a fidcrahlc quantity of ammunition ana provilions another letter gates that the prcfident bolivar could have raifed an army to any amount in new grenada but had not mufcets to equip the volunreers it is howtvir impoltib efor monho to with- fland the combined force of four armies moving to a flail him in every point thlfi fad predicament accounts for the arrival of the nymph corvette at havana lately in which he lent a commiflloner to folicit fnccours in men and money both of which have been refufed on a confutation of the captaingeneral cagigal with the ca- bildo and confulado cafra caira- it was from this circumllance that a rumor prevailed fome time ago of morillo having reached havanna when it was only his mcftenget it is to be hoped that neither morillo nor samano may efcape tlie flrokc ofjuftice their cruelties have been horrible the latefl date from angoftura alluded to in the above extraft u november 24th j extract of a letter dated ast thomas de cember 11 1c1 1 have only time to inform vnu thai a rww arrived yemerday from a royalist port on hie main and brings the important i nklticnrc of bolirar fteing a the firad of isfhj0 men well dsscipjinm and marching rapid rnr caraora morilln haonlv about 40cm ro oppose him there ran be lirtle rfttbt kill hi campaign will pu an cvd fo be war in thit qtarier in tact we consider here that the llrlpprfanccof ven ezuela established i have much more osay but tbe vessel u underway alemerfrnm rarrhagva fafthat with the exception ot that piacaud sama marthfl all ne otber provinces in the interior of mompoi are al ready in the power of bolivar j f i force con- list of abaci 12000 men martial law hashren proclaimed at canhagena and forviers are o- bligpd to pay 50 dollar weekly len cajrada and about 400 men have been taken pri oners al popavan the whole province having risen in fa vor of the independents n y ad cost but as the prince regent is reludtant to apply to parliament the ground of st jamc3 pjlace the kings mews and warwick hotife are to be fold and then but 700000 will be wanted to complete the new structure the duke of york 18 to have carlton houfe for a valuable confidcration the triumphal arch is to bethe grand entrance to london from the new palace boston paper quebec january 18 it appear- by the proclamation of jlis honor the paesnkvt of the province in yesterdays iazctie tfliai the legislature is to meet on tues day the 29th of february next for the dispatch of business lord vim lennox and the ladies lennox ar rived at portsmouth on 23d oct from quebec in the ocean transport lieut coleaent the ocean left quebec on the 22d of september lieutenant governors office york 9th january 1820 j his excellency the lieut governor has been pleased to grant a licence to george baker of bath in the midland trict gentleman atthe recommenda tion of the medical board established by law to practice physic midwifery and the lesser operations in surgery tg8 ggmuft letters from poo ivtloydavd in november give a lenihle account of ht fhtfainn of the english primiiers uhom m dtua they are compelled 10 labour bard from sun rie to min set and are fed with mirabte food in consecucnee of their ireaiioen bey ivere yerihiug daily of the ornrrat uimher ivit 5j are alive one 1 alfuf ivhoni aw in u hospital the legislature of bermuda convened on the first cf december and was opened with a speech by be new governor sir m i iiwlvv t a ii fo lair if of the uritlsli goverffmeirl in favoi of frintna the governor in kit speech remarks a follow 11 the prince hepeni fraying been pleased to sanction by a recent art tit till greater freedom ol trade and inlerconrr brtwen this colony and the continent of america fr great national pur poses for the benefit ef flie empire in general and tbe important west india rav in particu lar by xvhuh together vita the increased estab lishment of tbe dork yard and naval arsenal it i likely 10 become a rcat interpol between ora britain america and the west indies it ref vita yourselves and the inhabitant oftbtff i i ands to give full effect to tbevp gracious inten tions aud to insure theirprmanence by a libe ral and enlightened policy in affording and con tinuing collective and iiktivninally every fa cility to all vessels of every nation entering your ports and harbors by which we a mo r hpe to render this colonv the chief mart and emporium of the western world united slates senate the national inehi- pencer on announcing the reelection of mr king to the united stairs senate remarks fjiai on his arrival ever member of thai cody 44 in dumber will be present kingston uvrjmt 28 1820 we still remain without any european in- teilisence of dialer da than the bill ultimo the accounts from so ttb america pre sent a flatcrmp picture of the afiais o the patriots who i vvt accounts bp correct a rapidly jainsng ground i cvry dtrrction the uovemment of chili assumes an ap- peannci o stihhjtv and i ptpparingto elr vato the standard of indpclijcw in the neiglibotiring ksngdom ofperu r money recently captured fronj the spaniards by lord cochrane bas inivledasfiasonnijiipid in the equipment of rlv chilian squadron un- de his eommand whieh is cfestiiwd tp at- tckiite spanisli shin- ar callin ji ope rations m vivezvhiimi vew grpnutlfl have beeasjgnally forttinate jiic tlw raptor c oait fee tjo rvalp hh bll c- hed to etannf dteawtlfiod postof55an fernando and ihci floiilja on t e apmre ha hi w dmtroyed tho royal nmp ttiimi in- dokd be tltehearfrned by the- repiajod iu asters and the faint prospects o rccruviig succours from spain it is therefore proln- wefhatthn pnfrint hiipft vrill oon n morillo from the main unless jealousi- should distract their councils and paralyze their efforts thelejfslature of the slate of xcw yuri met at albany on the 4th iiistant when a lu minous and comprehensive spreclj was de livered by governor clinton which our liin- ite prevent us from inserting at full length his excellency takes a view of the commer cial distress so severely felt in that state a vh as in all parts or th union distress which he considers as much owing to the progress of extravagance and luxury nmonp til classes of people as to the depression of the manufacturing interests the diminished value of exported productions or the unlim ited multiplication of banking institutions he thinks that these evils are only tempora ry and that they will soon be surmounted by the enterprising spirit of the country he congratulates the legislature o the favour able condition of the treasury and the high state of public credit which by a continuance of the present financial system will eixibta them to cany on their internal improvements the miswri question ha- at length been ta ken up incidentally- in ie senate tiie friends of the extension of plaerv have resorted to a trick disgraceful to uiir piatioil r- member of tic senate of the united vae hen tiie ijill- whicb paffeil tie roneof rnreria ari- miulns the new sate ef vaine into lb- union vatalte tip in the pftlfs usotiftq was rn if- ard carried jrt to is t counsel with t u y fimri qjesiion in i mrtnm pi n tftttt- tcniptia ncinrel ihv juse m 1eli1hatq e ijanin order in neeiire rhe oujeri of me lili uhich it bad ahea paed we fej sorry and ashamed that a majority of our grave senators should have mooned o so unmanly aud dtsine- dom an artilice what will juiamv he the result is yet the sub ject of various and contradictory conjecture in relation tn he abttve meniioueu volefll the senate the balinrue moiuirse chrotrrle tuti- remarks it mil thnji unril w sc lib faci entered on the journal- of onre- we iil noi believe it that america is disposed e to surrender lie hiph ann that he oecupte hi the civilised world t at of hvm one arrnn the foremost to pevtmt the further exnionot an evil acknowledged as acorns then a rank due to america which he may htelf a baudon bnt of which al ronttdeitfted europe would not be ae to deprive her if the wild of the western wilderne are to be opened for this traffic in the blood and bones of our fellow ynen if where an eil cannot be totally eradi cated it must be demardj as a right if our rational rfiip are to be employed to search for and to seize all thoe vevels under tbe american flap ensued in this traffic tfcougrffl themselves have authorized this strong measure if a society is now formed of he moft respectable eiraerers jn tbe united stales for the purpose of sending back theehildren of africa to rhe land of their ancestors if tiiis winery i under the patronage of tbepovernmen if aierall ibis conjciessare tow to declare that this slavery thus interdicted by law ard by philanthropy is to be tolerated in our wciern v lids- we ubmit to wier heads than oivrsasovniw nf ocha witch knot of comrocstc- tionf comshre i- what all legislator ought to aitn at ann certainly congress to be con-is- eutmust restrain a traftic by land which they themselves denounce a so criminal by water the exports from the united stafrs fot the mar ending 30th sept lat a- mounted in value to 701 j 521 dollars of which 6o itotir was in artides of domestic growth and manu facture tbe brititn in conjunftion with the spanih and pcrtuguefc governments have recently organized a court at sierra leone confuting of two commiffirners from each nation for the trial of captured flnve vefols edward greoty on the part of the englifn and jofe kemp on the part nf the spaniards a new faiacc s o b faecfuti for te prince regent in the iptiw on the faipc fpot where biikighani hmite now lands it is to be a fvpb palace of tfcfe eivia to overlook all piitolico and the rofeiitc fm of feven ouhions is the eelitra of its iiciiiura societies and the excellent effects ef the law ivhich jttdiciously appointed a baardfbr the distribution of preii4uxns and thf dissemiisatron of useful knowledge on this irost important branch of national industry the prcrrss mnde h emprovbtk tho in- tnruai litigation of the statn a f n ourahiy no- ticcdad it v ivtxd v carried on vrhrths sawta spirit as hitherto tha fjrrand caunl wili bo conipietei in five years at a exjens lt exceeding four millions of dollars after alludine to improve ments of a similar description in oter parts of the union be points out r iic advi f em be derived from opening communications eween the waters of lake ontario cva lake chantplaln and between the susntie- hiunuh river aiid lae seneca lake a well as from the draining of the cayuga marabu tiie imprewnient of the oswego river and the establishment of ahrhourat buifalo these are inagnifieerrt pro iects and if carried intoexeculiou coujd not foil to raipp the state ofew vork to the highest pinnacle ttf pros perity the following remarks are perliapp not inapplicable to the circumstances of tills province 44 the improvement of natural and the prosecution ol artificial navigation ouht not however to divert mr at tention from the establishment of roads and bridges so much demanded by the wants of new settlements the convenience of all descriptions of people and the pri mary interests of society livery judi cious improvement of this nature increas es the value of land enhances the price of commodities and augments the public wealth in the varying state of things in new countries which must necessarily arire from the low of population the extension oi settlement and the fluctua tion of capital the application of differ ent measures at different times may be requisite a good government will al- ns consider with peculiar benevolence the hardships and sufferings of the tirt settlers of a country and its disposition to dipcnse relief will only be limited lv the great laud marks of justice and public policy his excellency proceeds to submit the ex pediency of reducing the compensation to members and the oilicers of govenuuetii and of eontractingtbi duration of tlie session of the legislature one hah as one sttp to- nrd a diminution of the public expenses du ring tlie present diffieutis he advises the mcftoratton to some points of the adininistra- tion of civil and criminal jnstic a d adverts to hie institution of savings iianks aa well calculated to encourage industfy aitd trugali- ty and thus indirectly to promote morality r ro 1 oritin society he also suggest iir nivj y of riiiii n 1 eonve ilim tor iri hn iutriuutirivvrliictiiu a- pivut fjjf ii ro t- fkci tu4 tuti ulucil e 1- i n r s in ft couluiion fhe legislature foihe diseukpnsin qongyr 13 on the subject of slavery e reconimenifa to them the expression ofthersentinicutsen the occasion and remarks thtl 1 w3 more pernicious can result from th profailition i slavery than from its toler he con cludes with the fouowiog ad tfpitory obser vations u seated in a country o vast cxfcnt with a fertile soil and bc climate adapted by nature for tho riplay of the faculties and energies of mn hold ing in their bands the defftfafas of free government they are caller upottfo pre sent a great example for th imitation of posterity aud the benefit rf the world in the cultivation of religion ad moral ity and the diffusiod of koowledr in the advancement nf the art and sciences and in the promotion of all that can con fer honor and happiness on nations i3ut if i hey shall purse a different course if they shall shut hcir cars ag ainst the warning voice of truth and their eyes against the itht of experience aud rush precipitately upon tfe rocks and shoals which have hitheito shipwrecked the interest of the iwian nee then in deed will he hopes of patriotism and the prayers of benevolence be equally una vailing and the brightest prospect that ever opened oil the world be extinguish ed in darkness- lrt us remember that id proportion to the faculties with which we have been endowed by providence will we participate in this responsibility and let it be deeply impressed on our minds that we can never transmit a great example nor an illustrious reputation to future generations without cultivating with unremitted attention and primary devotion those cardinal interests which constitute the happiness of individuals and the prosperity of nation in noticing 3 fey- weeks sinee the subject ofemigration we expressed a wish thatsome m of uhijnae tant aul mfurmftiiwn tvifjirtae to publish suecioctand inparuaiaec0int of canada fr the ourpose u correcting th mikrprppetvations winch h r gmt abroad on the suhe i 0 11 im ro the british nmigra a guidn by yhkt temih l is steji vvn miil- lafi itrad ofjiisnstivuy in m ofacoin- lonableaud independent libi v while mvm- th seohe vat 00 we a ho- 01 j ui v iirmedt f realized an i is copejcriy with th n lively emotions jls ire rbatvvo eonirnft- lt inn t i- ii uoli itip ci of havnivorl- of kina somtich wruifcd pcetiy placed in thelwn iofthkinigrrnt on r- is to k n wheh is lobe nwtjthihanoti pzriflh lili-ithored- er will rfmnrk thai the innmtjon of fw author ti til b worlcin london and in 11 form iti j cheap nr portable as to he within the rciicl t- 0 x optltt- from the ecittrs ts ciuy before s of the authors l ftc w htve reason 0 cxeet a publication eiiilucntly tlculated to promote the end in view nd itch we eontetsrplafe the- vast bfsnests whfcj this country would dwve from tire exten 1 e dtctusion of such a lublication nn thi siitiii pnopk wr vn ed to aiiti-ip- e j i snuint prod wishes andgeiw iart of his tvllow sub jects in the canadian provinces if we look abroad re observe every exer tion making to ditnt ic stream of emigra tion which is now llowtjsr from the redund ant population of the kjtish isles into various channels viz toward the cape of tiood hnpe new south avaes the lied river ana the western temtory of the uiri d states we sec the prtsa temii with pnm- pfdets and newspaper paragraphs deprclnis rlccse several countiiea as so tnaoy modorsi canaans abounding with rniik and honev and artfully endeavottrms to hire rmigrattfs towards these lands of false promise whilst canada is left without a friend in bring her iito notice or inform the ijrrtish people of her many rwtl and solid nrlrantajlr nav what is woiis puiey tnulueeil in l-rlia- rvient by those person whose stations were rt wafor siieicu wtiuld induce ft sup- position that 1 1 ry vsrw better acquainted with her actual eitliti0 it is truathal notwiil all these un toward eircttnitiuces great accessions nave hen made to ottf population wlhecourseof 1 in- last two years ijf of the total number of lomijrrintswhu hav- arrived in ulb coun- try towuany f miiesveh en induced by the artful misrepresent ition of the agenta of vmencan landjobber to paw over into tlie territories of tlie state those that have remained how mny were needy and destitute how mnnv were idlers and pau pers sent acroiti the atlantic al theexpeotfeof parishes on which they had lojighrtn a hur- ihen sue certain is tor the most desi rable class of iluujrrantn for thouga they are always of some vuluc t ill he i0115 before tluvvontrihute jrreatk to the general pns- niruv uit imiil themfrdmtf conceptions i rritiph peojiltf iratire to the soil etu inatu and condition ofiocietv in thia country b corrctedf ue can hnrdly look for iijany irio nfa better or more useful depcrip- on slen ofstnall capitals will with dihenl- iv bo pre vailed on to transfer their families eid fortunes to a country represented as in a ii ilf savage state antl cursed with a siberian p nd perp erauee to remove unhss they lirst be convinced that these impressions are erroneous that all the canadians are not bnjes that our climate is in fact healthful md flue our poll surjwssed hy that of few othe countries in point of fertility and our woods though close and heavy capable of being made to repay the toil and expend of removing liiein a work thevefure calcula ted to accoiaplish llii sreat chuojfi in the entimeuts of the brituh people h much to he desired- besides produciiig thi ifect it would be useful to point out o fhe emigrant the cheapest and lnosiduect routes by which he might arrive at any particular part of the country and to ftwnfsh him with a table of the distances between the diflcrrut pkces oi pood bitajccts we want among us would have 1 hesitation in preferring the country where they could live with their brethren under a constitution which is tiie u very image and trariseripr uf that of their native laud we however beli ve that in point of fact canada holds out the best prospects to the emigrant for there is reason to suspect that the statements published respecting the otiier scttlejueoid ftre rery mucii ecaggerated mr hirkbeeks fine prairies turn cut to be noisome fens and lord selkirks olony on the red rtiveria too far inland ever to flourish or he- eome useful to the motlier country the cane of good hope iias many disadvantages 1 rich more than counterbalance its fine tla- voured wines and new south wales is too remote forextensivcemigration for some time to come canada presents a fair field where the spirit of emigration may display iu ener gies with a vast and excellent effect not only as regards her particular prosperity but as it may conduce to die benefit of the parent country it is obviously the policy of great britain to encourage the jrrowth ot these provinces were it only to serve as a check on the ambition of the united states of whose territory they can never willingly be come a part bis excellency the lieutenant governor accompanied by lady jviaitland and suite arrived here last evening from york and will proceed immediately on his route to lower canada where it is said be will act as ad ministrator c at the same time continue to discharge his gubernatorial functions in this province ave understand it is his excellen cys intention to return to york to meet our parliament on the blst proximo but as the legislature of lower canada is to be con vened on the 29th of the same month it is to he presumed some other arrangement will be made on the ssth instant tbe sum of five pounds was paid in james wilkie esquire to the treasurer of the compassionate society as a donation from the corps of royal sappers and miners in this garrison it is pleasing to observe such a generous emulation among all branches of the military service in reliev ing the wants of the distressed emigrant at this rigorous season the noble example pt by the 37th regiment has been nobly imitated in even part of canadr married on tuesday last by the rev mr lrs- nulnier james m ccjiil desrevi nars es quire to carolint eldest daughter of the late joseph frobisher esq both of this city mont her at uath on sunday the 23d instant by the rev john stouhtoof mr wil liam krtrkrecs to aliss hannah ab- on tucday the 25th infant by the rev k medowall mr kussex har- tarp to mhs nanct cannon both of tii tovinhip of ii iocs ton died at qinhrr on the 11th instant the honorable wmli am scott comptroller of ilii majestys customs and one of tlie members of the hononiable legisla tive council of that province lire on thursday lar mr richard temple formerly of the naval oepartmrnt at kington mont ilcrnld 2djan a prr5cottlaicater 1 nlamkaeed 7 john llaliilm he served in die stee of qurber in the 15 ill regiment and was employed by ihc imntornl wulivas ins valet until the death of tin hero canada the last hope e n g la n d being an attempt to sheic the vast agri- cultural cora mercied and political importance of the magnificent countries hearing tlie general name of canada ry charles iotiuhgill esquire the object ol this little work is prin cipal to point out the superior ad vantages held forth by this country to all classes of emigrants from whence soever they may come from the poor man to the capitalist and to alibrd that kind of information nhich i- known to be so much wanted in europe and especially in grtat britain to which the possess iou and improvement of these 1 loviuccs of the last importance as the work uill be published in lou don the author wishes to ascertain as neatly a possible whnt number of cop ies will be uautcd in this country in or der that the necessary instructions may be sent to the publisher he has there fore appointed the undermentioned gen tlemen agents to receive the names and address of those who may wish lor cop ies in all parts of the two provinces and it is requested that such as may be desir ous of subscribing will be kind enough are mis- 0notiei3 the public are cautioned against receiving or purchafinrj a bill of kx- chaige on england drawn by j williams 6 lt r n for s5 bterling payable to and indorfed by james g bcthune efq alfo willi m bofwdl draft in my favour on john kirhy efq kington for 50 currency bcth of which were incloled to me in a letter from hamilton on the 1 ith imt and fing 1 he jt50 ln bills of this bank adver- tifed in last fridays chronicle fuppofed to be lost have been received s bart let cajhhr banl of upper canada kingston january 24 1820 4 john hovvlky iegs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingston and rhe public in gene ral that he has commenced busfnefs on the farm lately owned and occupied by mrs fornyeaand that he intends having for fale as early ih the fprifig as poflible all knd of vegetables at his garden and in the market any gentlemen wifnfng to have their gardens laid out in the neatrfl manner and reweft fafnion by the wetk hay or year can be accommodated on rcafonahle terms lie has an aftortment of garden feeds of the best kinds for fde kingston 7an 26 1820 aws ghtbertpurby wmp i e of ernest town inform theirfrienda and the public that they liavecommei ced the n ealjhc gusihess in its various branches prices 5 quar ters wide iod per yard a yard wxd sd per yaid all double work is per yard it is recommended not to scoui the yarn jan 26 a letters remaining in the tostoffice at bath 5th january is20 grorgp f allrft ruben abcrcombie doc- 101 e w armlronp lilliam benson 2 fcsmail brisml samuel baker john black zadanas boners nicholas bronek mllliam cottier pan coma rtuhm george i jamea campbejj jeremiah chnrlmau henry career mattlievi dire jun gcorcc h derlor jeru- sha fe joi henry dillanbeck andrew deacon ranroiv deiome decroeux john ides jonathan fairfield abraham rraser aihariof germain jacob ch germain james oerofimy john helm john hoih aaron hagerman william jnhnon susannah kiminerly alex miller george miller john mcdonell benjn mcamer col arcb mcdonell simon qstrund peter perry robert peny jun paul peter- on nicholas pearson samuel purdy william ramenf seneca rider william right mire jzmcs rankin john read marslotv w richards john smilb 2 herman sell philip short- charles smhh benjamin smith siauts sagei esq jacob stover catharine sager maihew sharp jampsthnmpson iaiah tubbs mr jane van alstine francis warner john williams ebenezef washburn simeon washburn biicklv waters william willcox william younr james rank en p ftf an 1 rfy i r co toi iircev rhs attoojlil 01 i oi r h ih r slfltf n tihnato with i rued unvtejdinr soil and lo signify the same as early as passible with forest tlutt reuure iferculcan labour agents at quebec j neil son esq three rivers edward sills esq william henry geo graves esq montreal messrs nicktess mcdonell hull p wright sous cornwall george jams esq prescott alpheus jones esq brockvillr henry jones esq perth m ielislcesil kingston il c thomson esq balb jancs ran ken esqj bclvill- s mcixabb eq co- bourg j g bethurto esq port hope vi- t wbuehead esq york r c home esq and messrs geale fifz- gibbon newmarket p robinson eq dundas r cockerel esq west flamboro t g simons esq auras tor m crooks esq niagara john crook- e qucenston thosmccor mick esq fort erie wm stanton esq port talbot a nliunvell esq amheratburgh john hail esq sand wieb wen ilauds esq ff it is not expected that the price of the book will exceed 10 an advance of 2c 0- halifax currency will be re quired from each subscriber at the time u putting down his name and address in order that the subscription may be cofcskleretl cert- 4v4 settlement- such son of information is very much wanted and would not only save the settler a treat deal of xpencc and vrxation hut would also prevent the waste of much valuable urne how many instances might be produced of person who having embttrfc- ed at stffne british porf for canada without any distinct idea of theeouutry fbeyareabout to visit have bren landed at new vork jtos ton hriiifax saint johns mirunichi or gas- pe and have in consttqiiiuice of ibis blunder peon obliged toejcoentf in the prosecution of their journey t ic i ce where they first proposed to fix theust4vcs the huh stock uf moiov hat was originally destined to have asi rd in hearinr land- should th wrilerof the projected vori on caofldn merely rtke i appear to the fritih people that the advattt es ofiertd ly fiuca- aa af fvva oili e hjj 0 by tlw unl id states afl grr i subet njwl it rc n u notice is herebv iiiven to tht pub lic that the subscriber forbid- any person or persons to purchase the follow ing notes of hand dated the 11th day of february is 9 atsvritifv tbttiato mf one note of 5 one of 17 10s two of 5s each making in all five hun dred and forty dollars and which the subscriber is determined not to pay nor any part thereof until cornelius thrash er secures him iu a good title to the land he bargained with him for the said notes were made payable to the said cornelius thrasher or order and the subscriber is like lo be defrauded robert nichlsox sydney 20lh oct 1s19 3w3 jxtotileis hereby given that the in yearly meeting of the agricultural society will take place on the 6rft mon day in february members arc requeued to attend at the courthoufe at twelve oclock for the purpofe of choofing of- ficers for the enfuing year george h markland secy january 71b 1820 london nov 2 the ret receipts of the late grand mu- fical feilival at edinburgh which are to be appropriated to charitable purpofes a- zrouut to full thirteen thouf and pounds m the paintings of fludents who arc can didate for the gold and filver medals giv en by the royal academy for the belt works executed by them in feveral fchoula of painting fculpiure architefture the an tique and living models were delivered in yertcrday evening for the judgment of the prefident and general affenibly of royal academicians it is rather remarkable that the gold medal for an original hillor- ical pifture has not been given for tbelall fix or ei ht years the fabjtd for the hiftorical piduies are the cave of defpair from spencers fairy ueen that of the models jacob wrestling with the 4ngel and the architefture design plinys villa at laurentinum there arc priuted in london sixty three different newspapers one hundred and twenty in the seteral count of england and wale exclusive of mid dlesex and tweuty eight in scotland making together a total of two hundred and eleven public journals publi bed in england in ireland they have bout ouc third cf the above number