mvg- the following lines taken from an eng- jifh gazette of much celebrity are re-pub- lifted as containing a defcrved eenfure on tbofe kftarian wbofc fcrupulous feverity in trifles rather tend to provoke ridicule than to fervc the caufe of religion or mor alityat t e past jrom the london literary gazette links on hearing that the mayor of bath had been requeued to exert his authority and prevent having on sundays thou shall not shave on snday- to he saved none muit henceforth haeotbrsor be shaved no mor x shall be found when shutters close to take bid fellow mortal by the noso nb ran offluismust let a stranger in or pas unholy razors oer his chin spread filthy lather on the sabbath day or crape a week unseemliness away should swain or baibcr mar a six days growth upon the seventh ruin sere ihem both and doubtless b some fiewlj garbled lext waahifu and combing ll be sinful next whilst rvih o minute our minds engage in virtue this must be agoldrn age or is it flimsy leaf which thinly pread oer mere eifpmal- gllda an bee of lead whilst they preserve such sanctity without aremetl uofe pure in deeds- and more devout pi they on show alone these cares bestow or have they that within which passes show oh impioos question oh most hotsghty dobt i tatr sanctity can neer abide wi bout then loveofmindas beard- their dread of mh are kindred emanations from within ah are io troth as puren ihe appear and ery thing i- gold that slitters heie sonneh they si rue to purify the heart they scorn to porifj a carnal part they pra with unrrimmd sancut of face and een their very beards must grow in trace taeh hot hair demand a old- apiaic ham fi 10 sourish in a blestd cause and midm those beards when every razor rests smfji birds of paradise shall b ild their nests if an donbi them look around and view teir systems and their reformation too hew schemes new school- tew lights new wets ari e nw paths of peace new shortcut 10 the kktes new doctrines to each scripture text belong and all we once thought right is rerfvoad 1 iv elegiac stanzas on the death of general brock pv rptov thelajre of glory eie nal shall bloom triumphant and branch oer the w a nor s tomb oer the patriot thai battled his country to save the laurel of glory shall circle his grave nor climate nor reast nor time iron hand r injure or sap it in britain- proud land oer the msttics of the soldier for ever shall wave the laurel of glory the nued of the brave nor envy nor faction- fell venom be c to wither a leaf of is beautiful preen like the hfebuds of spring shall new verdure eer fnd and wave oer ibe worth of the hero enshrind tio ae after age may moulder away the fame of the patriot can uever decay like the oak ui the forest each tempest can brave and the laurel of scforv wave over his grave and placing it in a covered mug with a quart of cider for ten boon or more in a very warm afhes heat about a9 much as we ife to draw tea a little fcalding ol the corks at the moment they are to be u fed will foften them fo that they will fit better and be more readily driven in but it would be needlefa to expeft cider to be made good by bottling it mull be pure and well flavored whilll in the cafk and therefore the fuhjefl neceftai ily involves cider making on which you have many excellent papers from what i under- ftand of the making of cider it appears that the later the apple3 hang on the trees the more powerful will be the cider hence the cider of france and other temperate countries is faid to be more powerful than ours our ummer apples therefore would not make pood cider for bottling becaofc of thtir quickly arriving at perfection the cleaning of the liquor fom the pumice is the main thing when good found late apples are used it appears that cider made from fvveet apples is much more apt to abound with pumice whilll the acid andafcerb retain their pumice in the press hence fome very bad eating apples make excellent cider the atten tion to this fubjcil i e- the defucation is all important efpecially the full feparation for if the fit i is well timed and complete the future fermentations will be moderate and the racking ejielial blankets have been ufed with fuccefs to get off much of the pu pice they fhouid be fpread on the bottom of a flat baflct and that placed on the header the cafk all drainers will require often wafhiog out and therefore two or three arc recefljry all of which may be made from one lout blanket but 1 am fatisfird that a few hair lieves of dif ferent fincefs with the com fell uppeimoll placed tinder the run would feparate great quantities of pumice they would aifo require milting with a fecund let and conftart attendance to wafh them out he fire of grain lifters would jrofwei alter thele the blanket trainer would rea der the cider fo pure thnt the fermentation would be gentle and calily managed for racking fothat the fnft racking and the ilinglafs would linifh the lining yonrs silvanus p s some perfons are very much plea fed to fee cider rufli out of the bottle like emal beer they think it ftrong if they bottle it themfekcs they will find their midakc and like me be better pleafed to fee a kind of fparkfiog fervor like the wine of solomon that moveth itself aright agricultural frto the american fakmeu oi the art of making cid bottling cider kimwood oft 2j 1819 now 1 pat id in g before me biings to my mind your requefl to be informed of the feefl method to biitle cider i have had the farisfatfion to furnifh my table for eighteen years with that article without any material int erupt ion having fome always of two years b ttlng nhnd it wrruld be needlefs to detail all the experiments i mad to fnve my bottles however i wil relate two that wtre very proniiiing which will hew that nothing fef than raifmg the proof of the cider wiii anker aphorisms jbr ybung unmarried la- dies if you have blue eyes you need not ian gaifh if black eyes you need not leer if you have pretty feet there is no need to wear fhort petticoats if you have good teeth do not laugh lefs than the occafion may juftify if you have pretty hands and arms there can be no objeion to your playing on a harp if you play well if they are difpofed to bt clumfy woik tapeilry if you have a bad voice rather fpeak in a low tone if you have the fined voice in the world never fpeak in a high tone if you dance well dance but feldom if you dance ill never dance at all if you laugh much or little never latigh boisterously kingst ta tf underbill co refpea- j fully beg leave to inform the shoe maker3 saddlers and leather fellers in general that they have now icletted from their extcnlive aftortment of different descriptions of leather and are preparing t it ready for sale upwards of one thou- experiment 1 i bottvd cider of fie i f f upper leather from one to ua ity in ftbuary wihthtbeft of corks twenty thoufand lbs of light and ilrong y and removed it to the cellar after the bottles were filled they were placed in tubs of warm wutet and tailed to full fummer heat nnd then corked experiment 2 confidering that good cotk would begin to hop the air in the neck of the bottle before they were haf driven in and that a portion of air would be coudenfed and therefore greatly endanger the b ittle when the tempera ture wa6 iucreafed i procured perforated corks and lopped the perforations after they were driven in with pegs and iealetl all over neither of the probable experiments were effthil every hot day was announ ced by anexplofion in the cellar giving over every ftratagemthat had not an alter ation cf the liquor in view it occurred to me that wines dia not burll their bottles and that cider waonly a low wine and aifo recolleding that fmall beer was both the weakeft and molt violently fermenta tive of all common drinks i refolvcd to raifc the proof of my cider by the ad dition of two teafpoons of french brandy to each bottle since which i have had no more explofions norbioken bottles and th cider is improved hy the addition plumb or honey fo much ufed mud have the fume effeft e to raife the proof for it is only nectflary to add a larger quantity of either to make cider into good wine that will flah in the fire fnv method is to get cider made late in oober or noveu rber from rdllreks otalins or maidensbluh in december i put half an ounce of ilinglafs to each thirty gallons and bottle it in february if the ilinglafs i put iu later it will depofit fome feiment in the bottles it is to be diflblvcd ly chipping it into fine pieces lole leather and one hundred and fifty ides of harnefs do together with twenty dozen ol calfskins and a number of horfe hides dog and sheep skins too numerous to infert and which can be delivered on the- fnortell no ice and lowed terms for cafk i u flatters himfelf that tbofe who are inclined to favour them with their orders will find the above articles by far fnperior to any yet offered for sale having already been proved and acknowledged by the bell iudces in this province king i ton november 51 iiq 4j for safe the weft half of lot number sixteen in the sixth concefiion of the towfl- fiiip of kingilon containing joo acres lying on thepubicrcad leading to lough- boronh with ten acres improvement afa lot number four in the third concciii n of the townfhip of richmond containing 200 acres in a oad fettlement and improvements adjoining it inquire of samuel merrill kingilon 4th nov 1819 45 on monday night the tsth tnft the ktore of the subscriber was broke open and to the amount of 7 dnllata or upward in cafii carried away aifo a few larjc cotton shawls one remarkible fo reign red scarf upwards of four yards in length one end of which richly ornamen ted with gold thread the other end plain whoever may give fuch information as will lead to the recovery of ay of faid articles will be handfomcly rewarded by applying to the fuhferibcr for samuel avkroyd donald mukchiion kingston xjthod j i i y j executive council ojftrs tori august i 8 t 9 he order in council of the 1 8 tii instant respec ting locations subject to settling duties being revised it is order ed by his excellency the lieu tenant governor in council that all locations of land subject to settlement dity made prior to this date be rescinded and the land otherwise disposed of if certificate of the settlement du ty being performed be not lodg ed with the curveyor general within the time limited in the ticket of lociion and the pa tent sued ot within three months thereafter and that all locations subect to settlement duty hereafte to be made will be rescinded nd the land oth erwise disposd of if certificate of settlement duty being per formed be rit lodged with the o surveyor general within eigh teen months fthe date of the order for sue location and the pa sued cut within three months threrfer john small ce c 366 notice is hereby given that will ram taylor heir at law aru arlminitiator of the late allan tayor bath afllgncd all the real and petfoaai 4ate of the late allan taylor cjeceafed itftojubu kirby ale ander o i eti j thninaa parker in trust for the beu of creditors al nehon hlwjnf irk i t i t allan irtylor ltyior l tiom- ns parker are requested to preiit the fame for adjustment and payment and thofe perfons indt bted to either the late allan taylor tylor and parker or thomas 1 arker are requested to make immediate payment to the above trustees who ae fully author tied to give difchaiges for the fame john kirby a perie thomas parker kingston angfti z 1 r 1 9 36tf n0tio an assinrcent having been made to the ubscriber of all the lands goods and debts belorgin to the late firm of jtfines ranhen ct co of ernest town mtrchants as well a those belong ingto jame ratken individually for the benefit of crediiors notice h hereby given to all persons having claims against the said fifjvtf or a aiist tie said james ranken to present thtii forthwith duly authenticate and such as stand indebted are desired p heir reifpeftive accounts to chr a- haobrmam eq of kings ton on or before the first day of decem ber uext john kirby kingston is september y 1819 36 forsalk a y valuable fai1m sitvntod jtsl neartlie vwhge of brock ntle be ing tin rear liallof jot one and the rear hftifof lot number two in the se cond concession of ehzabethtrnvn u c containing tw hundred acres former ly the propcrtj of reuben sherwood ksquire but nov belonging to john shu- ttr esquire of london there is a ve ry good dwelling house with a barn and other ont bouses on the premises also lot number nineteen in the ninth con- cession and the west half of lot number one in the eighth concession of the same township alm lot number fifteen in the first concession and number fifteen in the second concession ol the town ship of yonge ici fht disrvict of johns- town these firms will be disposed of on terms peculialv easy and advantage ous to purchaser- apply to daniel jones jun hrudcviilc 1 th january 1819 4 to let tffnd poffetion given the f st aagjrfl qnl next thai house and store in store street apposite the post office lately occupied by mi edward jones for parciculars apply to the subset iber neil mcleod kingston 15th july 1819 29 notice all perfons are cautioned ngainft pur- ehagog lot no 22 in the 7th con cefilon of frcdenckfburoh or lot no 27 in the 1st conccfi n ol richmond fiom tht heirs or aitignees of davis hcfs as the subfcriber holds an indifputahle title tc the fame gilbert haftls sidney 4th dee r8i8 3 to axemen the subscribers will rec ire pro posals from any person or person willing to engage to clear sixty acres ol new land on thir preinisesio amelias burh bay of quinte ready for seed b the first day of august next the ash es on said land will be required to bi collected and carefully secured team and provisions vill be furnished if re quired lor particular apply to owen mcdougal kingston or to mcdougala mclellan 0 liellvillc new medicinal store the subscriber respectfully informs the inhabitants of kingston and vi cinity that he has opened a medicinal laboratory in frontstreet opposite to mr kirbys where thev may be supplied with every article in his hoe w vvtixiams n b physicians prescriptions and orders from merchants in the country will be received and carefully attended tc kgsftm oct 4 1819 41 notice books of subscription for the will be opened at the direftors room in the bank of ltpper canada on the 24th auguft next and kept open each day from the hour of ten till three oclock until further notice kingilon 27th jiy 1819 3 forwarding commission business tii c subscribers beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have formed a connection in bum- ness the object of w inch is the trans portation of produce down the st law- reuce and ol merchandise of every de- scripl ion from montreal to any part of upper canada and the united states ad jacent to the lakes ontario and erie the business will be conducted by w hubjjeil at ggdensburgh and under hie firm of l l wu1t1ng sf co at lrescott to prevent delay all property desti ned jui kingston or any part of the bay nf quinle will up forwarded from pres ent b the steam beat charlotte which leaves hire twice eery week the subscribers engage to freight on as f j t- curable term as an who are cn- sftfd in th hihness nnd ihm in r united pxertionstogivesattsfactroa will be grate u forever favor w l wiiitikg w- iiubbkll vrcscrft 20 maj is 19 s3 to clo th iers for sale a quantity of presspapers tio s whifaker co august 19 1819 34 the stockholders of the bank of upper canada are hereby re quired to pay into the bank in specie or liilla of the montreal bank an inftalment of fix per cent or six dollars on each share on or before the firft day of decern bernext s 3bartlrt cafhier kingilon oft tj i b f 9 to the fanner the fuhferibcr be fuppucd xvith as much barley as his stores will conveniently hold begs that the farmers will withhold bringing any more for sit weeks when he ml be prepared to re ceive it again at the fame price thomas daemon kingfion brewery september 30th 1819 40 valuable lrntfs for sale in the ttmmhip of hamilton tt ots no 6 and z in the 3d con- 11 a ceflion containing 400 acres ditto ditto 1 1 and 15 m the 4th coo- ceflion containing 450 acres ditto ditto io in the 6th conceffian containing 200 acres the above lauds are all lying in the townfnip of hamilton newcatih diilrift and will be fold on the mod libera terms for further information enquire of rliai jones efq hamilton or the fubferiber in kingilon thomas s whitaker kingfion may 28 1819 22tf ban k o f the sribfcribcr being appointed agent for the batik of anada he will ne- j jrotiate bank nates for bills on montreal quebec or for specie wm mitchell kingftono iih t- o kingston branch of the mon treal bant- et any fum required mybe obtained at the office for good bills on mon treal quebec bills of excliange on lon- don or for specie notes aifo will be discounted at thirty fixty and ninety days thomas makkland agent king ton 3d nov 181s 23 a farm for sale for sale at tins ofice a few copies of a sermon u preached at quebec on the tslh half of lot no 2 in th- fecondconcefbon of september after the death of llh containing 100 acres and having about 40 adjoining hay bay in thetowir- fhfp of fredersckburgh the eaft grace he dttke of richmond by the reverend g 1 mountain a b bishops official in lower canada and rector of quebec 1 41 george scougal lute master umiih in the enpri- neer department egs leave to inform his friends and the public in general that he has commenced bnfinefs next door below mr george doulafss store street where every article in his line may be had on the moft reafoaable terms and on the hotted notice the following rates of charges are fubmitted horse shoeing nil round 68 rntovee ffi and all other work in proportion kingston april lh 1 8 i 9 1 5 surgeon dentist all operations performed upon the teeth by j r spooner at mrs patricks inn aug 2d 1810 32 acres under cultivation with a log houfe and barn upon it for the terms apply to daniel wartiburn efquire kingfion p van koughnet cornwall dec 7 1s18 30 1 for sale rn to be sold qaflcordsoffirewoodlying yu on the bank of mr dalys farm a little beyond collins bay convenient for conveyance by water to kingdom not lefs than 50 cotds will be fold to a pur- chafer price 5s per cord a wilson kingsior 5 08 1 8 1 9 41 notice rjlhe late partnership of robert gra- -u- ham sf co having dissolved itself this day by the death of roderick mac- kay esq the bussinesa in future will be carried on by the subsci iber to whom all persons ivhe are indebted to the above firm will please pay theiraccounts with out delay and those who may have claims against that concern will please present them for adjustment 29 robert graham point frederick 2 1st sept 1818 notice all perfons indebted to the late co- m part nei hip of richard r obi son am david secord are requefted to make im mediate payment to the forming partner david secord and thofe to whom the faid copaitnerfnip may be indebted aie le- quefled 10 fend fp their accounts for ad- juftment and payment kingilon 27th may 18 1 9 zctf persons having books belonging to the kingston library are requeft- ed to fend them to the fubferiber at his houfe adjoining the town of kingfton and with as little delay as poffible john ferguson i2th april 1819 16 blanks for the courts of request for sale at this office that valuable farm known bf lot no 8 in the firft concefiion of frcderickfburgh on the bay of qnintie upon highly advantageous terms to the purchafer there is a large two ftory houfe uponit that may be convened into a comfortable refidence at a trifling cx- penfe there are aifo various outhoufel attached to it with a well of excellent water an indifputable title will be given and the terms made known at mr j uagerroaus office in bath or on applies tion to the proprietor joseph bergon frederickburgh 3lh oft 1819 42 for sa le a quantity of red cedar pickets from 7 to 8 feet i length apply to mr john dawsom tailor william yerex kingston juty 17 1819 30 terms of the kingston chronicle twenty shillings per annum if sent by maif twenty four sliilliiiirs subscriptions to be paih in advance to the 1st of july or the 1st of janu ary price of advertisements 1 ix lines ami under 1 gd first in a3 scrtiov and 7l each subsequent insertion 10 tines find uwter 3s 4d first insertion and 101 each subsequent insertion above tan lines 4d per line for the first insertion and l per lint for every subvjuai insertion advertisem nts ivithout written direc lions are inserted till forbid andvhargctl accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise merits to be in writing and delivered b wednesda non at the latest no advertisements received after ten 0 clock on the day of publication ag k nts henry cowan eq quebec edward sills esq three rivet james miliiaia ivq montreal messrs j j donlop lancal pan i glasford issq matilda alpbeus jones esq prescott henry jones tsq urockvllh n b torama esq perth ii whitmarsh esq richmond j k llarnvell eq bastard e whler ewj gananvque j ranken esq bath allan mcpherson esq kapanef tliomas parker esq iidlvitk joseph a keeler esq cramahc james u bclhune esq hamilton william allan esq york daniel rossesq vittoria john crooks esq niagara t mecormick esq qtuanton john vhon lq jmhtrstburgh kingston u c feinted 1011 hie tiutofs