for tue kingston chronicle messrs pringle mnatulay in an inblihfd in your paper of the 24th septefaber last relative to a partial and rrroncoii report of some extraordinary proceed ing mbitisl meat troy in the state of new- york i mentioned thai a correct statement of the proceedings would in due lime appear li bas beeu delayed longer than i expected by the comin ill iae of my health and a vexation litica vti m which i have been engaged ai al bans the facts are these on the 12th angost 1 lefi kingston to accompany my mother and sis ter a- far as albany on their way to baltimore intending my self to visit ballstown springs for tlie benenl of in health and remain there ot in the vicinity o albany until their return unless my health should be sooner restored at water town a mr canfield whom 1 had probably seen before but wa not acquainted with requested of mc as a favour to lake a par cel of bills and carry them for him to utica which i did we proceeded to albany where we arrived saturday evening the uth on mon day i saw my mother and mater on board the steam boat for newyork and the next day went to troy and stopped at seymours lun while i wa there a man who seemed to know me as he accosted me by name came in in the afternoon and after a pew common place re marks rcqueted me to fake charge of a bundle of bills until he should call for ihem his name i afterwards found was lyman parks as he appeared in place some confidence in me from knom thgmeas i suppose by reputation although 1 did not recollect him at the moment 1 took his bundle without any particular enquiry and put it away with my papers not longafter a mr douglass came in and told park thai he believed there was a mistake in counting the money which he hail pad to or excaned wiili liim ai the bank on the ap plication of douglassand parks the bundle of money wa handed by me to the former and tiiat immediately i was iheu urged by mr iougiass o go with ihem to the bank which 1 did he personal abuse which k received there from the recorder of troy amaa paine i sliall pafenverin silence where it appeared by the conversation that parks bad received these tru bills of douglas as cashier of the bank in exchange for some montreal hank bills which dwiglass delivered back tohnn and then wiih tiie rccordr srclared that he suspecfd ihev wrrr stolen upon his complaint parks a- arifytrd and to m surprise i wasalso detained li b exatnlittfd before i be recorder whoe on aiird liu- rtitrlrfini a pnitt npjnfm fit t have some knowledge of me 1 was inquired nf wheilier i wa acquainted withiitm i replied ta i might have scco him and rode with htm in ihestare a i and with man people with whom iwas unacquainted 5 but that i vas not acquain ted with him and noi id no positive tym whe ther 1 had ever srcj him until siuee my arrival ha e did not coue to troy with me but cam- into the hotel in the mannerabove iclated that i lock charge of his money al his request with- out rruple wr suspicion and mentioned as a si milar occurrence tbai on my way to utica i had rrceived a bum of money foi a st anger to be left at uiien anditdid not strike ne as extraor dinary heratie 1 presumed he must hae known me by reparation when ke entrusted me with iiis money tiwuas no evidence that i bad been hi possession of any montreal bills of any de nomination or that i knew that parks had ail l ot that decripion until after the conversa tion at sejmours hotel and the bank and it is a fact thai i had no such knowledge vet the kecordr thought proper to order me to rive bail for my appearance at court and upon my refusal maeooi a mutinies in which as well as in hi- examination he endeavored to connect me with park as anasociate or to use his own words a u refuse from justice and to represent os a- having been jointly in possession ofthe montreal bills by virtue of his commitment 1 was de tained in cuftody four davs together with parks the recorder having an full inserted our name in on mittimus i was put to the trouble and ex pence of procuring my discharge by writs of habra- corpus in the uivan tiuie my private ta pers a i afterwards learned were searched and examined withoit any warrantor authority un der the direction of john paine son of the re corder and a 1 undcrtoud attorney for the complainant douglass but with all their ille gal measures and notwithstanding their preju dices and precautions retiring was omn to jus tify any suspicion against me lminediai after leaving the presence ofthe tlecorder i a ked parks where he had seen me before it ui then nearly dark he answered hr had brii iq the tame stage with me on the black rtver road and reminded me of a cirenui- fttance reta i n u ihe overturning of the stage on the blak fttvr road wherein tttj mother and sihtc were which brourh iuni m rei-dlee- fton altough b a change ul dress he now mud aq ite different appearance at the subsequent hearing before the chan cellor i frankly admitted that parks had trrveued an the black river road with me al- ii o igh 1 wa not acquainted with him tnt declaration ha been represented to be a confession contradictory to wiiat i hl declared before the recorder and a proof of prcvarica tion but 1 appeal to those who are iu the habit of travelling whether they would be likely to re member cvy person who may have been a pa sender with them in a public tage and whether they do not sometimes meet persons with whom they are unacquainted but who appear to know them and aidre them by name i am sure thai has been frequently the case with me and it was so in that histanco i ws discharged h the chancellor on the ground that there was 10 evidence authorising any just suspicion against nr during the whole of thefe proceedings i was and have been 11101 of the time since in a state of health unfit foi aoj active exertions when i heard ofthe misrepre sentation of what pacd a the examination in troy i applied to the mod john cuhmau xho had attended that examination as my coun sel for a statement of the real facts mr cush man having previously applied lothe opposite party for a certilicatc similar 10 his own which 1 presume was only refused ilnougli fear off la be ing pohlishcd the result of my app teat son wul appear by what follows troy august slst 1819 sip id c m5cquenrec representations of what transpired at the time of my arrest at troy on the ii instant v hich have beeu made throri ignorance or from a mamieioos design to aoutii my reputation a you were present when 1 wa- interrcaed by the recorder paine and a sir richard p hart a bank dirciur i shall be greatly obliged if you will iuievheiher the following is a correct representation of what parsed on that oceasion viz on enquiry wieihr 1 was arquatnted with park- i replied taai it 3 very possible that 1 had een him and 1 might have rwle wirh him iu a pul- lie stage as i bad with many people with whom 1 as unacquainted but that i was not acquainted withhmand could iiotpositivrlv say thai 1 adven hm until since i arrived in troy thai he did not come with mr to troy but that sftnitiine after my arrival became to the hotl where i vas and seemed to know me and soon after rtqursicd me 10 take charge- of a bundle of troy bills until he should rail on me for them injtistlfcto mr pnrk f willi and ought to say ttitl j abtrrvti notting in hit conduct ut that time or ffjtertfyrdw which gave mt reason to ins pect him of it imp op rly postcsst it tf the uilu ut otuvmra- hu conduct throughout tn whal ajjair appeorn to mc very correct anil aotfcvf an he appears tafmno been a pttstugr ut tlf itagttft tt timt i ua he mipht hnvt b ti prcttnt at tvourtokii tcheu m cunfitj icho wus ultqu trakr entrusted nte 1 va aft imntgjt vtk which i consented of course and without scruple i to do i mentioned that i had on tin way to ut tea received a large sum of money from an en tire stranger in watcriown to leave at utica which i related to shew that the request did not tnkemeasnnusual or extraordinary at the time and i added thai i presumed he must have known me by reputation when he handed me the bun dle that soon afterwards a man they called l00glas who appered ns the complainant came 0 the hotel ai it now appears to obtain parkss money and stated as it now appears falsely hat lie believed there was a mistake in a bundle of money he had handed parks whereupon parksasked me for the bundle he had delivered me and which i had put in my chamber but which i immediately went for and handed to i lotglwt explaining to him the manner in which it had been committed to rue it contained none but troy bilk 1 i aho take the liberty to declare an5 if un true you vil please to cnrreei me that there was no evidence whatever that i had at any time owned or been in possession of any montreal bill of any denomination or that i knew that parks had any biluof that description until after the abovemeutioned conversation at the hotel and until after such bills had been returned by ioula to parks ii did also appear that parks did not come co troy with me s that after my extraordinary examination was closed and ihe recorder and the said mr hart had reined 10 a separate room to consult together and re turned the recorder announced that thei had resolved tohold parks 10 bail in the slim 8f lotx dollars to appear at the next etensellaer court of oyer and terminer or to commit him to pris on and rvihad resolved to bold me to hail in 500 dollars far tike appearance or to commit me this i peremptorily refused 10 do and de manded of ihem to point out what shadow of ho- tence they had ofan accusation again t inc vet a mittimus was made out and i wa- taken into cusiodv my private papers at the hotel were rifled by a petty con nabie without warrant or law by direction of john paine sort of the re corder hut although they were all scrutinized nothing could be found to justify a suspicion ag- aiut me the sequel i need nol detail i obtained a habeas corpus and notwithstanding the perse vering and combined clpftj ofthe district aiinr- nev recorder paine d son and family 1 ivas discharg ed by ihe t ha ee kite and on the ground that there was no evidence to authorise a reason able suspicion against me a yon were present and had the tet oppor tunity of knowing the faei- i appeal to your re collection for the correctnessof this statement them and am sir voir humble servant 1 s 1iii5lu5 lion johv p ctsnmav the following certificate indorsed on it mr- cushmau most generously grauttd trov august 31st is 10 sis in compliance with your irqttest t am free to say that the facts stated in your letter to me of this date relative to what transpired on your examination in troy on lie 17h olid wlfich i herewith return to you areubantilly correct yonr obedient humble servant j i uush61an d waskpt rn eq on my return home which wa as soon as my health permitted i found ihat a faleand injuri ous report wa- circulated respecting the parrel of bank hufc which as 1 have already mention ed had be mi delivered to meat aertown by a mr canfleld to be carried to utica mr c who had been instrumental in spreading that report as soon as he found it to be unirue like an honest man came immediately 10 kiugionand contra- dined the slander by the following certificate in the form of a letter sir the monej which i fent from watcrtown by you to the bank at utica was faithfully and pimualiy delivered and i am furry that through the mifap- prehenfion of a pcrfon employed in the bank any doubt was fuggested of a want of fidelity or punctuality in this tefpecl on your part you are at liberty to make fuch public ufe of this statement as may be most allcdltial to prevent or counteract any er roneous imprelcon on the fuljft i am with refpedh sir your humble fervant david cainfield of denmark kingston sept istlt 18 iy daniel ivnjhbvrn efq to shew how the rank rill whlrh were the stibjeci o invciigation a in vic dispo 1 of a circumstance that did not peenrtomeal ihe limeof my application to mr cushman he has iince most honorably and with great disinterest- ednes furnished afurlber certificate which is a- follow s i certify that i wafl pre fent st tne ex amination of daniel wefhburn efq before the recorder of troy on or about the 1 7th of august last that it did not appear on the examination that mr wafh- burn had been in poftcfiion of any bills of sny hatk in canada and that there was not the lightest evidence produced to that efteft that he was difcharjred from impel fonment in albany by the chancellor i further certify that lyman park who exchanged a confidcrable amount of bills of the montreal bank at the bauk of troy to whom they were again returned by the bank and from whom they were afterwards taken by order of the recor der was difcjiarged from impi ifonntent at troy by judge bucl that as attorney for laid parksaftcr his difchargc 1 tleman- ded and obtained the fa id bills and deliver ed litem to him who foon afterwards left troy for maffachufetts and tiiat mr wafhburnwas notprefent when i obtained the money or when i delivered it to parks and had no concern or interest in it to my knowledge john p cushman before mc this 6th day of november 1819 the above j named john pcufhman made oath that the facts stated in the foregoing certificate are j tiue j ebekezer wilson junior one of the justices ofthe peace for rans- 6aiaer county state ofnewyoifc tuts i- a plain statement oft hr facts according to mv recollection of ihem and i trust thai the public especially those wo have known me for a length ofttme will believe it upon my sdenni declaration of iistrulhconlired and supported a it 1 by lite accompany iiii crlitirats m wasiibltn kingston 7th vow in 10 forein asrs cc a taken up by ilie fubfeaber a ftray pig tlie owner can have it by proving property anrl paving char ge m ry fornyka kirgdon 2d nov 1819 45 glaqow sept 15 paisltv meeting agreeably to ipvertifcmenl the public meeting which vas formerly adjourned on account of the infavourablc late of the weather was hed on saturday in the meikleriggs mui as the day w particularly fine the people began to iollcijl at an early hour the sheriff and tfagtftrata had published a proclamation forbidding the appearance of any flags bu a band of abot two or three hundred erfons from glafgow marched up the wain flreet and by the ctofs to theplacf rnectino with their bags flying eijbt flcs woe difplayed before the hilir with fuch mottos as jultice liber p magna charts liberty civil nd religious annual larliaments abhor the inhuman butcheries at moichefter c- a draoery of klack cloth from four to five feet hih wtf hung in ftont of the hufiings and aj the fpeakers of the paifiey committ- and feveral others were d re fled in monruig- all the flags were edged with black- the hand frorr eilfton rame into the field playing fs wha hat iuv wallace bkdi and other ational airs mr taylor vs chofen chairman and began the bufircof the meeting by en joining attentior and good order he then lated that reformers had no wifh for difturbancc and revolution as was falfely aflertcd by their enemies they merely wifhed an end put to all unneceita- ry places penile and finecure and a propet hare in the legiflaturc of their country he adverted to u the inhuman butchery at mnchefltr and he and all the other orators were particularly vehement an j declamatory upon this mournful and ofl nous fubjeft will it lc tvccu pot favdoi of tlic fpeakers u that i peaceable afcmbly of free born engliflnen were wantonly mur dered in open day oh 1 would rrthtfr fee the bodies of ai mykrjrid whiten in the fun and have my carcafe thrown co the dogs than thil fuch an event ftould pafs without a poper inquiry arj pun- ifhmcnt upon the juiltr perpetrators this is no time to paor betwrecn two opinions when murder and maftacre flaik iu open day when tlie ittmfnan magiflratcs have received the than of tuofe who gorge their bloated carets with the blood ol the artifan another oratrf ohferved that the britifli fword drawn upon ftarving men and minting women has it defolated every co in the world to he at at drawn ams ourfelves and will you allow your br- to be murdered without raffing v voice agaiult the infernal deed no i focner hall the lake wnfli benlomond f its eternal fite than the funs of ca1edoa fliall he filent an orator fated fu proceedings clearly demonlra llie neceflity of a radical reform l the manebefter magis trates had not cone u the applaufc and fupport of thr borough faction this tragedy never r 0u have been afted none but fiend t a ftated could have uiihed the fla of men women and children br a clergyman whofe duty ft was to pom tahn of peace and confolation into th wounda had fanc- tioned the deed a- imbrued his hands ia humin gre an orator faivi a p perfon had fent his reynold wa riehmonda 2nd m irvhfe country ro enbii- the people sooner flial the wave which wafhea our weftem bores ccafe to roll than we fliall forego the right of aflembling together a number of nfohtiions deprecating the conduct ofthe manchelter mariflrates were affed votes of thanks were given to the moft illullrious radicals j peacock efq was thanked with great npplaufe for allowing the meeting to he held on the moor and his portrait is to be painted by the hand of a celebrate radical reformer and prefentcd to him a vote of cenfure was pa fled upon the glafgow chronicle for abuiing the great leaders of radical reform and for upholding a degrading and fallacious plan of emigration one rcfolution merits particular notice that as the contert between the boroug- mongers and the people of vital impor tance hence it becomes indifpenfitbly necefliry that the peopl ufe every method in their power to cut oil the refources of thofe rclentlefs tyrants whereby they may be expelled from their ufurped authority and the people regain their legitimate rights that at glancing at the vail icvenue which the borough mongers derive from tea toba- co and fpirituous liquors we conceive it 1 be our duty to abftain fiom the ufe of thefe articles ourfelves until a radti reform in the commons huufe of parlfrmetit be obtained and we hereby flrongljf recmmend to all reformers to adopt as ft as poflible the fame meafures that major carwright mr hunt if francis nrdett fir charles wollcly mr wooler and other friends of reform iu loudoni be refpcctfully invited to name a dv for a general meeting of reformers throughout the whole kingdom in ordr that the above refoluttons be adopted a can led into citccl whereby it wljl become a truly national rrualure an addtefs to mr bnl was produced and read hunt was phncgyrifci at great length and the addrefs was carried with a fervant flvmt of appl y after the fpeaker fr bc call fide of glafgow had fpent fort- time in making levcre ft ri all res upon the duplicity and unfeeling coduft of fl lctgy the bufinefsof the meeting ended with the fpeaker requiiing the people to depart with regularity and good order and go peaceably home about the middle ofthe proceedings a cry of the huflw rofe and the people fled on all fides and it was with fome difficulty the committee could get them rallied and order reftored a collection was made when the people were retiring for the relief of the manchelter fuffereitrs some light fingered gentry honoured the meeting with their prefence it is fopjftfed there were from 14 to 18000 people prefent when the people were going home thole from the well with their flags and the neil ton band of mnfic went down story i reel in a compact body and got quietly out of the town but thofc from glafgow were lefs fortuie the fpecial conftables were ranged on both fides ofthe high lreetwith the civil authorities at their head the firlt fhg wasfeized at the crofs a ictiffle enfucd and the public mind being in a ftate of the greatefl fer mentation an immenfe crowd inflantly collefted the fpecial conllalles did their utiroft to clear the flreets but the mob continually incrcafed ftones and other mifliles were thrown with violence the windows of the council chamber were broken and firnilar outrages were commit ted in other partsof the town the rit aft was read at a little part ten oclock and the mob increafing the cavalry were fent for at eleven and came ftom glafgow about one when they arrived the people gave them a hearty cheer and immediately difperfed next day as the magmfatea were going to church they were infulted by the populace and one of the mofl aive of th mob was feized by bailhe bowie who with the reft ofthe mrgiftrates conducted hiw to gaol before proceeding to church during the evening of sunday gentle men were generally afldiled with hones if ktvicv wm f- 1 aa dozen ofthe large panes in the coffee room windows were broken and the gentlemen prevented by the mob from retiring for about an hour the cavalry difperfed the mob without ufing their fwords the pvifoners in the police office attempted to force their way out but were prevented by the watchmen who were brought from their rations to guard them tit riot became ferioua at 7 oclock the riot act was read three times before nine the windows of the tontine eaillie bowie mr barns old and new houfes dr findlay birkmyres ware houfe bailhe leifhman and fon buchanan of north bar mr sharp capt of the batonmen mr lvmburn and mr pol- locks windows with the lamps of caufcyfide high ftreet story flreet new lieet are all deftroyed the iron railing of the methodift chapel was torn to pieces and ufed as weapons againfl the cavalry and batonmen and the mob charged them clearly up story itreet all was quiet at one in the morning the mob began to aflemble about 8 oclock on monday morning and con tinued to increafe till 1 when the riot aft was read and the cavalry and con tables endeavored to clear the ftreets two companies ofthe roth arrived at 3 oclock piled their arms and remained in readinefs at the crofo in the mean time the teform committee were met with the provoft and a meeting of the people was held at the f nt of st james flreet about fix or eight thoufandmen afiembled in an inftant to hear the report the orator fpke es follows gentlemen we have had a long conference with the provoft and lie has pledged his honor that every perfon who has fuflained any damage in the late outrages fliall have ample juftice done him and fhould any perfon accufe any batonman of wanton cruelty in the difchargc of his duty the affair fhall have a complete and candid inveiligation and if the batonman be found guilty he hall be brought to condign punilhment though he were his own father now gentlemen yon mull difperfe immediately as the provoll is determined to ufe every effort to keepthepeace herethe mob houted who broke the peace reftore the prifoners reftore the prifoners without bail give up the flags c our meflage is delivered one quarter of an hour only is allowed you to difperfe every mans fate is in his own hand the great body of the people till continuing in the ftreets the military were forced to interfere the cavalry and batonmen immediately fcoured the flreets and difperfed the mob in all directions at night every clofe lane was fearched with torches and quiet nefs was completely rettoredat 12 oclock all the lamps in georges flreet canal llret and broomland flreet wete broken at 9 oclock several people were feverely hint with the batons of the conltables but we have not heard of any one being dangeioufly wounded all was quiet at 6 oclock when the order arrived at glafgow from paifley for the cavalry the founding of the bugle brought a great multitude into the ftreets to learn the news and we are forry to fay that a number of the poor foldiets were hit with fragments of brick and otherwife huit they arrived at the black bull inn at different times and fevera of thofe who were late having to enquire the road were by evil difpofed perforts miidirected another account from the glafgow journal monday night onrfhects exhibited one fcene of confulion alarm and milehief a body of men and boys to the amount of early three thoufaud aflvmbled at the call end of the town at darkening from bridgeton cahon c puifley ft was underllood was their place of dellination on their way through gallowgate ft hey left only fix whole lamps and at eight oclock that jait of the town wai i complete dark nefs breaking lamps m trongatc candlcriggs argyle itrect stockwcll gkfsford flreet they pro ded to the weft end of tradeflown leaving not one on the bridges on arriving a bridge flreet they aflailed the methodift meeting houfe there while the people were at worfhip rind broke almoft every window the windows in clyde ftrcct weft urect dale flreet and kings flreet were more or kfs 1 ruken and the hops of jamie fiii and dunn bakeri were broken into and btead and other articles carried away john cochrane fpirit dealer had his houfe completdr emptied of rum vhifkey porter c and the jirs broken to pieces in cahon feveral hopfcccpcrs hops were ranfacked and the windows of many refpedtablc inhabitants broken at the black bull the riot adt was read by the fheriff at nine oclock and the flreets which were in the utmoft confufion with depredators and women and men who had collected fiom mifchicf and curiofity were cleared in a very fhort time two pieces of ordnance accompanied with a body of infantry and a troop of huffar were fpeedily brought one we have heard f no particular accident forth- r than a a fire which happened in a fmall wrights fhop in steele- well which was loon extinguifhed feveral of the military by the throwing of loncs from a new building there were much annoyed and hurt several of the inhabitants received flight fabre weunds but owing to the good conduct of the hufiirs which defcrves the highclt praife nothing of a ferious kind happened at two oclock this morning the military retired leaving a fmall picquet behind aoj till this moment aii remains quiet the houfe of the rev dr mlean gorbals was alfo afkiiled and the whole windows ia tvtcccvi fli brolujdu two vrcmirtfi and twenty city lamps have been demo i i filed during the night upwards of tw hundred men and boys were made priioners they have not yet been all ex amincd but of thofe more than 30 have been cut to gaol to undergo a precogni tion thofe found in the new houfe corner of stockwcll have been wholly fent to prifon at this place the rioters threw a fence made with treffes and mafon planks at the time the fire was burning acrofs the treet to prevent the cavalry and the firemen from advanceing befides the military many of the firemen have got themfelves much bruifed as thofe of the mob who had climbed up into the interior ofthe new bullcng threw ftones indiscri nnnately on ihofc in the ftreets a perfon who vitncfted the breaking of the lamps aatesthat that feemedtobethrir fnfl object the night was exceedingly dark and rendered it ftdl more irkfomc by attacking every window on their rout even ar the height of three ftories in which the light was not put out on their approach this with the horrid yells they emitted iwelled their numbers almoft to infinity iq the minds of the terrified inhabitants when the drums beat it was conceited that thercvolutiomtts had fet fire to the town and that all was over kilmarnock there was to be another grand meeting at kilmarnock on saturday lalt the istli inflant london sept 16 the arrival of sir thoma9 rafties at sincapore from bcncoolcn is mentioned in letters from batavia of the 10th may the precife object of his vifit was not known but it was fuppofed that it was to cftablifh a ijrmih tculement there an this conjecture had created confiderable jealoufy among the dutch authorities and mercantile inhabitants who have hitherto carried on a profitable trade between ba- tavia and new south wales in cattle pro- vifionp wool and woollen goods malta papers contain the fubftance of two very importnt decrees of the king of naples by which sicily is at laft blcfled with a free trade in corn fo long the ob ject of her wifhes and fo obvioufly benefi cial to her bell interefts september 18 minifters it is fufpected have relinquilh- ed the idea of profecuting sir francis bur- dette for his alledged libellous letter it is again reported in berlin that the king of piuflia has at length confentcd to certain principles which are to form the groundwork of the conftitution his majefly left berlin tin the 2d attended by his fon prince ciailcs and 2 numerous fuite for brcflam we ondcrfitind by icltevs received in the city by the lalt mail from valencia that an immenfe number of perfons in deed fij many an t numlionedj have been pat to the tomitc n the czftles and dungeons of miitvicdrowith a view to ex act from them enfetfions refpeftrag any popular commotions that rrtght be dread ed in the country a requifitiou fr a gcnerrl wivs of the inhabitants of the city of york on hc fubjeft ofthe miincheiler proceedings was prefentcd to the lord mavor lall satur day evening week it was figned by above 45c requifitors and his lcrdflnp very readily appointed a meeting for that pur pofe on monday thu day at 12 oclock a meeting ofthe inhabitants of nor wich was held on thurfday in that city when a feries of pefolutions and an ad drefs fomdcd theieou to the prince re gent condemning the conduct ofthe ma- giftratesand yeomen in the late tranfac tions at manchester were carried with on ly one diirentient voice a reform meeting was held on arm- ley hill top near leeds on monday lad purfuant to public adverttfement at which mr mitchell from liverpool was in the