vtffb from the edinburgh magazine stanzas by a lady strong and chill is the deathblast friend arc departing fast leading ibe world 10 rangers and me wuere all use bitter cold ah me the heart grow old long ere the dark lock whitened should bo in many a dwelling a dread voice is telling that the bright eye is quenched and the dark coffin closed that chill chill and rigid now is fhe beauteous brow where thought in the sweetness of virtue rc- poed the torch was extinguished oon thai lightened on gay saloon where genius awoke the warbling wire there the d is spread there tne summer chaplcis fade the minstrels are dumb oh break ye the ljre tims cankerworm may consume ofivau theeaiiy bloom and blight the gay tlowercrown of youth and o love b it cvm i 5 fataf breath can neer taim the victorwreath thai is twined for the saiois in the nalm-bow- er above thoogh tears for the dead vi arm a lifeblood he hed as we luger and watch wierc their cold ash- esiie tvt even there on the heart ah neer to ovpart beams thebrigui siarof 1i 4 daysprin from on high d the tears ca to flow the w id pole of wo- jur w i i- hushed to the heart and the brain again rom these ips a- it- heaths dark eclpe they forbid us to weep w wc shall yet meet again children of love and light oh but onr robes are bright wt ie ye ere ihe vestments of sin and of wee oh yes then to him who did you redeem let the high ous of praise to efernifv firv 38838 j2 rbi agricultural to the conductor of the farmer s mag mine the management of live stock on ar able farms considered sir id the important branch of rural econ- cmy njfmely the manascrrent of lire stock great improvement is still requi site and however much the general sys tem of agriculture may be amended of late years i am of opinion wc are yet so backward on this head that there are comparatively few arable farms that would not maintain and fatten a double quantity of stork and perhaps in some three four or five times the present num ber without lessening the annual pro duce of grain the advantages result ing from such an increase of stock arc oo manifest to be overlooked and call loudly for attention upon arable farms live stock is gener ally considered as a secondary object ht4 ihpwianltiy kept is usually very small according to the old system of husbandry this must be he cac but by a proper combination of green crops such ns tnres chv r and buck wheat for summer turnips carrots potatoes cab bages and kale for winter it certainly is p mble for the tillage farmer to sup port and fatten a quantity of stock eq a i to the grazier on fhe same numb- r ol acr- admitting the soil to be of a simi lar quality to do this i grant a considerable capital is absolutely necessary as the mhole exponce of an arabl farm i to be added toihatof a grazing one in the pur chase of stock for breeding it will be in- varinhly found that the bem are the most pntitable indeed attention to breed cannot be too strenuously recommended in animals of every speries i would here remark thai mze is no proof of ex- cell- nee in any stock and that the crcat object of the farmer should be to gain the greatest passible weight of animal food from a given quantity of vegetable if therefore three animals ofa small breed can be fattened to a greater weight in le time and upon less food than two ofa larger breed they are infinitely lo be preferred the arable farmer should have such a supply of green food as will enable him to keep all his horse- cattle and pigs in tin farmyard throughout the year ex cept very young stock which do not tp- par tome to answerquite so well in con finement these however may be ben eficial in the sheep pastures and will re quire only the same fence which in young enclosures is an object of no small moment this is beyond doubt the rjiot economical mode of consuming food one acre of red clover mown and carted to the farmyard will j am confident afford more sustenance during the sum- met thau three acres of the best old grass land pastured stall feeding i consider preferable to giving cattle food in racks in the farm- jard they are at all times quiet and efl disturbed by ilies in the summer and in winter the shelter it afford from th- inclemency of the weather is of great service cattle never thrive so well a when they are perfectly at ease strict attention is aun necesvary to have then veil bedded with dry straw of which much less will suffice in the ttouse than in the yard but the number of sheds required for this purpose may sometimes prevent the practice i am aware the expence of soiling will be considered a serious objection by ma ny but when the additional quantity ol stock supported together with the im mense return of manure and consequent amelioration of the land are taken into consideration surely it may be viewed a a small object one man will cut cart the food and attend to a very consider able number of cattle provided the crops are good and the laud near the farm stead and it ought always to be tin work of one man as noth ng contribute more to the thriving ol animals than reg ular attendance the food ought to be given frequently in small quantities and never allowed to stand before them and the troughs kept perfectly sweet and clean variety of food too is necessa ry and it is convenient to the farmer tlat it is so as it renders it easy to pro vide food for every season and allows a more frequent change of crop to lay down a rotation of crops neces sary to support this system would occu py too large a space of your valuable publication but to every one conver sant in agriculture it must be obvious this is by no m ans difficult that the number of acres sown with corn will hereby be diminished must be admitted yet from the increased excellence of the land by the green fallows such abundant crops would be insured as to make the produce oi grain luily to equal if notex- ceed all that rot id b raided by more frequent introduction of corn crops in addition to the above let if be con sidered how great is the difference to the farmer between one good and two inferi or crops how immense the saving of rent seed and iabourl surelj ihesecir- cu instances ill far outweigh all that can be said in opposition to soiling on ac count of its attendant epenee indeed my own practice has so fully convinced me of the advantages of this ystem that j recommend it with particular solicitude and eel assured tltat after a fair end im partial trial 3 no one will give it up i am c charles howard melbourne farm near pockiingtont 30 h december 180o the stotholdearof the bank of uppeli canada are hereby re- quired to pay into the bank in specie or dills of the montreal bank an inftalment of ix per cent oi six dollars on each share on or before the firft day of decern btrnext s bartlkt cafhier kingfton 0 14 1819- 42 to the tanner tblhe fubferiber being fnpplicd with as x much barley as his stores will conveniently hold begs that the farmers will withhold blinking any more for six v eeks when be will be prepared to re ceive it again at the ume price thomas daltov kingflon brewery september 30th 1s19 40 for sale rnhat valnabir fam known by lot no 8 in the fit ft conceffion of frederickfburgh on the bay of qjintie upon highly advantageous terms to the pu i chafer there a large two ftory houfe upon it that rriy be converted into a comfortable regdentci at a trifling ex- penfc there are alb various outhouies attached to it with a well of excellent water an indifputabe title will be given and the terms made known at mr d ilagerrnans office in bath or on applica tion to the propriety j08s1 h bkrgon frederickftjnrgh 8th oc 1819 42 y new medicinjl store- toe subscriber respectfully informs the inhabitants of kingston and vi cinity that he has opened a medicinal laboratory in frontstreet opposite to mr kirbys where they may be supplied with every article in his line w williams n b physicians prescriptions and orders from merchants in the country will be received and carefully attended to kingston oct 4 is 10 41 notice i books of subscription for the jitt of ttttht will be opened at the directors room n the bank of upper canada on the 24th auguft next snd kept open each day from the hour of ten till three oclock until further notice kingfton 27th july 18 19 31 t r b spilsburt late surgeon of ii- ms prince re9 i gtitt on iav onario intends prae i in t he various branches of his pvfeimi at his res- j iidence next dor to john mclean- esqsheritf 0 t kingston octgth 1819 41 elasticity of mind- mademoiselle du the having lost a fa vorite suitor and the event becoming public a gentleman who paid her a vi sit found her playing on fhe harp quite surprised he said to her 6 1 expected to have found you in a state of desponden cy ah said she in a pathetic tone w you should have seen me yesteiday i a faults at a public dinner curran was defen ding his countrymen against he imputa tion of being a naturally vicious race ci many of our faults for instance aid he arise from our too free use of the cir culating medium pointing to the wine but i never yet heard of an irishman be- ing born drunk a doubll cntendke a gentleman observing his gardener with an old broad brimmed hat on jo cosely asked him who gave him thai cuckolds hat it is one of your old eues replied lite gstiditier trial on wt- re gave me yesterday when you were at the races kingston tannery tr underbill co refpeft fully beg leave to inform the shcemakcr3 saddlers and leather fellers in general that they have now felcftcd fror tc extcniivc affutment of different defuipiions nf leather and arc preparing it ready for sale upwards of one thou- fand fides of upper leather from one to twenty thoufand lbs of light and ftrong fole leathers an one hundred anj fifty fide of hameffl 6 together with twenty dozen of calf skins and a number of horfe hides dog and sheep skim too numerous to inlert and which can be delivered on the fhortell no tee and lowed terms for alii t u flattets himfclf that thftfc who are inclined to favour them with their orders will find the above articles by far foperior to any yotofflrrcd for lleinving already been proved and acknowledged by the befl judges in this province kingfton november 5 1s19 45 far safe rinhe well half of lot number sixteen kl in the sixth concefuon of rhe town- flnp of kingftin containing ico acres lying nn the public road leading to lough borough with ten acres improvement dlfo lot number four in the third conceffion of the townfhip of richmrmd containing 200 acres in a good fettlemcnt and improvements adjoining it inquire of samuel merrill kingflon 4th nov 1819 45 r 1 cvn monday night the istii inil the r store of tlte subscriber was br ke open and to the amount of 75 dollars or upwards in cafh carried away alio a few large c tton shawls one remarkable fo reign red scarf upwards of four yards in length one end of which richly ornamen ted with gold thread the other and plain whoever may give inch information as will lead to the recovery f any of dud articles vill be hardfumcly rewarded by applying to the fubferiber foi samuel aykroyd donald uuivcmison kiitgim ujtfj oct t8iq 43 forsale vert valuable farm situated near the vilage ol brockville be ing the rear half o lot no one and the rear half of lot cumber two in the se cond concession it eiizahethtown u c containing two lundrrd nctt form r- ly the property if reuben sherwoorl esquire but nw kdonging to j imshn- ter esquire of ldeii ther i a ve ry good dwelling ljse with a barn and other otit houses the premises also lot number nineteen in the linth con- cession and liie wx hair ol lot 11 umber one in the eighth wjncessimi of the same township ahfh lot number fifteen in the first conceiotf and number fifteen in the second eonrion cv the town ship of yonge in be jdistrict of johns town tlirse far vill be disposed of on terms peculiarly easy and advantage ous to pureha apply to damkl jones jn brockville 1 w january 1819 4 anchors cables william budhen tt7lll rtccw by the earlieft foring f v vcffcls an condantly on hand at qjiebec arf aflurtmeni of patent proved chain cables of l is an loils do well worthy 1 1 if attention of thofc enga ged in the lake and river navigation quebec ill april i8jq ltf notice to pensioners all pensioners who e residence is at or near the nndermentionej stations are required t appear or by writing to report themselves in future at theperioda specified to the resperstive officer of the comtnispanat in order that the proper forms of documents relative to pensions for each individual may be forwarded for their use dnifteistbiirgh fort george a on or about chippewa qucenston the kra istth a etist kingston u nv fb riekrille bath ruhviond kl may of kngtucy j each ear tuhttvai flkfimbhf st joftns on or about uruiiimiiiidviffejyififoji henry the three llivt rs i0li sfpembr kamourasfutandonthetine of dec mar cntjtmutiirathni to se-xhnins- june of wick and other places nearest i each year j 4t v 4 p i uinnii5ar clienilt office qurhc v 1 1w9 j forwarding commission business he subscribers be leave to inform their frieqds and the public that hey have formed a connection in busi ness the object of which is the trans portation of produce down the st law- rence aird of merchandise of every cc- scripfion from montreal to any part oi upper canada and the united states ad jacent to he lakes ontario and erie the business will be conducted by v hcbdeli at qgdenshurgh and under the firm of j l h uitinu co at prescotf to prevent delay all property desti ned for kington or any part of the bay of quinfe will be forwarded om pres- ott by the steam ba charlown iich leaves there twice every week the subscribers engage to freight on as favourable terms as any who are en- iingod in trie business and pledging their united pxeruonstogive satisfactiou will be grateful forerety favor w l whiting w hubbell preterit 10th mma9 19 23 valuable lands for sale hi the township of hamilton it ots no 6 and 12 in the 3d con- ii a ceffion containing 400 acres litto ditto it and 15 in the 4t con ceffion containing 450 acies ditto ditto to- in the 6th conccaion containing 200 acre9 the above lands are all lying in the townlhip of hamilton newcatlli itllnft and will be fold on the moll liberal tcrmo for further information enquire of elm jones efq hamilton or the fubferiber in kingfton thomas s whitakcr kingfton may 2 1819 22ii bank of the mjffcrtbei being appointed agent for the bank ofvanada lie will ne gotiate bank notes for bills on montreal quebec or for specie wm mitchell kingfton oft 131b 1 s 20 new goods lamb a tadoneli opposite the martd king street 1ii ostt rcfpedfully inform their r in5a itji and the pttwic that thy hav jnft received and t ffer for ile a well chofen and general aflbrtmen f dry goods among which are the follow ing articles rz to clothiers for sale a quantity of presspapers th 0 s whilaker co august 19 1 8 19 34 for sale at this office a few copies of a sermon 1 l preached at quebec on the 12fh of september after he death of his grace the duke of richmond by the reverend g j mountain a b bishops official in lower canada and rector of quebec 41 lilokge scougal late master smith in the engi neer department begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general that he has commenced bufindi next door below mr gorge douglafss store street where every article in his line may be had on the moft reafonable terms and on the honed notice the following rates of charges are fubmittcd- horse shoeing all row 68 removes y 26 safl all other wnfkin proporrion kmgston april 5 1819 weft of englnnd llotlr and caftmeres ftair carpetincr kidd- r ifler d jcn fullians bombazette- bombazeenf drab blue gray and ytth w nankeens lrih lio- ens linen fiddaiid vladjnoollum ihittins learn loom mirtxngs ailampore hmg cloths and bawcies manchellet glas gow flriped cottee tinker stripes chc eki and ginghams dimity chiz and cali co furniture cambrics call oes lenoa and muflins lutestring and sarlnet silks black florentine silk veils shawls caifs and handkerchiefs canton crape c3nton crape dreftes afforted colorscotton shawlt and handkerchiefs silk coton and wors ted hofe silk kid and beaver gloves thread silk and cotton laces ribbons tapes bobbins counterpane maritiile3 quilts silk and cotton shambray lintn bed tick bleached sheetings h urn- hums derrys brown hollands dovrlaty sec c c also a few pairs stays kingston 2d filly 1 819 27 kingston branch of the mon treal bank 5 surgeon dentist on g all operations performed upon the teeth by j r spooner at mrs patricks inn aug 2d 1819 32 35ms ljns7hereas my wife neoma v v habeiaed in fo unbecoming a manner and is iquandrring my property and has publicly kept a houfe of ill fame and broken all bonds of matrimony i there fore forbid all perfons harboring or truft ing her on my account or purclntlng a- ny thing from her i paying any thing to her as i will not be accountable for her contrails or deatngs of whatever name or nature from this date simon stedman kingfton novr 2d 1819 49 for salli 4 quantity of kk1 cedar rkkets from 7 to 8 feet in length apply to mi john dawson tailor william yerex kingson tuty 17 ii9 30 rijiiree faiims for sale j or if not fold to be rented for tha en fuing year viz one at the prefque wc harbor one at waterloo and tru- pie- 1 farm fo called a contract alfci vill be givin for cutting 10go cords of wood b whitney kingston ia junc 119 2jt r 1 vo be sold qaaco rds of fl r e woodlying on the bank of mr dalys farm a little bevond collins bay convenient for conveyance by water to kingfton not left than 50 cords will be fold to a pur- chafer price 5s per cord a wilson kingston th ob 1819 4 1 notice the late partnership of robert gra ham s co having dissolved itself this day by the death of roderick mac- kay esq the busstuoss iti future will be carried on by the subscriber to whom all persons who are indebted to the above hrm will please pay theiraccounts with out del ay and those whomay have claims against that concern will please present them for adjustment c r015rrt graham point frederick slat sept 181b any fum required may be obtained at the office for good bills on mon treal qncbec bills of exchange on lon don or for specie notes afo will be discounted at thirty fixty and ninety days thomas maryland agent kingfton 3d no 181 notice the subscribers beg leave to inform the public that they have entered into gopartuendup and that they wju jointly from he date hereof earn on business under the linn of lam 13 4 mcdonell w- p wmr mich imtdomsll kingston junetl 1819 27 a farm for sale adjoining may bay in the town flup of frederickbuigh the eaft half of lot no 2 in the fccond conceflion containing 100 acres and having about 4t acres under cultivation with a log h ufc and barn upon it for the terms apply to daniel waftiburn efquirt kingfton p van koughnet cornwall dec 71818 30 terms of tin- kingston chronicle notice a ll perfons indebted to the late co- jtjl partnership of richard liobison and david scccrd are requefled to make im mediate payment to the furviving paitner david scord and thofe to whom thefaid copartnership may be indebted are re- qucilcd to fend in their accounts for ad- juftment and payment kingfton 27th may 1819 26tf persons having books belonging to the kingston library are reauefl- ei to lend them to the fubferiber at his houfe adjoining the town of kingfton and with as little delay as poffiblc john ferguson 1 2th april 1819 16 blanks for ihe courts of request for sate at this office twenty shillings per annum if sent by mait tvony four shillings subscript low to lie paid in advance to the 11 of july or lire 1st of janu- price of advertisements ix lines and under 2 fid first in sertion and 7hl each subsequent insertion 0 tines and under is ad first insertion asdlod each subsequent insertion above ten une 4d per lint for the first iruertivn undid per line for even subsequent insertion advertisements izilhoid written direc tions are inserted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise- ments to be in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received after ten o clock on the den f publication- agtnts ilenrv cowan esq qidrtr edward sills esq thrrc rivers james william esq motttrttil messrs j j dimlop lancaster paul glassford esq rmifia alheus joncs esq prcscot henry jones esq brockville n h tnmmas esq perth h whitroarslr eq uichntond j k ilartwell esq bastards e webster esq qananutptcm j raaicen l bath allan klcfhcrson eq nttpanee thomas parker esq luuviih james o ietlninc foq hamilton william allan e ij koifc daniel ross inq vmuriu jolin crooks eq ningara t mccormick lq- quecmttm john wilon esq ttmhtnlburgh kingston u c rnimtd ror mt eihtoks