lap of the dome which is left untouched for the benefit of respiration nothing is more charming hii the agreeable cool ness of this de licious place while the ex treme fervour of the sun boils on the sur face of the freshest fountains qtebec december 7 the anniversary festival ofsf andrew the patron of scotland was kept with high glee by the ditciplcs of that saint in the neptune inn on tuefday laft the 30th november at 6 oclock p m the chair was taken and the company fat down to an excellent dinner scotch kail the fonjte faced haggis great chieftain of the pudding race the tvcelftngct beeps head and tiotters and fcveral other scotch ditties well cooked were not awanliii alt bannocks and a wee droppie ogndefcr- intojh real peat reck enlivened the moment and gave edge to the appetite the dinner was plentiful and elegant the wines were prime and both were done ample juflteetos the company i high land piper in full national coftune gave the company fomc excellent fpeeimtr 8 of jtl art in ancient sotifh mufic many fongs characterise of the nation and the day were lihit with scotiih hail brofe at their head a number of loyal national and patriotic toalts were drunk among which the following may be offered as a fpeci- roen the king the wince regent the ether brandies of the ijjufirioua houfe of brunfvvick the jukeof york and the army lord melville and the bmifli navy the memory of his grace the duke of richmond our late lamented govern or the earl of dalhoufie governor of novascotia the friend of scotchmen and the patron of agriculture sir peregrine maitland governor of upper canada to the memory of st andrew the pat- yon of scotland scotchmen all over the wrld united to englishmen and infhmen by the dciig- nation of britorfi thiltle never be ieprivd may the scotch fur compnie of uppercanada and tiu ions bav omi united in the firm ft bond ofhrothefhnod the britih interiu ii the canndas may the ca loon take the noble example of novascotia as it regards agicultureand education the benevolent indiiutions of quebec theirfoonders and supporters nviy they increafe in utility may the independence of englishmen thr energies of irifhmen and the pcife- trance of scotchmen be united in every briton the whole evening was fpent wiui all the mirth and hilarity fo natural to scotch men on thefe occahons it would be injullice to mr w c batchelor who now poffefles the neptune inn not to mention the high fatfsfadtion the tumpany felt in all his arrangements for the evening and it docs by n means require the sc- tondjtght to predict fuccefs in hi9 new eftablifhment and fuiricicni encourage ment both from the fons of neptune and the earth if he continues by his affiduity to deferve it in the fioie manner he ha begun at a late hour the company partook of death an dnrish in the ancient rtfe and feparated highly gratified with the mariner in which they had fjent the evening a few days ago two canadian driving their carts near the current st marie with their accuftomed negligence the one ran violently againft the other the fhock was fuch as to throw one of them over the bank by which means the horfe was killed and the man feverely bruifed at herald from the can jour ant dec 11 boundary line a friend who has had every opportuni ty of being acquainted with the operations or the cornmiffion of which colonel bar clay is the fuperintendaut has had the gooonefa to communicate to us the follow ing few particulars prudential confidera- tions forbidding a difclofure cf the com- plete detail previous to the termination of the furvey at highgate the firft na tion nearly one mile of territory is gained to u by the deviation of the recent from the ancient line at richford mills we lofe nearly half a mile at derby we pin about half a mile finally at the interfedtiop of the line with the connecti cut river we have the advantage by near ly half a miie our correfpondent f pea lis in very high terms of the ability informa tion and gentlemanly conduct f doctor tiarks our aftronome- who intends he dates to depart immediately fur europe and return in die fpring give to the inhabitant- rrlilp awttaf country a fair and impartial acairo1 of this part of rtismajestv or lmi illis shall he clone we may pevw look to hch ca- nadarisejto that degre importance which her natural advanta l ndght warrant and tier latent reflou 1 ci r fully developed would ensure we understand the fdltwlng chmhr has been addressed to tir- phtviffe oi the different districts of this provirr sin ciiiciar lieutenant cttvarnor office vokk 8th dftcotbeifj is 19 representation having been made to his excellency tb lieutenant gov ernor from various quarters that it has boon found neeessai y xu many instances to resort to courts ol law for remedies against the sheriffs of certain districts in this province to comt i them to pay over money which they hw received for stfr- torsjlis excellency cu a greater grievance ran exist than that the delay and expeitsp f s proceed ings should be thrown gpofl the people by the misconduct of qlftpws ho e appoint ment is not as in england merely annu al but may be for ww- and whose res possibility and that of their sureties may prove iiisuilicient to indemnify the kiugs mihjeeis against a serins of such defaults his excellency has commanded me to apprise you without ftiteuce loanv par- hcblr representation hat in all eases kingston drcemven 17 1819 we are ii prrcgfssion of kewyork piprs dad aslui rts the 7th inst and barn auuje ft fe w extjaels from thp wvx seanrv details of foreign intelligence which thny supply on lookin over some late ites of eojtfiah mpoixve tiavemet with several rsrvs on j lltfsttnjet eml tire wrie- vv imtlj inmmtncmd it s tif mm eftu fiimofi f k riluidanf popn- tsifiofi of tiin mftiw iwmtryand oiaiionl- it to curtprjin iridiritlimis flu ceitftiutv fffhnnanoni ftmploymeot and nfa romfori- the sllwisteiee with a pioyped of vekh in ho colonics thygive us a itfnution of file stllfinipnts itfrvinv snulh vvalea of lin capn of good hone and of that on the lied river hy lord selkirk in speaking of bopjefsi refvrene isaho niaiieto nova nere uci from the montreal ilraj d ec 1 la montreal y 2d dec isljfc mr enrtor annexed i tranfmtc for the information of your readers but more eipecially th fe who are interefled n the profperity of the canadas an abilra of te principal arii cles of import and export with 1 he ex ception of a few for j and 18 for 1s17 x8 and 19 for me to make remks of the increafing commerce of thefe colonies is ufelefs aa every individual can jucie by comparifn your mofl obedient fervant mer imports year ii7 no vessels 1 ssfil rum puncheons 10600 iip 3360 2400 8091 oiia nnd the canada tlu rljiua of vt 11 ill a 1 j ullu ililtl im1 11- ipui in thooi of i rer iidi i1mt d fo i more mild inil salih f hirarltvwmivof elcariug 1 i lands c ftl ei s ariour ohjeiois ii i fho itiio tothsi provii-v- fit veretfld ijihi n settler arriving n iho capo of good hope in seiteiiiher and potkiftwieinjg liisop- eimtionr of honiinir ot rutting ul roaiei id dirlngthcroh beneath it may loo for- wlldto ajiit in twelve or fjilrttj wwks 11 ahundrint harvest fvom the vhent the rye th hnrhv or tr emlian cornwkleh he ie sovvind in ehf fr iin- wfcn- ivoni rrie potatoes whieh he has set intlieti-r- ritory befonipnto the cap scl wi11 a climate whlcli exposes them to eooerrthe privations ad hardshios njauust wveii thr emigrants to nora scotia and c- ntilair- 1o struggle someijnf for eirs a id riii a oil that will produce the tea tree of china the rugarcane f the west ladies ti tobacco of america and all tlt emvtijm ao fruits in rjifi greatesl abundance tuul per- fi5cdon this account of the country seots ec tainly a verv ocasij g one and is uvll il- eitlatedto draw the atwntton of emipnuril toward i but when waare informed that out of se otjf different kinds of forest tries and these but dikly dispersed in the colony nonv have cs yet i ecu discovered fit for hnslditi or uoiestic fu niture we are incli ned lo consider the forests of canada not- wtthstaiidingfhis labour and ezpsusu of clear ing th n avay preferable to a country di-ri- tulc of ihegis kinds of timber o esenlialiy leeeiary lo the use of the ei oil v wjijl- meiri iaerhiiic tiieeliic o south- ern amim nuy heinild aed hratthyi he s fprfilc produrmghi abuodunee all tbc kno- pour fmiis hut if the enikrant canufttpro- mse btnhyrto build hiinseua hliaiini ui- ilhesjiall have reared rt british 0ki and bhns m that country he mnsl ai lenttsulfcr o c very serious priv on wliieli ionoikoovn ir canada orinuva seoli if lin indigenous liinhir of the gape from its iiahiiity to e rl decay r tulsuitable lor building we can sareely suppose that it is very well adapted rn t ieeio offcer g purpu- sis a tract ol land without a sudiciciit jjntuitity of fbuber uutitle iov buiiding fwe- ing jse would beoijideii hatoflitlu val- ue in canada or istyvm bcniia indeed the tiiiihcr noon thel tnasoituatcd neiu ourtoivus and villages not only often repays the propri etor tor 1 ie mug his ground but yiauta hun a handsiine profn over and above drcrryjiik it to nvirket and in the more remote purls 01 the ouiitry the ashfs wiien pnseieii and vils are found to exist it will be deemed uecesmh v to rakelhemot eflectual means to guard the welfre f ii majestys subject by dismissing the public officer whom it may be found 11- cesrary to compel by ugn process to the correct discharge of hts duty i have i he bottorlo ho tc c c signed geoikikjjilukr e she r 0 d uonjsx xkution tire ciriniclloiic let a plane be paiucd vertically thro the centre of the stone it will cut it into the frotludl of a triangle let the baft of this frullum cotthpondfnff to ihr beadth of the extcfi nn tlie m nr 2d and confequrly the upoei fide of tin- fkiijinm cotti f tiding to the breadth ij the inteitoi nms la the bejghi oirefponding to the depth of the stcntr let x any pof n of this height arr y correfpdiiij breadth at thai point then y r d t gnwlftt triangles b xovv let us flippy te solid of tlie stone to be generate by the motion ot the varying area of the mner furface upon the line x in order to find th area let a rrcircu ference f a circle to radius 1 crihe radius of tk hole then will a xcjx area of the inner fuifacenr my cxpulfion from the kingfton fire companicr with refpeft to the difeharge of my truft as a fireman i believe i can fafely fay it has been faithfully performed and fulfilled fo far as circumltanccd would permit what could have induced mr nickalls thus wantonlv to fport with my charader and reputation am really at a lols to conjedure he has wounded the feelings of my friendu and hamefully tranfurcfted the laws of truth and honour that 1 was fomewhat baity and violent not without caufe however in not untrue but that mr nickalls was authorized to makr the publication which he has in the nam of the lire companies i totallv denv if my name wis ciafed at all it was to dune at my own p trticular requcft there were but few of the members of the companies prcfent at the time and when mr nickalls left mr walkers not a lliadow of authority was then allowed him to publilh the note which appeared in the chronicle under his finature and no pcrfon then prefent will fay fo i am sir vourobt servant daniel brown kingfton december 14th 1819 we do certify that mr d browns name was erafed from the lift of the kinuflon fire companies at his owi requeft and that mr j nickalls had no authority from faid companies to publilh the noe which appeared in the kingfton chronicle under his iignaturc kingfton dee 14 l norton joseph delay we do hereby certify that we belong to the fire engine companies of the 1 own of kingfton and that we never gave fanftinn to j nickalls to publilh any thing refpeqing mr daniel brown in the kingfton chronicle thomas murphv archd mdooe alex mdonald benj ocott david moniisn wftl uandak kingfton deci 13 1819 a fa norton duncan m donald james stoughton j din moore wm tackcbury vreirc compelled to inform our poetical 0 espinuhiit v thai h s echoes arc hnd- nihle because they are too pointed and sarcastic mjutfokdt at rrorl xille on kturd v the 27lh uit in ih imv wiihaui oiui mr parker wrbstcr ri d 05 ycots to thi- mo t amiable id areiunplhecl mibakir relict of the iie ira ijaurr of the same place deceased j ngid i yeajrs i on sunday the 1th inst mr thomas 1u ms to misa mary conlvlio of the same place died this morning after a li it illntf fran cois vamee a shoemaker from quebec aged 21 years the editors of the que bec papers are rtqucfted ro infer t this for the information of hi friends ds cx as yjd i b b the fluxfonal cxpieflion of the fohd h therefore dx bxglxx rx 1 or by expanfion b cd dx f acd- jadsx b b the fluent of which n aedx ad5 adx aedx 4 which ua i ountry sold jrieaiiy iron i bars s tons 7gl gin pipes brandy pipes tea chests w sugar hfcds refined do hhds molassrs hhds soap boxes candles boxes cheese hampers larher bales w gla- boxes tin hales do sheer iron do ons nail casks voollenf bales salt bitftbels exports 91 17 4 4vi ss 9fih 18 if i 175 4vi 51000 4o 101 j u0w7 i86cn i9xto yea- ashes barrels flour do wheat bushels pease dr barley dr y seed d biscnit quintals as bushels oil casks furs packs boards sl deals pieces slaves iiead- ing piec pine lo no oak lo no waits no spars no ilaodpikcs no 1817 2400 styxk 14500 s7in if40d uooo 15700 1074 470000 iot400 1 8cm 000 1 1000 181 2700 398000 48000 l29o0 1 7700 7400 cdol 200 437 614 107oj too 3799 lrii7 1071 40s 2279 350 f73 ms9 38000 h j 53u0 l00 17uu0j 119 31577 hm 4jj0i 10753 1331 10992 1802 40a irsseo hr exjeiimo of cm i ting imvnhin wood mid buintog it audit uiaj he mi that fophipilrsttwoorilirotyfavsaitor ib 3 2 when kca gives the iolid content of the wlndc done which therefore irt benp now let q r be the ratio of any one or more fhares tat money paid to the whole monies then per quellion per day per day per day per day aedx adx ads the lamiis cleared adttier dijin aornlouli- tog is refjuited to ohtuin a crnij it is cmiv t inntst llifseedujjuu thctgroiuitl and pass ihehtrrow over it ujcorcrthegrdin hiev iimy be thcupjjoscdaduotaes 2b confeqiuiitly ac it 3 p acdx j-acdx-4- adx adx qp 104000 453752 u1250qp tap 39600 82fl l0o 7l4i8 179l jwi 856m ofsiiiin in ciuir j ijs and jtrairis wv btr- urivm rtias caiiadiaunririu ffeoural lntt r plea sed to live stutoitnded with heir woods and wriars aod thai the immigrant if in- is only industrious may arrive at rornfovt and hide- eidenre juiie asojn in canrda as lie carl riaoiahl hopi to do in any of the other colonics upon the whole webaveno object iritis that thy ifdfocatea fiirfiiuljrraliortjfrftin hrttaiutu thr kedkir the ai i iiiuhoii aud jrv south wau should set before ihupeo- l fair and con vet stiieinits oltliti aiivau- uijrco of these diitercnt poins of s tdctrujvt hri w doconsidit it exwdingly unjust in tiu- wrbio tbut ihftjr should attempt 10 promote thir own panic dr views hy de- tracliug from the auvantae oilt red 0 tin kiuignmt by canada and it is uota litllu suipnsinp that vin sonie of uig 31inistryat borne wno should be bctteactiaintjhl with iliis conrtiy ifs resources and immense ca- pabuity oliniprovionrit should la- heard de claiming against our csiniate aidooij the establishment of a british coloov in thicajte territory is uoquestidnably an oh- jit ot great importance to the naiin uhil as siihwc wish 10 sec ii encouraged huttteer- tuiuly caniiotbe uwvixry ovjvsu r order to direct cnjjgrution to that point to diaiemin- ate iottomect staleineufes respectiog ihe soil ajidefimateof cauadu it is a misfortune that soznueh ikoorauee still vevaih in great jhiiain v iti regard tu hw cotaifrry it w to hoped thai tuns thi iioranec wui be diipalel thatsunii fwd uha proirace of hisnrv nrd i to ixccute vu- vor will be found ya ictie enough to 2b jb 2 r from which the value of x may be deduced if the above folruion for want of a dia gram fhould riot be fufficicutly clear to your mathematical qierilt 1 hould be very happy to give him a verbal explana tion and therefore you wiil oblige me by infer ting for his information the following equatin the roots of which di iy com pounded by the rules of notation and mul tiplication and with the aid of the al phabet will g him my name i am therefore meffrfi- editors ours and the que rifts mult obedient ftrvant eccenomen i having n our hit number publifhed a no refpeoting mr daniel brown ilgned j kit kails afcd purporting to be written at the requeft and behalf of the fire companies of the town of kingfton we now feel it our vjuty in julhce to all partus to copy ovm the uppcrcanada herald the following letter addrefled to the editor of that paper with the fub- joned certificates mr 7 homfoiiy shi in lie laft tiun chronicle 1 obfeifd govern vient team work a ny pcrfon or perfons defirousof fur- x5l nifhing the necclfary teams and dri vers with carts and arriage for the en- fuing year will fend foaled tenders to this place on the lft january next at 12 oclock according to the following form one pan of llorfes 1 and one driver one yoke of oxen and one driver y two span of horses j and one driver s two yoke of oxen i and one driver ed laws naval yard kingston n s 1 3a december 1 8 1 9 s 5 r c o vwtnuevt tjiaal okt ftir the hayy- a cross the two portages from lake ontario to the notuwasaga creek on lake uumn any perfon or perfons willing to furnifh the neceftary conveyance for stores and ordnance required for the navy between the ift february 1820 and 3rd january 1821 are requefted to fend fealcd tenders to this place 011 the 15th january next as follows hate articles under 12 cwt per cwt i 2 cwt- under 1 6 16 20 20 and upwards it is also requefted that the addition to thefe rates for conveying stores acrcts lake simcoe by sleighs will be dated in the tenders two fufficient furcties mud be had ed laws n e cord wood qoo cords required for hi me- w jtf nava yard at ttfl place and to be delivered by the 1 ft day ol a ptil next any pern or persons- willing to fupply the same or part thereof not lefs than 300 cords will fend in fealcd tenders on the ill january next at z oclock el laws n s naval yard kingston l i yh december y 1193 5 1 goveriment sklm at m naval yard kingston on 1st fcbj isly jnuk old rope old twine and net old and danaged hammocks leaf tobacco damaged clothing ed laws n s naval yard kingston iph december isiqs 51 cotillion party mr ob as refpeftfully informs the ladiea and gentlemen of king fton that a coilion parly will take place next week on wednefday evening at mr darleys aitembly room tickets to be had at mrs patricks drawing to com mence at half past fix oclock englifn country dances will alfo be praciifed du ring the evening kingston 1 6th december 1819- a o tice shipped by the fubferibers at pre cott fome time in the month of au- guft laft for the copper province by mis take a crate of crockery marked h i b containing befides the crockery three japanned cruet stand and a few bottles of sweet oil any pcrfon wh- may have received it will oblige the fubferibers by giving information where it can be founds if required an invoice can be produced of all the different articles contained in the jones vanslyck frefcott lice- 13 1819 51 noticfv achalluly sermon in aid of the funds of thr kingfton compas sionate society will lc preached in st georges church by the rev g o stu art on sunday 2d jan 1820 ci a me into the cnclofure of john mc- j lean pittsburgh about the 91 h of odoser an iron grey horse of a fmall size with feveral mark about him which the owner mod defcribe and who cn have him by fo doing and paying ex- penecs samuel mclean pittsburgh jth deemher 18 19 s naval yardy kingston 1 1 th december 18193 11 thc kingfton note ggned f nicka aimeuuciv rms r harfti for sale at a very low price tor cash the south or front half of lot no 12 in he first conces sion of loughborough for par ticulars ajuly at tins office dec 7 igjg 50 nhallls is to inform the public that jl about nine years ago i was married to william voodard and that about two years ago he turned me off without any provocation and now lives with my lifters daughter the wife of jerry manters liae is the difference between a poor man and one poflefting plenty of cafh after trading upon my money and making a fortune he is afhamtd of me and fo turns mz of catharine woodard kingftohj nov o isio fjowz plrtli december 3di 810 his excellency the liruienani governor has been pleased ro nppoinl jostas rtrney a sur- eer of lauds 111 the province of upptp caoa- rla for sale or to let fi two ftory framed koufe and a rjm lageand commodious done store fnuate on the waters edge in the centre of the village of prefcot on exceedingly nd- vantaocous terms to the purchaftr or lessee enquire at the ofceof chr a- hagerman kingfton 26th february 1819 9 slfbsariptloni tothcltners cllgrlcqla received at this ofece juttfirr ijftffifwdatibbsk jle gvjul i r pied from the protocol kept by his ma jesty him self 3 in the cause of the millar arnold for you must know thr the meanest peasant nay whal is hill more the beggar is as much a man as his majesty and to whom all justirc must be done as in the eye of justice all men arealike whether it may be a prince who makes complaint against a peasant or the contrary the prince is before justice the same as the peasant and on uch occasion strict justice must be done without respect to persons and to ranks but lose sight of naturil equitt they shall have to do with his majesty for a tribunal that acts unjustly i more dan gerous and wore than a gang of thieves against whom people can defend them selves but against rogues who mike use of the mantle of justice to indulge their wicked passions no man can de fend hlmdeif they are worse than the greatest villains in th world and de- serve a double punihm nt berlin dec llth 1779 signed frederick an affediog anecdote is related in the french papers a ycung man took a dog into a boat rowed to the centre of the seine and threw the animal over with intent to drown him the poor dog often tried tii climb up the fide of the boat but his mafter as often pnlhcd him back till overbalancing himielf he fell overboard as foon as the faithful dog faw his made in the dream he left the boat and heidt him above water till help armed from the fhoie and his life was faved a cabbage ofthe early battcrfea kod was cut laft week in the garden of mi david beek maryport in cumberland which when the outer leaves were taken off rreafurcd in circumference four sect fix inches and weighed thirty pounds lniknpifcr