Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), November 12, 1819, p. 1

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4 kingston flnjifllattmtai v415bv k chronicle jriur vol i friday aftbrnooif november 12 1819 rno 46 mot ice tif fubfcriber has now and will con tinue to have at his brewery a fup- pl of rich flavored ale the prefent price u one hilling pzr gal lon for immediate payment the admi rers of extra flrong bodied ale are refpe- fully informed that as fon as poflible he will provide a flock that will satisfy the xnoft fafii ious critic he thinks it will not be 3mifs to rerrind the farmeri who are the mafs of the peo ple tint if they wifh their grain to com mand cafh they nuill ahfutely make nialt liquor their common beverage and thus fupdort the canadian brewers fnftead of thewefl indian dukller it is of feri- ous coefequenre both to tbetnlrfvcfl and to the whole country that they fhould im mediately adopt fo praifeworthy a refolu- tton orders fent to the brewery or left with mr john ruscll at smith bartlet efqs will meet with due attention thomas d alton kingston brewery oct- 26 1819 n ft grains at all times for fale 7d per bufhcl 44 notice montreal fire insurance company- office 30rh frfo lalfe the company having extended its bufinefs and protection agaiull lofles or damages by lire to upper canada now inform the public that the following ptrtim s are authorized a gents uf the com- pauy tn that i rovuue jll kingston ii m mitchell esq fork tlji at lis esq qiteenton mes grant 6 kiry jttahersturglh ivm- duiiesq the irefiors of this infant inflitutinn ly made on tlcir ariff that their rates of premiums will be found as rcalouable as at aery the dice and they re fped fully fo- lictt the patronage jf al who wifh well to local liablifhment by order of the board 37td3 j- bleakley secy merchant taylor has received from montreal a mofl choice and ex client aflbrtment of the bell weil of england fuperfine i lotits and cdssitticnsi with trimmings and every thing com plete a ashe informs his friends and the public that be is now working up lliefe cloths sec at his old land where orders will be rhankfully received and executed en rhr ft- rteft notice and on the loweft tcrov fo cam or hart approved ere it kingiiori sept io 1819 37tf f mem oval been fry the fubfcriber bcg leave to inform hi friends and the public generally that be has removed from his former land to he large rone tore lately occupied by mcsrs vim mecuniffe co a few door fcorn ibe market place in king street where be ha juft received a well feleaed aud extcsfivc 2ftortment of htudlvaxe cutlery english and slides iron steel nads window glass putty faints oil spikes tin plate sheet iron trace and log chains hollow ware of every descrip tion tag pans spades sho vels anvils pices grindstones with alareavfoitmentof fhelf goods confiftingof moil articles afked for in his line which he will fell low for cafh produce or ftiort approved credit r j watkins kingfton acguil l6th 1o19 3jtf notice 13 hereby given that i william tay lor as heir at law and administrator to the estate of the late llan iaylor dc- ceafed have thfe day affiiined all t lie real and perfonal estate cf the late allan tay lor and all the interest in the concern of taylor fr paricer and thomas parker unto john kirby alexander oliphant pe- trie and thomas parker as trustees for the benefit of the creditors william taylor administrator of the estate of the late allan taylor kingston august 28 1 8 1 9 36tf a good bargain executive council office york zyh augusu 1 8 19 the order in council of the 1 8th instant respec ting locations subject to settling duties being revised it is order ed by his excellency the lieu tenant governor in council that all locations of land subject to settlement duty made prior to this date be rescinded and the land otherwise disposed of if certificate of the settlenv nt du ty being performed be not lodg ed with the surveyor general within the time limited in the ticket of location and the pa tent sued out within three months thereafter and that all locations subjtct to settlement duty hereafter to be made wiil be rescinded and the land oth erwise disposed of if certificate of settlement duty being per formed be not lodged with the surveyor genera within eigh teen months of the d te of the order for such location and the pa ent sued out within three months thereafter john simall c e c 3 6 6 notice s hereby given that william taylor j heir at law and administrator of th- late allan taylor hath affigned all th real and perfonal estate of the late allan taylor deceafed unto john kirby alex ihmfcfi 8m wia ifowfsfc yaifcr v- trust for the benefit of creditors all perfonc having any claim against the late allan taylor taylor 8c parker or thorn as parker are requested to preftrtl the fame for adjustment and oaymentand thok plfns indebted to either the lite allan taylor taylor and parker or i hom- i arker are requested to make immedive payment to the above trustees who art fnly authorifed to give difcharges for the lame john kirby a o ke rie thomas parker kingston august 28 1 8 19 361 f not ce 4n assignment having been made to the subscriber of all the lands goods and debt belonging to the late firm of james ranken itf co of ernest town merchants as well a- those belong higjj to james ranken individually for the b nefit of creditor notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against he said firm or aainst the said james ranken to present them forthwith duly authenticated and such as stand indebted are desired to pay tlv ir respective accounts to chr a hagerman eq of kings ton on or before the first day of decem ber iiext john kirby kingston 1st september 1819 56 for sale the houfe and prcmifes in the town of kingilon nt prefent oc cupied by the ubferiber for particulars apply to samuel ansleyjnn kingston may 5 th 1819 19 tu let ftv poffeflioti piven the 1st air ftfll next that house and stork m store street opposite the lt oihc lately occupied by mr- edward jones for particulars apply to the subsciber neil mcleod kingston retb july i 819 29 notice a ll perfons are cautioned acainft pur- ijl chafing lot no 22 in the 7th con ctffion of frederlckfburoh or lot no 27 in the 1st conceffin of richmond from the ileirr or aftinees of davi htfsj as the subfcriber holds an indifputavt title tc the fame gillie rt hallls sidney 4th dec 1 s 1 8 3 jv o tl cm rirhe subfcfcribers refpeftfully inform jl their friends and the public that they have now received aul juft opened in mar ket street jull below mrs patricks inn a very extenfive altortment of dry goods groceries and stationary likewife a great qnantitv of claffical books the whole of which will be fold very low for cafh and approved credit mcdonald aykroyd dec 1 1s1 8 27 to axemen the subscribers will receive pro posals from any person or persons willing to engage to etear sixty acres of new laud on their premises in ameiias- burh bay of quinle ready for seed by the itrst dav oi august next the ash- es 011 said land will be required to be collected and carefully secured teams and provisions will be furnished il re quired for particulars apply to owen wrdougal kiost4u or to mcdougalfc mrlkllan g bjlville the stockholders of the bank of upper canada are hereby re quired to pay into the bank in specie or bills of the montreal bank an inftalment of fix per cent o six dollars on each share on or before the firll day of decern bcrnext bartlft cafhicr kingfton 061 141 1819 42 to tin armory f epihe fubfcriber being fupplied with a a much barley as his stores will conveniently hold begs that the farmers will withhold bringing any more for six week w en he will be prepared to re ceive it again at the fame price thomas dalton kingfion brewet v september 30th 1 8 19 40 lviss mary barnet espkcitully informs the pub- lj lie that ore liafl lilted up her houfe in srore street oppollte the store of john dowling in a convenient mannei for the reception f rented 15ardiis where every attention will be paid to their corrfort and accommodation rhe will bavegod warm sop ps and coffee ready made a the horttfl notice at ail hours for travellers and gentlemen of the town who may pleafe to favor her viih a call mary barnet kfngilon 1 4th october 1819 42 for hale hitv hat variable farm known by 11 lnt no 8 n the firfl co ccflin of frtderirkfburgh n the biy ofqiimie upon bigfliy a ivtitagous tei purthafer the t jh a large tfouft upon it thai may be co- veted into a comforiae refnleuce at a trifling ex- pcnle 1 neie art alio variiu mitfaoalcn attached tit with a v e 1 of excellent waicr in uidifputtlble title wdi be given an the term- made k wn a mr i iiagermaut office in bath fr on app ica- tion to the proprietor josei il pfwgon frederirkponrh 8th t 119 42 by hiaicn s to tiw merchants and imtler of pjicr cunttda rshe subscriber tifls nceiwd per the i l uia from loudon a freh sup- real jap a n io cak uf about iv tl yen which will be sold inm at fif- w shilliiujs r b zen fur tle largest izc5 benjamin hart a iir o ddj martia montreal st paul st 28a september lsif 41 r b rpilsbury stmoroy ji n late surgeon of ii 31 s prince re- gfr on like oniari j intends praeliin in th- various- branches of bis profession at his resv drner npt door to john mclean esq shcriif v kingston oct gfh 1819 miscellaneous s to tiie two itory i v 1 from the edinburgh weekly journal june 2 1 a blunder of the times newspaper has occafioned a good deal of difcuflion in par liament lately upon a quell ion of privilege one of the reporters of that journal had misllatcd in hi report of a debate in the houfe of commons the fpeech of one of the members and fo hotly was this felt by forne others of the members that the old lory was raked up of the reports of the debates being illegal and merely con nived at in order a it would appear that heavier vengeance might fall on the of fending reporter- this perlon however explained the caufes of his miflakf im much to the fatisfaion f the houfe that after a confinement of 24 hours in ihecullody of the sergeant at arms he was difmilted on payment uf his fees wc fhould hardly have thought it worth while to have made any remarks upon this matter had it not been fr the angu larity of the attempt made by fo refpea- blc a member as vlr williams wynne to dig up from its long rrll the obfolete pica which unfuitunateiy is hill law that the reports of the debates in parliament are only connived at and are in fa a nuifance go d heavens 1 what a plea to bing forward at thu period of our history and in the prefe t advanced hare of the human mind the courts of jollict are ap pointed t be held with pm do rs and why becaufe it u moll tit thai where the life or property of any o e member of the community i brought into qiillion all other mcmhcri of the community houid hive the ight to he prefent that fo the ft team rfjufiice may rmt inly be nurr but may be un and km wn by all the world to fl w 1 orciy this bei g the cafi moll unqnel iouably the intcrdl of the public is hi greaur that the hoiifes of phantlh tulilbe hej tvlih opea doow i becaufe while m the one cale the int retls t of ly one individual arc immediately cn- eeriinl in the other the cdcema of the wh- le conniinity arc at all time unrlei ciiliuffioii but it coud nt belaid thai k ilia tvnt was held with open door if only the liniied number wich the fcanty gallerie acommodaie hid aceef to know wh t was going on within iir walls it i or it out hi to be the right of he public tobeprrient and this right houid be earned into pi actical utility by the unfet tered freedom of the reporters bring provided for by a p fitive enaftmi nt fuch freedom being of couife exercifed at tie tflhi individual cl iming it or il thtm not t be the cafe if it i to continue to be the law that it i asainst the toor uit tljc fiuiiments of the reprefcula- tiven f the btittlh people to be made known to their conllituents by fair and ho elk reports of their ipeeches at ledl le fo baibarous an anomaly in the hi lory of the treeii couutry under heavrn be per initted to relt in 1 lumber as dtad as the delpoiilm and ignorance which concurred to give it both ingston vet 0 1819 41 jqc-j- x- oo for sale at litis ojice a few npie of a shkaioa preached at quefrc on the tifh of september after tk death of hi grate the duke of richmond by the rlrvereud i j mount 11 a li bishops official in lower canada and rector o qiftbfci 41 gkokgk scougal late master smith in the engi neer d- parlincnt begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general tha he has commenced bufiuefs nert door below mr george douglafas store street where every article in hi- line may be had on the mod reafonable term- and on the hoi tell notice the following rates of charges are fubmitted horse shoeing all round 68 remwcs zf6 and all other work in proportion kingston april 5 a r 8 i 9 i 5 new meqiclsal ptome the subscriber respectfully informs the inhabitants of kingston and vi cinity trut he has opened a medicinal laboratory in frontstreet opposite to mr kirbys where they may be supplied with every article in his line w williams n p physicians prescriptions and orders from merchants in the country will be received and carefully attended day fometimes eighty or ninety miles io the f pace of un or twelve hours and ft then left to ihift for himfelf during the night in the fpring fummtr a- d autumn ht finds no difficulty the fhort and fweet grals of that country gives hiii an abun dant and nutritious repaft in the winter and towatds themonntain where the fnow is feveral feet deep his unerring inftinft tells him where to fearch he ferapes away the fnow with his ho- f till he come to he ground and rooting there with his nofc fids wherewith of mofa and graft to fuftaio his life on the borders of the creeks and rivers he feeds on the boughs of willows and other foft wood which hh malter has fometimes the kindnefs to fall for him with a hatchet thih fine animal is found on the banks of the columbia in latitude 46 in the great pi in which lies on the borders of this river between the upper and lower tnge of mountains his rigin is traced to mex ico thence to spain thence to the north of africa where the arabian barb is found in all the perfection of his fpecies his fine form hibgener us fpirit and hir- n ble qualities are prefcrved upon the columbia river and certainly it k worthy the expe riment to endeavor to tran plant him into other parts of the united states- many citizens have attempted to do fo but have always been robbed by the indians of the rocky mountains lewi and clark o cured feveuyrhee fatd by gov clark to be the mofl beautiful co icion of hotfej that he ha ever feen together before or fincc but the whole number was llolen from hem by indians who followed teir trail and never ceafed their operations un- il they had carried off the lall it is to be hoped that the militay cilabiilh not for miug on the upper miffouri wil facilitate i he attrmpts which will no diubt be ie- newed to introduce thi- fine breed into the lettlcd parts of our continent french and english travellers the great difference hetwren the french who vilit lond and the englih who vitit pari is that the former gencroly make the trip to get money and the latter to fpend it the great nation rruft fuppofc england a land flowing with milk and honey for they come here withoit mony friends or ref urces of an kin in the modeft expectation of getting fome provifion or other immediately one icason for this is the facility with which a frenchman can travel in france if he want for in lance to go to pari fromj one of the provinces he goc to the roulage that i the waggon offi e pens his portmanteau tells the clerk he ha no money and ailc the loan of wha he wnta to cany him to paris on his cloathe- op any valuables he may have they ex amine his things and in general give him what he wants the portmanteau is then forwarded but it is not delivered to him till he repays the fum advanced this pradiicehas led many of the poor fellows newly arrived into a fad fcrape as they uppofed if they culd mutter enough to reach london they might avail themfelves of the fame refouiec here the other day a very ludicrous fcenc happened through this money lending plan a frenchman who had jull arrived being defired by a clerk at one of the diligence offices to pay fome drew out with an air of great famgfroid the fum of fix fous s thefe laid he c all 1 have but here is my trunk and i will thank you to mmhcxtc iom uung on my cloathes d nyonr cloathes replied the af fronted clerk m what have i to do with your cloathes dye takr me for a pawn broker i pardon sir we always do fo in france you will not refufe indeed i hair sacre but i have no money if you dont lend me fome i can have no dinner the clerk tuned from him muttering u yu fhould have thought of that in france a gentle man prefent felt for the poor f owu the horse of columbia river the following description of the fine animal above mentioned is from the st- louis en- qutrer 1 lie dorse of the coin mbiaa river will rank with the finest of his fpecies in the knowy world his size ii filteen or fix- teen hands even in a ilate of nature un provided with food or belter by the hands or man mm form exwfw and touiclcj but not the mals of flefh which b found on the fat european horfe his limbs aie clean anu lender the neck arch ed hud riatog the floors round and hard and the nostnlfi wide and thin he is equa ly dittingmrhcd tor ipeed and bottom he i una lapidiy and tor a long time ri valling iu this re pert all chat we have heard of itu bnglilh hunting hoifes in other relptcu in the docility of his nature in his capacity to lultam hunger and hard hip in his powers to ptovide food for himfelf and i fixation flipped a trifle into his land and to kingston oct 4 ir19 41 notice rwife board fo militia pes- sions will meet on the lafl monday in february and eontiu f to do the fame jay in each month unt the bufinefs of this dijlricly as regard t f fnihed john ferguson kingjton feb ft 819 6 his mattci he is whoiiy unrivalled he is readily trained to the bulinels of his mas ter lite tnat ot hunting and purfues the game with ait the kcenueib of the dog and with casual fagacity and mqre fuccefs he wnl run down tne deer iu the prairies with or without las mailer on his back and when overtaken will hold it with his teeth w hen rode alter game be needs no guiding ot the bridle to direct him he will pttr- fue a drove of buffaiocs and coming up who them will hop one by biting him with his teeth the animal bitten immediate ly wheels to detend hiuiicjf with his hern the horie wheels at the lame initant to avoid it and at this moment when the side of the buffalo is piclcnted the indian lets fly an auow which cftcn paffea entirely thro his body t he wounded animal always turna out of the drove to lay down and die the horie andhia rider porfuc the gang to make liclh lldughucr a other horfe named toalecond part of the game with otnei indians take the trail of the wound ed bufikift whicu ib butcheied and carried into camp 1 hefe things feem incredible but wc have them upon the authority of lewis and clark and a great number of enquired what he could do to gam a livelihood the anfwer wasconcife i can do every thing sir upon clter enquiry it turned out that this univerfal genius could fight dance make draw bafkets plead law and play a little upon the fiddle london paper to fine or clarify bfchr in twenty- folk hours putin apiece of soft chalk burnt about the bigness f two hens eggs which will disturb the liquoi and caue it after wards to be tine and draw off brisk to he last though it were flat before a few days ago an irifhman deferted from the britilh gamton at fort george and fwam acrofs the niagara river having diverted himfelf of thofe articles which would impede hi fwimming he exclaimed on reaching the flw by jafui im an american born ive juft come ftart baked qfivtgth osober 21 a voung man was recommended tobifh op burnet for ordination as his lord- hip hammered a little he defired his chrp- traderb who have been upon the columbia lain to examine the candidate the firft river fincc the time of their difcoveiy quefti y fome ot whom are now in thin town the capacity of thi horfe to futlain fa tigue and 10 provide food for himfelf is equally atbntthing he is galloppcd all queition propofed was c did baalamt afv peak m becaufe his raafter had ao impediment in his fpeech anfweied the young man which put an cod to the ex amination

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