regulations f police require to bo kept in he garret of each house we hare received the following statements re lating fo the trade of tin country from an intel ligent and obliging frirncl who lias our hearty port of quebec for 1819 the value of import fn i ins v ear exceeds urn of 1818 upwards 0fi3sooqo the a- mounf of this years irnportatfolte at a fair mark- etahle and realized price exceed x 1400000 and may safely be put down at a million and a half the average shipping value of the exports not including fur and peltries may be estimated about 736000 currency taking into account the nw ships built here the principal item of which is lumber thi country is so situated as to proximity and commercial relations bat it is difficult to decide how lie anuual account may balance a to prof it and loss whether as immediately affecting the canadas or the mother country the grand aod consolatory consideration is that the nature of the trade has been such as to employ so great an amount of tonnage the 155000 register tons of shipping loaded here have taken away up- ivards of 200000 tons measurement of lumber hence this short view of the canada trade for one year so well known and so jusly apprecia ted in england may lead the british govern ment ana shipping interest to estimate fairly how far the lumber trade of british north amer ica contributes to maintain the maritime superi ority of the empire exports 1819 821 masts and bowsprits average shipping price f 10 x3240 3395 spars s 1115 75124 logs pine timber each 55 ft is 413i8v0 cubic mrasnt all expences on hoard 66 103295 19081 logs oak timber each 35 ft is 667835 cub m all expen ces on board i8d 50087 2450 kirch maple c 2450 s0o0 m standard oak staves 40 120000 13454g9 planks deals boards bat tens most part of deals 12 ii 3 reckon 13400 que bec stand hund 1 93s00 26433 oars 2s 6cf 3304 9491 handspikes 10j 395 stave packs 1842 pun old 10s 921 344hhds 1 5s 258 434 tierce 10s 217 314 qr cask 7s6dll7 400000 quebec standard dals at 10 per 100 120728 boards 13 per 100 us 20418 oars a 3s 14205 handspikes is 4000 362fi 8062 7i 12000 sundry lmbr 69 m hoops 276 82 lathuoods 246 71 shingles 2 142 3 trenails 20 278 boat hook handles 11 1073 scatitlins 100 50 bundle laths 3 1 boats 80 140 canoes 2 51 gun stocks 3 1513 new ships measuring 2gs9 tons j 2 oi 3s2tih 497479 31028 blls ashes 128536 c m 35s 224988 37895 bushels wheat 6s l m36s 2087 barley 313 1082 oats26d 135 10861 pease 5s 215 12 beans 3 940 indian corn 5s 235 10724 flax seed 261 12086 barrels flour 30s 1s12s 11256 cwt biscuit 25s 14070 clover seed and bran 12 bark trees plants 49664 29 tierces beef 4 u 166 barrels do 3 498 42 kitts rounds do 1 10 63 24 kegs do tongues and 1 cask i 10 37 1600 barrels pork 5 s0c0 180 kegs lard 2 360 1000 hams t 0 375 410 cables fc kes but ter 2 820 j634i quintals codfish i26gl0213 579 tierces salmon 80 23 1 6 134 barrels do 60s 402 14 barrels and boxes her- i0108l 192124 sundry other lumber lath wood stave ends scantling shingles deal ends and battens at dn hoops wanut fit maple log packs cask shocked j 204124 making an aggregate sum up wants of 200000 the chief part u hereof i laid ottf in expence of labour feeding wen horse and bullocks a considerable proportion of the el low pine and deals brought o quebec ar from lake chain- plain it follows that all cost rtud expenses aticin ding the same until the lirst rafting it disbursed in trc united states many of the large masts require twentyfear bullocks and horses to drag them out of the woods to the edge of the rivers where they can be rafted and ioued u no great quantity of large masts have been got out lower down than montreal except from the seigniory of ross cuhbert ivqr back from berthier and yamaka in the years 18 i l 13 and 1814 m cttthbem price for the lice standing in the forest na- one dollar each such masts as were drawn from fhericc might average one with another 18 inches at the partner- the place for measurement and would be on that girt at least sixty three feet in length and noum contain in cubical measurement near 3 load at he price of only 3 per lad jg9 each mast hence it follows that from live pbiuing the ori ginal cos of the timber the increased value of about and upwards in id tick was laid ou and expended in the various cbqi els of expense in bringing i t to and dressing and preparing it for market the charges of dressing and preparing stave- and masts for the market is greater than on eher decrf ption- of lumber it is well known that the i timber nan as he is called in general paj nothing for the grow ing timber few make money by getting it out and many who engage in the business ruin them selves if this view of the trade be nearly cor i ect laying aide the weighty cniisideraion oi employing british teamen and tonnage aki- british goods in barter for lumber ami other wise extendi the sale of rhem indepeudni of other transatlantic confide ration- it follows thai nearly all the c200000 is laid out in employing of labourers in the canada- and in roitminiiug the produce of the soil in feeding and clothing the various descriptions of men and cattle em ployed in the business excelling aluays the first cots on lumber from the united states itn til it floats on the canada stream- the eft penseori raftfl from lake champlain are very heavy ai chamhlv the large timber is broiiht down the rapids of st johns in small floats and rr rafel in ilio jec market llacimi rchciiiimi k idl v montrtrw feb 5 last snndnv morning about 4 otinck a fire broke out in a house in st charles borronime street st lawrence suburb and totally consumed it and two adjoin ing all belonging to messrs- chevalier phillips and in the rear oftheirhous es in the main street shortly alter it was dicovered engines were brought to the spot but the flames racing in the in terior and being therefore but partially exposed to the action of the water over came every effort and the utmost that could be effected was the preservation ol the adjacent buildings the property wes insured hv fchp montreal fire losu- raree company i00 jler 10264 t rings 15s 122 14 casks oil 30000 gls 2s 3000 60 tons oil cake 60s iso 17331 sir p maitiand his facellency ar rived in thi- ciry on lad wednefday morning accompanied by lacy maitland major bowles doctor lyon and eight fervants and at feven oclock yefterday morning fet out for quebec- courant oclock 59 casks cvder part bottled 60 40 khds ale 80s 200 35 casks essence spruce 175 33 kegs pickles 8 1 brl 7 hampers cheese 4j 110 minots potatoes is 3d 7 304 hordes 2 cows 10sheep4580 14 turkies 533 parrels apples 28s tss 300 do onions 10s 1 jo 400 bushels cranberries 5s so 16 keg nai 7 si kegs e manud tobnrco 25 3 cttdke annnfo py- roia umbrliaa 1010 ox horns 152c boxes candles f0s irr ditto soap 0s 100 metal stoves 5 5 10 456 306 500 7403 on tuefday laft abont i forenoon the houfe of ralfe chncb efq took fire and was burnt to the ground wc under land the fire was cammuntcatcd by the love pipe to the timber of the roof between that and the ceiling ad had no doubt been on fir- fomc time before it was obferved unfortunately no pedon was in or near the houfe at the time buc mrs clinch a d the ytiung ladies we underiland that great part of the houfehod fluffs and clothing beoiijjitjg co the faaily wtic con fumed it is the lecond time thi gentleman has had his houfe burnt within a few year niagara j lamer fsb 1 j 7ic07o furs an d peltries jmport c 7c60 gallons madeira 6l 21613 port 5s 54 1 3 9523 teneriffe 2381 65796 spanish 2s 6d 8224 520 libnri 5 130 2702 sicilian 3s 40r 3173 sherry 7s j 1 10 8597 french s fd 1074 81 avhikey 3s 31803 brandy 6s 15540 mm gill 134u8 1is3056 rum 4 286611 282k33 lb refined sugar 10d 1 1 784 1938150 muscovado 7k 60567 4301 coffee jd 1323 ii88m tobacco 6d 2971 74 sears lod 37 snuff 3 1 g344 packs tilayip cards 13d 1021 i6sq1 m mots salt 30182 9673 lb hon tea 6s 2s7i 267024 green 4s 53403 3900 phea 730 105334 gallons motosef 3l 16800 value of m rchandise paving i pr cent 960445 do do djtj free 17387 kgstqn fecnvaky 11 1s20 t t on our jasp4r will he found noinc irfnr- f matiou relative to the disease called the burnt tongue which is go wfflwfljiy prevalent not only in iheunitdstambut in every pirl of this country wear indeed informed that hie distemper has atta ked cows and sheep as well as horses tliouh it is more severe on the latter animal 1 we arc sorry to beutite the necessity of mving again to express our sunrise and re- sret at toe onaccountitbic apathy and indif ference which seems nlill to prevail among the farmers of the midland district towards the agricultural socbffo- we had hoped that the cattle hho9 inld at adolphustown in october lot nd the distriluttion of pre miums made at thai tpue wtmlfj have cher ished and kept alive tl spirit of emulation uhieh was then in some dene excited and that that spirit would have become general thrmijrhout the district tit in this we hjive been totally disnppo itd z at ute annual meeting advertised to hebcld at the court jl uttsti in kingston on wortllrrv last we did not observe a single tutner from the coun try not even a mrmh r of the committee without the precincts ot thitnwn andthoitffh bythe eilin regulations of the society the meeting should have been held for the pur pose of electing officer lor the eosuingyear and of making such iterations nd amend- merit- in the keculaltorts as qligitt have been found exediini tor more eireeturilly promoting the object of the institution the president found it neressarv to adjourn the meeting to a future day when the next meeting will take place we have not heard and indeed unless practical farmers can be induced fo comc fnnvrrd and sujiport the in stitution the exeitions f others will produce very utile etect in iiaproving th present wrelcheil state f aricultur when we reflect on the important adyantagos that must result from a organized agricultural society ditfu3ing its iruenee through every part of the country uf are really astonished at tii strange indifference and neglect with which the attempt at frming one in this dis trict has been treated the more inimedintc objects of an agricultural society nre the im provement in the breed of domestic animals md the introduction o2 such implements of husliuuiryas mijrht he found best adapted to tlie eriirivtion offhesil but it might with crat propriety fake ito consideration the tae ofthehih ways the utility of public fairs as a a- it for cattle at stated reasons of flic year and thus byhringhig these anil other ihjecn connected with agriculture under discussion mucll useful information might he elicited and te jienerd proserity of the country promoted the farmers of this district must pay some more attention to their breed of cilie and tn the cultivation of their lands if they exp- r n keep naee with other districts ie then- 1 peels the inhab- itants efernllv nv1 i e r jlw piiterprta in rnakin- vl im public high waysand rbmh ul in fj9 no u ularptated markets lablrdien lor the iiva- ductionsifihfarmcril 3 uomi co see the country proajv rtjieirindiviauairoai- forts increased and l property rendered more valunlde tnt proper spirit js man ifested by the people th country and un til sotmaexertlons sir bemadehy the inhab itants ibemhvfvu 10 fo hrcvpfictcu that they piiouu kilvr k fw patronage of gowrament or hfiw t w l eawjittg into hec evervobji ofjnibhe utilityparic- ularlv such as arc of a nature the je nplo in each district soiv study heir owiint-r- ct shuld exert urnselves to promote u and in so tar as then views rnd plry might contribute jo the en- rood oi hi pro vince they ought tosi- thtp brine hum forward in n regular wf iho govern ment will i- gnhrafiy mdtffled to listen to their repiveions d pvo suitable encr- avcrjienl to laudable mdustry and well di rected irtrrpris on tuesdavsdntur oclock p m- wao- serrd ounmte j it gol imacpheron s house a wsmtiful 3jor it arose in the fast and travelled ihu west about 500 yards when it tamially wtcd and disappeared irs absolute size from its appearance may be estimated about 2 lectin eirctimferencc its form lobular and il refulrenee vying with the sun in his ieridiial splendour follow ed bva trin auoiil ysn in length of a iie fe colour its distance from tlieboufe about c0h yards and its greatest height from the earth about 100 fcet a charity rermon will he preached in the wsevm meihodisi chapel on sunday evened nett8l six oclock by the rev m radclifie when a collection will be made in aid oft lit funds of the kingston compassion ate society brum on monday lh tib instint tlie lady rr christopher a haermar psi of a daugh- w 1420471 tstimate of tlie value of lumber exported from quebec in 1817 faking this as a yearof peace having no reference to he years u hen the ports in the baltic and the united states were shut apainst the british and when the export of lumber from quebec and the ports below wa greater 1253 marts and bowsprits average shipping price 12 10 15662 2125 spars and handmasts mostly red pine 4 8500 5504 lops oak averaging each 35 cubic feet 192040 a is fid 14448 25678 po pine most i ellow 50 cubic feet 1283900 a 7d 40122 1897446 pieces staves and heading which will require a deduc tion of about to reoucc the quantity ro the standard ihotu and of 1200 pieces est i male fbcftclsoom 35 m yu rite only article in the shape of news from europe which we huve this weuk to ofli r our readers is a statement of sonic proieeilinr in parliament on the 1st decembrlorwhirb we arc indebted to the politeness of our jncw yok correspondents mr cobbett since his rnrn home seems to have acquired great popularity and iinpof- ranc among the reformers foti mals and female in manchester and itsneighhourhood preparations were majcing by thsepeopleto receive him on tm sofhjfoveiabcr wjlhgreat parade but a notification from the magis trate induced thh wary veran in the arts of faction to disappoint njs worthy friends in manchester and direct his steps towards loudon after addressing a most impertlnenl htter to the civil authorities of the former city died on tuesday night at iovloc after a ion and severe uluess of seven months 3ir oht ver tmrtopn formerly of quebec in the 40th year of his age on thursday morning of the small pox mrotrta cross wife of mr john cross ajerl year at port hopafew days ago mr eltas fi 7tv ii york cth no 1s19 at a meeting of the directors of the loyal and patriotic society held this day it was resolved 1st thnfcof the remainin funds of the loyal and patriotic socie- ty be appropriated to the erec tion of a hospital at york in the home district and two several sums of l00d each tosucb other two or more districts of this province as shall wifhina year raise the largest sum in aid of such ap propriation for the erection of two other hospital vd that the directors of the hospi tal thus erected shall at all times he pre pared to answer the orders of the treas urer of the loyal and patriotic society to the amount of the interest annually of the sums thus given them york 26th jan 1896 a general meeting of all the direc tors of the loyal and patriotic society throughout the province is requested on the92dday of feb next for the pur pose of a final adjustment of the accounts and the consideration of other matters to be brought before the society by order john strachan tf2 treasurer notice the copartnerfhip heretofore exifting between wyllys f pease and noah lee under the firm of w f pease and lee is this day diflblved by mutual con sent all thole who arc indebted to the faid firm are requested to make immediate payment to w f pease and thofc to whom the faid firm may be indebted will ptesent their demands to w f pease for adjust ment signed w f pease noah lee brockvlllc x st jan 1 820 6v jl m suni 10 our inereatitue rbaucra nu mwv iherebyform a tolerably correct estimate of he rural state of out commercial affairs the article extracted from the quebec gazette relating to the imports and exports from that port during last year will he iuicr- eslinirto our mercantile reader who mav tl the gn the vast amount of the balance to be remit ted in hills or specie certainly does not pre sent avery flattering picture of tire external trade of these provinces though it does in deed show the profitable nature of the inter course as it respect great britain the principal article ot exportation from canada is lumber the trade in which from tle great employment it affords to british ships and sailors must be fcohsidered is of no trivia importance to the mother country in as much as itilourishcs that branch of her pow er which is most essential io the mainlenatice oi her present exklted rank anions ihdeppnd- ent nations lit his riew the 3lhi tiy raliy lmmhais repard il subject nnd we trustihey vriil not he induced to iaciifictalktdeso ben- efieisd 10 every respect by the specious ra- auivor hiielestd j epn cnttious of 900 i uidvtcsdcs of tj l t luiubef tijue cuswm house office ihrit feb dtkn 1820 0 satnhay the 19th of february inst will be sold to the highelt bid der at the auftion room cf mr johri strange kingston 10 ktgh of plug tobacco and one liest of green tea lately seized and condemned safe to commence at 1 2 ockd james ranken 6wi collector port o bath notice the cojartnerfhrp heretofore exifting between joseph and levi cross shoemakers having been dissolved on the 29th january 1820 by the death of levi trofs all pcfons indebted to the above firm are hereby called upon to make pay ment without delay and those having claims on the above firm are requested to preicnt them for adjuftment joseph crops kingston iyo 8 1820 6w4 the fuhcribef respeftfully informs the iubgbttanta of kingston that he has undertakc clilm ef sweeping and that he attend at their houfes for thai purpofc on the fliortest notice cforge lewis kingston k8 l80 63 evtr art from mr phillips s speech con tinued from the chronicle of january 28 i hope too in what i fay 1 hall not be confidcred as for faking that illuftrious example i hope 1 am above an infult on any man in hi fituaticn- peihaps had 1 the power 1 would follow the example even liumble him into an evidence of the very fpirit he fpurncd and a our creed was reviled in his peifon and vindicated in his conviction fo i would give it its noblclt triumph in his fentence and merely con- fign him to the punifhment of its mercy but indeed my lord the fate of this half infidel halftrading martyr matters very little incompaiifon ofthat oftbe thoufands he has corrupted he has literally dis- feminaled a moral plague againft which even the nations quarantine can fcarce avail us it has poifoned the frcrti blood of infancy it has difheartened the iat hope of age if bis own account of its circulation be correct hundreds of thou- fands mull be this inllant tainted with the mfeftiblta venom whole ft in dies not with the deltruilion of the body imagine not becaufe the pcftilence fmites not ac once that its fatality is ids certain ima guic not becaufe the lower orders are the earlicft victims that the more elevated will not fufhrr in their turn the mod mortal chilnefs begins at the extremities and yon may depend upon it nothing but time atd apathy are wanting to change this health ful land into a charnelhoufc where mur der anarchy and proftitution and the whole hell bood of infidelity will quaff the hearts blond of the confecratcd and the noble my lord i am the more in dignant at thefe defigns becaufe they are fought to be concealed in the difguife of liberty it is the duty of every tea friend to liberty to tear her mafic from the fund who has ufurped it no no this is not our ifland goddefs beaming the mountain f on her cheek 2nd fcattering the valleys r- v frnrrj her hand known by the 1 iti that herald her fair pre fence tlie peaceful virtues that attend her path and the long blaze of glory that lingers in her train it is a de mon fpeakmg fair indeed tempting our faith with airy hopes and vifionary realms but even within the foldings of its mantle hiding the bloody fymbol of its purpofe hear not its fophiflry guard your child agatnfl it draw round your homes the ennfecrated circle which it dare not enter you will find an amulet in the religion of of your country it is the great mound railed by the almighty for the protcftion of humanity it lands between you and the lava of human paffions and oh believe me if you wait tamely by while it is bafely undermined the fiery deluge will roll on before which all that you hold dear or venerable or facred will wither into a ties believe no one who tells you that the friends of freedom are now or ever were the enemies of religion they know too well that rebellion againft god cannot prove the bafis of government fr man and that the ioft ilruftnre impiety can raife is but the babel monument uf its impotence and its pride mocking the builders with a moments irength and then covering them with inevitable confufion do you want an example fonly look to france the microfcopic vifion of your rabble blafphemeis has not fight enough to contemplate the mighty minds which commenced her revolution the wit the fage- the orator the hero the whole family of genius furnifhed forth their treafures and gave them nobly co the nations exigence they had great provo cation thty had a glorious ccufe they had all that human potency couid give them but they relied too much upon this human potency they abjured their god and as a natural confequence they murdered their kinj they culled their polluted deities from the brothdi and the fail of the idol cxtinguifhed the flame of the altar they crowded the fcaffotd with all their country held of genius or of virtue and when the peerage and th prelacy were exaufttd the mob executioner of to day became the mobviflim of tomorrow no fcx was fpatcd nosge fcfpedled no foffering pitied and all this they did in the facred name of liberty though in the deluge of human blond they left not a mountain top for the ark of liberty to reft on but providence wa neither dead nor flecping it mattered not that for a moment theii impiety feemed to profper that viftory panted alter their enfanguined banners that as their infatiate eale oared againft ihe fun he feemed but to rcpiiime his wing and to renew his vifion it was only for a moment and you fee at lart that in thr very banquet of their triumph the almightys vengence blazed upon the ivall and their diadem fell from the brow of the idolater my lord i will not abjnre the altar the throne anrl the conftitution for the bloody tinfel of this revolutionary pantbmine 1 prefer my god to the impious democracy oftheir pantheon i will not defctt rry king for the political equality of 1 heir pandemo nium i mull fee fome better authority than the fleet- ftreet temple before fore go the principles which i imbibed in my youth and to which 1 looked forward as the confolation of my age thofc all-pro- tefting principles which at once guard and confecrate and fweeten the focial intercourfe which give life har pinefs and death hope which conilitute mans piulty bis beft proteftion placing the infants cradle and the females cnch beneath the facred fhelter of the national mortality neither mr paine nor mr palmer nor all the venom breathing brood hall fwindle from me the book where i have learned thefe precepts in defpite of all their feoff and fcorn and menacing i fay of the facred volume they would obliterate it is a book of fatfls as well authenticated as any heathen hiftory a book of miracles incontcltably avouched a bok of prophecy confirmed by pall as well as preftnt fulfilment a book of poetry pure and natural and elevated even to infpiation a bonk of morals fwehas human wfdom neverf rimed f m perlection ot human uappmefe m y lord i will abide by the precepts admire the beauty revere the myfteries and a far as in me lies praife the mandates of this facred volume and fhould the ridicule of earth and thehlafphemy of bell afiail me i fhall confole mylclf by the contem plation of thofc blefled fpirits who in the lame holy caufc have toiled and hone and fuflcred in the goodly fellowship of the saints in the pobse army of the martyrs in the fociety of the great and good and wife of every nation if my finfulnefsbe not cleanfed and my dark- nefs illumined at leaft my pretenfionlefs fubmiflion may be exculed if i err with the luminaries i havechofen for my guides i confefs myfclf captivated by the love- hnefsof their aberrations if they err it is in an heavenly region if thfcy wander it is in fields of light if they afpire it is at all events a glorious daring j ni rather than fink with infidelity info usr i am content to cheat myfclf vita tbei vifion of eternity it may indeed be nothing but delufion but then i err with the difciples of philofophy and of virtue with men who have drank deep at the fountain of human knowledge but who diflolved not the pearl o their falvation in the draught i err with bacon the great confident of nature fraught with all the learning of the past and almost prefcient of the fficure yet too wife not to know his weak iefc and too philofo hie not ro feel his ignorance 1 err with milton nfing on an angels wing to heaven and like the bird of morn foaung out of oight amid the mnfic of his grateful piety jc err with locke whole pure philofophy only taught him to adore it- fource whofe warm love of genuine liberty was never chilled into tebellion with its author i err with newton whofe starlike fpirit hooting athwart the darknefsof the fphere too foon to re- afcend to the home of his nativity 1 err with fiawklin the patriot of the world the playmate of the lightning the phiio- fophcr of liberty- whofe deric touch thrilled throi- hemifphcre with men like the rd 1 fhall remain in error nor i defert thofe errors even forthedruiien death bed of a paine or the delirious warwhoop of the furviving fiends who would creft hi altar on the ruins of fociety in my opinio it is dif ficult to fay whether their tenet9 are more ludicrous or more detestable they will not obey the king or the 1rince or the parliament or the constitution but they wdl obey anarchy they will not believe in the prophets in mofe n ma homet in christ but they believe tom paine with no government but confufion and no ceed but fcepticifm 1 believe in my foul they would abjure the one if it became legitimate and rebel agaimt the other if it was once established holding my lord opinions fuch as thefe 1 fhould confidef rhyfelf culpable if at fuch a ciifis i did not declare them a lover of my country i yet draw a line between patriotifm and rebellion a warm fritnd to liberty of conference i will not emfound tolerating with infidelity with all its ambiguity i hall die in the doftrines of ihe christian faith and with all its errors i am contented to live under the gloiious fafeguards of the britifh con stitution the london statefman think it probable that the bones of torn paine will be ultimately worked up into radical but- tonp- m