Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), February 25, 1820, p. 1

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kingston chronicle vol ii friday jftxsnoos february 25 1820 so 8 new goods the fubfcnber refpea fully informs the pubic that he has received a well fciefled affortrnent of dry goods adapted to the leafon likewifea qaanti- groceries which he will fclj cheap for cafh walter mccuniffe kwgtton ill december 1819 49 w tkce the fubferiber has row and will con tinue to have at lis brewery a fup- ply of rich flavored ale the prefent price is one hulling per gal- ion for immediate payment- the admi rers of extra trong bodied ale are refpeft- fully informed that as foon as poffible he will provide a flock that will satisfy the moft faftidious critic he thinks it will not be amifs to remind the farmer who are the mafs of the peo ple that if they wifh their grain to com mand cafh they maft abfolutelymake malt liquor their common beverage and thus fupport the canadian brewers infteajj of the wed indian dittillers it is of feri- ous confequence both to themfelves and to the whole country that they fhould im mediately adopt fo praiftworthy a refla tion orders fent to the brewery or left with mr john russell at smith bartlet efqs will meet with due attention thomas dalton kingston brewery oct 26 1819 n b grains at all times for fale 7jd per bufhel 44 alexander asiier merchant taylor mhk eeetves fvtn montreal a rnoft choice and excellent affortment of the bell well of england fuperfine cloths and cassi meres with trimmings and every thing com plete a asher informs his friends and the public that he is now working up thefe cloths c at his old land where orders will be thankfully received and executed n the fhorteft notice and on the loweft terms for cafh or fhoyt approved credit kingfton sept 10 1819 37tf 11ree farms for sallt or if not fold to be rented for ths en fuing year viz one at the prefque isle harbor one at waterloo and the picket farm fo called a contract alfo wiil be givn for cutting 1000 cords of wood b whitney kings ton 1 6th june 1s19 2 5 1 f 1 executive council office york huh january 1820- it having been fuggeftcd to his excel lency the lieutenant governor that a general pcrmiffidn to locate on the wafte lands of the crown would be more acceptable to the militia than fetting a- part for that purpofe a particular tract in each diftrift a heretofore intended notice is hereby given that the mili tia who ferved during the late war with the united states of america in the firll flank companies in the provincial ar tillery in the incorporated regiment in the corps of artillery rivers in the pro vincial dragoons in ihe marine and gen eral staff of the militia will upon due certificate of their rcipeilive service from the adjutant general receive tickets of location from the survcvor general for the portion of land ordered by his roy al highnefi the prince regent and on due proof of having performed he settle ment duty will receive paent grants n b by exprefs command of his royal ikgbocfs the prince recent the patents will be gratuitous but the settle ment doty in no cafe difpecfed with by order of his excellency the lieutenant governor in council john small clk ex council f b spilsbury unciox r n late surgeon of ii- m- s prince 72e- gnt on lake ontario c intends practising in the various branches of his profession at his res- iideuce next door to john mclean vlsq sheriff t kingston oct 6fu 1810 41 g notice all perloni indebted to the late co- part net hip of richard robison and david seccrj arc requeued to make im mediate payment to the furviving partner david sccord and thofe to whom thefaid copbitnerfliip may be indebted are le- quefted to fnd in their accounts fur ad- juilment and payment kingfton 27th may 1819 26tf persons having b oks belonging to the kingston library are requeft- ti to fend them to the fubferiber at his houfe adjiiing the town of kingfton and with as little delav as poffible john ferguson i2th april 189 16 tim he iubfcribtrs being duly nomina- a ted executors to the lafl will and teftamect pf tiw law laurence hsrchmer efquire merchant rcquefi all perfons in oebted to hia tllnte to make immediate payment roc lhutc having demands again ft the faid eftnte to bring them forward with out dehy tohn k1rby geo h markland kingfton 9th nov 1819 46 bargain a good fo r sale the houfe and premifes in the town of kingfton at prefent oc ewpied by the fubferiber for particulars apply to samuel ansley jun kingston may 5th 1819 9 for sale or to let f two lory framed houfe and a jl large and commodious lone store iituate on the waters edge in the centre of the village of prefect on exceedingly ad vantageous tlrma to the purchaft r cr lessee enouire at the office of chr a hagerman jkflgftobj ziiix fcbiuary 18 19 9 adjt generals office january 21 st 1820- milifia general orders the attention of officers com manding regiments of militia is called to the ordr in council of the 19th intlant herewith inclofedj declar ing the gracious intention of his royal ilighnefs the prince regent of making grants of land to the officers non com- mifliomd officers and privates of the dif ferent corps therein recited all officers noucommiflioned officers and privates of the militia c compre hended in the defcriptions contained in the order in council above referred f x be required to fubmit their claims for his royal highn efts bounty to the adjutant general of militia who on being fatisfied of their corredlnefs will give to each psr- ty concerned a certificate thereof which will be an authority to the surveyor gen eral to locate him the applications of officers on the general staffof the militia fhould be ac companied by a copy of the general or der notifying their appointment as fhould alfo thofe of the field officers of the in corporated battalion the applications of captain9 and re gimental staff officers fhould be fupport- ed by certificates agreeably to the form a thofe of officers of companies non- commiftioned officers dnimmers and privates by certificates according to the form 15 in order to prevent confnfion or difap- pointment to the claimants the applica tions from officer on the general staff and incorporated battalion fhould be pre- fented a the office of the rntant gene ra between the 2 jth of fchi urry and the 24th of may include thofe tron the flank companies between 25 h msy anu the 24th september and from the marine and remaining cotps between the 25th september and the 24th december 1820 all applications which are not received in time to be taken into co fiderattoti with thofe of the claffes they refpeclivcly i belong to will h tkfc up after hc hh named day certificate a i do hereby certify that com manded the flank company of the regiment of militia employed on aftual fervice between the and the or adled as adjutant quarter mailer pay aialler surgeon c as the cafe may be whnefs my hand this day of 18 colonel or senior furviving officer ortifuaie i do hereby certify that aflually ferved as in the compay of regiment of as the cafe may be then commanded by between the and the 18 witncfs my hand this day of 18 captain or senior furviving officer of the company 1 certify the above to be correal accor ding to the heft of my knowledge and be lief witnefs my hand this day of 18 colonel or senior furviving officer of the regiment of all applications mull oe made on or be fore the 24th february 82 l by command of his occellcncy the lieutenant governor n coffin colonel adjt genera militia upper canada for sale a quantity of red cedar pickets fiom 7 to 8 feet in leuih apply o mr jogs dvwsov tailor wilmaivl xeiiex kingston jtty 17 181 30 notice tie land board for the mj hand district for the enfuing fix ninths will meet on wednes day in each cek at the court houfe in tlae town 0 kingfton at the hour of 1 2 oclock at n for c ptirpofe of receiv ing applicati for lands from the under mentioned dilcrfption of perlbns viz emigrant arid others coming to the province anc bringing due certificates of being briripnborn fubjcas all able f ttlerc that have refided in the dillrift prevous to the late war and pro juce certificites of having done their duty ir its defence the term of the grants are the perform ance of the fettling duties within eighteen months from the date of the location and the paymen of the following fees eftnbifhed b an order in council of 14th december litq on grant of 50 acres to indigent emi- grants no fee- on grant of coo acres t2 sterling on grant of 200 do on grant of 300 do on cranu of 40c do on grants of 500 do on grants of 600 do on grants of 700 do on grants of 8cc do on giants f 900 do on grants cf tooodo on grants of 1 100 do on grantsof 1 200 do payable in three equal inllalmtntas vi the fir ik on the receipt of the location ticket the fecond on certificate filled of fettlement the third on the receipt of the fiat for the patent no petition can be entertained unlefs accompanied by a written character or a fatisfaclory rcafon hewn for fuch not being produced by order of the board james nick a us jmr curk kingfton feb i tfso 8 nullcis rtpke public are formed that the firft nuaber cf the eomigrfical herald will be publifhed or or before the 1 ft of april next perfon defiromoj fubferib- ing to the above wfk are requelled to tanfmit their nam and addref- to the publisher at kiogftooas foon z practica ble thofe who fcm fubfeription lifts will pleafe forward tj as above direii- ed without delay kingfton feb 1 1s20 from the glasgow courier so co is 125 150 75 200 225 250 275 300 m take notice james c burd refpeafully in forms thofe gentlemen who are in arrears for the life of hi horfe 4 royal george that rhe t0w of payment is pad and that he fhatl be under the dtagreea- be neceffity of fuing for the fame if not immediately fettled all perfons having any jcft demands on james c- burd brewer c on pafenting them will be immediately paid and he hopes all perfon indebted tfl him will call and balance as he is anxious to bring his bufiiefu to a final clofe being in a bad ftate of heath kingfton february 14 i320 7w4 mvtce fllhe copnrtierfh p heretofore exiftfng jl between wylly f pease and noah ec under ijie firm f w f- pease and lee is this day diitoived by mutual con sent all thofe who arc indebted to the faid firm are requested to make immednte payment to w f- peae and thofe to whom the faid firm may be indebted will present their demands to w f pease fir adjust ment sgned w f pease noah lee brock vill 3 t j jan l8z 6w4 10t1ce the copartnerflnp heretofore exifting between joseph and levi cross shoerrker having been dissolved on the 29th january 1 820 by the death of levi c rofs all perfons indebted to the above firm are hereby called upon to make pay ment without delay and those having claims on the above firm are requested to prefent them for adjuftment joseph cross kingston feb 8 1 820 6w4 notice books of subscription for the j will be opened at the direors room in the bank of upper canada on the 24th auguft next and kept open each day from the hour often till three oclock until further notice kingfton 27th july 1819 1 stray cow ame into the ioelofure of the fub- criber about t h 20th of december laft a brown cow with a white face the owner may have her by proving property and paying charges jesse purdy c 2nd letter to his grace the duke of hamilton an bhandov my lord duke the more your let ter to the committee for the manches ter sutferers is considered the more painful the feelings il excites when we couple it with the increas ing dangers which menace this country when we couple as we must do with the proceedings the numerous declarations and resolutions of that political whose adherent you are it indeed can not fail to u awaken the most alarming reflections in all those who are attached to the constitution of the country nay more it cannot fail also to awaken the most alarming apprehensions on account of the incalculable mischief it may it must have done scarcely arrived among us as duke of hamilton and brandon your grace pre sided at a meeting in this county and conveyed to the foot of the throne their offer of an auxiliary force to protect it in these perilous times six days after you transmitted a subscription to a com mittee expressly appointed or rather which had appointed itself to protect and support all those who assailed that throne at the same time by letter you convey a complete condemnation of the conduct of thoss magistrates who in defence of the throne and the laws had employed an auxiliary force similar to that which you had determined to raise my lord duke this is wrong it is a dangerous example and altogether un worthy of your office your rank aud your noble name whatever meaninyourgrace intended to convey in your letter it is evident the whole country whig and tory understand by it that your grace in all that concerns the proceedings at man chester considers every constituted au thority from the sovereign or we thai say ministers downwards to the mean est peaceoilicer as altogether wrong guilty aud meriting punishment it is evident the manchester committee inter pret your letter in this manner and con sider it as giving them the countenance and support of your grace otherwise they would not have made it public otherwise they would not boast as they do that they have in their favour three of the mightiest peers of the realm- why it is asked aud reiterated do net ministers and the magistrates of manchester publish in an official form a statement of facts to satisfy a part of the public it cannot be unknown to your grace that pending the judicial investi gation now going on neither minister nor magistrates dare publish any vindi cation of their conduct which whether true or false would go to the prejudice of the accused were any administration or their servants to act in this illegal manner justly might the british qatico call for judgment on their guilty heads unwarrantable as is this demand an other is made of an equally daunercu and unconstitutional kind the whole affair says earl grosvenor and in whose sentiments your grace appears u agree u should be submitted without reserve to the investigation of impartial committees in parliament which will alone give satisfaction fo tke countr my lord duke the administration of the laws of this country is committed to the hands of the sovereign no man or body of men dare usurp his rights or wrest this prerogative out of his hand under his direction the law must take its course if the deputies he appoints act partially- if they oppress or wrong an one the hoase of commons as the grand inquest of the nation will investigate the charge this body can impeach aud conduct the impeachment but the house of peers of which your grace is a mem ber must try and decide the question- mercy or the execution of the sentence becomes then the prerogative of the crown to act otherwise woould be to render the sovereign a cypher and the whole population of rhe country slaves a bri tish lver may in this manner rejudge the conduct of thejudicial authorities ot the country but as a special juror he ought not he cannot prejudge their con- duet- or the proceedings which come un der their review on this mighty pillar of the british constitution depend our liberties properties and lives my lord duke radical reform and universal suffrage arc names but what are their objects and intentions is it not that the multitude shall assume the power to prejrdge every question to accuse condemn and punish as the pre judices and the passions of the moment may dictate r is it not that they may tear the gem of mercy from the crown and throw it amongst an exasperated multi tude where it could never be found is not this what whigs demand shall they obtain i no in the words of lord albermarle at norfolk strong when justly applied u let this practice once prevail let political feelings once be admitted to affect the administration of justice there will at once be an end to all secuiily for our liberty our property and our lives from this momcut the word guage and the proud sounding name of a free englishman must be heard no more in this country the ministers or the authority my lord duke who should dare to assume such a power as whig public meetings recommend nay u de mand yrk for instance who should take a step which would go to intimidate or dictate to our judges reverse the course of judicial proceedings wrest justice and mercy from the hands of the sovereign doerves to forfeit and would most assuredly forfeit his life if such are the objects of the whigs of the pre sent day if such are their constitutional views no wonder that the country dreads and resists their return to power every british p object has an utidoubt ed right to meet publicly and to express his sentiments on the situation of his country and the conduct of those who manage her aiftiir but no one has a right under the tlrg of defiance tc meet and promulgate sentiments and resolu tions contrary to the wise laws and the excellent constitution under which w live and in place of bringing forward grievances that can be redressed demand a total subversion of that constitution declaring that if theirdemand is not com plied with they will attain their object by force none hate or ought to hate such a liberty as this and under no other go verument on earth could such proceed ings and such daring insults have been tolerated or continued so long who were the leaders that moved the manchester meeting and anw stimulate this nation to rebellion to whom does the populace only pay obedience and respect hunt who sat beside car- liwle during his trial assisted him in his blasphemous defence and taught him to insult a british judge hunt and from a band or bands inflamed and di rected by such an unprincipled man can any thing but injustice violence and mischief liow i does your grace con ceive that we have no hunts or carlisle in scotland it is a lamentable fact that the radical leaders in this cif men and women hare nightly meetings in their hohses where the blasphemy and infidelity of paine and carlile are read inculcated admired believed need your grace wonder amonst us hu man laws are derided when the laws of heaven are denied is it surprising that there should be treason against the throne when there is rebellion against god can we wonder that wicked men march with hostile intentions against the laws and justice of their country when we perceive them rushing head long against the thick bosses of the al mightys buckler denying his right to reign provoking etci rial justice and defying the omnipotent arm what my lord duke is it come to this that the nation who delivered europe which tore the diadem fron the head and the sceptre from the hand of the strongest and the fiercest tyranny that ever lorded it over the world a nation whose name and power is felt and revered to the ut termost corners of the earth that uch auatiou in all her provinces and in a her cities should submit to be dictated ro by a set of turbulent wretches and quietly bear to hear litiutor thistlewood issuing their manifestoes declaring the public peace and traneuility dependent kingftoo jan 2 7w3 on their nod is it ii arinih iou8 county over which your grace is lord lieutenant that our peace quv property and safety depends upon a bil let from a hunt although he be distant 400 miles yet so it is for shame my lord duke is our nobility and our pop ulation become so tame and so degraded as to suffer themselves in this way to be browbeaten insulted and threatened can the descendant of a douglas meekly submit to such a humiliation as this these daring demagogues are not only to have a constitution corresponding to their unsettled ideas but all that has been done uuder ours is to be reversed under theirs the national faith is to be violated the national creditor robbed of his property let your grace look to this the same hand that blots out a fraction of the national debt m3y nay will partition your estate injustice once begun must become a the order of the day and cannot be checked till through prescription and blood every vestige of property changes masters thousands engaged in plans of universal suffrage may at present have no such views but embarked they cannot turn back they will be led to perpetrate with exultation deeds the bare mentiou of which would at present fill them with the deepest hor ror still they must go on their pow er cannot stop the hurricane in its course no they might as well attempt to recall the days that are past or collect the scat tered clouds of yesterday the question at present is not wheth er whigs are to get in and the tories to be turned out but if the shark univer sal suffrage is to be allowed to devour them all this is the point at issue how ever party may view it and it is fit your graceshould know that there is a popu lation in this country in this count who will not tamely see their lives and properties placed in jeopardy aud their dearest interests sacrificed to forward the liberty ought to be blotted from our lau- political views of any party whatever i

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