6 mtft literary ivanhce by the author of waverly rob roy guy mannering and the an tiquary the mighty unknown who in hit novels of waverly antiquary and tales of my landlord has created a new era of writing and on whofe pages are flamped the fpirit of genius has prefented to the world a new work under the title of ivanhos we have per u fed it with deep intercft it is indeed a tale of other times and carries us back to the days of the crufaders when the zeal of religious feelings was attended with all the prrde and pomp of glorioua chivalry when honours and comforts at home were facrificed for a cnifade to the holy land the following is a fpecimen of the poetry of this work the crusaders return hisrh dredj achieved niknighrly fame from palestine the champ inn came the cross upon hi shoulders bump battle and blast had difllnvd and lorn each dint upon his batter d shield was token ofof a fougbien field and thus beueain i ladv bower lie sung a fell the twilight hour 44 joy lo the fair thy knight behold rcturud from yonder laud of gold no weatih he bring- nor wealth can need save his good arms and battle steed his spurs to dash against the foe his lance and sword to la him low such ail tlie trophies of his toil such and the hope of jcidaj smile joy to the ftir whose constant knight her favour tired to feats of might unnoted shall she not remain where meet the bright and noble train trrtrcl shall sing and herald tell mark onder maid of beauty well tis she fornhoe bright eyes ua won tbeliued field at ascalua vote well her smile it edged the made which fifty wives to widows made when vain his strength and mahotiudd spell iconiumsturbarrdsoldan fell seest thou her locks whose sonny glow- half shows half shades her neck of snow twines not of ihein one golden thread i5ut for its sake a pa nimble joy lo the fair my name unknown each deed and all its praise thine own then oh unbar this churlish gate the nightdew falls ihc hour is late innred to syrias glowing breath i feel the north breeze chill as death let grateful love quell maiden shame and grant bim bliss who brings thee fame jv v jimcr extracts from london papers present from the king cf prussia to the duke of wellington the fined fervice of china ever imported into this kingdon arrived from harnbutgh on the 15th as a prefent from the king of prussia to the duke of wellington on tuefday lad the fame was efcorted to apfley houfe by a party of officers belonging to the cuftoms attended by three pruffian officers tuefday a pro portion of thefe glittering ornaments were fet out in the great banquetting room for the infpeftion of the duke and his friends in the centre of a mod fuprrb plateau enriched withexquifite or molu appeared a triumphal column an obelifk containing an infeription giving a flight outline of the gallant achievements magnificent vales pcdeftals and figures tureens ice pails plates c all detailing the numerous ex ploits of britifh valor one piece repre- stub tthr ikwu inuiuitxhj u- fitfl wnfa charger every article is fupperbly gilt with raafty gold intermixed with garter blue white and red colors every plate is different containing figures landfcapes or public edifices in spain portugal 5cc flags and other military inlignia appear in appropriate filiations the paintings are matchlefs being the combined works of the artiils of almoft every country court of kings benchf friday dec 1 o a caufe was tried in which mr mac- froni an agent of the unfortunate murat was the plaintiff against the publifner of the quarterly review for an alleged libel in that work imputing dilbonorable con- dufttothat gentleman in a tranfaion between murat and the allies vcrdidi for the defendant another caufe for libel was tried in which a mr wright was plaintiff against the publisher of cobbetts register for a libel imputing to the plaintiff the crime of forging and other difgraceful ads yerdi for the plaintiff damages j 00 a danifli tranflation of the new tes tament has lately been completed and prefented to the hoyal chancery it has received the approbation of the king irho has authorised the printing of an edition of ten thonfand copies the bible society of holland is now printing an coition of the bible on stereotype plates prefented to it by the britifh and foreign bible society a savings bank has been establihid at botany bay the worchester journal states that captain baines the receiving officer of that diftrift has infpedted 800 of the out- penfioners who had been ordered by the britifh government to appear and enroll themfelves thofe unfit for duty were dii miffed the others were marched to plymouth- six hundred of outpenfioners vvho had not appeared in time to enroll themfelves have been truck from the penfior lift the radicals of bolton in lancalhire have burnt hunt in effigy on fuipieiori of his being a fpy at a late fair m england three watches were ftolen all means to difcover the thief were ineffectual a few day after- public houfe iu the town in a few minutes an eruption of a blood veflel caufed hia immediate death on examining his prfon the loft property was found one of the corporals in the coldftream regiment of guards for improper conduft in opening letters which pafted through his hands belonging to his comrades was drummed out of the regiment a rope with a noofe was placed round his neck and he was led between two drummers with the reft of the drummers beating the rogues march behind him having been difmiited he inftantly put hunts colors in his cap and gave three cheers calling out hunt for ever there has been a very awful wreck on the kivors a fine weft indiaman very large and valuable named demerara from demerara to liverpool ft ruck on the niglitofthe 1 6th and almod immedi ately went to pieces twenty of her crew were buried in one grave on saturday at collens town and two more on sunday not one faved that we know of dublin ga the two indiamen recently lost off the cape of good hope were infured at lloyds for 100000 king- robert bruce dunfermline nov t2 there was found on the loth inftant aqiong the rubbifh around the gtave of king robert bruce of the reinterment of whofe body on the l preceding an account was given in lafl mondays courant a copperplate four inches wide and five and threeeighth inches long having inferibed on it a crown and the letters 4 robertus scotorum rex with a crofs embracing within the angles four raffles each with five points this difeo- very is mod important being all that was wanted to completely dilipnte the doubts that itui luiked in the bt calls of many wiio were not fatisfied with the exilting his- toucal accounts that the body about which fo much has been faij was that of the revered alienor of scottifii inde pendence governor malr of fort george in scotland has obtained the permifiion of the dule of tori to have the prince of saxe colourg inferibed upon the ravelins of fort george that prince having vifited faid fortrefs in the courfe of his tou in scotland fort george is the only regular fortrefs in great britain aid its various baftions are named after the fonsof his majesty and now the rave lins which were the only part of the foircfs without a name engraven on them have that of the prince leopold and are now cw his royal highnfs prince leo pold of saxe cobourgs ravelins a jolly radical reeling through leeds h a ftate of intoxication attra6ted par ticular notice from the appropriate inferip tion in the front of his hat reforma tion or ruination hard ware store r stanton refpcftfully informs 9 the public that he has opened- a store in water street in the stone building formerly occupied by the late l herchmer efq among the articles he offers forfale are the following iron steel sheetiron double and single tin nails from 4d to 30d spikes hammers masons and plasterers trow els mortice and other locks hinges piles razors scissors and penknives bureau sola and bedstead mounting glass by s 1 by 9 8 by 10 putty white lead c c kingston 19th feb iagq sw3 for sale a quantity of red cedar pickets from 7 to s feet in length apply to mr john dawson iailor william yerex kingston jiti 17 1819 go john martin t b the following is become a favorite toaft in convivi loyal parties the britifh co i ft itut ion and may we never be obliged to hunt for liberty notice the fubferiber las just received a quantity of double and single stoves english and sxedes wards a granger hav tapped at a ot vaiioas fizcs and oi new and elegant patterns which he offers for faleat montre al price and charges for cafh he has alfo received in addition to lh former fuppljr fevcral tns of iron as sorted ie hoop mid round ditto nail rods grindstones anvils and vhes double and single sheet iron trace and lots chains jfrot and cut nails all sizes smiths rdloics hollow llare of all descriptions cucpu and mill sates carriers and untsecd oil wagon and cart boxes iron and brass iv ire a good aflbrtment of saddlery stamped and cast brafs cabinet furniture with an extenfive aflortment of shelf goods confisting of most articles in the hard ware line too numerous to mention john watk1ns nt b flour for fale kingston november 1 6th 1819 4ytf a reward of tzco hundred and fiftjj pounds w till be paid by the subscriber to v t any perfon who fhall discover and give fuch information as will convtd the perfon or perfons who on or about the 29th or 30th of june lad ilole from george ridout esq at walkers hotel a parcel containing montreal bank bills of five dollars each to the amount of two thoufand pounds by direction of the directors of the montreal bank thomas markland ajjfut- kingston xgtj nov 18 19 47 notice all perfons are cautioned againft pur- ehafing lot no 22 in the 7th con- ccfllon of fredcvickfbiirli or lot no 27 in the 1st conceffian i liitbmond the llriis pr aitigneth of davis ihf as the subicviber holds n iudilputabtetnle its the lam- gilbrthall sljnfti 4tli d egs leave to inform his frierds and the public generally that he has opened a house of public enter tainment near fort iienry under the sign of the richmond hotel where he hopes by a strict attention to those who may fa too r him with a call to merit a share of public patronage he will always have on hand all kinds of liquors of the best quality kjjtrifoji 1 uh jtwuftrjf 190 iv u good stabiogfor horses 2lt for sale that valuable farm known by lot no 8 in rhe firft concefllon of frederickiburgh on the bay of quintie upon highly advantageous terms to the purchahr there a large two ftory houfe upon it that nay be conveited into a comfortabe refideree at a trifling ex- pen fe there are alfo various outhoufes attached to it with a well of excellent water an indlfputalk title will be given and the terms made known at mr d hagermans office in bath or on applica tion to the proprietor joseph bergon frederickfburgh 8th oft 1819 42 valuable lands or salt in the township of hamilton 7f ots no 6 and 12 in the 3d con- ii a ceflion containing 400 acres ditto ditto u and 15 in the 4th con- ceffion containing 450 acres ditto ditto 10 in the 6th conceffion containing 200 acres i the above lauds are all lying in the townfhip of hamilton ncwcafllc diftri and will be fold on the moft liberal terma for further information enquire of ellas jones efq hamilton or the fubferiber in kingflon thomas s whitaker kingfton may z9t i8iq 2 2tf government contract tor fresh berf to all per- g to fupply fresh biefforthe ufeof thegar- uton and ryal naval eftablifliment at kingfton tint propofals to contrad for the fame will he received at this office on the days and the rcfpcive periods un dermentioned viz on or before the 10th of march next at noon for the period of three months commencing on the 25th of that month and on or before the 31ft of may next at noon for the period of twelve months commencing n the 25th of june follow ing the conditions of contract form of ten der and othe particulars may be known on application at this office or at the commiftariat office at fort george and no tender toil be noticed unlefs made in the form prefer lbel nor unlefs the party and his furetiesy or an agent on their behalf attend at the time of opaing the tenders which mnft be fealcd and endorfed tender for the fupply of freh beef edwd pine coffin depy com genl commifflirlat office kingston 2 gth jn ury 1820 5 not ice hereby given v n ma be willin for sale at this office a few copies of a sermon preached at quebec on the 12th of september after the death of his grace the dike of riciimonp by the reverend gj mountain a li bishops official in loner canada and rector of quebec 41 to let a commodious house near dofto keatings two stories high with seven roms a kitchen and a cellar under the while a good yard and stable also a very god spring near the house for further particulars apply to james robins kingston ath june 1819 23 to clothiers for sale a quantity of presspapers tlio s whiakcr co kingston tannery tf underhill co refpeft- fully beg leave to inform the shoemakers saddlers andleather fellers iu general that they have now feleed from their extenfive aflortment of different defcriptions of leather and are preparing it ready for sale upwards of one thou fand fides of upper leather from one to twenty thoufand lbs of light and llrong fole leather and one hundred and fifty fides of harnefs do together with twenty dozen of calf skins and a number of horfe hides dog and sheep skinr too imcrous to infert and which can be delivered on the fhorteft notice and lowed terms for cafh t u flatters himfelf that thofe who are inclined to favour them with their orders will find the above articles by far fuperior to any yet offered for sale having already been proved and acknowledged by the bell judges in this province kingfton november 5 1819 45 ferns co r espectfully beg leave to in form the inhabitants of kingfton and its vicinity that they have taken the store formerly occupied by d mcdon- ell- at the corner of store king street and intend carrying on the root shoe trade in all its branches and hope by afllduity and a stna attention to merit a fiiare of the public favor llaving made arrangements with one of the first manufactories in england will always enable them to keep a regular fup ply of ladies fancy boots and shoes and materials of every defcription in the above line will always have for sale all kinds of leather manufzaotcdby underbill co kingston tannery ltinjlnh jtfh ilc t isle oftanti the following valuable lands on the ifle of tanti for fale from lot no- 35 inclufive round the fouth ihore to lot letter c except letter b 8283 84 and 85 and all from mr stuarts to the town plot the fecond conceffion where not grantedthe pre ference to be given to thofe who poffefs and have paid for their lots if fettled for as above mentioned mr stuarts nos 23 24 25 26 and rear half of no 27 lotsno 35 36 37 38and down to 85 inclufive letter a referved lots fold no i 2 3 to no 22 in front the above lots will be fold on moderate terms the foil is remarkebly fertile and fitted for all the purpofes of agriculture the fituation of the ifland will how ft is particularly adapted to pafturage it abounds with fifh wood of almoft every kind a confiderable proportion of which is oak for further information application to be made to the underfigned at bath and for undifputed titles to the hon sir john johnfon in lower canada i farley december 28 1819 53tf the fubferiber feels k his duty from the villainous treatment he has receiv ed to guard the public againft any impo- fition on the part of mr solomon johns by his offering to fell any part of half an acre lot with buildings thereon in the vil lage of krneit town bounded on the eaft by the farmers store and on the weft by the property of the heirs of the late john davy as any title to the faid property held by him was fraudulently obtained by a furrender of a bond that was in my own name for the purchafe made of it in 1806 when johns was at low wages and as can be made appear evidently by various proof taken at the time of the examination of his tranfaftions in 181 2 had no fhadow of a claim peter grant the perfon who is ftated to hold a bond for a deed for half the above property from johns wa9 acquainted with my juft pretenfion in the firft inftance but any thing to anfwer the purpofe p g 48 forwarding commission business the subscribers beg leave to inform their frieuds and the public that they have formed a connection in busi ness the objectof which is the trans portation of produce down the st law rence and of merchandise ofcfcry de scription from montreal to any part of upper canada and the united states ad jacent to the lakes ontario and erie the business will be conducted by w iiubbell at ogdensburgh and under the firm of w l- whltlnd co at prescott to prevent delay all property desti ned for kingston or any part of the bay of quinte will be forwarded from pres cott by the steam boat charlotte which leaves there twice every week the subscribers engage to freight on as favourable terms as any who are en gaged iu the business and pledging their united exertionstogive satisfaction will be grateful for every favor w l whiting w hubbell prescott 10t mffyl8 19 23 for sale a t a very low price for cash j the south or front half of lot no 12 in the first conces sion of loughborough for par ticulars apply at this oilice dec 7 1819 50 executive council office tori 1 jlj november 18 in rarea8 rfa prefent lease v v cf the feiry from the town of kingfton to point frederick will expire on the 24th day of june next notice is hereby given by order of his excel- lency the lieutenant governor in coun cil that fealed propofals for a new lcafe to be given to the higheft bidder will be received at this office until the 10th of june 1820 49 john small cec henry fo wler merchant tailor fi hateful to his friends and the v3t public for their former patronage and fupport begs rcfpcafully to inform them he has returned to kingston from montreal with a complete and handfome aftortment of goods comprising the beat vv of england fu per fine broad cloths and caffimeres florentines silk and fancy vetings and every ai tide neceftary in his line which he offers low for cafh 6c to make up to order at the store adjoiniag captain anderfons and till lately occu pied by mr john watkins kingston 29th jan 1820 5 3notice the public are cautioned against receiving or purchafinga bill of ex- change on england drawn by j williams fb lt r n for 55 sterling payable to and indorfed by james g bethune efq alfo william bofwemi draft n my favour on john kiiby fq kingston for q currency both of which were inclofed to me in a letter from hamilton on the 1 ith inst and arc mil- frng the 150 in bills of this bank adver- tifed in last fridays chronicle fuppofed to be lost have been received s b artlet cfc bank of upper canada kingston january 24 1820 4 sc william 13udden will receive by the earlieft fpring veffels and keep conftantly oa hand at quebec an affortment of vi patent proved chain cables of all sizes anchors do if well worthy the attention of thofe enga ged in the lake and river navigation quebec ift april i8iq i4tf on monday night the 18th inft the store of the subscriber was broke open and to the amount of 75 dollars ot upwards in cafh carried away alfo a few large cotton shawls one remarkable fo reign red scarf upwards of four yards ia length one end of which richly ornamen ted with gold thread the other end plain whoever may give fuch information as will lead to the recovery of any of faid articles will be handfomely rewarded by applying to the fubferiber for samuel aykroyd donald murchisom kingston 1 gth ob 1 8 1 9 4j notice the board for militia pek signs will meet on the lafl monday in february and continue fo to do the fame day in each month until the bufmefs 9j this dlfiricly as regards the fame is finifhcd john fkrguson i kingflon feb fl 1819 6 blank deeds and memorials for sale at this offiee terms 0 the kingston chronicle twenty shillings ycr annum if sent by mail twenty four shillings subscriptions to be paid in advance to the 1st of july or the 1st of janu ary price of advertisements ffa lines andwider is fid first in l3 sertion and 7d each subsequent insertion 10 lines and under 3s ad first insertion and 0d each subsequent insertion above ten lines ad per line for the first insertion undid per line for evert subsequent insertion advertisements xiitltout w ritten ditto lions are inserted fill forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received after ten octock on the day of publication agents henry cowan eq quebec edward sill esq three riven james williams eq montreal messrs j j iuilnj lancaster paul glasford lq matilda alpheus jones lq prescott henry jones esq urackville n b tominas esq perth h avhitmarsh esq richmond j k ilartwell esq dastard e websier esq gunaiwquc j ranken esq bath allan mcpherson esq napcnee thomas parker esq bellvilk joseph a keeler esq cramahe james g bethune esq hamittc john d smith esq port hope william allan esq york daniel ross esq vittoria john crooks esq niagara t mccormick esq queenston john wilson esq amherstburgk 1 kingston v c pr ik ted lor ihjb jemtors