wtv tr0m the gleaner battle of lundys lane in imitation ofcampbews hohcnlinden or hurons wave the orb of light sunk low in his diurnal flighi and rlosc behind the shaded of night spread out their murk canopy to lundys lane the foemen flew and thick array d in hostile view eer the resplendent bon withdrew that high eerarched niagara but as the parting glance of day shed its latt beam upon the spray that crownd the tumbling flood the play of battle hastened rapidly the bugle shrill the warnote spoke the maridning drum nilh furious stroke- but louder more appalling broke the thunders of it artillery i faint thro the warcloud dense and dun the moon with crimsoned crecent hone while gleam d the battles lightnings on 1 illume the awful scenery fight on ye brave but who shall know or where to aim tli uncertain blow or whether bleeds a friend or foe to slain the wreaths of victory ceast has ihe lights tremendous roar the cannons ihuuder peals no more but deaths dark harbinger hangs oer the battles utmost boundary charge charge amain the bugle sounds at once the clashing steel resounds and forward fierce each foemen bounds to boldest deeds of chivalry hard pant the combatants for breath while bloodier grows the blood laind heath and gloomier yet the work of death deep veild in nights obscurity to glory rush ye brave rush n seize seize the laurel 1o his won columbia yields the work i done britannia shouts the victory j tin it is be bam of midnight low the fires of death have ceast to glow but morn a bloodier field shall how along thy banks niagara his silent stand the watchman take or by his wounded comrade wakes while the last groan of misery breaks oft midst the dying soldiery neer saw these fields so fierce a fight since first this flood with rapid flight majestic from his giant height rolld thro his rugged scenery and while his cloudrapt surge shall pour may his deep thunder voice no more be mingled with the battles roar along his steep declivity long may the travler who ha stood in wonder lost beside yon flood turn to behold this field of blood where fought the sous of clmalrv flambro tvcstj erie us july 1816 j the following paragraph is from a late london paper accession of his majesty on the 25th ultimo our venerable and afflicted sovereign entered into the 60th year of his reign a period longer than a- nyof his majeftys predeceffors in england and scotland occupied the throne hen ry iii reigned in england fifty- fix years and james vi in scotland fiftyeight years but the former was only nine years of age when he fucceeded to the monarchy and the latter was an infant when in con- fequence of the extorted icfination of his fflphe became jiving t while goige iii was of legitimate age on his acceffion to the fovereignty of great britain and ireland of the peers of scotland at his majeftys acceffion only the duke of gor don born 1743 who inherited the title in 17521s alive the twenty judges of the cjurt of selfion and exchequer in scot land have been exaftly three times renew ed during this reign the appointments to the bench being fixty in number exclulive of two promotions of puifne judges to the prcfidents chair of the members of the faculty of advocates at the acceffion four are alive viz robert craig of riccar- toun and robert berry both admitted in 1754 and sir hay campbell and james tergufon of pitfour the prefent member of parliament for aberdeenfhire both ad- mitted in 1757 of the society of wri ters to the signet at the acctffijn only one cornelius elliot of woollec is in cx- iflence of the peers of england and ire land at the commencement of this reign five are alive viz the earl now marquis drogheda the earl ofcarlifle eail fitz- william vifcount nettville and vifcount bulkeley all of whom were underage at the acceffion with the exception of the marquis of drogheda now in his 90th year and at the head of the generals of the army lines on the 25th october another year a year f solitude of darkness yet of peace has past and he the father of hi people marks it not alike 16 him all seasons and their change his eyes arc ray est and his heart is cold lie wields a barren ceptre ct hi- brow of regal diadem diplacd still wears the crown of glory his m the hoary head found in the wfly of righteousness and truth oh thou our father thou our piinccuuil friend how many a sight that would have grieved thine eyes how many a pang that would have wrung th heart has god withheld and thine affliction spared thee the oe of england withered in its bud the voice of wailing wan in even tent yet thy day pasnd unruhleda- before the partner of thy bop when hope was young she who had shard th first th youthful loe an miniterd to every sorrow he fell by long mcfcne and a llfigmttg death and thou nadtt neither tear norh losive yd thou at tflol otol leu dear thou wjwt in happier moment and oh drarer far nw that the hand of ood hath touched thee ftlttl bsllovd by ajl be memory of the tart shall be this day sacred hy lengthened year 1 and venerable by sufferings tnayf thou reach in heavens appointed time thy last abode the paradise of god where every tear is wipd from every eye j s london courier extract of a speech delivered at a late meeting of the london auxiliary bi ble society by mr phillips the cele brated irish barrister 4 my lord mayor ladies and gentle- mtn although i have not had the hon or of being feleed to propofe any ilefo- lution yet as a native of that country to which your report alludes i beg leave to fay a few words as expreflive of the opin ions of a great body of my countrymen indeed my lord when we fee the omens which every day produces when we hear blafphemy openly avowed when we bear the scriptui es audacioufly 1 idiculcd when in this chriftian monarchy the den of the republican and the deift yawns for the unwary in your mod public thor oughfareswhen marts ate ollentatioufly opened where the moral poifon may be pur- chafed whofefubtile venom enters the ve ry foul when infidelity has become an ar ticle of commerce and mans perdition may be cheapened at theftall of every ped lar no friend of fociety fhould continne filent it is no longer a queftion of polit ical privilege of fedtarian controvefy of theological difcuflion it is become a queftion whether chriiliaimy itfelf fhall land or whether we fhall let go the firm anchor of our faith and drift without chart or helm or compafs into the horc- leffi ocean of impiety and blood i defpifc as much as any man the whine of bigotry i will go as far as any man fot rational liberty but i will not depofe my god to deify the infidel or tear in pieces the charter of the ftate and grope for a conftitution amongst the murky pigeon holes of every creedlefs lawlefs intoxicated regicide hen 1 faw the other day my lord the chief bacchanal of their orgies the man with whom the apollles were cheats and the prophets liars and jtfus an impoflor on his trial in guildhall withering hour after hour with the moll horrid blafphemies furrounded by the votaries of every fed and the heads of every faith the chriftian archbifhop the jewffh rahbi the men moll eminent for their piety and their learning whom he had pnrpofely collected to hear his infidel ridicule of all they reverenced when 1 faw him raife the holy bible in one hand and the age of reafn in the other as it were confronting the almigh ty with a rebel fiend till the pious judjre grew pale and the patient jury intcrpofed and the felfconvicd wretch himfelf after having raved away all his original impiety was reduced into a mere machine for the reproduion of the ribalj blas phemy of others i could not help ex claiming u unfortunate man if all your impracticable madnefs could be realized what would you give us in exchange for our eftablifhments what would you fubllitutc for that augult tribunal for whom would you difplace that independent judge and that impartial jury or would you really burn the gfpel and erafe the flatutes for the dreadful equiva lent of the crucifix and the guillotine indeed if 1 was aled for a pra5tical panegyric on our conftitulion i would adduce the very trial of that criminal and if the legal annals of any country upon earth furnifh an in lance not merely of iucti ulfice but oivicri patience liicll lor- bearance fuch almoft culpable indulgence 1 will concede to him the triumph t ktngston tannery underbill co rcfpefl- m fully beg leave to inform the shoemakers saddlers and leather fellers in general that they have now feleed from their extenfive aflortment of different defcriptions of leathei and are preparing it ready for sale upwards of one thou- fand fides of upper leather from one to twenty thoufand lbs of light and ftrong fole leather and one hundred and fifty fides of harnefs do togethtr with twenty dozen of calf skins and a number of horfe hides dog and sheep skins too numerous to infert and which can be delivered on the fhorteft notice and lowed terms for cafh t u flatters himfelf that thofe who are inclined to favour them with their orders will find the above articles by far fuperior to any yet offered for sale having already been proved and acknowledged by the bed judges in this provlrce kingfton november 5 119 45 ftillneslo respectfully kg leave to in- form the inhabitant of kingfton anj its vicinity that they lave taken the store formerly occupied by d mcdon- ell at the corner of store king stieet and intend carrvingon the boot shoe trade in all its branches and hop by afliduity and a strict attention to aunt a hare of the publics favor having made arrangements with one of he first manufactories in england will tlways enable them to keep regular fup- ply of ladies fancy boots nd shoes and materials of every defer iptioi in the above line will always have for sale all kinds of leather manufactured by underhill co kingston tannery kingston jan 2 0th 182 tfc isle oftanti the following vduable lands on the ifle of taui for fale from lot no- 35 incluivc round the fouth fliore to lot letter c except letter b 8283 8 a and all from mr stuarts to the towi plot the fecond conceffion where tat granted the pre ference to be given o thofe who poffefs and have paid for thnr lots if fettled for as above mentioned mr stuarts no 23 24 25 26 and rear half of no 27 lotsno 35 3637 38 and down to 85 inclufive letter a refervci lots fold no i 2 3 to no 22 in front the above lots vv 11 be fold on moderate terms the foil is emarkebly fertile and fitted for all the purpofes of agriculture 1 the fituation of he ifljnd will fhow it is particularly dapted to pa flu rage it abounds with fifh k wood of almoft every kind a confiderable proportion of which is oak for further infornathn application to be made to the iinjerfigned at bath and for undifputcd rtles to the hon sir john jolmfon in ltwer canada i farley december 28 iftq j3tf tj ihe fubferiber feels it his duty from jl the villainous treatment he has receiv ed to guard the public againil any impo- fition on the part c mr solomon johns by his offering to i1 any part of half an acre lor with huildiigs thereon in the vil lageof krneft town bounded on the eall by the farmers store and on the weft by the property of the heirs of the late john davy as any title to the faid property held by him was fraudulently obtained by a furrender of a bond that was in my own cheap travelling such is the fpirit of oppofition between the proprietors of two rival coaches in a i js purchafe made of it sms neighbouring town that one was lately ad- when jo was at and ag can vertiled to carry pailengcrs to liverpool at the following fares inllde what you puafe i outfide ditto this feemed to carry the matter as far as it would go but the other party were not to be difcoura- ged and in a fliort time they iftucd pla cards latinu that their coach would take pafrengers at the following rate infide nothing at all a hottu of wine included out fide ditto ditto london courier william stennett o espectfully informs the pub- lol lie that he has received direct from england addition to his former hock an aftortment of the following articles which he offers wholefaleor retail for cafh or approved credit gold and silver watches eight day brafs cloeks a general aflortment of gold jewelry metal do pen si pocket knives dinner and defett do razors elegant purfessteel do steel dogs collarsiloaft- iug jacks snuff boxes boxes of ufeful tools combs jjair and tooth bruflies tea pots and trays bread bafkcts sil ver spoon pencil cafes thimbles sec and a variety of other articles kingfton jan 20 1820 3w4 a rood bargain fo r sale the houfc and prcmifes in the town of kingfton at prefent oc cupied by the fubferiber for particulars apply to samuel anley jun kingston may 5th 1 8 1 9 19 for sale or to let at two ftory framed houfc and a tjl large and commodious ftone store fiiuate on the waters edge in the centre of the village of prefcot on exceedingly ad- vantagcous terms to the purchafcr or lessee enquire at the office of chr a hagerman kingfton zc february i8i j government contract for flour itoticfj is hereby given thntpropo- i sals will be received at this office until the lstof 1vhruery 1820 at noon from such persons as may be willing to contract for the supply of three thou sand barrels of fine flour for the uc of his majestys troops deliverable at the posts of kingston fort icorge and york between the 1st of may and 15th july 1820 freight free and under the usual guarantee that the same shall keep sound and sweet for the period of twelve months after delivery the conditions of the contract and form of tender may be known on applica tion at this office or at the commissariat offices at york fort george and fort wellington and no proposal icill be no ticed unless made in the terms prescri bed nor unless ihc part tj and his sure ties or an agent on their behalf at tend at the opening the tenders which must be sealed aud indorsed tenders for the supply of flour edwn pine coffin deptg citini geiu commissariat office kingston u c i7lh december 1819 52 rjnew store the fubferiber refpeflfully begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has now open and for fale at his ftore which he has fitted up in the houfe belonging to mr mcdonald on the north corner of the old market place a general bffortmentof dry goods and groceries from the advantageous terms on which the fubferiber haspnrchafed his lock of goods he is enabled to fell them at very low prices for cafh william dalton n b barley and all other kinds of country produce pur chased f3 100 barrels of salt for sale kingfton dec 14 1 819 52 o be boll d immediate pos- seffion given the following lots of land in the 6th conceffion of the town- fhipof elmsley viz 192022 24 29 30 mod eligibly situated on the north side of the ridcau lake which forms their southern boundary the great road to the perth settlement leading through one of the lots they abound in excellent timber which from its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to montreal at a trifling expencc the qua lity of the foil and other advantages are fuch as to render this a desirable purchafe to farmers or perions engaged in the lum ber trade for terms of payment and other particulars apply to william mar shall esq perth settlement john kirby efq kingston or the fubferiber in wood- houfe london diftrirt robert n1chol november 18 18 19 n be made appear evidently by various proof taken at the time of the examination of his tranfadtions in 1812 had no hadow of a claim peter grant theperfon who is dated to hold a bond for a deed for half the above property from johns was acquainted with my juft pretenfion in the fit ft inftance but any thing to anfwer the purpofe p g 4 forwarding commission business the subscriber beg leave to inform their friends and the public that hey have formed n connection in busi ness the object of which is the trans- portatiooof produce down the st law- rence and of mercaaudise of every de scription from montreal to any part of upper canada and the united states ad jacent to the lakes ontario and erie the business will be conducted by w iucbell at osdrusburgh and under the firm of w l jtuitlng sf co at prcscolt to prevent delaj all property desti ned for kingston o any part of the bay of quinte will be forwarded from prcs- cott by the steam bat charlotte which leaves here twice fery week the subscribers engage to freight on as favourable terms as any w ho are en gaged in the busies 5 and pledging their united exertiostogive satisfaction will be grateful for every favor l whiting iiubbell prescott 40 my 18 25 notice books of subscription for he will be opened at the directors room i the bank of upper canada on the 24th auguft next and kept open each day f the hour often till three oclock until further notice kingfton 27th july 189 3 to de sold ofkfkcordsoffirewoodjying gsm on the bank of mr dalys farm a little beyond collins bay convenieat for conveyance by water to kingfton not lefs than 50 cords will be fold to a pon chafer price 53 per cotd a wilson kingston th 08 1819 41 valuable lands for sale in the township of hamilton tt ots no 6 and 12 in the 3d con- jij ceflion containing 400 acres ditto ditto 1 1 and 15 in die th coo- ceflion containing 450 acres ditro ditto 10 in the 6th conceffieo containing 200 acres the above lands are ail lying in the townfhipof hamilton nevvcsillt dillrid and will be fold on the moft liberal terror for further information enquire of fliaa jones efq hamilton or the fubferiber in kingfton thomas s whitaker kingfton may 28 1819 22tf kingston branch of the mon treal bank for sale a t a very lrw price for cash the souh or front half of cat no in e first conces sion of loiigliboiougli porpsa ticulars apply tk tbts office doc 7 isiy 50 new goods t1iom a s askew has juft received his winter aftort ment of fafliionable dry goods opened for fale at mrs finkles houfe and at the loweft poflible rate for cafh a- mongft which are 3 3 and 4 point blankets 9 10 and 114 rose do superfine cloths cassimeres pelisse cloths hosiery haberdashery c kingston lth nov 18 19 48 anchors sf cables william budden will receive by the earlieft fpring veftels and keep conftantly on hand at quebec an aftortment of patent proved chain cables of all sizes anchors do well worthy the attention of thofe enga ged in the lake and river navigation quebec i ft april i8iq i4tf on monday night the 18th inft the store of the subscriber was broke open and to the amount of 75 dollar or upwards in cafh carried away alfo a few large cotton shawls one remarkable fo reign red scarf upwards of four yards in length one end of which richly ornamen ted with gold thread the other end plain whoever may give fuch information as will lead to the recovery of any of faid articles will be handfomely rewarded by applying to the fubferiber for samuel aykroyd donald murchisom kingston igtj ocl 18 1 9 45 to clothiers for sale a quantity of presspapers tho s whitaker co august 19 1819 34 notice rphe board for militja pek- sions will meet on the lafl monday in february and continue fo to do the fame day in each month until the bujinefs tf this dilris as regards the fame is fnifhed john ferguson kingfton feb ift 1819 6 any fum required rny be obtained at the office for good bills on moo treaty quebec bills of exchange on lon don or for specie notes alfo will be discounted at thirty fixty snd ninety days thomas mahkland age ak kingfton 3d nov 1818 23 a farm fo it sale adjoining hay bay in thetw fhip of fredericksburgh the eaft half of lot no 2 in the ft cond conceffion containing 100 acres and having about 40 acres under cultivation with a log houfe and barn upon it for the terms apply to daniel wafhburn elquire kingfton p van koughnet cornwall dec 7 18 is 30 for sale that valuable farm known by lot no 8 in the fii ft conceffion of frederickfburgh on the bay of quintie upon highly advantageous terms to the purcbafer there is a large two ftory houfe upon it that may be converted into a comfortable refidence at a trifling ert- penfe there are alfo various outhoufes attached to it with a well of excellent water an indifputable title will be given and the terms made known at mr d hagerroans office in bath or on applica tion to the proprietor joseph bergon frederickfburgh 8th od 1 8 1 9 4a for sale a quantity of red cedar pickets from 7 to 8 feet 10 lerglb applv tn mr jonv dnrsoit lailor william yerex kingston july 17 1819 30 to let a commodious house near doaor keatinga two stories high with seven rooms a kitchen and a cellar under the whole a good yard and stable also a very good spring near the house- for further particulars apply to james robins kingston y jh june 1 8 1 9 23 terms of tub kingston chronicle twenty shillings per annum if scut by mail twenty four bliilltns subscriptions to be paid in advance to the hi of july or ihc 1st of jano- price of advertisements ffly lines and under 2 g jirst in- u scrtiov and 7d each subsequent insertion 10 lines and vnaer 3s 4tl first insertion andqd each subsequent insertion above ten lines 4 per tine for the first insertion and per line for evert subsequent insertion advertise nu nts idthout written direc tions are inserted till iovb urdt harged accordingly orders jbr discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing and delivered hj wednesday noon at thehicst no advertisements received after ten oclocj on urn day of pttbiu mian agfnts henry cownn esq quebrc edward sills esq litre hitters james williams esfj montrral messrs j cc dunlop faneaftk paul glassford ksq matilda atphcttr join- esq prtotnott henry tones esq tfrocitfy n btommls esq perth ie vvhitmitli lq hkhnwun j k hartnell eq liatnii e webster ksq ganttnoque j rauken isij bath auan mepjtirin esq fiapattt thomas laiker llt btltemt joiepll a heeler l crnnmht jamcs g iseihune iq hmdttyn william allan em fork daniel ross jtq futuriti john crooks q iagarn t mccormick l quanston john wilson esq anthrtsthwrgh kingston v c rillnted for the editors