Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), December 3, 1819, p. 1

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kingston 3tax cle rtatfrppygimuiia- ia mravusftaauiifca3ft t jaatfk vol i friday aftemow december 3 isi9 no 49 mv u mv lam 13 mcdonell ottposftc the mupket king street rkspkctfuilv inform heir friends and he public that they have received part of their fall good among which are ladies pelrse cloths mobt fashionable colors west of england superfine ijiue and black cloth grey bine black brown oiiv and drab cloths andv- simeres red white green blue and yellow flannels hose blankets wors ted shirts and drawers marseilles quilts and counterpanes chintz furni ture with lining fringe and binding to match scarlet and blue moreen sear- let waterloo blue salmon sie drab fawn and ivarh colored cassimerc shawls merino and canton crape shawls silk slawlsnnd handkerchiefs flag bandnnnas satins silks long lawn jacknnrtte and mull muslin corded catebrie book muslin dresses bookm simtrimmini ntnbruijenos thread lace footiiucnieocschecks stripe cotton rd blue berrys stri ped cambric ginghams vet in -bomba- zeens and bombazettes tartan fluid turkey stripe brown holland irish linens cotton shirting white cotton diaper and diaper table cloths green and blue table covers dimity furni ture hearth hug brussella rtrgs scotch shirting blacr silk veils best treble gilt coat buttons c rib bons tapes thradcotten bausse- iftg silk and twist ladys white and black sill stockings slate colored and black worsted hose boys girls do do mens lambs wool half hose do worsted do ladles slate colored black and white silk g loves men- lined bea- ver and kid do mens lined beaver and buck sliu gloves also a reat variety of other articles to- dume ous tonvntion the whole com- pries a complete assortment of dr goods which they will sell very low for cah kingston nov ihk 1819 47 notice the fubfcrber has just received a quantity of ible and single staves ef vanous fizes and of new and elegant patterns which he nffer for faleat wnt re al price and charges for cafh h has alfo received id addition to his former fupply feveral tns of english and swedes iron as sert e i sizes hoop and hound ditto kail ilods grindstones anvils and hces double and single sheet iron trace and log vhcins wrotawl cat ais alhhes smiths bdjozvs hoilozo ware of all descriptions cut pit and mill smcs cfrirrs awl lintfteed oil iv a m and cart boxes irn and bfcffw fvire a pod aftortment f saddlery stamped and cat brafs cabinet furniturr with xtenfive affrtmenr of shelf goods an co tirtie of mo t articles in he hard ware line too numcmb to mention 7 b flour io talc kingston november loth 1819 47tf amabsii a surgeon hajui 3 reeivd at his aphecary hop opposite fhr baik a fresh supply of the follow jug articles vi spirits of wine cheltenham salts casts of lemon spire or worm destroy ing nuts batemans drops balsam of hoiey and pectoral balsam frr coughs and consumption- athmaric randy re ined liquorice balsam of life aro matic vinegar henrys magnesia balm ofgiload andersons female pills bar clays aufibilnus phk british oil maeasear and ettiin on icnlish sick- le and k indian sney soda iowdrs with a large addition to his assortment of perfumery n b medial l may b supplied with brns to any extent and upon reasonable terms kingston 10th nov 110 4gw 1 motive the fubferiber has now and will con tinue to have at his brewery a fup- ply of rich flavored ale the prefent price is one hilling per gal- on for immediate payment the admi rers of extra ftrong bodied ale are refpectt- fully informed that as foon as pofllble he will provide a flock that will satisfy the mo ft fattidious critic he thinks it will not be amifs to remind the farmers who are the mafs of the peo ple that if they wifh their grain to com mand calh they mult abfolutely make malt liquor their common beverage and thus fiippott the canadian brewers iultead of the weft indian dilullers it is of feri- ous cotifequence both to themfekes and to the whole country that they fhould im mediately adopt fo prsifeworthy a refolu- tion orders font to ihe brewery or left with mr john russell at smith bartlel efqs will meet with due attention thomas d alton kingston brewery oct 26 1819 n b grains at all times for fale 7 6 per buflitl 44 notice montreal fire insurance crtinpanvs office sfkli jvu 1s19 the company having extended it bufinefs and protection againft loftc- or damages by fire to upper canada now inform the public that the following pcrfons are authorized agents of the com pany in that lrovince at kingston h m mitculll esq tbri ffm an is esq queensland mess grjxts abv amhcratburgh 11m dvifksq the dlreore of tins infant fnftitution fljtter themlelves from the teduolion late ly made on their tariff that thru rates of premiums will be fouxtd as reafouable as at any othe- office and they rcfpcctlully to- licit the patronage of all who wifli well to local kliablilhmeut iiy order of the board 5 mj j bleak i fv sccy allixaxndbk ash e l merchant taylor has received from montreal a mo ft choice and excellent aflbrtmeut of the befl well of england fuperftue cloths and cussiiicres with trimmings and every thing com plete a asher informs his friends and tht public that he is now working up thefe cloths c hi his old land 1 where orders will be thankfully received and executed on the fhorteft notice and on the lowed erms foi calli or fhort appioved creiiit kingilon sept 10 1819 3 7 1 f hem oval the fubferiber begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that he his removed from his former land t the large lone lore lately occupied by vieflvs w mccuniffe co a few doors f the market place in king street where he has juft received a well felecd and ex ten five affortment of haliuwam cutlery counting okviral tons of english and swedes iron sled nails lliwloic glass putty l ou jiikes tin plate sheet iron trace and log chains hollow ivureof every descrip tion frying pans spades sho vels anvils pices grindstones with a large affortment of tielf goods coifilling fmnft articles afld for in bis line which he will fell low for calh produce or ihort approved credit j watk1ns kingfton aogufl icth 1819 a reward of two hundred and fifty pounds ltill be pad by the subscriber to v v any penbn who fhall discover and give fuch information as will convift the pcrfon or pcrfo who on or about the 29th or 30th of june laft hole from george ridoutesq at walkerh hotel a parcel containing montreal bank bills of five dollars eb to the amount of two thoufand pound- by direction of the directors of the montreal bank thomas markland agent kington igti 1 8 io 47 kotice all perfon- to whom the fubferiber stands inbtcd are equested to prefent their acunt for adjullmnut and thofe who ac indebted to him either by note or boot account will do well to come forward anj fettle the fame on or be fore the fifteenth day of december next and if the accomts arc not then fettled they will be put into the hands of an at torney for cole6ion john brewer kingston nov 19 1819- 47 three farms foirsale or if not tad to be rented for the en- fuing year viz uie at the prcfqne lie harbor one at waterloo and the picket farm fo called a contrail alfo will be gives for cutt g iocc cords of wood b whhney 25tf new goods tho m as a s k e w has juft received his winter affort ment of fafhfonable dry goods opened for faleat mrs finkleshoufe and at the loveft pcflible rate for cafh a- mongh which are 3 3 and 4 point blankets 9 10 and 114 rose do j superfine cloths cassimeres pelisse ctths hosiery haberdashery c kingston 2th nov 1819 48 kingston 1 6th juvc 1 h i 9 4 i a f b spilsbuuv i szrnojsdif ji n l ldte surgeon uf hms prince bc- i enu on luke ontario intends prurti4ng in the various branchfs of hi profession at his res- idene- next door to jfufau mclean- vq sheriff kingston t dth 1819 41 i tf he soli drd immediate pos sesion given th following lots of land in the 6ch conceffioo f the town- ftiip of elmalty viz 19 20 22 24 29 30 moil eligibly situated on the north side of the rtdeau lake which forms their southern boundary the great road to the perth settlement leading through one of the lots they abound in excellent timber which from its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to m ntreai at a trifling ex pence the qua lity of die foil and other advantages are fuch ij to render thi a deble purchafe to farmer or perfow engaged in the lum ber trade for terms f payment and other particulars apply to wiliam mar- hall eq peth settlement j hn kit by elq kinjton or the fubferiber in wood- houfe ondon diftrid robert n1ckol m november 18 1819 4tf notice i hereby given that i william tay lor a heir at law and administrator to the estate of the late allan taylor de- ceafed li3ve fcbts day ailined all the real and perfonal estate of the late allan tay lor and all the into est in the concern of taylor pmcer and thomas paiktr unto john kirby alexander oliphant pe- trie and thomas parker as trubtees for the benefit of the creditors william taylor administrator of theestate of the late allan taylor kingston august 2o 1819 3 a g to let t commodious house ner doctor keating two sfoi ies high with seven rooms a kiihen and a cellar under the whole a god yard and stable also a very good spring near the house for further particulars jpply to jastei robins kingston th tune 1819 23 for sale or to let aj two lory framed houfe and a 9jl lane and commodious hone store irucoe on the waters edge in the centre of the village of prefcot m exceedingly ad vantageous terms to the durchafcr or lessee enquire at the office of chr a hagerman kiiigfton 26th february 1819 9 the fubferibrs being duly nomina ted executors to the lait will and teftament of the lace lawrence herckmer efqufre merchant requeli all prrfons in- debted to his tftite to make immediate payment and thole having demands againft the faid eftate to bring them forward with out delay john kirby geo h markland kingflon 9th nov 1819 46 new medlcisal utohm tiik subscriber regretfully informs the inhabitants of kingston and vi- einiiy thrtt he has op ntd a medicinal laboratory lii frontstreet opposite to mr khbys where they may be fflpplted with every artii le in his line w williams n h physicians prescriptions and orders from merchant he country wii- bo received and carefully attended lo kingston oct 4 1s19 41 g lidrge scougal late master smith in the engi neer department 26 eos leave to inform his friends and i3 the public in general that he has commenced bufinefs next door below mr george douglalvs sore street where every article in his line may be had on the moft reafonablc terms and on the fhorteft notice the followirg rates of charges are fubmitted 68 government contract roposals will be received at the royal engineers drawing room at point henry on the 15th december next for clearing as much of the military reserve exceeding 100 acres as maybe required the ground to be commenced upon will be pointed out to parties concerned for three days previous to that of the de livery of the tender upon application as above at 12 oclock each day security will be lequired for the comple tion of the coniraa by the 24th of june next i b payne kingston l6ih nov 1819 48 tinhe fubferiber feels it his duty from jl the villainous treatment ht has receiv ed to guard 1 he public againft any impo rt tion or the part of mr solomon johns by his offering to fell any part of half an acre lot with buildings thereon in the vil lage of rrneft town bounded on the eafl by the fanners store and on the welt by the property of the heirs of the late john davy as any liile to the faid property held by him was fraudulently obtained by a furrender of a bond that was in my own name for 1 he purchafe made of it in 1806 when johns wa- at low wages and as can be made appear evidently by various proof taken at the timcof the examination of his traufaious in 1812 had no fhadow of a claim petefi grst the nerfon who is tated to hold a bond for a deed for half the above propeity fiom johns was acquainted with my juit pretenfion in the fir ft inftance but any thing to anfwtr the purpofe p g to the editors of the kingston chronicle gentlemen please giro the inclosed printed po em and the following remarks a place in your paper and oblige one of your constant readers the other day a friend of mine put in to my hands a number of the gleaner published at niagara requesting my at tention o a little poem in it entitled u the negros soliloquy having the strongest repugnance to every thing con nected viith slavery i quickly began its contents it being apparently original i did not expect to find any thing very interesting but how was i disap pointed when ecl was half through it every feeling of humanity was awakened every tender sympathy of the heart called forth by the poor negros sad pic ture of slavery his strong appeal to his christian master the poignancy of his grief at the recollection bf his former happiness in the society of ins zilla his babes his parents bis friends contrast ed with his pre-ntd- piorable condition and this complaint t- at hucruel oppres sors tell him they are the servants of a god of justice and meicy nature demanded her tribute and i was forced to lay down the paper while the tears of humanity hore ample testimony to the power of the poet in so forcibly appeal ing to ihe heart i gave it a second third and fourth readin and still found it rise in my estimation nor do i hes itate to say i think it would do honor to the pen of an abler poet these two lines where scorning eves shall not behold mv rear nor mock m iflrin viili rnsuluflg mare i conceive to be highly expressive of that kind of delicacy winch a person in dis tress feels when in the presence of those who are not hi friends while the are couched in language strong and w rvous the six stanzas fol lowing thoe words till then blet freedom i think beautiful descriptive of the sce ne 17 he author aims to paint bui who will deny the force of the succeeding ones where h makes the slave advtrt in all the toitures of aoniio coj rion in ins happy condition while free in his natiw country with his wife by his nde his prattling babes climbing hifl knees and his appeal to the christian asking if he should not ic love them with 48 a lath its love and wlie ie is the notice ll thofe who are indebted to mr john whitclaw late of kingflon aie requefted to make immediate payment to the fubferiber who is duly aiithorifcd to receive the fame a pringle kingston itth nov 181 9 48 anchors sf cables william buddkn sill eceive by the earlicll fpring vcfiels and keep conftautly on hand at quebec an affortment of patent proved chain cables of all sizes anchors do well worthy the attention of thofe enga ged in the lake and river navigation quebec ift april isiq i4tf notice tiik late partnership of robert gra ham co having dissolved itself this la by the death of roderick ivlac- kay esq- the bussmess in future will be carried on by the subscriber to whom all persons who are indebted to the above iirm will please pay theiraccounts with out delay and those who may have claims against that concern will please present them for adjustment 29 robert graham point frederick 21st sept 1818 to clothiers for sale a quantity of presspapers tho s whitaker co august 19 1819 34 wot sale at this office 4 few copies of a sermon preached at quebec 00 the 12ih bosom that ever dilated with the hallow ed lire of love that can read unmoved these lines oft as i witness those whom love has blest in siveet enjoyment b each other side m y tonur i heart shrinks in my di ing breast f remembrance calls to mind my own lovd bride horse shoeing all round removes and all other work in proportion kingston ipril 5 a 1819 26 5 notice all perfons indelted to the late co- banrain for sale the houfe and premifes in the town of kingflouat prefent oc cupied by the fubferiber for paiticulars apply to samuel anleyjun kingston may 5th 1819 19 partnetfhip of richard robison and david record are reqclled to make im mediate payment to the furviving partner david sccord and thofe to whom the faid opartnerfhip may be indebted ate le- queiled to fend in their accounts for ad- jultment and payment kinrrfton 27th may 1819 26tf persons having books belonging to the kingston library are requeft ed to fend them to tht fubferiber at his houfe adjoining the town of kingfton and with as little delay as poffible- john ferguson i2th april 1s19 16 jl of september after the death of 1 1 is grace the duke of richmond by the kverend g j mountain a r bishops ollicial iu lower canada and rector oi quebec 41 1 for sale two excellent milch c0ws out of which will calve in about a weeks time whoever may wifh to purchafe faid cows will apply to the fubferiber near mr adamfs leading to stuartville mark law kingfton nov 1 1p19 45 notice rjihe board for militia pen- sions nvill meet on the lafl monday in february and continue fo to do the fame day in each liionth until the bufinefs of this dijlricl as regards the fame is jintjhed john ferguson kingfton feb ft 1819 6 my bride my babes and what christian can read this stanza the christians say iheir god e and the two which follow it and not blush that the followers of jesus christ have so long been justly stigmatized with iniquitously holding so many of their fel low mortals in the ignominous chains of slavery t the author of the poem in question is about to give the public a volume of ori ginal poems 1 they areall as interest ing as the negros soliloquy i hear tily wish him every encouraijjpmeiit from his countrymen for i learn he is an upper canadian i am informed by a gentleman from the gore dktrwt ipmb acquainted with the young man that he never had any education and that in has not evniaiiy knowledge of english gram mar always having procured the means of subsistence by the labour of his hands and now being in a bad state of health is endeavouring to mnke his muse contri bute to his support he has sent v seription papers for his book to various parts of the province and 1 should be highly gratified to see them well filled with subscribers names and m erieus for such seems to be his public name rewarded by the general suffrages of his countrymen a friend to gek3 jdolphnstoitti nov 10 is19 fort the gleaner the nlgros soliloquy dsrfc oer the eanh the sahle shades of nigh descend and close the quick retiring day that scarcely lingers on the verge of beavro while crimsoning purpling fading faint avtay sleep mines on downy wings the world to lay from labour freed upon the bed of rest to cheer to renovate the toil worn arm and whisper comfort to the wounded breast but not to me he comfort brings nor peace far seals oty eyelids with hiopta wand my groaning oul abhors bis choicest gifts and spumathe soothing favours of hi hand me abject slave subject f beatl rule an out cast from the family of man and doornd to tremble at a despots frown who deaumc blows with an unsparing hand beneath the inky canopy of night ill hide m face distorted witb despair waere scorning eyes shall not behold my tear mm muck ni suffering with insulting mare ill pour my sorrows on nights vacant ear my groatisshall answer to thebooiug owl the savage beasn will pity while h y lnar my gloomy dirge and in compa snn novvl full twenty vears told by my crul scars slaverys cur yoke has galpd my shoulders sore the lash ha nmackd upon m tniogiug ijesb all which iu sullen fortitude i bore

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