufed to put 3 dop to fuch innovations wield your pen with the fame force that you have hither to and perhaps tliefbe will topple under like rotlengalrposts struck with thunder but if the daring rebel itouc should rahly strive to stand it out my next epistle will diclose how well proceed from words to blow this comes from an advocate for cana dian painters jl friend and subscriber 1 to the u c herald j lot no one suppose 1 tneao to a he is a butcher or even that he has a calfs head the dandy casd in a rusian belt the dandy roll un in selfconceit enamoured of his works so handy and with in- wit elate mindful ofdrcss alone he lives sefn raided for his beaut to pleasure every jare hour gives r disgusted with his duty ai times to gallantry iaclfnd never averse 10 di inkiiig iisplaing oft an absent mind vouch favours his free thinking n m tmmuwfa to the maoimrates and gentry refident at bath in the townfliip of ernell town gentlemen that it is gratifying to me to be affured f your good opinions i mod readily admit but when i reflect hovv little i have really done to obtain them i feel more humbled than elated by the warmth of expreffion which you have a- dopted in conveying to me this aflurance in undertaking in conjunction with the rev mr wtlfon the charge of your church i was well aware that it would not be in our powei to afford you more than a very limited portion of our fcrvices seeing however that there was no immedi ate profpedl of your obtaining a refdent minider we considered it a duty incum bent upon us to forniih you as often as tve were aide with an opportunity of attending the worlhipofthe almighty you fpeak of my efforts in promoting the edabliihment ofvaiious public iriftitq- tionsamongd you i have certaii y hep ped forward perhaps fometimes too pre- fumptuoufly to point out what appeared to me calculated to advance the good of fociety and the improvement of the pro vince but on this account i cannot con- iiier myfelf as having any claim for the imalled meed of approbation feeing that 1 have but barely difchargej the duties of a fdlowftibjed i thank you from my hertt fryour parting good whcs and in lidding you farewell beg to afimc ycu that wherever p oviile ct may iu future lee fit to place me i hall ever fed a deep intcred fa ell we arrcp iii opinion with capesso and hop his rea will havr ome etteei in removing tfaeaaitoyantvof uhieh he coropluhis lj kingston norember 5 1819 our new york papers to the 2bth iilc contain nothing latei fiom lngland than ai given in out last number ttnd are in a great measure un interesting to the canadian reader a destructive fire hafaftly taken place ai montreal un account of which will be seen in our paper of this day a dreadful hurricane at st bart which com menced on the evening of the 20th sept 8 said o have nearly desolated the plaee ii ivax sup posed that several of the other inlands had suffered by its violence tok the kingston curonicie mcfsrs fditcrs the annexed pk was fent to the ed- tot of the upper canada herald for in- fertion in his paper but not heing able to divert e many flattering compliments paid nim hoem r ufuied it an ndmutance perhap he think- pen flattery i latire ih difguifc vay i nqtleft you to publifh it in your ufeful papt and hope that the tnodefl editor wih not be obliged to pay the u crimfon tribut to offended modesty to tnn editor of 1kb ijppen canada her- xhtt nugis aider e pond us sir in the lad lumber of your htrald i accidentally dunbled on a communica tion over the fignarire of brother jona than again whcl 1 read oer and oer a- gain- but the tru intent and meaning thereof i could not comprehend a friend more verfed in newipaper war than myfelf told me it was z prrfon difplaying his wit on the painting of he door figo sec of the chronicle offic as a retort on the editors for a very kvere remark pafted on the people of the united states by them in one of their chronicles in the follow ing words thee is perceptible in the mind of every individual of the american nation a fondnefs for meretricous ornament and tfnfel jiare the writer 1 percievc profefle to be a yankee and certainly is a lingular exception to the above temark for no one not even his greated enemy will accufc him of having the lead tade for or nament in his dyle his produciion is not adorned in my opinion with a quan turn sufficit of tinfel glare and proves that the editors of the chronicle caa err fometimes as well as other folks that the door in quellion is painted in a very unique manner no one can deny thit it ia u iliiuitlul innovation on door painting in as certain we fhouldj mr editor say that it is motistncm herrendum a- great a plague as god could send em moreover t i informc ingens brought up anions he wotern indians feeling an intered in what fo concerns he public i could not avoid remarking to one of the editors of the chronicle the want of tade he had difplayed in daubing his door with fig blue and darch and the evil example he fct to others in like cafe offending he replied that he left the col our c to the choice of the painter who had as he believed beeu taught his trade among the people of the united states or at all events had adopted their notions and who affured him that it was painted accor ding to the latett fafhion in bodon no doubt our doorloakb wondrous neat kg blud and starchd io spanky tis what you mav expect to get when you employ a yankee as brother jonathan has offered his fervices to the chroniclers to contract for any work they may have to do i advife them next fpring t hire him and have their door painted ir a true neat enlifh dyle his place of refidence he kept fecret but has informed thfrn he is generally to be found in the market probably in one of the butchers haj you mr editor promifed us that your paper ihould bt as inftrudive and en tertaining as your bed exertions could make it- the comifiurricati n above allu ded to hewa how ell you fucceed and many thanks art dh to one who has given u fo much inltruofon and afforded u fo much entertainment it has often been remarked that onlv that which con cerns the public adnj of public diteuffion and i am happy to nbferte sir you are of that opnion and ihat you admit nothing wc have hitherto avoided netrcsnjtany of those anony moos prodordons hicli have frooi tune 10 time appeared agaiosi u m the uppercauada herald because we considered thru devoid of io- tercatas they regarded the public and bewiw our attention a they eoncerned ourselves llie i-d- 111 of ihe herald i justly entitud to the mch of publshipt them and for what we know ma be alo enuued lo the credit ot being the author of iheiu iitn ur werereadinglusrepty to a l and sibscrlher to ttfk upper canada uer- aid hi did not upeci ihe cogent reason he had for declining 10 ublish the many uaitnin compliments paid ro hiirself nor could we then perceive the point in the iipreinii we art 1101 willing rogivt iuo iiiiirh wight trilles the editor ftronld uir had 0- to bclovf that he con- mdertd cornpltmenis paid to hiioself as trifle he i a modest man and he therefore quietly locks up the communication front a friend akd subscriber to the uerald nftcr having very aptly translated into kflglhrtl the latin mot to placed over it mtgi addere pondus and shrewdly putting hi liuniaiion within brackets thus ie are not vrilung to five too much neihi to tr lies jin 1 this kriend and stinscntner determined it possible that the public should see tk the iuny nattering compliment he had paid to the editor sends the t ominunication in us and though our finely ornare- nted door and green window shutteis may be exposed by the publication of itvve have indulged ihcconnbisseur in paihtingby insertlnghts remarks in the prece ding column wc hope the editor of the herald will take he hint and not softer bh modesty to ret so far the better of him as to prevent hint hereafter from piib3ihin any thing complimen tary to himself particularly when it appear- cal culated to correct the tad tastt and absurd opin ions of others- we would at take this opportunity ofob- ervinr that we as well as many other individu als of the community are certainly much obliged to the editor for the repeated admonitions he has given us to beware how we think and how we speak of public men of the united srates of the measures of their government or of the mau nrs and customs of the people of those state- we are moreover admonished to look at the fed eral government of the united states as an ob ject of admiration to the civilized world a one which no doubt is shortly to rule the destinies of mankind under this idea who can tell hut the popular emperor ef rtissto may resign his sove reign authority over his dominions and instead of continuing to rule his people with the rod of dpnrim may he induced 10 give them a iiutititrhhi of govei iwnai a demoermtie a that of the united states and who ran tell but the heterog i5 sttttem of germany may yet apply to washington for the model of n federal com pact kingston tannery fp underhillco rrfpeft jl fully beg leave to infoim the shoe makers sadtllers and leather fdlerv in general thai they have now iclcfted oti their extenfive aitrtment of different jefcnptions of leather and arc preparing it ready for sale upward of one thno- land fides of upper leatherrrm one to iwenty tboufand lbs of light and iwg folc leather and one hundred ami fi ty fideh of harnefs do togethtr with twenty- dozen of calf skins and a nunnbe- of horfe hides dog and sheep skins too nurreoi to inlert and which can be delivered on the fhorteft no ice and lowed terma for v afh t u flatters himfelf that thofe who are inclined to favour them with their orders will fid the above article by far fupcrior to any yet offered for sale having already been proved and acknowledged by the belt judges in this rovrnce kingilon n vetiber 5 1819 45 for sale the well half of lot number sixteen in the sixth conceflion of the town- fhip of kingftnn containing 100 acres lying on the public road leading to lough borough with ten acre im alfo lot number four in the third conceflion of the townfliip ot richmond containing 200 acres in a god fettle met tj and imptovernents adjoining it inquire of samttkl merrill- kingfton 4th nov 1819 45 for sale two excellent milch coivsnnz of which will calve in about a w ks time whoever may wifh to purchase faid cows will apply to the fuhferiber near mr adamss leading to sruartfilk mark law kingfton nov i 119 45 taken up by the fubferiher a i ray pig the owner can have it by proving property and paying char ges mry forny a kingfton 2d nov 1819 45 whereas my wife neoma ha behaved in fo unbecoming a manner and is fquandcring my property and has publicly kept a houfe of ill famei ami litokcf allboiidsot mainmuny ittitrc- fore forbid all perfnns harboring or rruft ing her on my account or purchafirg a- ny thing from her rt paying afy thing to her as i will not be accountable for her contrafts or dealings of whatever name or uaturc from thia date simon stedman kingfton novr 2d 1819 45 j 1 jesse b thomas efquire senator for the illinois territory to the congiefs of the united states with his lady and daughter arrived here on sunday lafton their way to montreal married on monday the ift of november by the llev john wilfon aing chaplain to the forces major huxley of the 70th regiment to jviifs scott eldeft daughter of thomas scott efq paymafterof the faid regiment jtji aictia oj ciool mr tobias refpefully informs the ladies and gentlemen of kingston and its vicinity that hi dancing school will commence on monday the tst of november at mr darleys affembjy room in main street- hours of tuition for ydubg ladies from half pan 2 oclock until half past 5 oclock p m and from 6 until 9 p m for gentlemen no fpedtarors will be admitted- except the parents and guardians of thofe young ladies and gentlemen who attend the school kingston 28th oftober 1819 44 to be sold 0aacordsoffirewoodlying vw on t bank of mr dalys farm a little beyond collins bay convenient for conveyance by water to kingfton not lefs than 50 cords will be fold to a pur- chafer price 58 pet cord a wilson kingston th 08 1819 41 john dean has juft received and now offer for sale at the new store next door to mr a p forwards hotel in the vil lage of bath a general aftortment of dry goods groceries crockery hardware unusually low for cash or moat kinds of country produce in fome instances where punctuality mav be rtuft upon a very short credit may be given and in fuch cafes only hath aug 2 1819 32 died yesterday morning after a inhfc illness thom as bentt esquire assistant commissary geu- ral in charge at this post on monday night the isth inft the store of the subscriber was broke open and to the amount of 75 dollars or upwards in cah carried away alfo a few large cotton shawl one remarkable fo reign red scarf upwaidbof four yards in length one end of which richly ornamen ted with gold thread the other end plain whoever may give luch information as will lead to the recovery of any of faid articles will be handfomely rewarded by applying to the fubferiher for samuel aykroyd donald viurchison kingston xgtb 08- 1819 43 to let house in grave street adjoining the relidence of the a frenchman as welearn in lexiphanes wbofe veracity being a grave author none can difpute read in a london paper that cm fuch a dav there woud be a meeting of the conlumcrs of ras lie had read in the fir i edition of j rr tons dictionary the following- definition 41 oats a grain that h england is given to hortes but in scotland fuppo the people by gar 1 wil go ano fee dis firange meeting- he goes and being impatien iiquireh of a scotchman when the euglifli hurfehwerc rxpefted a what do ye mten mon faid sawney by gar i wifh to fce di rrange meeting of the confumers of oat a co vc con between de scotch nen anil de lpirliuh horles you domd fnevcliog frg- eating rafcak de ye meen to i f t the dignity o scotland and he kicked poor francois down flair- gime the late lee lewis hootinp on a field the pn pwetorai tacked hfm vi h tv hul ru a house in grave street i itlov no pecfiiii bud ht 1 adjoining the relidence of the ame on my manor but myfelf ad iu jbvot you you come iter n tousaint iestage what l h r kingston odt 8tb 1819 443 1 ocn to