by ftnpes and when it had been a ful- 1 fent to england a prifoncr but had made e of converfation among the officers it made his cfcape at spithead and reached had been juflificd on the ground of the abfolutc ncceflity of reforting to i there were he doubted not repeated inftanccb like this in which under the eyes of the officers the articles of war were openly violated the foldier fo far from prefer ring charges againft thofe who violated thefe rules to his injury dare not even murmur it was very proper now mr s faid to afcertain whether any orders from the war department authorized ihefe proceedings and if not it was defrrable to knbw why proper meafures had not been taken to prevent then recur rence mr trimble of kentucky faid a reafon why this piopofal to enquire into it fliould not be laid on the table was that if the fa9 fhoulci be confirmed there were ether and higher duties than thofe of enquiry merely which this houfe would be called on toperform it would be found on an examination of the rules and articles of war that after conviclien by a court martial a commanding officer may ap prove a fentenc of death but in peace no military execution could legally take place but by approbation and authorty of the prefident of the united states now here was a cafe irated in which death had been inflifled not only without the au thority of the prelldcnr but without tiial by a court martial if the law martial is not ftrong enougn to prevent fuch excefles faid mr t wc mult try iomc different tnode mr mercer of virginia faid it ap peared to him that upon the information which had been given to it it had now become the imperious daty of the houfe to profecute this enquiry not only for the veafons dated but becaufe it had been as- ferted arid contended even in this houfe that the rules and articles for the govern ment of the army are not binding on the army after it partes the limits of the united states if fuch were the fat it was high time fome tules fhould be made for the government of the army when without the limits of the united stntee the queftion was then taken on hying the tefolution en the table and decided in the fgrflfiv wifhnf divifion the original motion of mr williams was then agreed to rum con and a com mittee of two members ordered to be ap pointed to lay the fame before the prefi- dent from the boston dally jdcrtifa yefterday about 2 oclock p vl an indian wafh bafin wooden was flred by the rays of the fun palling through a fifli- glob nearly filled with water the bafin ras accidentally placed at the diftance of about four inches from the globe landing on a gdeboard in the parlour soon after the sun had entered the direct line pas- iing through the globe and bafin the latter was found to be on fire if the fire had not been fcafonably difcovered it is probable the houfe would have been much injured or wholly confumed- pieces of paper were repeatedly fired when placed in the focus ofrefrafted rays the yellow fever had subsided atnw orleans on the 10th november up wards of 3000 persons are stated to have died of it the past season those who recovered have since been attacked wit the ague and fever the spaniards are strengthening the worksof defence at st augustine and laying in a store of provisions hut it does not appear that any troops have ar rived either at that place or ptnsacola st johns a fbort time fince but fuppofed to have gone from thence to moofe lfland reward of 500 guineas had been of fered at st johns for his apprehenfion lie alfo dated that capt w had left st johns lalt november in a brig and had not been heard of when the brig of war arrived injfearch of him our informant did not late that capt wilkins was an american or what offence he had com mitted probably he attempted to liberate bonaparte if fo we hope the britilh may not take him we fhould be glad to fee the perfon who left the information nat adv it is propofed to make port st louis miffouri a port of entry more than 3000 milts from the ocean the ohio river continues unufually low captain green of cincinnati lately meaf- ured the perpendicular diftance from the water in its pvefent ftate to its utmoft height in 181 7 and found it to be 57 feet 4 inches alexandria gaz halifax november 23 1819 his excellency the earl of dalhoujie has been appointed governor in chief of britifli north america which fituation was rendered vacant by the death of the duke of richmond and yeflerday his excellency took the ufual oaths under a difcharge of cannon from the different forts in the harbour we underdand general flfaitland will command at que bec until ilis lordfliips arrival in the canadas from the london gazette october 23 downing street oct 20 his royal highnefsthe prince urgent has been gracioufly pleated in the name and on the behalf of his majyrtv to ap point lieut general the earl of dajhou- fie g c 15- to be captain general and governor in chief of the provinces of lower and upper canada novascotia new bninfwick and cape breton his royal llighncfs has alfo been pleafed to appoint majorgenera sir j kempt t g c b to be lieutenantgovernor of nova bcolia and its dependencies from he montreal gazette dec 22 it iip on monday last a liffle af ter 8 oclock at niuhl the hotsc of doc lor bender in notre dame vifct oppo site the recollct chutch was discovcrid to been lire and in a mint thno after was burnt down to the ground notwith standing every thing was done which could be done to save it the snow on the roofs of the adjoining buildings and the timely application of the engine preserved them from falling a prey to the destructive element a stove pipe hav ing caught fire and not being it is said in good condition communicated the hames to the upper story there was time therefore to remove the greater part of the furniture which we are sorry to hear was not insured nor the house gen macgregor with about 200 of his adherents arrived at cape henry the beginning of last month destitute of ev erything even friends from the albany gazette de20 a tennessee paper of nov i men tions c that the surrounding country i overrun with wildlire to an extent not soon to be ascertained it is probably general it adds in the states adjacent as well as in this and perhaps reaches the rocky mountains or even aslona our southern frontier it is mentioned in the charleflon papers that orders from government have reached that port directing the military force in garrffon there to proceed forthwith to amelia lfland sixreen hundred and eight slaver from the coaft of africa arrived at havana from the 10th to the 20th of november n y com ad his government prrr nd audit parialnfy would be unrrvs fcvj q u wtttdflul and magnanimity wh h is prohsscd towards spain by thi- pre iv of ww united states had this offence agalr l which lias been committed by tin minister been prop erly acknowledged our renders will obrvc amm the npwtoa- tioi of his lortsiip fflfl karl of daihousie as governor general i ho room of the late lamented duke of ricm ms heuorliei il ly announced an es p this place last saturday with dtidtehea for his excel lence sir pirerine ufutlatid who we uuder- stanil is appointed administrator of he gut eminent of lower cajwda unil neat spring honourable as the appointment may he to his excellency we eafmtbutfctubtea porary absence from this province 1 we perceive by the fcoirar canada papers that the small pox is prevailing in montreal and quebec and that w several cases the dis ease lias proved fatal wc understand thnt it has also made its ap earance in tin- vicinity of this place it is to hoped that parents will endeavor to ffiiard against the danger ari sing to their children roni this unwelcome visitor by prudently rolling invacinalion to their aid ave are happy tn inlctind that the 70th regimerit with their usij liberality have subscribed a days pay cflcft for the relief of the distressed 2migrate e vpptr prov ince 5aofthis is put at the disposal of hfe excellency sir p mai and and the remain der about c at the disposal of a commit tee of the regiment for the relief ofemi- ranis in and about ii um g communication messrs editors 1 bee leave to approve of your u poor scholars endeavors to encourage the lt genius of the canadian youth by of fering algebraical questions to their at tempts in confirmation of which i sub mit the frl lowing for insertion in the nex kingston chronicle if it meet with your approval togetlier with a solution of mr poor scholars question of dec 1st i have throe horses for which 1 have paid my lirt horse drew a weight in 10 hours from port hope to hamilton court house my 1st and 2nd horses did the same in 6 hours but in 1st and 3d hores performed the labour in 1 hours i desire to knew the respective value of each horse us to his p rev j believe mr i oor scholiums notice the annual meetmgnf the kingston compassionate society will he held shipped by the fubferiberfl at pr on monday next the 3d january at j cott fome time in the month of a s f n lonr a pail 10 is entitled rn io 5 diameter at m a i vni 750 26t5 i r cen 0 m fire again yesternight nliiut sev en oclock this city was again alarmed by the cry of lire which had broken out in st lambert street in a house occu pied by mr j v delorme th printer of the courier du liascanada the building beiuu low the lames were in a hurt time suppressed but the house was totally disfigured being pajflj un roofed and the printing apparatus most- destroyed and lot the last was in sured at the phoenix oilice for five iuti- drecl pounds and tht lirst for one hun dred pounds at what ortice we have not vet learnt this tire like that of the preceding night is ascribed to the insuf ficiency of a stove pipe small pock we cannot refrain from again acquain ting the public that this malady has made a confiderable progrefs both in this city gentlemen your humble snrvt j w b port iiovp dec 1 v the statement made hv s neithih party should have been accompanied by the proper nature of the writer we are sorry tiar w- cannot oblige a sumcrlber by publivhiut the chapter which he has sent us the judges might not think it canonical married on the 2sth inst by the rev john wilson m a acting chaplain to the forces lieutenant colonel ltchtfoot c b and assistant quarter master general tocoimixia daughter of capt fa ward williams r n county of hampshire ist inland on he 2ftth iust at bath hy the rev john stotfgjvtoo mr solomon ball to miss sarah peters both of thic township of frnet town died at u farm in trafalgar on the 1 7th inft frederic thompfonoin of the late cornelius thompfon of grantham a yonng man much efteemed by his friends and acquaintance he has left an aged and widowed roark wfi nuabcr of friends to lament his premature death in this town james rogers innkeeper it is only about one month fince his brother alexander departed this life thus have two brothers been fnatched away in and the country and has been fatal i j the prime of life and left large families and icveral cafes c repeat that no time a aed pauu to lament their lofs fhould be loll 11 euardimr aeainlt it by t m him from our boston correfponicnt we have received a halifax paper of the 41b inft we find in it a handfome compli mentary addrcfs from the mapiarates and citizens of halifax to the earl of dalhoufie on his appointment to the of fice of governor general of britifli a- mcrica ib- guarding again it tt by vaccination which i performed at the montreal difpenfary for the poorer chires every tucfday and friday com mencing at noon can cour savings hank total net amount of depofits fince the commencement of the in litution 2963 is and od ib jgut m fjflronwiv niagara gleaner al belhille john vv meyeraged 20 years ilis nmiable disposition en deared him to all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance and his loss will be long and cverely felt by his numerous friends and relatives on sunday last mr samuel abbott seu aged 70 years prices current in the kingston mar c weekly walkers hotel at which tint it is par ticularly requested that all members will give their ateiulance c1ia 1iagkrman sec y kingston f 31st december 1819 dancing school mr tobias refpeftfully informs the ladies and gentlemen of kings ton and its vicinity that the next quarter will commence on monday next at mr darleys aitcmbly room hours of tu ition for ladies from 2 until 5 oclock and from 6 until 9 oclock p m for gentlemen a great variety of cotillions quad rilles and englilh country dances will be practiced kingston dec 30 1819 52 isle of tanti the following valuable lands on the ille of tanti for fale from lot no- 35 inclufive round the fouth fhore to lot letter c except letter b 8283 84 and 85 and all from mr stuarts to the town plot the fecond conceffion where not granted the pre ference to be given to thofe who poftefs and have paid for their lots if fettled for as above mentioned mr stuarts nos 23 24 25 26 and rear half of no 27 lots no 35 36 37 38 and down to 85 inclufive letter a referved lots fold no x 2 3 to no 22 in front the above lots will be fold on moderate terms the foil is remarkebly fertile and fitted fur all the purpofe of agriculture the fituation of the lfland will fhow it is particularly adapted to pallurage it abounds with ilh woodofalmoft every kind a conhdcrable proportion of which is oak for further information application to be made to the nnderfigned at bath and for undifputed titles to the hon sir john johnfun in lower canada j farley december 28 1819 53tf wanted tttsjwo young- men well re- j com mended j to drive a stage apply to d brown dec no 53w3 u davison as opened a shop fa rear street kingston where he intends carry ing en the businefg of hattnaking whole fale and tetail gentlemens hats beft quality ladies sonnets any colour or fhade wanting gentlemens summer hats grey or green under if required childrens hats of every quality felt hats of the best quality worn hats cleaned coloured lined and bound hata covered lined and bound oil cases for hats stockings and other woolen goods dyed silks dyed to any hade wanting kingston dec 29 1819 53 nftbushels barley 03j 33 hides sole leath er for sale by the fubferiber very low for cafh enquire at mr john stranges auction room william bayard smyth tut dec 1 8 19 53 icked up uween captain brafs and mr firmans tavern on the kingston mill road two table cloths nearly new whoever may have lost the fame and can defcribe the mark thereon may have them by paying for this advertifement and applying to the fubferiber james meagher kingston dec 27 1819 53 gult lall for the upper province by i take a crate of crockery marked h i b containing btfidcj the crockery three japanned cruet stanch and a few brttlrs of sweet oil any perfon who may have received it will oblige the fubferiber by giving information where it can be found if required an invoice can be produced of all the different articles contained in the crate jones vanslyck prefcott uec 13 1819 51 subschimons to the letters of agricola received at this office 0vnrr or conductors of raft to have cer tain signal by day mid bv night p the following claufe of the lumber paffed at the lalt seffion of the legis lature taking effeft for the enfuing fca- fon is row publihsed for general ior matiou that no one may plead inora et 44 xxvi and wheeas damage is frequeatly occafi- oned by rafts to weirs n ts and other works marie rorrhe purpofe of taking fihthe owners and eonoudors of which rafts are unknown to and cannot be difcovered by the perfons by whom damage may be as aforefaid fuftained fo as to obtain their remedy at law and wheieas alfo the faid weirs nets and other works as aforefaid are fre quently by high tides con cealed from the view of fuch owners and conductors as aforefaid whereby fuch dhiage may unintentionally occur to remedy therefore fuch inconveniences in future be it further enafted by the authority aforefaid that every owner or conduer of a rafc or rafts of lumber hall at all times while on the way to quebec montreal three- ufm 6ft6 tkt btigii of william henry rrorr any place or places out of this province after the arrival of fuch raft or rafts within this province or while in any of the rivers within thib province falling into the river saint lawrence on their way to qnebec montreal three- rivers or to the faid borough of william henry be held to caufe the name of fuch owner or conduftor as afore faid written or marked ic large and legible letters to be exhibited and difplayed on a flag or on both fides of a board laifed above the raft to the height of at leaft eight feet by day and by three lights raised above the raft to the height of ten feet by night and throughout the night whether at anchor or otherwife under a penalty not exceeding forty hillings for each and every negleft fo to do and the perfons owning fuch weirs nets or other works for finhing fhall caufc to be placed at each extreme of all fuch weirs nets or other fifhing work as afore faid a pole or pole which at the higheft tides fhall appear at leaft three feet above the water and in cafe of not fo to do the perfon or perfons whnfp weimj nets or other fifhing work hall have been injured by any raft or rafts fhall not be entitled to have or recover any damage for fuch injuries fuftained pro vided always that nothing in this section contained fhall have force until after the firft day of december next owners of nets foe fivh iti jo erect poles at the extremreud of their weirs not to take effect uutil after first december next kingston dkcembex 31 1819 newtori dec 14 attempt fo liberate bonaparte the following paragraph is copied from the national advccate of this morning whether the information as communicated at that office be corredl or an idle fabrica tion is yet a matter of doubt at any rate we fhould confider any attempt to liberate bonaparte unlefs with a force fuf- ficient to capture the lfland of st helena as more than idle u a perfon called laft evening at our office and h id that an officer of his britannic majeftyi brig dotterel had ar- nved at st johnfl n li in queft of a captain wilkins who had been taken up by sir hadfon lowe at st helena and 0r latest newyork papers up to the 13th sopffuraish us with no rtuoparj news their column are aitoijrher devoted to the publication of thn documents relative to the spanish negooiationsa inch accompanied tu presidents message and of other do mestic matters hi a groat measure uninterest ing to the majority of our leaders from thee documents which are rather volumin ous we have only selected mr forsyths note of the gist june to don manuel gon zales salmon and bis reply of the ilst au- pust we forbear to enter particularly into the merits of these two letters fur the con trast must be sufficiently striking it must have been the duty of tiic american minis ter in conlbrmiiy to his instruction to urge hy all proper means e ratification of the treaty by spain but we can see nothing to justify the haughty and overbearing tone which he assumes liv which he would pre clude his catholic majesty from the right of further deliberation with his own ministers upon matter of importance much less can we find an apology for that coarse and il- libcrul invective which is tbo distinguishing characteristic of tins letter the reply of the spanish dinurer is dignified tabid nnd even cocliifoiv h hownrctfivys a jttt re- wfeol vviiici mr ptnxjrtia nu hnvelfel ain articles apples bread ueef liacoii butter barle seels cider cheese cabbages carroty ducks rggi fowji flour do geac haj larti mutton oats peas potatoes parsnips pork am can si raw turkeys turnips tallon veal venison waul per bush loaf ll iusb hbi ib uead uill pair dox pair bbl cwt each toa lb from sd 0 to t d remark bush m 9 bun each busfa ib t cord 2 0 0 0 i 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 i 2 u 12 0 s ii l ii m 11 i 0 11 1 0 0 0 i n 0 q 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 2 3 2 0 7 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 3 8 4 9 0 9 0 0 4 3 0 0 9 6 6 ri 0 i 8 5 0 9 0 0 6 0 4 0 3 7 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u i 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 n i 0 0 0 i 0 10 0 0 0 4 i 2 5 0 0 10 0 i 2 4 2 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 it 0 12 0 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 f b t gdnew store the fubferiber rcfpcctfully bega leave to inform his friends and the public that he has now open and for fale at his ilore which he has fitted up in the houfe belonging to mr- mcdonald on the north corner of the old market place a general eftortmentof dry goods and groceries from the advantageous terms on which the fubferiber haspurchaftd his lock of goods he is enabled to fell them at very low prices for cafh william d alton n b bailey and all other kinds of country produce pur chased 3- 100 barrels of salt for sale kingfton dec 14 1819 52w8 for sale at a very low price for cash the south or front half of lot no 12 in the first conces sion of loughborough for par ticulars apply at thjs office pec 1 181i 50 liberty of the press in prussia w how 1 ver much the prussian govern ment says the prussian official gazette esteems and favours publicity it can not allow the journals and popular pro ductions published witftill the country to be guilty oj the abuse of censuring the measures adpted by it the journals publisned at naumbttrg and zfeftz and the periodical work hermann as they have indulged in very improper expres sions of opinion have therefore beeu sup pressed tompion the most celebrated watch- maker of his day was accosted in moor- lields by a brother of the trade who after the usual salutations and inquiries about business said i believe mr tompion you and i are the to most distinguished men of our profession in existence u indeed cxclaimtd tompion who knew nothing of the indi viduals abilities yes was the re ply u you are of all watchmakers the best and i am the worst i comets four comet have been obferved witirt the laft twelvemonth af pun f marseilles has difcovered three one on the 26th of novembtr 1818 in the neck ofpcgafus the fecond two days after between the tail of hydra andcorvus anj the third on tht iitb of june 1819 1 leo the fourth was alfo cbferv 6 j june iii the lvlx