Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), November 19, 1819, p. 3

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cfcafr the number of pcrfons affembled amounted to about 2000 a firing of icfolutiona wa9 read twenty in number recommending radical reform condemning the proceedings of the manchefter magis trate on the 1 6lh ult and avowing the de termination f the meeting to abftain as much as puflible from all exoffeable arti cles including beer tea fugar and tobac co there was no novelty in the fpeech- cs nor in the condu of the aflembly which conduced itiw with perfect propri ety and peaceably difperfed about half paft feven oclock mr hnnt it teems has declined the in vitation to attend the next hunflet moor meeting on monday the 20th and alfo the meeting intended to be held on bran don hill but the reformers have hopes that sir c wolefley will not prove fo un gracious mr hunt has written iimilar aiifwersti bin ingham and various other places where he had been invited to attend public meetings burtenfhaw stubbs swan swindles and richards the perfons who were upon the hulingat the reform meeting held at macclesfield a few weeks ago have been arretted and not being able to pro em e bail each in 100 for him felt and two fmetiesin 50 each to appear at the cnfiiing scffions at knutbford are com mitted to the county jail it is known that in lancafhire white fiats are quite the rage among the radicals andfo muchi this party badge in requelt in this county that a hat manufacturer near colne laft week received orders for too dozen of them a hatter at bolton iold laft thurfday 40 dozen of white hats trimmed with green girdles and a rofe or knot of black crape on one fide the latter of which is worn as mourning for thofe who fell on the 16th ult at manchefter september 19 we have received paris papers of tues day and wednefday laft several of the departments have completed their elec tions of deputies and by the lilts of the fortunate candidates hitherto publifhed it ia evident that the ultra royalilu will rather lofe than gain ilrcngth by the gene ral rcfult we rind that for the moft part the deputies who have jull vacated their feats do not enjoy the confidence of the electoral colleges and that not a few of their fuccefifel rivals hnvc held offices un der napoleon and were diilinguilhed by their having held leat in the chamber of deputies during the fhort government of the hundred days it is to be regretted that noornal meet ing f the urpofe of military training are ftill common in the unirequented patts of lancafhire and chcfhirc the publicans of dudley have received an intimation fiom the mncriftrates that i they allow h feditious publications to be read in their houfes their licences fhall be taken away the marquis of taviftock has fent 50 to the treafuiers appointed at the wet- minller meeting to receive fubferiptions foi the relief of the fuflciers at manches ter the proceedings of sir stamford raf fles in forming an ertnblifhment at sinca- pore appear to be of great importance both an a commercial and politicalpoint of view this ration which is fecured to us bv treaty with the sultan of johore gives us the entire command of the ftiaits of mal acca and fecure6 a free and uninterrupted communication with china in fhort it is obferved that this foot cannot fail to be come in a very few y ars one of the moll flourishing and iuterefling fcttlements ever formed by european among the eaftern iflands the price of wheat is rapidly declining in all the ports of the north of europe letters from cork ftate that in the courfe of a few days upwards of 1000 pcr fons will fail from thence to fettle at the cape of flood hor mr palmer wan- pointed by government as mailtiate for the diftrift in which thole pcrfons are to refide a requifilion for a ward meeting on the fubjefl of the late t ran factions at man chefter is now finning in farringdon with out the meeting is expefled to tke place on tuefday or wednefday next similar meetings are expected to be held in all the wards in the city the inhabitants of the hundreds of blackhearh and leftnefs in kent and the city of litchfield are about to addrefs the throne declaring that it is the duty of al rinks to unite in fupport of the laws and conftitution and to fupprefs and prevent by ail lawful means thofe aflemblies which uodtr pietence of reform aim at a revolu tion we hear that ggnatures are collect ing to a reqnifitfon calling on the high sheriff of eftex to convene a meeting of the county to addrefs the prince regent on the late events at manchefter a meeting of the devon county club is called for the purpofe of taking into confederation the late tranfaions at man chefter neceflary amorigft the fignatures al ready affixed are fome of the moft refpeft- able inhabitants in that town and now the document is made public the number will experience daily augmentation liverpool sept 17 sain an article from madrid in mentioning the refufal of the spanffli court to ratify the florida treaty adds we have doubtlefs provoked the anger of the united states but we reckon upon the fin cere and difinterefted fupport of eng land whofe alliance has been for feveral years fo ufeful to us the cadiz expe dition it is faid is pofitivcly to fail on the 15th fnftant the bands of melchior and merino ftill maintain their pofition in es- tramadura auftria is reinforcing its army prus sia is building fortified towns all along the provinces of the rhine the duke of wellington is to infpect them all and prufliaa police commiflaiics are ranging all over germany taking all thefe ftrange occurrences together it is difficult to im agine how much our politicians muft be puzzled frankfort paper the war again ft the poor venders of pamphlets ftill continue- no doubt at the mitigation of our fpitited minifter who prefer fattening on them to attacking fuch a man as sir francis euidctt who has the means of defending hivfelf liverpool sept 20 a treaty for the final arrangement of all the differences between sweden and den mark was figned at stockholm on the ift inftanu by the danifh miniltcr m- von krabbe and the norwegian secretary of state m von holft the chief lipids- tion is thac sweden i3 to pay three mil lions of dollars hamburgh banco in ten annual payments and alfo to pay four per cent per mum merell but the intcrell to be paid quarteiy and the bonds for the principal and incercft are to be deput ed in the hands of lord mrangford as miniiler of the media ing power dublin sept 8 c important domestic intelligence as ft is altogether imp ffible that we fh uld be aware of the caules which have induced government to adopt the precautionary meaftires ooferved at the caftle and elfe- wherewe without ay comment give the following fafts which may be relied on on sunday night the guaids at the caftle were trebled the pieces of artillery on the font were prepared for any emer gency and a ftrong body of tforfe was or dered to pat role on the na2s road simi lar precautions were taken at the i a it men tioned town the ruards were there doub led and the half of the kdtlare militia was ordered on duty the guards continue doubled at all the principal ports in this city it is alfo pofitivcly aflerted inlet ters from the queens county that feveral nightly meetings have taken place in the neighborhood of mount mellick of per- fons in arms from the jv j e post nov g latest jri m eroptjy thf arrival last evening of the packet ship ouritr bownc wc have received london papers to the 29i h of september inclusive one day later than announced in the morning papers they aie chiefly occupied with meetings in every part of the country the courier of the 23th of september contains the pi ocecdings down to 3 oclock on that dav of common ball for the election of lord mivor and a more violent and stormy meeting we do not recollect ever to have read or heard of hunt and hone were present and were loudly cheered by the populace there was a dreadful struggle between the parties to occupy the hustings when the lord mayor advanced to the front to make his obeisance it was quite impossi ble to describe the uproar which availed his ears from all quarters u fire murder formed but a nnrt nf the ejaculations that resounded throughout the hall it would be impossible says the courier to give an adequate descrip tion of the scene the front of he hus tings was scaled the seats of the lord mayor aldermen and civic officers were usurped and every thing like a decent respect for that corporate body was aban doned a sort of brutal triumph over that institution which had hitherto been considered sacred prevailed and in this state things remained when our reporter ieft the hall at hall past two lovdon sept 29 our readers are aware that this is the dav when the radicals of the common hall at llie suggestion of mr alderman waithmnn are to have a civic uproar we liive made arrangements for detail ing what passes as amply as our limits and the early hour at which we are com pelled to go to press will permit we trust a proper degree of vigilance will lt exercised to keep out of the hall those rected into a fortrc of tp ra grenoble will be a dr fo arms and will be encompass b fortifications belfbrt which has r 0lll a eftidttl of little importance will be converted intoa for tress capable of con a stro gar- rison the fonificf of titoterbtrrif on the lins of alsa hlli e extended liitche which has hi ithertoonly had a for- tificd castle will be e nade a conswerable fortress several s smau fortified towns of the third class wi be p n a respect- able state of defence from the montreal l w f 10- on sunday morn las the phereuas uncomme tmck and scure as if it had i been occasioned by eruptions from a v and traill water collected from the roof of le houses was oberver to contain in it a certain sediment rese iron ore and smelling of sulphur w the weather continued more or le olew until yes terday about one ovjoek afternoou when it became sodr- that candles were lighted in almost ev house as uhen night approaches n i0t g wter thun der uas heard at a distance which ratu ually became louder and louder about three ovncktwoclr feuwtd one an other in ijuick suco hen a ball of lire was seen by m t ome in con tact with the spire of he french parish church descend the hectrick rod there to affixed with rap and even run along the pavement at he font of iiu walls those who s- h thought the electrick fluid had e aped by the rod a id that the sacred ec had sustained no injury but aboui hree quarters of an hour after the spiffs fo e great a- maemeut of every oie ho saw it be- gan to sinnke batdaoomaftercitiil a flame the alarm was given thousands of ppo- pie with the ireeiii ues assembhd in the placedwrmes lut were unable to afford any succour th height being too great to convey tbe ater thither at last a small fiveuin with much exer tion was placed in tb belfrey and sup plied with water in buckets from below which elicited the extinction of the lire about eight oclock when the iron crov- fell to the ground with an amazing crash the iveather cochin fa ling got eutaogled and remains yet aloft ll is with much plfexitiifft we can add that no person rerciw i nay hurt on t in occasion tc that liieteple has lleredap- par ullv but little clnk2ige as tue fire be- gnu in the uppermost prt of it aodburul nu ly downward the irimi iiclis ar- ileut thin morn ing and ii elmut stillness pervades the city the ilaiosphorff tiitmn till hea vy and floudy exhibits no uncommon appearance- shew hat on turay clicqil i deep- er gloom pervaded that dt lban was experiens- byaaevwthandcrsznrm ionsidralilrdani s don i lljchtflift to rbc french paris h inircli and to boo srcottri churcli iliwugh bui edlficei were furnished ivithclecincroda we hear from diver pan of the country of the consternation occasioned uv the dousual oi- cnrily of thu remarkable day many person considered i he eurct or a volcano in ome dilaef quarter or the prelude loan earthquake shatt ers ofahts are reported to have falln in souc places in nth ers somr tne earth houhcs e werecov orlu rmwing charcoal and j i fell va fa dark inky hc to corklsrofents a ciiiiiiniiiiicaiiiri from a lrind mom vxiili ilue ailttiiioq we are sorty we rannol gratify a sufawrs i 1 rt i auosioiii an offimkh naiiire fuppljr as- n shall i a reward ob tim hundred ami fifty pounds 1ill be paid by the subscriber to v atvperin who fnall discover and gve uch wformatimi as will couvia the per on or ptrlons who on or ahout the 29th or 30th of june laft flole from george ridout esq at walkers hotel a farce containing montreal bank bill of five dollars each to the amount oft tlioufand pounds by diredion of the diredors of the montreal bank thomas markland c- agent kingston 19a nov 18 19 47 w lamb a mcdonell opposite the market king street i espectfrjlly inform their v friends and 1 he public that tin have received part of their fill goods among mhicic are ladies jviusr cloth most fashionable colors west of kuglattd superfine blue and 131nek cloth grey blue black tiiow 11 olive and drab cloths nndcas- iineres iid white cireen blue and mellon flannels rose blanket wors ted shirts and drawers marseilles quilts and counterpanes chintz furni- ure with lining fringe and binding j match scarlet and blue moreen scar let waterloo blue salmon sage drab fawn and peach colored cassitnen shaft ifi merino and canton cm notice the fubfcriber has ju9t received a quantity of double and single stoves of various fizes and of new and elegant patterns which he offers for faleat montre al price and charges for cafh he has alfo received in addition to his former n feveral tons of english and swedes iron sorted sizes j loop and round ditto nail hods grindstones anvils and iiees double and single sheet iron trace and log chains fl r and cut nails all sizes smiths ddlows hollow ware of all descriptions cut pit and mm saws curriers and li tit seed oil wagon and carl boxes iron and brass ivire a good alfortment of saddlery stamped and cast brafs cabinet furniture with an excenfive ajturtment of shelf goods coneating of wo- articles in ihe hard ware line too numernaa to mention john watkins n b flour foi fale kingston november 16th 1819 47tf e notice a ll pcrfoni to whom the fubfcifef hl stands indebted are eqowted to prefent their accounts for adjtmnnt and thofe who are indebted to him either by note or book account will do well to come forward and fmc the fa forethe fifteenth day of deccoae next and if the accounts are not rhen fated they wm be pt into the hands of m at- torney for colleaion john brewer iryton nov 19 1819 4 foi sde at this ojlcv the montreal almanac for 1820 a new steam boat called tho catha rine ha- been launched at bonherville beloniiu to c i deceits k she is- intend dto ply between the new mar ket and longeuil thn administrator in chjpf has pro rogued tfceparliamut from the 10th of this month to the aoth of dec movt uct spmsfiwlgmtfcft n 1 t 4 kingston nttlember 19 1819 we have nothing later date than a record has been fet on foot in leeds wherein every male inhabitant of mature years may peaceably and confiitutionally ecnrd his opinion that a neceffity exifts or a reform in our reprefentative fyftem fhe record to which we allude forms the firft page in a book prepared for the recep tion of fignatures and isexprefled in thefe terms we the underfigned inhabitants of leeda in the weft riding of the coun ty of york beiig of the age of twentyone ear or upwards do hereby record our jpnicn peaceably but decidedly that the commons lioufe of i arliament as at pre wconflitnred docs not fairly and fully prefent tile people of the united kiu anwd lherefote that a reform in the onftnuticaof that hon ft is ufdttfaby hho are not liverymen let all the lo ry or all the disgrace of this days pro ceedinns be fairly shared by the citizens of london we have this morning received the pa ris journals of sunday the bulletins respecting her royal highness the duchess de herri and the infant princess con tinue favorable pamssept 26 from recent intelligence which has reached us from the island of sumatra we learn that the trade with india is wholly in the hands of the english the aiiiloamericans alone rival them on some points all other nations find there more danger than profit an extrusive plan of defence is talked of sihirh is said to have been adopted by ovjrnmeuf am the vulnerable points of the kingdom from the pyrenees to the rlnine and he belgian frontier line are to be fortified bayoitoe will be c- from europe of a appeared in our last number excepting some further details of the proceedings of the radical refor mers the spirit of innovation which has been racing in the manufacturing districts of england seems to have dis played itself also in the sister kingdoms in scotland large bodies of people assem bled together at paisley and glasgow audcomnitted great excesses in ire land apprehensions were entertained of 1 jlsiurduiices in he neighbourhood ot dublin and great pre had been taken to prevent the malcontents from attending the places t which they re sorted nightly to be dyiued the use of arms these ircum- together with the late violation of decency and order at the lord mm election un doubtedly are of a serious nature and ma lead some person o infer that eng land is on the eve of a revolution but it should bo remembered that the speech es and toasts of the leaders do not con vey the general sentiments of the people that of the multitudes who surround the cars of hunt and his associates many persons are attracted thither by idle cu riosity that of those really anxious for radical reform the majority belong te the manufacturing clas and that this disaffected body bears no sort of propor tion to the collective ntfiss of the nation the dignified reply ol his royal high ness the prince regent to the address o the common council f london rela tive to the manchester tumults demon strates the respect of his royal high ness for true liberty and individual rights and evinces his anxiety to preserve the nicely balanced powers of he consti tution each within its proper sphere b neither straining the prerogative of the crown beyond its due limits nor suffer ing the impeteosity of popular feeling to overstep the barriers fixed by law for the maintenance cf order and the protection of society air gobbet t has lately sailed from sew york on his return to england ha ving shipped the bones of the noted tom paine to aid as it is said in the cause of reform 4 it remains yet to be rcen how hunt the present leader of the radicals who like caesar cannot brook a rival vill a- grce with this veteran patizan of faction pmkmusliutiinimingsi iiircailliiee foot ing caiicoescheck ftripe colion it 1 biuederrys stj- pedcnmbric ginghams vostingsbomba- zecus and lombacftes tartan plaid turkey stripe brown holland irish linens cotton shirting white cotton diaper and diaper table cloths green and blue table covers dimity furni ture hearth rugs brussella rugs scotch shirrtnir black silk veils best treble gilt coat buttons sec c rib bons tape threads colti n balls sew- iug silk and twist ladys white and black slk stockings slate colored end black worsted hose boys girls d do men lambs wool half hose do worsted do ladies slate colored black and vlijr silk g loves mens lined bea ver and kid do mens lined beaver and buck skin gloves also a great variety of other articles too uumcious to mention the whole com prises a complete assortment of dry goods which they ill sell scry low for mthereas my wte mary viqaut t w has left my bed and board xvith- out any j u it caufe this is thacfere to for- bid all pcrfons harboring or trading her on my account as i will not pay any debts of her coniradinr after this date kingfton november 6 1819 46 w for sale two excellent milch cdtvsont of which will calve in about a we ks time whoever may wifh to purchafc faid cows will apply to the fubfcriber near mr adams leading to stuartvillc c mark law ktdgflon nov i 9g d cah kingston nov 8th 1819 47 to be sold and immediate p seffion given the following lots of own- an exact fioio the mofrea gazette win land in the 6th conceflion of the t hip of elmlcy viz 19 20 22 2l 20 jfc molt ciibiy biiuaicd on the north side of the rideau lake which forms their southern boundary the great road to the perth settlement leading through one of the lots they abound in excellent timber which from its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to montreal at a trifling exptnee the qua lity of the foil and other advantages are fuch as to render this a desirable purchafc to farmer or perfons engaged in the lum ber trade for terms of payment and other particulars apply to william mar shall eq perth settlement john kirby efq kingston or the fubfcriber in wood- houfe london diftrttf robert nichol november 18 1 8 19 47tf notice the fubfcriber being desirous of afcer- tabling the place where silvester mc- kcnna resides will be thankful to any perfon who will give her information on the fuhjed by a letter to be left at the post office sarah small kingston 5thn0v 1819 47 to let a commodious house near doctor keatings two stories high with seven rooms a kitchen and a cellar under the whole a ood yard and stable also a very good spring near the house for further particulars apply to james robins kingston 4a june 189 23 for sale or to let at two ftory framed houfe and a wjl large and commodious lone store fituate on the waters edge in the centre of the village of prefcot on exceedingly ad vantageous terms to the purchafcr or lessee enquire at the office of chr a hagerman kingfton 26th february 1810 9 baltimore nov 2 important from the spanisl maine extract of a letfer to the editor of the patriot dated st thomas 12i oct 1819 by thepresent conveyance i have mere ly fime to enclose yon the printed ac count of the recent hurricane with a cor rect list of the vessels cast away we had an arrival this morning from margaritta bj which we learn chat the s has latterly been very mckly amongst the number of the victim to the prevailing fever are generals english and sandusky- general deverraux aad not arrived from angostura informa tion had been received that arismendi had effected a revolution i the eorn- ment of that place and that general or- dinati was marching in force to opp ae him the brutus veuezuelian brig is to ally lost at nevis the admiral brioa is dismasted at five stands or the saints in hasle 1 am c p s since writing you this morning i have been unable to collectfurther par liculars concerning the late revolution at angostura it is certain that zaer late vice president of the venezueliau repub lic has been deposed and that arismeru di has beeu elected or more properly s pea kins appointed president in the loom of bolivar how these dissensions will end it impossible to hazard acon- jecturc but i fear ihe worst consequen ces- from such a state of anarchy and con fusion u unexampled mortality in the mis sissippi republican of the 5th of octo ber it is stated that on the 3d day of that month the n hole uumber of inhab itants in the city of natchez amounted to only 5cs of which 292 were colored people and that from the 14th of sep tember to the 3d of october inclusive there died principally of the yellow fe- ver 4oof the former and 4 of the latter st louis mo sept 21 earthquakes the fhock of an earthquake was fen- fibly felt at st louis cape girardeau new madrid and throughout a large ex tent of country along the mifliffippi on the morning of the 2d inft between two and three oclock another ihuck was felt at cape girardeau on thurfday evening 1 6th inft between ten and eleven oclock in the year 181 1 12 we bad repeated lhocks of which thfcai of the principal violence was the country of new madrid

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