ifcvrtvg the glow- worm to the moon by the author of legends of lampido sa 6fc merrily shine sweet moon wih me to cheer ibe travellers lonely nay merrily hine for i like ihee but for a passing season stay shall we not lend while thus we rove my diamond dart and thy silver bow thou io the sapphire vault above i in the emerald fields below they who linger and waken yet to gaze on inc or thy wandring beam are frail themsehes as the light that hit from me and thee on the glasy stream thou art like them of earthly frame tingd with a light from purer spheres that on thy desolate darkness came and coldly shines through u clime of tears and they are like me unfivd and brief guests of the cold and shadowy hour that dwell in the nmts of doubt and grief or siray from perishing fiowr to tlovtr and we the glowworn and wandving moon have shadows such as the joys they chase such vapours mock me id midnights noon such iilxns steal ever thy pale bright face q let hem learn like us to deck the harkrs hour of their little reign let then glide like ihee through the wild clouds wreck or frolic with me oer tower and plain 51 all they not learn from us to scorn the vapoms ihat hannt this summernight lcl thrm wait like us for its golden morn and blend with the world ol living light merrily stay sweet moon and shine while wanderer- keep theirjubilee th light of the world is mine and thine and man it master i lafio me agricultural from the american farmer near frankfort ffy 8th november mr skinnr we are till without rain fuch a drough was never known here i nev ertheless believe the crop in this county vsu be but little fhort of a medium crop mine la fully one- have you in your county the dreadful malady which affefts the horfes in this ftate and in the ftate of ohio as far as i can learn and which in many places has been extended to the cattle and hogs 1 mean the fore tongue it commences with wh le blifters on the tongue it becomes raw in a few hours and extends to the mouth and lips a great deal of faliva is difcharged the hrfe if not relieved be comes incapable of eating the tongue rots off and death enlues it u attended wih fever and codivenefs it is general ly believed to be contagious although it is admitted that fome horfes have no taken the cmpiaint that have been fed with thofe that had it and many have taken it that hde never been eh expofed it is confidered completely within the power of ordinary remedies if applied in time and the horfe not ufed hard purgatives are u- fed by fome bleeding by others but generally force aftringents to clranfe the mooib c a lis si faltpet re copcras vinegar decoctions of bark of the root of the iron weed c c are ufed by many the three former mod generally the powei of thofe tttee and aitiifcetida feparate or combined have been tried on the hit of the bridle as a preventive and ufed with fuccefn as foon as i heard it was in this neighbourhood i tok meas ures to keep my horfes from thole that had it and to have them regular y fed and fahed i have fo far efcaped but this may be for a time 0ly this difeafe was in this ftate and ten- neflee in i8or and 2 i was travelling and my hories had it but it was not as general nor as virulent in its fymptoms as thi year i then heard of no fatal cafes is this difafe prevalent in other parts of the union t more of the sore tongue symptoms ejf u and cure we have already publifhed on this fub- jean extraft of a letter from a gentle man in kentucky defcribing this difties- fing malady as it prevails in that ftate with an account of the mode of treatment which has ufually been found effectual a receipt to cure it taken from the federal gazette has alfo been ioferted in the farmer we now fubjoin fome further notice of the complaint deeming it ufeful to record fuch matters in a repofnory fuch as this paper affords to which reference may be had whenever occafion may hereafter require it editor of 4m farmfr mr skinner agreeably to yoter re queft 1 fend yon fomeobfervations which i have made while examining fcveral horfe affeftcd with that foul and often feal complaint called the sore tongue the complaint 1 believe made its firft appearance here the fall pwl and has brcome very prevalent it doubtlcfs is contagious the fift fymptom6 which charaflcrife thi difeafe are a fetid breath flobbcring and a difpofition to drop it6 fnd imme diately after the firft attempts at mas tication in the courfe of from one to three days fiomthc commencement of iliefe fymptoms the tongue high up in the month will be foi- don examination tntirelv raw the breach of the animal becomes at this ft age of the difeafe extremely fct at this time the creature generally refufes to eat or drink but when it retains a difpofition for either the muicles neces- fary for deglutition arc paralitic or fo fore that the animal refufes to will them into aftion the canker continues to fpreacl until it pervades the whole furface of the tongue the cheeks and lips become fwol- len and notwithstanding the moll rigorous perfeverance in the ufe of thofe means which have heretofore been luggefted or prefcribed often terminates in gangrene and mortification of the tongue thus many poor emaciated animals fall victims to this loathlome difeafe a remedy which could be uniformly relied on a a cure for this fatal malady would be truly acceptable to the public from dear sir your friend and very humble fervant david e brown union loudoun county p december 7 1819 extract on the 7th of the prefent month there were feven cows taken ill on the 9th i was requefted to vifit them and i found the difeafe to be the prevailing epidemic i direed the mouth wafli to be ufed twice a day and ordered that they fhould be kept in the cow table that night and in the morning the ovetfeer to notice how they were as to the ftate of their bowels the information was tat they had all patojres but at the fame time coftive i directed that each fhould have one pint of raw flax- feed oil every day until her paites returned to 2 healthy ftate twice admin sstered is generally enough 1 hiive the pleasure r hear that they are all able to take their food aid are fait recovering on the lame farm with the cows there are eafe on another farm there are feven horfes five have the complaint but not one of the cows although there are a number on the place in a livery ftable that ha- 29 horfes three have had the diforder thefe three ftood in different parts of the ftable but not one that ftood on either lide of thefe horfes has taken it in another cafe the owner told his boy to take from bis horfe which had the com plaint the food that was in the manger and throw it away the horle had at tempted to eat and had flabbered in it under the influence of economy t lie boy gave it to the cow fjje did eat it when this came to be known by the owner he was a little wroth ex efting his cow mtift have taken the infection about three weeks has elapfed but the cow continues well although nothing was done to pre vent the infrftion taking effeft i think the above fa6u fufiiciont to prove the dis order neither contagious or infectouf- we have no proof that the want of rain has produced it becaufe in baltimore and its vicinity every animal has or might have had its ufual fupply of water fhould it be admitted that the feed being defective produced thecaufe i am unable to ac count for fo few having the complaint in the ftable above ftated and the whole 29 horfes being fed with the fame hay and grain and breathing the fame atrnofphtre- ric air tha 26 of the above number fhould efcapc the ifetion while the other three have finally recovered remaining in the iarfie table had the difeafe bee- confined to the hate of kentucky it would be evident that the hot and dry feafon we have had was the caufe as in fome parts of that late the inhabitants have had to drive their cattle forty miles to water from the above fafts i believe you will agree wi h me that the caufe of the above difeaie is enveloped in myllery 1 am fir yours and the publics humble fervant john haslvmv s baltimore zoth dec 1819 the following is an extra a from mr hiflarns communication which w s publifhed in the daily newspapers and contains his receipt for the cure of the burnt tongue the fnft fymptom that fome horfes fliow is pain in the aft of fwallowing this is when he difeafe commence in the throat in others it begins nearer the end of the tongue and in thefe the firft fymptom i a willingnefs to cat but unable on account of the pains with confiderahle flabbering of adhefive faliva on looking into the mouth the tongue will be bliltercd or the blilter may have come off and the tongue appear extremely fore in fome cafes the lips and cheeks fwell but if no other fymp tom fhould appear the difeafe is not a- larming but will give way to the mouth wafh in fome fnbjedts of its attack the fyftem becomes more generally a hefted the horfe is feeble his pulfe low and inftead of forty not more than thirtyfour pulfations in a minute an obllruftion in the bow els ie the horfe may not have more than one or two paffajes or perhaps noe through the night when thefe fymptoms appear give him according to his fize a pint or three half pints of raw flax feed oil or one bottle of caller oil if in twen tyfour or thirty hours after it is given it fhould not begin to operate it mult be re peated let him drink as ufual the heft feed is chopt rye fhorts or bran made into a flop if he will not take this fcald oats that they may be loft to his mouth fome will rat h iy rather than any other food the walh i ufe is alum and fait petrc each one ounce vinegar a pint honey half a pint the mouth to be cleanfed two or three times a day with a fwab dipt in the mixture introducing it av far up the mouth as convenient in foinecavs 1 have taken bhod bur could not perceive that it produced any cffeft kingston tannery tl undehill co refpea- fully beg leave to inform the shoemakers sacjers and leather fellers in general that they have now feleed from their extenfive affortment of different defcriptions of leather and are preparing it ready for sale upwards of one thou- fand fides of upper leather from one to twenty thoufand ibe of light and ftrong fole leather and one hundred and fifty fides of harnefs do together with twenty dozen of calf skins and a number of horfe hides dog and sheep skins too numerous to infert and which can be delivered on the fhorteft noice and loweft terms for lafh t u flatters himfelf that thofe who are inclined to favour them with their orders will fid the above articles by far fuperior to any yet offered for sale having already been proved and acknowledged by the bell judges in this province kinglton n vember 5 18 19 45 per es co respectfully beg leave to in form the inhabitants of kingfton and its vicinity that they have taken the store formerly occupied by d mc don- ell at the corner of store king stieet and intend carryiigon the rool shoe trade in all its branches and hope by affiduity and a stridt attention to merit a fhare of the publics favor ilaving made arrangements with one of the firt manufactories in england will always enable thrm t keep a regular fup ply of ladies fancy boots and shoes and materials of every defer iption in the above line will always have for sale all kinds of leather raattufadtored by undcrhill co kingston tanerv ngston jan t l 820 jtf isle of tanti rrhe following valuable lands on the jl ifle of tanti for fale from lot no- 35 inclufive round the fouth iliore to lor letter c except letter b 823 84 and 85 and all from mr- stuarts to the town plot the fecond conceflion where not granted the pre ference to be given to thofe who poffefs and have paid for their lots if fettled for as above mentioned mr stuarts nos 23 24 25 26 and rear half of no 27 lotsno 35 36 37 down to 85 inclufiv letter areferved lots fold no 1 2 3 to no 22 in front the above lots will be fold on moderate terms the foil h remarkebly fertile and fitted for a i the purpofesof agriculture the iituation of the ifland will fhow it is particularly addptrd to pallurage tt abounds with fifh wood of alrroft every kind a confidcrable proportion of which is oak for further information application to be made to the underfigned t bath and for undifpnted titles to the hon sir john johnfon in lower canada li farley december 28 18 19 jtf fllhe fubferibrr feels it his duty from j the villainous treatment he has receiv ed to guard the public againft any impo- fition on the part f mr sol mon johns by his offering to cll any part of half an acre lot with buildns thereof vir age of rrneil town bounded on the eaft by the farmers siore and on the weft by the property of the heir of the late john davy as any title to the faid property held ry him wag fraudulently obtained by a furrender of a bond that was in my own name for the purchtfe made of it in 1806 when johns wa at low wages and as can be made appear evidently by various proof taken at the time of the examination of his tranfaions in 1812- had no fliadow of a claim peter gr vt the perfon who is ftated to hold a bond for a deed for half the above property from johns was acquainted with my juft pretenfion in the firft inftancc but any thing to anfwer the purpofe p g 4 forwarding commission business fliie subscribers bet leave to inform x heir friend- and the public thai they have formed a connection in busi ness the object of which is the trans portation of produce down the st lau rence- and of merchandise of every de scription from montreal to any part of upper canada and the united states ad- jacent to the lakes ontario and erie the business vtill be conducted by u hobbell al oideusburfih nnd under the firm of iv l whiting sf co ar precott to prevent delay all property desti ned for kingston or any part of the ba of quint 6 will b forwarded from pres- cott by the steam boat charlotte which leaves there twice every week the subscribers engage to freight ei as favourable terms as any who are en gaged in the business and pledging their united exertjous to give satisfaction will be grateful for every favor w l whiting w 11 ubliell presrott20th a18 19 o fohtsale at a very low price for casl the south or front balfol lot no is in the first conces siou of loogbboiougb for par- tic mars applv t this ollice dec 7 isltf 50 john howley gtmmmewmm 2legs leave to inform the inhabitants jlj of kingston and the public in gene ral that he has commenced businefs on the farm lately owned and occupied by mrs fornyea and that he intends having for fale as early in the fpriug as poffible all kinds of vegetables at his garden and in the market any gentlemen whing to have their gardens laid out in the neateft manner and revveft fafliion by the week day or year can be accommodated on reafonable terms he has an aflbrtment of garden feeds of the best kinds for fale kingston 7an 26 1820 j trotice is hereby given to the pub- li lie that the subscriber forbids nuy person or persons to purchase the follow- ms notes of hand dated the 11th day of february 1819 at sydney thatisto say one note of 25 one of 47 10s two of 3 5s each making in all five hun dred and forty dollars and which the subscriber is determined not to pay nor any part thereof until cornelius thrash er secures him in a good title to the land he bargained with him for the said notes were made payable to ihe said cornelius thrasher or order and the subscriber is lik- to be defrauded robert nichlson sydney 20th oct 1819 3w3 new store the fubferiber rcfpeftfully beg leave to inform his friends and the public that he has now open and for fale at his lore which he has fitted up in the houfe belonging to mr mcdonald on the uorih corner jt rjlietjlclwlarket tiace a general eitortmentof dry goods and groceries from the advantageous terms on which the fubferiber haspurchafed hisftock of goods he is enabled to iell them at very low prices for cafh william dalton n r barley and all other kinds of country produce pur chased 3- 100 barrels of salt for saie kingfton dec 14 1819 tlw8 to be sold and immediate pos- seflion given the following lots of land in the 6th conceflion of the town- fhipof elmaley viz 19 20 22 24 29 30 molt eligibly situated on the north eide of the rideau lake which forms their southern boundary the great road to the perth settlement leading through one of the lot9 they abound in excellent timber which from its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to montreal at a trifling expence the qua- litvofthe foil and other advantages are fuch as to render this a desirable purchafe to farmers or perfons engaged in the lum ber trade for terms of payment and other particulars apply to william mar shall esq perth settlement john kirby efq kingston or the fubferiber in wood- houfe london diftiict robert n1chol november 18 1819 47tf new goods thomas aske w as juft received his winter affort- ment of fahionable william strvnftt to espectfully informs th lfa jeut lie that he has received dinaf england m addition to hit former flock an aflbrtment of the following articles which he offers wholefale ur retail for cafh or approved credit gold and silver watches eight day brafs clocks a genual affrtment of goid jewelry metal do pen pocket knives dinner and tefert do razors flegan purfessteel dosrel dog collars unaft ing jacks snuff boxes boxes of ufeful tools combs uair arid tooth brufhes tea pots and trays bread baets sil ver spoons pencil cafe thimbles sec and a variety of other articles kingfton jan 20 1820 mm notice books of subscription for the will be opened at the dtrcorb room a the bank of upper canada on the 24th auguft next and kept open each day from the hour often till three oclock until further notice kingfton 27th july 18 19 3r valuable lands for sale in the township of hamilton lots no 6 and t2 in the 3d coo- ceflion containing 400 acres ditto ditto 11 and 15 in the 4th con ceflion containing 450 acres ditto ditto 10 in the 6th conceffion containing 200 acres the above lands are all lying in the townlhipof hamilton newcattlc dillrid and will be fold on the moft liberal terms for further information enquire of elias jones efq hamilton or the fubferiber in kjnswlpjv thomas s whitaker kingfton may 28 ioif 22ii kingston branch of the mon treal bank any fum required my be obtained at the office for good bills on mon treal quebec bi1 of exchange on lon don or for specie notes alfo will be discounted at thirty forty and ninety days thomas markland agent kingfton 3d nov 1818 23 h dry goods opened for fale at mrs finkles houfe and at the loweft poffible rate for cafh a- mongft which are 3 34 and 4 point blankets 9 10 and il4 rose do superfine cloths cassimeres pelisse cloths hosiery haberdashery c kingston zth nov 1819 48 anchors sf cables william budden y1ct1ll receive by the earlieft fpring v veflels and keep conftantly on hand at quebec an aflbrtment of patent proved chain cables of all sizes anchors do well worthy the attention of thofe enga ged in the lake and river navigation quebec ift april i8iq i4tf on monday night the 1 8th inft the store of the subscriber was broke open and to the amount of 75 dollars or upwards in cafh carried away alfo a few large cotton shawls one remarkable fo reign red scarf upwards of four yards in length one end of which richly ornamen ted with gold thread the other end plain whoever may give fuch information ap will lead to the recovery of any of faid articles will be handfomely rewarded by applying to the fubferiber for samuel aykroyd donald murchison kingston gth 08- 1819 43 to let a commodious house near door keating6 two stories high with seven rooms a kitchen and a cellar under the whole a good yard and stable also a very good spring near the house fur further particulars apply to james robins kingston 4m june 189 23 notice the late partnership o robert gra ham co having dissolved itself this day by the death of roderick mac- kay esq the bussiness in future will be carried on by the subscriber to whom all persons who are indebted to the above firm will please pay theiraccoants with out delay and those who may have claims against that concern will please present them for adjustment sil robert graham point frederick 21st sept 1818 for sale at this office a few copies of a sermon preached at quebec on the 12tlr of september after the death of his grace the dttee of richmond by the reverend g j mountain a b bishops official in lower canada and rector of quebec 41 to clothiers presspapers tho s whitaker co augu 19 18 1 9 34 notice rphe board for mlxitij pek sions iv ill meet on the lafl monday in february and continue fo to do the font day in each month until the bufinefs i this diftrifi as regards the fame is fnifhed john ferguson kingjlon feb ft 1819 terms of the kingston chronicle twenty shillings per annum if sent bj mai iweny four shillings subscriptions 10 be paid in advance to ttie itt of july or the 1st of janu ary price of jdtertisements cf ix lines afid under is bd first in- aiji scrtio and 7d each subsequent insertion 10 lines and under 3s ad first insertion and lod each subsequent insertion above ten lines ad per line for the first insertion and if per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements zcithout written direc tions are inserted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing and delrccred bf wednesday noon at thc latest no advertisements received after ten oclock on the day of publication agents henry cowan esq qucber edward sill esq thru hit james williams ftq montreal messrs j j dunlop lancaster paul glassfoni q matilda alpheub jonos ksq present henry jones ksq urovkviltc n r tom mas esq perth ii whionarsh lsq riehuwnn j k hariwell esq tiastartf e webster esq lanunoque j rankrn esq bath allan mcphersun esq napuuec thomas parker kq btlkilu joseph a keelcr eq cramafte james g reibune esq hamilton william allan esq york pallid koss esq victoria john crooks esq niagara t mccorniick eq jueenston john winon esq amhersttiurgfl t kingston v c pltlmeo iolf the i wto pa