Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), January 28, 1820, p. 1

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kingston chronicle vol ill friday yffternoon january 28 1820 no 4 government sale at ii m naval yard kingston on 1st feb 1820 junk old rope old twine and nets old and damaged hammocks leaf tobacco damaged clothing ed laws ik s naval tardy kingston i th december j 8 1 9 5 i bible society thk annual meefiug of tiw mm- lavd district auxiltauy hi km society will take place in the episco pal church at bath o wednesday the sixteenth day of february next 1mnikl jiagkiuia3v secretary wh jtul 1820 o a aewlixe of stages ttlb subscribers ha ving provided thcrn- wrv selves willi rrood sialic sleighs teams and careful drivers pro pose forming a line of mail 8fa iks between kingston and york which will commence running on monday the 17th instant and w ill leave kingston and york every monday and thursday at iioclock and arrive at the same places every weil- itesrfaj and saturday evening stjge fjni kill be 4d per mile and 1 j lbs buggoge alluzccd fur each passenger rooks will be kept at the houc uf dan iel broittt opposite the market plate kingston and at jourdans inn viol for entering the names of the pawners who will at the same time pay the singe fare as no scat will be considered enga ged until he fare he paid the olivers will be furnished with a way bill on hch the name of qurfi intng-im- a may be taken into the station the route fill bo entered and the lare paid to the subscribers agents at the lilfe rent stage bouses d bkovvn wm mcmillan kingston 1thjtm 1820 str b john martin kgs leave to inform his friends and the public generally i be has opened a house of public kilter tainment near fort henry under the sign of the richmond hotel where he hopes by a strict attention to those who may favour him with a call tn merit a share of public patronage he will always have on hand all kinds of liquors of the best quality kingston 11 janfan- 1820 n fe good stabling fur horse 2ti postoffice kingston 4 january 1s20 proposals will be received at this office until the 15th day of febru ary from any pcrfou cr perfons willing to contract for the conveyance of the mails year commencing on the 6ih day of april next the names of two good and fubftan- tial perfons as furciies for the due perform ance of the contract arc expected to be iirferted in the tender notice shipped by the fubferibers at pres- cott fome time in the month of a11- guft lall for the upper province by mis- rake a crate of crockery marked h i b containing befides the crockery three japanned cruet stand- and a few bottles of sweet oil any peifon who may have received it will oblige the fubferibers by giving information where it can be found if required an invoice can be produced of all the different articles contained in the crate jones 8c vanslyck prefcott uec 13 1819 51 information wanted whereas a young man named john liloitajhed did in com pany with two other perfons john and william c lay tons all shoemakers left montreal and did refide and worked for a mr robert smart in detroit where laid young man was taken very ill in april lall and confequcnry obliged to leave the above perfons employ no further infor mation having as yet been obtained con cerning him allcharicable petfons knowing any thing refpefng the fte of the faid young man will confer a particular favour on his diftrefled family by wiicing imme diately to his father jonathan mottashed st lawrence suburb montreal dec 31 1s19 for sole at this office the montreal almanac alexander hope late farrier in the 2d queens light dragoons begs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingfton and its vicinity that he has rented the fhop of mr james meagh er near the market place where he in tends carrying on the blacksmithing business in all its various branches and he flatters himfelf from the long ex perience be has had in the above line to pive fatisfaftion to all who may pleafe to favour him with their cullom and on as reafonable terms as at any other hop in the place kingston 2d dec 1r19 49 nejv goods the fubferiber refpcfifully informs the public that he has received a well fdtfled aflbrtment uf dry goods adapted to the feafon likewife a quanti- groceries which he will fell cheap fo cafh walter mccunlffe kingfton lit december 1819 49 jy o tice the fubferiber has now and will con tinue to have at his brewery a fup- ply of rich flavored ale the prefent price is one fliilling per gal- 00 for immediate payment the admi rers of extra irong bodied ale are refprft- fully informed that as loon as pofiiblc he will provide a lock that vili satiny tlltf moft fatlidious ciitic he thinks it will uol be amifs to remind the farmers who are the mals of the peo- pi 1l11t if they vifh their grain to com mand calh they mull abloluttly make malt liquor their common beverage and thus fupport the canadian brewers inllead of the weft indian diltillers it is of fcu- ous confequenee both to themldves and to the whole country that they faould im mediately adopt fo praiieworthy a iciolu tion orders fent to the brewery or left with mr john russell at smith bartlet llqs will meet with due attention thomas dalton kingston brewery oct 26 18 19 n- b grains at all times for fale 7 d per buflul 44 alexander as ii kit merchant taylor has received from montreal a moll choice and excellent aflbrtment of the belt well of england fuperfine cloths and cussimrres with trimmings- and every thing com plete a asher informs 111 friends and the public that lie is ftnw working tip thefe vlothd c at his old land where orders j will be thankfully received ad executed on the fhorteft notice and on the lowed terms foi calh or fliort approved credit kingfton sept 10 1819 3 7 1 f hpnrell fakms for sale jl or if not fold to be rented for th en- fuing year viz one at the prefqne lie harbor one ar waterloo and the picket farm fo called a contrast slfo will be given for cutting ioco cords of wood b whitney fcclf bank notice a meeting of the stockholderr of the bank of u c will beholden at the faid bank on tucfdav the 8th feb next at 1 2 oclock at noon for the purpole of taking into confideration the expediency and propriety of altering amending fome of the articles of aftociation by order of the direors s bartlet cafhr b ank of uppercanada december 22 1819 s kingston l 6z jwj 1819 yoc-cc- c-0c- ccco c0r -gof- -5c- r r 15 sp1lsbuky ujigeon r n late sitrgron of 1 1 m s prince lie- i gait 01 ltkc ontario intnds practicing in the various i branches of his piofesion at hit rcsy iidence next door to john meleanv lq sheriff f kingston oct bfl 1819- 41 english and szcrdrs s for 1820 subsciuitions to the letters of aoricqla received at this office notice all perfons indebted to the late co- part nefhip of richard rolhon and david sccord ate requeiled to make im mediate payment to the furviving partner david sccord and thofe to whom the gild copaitnerfhip may be indebted aie le- queded to fend in their accounts for ad- juftment and payment kingfton 27th may 1819 2 6tf persons having books belonging to the kingston library are requeu ed to fend them to the fubferiber at his honie adjoining the town of kingfton and with as little delay as poflible john ferguson 1 2th april 1819 i 5 f bhe fubferibers being duly nomina- a ted executors to the lall will and teliament of the late lawrence lit rchmr efquire merchant requeft all perfons in debted to his cftate to make immediate payment and thofe having demands againft the faid eilate to bring them forward with out djcy john kir by geo h markland kingflonj 9th mot istg 4 t executive council office tori 1 jt november 1 8 1 9 whereas the prefent lease of the ferry from the town of kiglon to point frederick will expire on the 24th day of june next notice is hereby given by order of his excel lency the lieutenant governor in coun cil that fealed propofals for a new ltafe to be given to the hiheft bidder will be received at this office until the 10th of june 1820- 49 john small c e c lamb mcdonelu opposite the market king st re t i espectfully inform heir j friends and i lie public that they have received port of heir fall goods among mllf h art ladies pchsfclotlh most fashionable colors wci of inulaud miperlim- blue and black cloth gr blue biark brown oiin- d drbcloth rtldcftv- 4nierps red while green blue end vrllow klaniu n ilo- banket worr ied shirts and draw is jvlarellle quilts and courterpns chintz furnl- hire with lining fiine and binding fo tnalrh scarlel and ukie morrn scar- u waierloo blue imonaj- drab paaih and peach colored gofeimeie sluiwlfi mirii aoi canton crap slniwls siikswlv3 fug baiidaitps 4jni u 1 la mil jacknifctte niol flint muslin cowled cijtferif- book muslin orestes liookmushotiininiini cambric leno- threadlaccs footing calicoeschecks stripecofton it- blue dcrryv shi- ped cniibriciniaiviv esinsbiuida- criis and lioinhazek tail an pin id turkey slripe browr llollnnd lush linens cotton shiriii wliitc cotton diapornnd diaper tamo cloths jreen and biuo table caver dimity furni ture jlarth ttii i5iiissma ii tigs scotch shirlin- blaci silk cik bel treble gill coat bnitms c csc rib bons tajxs thread totin ikilnsew- i 11 silk and twtetj lilys white and black silk stocking slate colored and black worsted hose boys girls do do mens lnmh wol half hose do worstcd do ladies smte colored black and whit- silk i lores mens lined bea ver and kid do mens lined beaver and buck skin gloves also a sreat variety of other articles to numeious tomention the uhole com prises a complete assortment of dri croods which hey will sell very low foi cash titvgmi fffefc vmh rs 47 notice the fubferiber ha- a received a quantity nf doublr and single stoves of various hves and of new and elegant patterns which he offers for faleat montre al price and charges for efftj he has alfo received in addition to hi former fupply feveral tns of iron as sorted v hoop and round ditto nftu rods grindstones anvils and i ice double and simrli sheet iron trace and log hams ii rot and culsails allshcs smiths ttlois thlluvs ware of aii descriptions cat pit and mill sans currwr a and lirdsced oil wagon and cart boxes iron and brass wire a good aflbrtrrent of saddlery stamped and cast brafs cabinet furniture with an exienfive aflortment of shelf good confistinp of most articles in the herd ware line too numerous to mention john wat king n e flour for fale kingston november ifith 1819 47tf executive council office tori ith august 1819 he order in council of the i8ch instant respec ting locations subject to settling duties being revised it is order ed by his excellency the lieu tenant governor in council that all locations of land subject to settlement duty made prior to this date be rescinded and the land otherwise disposed of if certificate of the settlement du ty being performed be nor lodg ed with the surveor general within the time limited in the ticket of location and the pa tent sued out within three months thereafter and that all locations subject to settlement duty hereafter to be made will be rescinded and the land oth erwise disposed of if certificate of settlement duty being per formed be not lodged with the surveyor general within eigh teen months of the date of the order for such location and the pa ent sued out within three months thereafter john small c e c 6m6 notice is hereby given that william taylor heir at law and administrator of the ate allan taylor hath aligned all the real and peifonal estate of the late allan tayloi deceafed unto john kirby alex ander o i etrie and thomas parker in trust for the benefit of creditors all pcifuiu having ary claims against the late allan taylor taylor packer or thorn- as parker arc requested to prefent the fame for adjustment and payment and thofe perfons indebted to either the late allan taylor taylor and parker or thoma i arker are requested to make immediaie payment to the above trustees who ate fully authouied to give difcharges for the lame john kirby a o petrie thomas parker kingston august 28 18 19 361 f an assignment having been made to the subscriber of all the lands goods and debt belonging to the late iirm of james ranhcn co of ernest town merchants as well as those belong ing to james ranken individually for the benefit of creditor notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the said firm or against the said james llanken to present them forthwith duly authenticated and such as stand indebted are desired to pay their respective accounts to chr a hacerman esq of kings- tou on or before the first day of decem ber iext john kirby kingston 1st september 1819 36 forsatk avery valuable farm situated near the village of urockville he- iug the rear half of lot no one and the rear half of lot number two m the se cond concession of kliznbcthtow n u c containing t 0 hundred acres formur- ly 1 he property of reuben sherwood esquire hut now belonging to johnshu- ter esquire of london there is a ve ry good dwelling house with a barn and other out houses on the premises also lot number nineteen in the ninth con cession and the west half of lot number one in the eighth concession of the same township also lot number fifteen in the first concession and number fifteen in the second concession of the town hp of yonge in he district of johns town these farms will be disposed of on terms peculiarly easy and advantage ous to purchasers- appl to for the kingston chronicle tot homines tot sententite thp swarthy black takes quash by the uzzle dtmiiiff hrr ic liauizoul odnrifrrou- v inch co finfjrfnile nen may be a puzxlc bur 10 a man ol scents tis plain enough god knows ler the man whi married evn a twelvemonth af- is glad n be awoke ai dead of night b quail of urwborn babe or ron of da jhler ixpflled from cara sposav couch oacrigbc all men aiteet at beautys shrine to brijrhtrn bur youih and age fastidious are aid odd andawrnecail beauties things such things by gd as others iliink from com the crows would frighten nowhou the deuce can i a farming man u ho livcsecluded in a avae world dicn r what it is that makes a charming one w hi itirr tis rongt- or false hair nicely cuiid a bottom veil aiiached or boora oi it 1 simply what is called a woman j stub i have no love not i by joe liii reader as ou fain would knovfj vh iuh 10 me are but so so and a- lis lime tlia i arhime should tumv choice address while i the muesoiue importune her name her familand foriunr i leave both them and ou to guess and ihw ituut ado or coure y abrupt begin my little poesy tho noivhl but cold iron tin form unili eniron all hail thoupiomotest my rest i am warmed bv ili charm- when not rlaped in tliinearrnv not reclined is ffl head 011 thy brea lewitehinp 10 c uaglri full of tire lint from tire uci a her keep me fiee i neer eoud a passfoil o selfish admire 1 or her heat warm herself and not me of bib fair oer the simper and igh the poet with rhapsody ponr ini for m il arees igh xw a farihiog care t 1 rm ow ijoed wheu she roars she burns not with envy with belles neer abe elahe not it daubs her face over with red ami im i mtm itrftmgfi mill be iw me hrt a lies to preserve for her sake eer shes dead nrpain the daughter of great calo hollow n ho of coal 8 rook a do hissing hor a busbd it leat every day will she swallow and the worse for it be not a jor tho lie lives with a bachelor careless of raar- iag at illnature she feels nocalarm koi the ladies most chaste and demure iu trjeif carriage are all pleased with her manners so warm h wheneer she the bucket unhappily kicks as a present to pluto he goes lam ure shell be pleased with the river of si and shell warm itis old majestys toes but as loop a- of life there remain but a spark and 1 feel in her frame an 3 low 1 will keep her aloft nor to regiuns se dark til shes breathless and cold shall she go courteous readet then when you sit warm by your stove think kindu of her whom 1 praise and acknowledge at least tho no man r to love you perceive there is breath io my lavs t daniel jonrs jun urovkviltcs ibih jammrtf 1819 4 a reward of tzco hundred and fifty founds cc7iil he paid by the subscriber to t t any perfon who fhall discover and give fuch information as will convict the perion or perfons who on or about the 29th er 30th of june lad hole from george ridont esq at walkers hotel a parcel containing montreal bank bills of five dollars each to t amount of two thoufand pounds by direction of the directors of tho montreal bank thomas mairkland kingston tt ivv 1 817 arjcnt notice tt iicreby piven that i william tay- jb lor as heir at law end administrator j to the estate of the late allan taylor de ceased have ttua day affigned all the real and pcrfonal estate of hc late allan tay lor and all the interest in the concern of tavlor sc parser and thomas parker unto john kirby alexander oiiphant pe tri nid thomas parker as trustees for the bnefitofthe creditors william taylor administrator cj the estate of the lae allan taylor kingston august 28 1 8 1 9 36tf notice all perfons arc cautioned againfl pur- chafing lot no 22 in the 7th con- cefliort of frederickfburgh or lot no 27 in the 1st concefiion of richmond fiom the heirs or alfignees of davis kefs as the subfcribex holds an indifputable title to the lame giluert hams 17 sttloey 4th tv 8s letters remaining in the postojficei bellvitte 5th january 180 jeremiiii c allen 3 john allen docfet an drew austin jorin jt anmtrone jinne brc oliver barret wilfiadl oral- lev 2 survivor william broun aril uenecjicr iiijnh rentier cornelius biiilev austin bas el israel bowcrinau john brinrnall george burshall 2 joseph beadry comeltus beuoti william beamish macam campbell nelson conger dtncan cameron kiluard liok john cole mr chear- uhy george cameron oliver cimrcn john cow an edward doyle jame driauv franr-l- de- arratix andrew deacon aaron dame benja min dawson piter drgrooft gaius an 2 william emerson john everhfs isaac la- ton john emhrue john einmans jattiesfoihee samnel larquarhou hezcki- ah fogasoo william ferman 2 alel gilbert 2 john gibson 2 benjamin oe- row 2 charles george robert grace jaeu germain daniel hankinon 2 john helen norman harvf levi jlooian marshal house john s iheruians johii jamison 3 james jewell john jnhu- silvester kelogs frederick keley abraham lawon ferdinand legg chrirtc- bhtft littk david loep john latta marry lute batent lew is john levingstoo cot arch mc don ell orin monroe 9 thoin- madden jnhn mcupjc htigh mclerln2 mian b meduiicll slve5tcr mckcnny mr vumtillini daniel mcken2ie mrs jaic ma- mmi waller mkihlmu john h meyer john vtcgraih john meg ire andrew mason ow- e mcciraih douail mclean william mcgia- nis daniel 0rrom daniel outuaer cornelius palmer a o pctrie joseph pal- ford iiomer page- tobias ryckman 3 capt owen richards 2 john reynolds samuel reid thomas read owen puobiin catherine sprngg bylvanus sprae clarisa smith 2 jeremiali stinson mrs j m simpson adatn v snyder david scaly james spencer david sibley john smith jonathan d sleeper jame stewart wniiamtajlor 8 daniel thompson 3 wil liam trowbridge stephen tompkin albeit williams owen we mh john wii- kirrs zaduc williams 2 thomas webb john willie norman webster thomas weston wi ham white adam n ickler thomas parker p tf raa bushels barley juu 33 sides soleleath er for sale by the fubferiber very low- for cafh enquire at mr john strange auction room william bayard 3myth 2ut dec ii9- 3 blanks for the courts of request for tale a tbit office-

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