ingston 4 i vol i chronicle friday feftmmoow november 19 1819 fno 47 a- twm executive council office 9 york zth august 1819 tfte order in council of the istli instant respec ting location- subject to settling duties beimr revised it is order ed by his excellency the lieu tenant governor in council that all locations ot land subject to settlement duty made prior to this date be rescinhed and the land otherwise disposed of if certificate of the settlemt nt du ty bem performed be not lodg ed with the surveyor general within the time limited in the ticket of location and the pa tent sued out within three months thereafter and that ail locations subjecr to settlement duty hereafter 10 be made will be rescinded and the land oth erwise disposed of if certificate of settlement duty being per formed be not lodged with the surveyor general within eigh teen months of the dite of the order for such location and the pa evr sued out within three months thereafter john small c c notice is hereby given that william taylor heir at law and administrator of the late allan taylor hath affigned aluthc real and peifonal estate of the late allan taylor decealcd unto john kirby alex ande o etrie and tma parker in tryt for the benefit of creditors all peril b having any wlaum gamit the lie jilh taylor tayor pnrkeror hm- as 1 a are rejnred 10 preftj the n efr adjustment nnd payment and thole pert n- indebted to either the late allan tryor tay r and parker or thormn tarktr ae rt quested to make immediate 1 wh o ai payment tn the asove trustees fully authariled to give dffcharges for the mot ice the fubferiber has now and will con tinue to have at his brewery a iup- ply of rich flavored ale the prefent price is one hilling per pal- on for immediate payment the admi rers of extra irong bodied ale are refpeft- fully informed that as f on as poffible he will provide a lock that will satisfy the moft fallidfous critic- he thinks it will not be amifs to rcrrind the farmers who are the mats of the peo ple that if they wih their grain to com mand cafh they mill abfoutiy make malt liquor their common beverage and thus fipport the canadian brewers in head of the weft indian diltillers it is cf feri- ou confequenee both to themfrles and to the whole country that they fliouid im mediately adopt fo praifewonhy a refolu- tin orders fent to the brewery or left with mr john russell at smith bartlet efqs will meet with due attention thomas d alt on kingston brewery oct 26 1819 n b grains at all times fur fale 7vd per bufhel 44 notic e montreal fire ijienrance company- office sou jtlv lsh the company having extended it bufinefsaud proteion againft loflc- or damages by iirc to ipper canada now inform the public that the following persons are authorized a gents of the com pany in that 1 rovince at kingston hm- mitchell es i tfr wm aulas esq queenston mess grast kiubv aulirstuurgh wk duff the directors of tins infant nftuutirm flatter themlcves from the reductions late ly made on tfieir tariff that their rates of premium will be found as lealonable is a my nthc ffice and thtry reipectlully f liot the pato rage of all who wilh well to local fiablihmcnt ly order of the board 371113 j- bleakl ey secy- john kirby a o rcrie thomas parker kingston august 2 1819 j6tf notice a n assignment having been made to jbjsl the subscriber of all the lands goods and debts belonging to the late firm of james ranken ijf co of ernest town merchants as well a- those belong ing to jae ranken individually for the benefit of creditors notice is hrreby given to all persons having claims against the said firm ot a ainst the said james ranken to present them forthwith duly authenticated and such as stand indebted an desired to pay their respective accounts to chr a hagerman esq of kings ton n or before the iirbt day of decem ber next john kirby kingston 1st september 1819 36 to let yjfvd pnfivflion given the 1st aupjift qfjl next that house and store 7ii dturc ineet epiwilc tnc tot ufllccj lately occupied by ml edward jones for particulars apply to the subscriber neil mcleol kingston 1 5 til july 1819 29 notre all nerfons are cautioned again pur- chafing lot no 22 in the 7th con ceffion of frederickfburoh or lot no 27 in the r n f richmond horn the heirs or tffigneee of davis hcf as the subfciber holds an indiiputahte title to the fame gil ertha1u3 sidney 4th dec 1 8 1 ft 3 notice the subfcfcrlberiirefpesfally inform their friends and the public that they have now received and jilfl opened in mar ket svreet jl below mr panicks inn a very extenlive aftortment cf dry goods groceries and stationary jlikewife a great quantity of claffical books the whoe of which will be fold very low lor afh and approved credit mcdonald 6c aykroyd dec i 1818 27 merchant taylor ms received from montreal a moft choice and excellent aftortment of the bell well of england uperfine 7 tha and gussimi n s witli trimmings and every thing com plete a asher informs his fi fends and the public that he is now working up thefe ifthi fc at his old land where orders will be thankfully reeeivtd and executed on the fhorteft notice and on the lowed erms foi cafh or fhort approved cicit kinglfon sept 10 1819 3yf removal miscellaneous from the london courur south sea islanders tin- concord litud out by a most res pectable house in london for a throe years voyage to the soulh seas arrived off valparaiso early in 1818 she carri ed 1c guns for protection against pirates who commit sad depredations on the spanish main taking awd plundering all vessels they ean overpower without res pect to fla having escaped bj heru- iriorify of force a number of those ma- raoders they came n the night upon a inre slii p niotintiniiielvesixjiounders the captain of the concord hailed her and was answered in english he desi red the captain to tome on board he obeyed and marie it appear that he car- ried jun for his own safety but it was vident he ttas a piraae with acrewhilf english it was th- intention of t ht eaptain of the concod to take him to new soutli wales but he was finally in duced to let him o the same night he went into a small ba fo got water w here seven spanih mmrdooats took rjosscs- sion ot the ship and murdered every soul on board aljr thi specimen of span ish ferocity the conoid made sail for st zealand approaching a small cluster of lands ulleh had not been discovicd by forme- navigators they hmrvfd several iitrjp canoes coming fl wiih he symbols of peace the chief seine admiiied upon deck presented to he captain a piece of paper which here- arded uitli enthnsiani the curiosity el the captain and en w uas much exet- tn by the appearancr 0 european wri- iu- paper dliw red by one of the na tives of an island which they supposed u civuteed parsons hd before vsited he opened it and i f words written in knlui let the navitt 1 u rca on no account d op mi i and ert of mie ilud with the bay pojm f he sma mmi uiil a low bead- stand fnrl stperfor the k t w nnd yeu will nivut a oil and conduct on iu isl- hay will come i to axemen the subscribers will receive pro posals from any person or persons willing to engage to clear sixty acres of new land on heir premises ill amelias- burgh bay of quinte ready for seed by the first day of jdhcom next the ah- es on said land will be required to be collctcd and carefully secured teams and provisions will be furnished if re quired for particular upnly to owen mcdouclal kington or o mcdovgxl fc meleltiaxj iidviuc the fubferiber bes leave to inform his friends and the public geperally that he his removed frcq his former hand to the laige llone lore lately occupied by mcflvo w mccomffe co a few door von the market place in king street where he has juft received a well felecled and exttnfivc aftortment of iluwivaue cutler t engfish and ftsyedes iron sled nails ivindoic gitfss puly l oil njrs tiiiratr men iran trace and log chaim hollow ware of every descrip tion frying pans spades bfm- cls anvils iiees grindstones with a larjje aftortment of fhelf gootlsj cnnfiftinjj of moll articles aiked fr in his line which he will fell low for cafh produce or fiiott approved credit j watkins kingfton acgufl 1 6 1 h 1819 notice ir hereby ftven that i william tay lor as heir at law and administrator to the estate of the late allan taylor de- ceafed have this day afligned all the real and perfonal estate f the late allan tay lor and all the interest in the concern of taylor parser and thomas faiktr unto john kirby alexander oliohani pe- trie and thomas parker as trustees fur the benefit of the creditors william taylor administrator of the estate of the laic allan tayhr kingston august zs loig 3jtf astonishment the chief nmon thern after making strange gestures gave a sig nal and they all fell down to worship they considered him as he afteruard understood a supernatural being that had come from the skies they suppli ed his wants made him their chief and gave him for a wife a female by whom he had 3 children living when the con cord arrived lie acquired a knowledge of their language civilized them and in structed them in the history of europe ans their manners and customs- he was acknowledged ring of the island and assumed among his subjects the sole rule he gave the chief the letter which was presented to the captain of the concord telling him it would bring every big ca noe with kuropeaus to the island the chief on that account honored it as a charm or talisman wilson pretended that he had no desire to leave the island and told the captain oi the concord that he need not fear losing his men as he certainly would order every man to be put to death who might run away and seek refuge among fhenalives ii add ed hit he would be the only king the concord was taken into a line bay where the crew rnetvith kind treatment from the native whosupplied them with hos water and bread fruit in abundance notwithstanding the promise of wilson not to suffer the men to desert from the ship four men ran auay and cou d nol be found it was thought the real ob ject of this petty sovereign was to entice all the men he could to remajn in the island and the concord to save ihc rent of her crew made a haty departure the ahove narrative was made in one of the iii ites of the ship who arrived in icngland a few months since- there is in this account it is true an instance of savage cruelty but the manners of the natives of the friendly islands and he general conduct o the suth sea inland ers is mild and amiable compared with by what are termed enlightened europe ans earn inp n war and commerce in the same part of the world frm the detroit gazette a good bargain ttjlor sale the houfe and prcmifes in 3 the r own of kingfton it eretent oc cupied by the fubferiber for particulars apply to samuel ansleyjiro kingston may 5th 1019 19 the courses and sjdinr to the har bour were aid down id otinr iuf-rna- tion necessary to navfv shlptn the sland recommended h tiiso directed ihecsiptahl t ire a iw uiltmi c ed to gtrt rid of the titives the chief rtoutd not consent fo tins precious erp of paper uh considered ome tifiribute cf diviity the captain therefore wilh doesl returned i to his liand- haviu mst made the ehrk ol the ship lurn ciif- this unexpeet- i communuation induced tc coneoids officers to run for tin wand- they iit ted a gun ov r the leads of the natives and j a few second the chief nnd his lolituwrs were overlvflrd suimming to their canoes in wliics tluy paddled oti the hip rnnnint epn the course di rected soon discovered a mm in a canoe udeaverini to weaflt the point of the mail inland but again lost sight of him the did not find the moi mentioned it tne letter and consequently did not at tempt to explore the entrance to the bay or harbor that night the next morn- ingat daybteak the watch were surpri sed by hearing a man alongsitle cry out ill elijah throw a rope throw a rope overboard and pick me up the clfeff ujj2t d uilc ul the erew was overboard and instantly ca led the cap- rain but before any mders tuild be giv en a strange white man weaing the dres nl the natives was upon fte deck at the same moment he ilartd upon the captain tlirew his arm- rou id him and exclaimed thank god i have at last seen a countryman m the irst transport i the man having subsided he declared himnelf the writer of lh urer sent out a theciief lie added hi i came out to pilot y mi my canoe wa xuampt and 1 uas obliged to swim to lie rocks five miles to windward of the point i re mained thereuntil the weat rrew more moderate and three hoars rifled 1 swam for the hip this extraordinary per son was soon refreshed with grog and having again expressed his gratitude to heaven j for once more britging him to converse wimi europeans rud english man entered upon a statenint of the rc- naikabie cireurristnce which had brot him to his then situation he said his name was yviboo and thai having with four others ran away w boat of olive branch a ship ol 490 tons at otaheite where they had touched for provision- they were drive by a enr- leut to the eastward aflr being five days at sea they lauded up the island which he hud warned the concord not to approach they had no oner set foot on shore flmtj he natives rushed upon ihcm and killed his companions- while they defi mled the iehcs he rat j along lie shore and getting into canoe push ed off to sea it was ghtaud the next moininghefound thecauoe 0 shore f another island to the easl nirt j a tirnsaw no savages and flattered him sulftiuit it was uuiuhabitj jrj down to rest overpowered 5 buitenng 1 t i tie vellow stone expedition in relation to the object which this aliotrt an hour alter heawu- l fliu himself surrounded by s scv s i of whom looked upon him khfctcriwmcl projeft haa in vie there cxill amog politicians fome difference of opinion 1ic great end tc be aefwered is by fome th fught to be the protection of the lcttle- e cms as they advance up the mrffouri from the deprcaatious of the indian tribes raiding on ihv borders of that river and in its vicinity while other politicians be lieving that the indians in that quarter aic pretty generally impelled with a dread of the auwrtcan arms inf much that lit tle or no danger is to be apprehended from them hold up to our view a the main ob- jrd of the expedition the ptouiun of the fur trade from the numerous interlo pers from the brit ill provinces by doing which it is laid a highly valuable traffic will be fecured excluiively to american citizens and an important revolution effect ed in the minds of the indians who have been by theie interlopers much prejudiced againtt the citizens of the united states however important or rcquifite may be deemed the cllablilhmeut of military polls as a barrier to indian depredations on the fcttlemcnts oi the mifloiiri it can ot be thought after a little reflection that our government in the contemplated vfltfcbufli mcuts had that objed in view ak a juft- itication for this opinion it is only neces sary to call 10 mind the manner in which indians commit depredations and carry on war the valt diltancc which will leparate the molt advanced kttlemcnts on the mis suun and the military polls which arc to be ctlabiifhed and the numbet of lavages that occupy the country lying between them it is more than piobahle that if depiedations fhould be made on our icttle- ments in that quarter llicy would be by indiana who inhabit the coun ry a coalid- erabiedillance oetow tlic military polls on the miltoun and to ttienoitu and louth of it that they could rakc depredations and etcape without pumihment fiom the troops at the contemplated ltatious or without being intercepted by them in a retreat cannot be doubted little how ever is to be bared from the indians in that quarter and nothing fo o convincing of the ab urdity oi icariu apprchcnlious on account ot indiana at this time as the cir- cumltance ot um government having fent fo imall a body ot men at lueh an immenie dillancc trum any fupport and in the heart of a favage count y the time it is be lieved has airtved tn which wars with the indians have cealcd they have learned by direful experience that their prophets are taile thai their iucantatory rites and enchanted medicines cannot render them invulneiablc to tnc biowif the loua knife and now thmk with ralon thit o op- pole the piogrel oi the white men is to rufh to certain dcitrution li our g v- eiument had any tning to fear from the hoilility of indiana to our diltant fettle- menis up the miflburi and wifhed to pro vide for their pnuction military polls in lead of being pulhcd at fo great dillancc beyond would be dlublifhcd but a fhirt diilance in advance of them and thtie poll would be advanced in proportion aa the country became failed the fecurity of the fur trade within the territory claimed by the united st ite to american citizens and the confquent gradual diminution in the minds of the in dians of prejudices unfavorable to ihcm are objects ju til y deemed important by ev ery one and in rrflcmg upon tlv man ner iri which thele d fumble objfts can be effeded we naturally turn our eyes to the many avenues through which irtetlnpers pafs into our territories and withdraw from them laden with the pioceeds of illegal traffic and endeavour to convince ourfelves that thefc avenues can befu guarded by a judicious dirtribmion of a imall force at pults which may be eftablifhed at or in the vicinity of the molt important ones as ma terially to cffefwl the wilhedfor refults but if we confider the little which the con templated military eftablifhment of the yellow stone and the few others on the mijturi willcffd towards the accomplilh- ment of a protection and monopoly of trade with indians inhabiting our territory we cannot want other reafons to convince ug that government could have in view thefe objes when it planned the expedition al luded to it is very evident that other and perhaps far more important ends are to be obtained by thefe diltant military es- tablifhments than the prottiun of the fur trade such a developement however of the intentions of our government in reference to 1 lie expeditions to the fources f the miflouri has been made by the manner in which they to k their rife ad have been thus far purfued a tojuftffy he opinion which is now perhaps ihemft prevent that the great objca to be effected i the eftablifhment of a permanent and fafe com munication between the head water of the navigable l 1 earns on the tad fide of the rocky mountain and thofe on the weft fide wlrch communicate wit the colum bia river from the mouth of which as is a letted by many political prophets there will in a few be penrd lrr ti valuable trade to the eaft indies no refon perhaps can be advanced to fhav 1 hat thefe grand obj6ts will not in the courfe of time be effected but a vaft difafcrrerrnenl as to the length of tim ne- ceftary toaccomplifh them will txift even among thofe who have the bed knowledge of the mean rcquifite therefor few will hazard the afftrtlon that thefc grand fchemes 1 four government are vis ionary or merely experimental and doubt- lefs the number of thofe is till lcf who would carp at the projects of our flatcs- men which although no immediate bene fit be reaped from them by the nation have in view the interefts of generations vet un- born notwitiiftandig the fanuine an ticipations f fome politicians it cannot be realonably expefled that any portion of the piefent generation will derive benefit from a trade to china fiom the mouth of the columbia river this certainly is caufc of fome regret yet as an objection to the projfted communication it cannot be admitted viewing the eafe with which a commu nication can be carried on from all parts of this territory ro the waters of the mis sissippi and miflouri rivers it is very evi dent that if ever the people refiding in the vicinity of thofe rivers enjoy any great ad vantage from the refults of the piefent fchtmes of our tatefmen a large propor tion of like benefit will be received by the inhabitants of this territory it is hoped however that the fplendor of the objca now in view in th mifleuri territory will not wholly attract the attention of tlfce heads of the departments of the govern ment from this portion of the united states tenitones which though among the fit ft in importance as a frontier appears recently to have received lefs attention from government than any other frontier of the union and numbers will be miftaken if meafures are nt found to be much more effecient when taken in this direftion for the prevention of illegal trade with and undue influence over the indians than if thev were attemntrd further to the weft tvti f 4 a malishali surgeon has just a received at his apothecary shop opposite ihe hank a fresh supply of the following articles viz spirits of wine cheltenham salts salts ol lemon spice or worm destroy irg nuts batemans drops balsam of honey and pectoral balsam for coughs and consumptions asthmatic candy re- lined liquorice ijakam of life aro matic vinegar henrys magnesia balm ofgilead andersons female pill bar clays antibilious pills british oil macassas and russia oils english pick les and ketehops indian soey soda powders with a large addition to his assortment of perfumery n b medical practiiioners may be supplied with lrus to any extent and upon reasonable terms kington 10th nov 1319 46w4 7t1he fubferibers being duly nomina- jl ted executors to the latt will and tcltainent of the late lawrence htrcbmer efquire merchant requeft all perfons in debted to hi eftate to make immediate payment and thole havfog demands againft the faid elbte to bungahem forward with out delay john kirby geo h markland kingfton 91 not 1819 4