Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), March 17, 1820, p. 4

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ktvocton tannery tf 1tnderh1ll co rcfpeft fully beg leave to inform the shoe- makers saddlers and leather fellers in general that they have now feleed from ther extenfive afftirtment of different dcfcriptions of leather and are preparing it ready for sale upwards of one thou- fand fides of upper leather from one to twenty thoufand lbs of light and ftrong fol leather and one hundred and fifty fides of harnefs do together with twenty dzen of calf skins and a number of horfe hides dog and sheep skins too numerous to infert and which can be delivered on the horteft no ice and lowed terms for cafh t u flatters himfelf that thofe who are inclined to favour them with their orders will find the above articles by far fupernr to any yet offered for sale having already been proved and acknowledged by the bell judges in this province kingfton november 5 1819 45 fkks co respectfully beg leave to in- form the inhabitants of kingfton and its vicinity that they have taken the soie formerly occupied by i mcdn el at the corner of store king stteet and intend carrying on the hoof slmc trade a- a its branches and hope by affiduity and a strid attention to merit a ftare of the publics favor elating made arrangements with one of the fiit manufactories in england will alwys enable them tn keep a regular fijp- py if ladies fancy bonis and shoes and materials of every defcription in the above line will always have for sale all kinds of leather mnufadured by underbill co kingston tanry kingston jf an zoth 1s20 3013 isje oftanti the following valuable lande on the ifle of tanti for fale from lot no- 35 i iclnfive round the couth fhore to lot letter c except letter b 82 s3 84 and 85 and all from mr stuarts to the town plot the fecond conoeffion where not granted the pre- ference to be given to thofe who poflefs and have paid for their lots if fettled for as above mentioned mr stuarts nos 23 24 25 26 and rear half of no 27 lotsno 35 36 37 38 and down to 85 inclufive letter a f referved lots fold no 1 2 3 to no 22 in front the above lots will be fold on moderate terms the foil is remarkebly fertile and fitted for all the purpofe of agriculture the firuation of the ifland will fhow it is particularly adapted to paflurage it abounds with fifh wood of aim oft every kind a confiderable proportion of which is oak for further information application to be made to the undcrfigned at bath and for undifpnted titles to the hon sir john johnfon in lower canada j farley december 28 1819 53tf f jlhe fubferiber feels it his duty from 1 the villainous treatment he has receiv ed to guard the public again it any impo- fition on the part of mr solomon johns by his offering to fell any part of half an acre lot with buildings thereon in the vil lage of erneft town bounded on the eaft by the farmers store and on the weft by the property of the heir of the late john davy as any title to the faid property held by him was fraudulently obtained by a furrender of a bond that was in my own name for the purchafe made of it in 1806 when johns wa at low waglbj and as czn be made appear evidently by various proof tak n at the time of the examination of his tranfalioii3 in 1812 had no hadow of a claim peter grant theerfon who h ftateu to hold a bond for a deed for half the above property from johns was acquainted with mv jull pretention in the firit inftancc but any thing to aniwer thepurpofe p g s forwarding commission business the subscriber beg 1 rave to inform heir friends and the public that thcv have formed a connection in busi- nrs ho object of which is the trans portation of lyoduce down the st law reore and of merchandise of every de scription irorn montreal to nnv part of upper canada and the united states ad jacent to the lakes ontario and erie the business will be conducted by w hubbslx at oijdensbiirsjh and ondn the firm of iv l whiting co at pfcfeott to prevent delay all property desti ned for kingston or any part of the day of qninle will be forwarded from pres- cott by the steam boat charlotte w hich leaves there twice every week the subscribers engage to freight ci as favourable terms as any who are en- gngnl in the business and pledging thir united xertionstogive satisfaction will be grateful forever favor v l whiting w hucrell prescoit qth bftyls 19 2 foksale at a very low price for casl thesoutiior front lialfti lit no 12 in the firs entice kinii of lonpboroili for par ticulak i it this office dec 7 is 19 50 notice the fubferiber has just received a quantity of double and single slaves of various fizes and of new and elegant patterns which he offers for faleat montre al price and charges for cafh he has alfo received in addition to his former fupply feveral tins of english and swedes iron as- sorted sizes hoop and round ditto nail rods grindstones anvils and vices double and single sheet iron trace and log chains wrot and cut sails all sizes smiths mellows hollow i fare of all descriptions cut pit and mill savs curriers and lint seed oil wagon and carl boxes iron and brass wire a oood aflbrtment of saddlery stamped and cast braf cabinet furniture with an extenfive atrtment of shelf goods coniisting of mot articles in the hard ware line too numerous to mention joiin w atkins n b flour for fale kingston november 1 6th 1 s 1 9 4tf a itelfard of tzoo hundred and fifty pounds s7ill be paid by the subscriber to v t any per fun who hall discover and give fuch information as wilkronvfs the perfon or perfons who 01 or about the 29th or 30th of june laftr hole from george ridout esq at walkers hotel a parcel containing montreal bank bill of five dollars each to the amount of two thoufand pounds iv direction ot the directors ot the montreal bank thomas markland agent kingston t qtt nov 1 8 1 9 47 notice a li perfons are cautioned againfl pur- jljl chafing lot no 22 in the 7th con ceffion of freerlekfburgfa lot no 27 in the 1st conccflion of richmond fiom the heirs or affignees of davis hefs as the subfcriber holds an indtfputable title to the fame gilbert ha1us- sidney 4th dec 1 s 1 s 3 john martix egs leave to inform his friends and file public generally that he has opened a ilousn of public enter tainment near fort henry under the sign of the richmond hotel where he hopes by a strict attention to those who may favour him with a call to merit a share of public patronage ho will always have on hand all kinds of liquors of the best quality kingston 1 lh january 1820 n 1 good stojthtw far torses 4h board and education mrs newall embraces this op portunity of scquafntinjt her friends and the public tht he has removed her school from cornwall to brockville and fhe aflurea her friend that fiie fliall con- ftantly endeavor to merit the patronage of the public by an aotduous attention to the literary impiovemers of the young ladies committed to her cae and by a fcrupulous regard to their morel principles and health the fituation in erockville in rcfpeft to health poftcfles superior advantages it has the benefit of pure and unconlincd air which gives to i le nrceffary excrcift an innocent rccreatim ut the pupils during the intervals of llud card may be hat of the terms by ma king enquiry at mn newalts broclville feb itb 1820 8w6 lands for sale a cres of xa excellent and well timbered land on the ot- towas river being lot no i aid 6 in the front con- ceftion of glouceftr on the eao iide of the entrance ff the rideau apply to mefts blackwood lar0i que mutreal montreal feb i3h 1820 rw6 n j for sale ff 7 hat valuable farm known by jl lot no 8 in the firftcoueeffion of frederick burh on the bay ofqnimfe upon highly advsutagcoi terms to the purchaler there is n large two flory honfe upon it that roay be converted into a comfortable refulence at a trilling ex- ponfe there are alfo various outhoufes attached to it with a vvcll of excellent water an injifpu tabic title will be given and the terms made known at mr d ilagermans office in bath or on applica tion to the proprietor josei if bergon fredcricklburgh 8th oft 1819 4c valuable lands or tsate in tie tosznship of hamilton t ots no 6 and 12 in the 3 j con- 1 a ceffion containing 400 acres itttp ditto 11 and 15 in the 41b ccn- ceffion containing 450 acres ditto ditto 10 in the 6th conceffion containing 2co acres the above lands arc all lying in ihc towtifhip of iiamutonncveallh billrift and will be fold on the mod liberal terms for further information enquire klias jones efq hamilton or the fubferiber in kingfton thomas s whitaker kingflon may 28 1819 22tf for sale avery valuable farm situated near the village of brockville be ing the roar half of lot no- one and the rear half of lot number two in the se cond concession of rlizabclhtoun u c containing two hundred acres former ly the property of reuben sherwood esquire but now belonging to johnshu- ter esquire of london there is a ve ry good dwelling house with a barn and other out houses on the premises abo lot number nineteen in the ninth con cession and the west half of lot number one in the eighth concession of the same township also lot number fifteen in 1 he first concession and number fifteen n he scrond concession of the touu- hin of yongc in the district of johns town tluse farms will be disposed of m terms peculiarly rasy and advantage ous to purchasers apply to danirl jones jun jhrvii hh j htarj 8 i p 4 77ttv an fortlw courts of rcqnpst nd vrriou drr kinds for sale at this ojjie fo und iv a fmali leach- purfc on the new road between a hots houfcand tbfl town two note of hand given by henry d martin in favour of nathaniel w dopkins or bearer and dated ar weflcrn cu the 14th inft one note is for 55 dollars payable the fitfl of may next the other for 7 dollais payable one year from the date thefe notes are left at the chronicle ofpt where the owner may pet them on prolog property pay ing the expeuie ot this auveitifement and allowing the fubferiber a reafonable compeflfation for his trouble samull carter lviogflon february ijihj 1820 8 uhkuld and immediate pos- sefil n given the following lots of land in the 6h conceffion nf the town- hip of elnvdcy viz- 19 2c 22 24 29 30 moll eligibly situated on the north side of the rideau lake which forms their southern boundary the great road to the perth settlement leading through one of the lots they abound in excellent timber which from its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to montreal at a trifling expence the qua lity of he foil and other advantage arc fuch as to render this a desirable purchafe to farmers or perfons engaged in the lum ber trade tor terms rf payment and other particulars apply to william mar- shall f perth settlement john kirby efq kington or the fubferiber in wood- houfe london diftrki robert nicmol november 18 1819 atf notice is htrehy jiven tht wuiltt tasjliur heir at law and adniimvtfarot of the late allan taylor lath afligued all the real and peifonal estate of the late allan taylor deccafed onto john kirby alex ander o 1etiic and thomas parker in trust for the benefit of creditors all perfons having any claims against the late allan taylor taylor parker or thom as parker arc requested to prefent the famefor adjustment and payment and thofe perfons indebted to either the late allan taylor taylor and parker or thomas s arker arc requested to make immediate payment to the above trustees who ar fully authoiifed to give discharges for the fame john kirby a o pcric thomas parker kingston august 8 1 8 19 jlstf notice an assignment having been made to the subscriber of all the lands goods and debt belonging to the late firm of james ranhn iff co of ernest town merchants z well a those belong ing to james ranker individually for the benefit of creditors notice is hereby given to all persons living claims against the said firm or ainst the said james ranken to present them forthwith duly authenticated and uch asstnnd indebted are desired to pay thfir respective accounts to chr- a hagejman esq of kings ton on or before the first day of decem ber jiext john kirby kingston 1st scptnber 1819 36 notice mtliie late partnfship of rofor gra- x ham sf co taring missel red itself this tiny by thcdeaii of roderick mae- kay es tlio bussirrss in future will be carried on by the subscriber to whom all persons who are indebted to the above firm- ill please pn theiracconnts with out delay and those ho may have claims against that concert will please present tliem for adjustment 29 rollit graham paint frederick sqyt isls to let a commodious house near v uoftor keatigs two stories high with seven rooms a stchen and a cellar uider the whole a yad d stable also a very good spi n l house lor further pmicnftp a to mes robins kingston tthju 819 23 tt he land board for the midland district for the enlning fix months will rneet on wcdncf- day in each week at the court houfc ftl the town of kinpfton at the bout of 1 2 oclock at noon for the pnrpofc of receiv ing applications for lands from the under mentioned defcrfption cf perfons viz emigrants and others contiog to the province and bringing due certificates of being britifh born fubjrcls- all able fcttlerj that have refided in the diftris previous to the late war and pto duce certificates of having done their duty ir its defence the terms of the grants ae the perform ance of the fettling duties within eighteen months from the date of the location and the payment of the flowing fees cflabiifneu by an order in council of 14th december 1819 on grants of 50 acres to indigent emi grants no fes on grants of ico acres 2 sterling- on grants of 200 do 30 payable in three equal inftalnuntss viz the firfl on the leceipt of the location ticket the fecond on certificate filled of fettlement the third on the receipt of the fiat for the patent no periiion can b entertained unlefs accompai ied by a written character or a fatisfaoiy rcafon fiiewn for fuch not being produced by order of the board james mckallss funr clerk kingfton feb 14th 1820 3 n b to prevent difappointments to perlons applying for lands it isneceflary to ftate that the board ha no power to grant lands to the children of u e loyalists militia men who fewed in the flank companies during the war naval or military claimants all fuch mufl make application to york notice 1 hereby civen that i william tay lor as heir at law and administrator to the estate of the late allan taylor de- ceafed have this day aflipned all the real and perfonal estate of the late allan tay lor and all the interest in the concern of taylor parser and thomas parker unto john kirby alexander oliphant pe- trie and thomas parker as trustees for the benefit of the creditors william taylor administrator tf the estate of the late allan taylor kingston august 28 1819 36tf kingston branch of the mon treal bank any fum required my be obtained at the office for pofid bills on mon- tteal quebec bills oi exchange on lon don or for specie notes alfo will be discouqjfd at thirty fixty and ninety days thomas mahkland agent kingfton jfl kov ibr8 23 valuable lands for sale x the midland district count v of prince edward 1ownfiiip of ameliafburgh lot 23 in the front conceffion on lake ontario lying to the caftward of nfcholfons ifland lots 22 and 24 in the fecond con- ceflion of faid townfliip the whole con taining fix hundred acres for particulars inquire at the office of the kingfton chronicle or of the hon- james baby york n b all perfons are cautioned a eainft cutting or destroying the timber en the above lands as they will certainly fubjeft themfelves to a legal profecution if detred kingfton march 7 1820 10 tf notice 17 or sale feveral acre and two acrelots on the main street being an exttnfion of storestreet application for price and conditions of payment to be made to the sublcriber who will give information to perfons defiring to pur chafe joseph murdock kingfton march 8 1820 10 tf notice books of subscription for the will be opened at the direors room in the bank of upper canada on the 24th aupuft next and kept open each day from the hour of ten till three oclock until further notice kingfton 27th july 18 19 3 to clothiers for sale a quantity of presspapers tho s whitaker co august 19 1819 34 for sale at this ojfice a few copies of a sermon preached at quebec on the l of september after fhe death of hi grace the dukk of richmond by the reverend g j mountain a h bishops oflicial in lower canada aud hector of quebec 41 mxctuhvs council office 7orl i jth november 18 in where s the prcfent leasj of the ferry from the town oi kingfton to point frederick will exir on the 24th day of june next notice is hereby given by order of his excel lency the lieutenant governor in coun cil that fealrd propofals for a new ltafr to be given to the liigheft bidder will be received at thin office until the loth ol june 1820 49 john small c f c henri fowler merchant tailor crateful to his friends and the public for their former patronage andfupporr begr rcfpcflfully to inform them he has returned to kingston from montreal with a complete and handfome aflbrtroent of goods comprifing the beet wes of england fuperfine broad cloth and caffimeres florentine silk and fancy vesting and every article neceftary in his line which he offers low for cafh or to make up to ordrr at the store adjoining cyprin anderfonv and till lately occu pied by mr john wat kin kingston zorh jan 1820 5 the public are cautioned against receiving or purchasing a bill of ex change on england drawn by j willianw b lt r n for ic sterling payable to and indorfed by james g bethune efq alfo william bofwells draft in my favour on john kiiby efq kingston for fo currency both of which were inclofed to me in a letter from hamilton on the nth inst and are mis cng the 150 in bills of this eank adver- tifed in last fridays chronicle to be lost have been received s bartlet came bank of upper canada kingston january 24 1820 4 william i3udden will eceive by the earlicll fpring veftels and keep conftantly oa hand at quebec an aflbrtment of patent proved chain cables of all sizes anchors do well worthy the attention of thofe enga ged in the lake and river navigation quebec 1 ft april i8iq t4tf on monday night the 18th inft the store of the subscriber was broke open and to the amount of 75 dollars of upwards in cafh carried away alfo a fa large cotton shawls one remarkable fo reign red scarf upwards of four yards in length one end of which richly ornamen ted with gold thread the other end plain whoever may give fuch information a will lead to the rrcoverv of any of faid article will be handlomely rewarded by applying to the fubferiber for samuel aykroyd donald murckisoh kingston tgti 08 1819 notice nflle board for militia per sions will meet on the iqfl mondai in february and continue fo to do the famr day in each month until the lujinrft of this dijlrisy as regards the fame is finfhed john flrgubon kingflon feb fl 1819 6 blank deeds and memorials for sale at this offiee terms of the 1 kingston chronicle twenty shillings per annum if sent by mail twen four shillings subscriptions 10 ite paid in advance to the hi of july or the istofjanu price of advertisements fjtjx lines and under 2 cxi first in- a2 scrtion and 7d each subsequent insertion 10 lines and under 3 4d first insertion and iqd each subsequent insertion above ten lines 4d per linf for the first insertion and id per lint for even subsequent insertion advertisements icitliout written direc t ions arc inserted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertise ments to be in writing and delivered ty wednesday noon at the latest no advertisements received after ten 0 clock on the day of publication acknts ilenrv cowan esq qutbee edward sill esq three rivets jazpcs william lq montreal messrs j j dmilop lancastrr paul clafonl jsq muiilic alphcus june esq prccot henry jones esq brockrill n rtommas esq perth ii whmnarsh esq richmond j k hart well esq liastard e webster esq iancnoqne j ranken esq bath allan mcpbfrsori esq napa net thoma parker esq brthitfc joseph a koelcr esq cramahe james g beth one esq hamilton john d smiii esq port hope william allan esq york daniel ross esq vittoria john crooks esq niagara t mccormick esq queenston john wilson esq ainherstburgh kingston vc printed fob xiik khitofls-

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